War Thunder - Proposed Japanese Tank Tech Tree - Amphibious Tanks!

  • last month
In this episode of the proposed future Japanese Tank Tech Tree series, I take a look at various Amphibious Tanks used by the Japanese in World War II, as well as why I think they should be added to War Thunder.

Tanks in this episode:
Introduction: 00:00
Type 2 Ka-Mi (Added in Update 1.65 "Way of the Samurai"): 01:07
Type 3 Ka-Chi (Added in Update "Red Skies" as reward vehicle): 03:49
Type 5 To-Ku: 06:37

Proposed Japanese Tank Tech Tree
Japanese Light Tanks: https://youtu.be/a4La6cIj3U8
Japanese Medium Tanks (Part 1): https://youtu.be/6ZT_JiN0lFY
Japanese Medium Tanks (Part 2): https://youtu.be/EQn_A3aWh8I
Japanese Heavy Tanks: https://youtu.be/QhMx05tIZC4
Japanese Amphibious Tanks: https://youtu.be/4_paUh-5U30
Japanese Tank Destroyers & Assault Guns: https://youtu.be/w0Xxw9F-xyk
Japanese SPAA: https://youtu.be/Oo0tpdRt9_k
Japanese Premium Tanks: https://youtu.be/OxPzgNZo1wI

Information/picture citations:
New Vangard. Japanese tanks: 1939-45


By Imperial Japanese Navy (Imperial Japanese Navy via dani1944@Flickr) [Public domain], via Wikimedia Commons


By Mike1979 Russia (Own work) [CC BY-SA 3.0 (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/3.0)], via Wikimedia Commons

By ja: 日本海軍 en: Imperial Japanese Navy [Public domain], via Wikimedia Commons

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Game: War Thunder ⬅️

#warthunder #japan #japanese #amphibious #ww2 #japanesenavy #toreno
00:00Hello everybody, and welcome back to another episode of my proposed future Japanese tank tech tree series.
00:05Now today we're doing the amphibious tanks, which you can see there.
00:10You can see one of them's been bolded and underlined again.
00:13Basically that means that, if I'm not sure if it should be added, maybe there's not enough information,
00:18but I have included it into the tech tree just in case Gaijin does find information about it.
00:23Now we haven't actually got any amphibious tanks in the game at the moment,
00:27or I don't think they actually work as amphibious tanks if we do.
00:31Hopefully we can get them to work as amphibious tanks.
00:34It would add a very good dynamic, well, new dynamic to the game that would be very good.
00:39It would give Japan an advantage over its rival nations.
00:45You know, even if they can't add the actual amphibious side of amphibious tanks,
00:49I'd like them to be added in regardless, just as land-based tanks, you know,
00:52to boost the Japanese tank numbers, add more variety to the game.
00:57You know, and I think they'd be a very good addition to the game, a very good fit to the game.
01:01But before I waffle on for too long, let's get straight into the episode.
01:06Now the first tank we're looking at is the Type 2 Kami,
01:09which was basically the amphibious version of the Type 95.
01:13I think it was actually based on the Type 95's chassis or suspension,
01:17and you can see it in the armour and armament as well.
01:20It was armed with one 37mm gun.
01:22Some of the sources say Type 1, some say Type 98,
01:26but it should be a roughly 40mm penetration at 500m.
01:31It had pretty weak armour, 6-13mm.
01:35So it's under-armed, under-armoured,
01:40so, you know, which kind of makes sense for a tank that's supposed to float.
01:44But this does leave it rather vulnerable to enemy fire.
01:47You can also see in this picture it's quite a big blocky tank with big sides,
01:51so, you know, it's got no slope in it, it's a big target.
01:55Speed-wise it could do about 23mph on land.
02:00On the sea it could do about, if I can find it, 6mph.
02:03So, OK speed on land, quite slow on water.
02:09Now crew-wise it had 5-6 crew.
02:11I think the 6th person was to do with if you were actually using it for amphibious operations.
02:18I'm not sure how it would actually go crew-wise.
02:21Drive a bow machine gunner commander, obviously,
02:25but I don't know if the turret had room for a loader and a gunner,
02:29so I don't know if there would be the 4th and 5th crew members.
02:33And the 6th one I assume would be like the engineer or something,
02:39possibly one of the other crew members was a radio man or something.
02:43I'm not really sure, but it's got a lot of crew,
02:46so it will be difficult to knock out crew-wise, or by killing all the crew.
02:52So how would it actually work in the game?
02:55If they're used for amphibious operations in the game,
02:59I think they would be very vulnerable.
03:02I don't know what the pontoons would be like, they're not going to be that armoured.
03:07It would be easy to destroy them,
03:09but I think it would give Japan some very good extra tactical options.
03:14Maybe instead of charging across a bridge or across open land,
03:18they could use their amphibious tanks to go around the enemy defences,
03:22forcing them to spread themselves more thin.
03:25Of course it's going to have to be a very low-tier tank.
03:28I'd say about the same tier as the Type 95, or same barrel rate as the Type 95.
03:35It's got very bad armour, it's not got the best gun in the world,
03:38but Japan did do some very good amphibious tanks,
03:41so it would be very good for Japan to get some amphibious tanks,
03:45and this would be a very good starting point for them.
03:48Now the next amphibious tank on our list is the Type 3 Karchi,
03:52basically an amphibious tank version of the Type 1 Chaihee,
03:56but it had a lot of modifications for amphibious operations.
04:01Now first of all it had a much better gun,
04:03the Type 1 47mm gun.
04:06As I've talked about before, there's conflicting reports on how much penetration it had.
04:10I've got 40-65mm, depending on who you believe, at 500m,
04:15so obviously quite a bit more capable.
04:18It also had a lot more armour, 10-50mm of armour,
04:22so it should be able to defend itself and dish out the damage quite well.
04:27However there are some drawbacks.
04:29The speed is actually slower on land, 20mph,
04:32so down from something like 23mph,
04:34and on sea it's a little bit faster,
04:37it can do 6.5mph, I think before it was 6mph,
04:41but it's not much of a gain.
04:43I mean, you've lost quite a lot of speed on the land,
04:46and yeah, a bit of a speed boost on sea is good,
04:49but it's not really that much of a gain.
04:52It's also still very big and blocky,
04:54and it's actually got these things above the turret and the engine block to allow air in.
04:59They might not be removable in-game,
05:01so if a shot hits there and causes a lot of shrapnel,
05:04that could go down straight into the turret or to the engine.
05:08So an even bigger target than the regular tanks.
05:14Now crew-wise it could take 5-7,
05:16again depending on if it was doing amphibious operations.
05:20I think one of them was again an onboard mechanical engineer,
05:24but I don't know where the rest would all be.
05:27Again, I'm guessing driver, bow machine gunner, commander at least,
05:32and the mechanics, that's four.
05:34But then the other three, gunner, loader, maybe someone else?
05:38I'm not entirely sure if I'm honest.
05:40So tiering-wise, where do I think it should be?
05:43I actually think it could be a very, very high tier one.
05:46Probably about the same battle rating as the,
05:49or a little bit higher than the Type 97 Chihar.
05:53Maybe about 3, 2.7.
05:57The reason I've put it tier one,
05:59unlike the other 47mm gun tanks, is that it's an amphibious tank,
06:03so it's going to be under a lot of fire a lot of the time
06:06if used in amphibious operations.
06:08But, you know, so amphibious operations are a lot riskier,
06:12so I think Japan should get a tank that's more likely to survive
06:15and then have a bit of an advantage on the land,
06:18whereas the defenders are already going to be on the land
06:21in defensive positions, so, you know,
06:23to even the odds a little bit.
06:25Ultimately, I think this tank would perform its role very well,
06:29and I think it would be a very good interesting addition
06:32for the Japanese tank tech tree, and, you know,
06:34hopefully it can be added.
06:36Now, the next tank on our list is the Type 5 Toku,
06:39and unfortunately there are no known photographs of it in existence,
06:43so I can't actually show you a picture of it.
06:45There's also a lot of confusion about how far along in development it was.
06:49Some websites say that it was a prototype that was never finished.
06:53My book by Zaloga mentions that it was considered
06:56but too late to have been manufactured,
06:58which implies it was a prototype.
07:00Some other websites mention it being finished as a prototype.
07:03You know, I've bolded and underlined it as something to be considered,
07:06but, you know, there may not be enough information for it to be added.
07:10Now, going off the limited information I have,
07:12it had a bit of an unusual armament.
07:14Apparently it had a Type 1 47mm gun,
07:18which, as we've discussed before, could do between
07:2140 and 65mm of penetration at 500m,
07:26but it also had a 25mm gun.
07:29But weirdly, the 25mm gun was in the turret,
07:32and the Type 1 47mm gun was in the hull.
07:36Why they put it in the hull, I have no idea,
07:38but obviously that limits how useful it is.
07:41I couldn't find any penetration characteristics
07:43for the 25mm gun either,
07:45so I can't give any information there.
07:48Armour-wise, it was 10-50mm of armour,
07:51so again, quite well armoured.
07:53Speed-wise, it could do about 20mph on land,
07:56or 6mph on sea,
07:58so it's lost a bit of speed on sea as well now,
08:01and stayed about the same on land.
08:03Crew was apparently 5.
08:05I'm going to guess driver, gunner for the 25mm gun,
08:10gunner for the 47mm gun,
08:13then commander, loader, or mechanic,
08:16something like that.
08:17Now, like I said, there isn't much information on it.
08:20I've possibly got some of this information wrong,
08:22because some of the websites also say
08:2447mm gun or 25mm gun,
08:27but most places seem to say they had both.
08:32But like I said, I could have possibly
08:34got some of this information wrong,
08:36so I've underlined it and bolded it.
08:38It would be nice if Gaijin put it in.
08:40I've put it as a battle rating,
08:42or a battle rating of 3 maybe,
08:44very low low low tier 2,
08:46so it has a chance against enemy tanks,
08:48which again, are going to be on land,
08:50and have the advantage,
08:52because they'd be able to set up defensive positions
08:54quite early.
08:56It's not a very big priority for this tank to be added,
08:59but it would be nice if Japan got it,
09:01because otherwise they'd only have two amphibious tanks.
09:04And I think amphibious tanks would add
09:06a very nice dynamic to the game,
09:08and give Japan a bit of an advantage
09:11over some of the enemy nations.
09:13So hopefully you've enjoyed that episode,
09:15hopefully it's given you a bit of information
09:18on the potential Japanese amphibious tanks
09:20for a Japanese tank tech tree.
09:22The next Japanese tank tech tree episode
09:24I'll be looking at the tank destroyers
09:26and assault guns, which I'm going to go through
09:28before I do that, to make sure they're all right.
09:30I think there's a few I'm not sure about.
09:32Now the actual next episode,
09:34because I only said next Japanese tank tech tree episode,
09:36might actually be about American tank destroyers,
09:39because basically it seems they're going to be
09:41coming out a lot sooner than we expected,
09:43possibly 1.49.
09:45So if you see American tank destroyers,
09:48that's why, just giving you a heads up.
09:50Anyway, I hope you enjoyed the video.
09:53Leave a like if you liked the video,
09:55subscribe, leave feedback,
09:57I could always do with more feedback.
09:59Thanks for watching, I'll see you next time.
