Blue Lock Episode 24 Eng Dub

  • le mois dernier
Blue Lock Episode 24 Eng Dub
00:31You're a little too high, a little possibility
00:36And come on, pull the trigger, oh yeah, yeah, feel so good
00:41I'll tear you to shreds and take you away
00:44I'll make you cry, that's all I'm here for
00:47I'll bite you to death, I'll make you feel my ego
00:50I'll make you scream, I'm the fanfare of awakening
00:52I should face the truth, find my way out
00:55If you drag me down, I'll be taken down
00:57I should face the truth, find my way out
01:00If you drag me down, I'll be taken down
01:03Let's roll
01:04I love it, judgment, judgment, take me away
01:07I don't care about your stupid ideals anymore
01:10This world is one in two, crawl up from the bottom of the abyss
01:15Judgment, judgment, give it away
01:17Let's change this boring argument
01:21This world is one in two, pride is useless in the bottom of the abyss
01:26I'll destroy my own happiness
01:30If you want to laugh at the end
01:33If you don't want to be laughed at
01:36To grab hold of everything
01:38I love judgment
01:56That goal just now
01:58It was based off my off-the-ball movement when I tried devouring Bachira's strategy
02:03Even the World Five were caught off guard
02:05And it even fed off that
02:07Those three are amazing
02:09How did they score a goal against the World Five so fast?
02:12Iseki and Bachira can push each other to greater heights
02:15Baori devours both of them
02:18That last match let those three combo off each other
02:21And it even works against the world's top players
02:23Wow, really? They're so cool
02:26Yeah, they formed a perfect triangle
02:29How fabulously planned
02:31Add me in and we'll make it a stylish square
02:34Huh? I want in too
02:36We can make it a pentagon
02:38If you want to join us, then be my guest
02:40Right, let's see how far we can go
02:43I told you we're going to win
02:47Sure, that goal worked
02:49But I wasn't the one who made it
02:51This time, I'm going to score
02:57Bring it on, Mr. I'm-17-and-already-play-for-France
03:02Is he looking for someone to pass to?
03:04Um, is this okay?
03:07At this distance, you've got nothing except weak spots
03:10Here we go, his first touch
03:14This guy's built different
03:16His acceleration is explosive
03:23Once he's in top gear, he doesn't slow down his dribbling
03:25Even with those huge strides
03:27How is this guy eating up so much ground with every single touch?
03:30He's passed us before we can even react
03:32Your route's too obvious
03:35You've got good foresight, but I'm fast
03:41He has a higher gear?
03:43So this is the child prodigy's speed
03:50They're real. They are the best in the world
03:53Come on, Loki, don't do it all yourself
03:55Yeah, pass it next time, you jerk
03:57Okay, I've had enough anyway
03:59Let's finish this up and head to showers
04:02You guys, we're screwed
04:04He probably has. He's quite fast
04:06Chigurh, he's got competition
04:08Just shut up and give me the ball. You got that?
04:17Are you that scared of Loki's speed?
04:20You've just got tunnel vision from a lack of experience
04:23Take it away, baby
04:27Bajira! We can box him in!
04:35He made a high-speed backspin pass right between us?
04:39So you're aiming here?
04:41You do realize I'm winning this aerial battle?
04:44You're going down!
04:48Aria's not in control of the airspace anymore?
04:52No, no! Not right here!
04:54Don't worry, I'll clear it away from him!
04:58I haven't got any interest in male bodies
05:01Tokimitsu just got out-muscled
05:04Not good. Speed, anticipation, kicking, jumping, physical strength
05:10They're overpowering every single weapon we have
05:14All those hard lessons we learned in Bluelock
05:17None of them are working
05:21The way we are now
05:23We don't have a chance of defeating these players
05:29I've seen the peak
05:31And it feels like we're so far away
05:34This is the level I'm aiming for?
05:36This is the level I'm aiming for?
05:39Soccer is amazing
05:44They have real talent
05:46The kind I need to win
05:48Not yet
05:50Come on, the game's not over yet!
05:56I like you, as expected of Sai's brother
06:00Unlike your team, you really still think that you can win this
06:04Sorry to discourage you
06:14Come on, that's no good
06:16If you open your legs that easily
06:18People are gonna start thinking you're a loose guy
06:30Don't be depressed
06:32This was just an assessment
06:33There is no way you could have won!
06:36Time for us to report back to Egu about your skills
06:39Adios, you lads of talent
06:41Let's meet again on a green field
06:57Damn it!
07:04You're paying these world-class players a hundred million each
07:08And a gold bonus of one million on top
07:10We are hemorrhaging money
07:12How much more do you intend on wasting?
07:14Exactly! Explain the point of this nonsense now
07:17And sit like a normal human
07:19Spare the rod and spoil the child, as they say
07:22We're giving these children a taste of the real world, bitter though it may be
07:26Then again, I'm talking to a bunch of old geezers here
07:29You've learned to give up so easily
07:31You've forgotten what it means to dream
07:33You think you're above us, Brett?
07:35That's quite enough
07:37We gave you a chance
07:39Your little blue lock project has been cancelled
07:41End of story
07:43But why this sudden decision?
07:46Complaints from parents
07:48An unclear picture of the project's aim
07:50And more importantly
07:52The fact that it has failed to produce any visible results
07:55So we need to put an end to this whole foolish thing
07:58You want results?
08:00Well then I'll give you results
08:04I'm talking a big match, boss man
08:06The time has come for Blue Lock to change this country
08:15There's no getting around it, we drowned out there
08:18Yeah, here I thought I'd gotten stronger since coming to Blue Lock
08:22But that match was quite a humbling experience
08:25You know, it helped though
08:26We faced athletes who seemed to us like they lived in a television screen
08:30But now, this whole best in the world thing feels a bit more real
08:34Yeah, I think I know what you mean
08:37Becoming the world's top striker doesn't seem like just a fantasy anymore
08:41It's far off for sure, but definitely within sight
08:46That must have been the point of that game
08:48Experiencing this feeling
08:52He was different
08:54When we'd given up
08:56He was still convinced we could actually beat the world five
08:59Midway through
09:01I was overwhelmed
09:03I felt I was merely testing myself against better players
09:06I was happy just taking on athletes I admire
09:09And accepting that this was the best I could do for now
09:14It's remarkable how frustrated you got
09:19I look up to those on the world stage
09:22Whereas you see them as equals that must be defeated
09:26That's how I know you have what it takes to become the best in the world
09:31Rin, I swear
09:34I'll watch from my front row seat
09:36Until the day I surpass even you
09:48Then Monday
09:52Next up, Wed
09:54Wednesday, right?
09:56It's Wednesday, idiot
09:58I swear, how the hell did you get into high school?
10:01The only one you got right was Sunday
10:03Excuse me, Rin
10:05When Westerners introduce themselves
10:07Is it true they'll say I'm instead of my name is?
10:09Hey, Rin
10:11Do I pronounce my T-H-U-s correctly?
10:13To make it sound right, you have to let me bite your tongue
10:16Let's listen to this conversation
10:18We don't have anyone else who knows this
10:20Come on and help us out
10:22Death tongue tooth
10:24Am I doing it right?
10:26Figure it out yourselves
10:28I've got it
10:30It's fly day
10:32We've had it up to here with all your crap
10:35How long do we have to keep doing this anyway?
10:37This is the kind of thing we need to practice
10:40If we're going to play on the world stage someday
10:42Sorry, you're surely
10:44Why not give your arms a good shabby shabby?
10:46I bit my tongue
10:48There they go, again
10:51Your attention please
10:53The second selection has now concluded
10:54All remaining players advance to the third selection
10:57It's over with?
10:59On to the next challenge
11:01I was getting tired of studying
11:03Let's go
11:05And proceed to the central joint room immediately
11:08About time
11:10The next stage is starting
11:12A total of thirty-five athletes from seven teams
11:14Have advanced to the third selection
11:16You will enter in the order you passed
11:18Did she say only seven teams?
11:21Not many players made it through
11:22You're right
11:24We started with 300
11:26Which means 265 have been kicked out
11:28I wonder if those guys made it through
11:31Like us
11:33Hey there, don't tell me our Team Z days
11:35Have gotten you all sentimental
11:37No way
11:39Just wondering how much stronger they are now
11:41Excited to see where their evolution took them
11:43You know
11:45And not only those guys
11:47I'm sure there will be players we've never even met
11:49Who are killing it
11:51Attention players
11:53Will the first team to pass the selection
11:55Please enter
12:01So, um, is anybody else nervous?
12:04I mean, who do you think the other players will be?
12:07No idea
12:09But whoever they are, they won't be weak
12:11He has a point
12:13We had to battle our way to make it this far
12:15So did everyone else
12:17At this time, could the second team to pass
12:18Please enter the central joint room
12:20How you got here doesn't matter
12:22If you're gone
12:24You didn't have what it takes to be the best in the world
12:26Whatever the outcome
12:28I'll accept it
12:30This is Blue Lock after all
12:41Told you we'd be back, donkey
12:43Feels like it's been a million years
12:44What's up, guys?
12:46Dante's here
12:48I figured he would be
12:50You made it through
12:52I'm the fourth one
12:54Which makes him fifth
12:58What's the deal with your expression, Ziggy?
13:00Looks like you didn't expect us to make it through
13:02No, it's not like that at all
13:04This bastard
13:06Are you looking down on us?
13:08Cause if you are
13:10You really do see us as the supporting cast
13:12That's not true
13:14I'm happy you made it this far
13:16Getting to see you
13:18And the chance to play again
13:20It's great
13:22Of course we made it
13:24I can't quit soccer
13:26Not after losing to you
13:28You and I have a score to settle
13:30Plus I haven't beaten the top three either
13:34Let's think of this little reunion as fate
13:36For sure
13:38I knew we would play again
13:40No question
13:42Those guys really are the best
13:44Next team, would you please enter
13:52Huh? I don't think I've ever seen them before
13:55Well, it's not like we were the only ones
13:57Who've been fighting this hard
13:59Howdy there
14:03It's nice to meet you
14:06I don't need your pleasantries
14:10Could the fourth team to pass
14:12Please enter the room
14:15They all look strong
14:17The seven passed the second selection
14:19There's still three left
14:21Now presenting the fifth team to pass
14:23Would you please enter
14:28Let's go
14:43Man, I knew that you would make it through
14:46Looking forward to playing you at this stage
14:48Don't sound too thrilled
14:50I said I was going to crush you
14:53Hold on, they're missing a player
14:55Hajime Nishioka is the team's fifth
14:58Unfortunately, he was injured during the World Five game
15:01And is currently recuperating
15:03Aomori's Messi Nishioka?
15:05Sounds like everyone who made it through
15:07To the third selection got a chance to play them
15:09Two teams left
15:10Those guys will make it
15:12Won't they?
15:14Could the sixth team to pass
15:16Please enter
15:18I said get pushing
15:20I'm going to make a cool entrance
15:22With me in the middle
15:24I'll be the middle
15:26That's what I'm saying
15:28Stop jumping you bastards
15:34Moron, what did I say?
15:36Me first
15:38You screwed up our entrance
15:40You haven't changed one bit
15:42Whoa, hey
15:44It's like a reunion in here
15:46You're dead, Kakamaru
15:48Dude, I'm saying get off me
15:51Big bro Wanimus using his words?
15:53You know what I say
15:55You, me, rematch time
15:57All right, six down, one left
16:00Yeah, Reo, Kunigami
16:03They aren't here yet
16:05No, but they will be
16:07I'm certain they wouldn't let things end back there
16:10And finally
16:12The seventh team to clear the selection
16:14Could you please enter
16:17Still here?
16:21Thank you
16:33Reo, you're here
16:36Only one guy left
16:38I mean, it's gotta be him
16:40It's gotta be him
16:48Looks like that's it
16:54Where is he?
16:58That is everyone who has advanced to the third selection
17:02Hey, Reo
17:04What happened to Kunigami?
17:08We lost again
17:10And he didn't
17:14The guy didn't have what it takes to become the best striker in the world
17:17That's all there is to it
17:21That's not true
17:23Kunigami would never let it end like this
17:25Yet he's not here
17:27Oh, and I'm the one who sent him down to hell, by the way
17:30Sure, even I'll admit he had a great physique
17:33And a pure heart, too
17:35The dude was obsessed with a fair game
17:37Here's the thing
17:38Whenever you're on the field
17:40Nobody gives two shits whether or not you're a decent guy
17:43If you don't live for the explosive flashes of intense play
17:46You're trash
17:48You know the most pathetic thing about that hero?
17:50The slime was so beneath me
17:52After beating him, it didn't even help me level up
17:54Shut the hell up
17:56You don't know a thing about Kunigami
17:58I don't give a shit about his story or yours
18:01I just know that it hits
18:05He's pissing me off
18:06Anybody else?
18:08Right there with you
18:10We can take this outside if you'd like
18:12Mr. Ice spent too long in the tanning bed
18:14You're the real slime
18:16So wrong
18:18This is all sun
18:20That's enough diamonds in the rough
18:22It'd be a shame to kick you out so soon
18:24Anyway, you don't have time to worry about anyone who couldn't make it this far
18:28Don't forget, your own soccer careers might suddenly go up in smoke
18:31And in a second, you could be seen as worthless trash
18:34Along with Blue Lock itself, for that matter
18:37But before we get into that
18:39Good work
18:41The World Five soundly beat you all
18:43A truly invaluable experience, I'm sure
18:45I'll share the purpose of that match later
18:47For now, though
18:49Let's just say a lot has happened
18:51And there's been a change of plans
18:53The bigwigs behind Japanese soccer have convinced themselves that Blue Lock poses a threat and must be shut down
18:59So naturally, I've decided they need to be challenged
19:04Pay attention
19:06The next election takes place three weeks from now
19:09And the future of Blue Lock is riding on it
19:11A special match featuring Japan's under-20 team
19:14Who will be going head-to-head with the Blue Lock Eleven
19:20But it gets even better
19:22Because if you do win the match, we can successfully hijack Japan's U-20 team
19:27Wait, hijack?
19:29Do you seriously mean we could end up playing for them?
19:33Think, you're high school athletes who happen to all be forwards
19:36The suits are convinced you'll lose
19:38As soon as they heard my proposal, they snorted and readily agreed
19:42Their real motive is to can the Blue Lock project
19:45And use this showdown for exposure while raking in the money
19:50However, if we lose, we'll be a laughingstock
19:53We'll go down in history
19:55As a failed attempt to reinvent Japanese soccer
19:58Based on what you've heard, how do you feel?
20:01Frustrated at being taken so lightly?
20:03Burning with fury? Ready to shock them back into reality?
20:07What I'm about to tell you, I say calmly and pragmatically
20:13You are ready to overthrow Japanese soccer itself
20:18That being said, they're also gonna go all out for the win
20:22And so they've made a little change of their own
20:24Adding one more player to their team, Sai Itochi
20:38Now, it's time to put everything on the line
20:41All 35 of you have discovered your egos, mastered your weapons
20:45Created chemical reactions, and seen what the world's top players can do
20:49Landing a spot on Japan's U-20 team, that's no longer merely a dream
20:53It's a reality you can reach out and grab
20:57You're ready, my diamonds in the rough
21:00Together, we are ushering in a new era
21:03Here, at Bullock
21:23Over here, I'm free!
21:26One for all, and all for one
21:29I used to think soccer was a sport where 11 players fought as a single unit
21:34But now, I know that's not true
21:41In this sport, the one who scores the most is the greatest
21:45Soccer exists exclusively for strikers
21:49As one myself, I know nothing brings more joy than your own goals
21:54The only thing we live for is that moment
21:57Sorry, but I'm not fighting for the rest of you
22:01All the work I put in wasn't for someone else's dream
22:05I know who I am, what I want, and this is my dream
22:10The reason I fight
22:13I'm glad I got to battle alongside you
22:19I'm glad I got to battle alongside you
22:24It might be over for you, but the corpse you left helped me climb to this height
22:31Until recently, I was a complete nobody, an unknown in a sea of players
22:37If we win this, I could end up on Japan's U-20 team
22:42All it takes is one game, and I can change my life completely
22:47They want the same thing
22:49The only reason we're at Blue Lock is to win
22:52I won't let them end my journey
22:55I promise, with my goal, I'm going to change the world forever
23:01I'm going to become the best striker in the world
23:04Watch me!