Blue Lock Episode 18 Eng Dub

  • le mois dernier
Blue Lock Episode 18 Eng Dub
00:18When did this happen, how did I get brought to my knees without making a single goal the entire game?
00:26I'm the king of the field not these plebs
00:31Even back then I always played the lead performer
00:38Man Bato, you're amazing. I
00:42Had real talent. I'm glad you're on our team. I'd hate to play against you
00:48Everyone else was relegated to a supporting role
00:51You want to win then stay out of my way so I can score
00:59They're happy even if they're side characters why bother playing soccer at all
01:06I'm the king not them
01:11Eventually, I gave up figuring the others out and pursued my own style of soccer
01:17Then suddenly one day the answer finally became clear to me
01:22I didn't like soccer just because I got to feel like royalty
01:26And yeah, obviously it wasn't because I loved kicking a ball around either
01:30I liked it because there were always players who dedicated their whole lives to the sport and thought they were the lead
01:38Until I showed up and eclipsed their spotlight
01:43There's nothing more exhilarating than shoving them off the stage
01:50I know that feeling more than anyone
01:54It's pure joy
01:56Nothing else even comes close and only the strongest get to experience it
03:12No, so go there
03:25It's coming totally
03:33We're nearly caught up, but they're only one point away from winning. Let's go even the score. Yeah, I'll come back start
03:45In you go
03:47Are you kidding just went for it?
03:50Yeah, damn it. Kunigami get the loose ball. That ball's all ours. They owe time for a swift counter
03:58Go ahead and try it muscle boy. I dare you
04:02Man, the psycho got on me fast
04:04Pass over here. We can't lose it. You're so close. Nice. It's yours
04:13He read my movements, no you don't you can't have it your way all the time guys loose ball
04:25Finally it's arrived my chance to remind them that I'm the lead character
04:30The shot sounds wide open
04:33This one's going in the goal. I just got to eat up the last few meters with my first touch
04:39You're still going to be one step short King
04:42Next drive. I'm faster than you. Yeah
04:45Bastard, if I take a touch, I'll catch up to me. Damn. Damn. Damn
04:51What do I do shoot when I'm out of range? It's not fair
04:56My ideal zone is right there. Just one step away. I
05:02Won't make it
05:08I'm waiting pass
05:44Was a nice pass donkey
05:49Do me a favor and stay out of my way so I can score
05:56What is this feeling
06:05Despair has my heart in a death grip
06:10Is this what defeat feels like?
06:14That pass I made it wasn't my choice
06:18It was forced out of me in that moment. I was defeated by
06:25Yoichi's Saki
06:28If you're smart, you'll move
06:30Her I'll kill you. You have no talent
06:34You jump the way you're talking now, you must want the king to personally demolish you shut up loser
06:41You'll do what you do best and serve me
06:43I'd rather drop dead right this second then play for somebody else's sake you wanna win stand clear and I'll score
06:51He swooped in and stole the lead role
06:56Sucker no longer exists to serve me
07:05No king at all
07:09He said he's kind of a badass
07:12This next play will decide it all just keep him from reaching the ball. No matter what got that, right?
07:18There's no stopping him if he does
07:21The balls are so we control the last play whatever it takes we have to make this next goal
07:26If they get possession, we're done and I say we should rely on my speed
07:31It gives us the best possibility of scoring at least right now. Okay
07:36That's the general plan then we're betting it all on this shot. You've got no other choice
07:43This game is ours. Yeah, that's the only reason I'm here
07:49It's gonna be their ball at the restart
07:52So our first priority is stealing it from them agreed, but we need to keep an eye out for Chigiri
07:59He can outrun us in a footrace every time even if we mark him
08:03And if his controls the same as earlier his speed won't drop at all
08:07If we sprint at the same time, there's no way we can catch up to him in that case
08:14We'll have to stop him before it comes to that
08:18Sounds like you have a plan. I do leave it out to me. Uh, just a sec
08:23Shouldn't we be sharing this with him? It's way easier to defend with three and it's all over if they score before us
08:32There's nothing we can say that will matter to a king dethroned
08:36You and I will have to settle this the last play is up to us. Got it
08:50Looks like they're focusing all their defense on blocking my route to Chigiri. Well, the one that Kunikami is wide open
08:57Meaning they don't care if I pass it that way
09:00Crap, I'm going to use Chigiri's speed, but passing from here will put him at a disadvantage
09:08Now I just got a laser sight on him
09:10No doubt about it. They've seen through our tactics
09:13Heads up
09:15So I'm not a threat huh, but what now can't risk a less-than-perfect pass should I try losing Bato?
09:22No, that's just as risky
09:25Heyo, I gotcha. This won't work. Kunikami and I can't go on the attack here. Wait, what the hell am I thinking?
09:31I can take this guy. He wants to block Chigiri's route
09:36And I'll break it wide open
09:39Not yet first draw him in I don't need to get past all I need is a clear path a single opening
09:49There it is
09:52Take the shot
09:54Okay, I
09:56Beat you you eat. She eats a game leave it to me
10:05Where's he going
10:07Nagi's chasing down my pass. There's no way
10:11He knew he couldn't outrun Chigiri. So he decided to not even try and intercept my pass himself
10:18Thanks for the assist. Oh, I was wondering when you'd make your move my move
10:24You've got to be kidding. This was part of his plan
10:31But if he doesn't get the touch Chigiri will and it's game over for them great chance
10:40Are they insane just minutes left in the match and they took this big of a gamble
10:47Time for you to check airborne the ball's loose
10:57Let's go donkey
11:01Come on and bring it King
11:04After accepting this thing called defeat it became crystal clear. The field was lighting up to showcase his goals
11:12not mine
11:14Strangely enough, it doesn't bother me that much maybe because I don't have to worry about being the lead anymore
11:22I'm here too. You know this guy
11:25Hold up you bastard
11:28Didn't really think it would be that easy. Did you don't you ever run out of stamina princess?
11:33I've never felt like this
11:36All these scoring rats. It's like they're taunting me with them
11:41Even as a supporting actor if I pass we can win. I'm a vital piece of the goal
11:48The two of them and they're shining too bright for me
11:53Dammit, I finally understand
11:57Every time those supporting actors would pass the ball to me. This must have been how they felt
12:05This sense of defeat I can save myself from it if I entrust the goal to a better
12:15We can win if I kick to them
12:17So this is what it means to be a team
12:20This is how I create a chemical reaction with them
12:24For the defeated man in the supporting role, this is his reason for existing
12:35It's like a thousand hands for holding me back
12:40Is this the future after I make this pass? I can see it now. I could leave the goal to them
12:49It might even relieve me of this sense of defeat
12:54No, that must be a lie an escape for those with broken dreams
13:00Who can't stand to think their lives were wasted?
13:05Nothing but a loser's excuse
13:10The idea of living like that
13:15Is the future
13:20Refuse to accept a chop paint and a cute ankle dribbling. Show me my new path
13:28Wow, no, he could do that
13:31This isn't good. If he passes the easy key, we're done for which way
13:36Who will he try to go past me?
13:39No, he's definitely going for a blast
13:41No way he uses he has a decoy he's changing direction without losing power a lightning dribble
13:49This guy for real
13:51He's evolving right as the match is about to end
13:54Ziggy move what I'm not gonna pass. I
13:58Can see it. I can feel it because I experienced the beat
14:02I made a discovery an entirely new way of viewing the field
14:05Because I experienced the beat I made a discovery an entirely new way of viewing the field
14:11Not a route dependent on some lead actor, but a path that exists solely for me a twisted path
14:19He used to use the shield to conceal his next attack while you stood in the light I was the shadow you didn't see
14:26Now it's time for the darkness to devour you
14:30If their teammates, why are they cannibalizing each other's place?
14:34So this is botto's awakening
14:38By devouring each other to get ahead we've found our chemical reaction he's running a path around their entire team
14:48I won't be reduced to a supporting role
14:51move it
14:53So you want to be the lead fine, then i'm more than happy to play the villain the one who devours your light
15:05Welcome back majesty
15:14From now on this king walks a twisted path
15:31No way
15:34Final score four to five. This concludes the third stage of blue lock second selection the three versus three rivalry battle
15:45The winner of the match is team white
15:55First off take it back now, let's hear it
16:00Still think i'm a donkey
16:04No, man, I made a huge mistake turns out you're even cooler than I thought
16:10Being around you really throws me off my game nice shot
16:16Guys we won victory tackle. Yeah
16:19You're right on my bastard get off of me
16:23But seriously though those chops. You're awesome. Why did you keep it a secret, dude?
16:29I didn't it just sort of came to me out there. Oh, come on
16:34Tell us we want to know more
16:38Since forever
16:40I thought the field belonged to me and everybody else was the supporting cast
16:44Didn't matter the players or the teams. It was all about me
16:48but then
16:50You two came along and for the first time I had to give up the lead role to someone else
16:55So to survive here in blue lock I decided to dominate the field as the villain instead
17:02That's all there is to it
17:05Well, I guess it helped we had crazy strong opponents if they'd been weaker than you might never have had your insight
17:13Yeah, I can't argue with that
17:15So that explains it this new chop dribbling weapon of yours was created when it felt like your back was against the wall
17:23There's no getting around it. You are amazing. Shut up
17:27My dream is to become the world's best striker doesn't make any difference to me
17:30If I have to play the villain for that to happen just as long as i'm the king
17:36And isagi i'm never losing to you again
17:40You hear me?
17:43Wait, he called him by his actual name
17:46Not donkey loser, etc. Oh, yeah
17:48Huh, you're a pain in the ass. Mr. Hasselman. No one's counting except you dude use my name. It's nagi
17:56Not mr. Hasselman
17:58Not a chance. Can it pest? Hey, come on. No need to be rude
18:05We did good
18:09Nice game. Yep
18:18He got past three elite players using his chop dribble then fired an ultra precise shot into the top right corner of the goal
18:24Going purely off technique. He'd rank as one of the foremost talents in japanese soccer this show a battle
18:30I bet his awakening was part of your plan from the very beginning. That was his talent yours has always been wrong
18:38Listen closely on me in the world of competition defeat is a naturally occurring phenomenon that must always exist
18:45The idea of even the world's best striker winning every single match. Well, it's an absurdity
18:51What is crucial are the lessons gleaned from losing?
18:55When you're bested it means being expelled from the arena and for a warrior, there's no worse fate
19:02And yet many average joes refuse to properly sear that feeling into their minds thus they don't grow
19:10They taste defeat due to their weakness and lack of talent
19:13In lieu of confronting their mistakes. They instead choose to make excuses
19:19Subconsciously explaining it away they would so what i'm just getting started. That's right when it comes to life
19:26There's no game over
19:28It's a defense mechanism to trick themselves into thinking their hard work was all worth it and staying the course is the right answer
19:34This bad habit. I like to call it dream doping
19:38Their goal used to be achieving their dream, but now it's the act of chasing after it
19:44I have zero interest in that garbage these fools who continue deluding themselves clinging tightly to a phantom
19:51If you don't dedicate your life to reaching the top, what's the point?
19:55Still defeat's vital you're at the crossroads of your dream
20:00You need to have genuine strength or you won't fully realize your powerlessness in that moment
20:07Feeling despair is a must
20:10There's a different path
20:12One you can only see after you've given up the road you're currently on
20:16It opens up all sorts of possibilities
20:19Those athletes who were brave enough to confront their despair head-on finally have the power to achieve their dream
20:26Now then as for the losers
20:30You've reached your own crossroads
20:34So close we nearly had them
20:37If that pass had gotten through I would have scored and we would have won
20:42It's my fault
20:44I wasn't good enough
20:46Once they showed us their true strength, I never stood a chance
20:51That's reality
20:54It's over why did I even bother trying?
21:01All right time to decide oh, yeah, we gotta pick yep
21:08Who can help me beat it in and win bachata back?
21:12And who gets left behind so
21:20Who are we taking
22:595 30 a.m. Wake up check emails do morning yoga
23:036 30 wake up ego and clean up his disaster zone of a room an hour later make breakfast
23:099 a.m. Go over the health data for each athlete and meet with ego
23:1310 a.m. Check the current progress on the selection 10 30 update each player's personal data
23:1812 30 p.m. Lunchtime forget the hot water gotta work hard in the afternoon so we can win the world cup
23:241 30 p.m. Learn more about soccer also snack time three o'clock. Check the selection progress again
23:313 30 another meeting with ego
23:34Afterwards at 6 p.m. Write up reports for the jfu 7 30. Check the health data of each player 8 30
23:40The work day is finally over 9 o'clock time to make some dinner
23:46I'm so beat
23:48Now that I think about it ego only eats instant cup noodles. That can't be healthy for him
23:54I want him to try something nutritious for a change
23:58Hungry ego. How about a late night snack of stir fried veggies?
24:02Also, we have broccoli salad
24:10Yum, I suppose this kind of food's not so bad occasionally you ruined everything you jerk
24:20Stay strong honoree. Keep your composure. I
24:24I'm glad you enjoy it
24:26Well off to bed the things I endure for the sake of winning a world cup