The Bold and the Beautiful 8-5-24 (5th August 2024) 8-5-2024

  • last month
00:00It is absolutely gorgeous.
00:14Absolutely gorgeous.
00:15I could just walk down from Mount Olympus.
00:19Speaking of Olympus, that's the boat I should have bought a long time ago.
00:25Anyway, this is it, huh?
00:29...that it was going to drop, not just in the States, Europe, but all over the world.
00:34And this is new to me.
00:37We're going to be okay.
00:39We're just going to try and make a splash.
00:42Brooke, Rachel.
00:45Welcome to Monte Carlo.
00:46Great to see you.
00:48We're so excited about the Global Fashion Summit.
00:50I heard you have a wonderful meeting with the Prince.
00:53He's always very gracious to us.
00:56You know, he's a big fan of yours, Brooke.
00:58So am I.
01:03My mom's big day.
01:05It's a critical day for all of us.
01:07The company's poured millions into Brooke's bedroom line.
01:10You feeling optimistic?
01:12Yeah, yeah. The social media drop, it was good, but I'm really hoping it's not a flop.
01:16It won't be.
01:18I still can't believe you're not in Monaco.
01:20I know. I wish I was there.
01:22I can't believe I left my passport right here.
01:24How did I even miss that?
01:34Stuffy, wait!
01:39Stuffy, wait!
01:40I told you, Hope, I don't want to hear it.
01:42No, but Stuffy, I have to...
01:44Bye, Hope.
01:47This has been a challenging time for Forrester Creations.
01:50In large part due to the drain from Hope for the Future.
01:53Let's pray that Brooke turns things around today.
02:05What is Tom's backpack doing in our apartment, Mom?
02:08And all these letters?
02:10Did you do it?
02:12Did you...
02:14Did you drug him? Did you...
02:16Did you kill Tom Starr?
02:23Did you...
02:25Did you...
02:27Did you...
02:29Did you...
02:31Did you...
02:33Did you...
02:35Did you...
02:37Did you...
02:39Did you...
02:41Did you...
02:43Did you...
02:45Did you...
02:47Did you...
02:49Did you...
02:51Did you...
02:53Did you...
02:55Did you...
02:57Did you...
02:59Did you...
03:01Did you...
03:03Did you...
03:06You can be honest with me.
03:08Just tell me the truth. I mean, Tom insisted that he was my father in these letters.
03:12Luna, I...
03:13I know, I know how much you love our life with Bill.
03:16Did you do this?
03:18Did you do this so that Bill will never find out that he might not actually be my father?
03:28Why are you still here?
03:30I thought you were going to Monaco with Brooke and Ridge.
03:32Yeah, I forgot my passport.
03:34Really? That sucks.
03:35Can't tell me about it.
03:37Where'd Finn go?
03:38Oh, he had to take a call from the hospital.
03:40He'll be back, though.
03:41Good. The more the merrier to watch Brooke's bedroom drop in Monte Carlo.
03:44Yeah, actually, after it drops, I want to talk more about Hope for the Future.
04:06Your line is in trouble.
04:08I wish that weren't the case.
04:10I somehow seriously doubt that.
04:13Okay, you can think whatever you want.
04:16But I have to think about this company.
04:19If that means cutting your line, then I'll have to do that.
04:32I agree.
04:38You want me to work my magic?
04:55And here we are.
05:01I'll get everyone ready.
05:10You excited?
05:12I'm just, uh...
05:14Just a little nervous.
05:16Nervous about your prom?
05:18Just keep thinking the message you're sending out into the world, right?
05:24You're right.
05:25It is important.
05:31I can do this.
05:34Push it, Kelly.
05:43You are Bill's daughter, not Tom's.
05:46Look, I can't even believe that I'm asking you this, but you're not answering my question.
05:52Was it you or not?
05:55Did you kill Tom?
06:00Yeah, I'm bummed about not being in Monte Carlo, but it does give me time to focus on other things, like Hope for the Future.
06:06In our defense, RJ and I have been working day and night, doing our best.
06:09I know that you two are fantastic designers, but I feel like the line, it's been a little chaotic lately.
06:15Sales have been on a steady downturn.
06:17Hope promised to turn things around, but the last two quarters, it's been down.
06:22Admittedly, we're not quite there yet, but if you can give us a little bit more time.
06:28Sunday, I can't guarantee you that.
06:30Carter and I will discuss.
06:32It's on the agenda, but we'll circle back to that, because today is about Brooke and Brooke's Bedroom.
06:36Brooke and Brooke's Bedroom, ensuring this revamp is successful.
06:40Not just successful, astronomically successful.
06:43Okay, no pressure.
06:45I'm predicting Brooke will not get out of the park.
06:48I am praying that you're right.
06:51It's not much longer until liftoff.
06:54Well, we are ready. The warehouse is prepared to start shipping out orders as soon as they come in.
06:59I hope we get many orders.
07:02What's taking Finn so long?
07:07You're stressed out again.
07:14Let's get that blood flowing.
07:20In your temples.
07:29In your neck.
07:36In your shoulders.
08:07Don't stop.
08:30It's about to drop.
08:37Brooke's Bedroom, it's dropping any minute.
08:44You're so flush, are you okay?
08:55Ladies and gentlemen, mesdames et messieurs.
08:58Welcome to this very special moment in the fashion world.
09:01I am proud to say that we have Rich Forrester and Brooke Logan here at the Global Fashion Summit.
09:09And that they've chosen this event to launch their global drop.
09:14And now, without further ado, ladies and gentlemen, Rich Forrester and Brooke Logan.
09:24Thank you very much. Thank you all for coming.
09:27Welcome. It's nice to see some familiar faces.
09:30You know, the Red earlier and Jake is here.
09:33Tank, I didn't know you were coming.
09:35Nice surprise.
09:37Some of you might be wondering why Brooke and I are here.
09:40Well, Marcel had mentioned that there's going to be a social media drop today in the beautiful grounds of the casino.
09:48The first time I came here, I was about 10 years old.
09:51My mom and dad took me.
09:53And I have been back here every year since.
09:55And every trip has been more exciting than the one before.
10:01When I was 10, I probably couldn't have thought of who the love of my life would be.
10:05But I couldn't have imagined this.
10:07This gorgeous, incredible creature right next to me.
10:11So brave and so wonderful and so special to me.
10:17Anyway, this day is all about Brooke.
10:20It's about her stepping into the limelight one more time.
10:24It's about Brooke's bedroom.
10:26So let's hear it for Brooke.
10:28Forever, beautiful, forever, sexy.
10:31Forever, Logan.
10:46Answer me, Mom.
10:48Did you murder Tom Starr?
10:50Luna, of course not.
10:52I would never kill anyone.
10:53How could you even ask such a thing?
10:55What am I supposed to think?
10:57All these letters from Tom insisting that I'm his daughter?
10:59You are not.
11:01You are Bill Spencer's daughter.
11:03In my heart, I believe that.
11:05I mean, I feel so connected to him.
11:07But it's not just your instincts, Luna.
11:10We took a paternity test and we all saw the results.
11:13Okay, then how do you explain all of this?
11:15I mean, why is Tom's backpack in our apartment, Mom?
11:18And why was it hidden away like you don't want me to see it?
11:21I know how much Bill means to you.
11:24And I know how much you love our life with him.
11:27But what all of a sudden, this man from your past shows up all these years later and he winds up dead?
11:32It's scaring me.
11:34I know.
11:36I don't know what I'm supposed to make of this, Mom.
11:38Were you trying to shut Tom up?
11:42I mean, did you eliminate a problem to protect our life with Bill?
11:51Oh, there you are.
11:53Sorry, I had a consult.
11:55It's all good, though.
11:57But I moved the meeting around so I can stay here for some moral support.
12:00I would love that.
12:02I need all the good vibes I can get.
12:04Okay, are we watching on the monitor?
12:06Yeah, I thought we all deserved a front row seat.
12:09Great, I like your thinking.
12:11Did we miss anything?
12:13Not yet.
12:15We still have more time.
12:17I wanted to let you all know that my not-so-little son, Will, is back home.
12:23Will's back.
12:25My gosh, I can't wait to see my cousin.
12:27He's been like forever.
12:29You're not going to recognize him.
12:31I mean, he's so grown up.
12:33And then there's one other person in this room I'd like to mention.
12:35You, Zenday.
12:37Honestly, we would not have been able to do any of this without your social media expertise.
12:40The promotional video is stunning.
12:44Thank you, Katie.
12:46It involves me.
12:48Okay, the moment is upon us.
12:50May we be blessed with heavy traffic and high engagement.
12:54Oh, I have no doubt today is going to be a huge success.
12:58The whole world loves Burke Lohan.
13:04Oh my gosh.
13:06Okay, so how much longer do we have?
13:08Thank you from our wonderful, sexy fashion designer, Ridge Forrester.
13:14Lovely words, really.
13:16None of this would have happened if it wasn't for Ridge.
13:21His creativity and his drive and his passion and his belief in me made it possible.
13:31And he really had to nudge me to get here.
13:34But I'm here.
13:36And now that I am, I'm very pleased to announce that Brooke's bedroom is back.
13:43Modeled by yours truly.
13:52We all know that old cliche that age is just a number.
13:57And it's true.
13:59Age is just a number.
14:01It doesn't define who we are.
14:04Beauty lies within.
14:07It transcends time.
14:08So with that, we just need to embrace the changes in ourselves.
14:13In our lives.
14:16And why not?
14:18I mean, life is amazing and we're all perfectly imperfect.
14:25We're all bold.
14:27We're all beautiful.
14:29We're all beautiful.
14:34So without further ado, I would love to show you our video drop.
14:41In 5, 4, 3, 2, 1.
14:48Brooke's bedroom.
15:06Look, I hate questioning you, but now I'm questioning everything.
15:11Like, like why you never wanted to tell me who my father is.
15:15I was protecting you, Luna from Tom Star.
15:18No, I didn't know how Bill would feel about having another child.
15:22Bill loves me, Mom. He never would have rejected me.
15:25Well, of course he loves you, sweetheart. And that's clear to me now.
15:28It sounds like an excuse.
15:30Keeping us in the dark all these years for no reason?
15:34I mean, nothing is adding up, Mom. I just, I need you to tell me everything.
15:38Just be straight with me.
15:40Did you? No!
15:42No, I did not kill Tom Star. I am innocent.
15:45Okay, then how do you explain?
15:47I can't. I have no idea how Tom's backpack got here.
15:50Well, it didn't just magically appear out of nowhere, Mom.
15:53Look, you've done drugs in the past.
15:56And that's how Tom and Hollis both died.
15:59From drug overdoses.
16:01Even Katie accused you.
16:03But she was wrong.
16:05Just like Tom was wrong to insist that he was your father.
16:10I know you're upset.
16:12You're scared and confused, and so am I.
16:15But you have to believe me, I had nothing to do with those deaths.
16:17Sweetheart, we can't talk about this to anybody.
16:22Please, we will figure this out.
16:25But we have to keep this our secret.
16:48Who is she?
16:56I can't believe we're live.
16:58Zende, relax, man. This is great.
17:00It's happening.
17:02Brooke's about to break the internet.
17:08What began as an intimate look inside my picture,
17:12became a global phenomenon.
17:15Brooke's bedroom transformed the possibilities
17:18of how a woman could feel, love, and express herself.
17:25That's why I am honored to return
17:28and represent women of all generations.
17:32Brooke's bedroom is more than just a collection.
17:36It's a movement.
17:38For now.
17:45Yours truly.
17:47Brooke's bedroom.
18:11Friday, February 28
18:28Hi, Brooklyn.
18:32I think that went well. Right?
18:35The video job.
18:36We are so used to doing the big fashion shows.
18:38Is everybody gonna see it?
18:40going to see it and we will celebrate but not right now, right now I'm going to celebrate you
18:45because of who you are with what you do in life you inspire people you lift people up
18:50but more than anyone else you lift me up and I remember I said I'm so lucky to have you I'm so
18:57proud of you
