
  • last month
00:00In the name of God, the most merciful, the most merciful.
00:02The most merciful.
00:04Dubbed in Esriogen.
00:12Hello, brother. How are you?
00:15What do you mean? Isn't Angela here?
00:18Who told you?
00:19Tell me, is Angela here?
00:21She is.
00:22Then why are you talking to yourself?
00:24Tell me. Don't you think we should come and find her ourselves?
00:27How would I know? No one thinks of her as a girl.
00:29I thought it was normal for her.
00:31Are you judging me because you don't know?
00:33Calm down, Mete. I'm trying to help Angela.
00:36Okay, take me to her and I'll talk to her.
00:38You can't. She doesn't want to.
00:39What do you mean she doesn't want to?
00:40She doesn't want to. She's not doing well.
00:42Who are you defending against?
00:44Don't you realize you're interfering in family matters?
00:47Just a minute, brother.
00:48She's a good girl. She's with me. She's safe.
00:50Isn't that enough?
00:51I'm here to take her home. That's it. Go.
00:53Mete, I said she doesn't want to.
00:56What do you mean she doesn't want to?
00:58What do you mean she doesn't want to?
01:01What do you mean she doesn't want to, Mete?
01:03I love Angela.
01:05It's my duty to be by her side when she's having a hard time.
01:07What do you mean she doesn't want to?
01:09Look, dear. She's not doing well.
01:11Ms. Naz is upset.
01:13Okay. She's with me. She's safe.
01:17Let me know tomorrow morning, okay?
01:22Thank you, brother.
01:31Yes, Mom.
01:33Mete, where are you, son?
01:35Mete, where's your dad? Where's Jamil?
01:37He's not at the farmhouse.
01:39Mom, calm down. I took him out of the house.
01:41The house is in a mess.
01:43I told you he's not doing well.
01:45Tell me, son. Is he okay? Is he okay?
01:48He's okay. He's fine.
01:52You're taking me to him, aren't you?
01:54Mom, I can't take you. Wait a little.
01:56Calm down.
01:57Okay. Then go to him.
01:58Pretend to call him.
02:00I can't.
02:01But I'll send Momtaz, okay?
02:03No, son. You go. Don't bother him, please.
02:06Okay, okay. I won't leave him alone.
02:08I'll send Momtaz.
02:09I said you go, Mete.
02:11Did you find Angela?
02:13Yes, I did.
02:14Okay. Then go to Angela.
02:16I'll tell my dad everything.
02:19We're going to the hospital.
02:21What if he dies, son?
02:22Mom, we can't go to my dad.
02:25I'll go to him now.
02:26Do you promise?
02:27Yes, I promise.
02:29Okay, son.
02:32Look, son. The girl is safe here.
02:49You ruined everything.
02:51I want to burn my house.
02:56Are you happy?
02:57You have a new daughter.
03:00Think about it.
03:02Angela will come to this house no matter what.
03:05It's Angela's time now.
03:07Are you here to make me angry?
03:12It's a fact that you have to accept.
03:15You're raising the child alone.
03:18When you're taking care of the child at night,
03:21Angela is ready to have fun.
03:24You're suffering alone.
03:27You'll be the Cinderella of this house.
03:30She's a princess.
03:32I'm mad at you, but I'm still mad at you.
03:37It's a gentle kingdom,
03:39but your kingdom has come to an end.
03:43Ozan, die!
03:45Get out!
03:47Get out!
03:56Don't cry, my dear.
03:58I changed your clothes.
04:00Why are you crying?
04:02What's wrong?
04:04Don't be sad.
04:06I'm going out with the kids.
04:08They're waiting.
04:10I think I should throw them out.
04:12What do you think?
04:15These are mine.
04:17How is it your own?
04:18No, everything that is yours has become mine.
04:20Did you say it?
04:21Let me see if it comes to you or not.
04:24No, no.
04:25No, you are exhausted, your color is faded.
04:28Nothing comes to you anymore.
04:29Nothing comes to you, Naz.
04:31I'm really upset with you, but look.
04:33It comes to me.
04:34But my mother comes to you a lot, Naz.
04:36I'm telling the truth.
04:37The child cries, cries.
04:39Watch his back, it has oil, Naz.
04:41Oh, don't be tired.
04:43Follow my story.
05:06Mister Atif,
05:07I could not come to get my halal.
05:10I don't even have it on me.
05:13May God be pleased with you!
05:16Forgive me.
05:23Call Afife.
05:30Call her. What are you thinking?
05:32Aren't you tired of me?
05:41Yes, call her.
05:47Hello, Jamila. I'm worried about you.
05:50I'm Afife.
05:56I have to see you.
05:59I want to see you face to face tomorrow.
06:02What are we going to talk about, Atif?
06:04What are we going to talk about?
06:07Haven't you been quiet enough?
06:09We'll talk later this time.
06:11I'll send you my number.
06:13It's your call.
06:19don't be mad at Jamila.
06:21It's not her fault.
06:23She's just an innocent girl, Afife.
06:27She's just an innocent girl.
06:30Where's my son's grave?
06:32Is it in Dozceh?
06:36It's here.
06:38In front of my father.
06:40Take me there.
06:43What was his name?
06:51Atif, where are you?
06:54Send me his number.
06:59Afife is talking.
07:01Okay, Jamila.
07:25So, you don't like her?
07:29But, my dear,
07:31we should have beautiful daughters like you.
07:34We should have two sons.
07:37We didn't have a father's name.
07:40We couldn't even find S. When did we get to four kids?
07:45How's Jahan?
07:51A love for two Jahans is worth it.
07:54Okay, it's solved. I'm glad. Jahan it is.
08:02God will show us that day.
08:05God has written us for each other.
08:10God will show us that day.
08:33Are you okay?
08:35I'll wake up my mom.
08:37No, don't wake her up.
08:40Thank God she doesn't have insomnia.
08:44She fell asleep quickly.
08:48Mete had gone crazy.
08:51I'm sure Naz was so worried that she threw everything in the house.
08:57Even though Naz said,
08:59you can't understand the connection between us.
09:03Why did she say that?
09:05I don't know. I can't remember what she said.
09:13let me tell you something.
09:15Don't be mad at me.
09:17Don't make a mistake.
09:19What is it?
09:21You just left like that.
09:23I don't know what's wrong with you.
09:26Do you want me to give you a card?
09:30Wait a minute.
09:32Do you want me to give you a credit card?
09:34No, I don't need it.
09:36Don't say that.
09:38It's a loan.
09:40Okay, give it back.
09:42I'm in no hurry.
09:44I'll give it back whenever you can.
09:46Okay, but it's a loan.
09:48I'll get it back from you.
09:50Don't worry, I'll get my loan.
09:52I fell again and you caught me.
09:55Tonight I felt so alone
09:58that I didn't know what to do, where to go.
10:01I still don't know.
10:03But now,
10:05I can think slowly, Qadir.
10:11I will never forget this friendship and humanity.
10:16I didn't have a friend in that house.
10:19I don't know if they were friends or not.
10:23Now I don't know anyone but you.
10:26I really don't know.
10:30Thank you so much.
10:41You're right.
10:44I understand you very well.
10:47It's hard for someone you trust to get hurt.
10:55But it's life.
10:57Everyone has a test.
10:59What can you do?
11:01Should we give up?
11:03Or should we keep going?
11:06I think you're lucky.
11:08If you're going to live like this, it's better.
11:12What do you mean?
11:14I mean...
11:16Don't make a mistake.
11:19Instead of turning from a princess to Cinderella,
11:22it's better to turn from Cinderella to a princess.
11:26What's wrong with that?
13:08I'm sorry.
13:27I'm so sorry.
13:33I'm so sorry.
15:07My name but Charlie me home
15:12To Incara me Konika
15:17Hey, Misha
16:01Let them know
16:05I found him, but he doesn't want to talk to me.
16:07Did you see what he can do?
16:10Why doesn't he answer your call?
16:12Why doesn't he come here?
16:13Does he know you're in charge of your father's business?
16:15Is he angry with me?
16:18Well, he's right.
16:20I'm angry with my father and Naz.
16:22But who's angry with me?
16:24I didn't say anything when I found out.
16:26I kept quiet.
16:30The truth is...
16:32The truth is...
16:34I was afraid of losing him.
16:36I was afraid that everything would fall apart.
16:41Maybe if I had the chance, I would have preferred to keep quiet.
16:44I was making a fool of myself. I don't know.
16:48What did you do with a girl's life?
16:57I know you don't want my advice.
17:00If you want my advice, let the girl go her own way.
17:05It's better for everyone this way.
17:07And that's the end of it.
17:09Let's call Mom. She's waiting.
17:26Hi, Jamil. How are you?
17:28I'm fine.
17:29I was so scared. I thought you left.
17:32No, I'm here.
17:34Mete, how are you?
17:36Are you okay?
17:38You're not acting weird, are you?
17:44Who are you talking to?
17:54Oh, it's Mete.
17:55Mete, what's up?
17:57I can't talk to my son alone.
17:59Go outside. I'll call you later.
18:03Okay, I'll listen to him.
18:04No, Tansu. Go outside, please.
18:09Mete, call me. I'll be waiting.
18:11Okay, okay. I'll call you.
18:19Okay, we solved it.
18:21You go to sleep.
18:22I fixed it.
18:23Okay, okay. Fix it.
18:26That's great.
18:27My mom doesn't like to sleep on the hotel bed.
18:30That's why we always bring her home.
18:34Look, I put some clean clothes for you here.
18:37Put them on before going to bed.
18:38I'll leave you alone so you can rest.
18:40So where are you going to sleep?
18:43Do you hear me?
18:45Do you hear me?
18:46There's a festival there.
18:48It's a good festival.
18:49I sleep there. It helps me sleep.
18:53You should rest well tonight.
18:56But if anything happens,
18:58or you can't sleep, or you're scared,
19:00whatever it is,
19:01if you want to say something,
19:03I'm at your service.
19:06You're welcome.
19:07You have a place on my head.
19:10Good night.
19:12Good night.
19:23Mom's Bank
19:33Is this Jila?
19:35It's Mom's bank.
19:36She won't come.
19:37She won't even call.
19:39Instead of organizing a family gathering
19:41and introducing them,
19:42you go and introduce them.
19:43That's it.
19:45My daughter,
19:46how can I know that Jila is coming back?
19:48I told her to come home.
19:50I told her to come home.
19:51You knew that yourself.
19:54You knew?
19:55I just found out.
19:56But she said,
19:57shut up, it's a secret.
19:58Then she told everyone.
19:59Didn't you want to tell her?
20:01Why did you make her so angry?
20:04Oh, she's here.
20:06Mom, wait.
20:07Don't go.
20:08Maybe it's my dad.
20:10Did you talk to my dad?
20:11Did you say anything to him?
20:12No, you said,
20:13don't talk to him.
20:14I didn't either.
20:15But he said,
20:16something happened to you.
20:17Maybe he's here.
20:20Okay, go and open the door.
20:21Don't let anyone in.
20:31Good night.
20:47Are you okay, Jamileh?
20:50No, I'm fine.
20:51I just want to be alone.
20:53Okay, go and get some sleep.
21:11my girl,
21:12I'm very worried about you.
21:14Only you understand my condition tonight.
21:17You're the only one
21:18I didn't have any information, neither from my son nor from you.
21:21I understood without seeing your father, I lost him.
21:24At least don't leave me alone.
21:26Even if you're not ready to talk, just let me know you're okay.
21:31What do you want from this girl?
21:33The girl is telling the truth. She's grown up in our hands.
21:36I didn't make a mistake.
21:38My daughter, don't be angry with yourself.
21:41I trust you.
21:48I love you.
22:03Where are you?
22:05In a hotel.
22:08I come to you.
22:11I can't talk tonight.
22:14I called you not to worry.
22:21Can you come tomorrow?
22:24I'll come to your place.
22:27Can I come tomorrow night?
22:29Of course.
22:31Come whenever you want.
22:34This is your home now.
22:44Good night.
22:48Good night.
23:18Good night.
23:49I was fine when I wasn't aware
23:58I did it, I destroyed it again and again
24:03From sand to castle
24:07Why does it end?
24:09Because all nannies sleep and grow up
24:16Is it greedy to die slowly?
24:25There was a hope in me
24:34I lost it in my hands
24:42Everything was beautiful in my heart
24:52I lost it in my 20s
25:00My most beautiful years
25:08My visions, my tears
25:18My friends, my first loves
25:27I forgot why I lived
25:34There was a hope in me
25:44I lost it in my 20s
25:57Good morning.
25:59Good morning.
26:04Good morning.
26:10You didn't sleep.
26:12The angel will come today.
26:14The angel will come? I'm so happy.
26:18Jamila has left. I don't know what to do in the evening.
26:22I'll talk to someone outside.
26:24No need. I'll manage.
26:29Where are you going?
26:32I have to go.
26:43Are you going to see Afife?
26:48Yes. I need more answers.
26:52Especially about my son.
27:03I'm sorry.
27:16These events, the things I understood, ruined me.
27:20I'm in a bad mood. I can't come to myself.
27:23I mean, I can't digest them easily.
27:28You're right. I know.
27:30I'm sorry. Especially because it's my father's fault.
27:33I don't have anything to say.
27:35I've been ashamed to look at you since yesterday.
27:38What's your fault?
27:46Please don't object to what I want to say.
27:50Because it's very important to me.
27:52You and Afife want to see each other for a while.
28:00If you agree, please tell me.
28:05Balgin, what are you talking about?
28:09I've been waiting for this moment for so long.
28:14Afife is eligible.
28:16If I wasn't eligible, he would have my heart.
28:20Please don't tire yourself and me with these thoughts.
28:24My dear.
28:26My love.
28:30Okay, okay. Thank you.
28:34If I hadn't told you, we wouldn't have met.
28:38Well done. Your men are very good.
28:41I saw the hotel list. It didn't have a name.
28:44Okay. You can go.
28:46Can the kids go again?
28:48I said you can go. Go.
28:52Go. Go.
29:01Hello. Zia.
29:04Is there any news from my daughter?
29:06Yes. She is with Qadir.
29:08I called you when I heard the news.
29:12It was a mistake to be silent and to tell you.
29:17We can't change what we said.
29:20When will I come to see you, Osman?
29:24I don't know.
29:26When will I come to see you, Osman?
29:29I'm with Atif today.
29:32Did he call you?
29:35He asked me to take him to Jahan.
29:37Okay. When will you come? I'll come, too.
29:40What did I tell you? I told you not to do anything without my knowledge.
29:43No. I have to solve this problem myself.
29:47Okay. But from now on, whatever we do, we do it together.
29:51Don't do anything without my knowledge. Do you accept?
29:54Okay. I'll see you.
29:59Who are you talking to?
30:01Someone close to me.
30:03Where are you going?
30:05I'm going to work.
30:07You never go without soap.
30:10I eat something there.
30:13Zia, don't sleep. I'm worried about you.
30:16Don't worry.
30:18Okay. I'll see you.
30:24I'll see you.
30:43Miss Efekat called.
30:45She wants to talk to me about something important.
30:48I have to invite her here.
30:50If you agree...'ll invite a guest.
30:55It's not easy for me, either.
30:58I'm not in the mood to think about your feelings.
31:01Nothing matters to me except my daughter.
31:03That's why I do whatever I want.
31:05You don't have to get permission from me.
31:08You're a guest. No one will bother you.
31:18Come, dear. It's fresh.
31:20I brought you something.
31:22Take it, dear.
31:25Come on, mom.
31:27She doesn't want to eat.
31:29No, she can't.
31:31She has to eat.
31:33She has to finish all of this.
31:35My daughter is different when she's in pain and when she's hungry.
31:39I'm sorry. My mom is weak when she's hungry.
31:43You're so lucky.
31:45Your mom is very nice to me.
31:49Drink your orange juice.
31:51Hurry up.
31:53Mom, let her think about what she wants to eat.
31:56She'll eat later.
31:58My son, do you know what we're going to do today?
32:01After you finish your breakfast,
32:03take Angela to the hospital.
32:05Then go to a good shopping mall.
32:10Don't you want to go to my daughter's grandpa?
32:13That's right.
32:16But Mr. Atif doesn't care about me.
32:19He's innocent.
32:21I can't go to him.
32:23No, you can't.
32:25My daughter can't.
32:27Look, my dear.
32:29If you get upset, they'll beat you.
32:31Especially Feliz.
32:33I saw that woman.
32:35She's a beast.
32:37She's used to beating you.
32:39But no more.
32:41You have to be strong against them.
32:45She's right.
32:47I've never been wrong.
32:49My daughter.
32:51God told you to do something about my son.
32:54You have to do something.
32:56Mom, you're right.
32:58But Angela is not a girl.
33:00Do you know that?
33:02She's a victim.
33:04She's sensitive.
33:06But she's very different.
33:08She's very selfish.
33:10How can I fight her?
33:12They gave her a life.
33:15She's not strong.
33:17She's weak.
33:19But you're strong, my girl.
33:23You came out of this life.
33:26What are you afraid of?
33:28You've been with her all year.
33:30Can't you do worse?
33:32You know.
33:34Why does a person bother the other party?
33:38Because he's jealous of her.
33:40She's jealous of me?
33:42Don't look in the mirror.
33:44It's obvious.
33:46She's jealous of you.
33:48You're not her servant.
33:50You're her daughter.
33:53You'll see what happens.
33:55Listen to me.
33:57If you don't listen to me,
33:59she'll force you to buy her clothes.
34:01Listen to me.
34:02Of course I will.
34:04I'll buy her beautiful clothes.
34:06It's over.
34:09No buts.
34:10It's over, my girl.
34:12Drink your orange juice, my dear.
34:14My dear daughter,
34:16you should eat something.
34:19I don't understand.
34:20Why don't we eat breakfast here?
34:22I wanted to prepare it in the living room, but...
34:25Do you think we're in the mood
34:27to eat breakfast on the table?
34:29If you want, we can set your table tomorrow.
34:34Mom, I'm very hungry.
34:36Why didn't you bring me breakfast?
34:39Get used to it.
34:40You don't have a servant.
34:42I'll kill you.
34:44I'll kill you today.
34:46Be careful.
34:48Everything is ready.
34:50No one has eaten anything.
34:52Don't talk.
34:53Blood is very important.
34:55Do you think they'll come back?
34:57Did my father tell you anything?
34:59It's better if he didn't.
35:01My father is coming.
35:04Good morning, father.
35:06Good morning, father.
35:08I'm going out.
35:10Prepare a nice dinner for the evening.
35:13I want you all to be on the table.
35:15What do you mean by nice dinner?
35:17I mean a nice dinner.
35:19Prepare a room for me.
35:22For whom?
35:23Angela is coming tonight.
35:25Are you serious?
35:26Angela is coming?
35:31Which room do you want to prepare for Angela?
35:34It's obvious that the room next door is a mansion.
35:37When I come in, I'll check the room.
35:39If your daughter's room is not nice,
35:42I'll give Angela a nice room.
35:44You didn't tell me until now.
35:48Enjoy your meal.
35:49I'll be right back.
36:00I told you blood is important.
36:11Angela's room is next to my room.
36:14What are you talking about?
36:16Didn't you understand what I said?
36:18My daughter didn't come.
36:19She went to her room.
36:20Where is my room?
36:21Where is my room?
36:22My father said the same thing.
36:24Angela will take my room.
36:26Angela will take my room, right?
36:28No way.
36:30She can only see him in her dreams.
36:32Her dreams are coming true.
36:35Let her come.
36:36You'll see her.
36:37Let her come.
36:38Let her come.
36:40I'll manage her.
36:42Don't worry.
36:43You know what we'll do.
36:45We'll give her a nice room.
36:47We'll welcome her very well.
36:49God bless you.
36:50I don't want anything from her.
36:52Mom, I'll solve everything.
36:54I'll solve everything.
36:55Don't worry.
36:56My right is enough for all of you.
37:00My daughter is not here.
37:02I wish she could see me.
37:13I don't go out much.
37:15There are a lot of shops here.
37:16If you don't like it, we can go somewhere else.
37:20I didn't want to hurt your mother.
37:23Yes, you're right.
37:25My mom knew you were cheating on her.
37:27That's why she asked me to send you a picture.
37:31You know, my mom has a right.
37:34They see this as a war.
37:36You have to wear armor.
37:38Do you understand?
37:39What do you say?
37:40How are they?
37:41Have you been there?
37:42Do you know them?
37:43It's a shop that Nas always buys.
37:45He bought his wedding dress from here.
37:49That's good.
37:50Let's go.
37:54Dubbed in Esedio Gym.
37:58Excuse me, ma'am.
37:59I didn't know you were inside.
38:01Are you okay?
38:02I mean, if you're okay,
38:04can you please tell me?
38:09Is this okay?
38:54Whoever I buy a gift for,
38:56doesn't need this.
38:58Maybe a simple and elegant dress.
39:03Choose your own style.
39:05You choose.
39:07Let me try it on.
39:13This is good.
39:16Then wear it.
39:44It's a very special dress.
39:49It's very beautiful.
39:51Please try it on.
39:54What do you think, Angela?
40:00She didn't like it.
40:03Please sit here.
40:18Thank you for your time.
40:20What are you talking about?
40:22I was surprised when you called.
40:24I was surprised, too.
40:26You have a lot to talk about.
40:29That's right.
40:30I thought I was with you.
40:32I saw Sehran on TV.
40:34I didn't believe it.
40:36Of course you can't believe it.
40:38You didn't understand what happened next.
40:40So many things happened.
40:42Farid couldn't control himself.
40:44He went on TV and talked.
40:46Then they had dinner together.
40:48Yes, but I didn't believe it.
40:51We all have to suffer.
40:53We've been miserable since she came into our lives.
40:57We're all waiting for an earthquake.
41:01There's no difference here.
41:04I came to you that day with my finger.
41:08I came, too.
41:10It was the last day of my happy life.
41:14Didn't Jamila tell you how much I struggled for you?
41:17How much I looked for you?
41:22Your mother kept quiet about it.
41:25I was surprised when you left me.
41:30Don't be mad at Jamila.
41:32I know that helplessness.
41:35I felt helplessness with my whole being.
41:38What does helplessness mean?
41:40You called me once.
41:42You asked me if you could come to me once.
41:45My son might be alive now.
41:48You forced me to meet my son here.
41:53If it was now, I wouldn't have done it.
41:59But I wasn't the girl you saw that day.
42:03You weren't the man you are now.
42:06Atif, you couldn't go to your family at that time.
42:09You couldn't do anything.
42:11We don't know that.
42:13Because you didn't give me that chance.
42:16Okay, you accepted it.
42:18You were helpless.
42:19Then what?
42:20Then what?
42:21Then why did you keep quiet?
42:23What does it mean that you sent me home as a servant?
42:26How did you do that?
42:28I was dead that day, Atif.
42:34But my son, Jahan, gave me a reason to live.
42:38When he left me,
42:41I couldn't go back to life.
42:45This is Jahan's notebook.
42:49From the moment I realized I was pregnant,
42:52I recorded every moment of it.
42:54I wrote everything until his death.
42:56I was afraid of this day,
42:59and I was waiting for today.
43:05I wrote this notebook for you, Atif.
43:11I love you.
43:41I love you.
44:11I love you.
44:41I love you.
44:51I'm sorry that you met me like this.
44:56My son.
45:00I'll come to you as soon as possible.
45:04But when I come to you, please know
45:09that I'm your father.
45:14I couldn't take good care of your daughter, my son.
45:20But I want to take good care of her from now on.
45:24I promise you.
45:31Sleep well, my son.
45:34Sleep well.
45:38Sleep well.
45:50I wanted to have my own life.
45:53I was supposed to be very happy with Atif,
45:56but Zia ruined everything.
46:00He has a good intention, but he's like Halis and Akash.
46:05He kills us inside and kills our men outside.
46:08But he doesn't want to.
46:10I know.
46:11Believe me.
46:12That's why we're here.
46:14We want something from you.
46:16You know how Orhan is.
46:18Yes, I'm so upset.
46:20I really want to believe that he's innocent.
46:22I'm jealous of him, Mrs. Balgin.
46:26They're cheating on us.
46:28This is not our family's business.
46:31I don't know who and why he's doing this.
46:34But we thought we could solve this problem
46:37and you could talk to your father
46:41and maybe he could do something.
46:43Akash, I wish I could do something.
46:46But I...
46:47Mrs. Balgin, we can't let my father stay in jail.
46:51Balgin, you know Orhan.
46:53You know he can't stay in jail.
46:55You know he's not a criminal.
46:57We're always waiting for bad news.
46:59You're right. I understand.
47:01But our situation is not good at all.
47:03We don't talk to my father anymore.
47:11Are you still jealous of him?
47:13Do you think if I go and talk to him,
47:16he'll help you?
47:18He'll do something for you.
47:20Efekat, you know I don't want to upset you.
47:24But as long as Halis Kurhan doesn't call,
47:27my father will never help you.
47:30Do you know how embarrassed he is right now?
47:37Let's go.
47:38I'll make you some coffee.
47:40I think your servants are on leave.
47:43He has another story.
47:46How do you know them?
47:48It's simple.
47:50I have a medium size.
47:52Okay, I'll get it for you.
48:00At least you tested my wife.