Blue Lock Episode 21 Eng Dub

  • le mois dernier
Blue Lock Episode 21 Eng Dub
00:14That was sick
00:16No way, did he really just make a midair feint with a spin wait until it floated down then kick it into the goal
00:24That shot was nothing short of a miracle a miracle, huh?
00:29Once again, you've demonstrated how mediocre you are by using such a cheap word really only
00:34So you're seriously gonna sit there and tell me we didn't just witness a one-of-a-kind play that there's no way anybody could pull off
00:40Again, don't be so sure
00:43the confidence it takes to know you'll score no matter what the skills to make that happen the
00:49Situation on the field and the players environment if all of those conditions prove to be optimal
00:54An athlete's performance can go beyond human understanding my dear Andre miracles can be explained if they intend to clear this
01:02Selection you'll need a formula to replicate those goals
01:09Dude nice one. We barely tied it up. We need another one
01:13We finally did it for the first time. We beat the demon together Nagi and I can go head-to-head with him now
01:21The only thing is that won't help me become the best striker in the world. I can't rely on the others
01:27I have to defeat him myself
01:37Sweet it's on boys time for the monster party to begin
02:51He does
03:13The real game starts now
03:16We've got my spatial awareness and Nagi's first touch
03:20We've proven if we combine our strengths effectively defeating it in is possible
03:25But that last goal can't be reproduced unless we repeat the steps that got us there
03:32If we're going to take down a team we need to bring out each other's strengths by creating situations where our parameters are better than his
03:40The fact that this game has been so back and forth is proof
03:43It can be done my eyes and brain have evolved to be on the same level as his
03:49If we can keep things balanced out our weapons will work, but is that what really matters
03:57If I can't take him down alone, it's pointless. I'm never going to be the best striker in the world
04:03Being his equal isn't enough. I have to read the play first
04:08Then insert myself into the field's future before he does
04:16It's not going to end this way
04:18Stop your babbling from this point on I'm in control of the field
04:24Just try and keep up with me
04:29He's unusually fired up and I for one love it show us what you've got ring
04:39It's the second half let's do this
04:54You screwed up, I'll reach the ball first not quite before Bato can get it the backspin will send it to Tokimitsu
05:04Okay, this could work
05:07Shoulder charge his muscles are no joke
05:13He made his teammate hold up the ball meanwhile, he's moving into a better position
05:20First touch pass from there, which means he's one step faster than I can read
05:25Interesting a good obacher as pass relied on my jumping skills
05:29But this lofted one is intended to push them to the very limit. There's no other choice
05:35challenge accepted
05:37aerial chest take down
05:40Pretty good still caught up though
05:43Sneaky bastard position yourself there if you want now, I'll just have to pass to him
05:50Catchery Nagi lock it in shooting path quick already there
05:59Let's go on to out in front he's going to shoot dribble or pass the button
06:06Shot no
06:10Don't charge in just put out a leg
06:13I'm not falling for a faint a second time
06:19He pulled off a roulette that's impossible
06:23You're so predictable it was one step ahead of Dean's vision you're two steps too slow
06:32You're giving it to me. Hold on
06:35He read my thoughts. That's crazy
06:38Green saw through Isagi and used him. Oh, man
06:42It's all making sense
06:43Tokimitsu's physique are using human jump how I see the field
06:50All of us everyone here you're just that he eats or she's puppets
07:02This is his serious mode his puppet master style of soccer you're nothing more than an NPC
07:09Did you really think you could share my vision?
07:13He's a super sadist so that's mean when he's trying
07:18He's controlling everybody
07:20Regardless of whether they're on his team or not
07:23Green high-five. All right next time then don't touch me NPC number two
07:29It's all too familiar. It's just like the first time we faced him his signature style of soccer
07:36He's essentially controlling players and manipulating their thoughts
07:40He usually reserves that power for his own place
07:44But in our rematch, he has everyone on the field under his thumb
07:49It's brilliant he assesses each of our skills then sets us up to use them to their full potential
07:56creating the high-level future he envisions a
08:01Technique like that only works with the right skills an eye for tactics and the physique to pull it off
08:08You continue to impress it in Itoshi
08:12The question is can I devour a genius like you if we go for conventional?
08:18You'll see right through it. So we have to break away from his vision of the field. You said it
08:24We need to make it so he can't keep up even if he's reading the field
08:28It'll be super difficult. But if all four of us push our weapons to their max, we might just outrun him
08:36Let's go
08:38This is the way if it doesn't work we're doomed
08:52Read the field there's no room for error. I'll trigger a chemical reaction and launch an all-out attack
08:59They changed up their defense now it's pressing and botch it as the anchor what's the play here I don't get it
09:07In that case, I'm betting on your speed
09:11Sticking to the same old pattern. Shut your mouth. I'm best at straight lining it but they'll be expecting that so
09:19I'll flick it and cut inside going at top speed. Hope you like eating dust face tickety
09:26We broke through their line now to demolish them
09:31Figures of course he sensed the danger. Should I take him on? No
09:36If he's this far out
09:38There's one left player inside
09:41Nagi it's yours across with spin wake anyone up. Here it comes a crowded two-on-two
09:48Tokimitsu's going for the tackle. Well budget has got eyes on Nagi fine. I'll move into their blind spot and run outside
09:57As soon as he reacts I'll change direction
10:00That's where you want it and complete the crossover by running on the inside
10:04like clockwork
10:07Oh, we're in I just got a score
10:13No, you're kidding how did he know
10:18Somehow he read my vision predicted my position and recovered
10:23What now do I shoot? I'll block my kick at least I can keep possession
10:30Damn it that won't work not with my physique or even with the chemical reaction
10:36But he's in serious mode. We're nothing but puppets in his mind's eye
10:48You had your shot it's mine watch and learn
10:56He's lost his mind you're joking he ripped right through straight past lean
11:04The beast waited patiently
11:07Despite an empty stomach
11:11Watching his prey from its blind spots fighting his time until he could satisfy his hunger
11:20See this move isn't in your playbook
11:23You simply couldn't imagine teammates stealing from each other. That's why it worked
11:29Compared to your meticulous play style
11:31Bottles villainy is completely opposite
11:37It's an anomaly you can't predict
11:43And that's the whole basis of King Bottles game
11:47Huh, please you thought you could control me
11:51Not a chance. Mr. Long lashes
11:54You better keep them coming easy. I
11:59Need more to devour
12:07Oh, what's that? He's the king of heels
12:18That guy's obsessed with devouring me making him too unpredictable
12:23even for that genius
12:26After all, he's processing everything rationally. This is bottle. You probably can't find anyone with a more selfish play style
12:37That's it if I find a way to stop being from reading me I can free myself
12:45Bottles the glitch messing with his programming
12:49The key to defeating the puppet master. There's no telling how this match will play out now
12:57Not so easy anymore is it I've inputted the new data it won't happen again
13:04time for some hacking
13:06Let's see. You try to compute this
13:12Listen think you can press them the ball carrier use your speed to keep them busy understood
13:18I'll make them dance for me. If that's the plan. I'll mark the glam guy
13:27Just try it out run me genius
13:37Let me guess you want me to dribble through him he's sicky now, we're having fun
13:44Not getting any closer
13:46Probably scared. I'll get past you
13:49Whoa chigurhs here
13:51Damn, you're fast. I get it. You use the team speedster to press and made it a two-on-one. Oh
14:00There's reading in a great spot for the ball
14:03On second thought
14:05It's a geese responding to his movement. I see now
14:09He's using Chigiri to confuse us and slow down our decision making that way
14:14He'll have time to keep up with reams off the ball movements in that case
14:19I'll have to carve open my own route. I've never faced off against you Bajira. So true. You'll go easy on me, right?
14:27It's a showdown my dribbling versus Chigiri speed
14:32Huh Wow, he's crazy fast. Even if I steal a yard, he'll recover it in that case. Take a look at this
14:40Which way will I go?
14:43I'm halfway there and free to pass. Huh?
14:47Easy key, but he was over by reading
14:49Was he expecting me to make that play?
14:52Not good. He got me
14:55Wait, I could squeak between them there made it nice try
15:01It's your turn
15:03Devour him bottle fresh meat
15:07The whole thing it was all a setup he used himself as bait creating a path for photo to steal the ball
15:17Get past them in store. Hey glum guns out of my way
15:23Now that's how you use an anomaly like bottle it's over
15:31Made it
15:34The ball is out of play throw it to team white
15:38What's this crap? No, he didn't read that his reaction was to last-minute
15:44All the ink could do was position himself somewhere. He could respond to bottles unpredictable play
15:50If either one of us made a wrong move back there, we could have easily given up a goal
15:55I'm using my teammates unpredictability to its max advantage
16:00While lean on the other hand is trying to minimize the damage
16:04Whichever side controls Botto in the field will win this match
16:13Two players reading each other and competing at an unbelievable level a pair of Titans right here
16:21fighting for the field soul
16:25This is what I've been dreaming of and it's unfolding right in front of me
16:32My wish finally came true. I can play soccer with actual monsters
16:45Did they just run right past me?
16:49It's weird. I'm not alone anymore
16:53And yet they live in their own world where I don't exist
17:02Why are you playing soccer in a place that I can't reach?
17:06Don't leave me. I
17:08Searched for so long and found the monsters. I've been looking for but do I mean anything to them?
17:16All this time was I the one being tested
17:23The ball is out of play throw in to team red
17:27Nice safety giddy. Sorry. I was planning on passing to you. I swear no sweat. I'm sorry, too
17:34I would have gotten it if I was faster
17:38Everything. Okay, dude
17:40Is your knee hurting? Nah, I'm running on empty. That's all. Hey, don't go worrying over me
17:47If you lose today, I'll kill you I know
17:51Until you kill over keep breaking the sound barrier. That was always the idea. No need to tell me
17:58Thanks to Chigiri's pressing. I'm able to keep up with Rean's reading of the field
18:03But it's impossible for him to keep running around at that speed
18:07He's not the only one
18:10Everyone's stamina is draining at a rapid rate
18:13mine included
18:15Any player who keeps up this level of intensity will be off their game fast
18:19It won't be long before their passing and movements will be affected
18:23Whoever adapts to these changes the fastest will dominate this final phase
18:34What kind of attack is this crap the two of them are pushing a field
18:41I've got a new pattern
18:43They're moving the ball before Chigiri can press or I can make a decision
18:48It isn't like it means doing anything special with his passes. Wait, I see you
18:53One players making this breakaway possible. He hasn't slowed down once during the entire game
18:59It always moves based on it means passes the monster took you need suit, but it's unnatural physique and stamina
19:06What is this guy?
19:07Whatever it is. We gotta stop it now
19:10Finally, a pass into the box should open things up
19:18For tackling from behind and malicious sliding show a battle and he'll my Chigiri will both receive yellow cards
19:25Come on, I barely touched him. Hey, all I did was go for the ball man. This robo ref is worthless
19:32I'm so sorry. I only got us a free check
19:36Damn, he and Tokimitsu had a chemical reaction
19:40It could have been avoided if I got into the ball instead of lean
19:44Although it's not like they scored the point
19:48Now they'll get their chance, but it won't go their way
19:51This distance. I'm not a huge fan
19:54It's child's play for someone like Rin. Can you scooch in a bit? Got it to Manuel
20:01Will he go for the goal would choose to pass those are his only two choices
20:07As for me, I'll be a part of the wall if he kicks otherwise, I'll run to the side and even out our numbers
20:14But if I jump I'll be slow into the press. I need to wait until he moves to decide
20:20Which one is it a shot or a pass?
20:27Top-spin shot that started dipping when he cleared my head
20:32He got me there was no time to react it was an ultra fast pinpoint free kick right above me
20:40You didn't know whether I would shoot it or pass it here analysis is so off. It was never a two-choice situation
20:48The goal was always mine. That was the only option
20:53I see both Rin and Itsuki. They're listening to their egos. They're scoring goals for themselves
21:01Why am I here?
21:04Why am I playing soccer
21:08To find the true monster
21:11Or because I want a friend
21:15It can't be if that's the reason I'll never catch up to them
21:23What is my ego, do I even have one?
22:07What can I do
23:04Little luck additional time
23:07Let's see
23:09I've got to be smart about who I team up with it's better if I choose a player who has a weapon. I don't possess
23:16somebody useful somebody useful
23:20He's super fast and super dumb
23:24Hey, man, why are you still here is on tattoo? Well, I'm waiting for Nagi and rail to materialize
23:31He might fit the bill
23:33You sure they haven't already moved on without you
23:39There's a sound logic to that
23:41Man, now I have to start from zero
23:44Sounds like he never entertained the possibility. All right, then. How about we team up?
23:50What would be the Mary's of this commitment, do you mean merits? Yeah those I
23:58See a way to use you better than anyone else
24:05Four eyes, let's show him
24:07Beware, I don't make mistakes unless I meet
24:11With him on my side. I can hide my dumb and look cool fine
24:14Then as they say yesterday's friend is today's friend. That's yesterday's enemy
24:20How stupid is this guy?
24:23So who else I'll be picking
24:26Let me think
24:28Someone who at least has a double-digit IQ