Blue Lock Episode 17 Eng Dub

  • le mois dernier
Blue Lock Episode 17 Eng Dub
00:15They have an understanding of each other's weapons by bringing out their teammates abilities
00:20They've achieved a tribe fusion on a higher plane even surpassing geniuses like Bato and Nagi
00:30They're strong
00:32Really strong between the three of them. They've got solid offense and defense. No glaring weaknesses
00:38Yet, I don't care
00:40I'm just itching to test out this new and improved version of myself and find out what kind of chemical reactions
00:47We've got as a team. Let's go
00:50I'm ready whenever you are
00:52Don't tell me what to do
02:00I'm not sure if I'm going to be able to make it to the finals, but I'm going to try my best to make it to the finals, and I'm going to try my best to make it to the finals, and I'm going to try my best to make it to the finals, and I'm going to try my best to make it to the finals, and I'm going to try my best to make it to the finals, and I'm going to try my best to make it to the finals, and I'm going to try my best to make it to the finals, and I'm going to try my best to make it to the finals, and I'm going to try my best to make it to the finals, and I'm going to try my best to make it to the finals, and I'm going to try my best to make it to the finals, and I'm going to try my best to make it to the finals, and I'm going to try my best to make it to the finals, and I'm going to try my best to
02:30make it to the finals, and I'm going to try my best to make it to the finals, and I'm going to try my best to make it to the finals, and I'm going to try my best to make it to the finals, and I'm going to try my best to make it to the finals, and I'm going to try my best to make it to the finals, and I'm going to try my best to make it to the finals, and I'm going to try my best to make it to the finals, and I'm going to try my best to make it to the finals, and I'm going to try my best to make it to the finals, and I'm going to try my best to make it to the finals, and I'm going to try my best to make it to the finals, and I'm going to try my best to make it to the finals, and I'm going to try my best to make it to the finals, and I'm going to try my best to make it to the finals, and I'm going to
03:00try my best to make it to the finals, and I'm going to try my best to make it to the finals, and I'm going to try my best to make it to the finals, and I'm going to try my best to make it to the finals, and I'm going to try my best to make it to the finals, and I'm going to try my best to make it to the finals, and I'm going to try my best to make it to the finals, and I'm going to try my best to make it to the finals, and I'm going to try my best to make it to the finals, and I'm going to try my best to make it to the finals, and I'm going to try my best to make it to the finals, and I'm going to try my best to make it to the finals, and I'm going to try my best to make it to the finals, and I'm going to try my best to make it to the finals, and I'm going to try my best to make it to the finals, and
03:30I'm going to try my best to make it to the finals, and I'm going to try my best to make it to the finals, and I'm going to try my best to make it to the finals, and I'm going to try my best to make it to the finals, and I'm going to try my best to make it to the finals, and I'm going to try my best to make it to the finals, and I'm going to try my best to make it to the finals, and I'm going to try my best to make it to the finals, and I'm going to try my best to make it to the finals, and I'm going to try my best to make it to the finals, and I'm going to try my best to make it to the finals, and I'm going to try my best to make it to the finals, and I'm going to try my best to make it to the finals, and I'm going to try my best to make it to the finals, and I'm going to try my best to make it to
04:00the finals, and I'm going to try my best to make it to the finals, and I'm going to
04:30try my best to make it to the finals, and I'm going to try my best to make it to the
05:00This can't be happening. I could pass it to Bato, but each route I foresee, each trail, goes cold and dies!
05:08As things are now, I can't make a chemical reaction with Bato.
05:13Then, what are my options with Nagi?
05:17Whoa! The images of potential goals are endless!
05:22Nagi's on the move. He can definitely score if I pass to him!
05:27Guess that means I've evolved to the point where I can sense his off-the-ball maneuvers!
05:32We've got this, Nagi! Here it comes!
05:35That's way ahead of you. Think you can get there before me?
05:38You know something? No matter how fast you are, that doesn't change the fact.
05:46People can't turn on a dime!
05:52Jiggity came in at top speed, but Nagi controlled it the other way and created a path to shoot!
05:58That play went beyond my vision! This is it!
06:04My chemical reaction with Nagi!
06:09That's a start!
06:12The guy is a monster.
06:15Really? Come on! He's even better than last time!
06:21Nice pass back there. We got this.
06:26Who needs Bato?
06:28Yeah, but we're barely holding our own against them.
06:33The missing piece is a chemical reaction with Bato.
06:36That will be the key to winning this game!
06:41Hey Bato, hear me out.
06:44The way we're playing right now, I'm not smelling a goal from you.
06:49You gotta consider plays that let Nagi and me score, okay?
06:53We need to make every chance count.
06:56No one's gonna create a chemical reaction on their own.
06:59How many times do I have to say it, you donkey?
07:02I'll win this through my goals and mine alone.
07:05I'd rather drop dead right this second than play for somebody else's sake.
07:09I get it. But you passing to one of us could open up more options, don't you think?
07:14And that might turn into more chances for you to score!
07:17Might isn't good enough. I'll win how I want to win, period!
07:22I'm not considering any other option.
07:24Yeah, I got that. And I'm saying we'll lose if you keep it up.
07:27That's fine by me. If I have to change my core principle, then I'd rather lose.
07:33That stubborn way of thinking is destroying your potential! Why can't you understand that?!
07:40You're better than this, I can tell!
07:43I teamed up with you because I knew you could be so much more, and I still do!
07:48But at this rate, your career ends here!
07:53Hey. Watch your damn mouth, you stupid donkey.
07:59You think I don't know I should be winning with talent like mine?
08:03The guy more frustrated with me than anyone... me, dammit. Me.
08:11To hell with your chemical reactions. To hell with making the most of each other's plays.
08:19That might be the kind of soccer you want, but it makes me want to puke.
08:26You just want me to follow your orders.
08:29Say it however you like, but that's the only thing I'm hearing, you damn donkey.
08:36It's not surprising. We're both egoists, after all.
08:41In the end, we can only live life our way.
08:45But don't think for a second you can control me.
08:51Well, you said your piece. Don't get hung up on Bato. We can win this without him.
08:58Yeah, I guess so.
09:02Dammit. Why am I so hung up on Bato?
09:06To win this game? Or is it because I don't like seeing talent go to waste?
09:12What do I need to do to make a chemical reaction happen with him?
09:16The guy's got some nerve.
09:19I can't believe he's keeping up the king shtick even though his plan obviously isn't working.
09:25If you never admit defeat, then you'll never know the lingering ache of true frustration.
09:37Hey, Oichi Isugi. Can you help me out? I still don't get it.
09:42Why the hell would Nagi choose a guy like you?
09:46Seriously, what is his deal? It's getting annoying.
09:50Why wouldn't he? What, you have some amazing talent I don't?
09:55No. I don't have any super special weapons like you, Chigiri, and Kunigami.
10:01Which is why in this match, I'm only thinking about winning!
10:06That was nuts! He may not have Chigiri's speed or Kunigami's physique, but you need more than average skills to stop him!
10:13I'm going to win this game, and in the process, prove you were the wrong choice!
10:20Let's go! Reio! Damn it!
10:23Crap! They're ripping us apart!
10:25No doubt about it. Reio's the core of their team.
10:29He's got Chigiri's weapon on his right, and Kunigami's on his left.
10:33He's a utility player who's balancing their offense and defense.
10:37If Chigiri and Kunigami are players with specialized skills, then Reio is a player who excels in every area.
10:45His flawless all-rounder style is his true strength!
10:51I've got you.
10:52You're done, red guy.
10:54The hell I am. Don't go lumping me in with that self-centered king of yours.
11:00I'm not all about just pushing through!
11:03He's centered it? Gotta stop him!
11:06I'll get in front of Reio and then out of the way!
11:19A perfectly balanced tri-fusion. These guys are ridiculously strong!
11:26Maybe Nagi's right, and I should give up on Bato.
11:31So do I shift my focus to how we can win with just the two of us?
11:36No. I can't even picture how we would do that.
11:40We'll score one or two, but still end up losing.
11:43Think. How do we come back and win from here?
11:48Your genius is adaptability.
11:51Maybe adaptability means rising to the level of every new enemy I face.
11:58That's it. If I can't make the most of Bato's style...
12:07I've got to... devour him!
12:18I was wrong. I thought if I tried to sync up with Bato's style, he'd respond in kind.
12:26No. But don't think for a second you can control me.
12:31That's just trying to control someone and expecting them to reward you for it.
12:35That's not what it means to be adaptable.
12:39I'm not here to match my playstyle to a stubborn teammate's. I'm here to win.
12:45You know the reason? Because you're not afraid of change.
12:49To win, I have to change the way I use my talent.
12:54Don't rely on Bato. Forget making the most of his moves.
12:59Instead, devour his style and dominate the field!
13:04Nagi, you and I are going to win this match.
13:08Good. You finally sound like you mean it.
13:11Just keep your eyes on me.
13:12Sir, yes sir.
13:19The score is 1-3. We have to make the next goal.
13:24No surprise, given how the match has gone so far, the other team is wary of Nagi.
13:30Looking around, Reio is marking me so I can't pass to Nagi.
13:34But even if I do manage to get one through, they're all positioned so they can quickly move to outnumber him.
13:40Kunigami's marking Bato, but barely.
13:43He knows that's all he needs to do to shut the king down at this point.
13:47I can't blame him. Bato's been useless the whole game.
13:51And that's a fact. One that everyone on the field is aware of.
13:55I can tell. Because the routes to Nagi are getting fewer and narrower than before.
14:01So I'll set my sights on Bato!
14:04It's not passing me.
14:06That's the right call, you donkey.
14:07Go ahead, king.
14:09Beg for a pass from me.
14:12Hey, I don't think so!
14:14That's it, Kunigami.
14:16Get dragged away by Bato's charge.
14:19My target is the genius behind him.
14:23It's yours.
14:27Really? He got us!
14:29This guy!
14:30He dribbled like he was going to pass to Bato, but it was a fake-out to divert attention away from Nagi and create a path straight to him!
14:38Nice one, Isagi.
14:40No, you don't!
14:42Forget it! He'll just evade you with his takedown!
14:47Man, you almost overcommitted again.
14:51That was a close one. You made it look real tempting there.
14:54Nice work, princess! Let's double up on it!
14:57Now that you're not moving, you're not so tricky.
15:00I'm open!
15:02You're pain in the ass, Bato!
15:04I said, I don't think so!
15:07Nice, Kunigami! Shigeru and I will stop Nagi!
15:10Oh, I see you.
15:14Everyone's focused on what I'm doing, but in this space, only I can see.
15:21You're waiting for the right moment to burst out of the darkness, out of their blind spot.
15:27Kept my eyes on you.
15:29What? Seriously? Was all this a setup?
15:34Everything was so Isagi could get himself in front of the goal?
15:39So this guy was...
15:41A decoy!
15:43No matter how much you knock on the door to someone's heart, in the end, you can't change them.
15:49Which is why you have to be the one to change yourself.
15:53When the world around you isn't following your plan, the only way to fix it is to fix you!
15:59If I can't see the light that leads to the goal, then I need to become the light!
16:05Watch me, Bato! This is how I adapt your style!
16:10You brought darkness to this field, so I'll devour it!
16:16And turn it into light!
16:22Did this guy just... use me...
16:27To score the goal himself?
16:31Holy crap, what was that?
16:34Did he... plan all of that?
16:37So that's what Yuichi Isagi can do.
16:40And now he's chasing after...
16:43This egoist!
16:46Welp, comeback time.
16:50Listen up, Bato.
16:52You just keep playing the way you are.
16:54And don't drag us down.
16:57I'm telling you that you better not get in our way...
17:05Who is he calling Donkey?
17:08I'll kill him.
17:13I'm just gonna have to prove it.
17:15There's only one king on this field.
17:18And it's me.
17:24What's up with him?
17:26His whole aura has changed.
17:28What exactly is he seeing?
17:30It'd be pretty risky to go all in against him when I've got no idea.
17:35My teammates understand that too.
17:37They're wary of him and are expecting me to pass.
17:41I shouldn't be the one setting us up right now!
17:45This is the link-up play we practiced.
17:47Straight to Kunigami!
17:49Got it!
17:51If the ball won't come to me, I'll go to it!
17:54Weird seeing you so desperate, king.
17:57But you won't beat me in a battle of physique!
18:01Just you watch!
18:03This ball is mine!
18:07Pass it here! I'm open!
18:09Screw you! I'm taking the shot!
18:11You know, you should listen to the common folk every now and then.
18:13It might help.
18:15What he said!
18:17I lost it again.
18:19Dammit! This time for sure!
18:24The hell?
18:26What's he doing there?
18:28No way!
18:30Did he purposefully take up that position?
18:32Knowing this would happen when Bato won the ball?
18:36Misaki's evolving at an unbelievable rate.
18:39But he won't leave me behind!
18:41I've got him!
18:44A pass?
18:46How calm can you get?
18:50I'll be taking that.
18:57Good. We're all caught up.
19:02How does this guy keep reading our moves?
19:05Right now, it's all them.
19:08These two guys are dominating the field.
19:14We'll lose if we don't do something.
19:17If we keep relying on our weapons,
19:19they'll read us and shut us down.
19:21Go, Chiri!
19:23Like Nagi said,
19:25my weakness is the moment I control the ball.
19:27I already know how to stop you,
19:31No matter how fast I run,
19:33I slow down when I have to receive the ball.
19:36He's planning to use that extra moment to block my path.
19:39In which case,
19:41it's all or nothing!
19:44With the first touch,
19:46I'll propel the ball forward without stopping it!
19:50It works!
19:52I can maintain top speed and redirect the ball ahead of me
19:55at the same pace!
19:57And no slowdown dribble!
20:01Just try and stop me, Bato.
20:03I'm not like you.
20:05You won't survive in the world of my top speed.
20:09How do you like my new technique?
20:10With it,
20:12me and my speed
20:14will not be dominated!
20:23Let's go!
20:28Did he just evolve?
20:31This is awesome.
20:34Glad you picked yourself up.
20:36It's a good sign.
20:38Because you could never be the number one striker
20:41if you were groveling before us!
21:07What is this taste?
21:11This season is too complicated.
21:15I don't know where to start.
21:20I want you to understand me.
21:25What is this taste?
21:28I'm afraid of the dark.
21:32I can never take a step forward.
21:37I'm stuck in the ground.
21:41My hands are cold.
21:47Loveless like a ginger.
21:49Loveless like a ginger.
21:51It hurts.
21:53No, I'm just thirsty.
21:56Even if I have a dream that won't come true.
21:58Even if I have a night that won't come.
22:00Someday, somewhere,
22:03we'll meet again.
22:05Let's do it.
22:07We still have hope.
22:10Even if it's just a little thing,
22:13it'll be a souvenir.
22:35And Naruhaya.
22:37Not like I'd team with him anyway.
22:39So it's whatever.
22:41Wait, are you the only one left?
22:43Wish we had a broader selection.
22:45I'd pick Nagi or Isagi.
22:47By the way...
22:49You're so annoying! Cut it out, Waniba brother!
22:51What the hell do you want, huh?
22:53Oh, I forgot.
22:55Your little brother used to interpret for you.
22:58But Aichi and I can try and take a stab at it.
23:02Is it, where can I get sushi?
23:06Where can I find samurai?
23:12He's not some tourist from overseas.
23:15Plus, I couldn't care less about this slimy piece of garbage.
23:19Bet he's complaining about something.
23:21No, you're wrong!
23:24Listen to me!
23:27So we can talk?
23:30All right, that's better.
23:32Jingo and Aichi.
23:33First of all, I love how difficult you are to shake off.
23:36Not everyone can manage that at this level.
23:39Despite your rough playstyle, your insight and persistence shine.
23:43It's no exaggeration to say that you are why your team survived.
23:46And King Gagamaru.
23:48Your totally unexpected and original plays make you one of a kind!
23:52It may appear that you're doing stuff at random,
23:54but you picked the optimal choice,
23:56backed by your flexible yet strong physical traits.
23:59And via that, you captured my heart!
24:00I can't help but feel that we would make a good match!
24:04Therefore, we should team up!
24:06Wow, you really think so?
24:09If you insist.