Blue Lock Episode 23 Eng Dub

  • le mois dernier
Blue Lock Episode 23 Eng Dub
00:00This is a derivative work of the Touhou Project. It may be disrespectful of characters, places, or events.
00:05Please do not re-upload this work.
00:30But he's not the same as before. I'm gonna devour him!
00:36I believe in a future where Bachira is so unpredictable, he outruns everyone on the field!
00:42I've received so many passes from him. I can see what the old version of him never would have tried!
00:49We're in the 11th hour! I believe in you! And that's why I'm gonna win!
00:56I know you, Meguru Bachira! I knew in the end you'd choose to go it alone!
01:03In that moment, Yoichi Isegi's play surpassed even that of Rin Itoshi's.
01:10And had Meguru Bachira's shot been blocked either a centimeter to the left or to the right, perhaps the fate of these eight people would have gone differently.
01:21However, the ball randomly, mercilessly, even cruelly, landed at the feet of the victor.
01:32Game over. The final score is 5-4. Team Red wins.
01:53I did it!
02:01I fought all alone. I was convinced I didn't need anyone anymore.
02:08Here I was, in this lonely world, and you came to find me.
02:18I never doubted we'd win!
02:20Do you mind? I'm basking in the glamour to grow.
02:23Oh, sorry. So, who are we picking?
02:26Almost forgot. I wonder if he'll let us choose like last time.
02:30I won in on this. I found out I can survive without Isegi, which is why I can say this with full confidence.
02:37We should pick...
02:39The only one I want is...
02:41Shut up. I'm deciding.
02:46And no objections allowed. The final play of the game, I was totally unable to read it.
02:53I haven't felt defeat like this since I came here. Not until that moment.
02:59So now there's one more person I need to crush. Damn it all.
03:04I won't let you sink back down.
03:07Come along, Yoichi Isegi.
03:10I'll become the best in the world. And when I do, you're gonna have a front row seat.
03:28I don't understand. Why pick me?
03:39I failed to beat him again and again.
03:43What didn't I try? What was I missing?
03:47No one could have known where that ball was going to land. It was impossible to read.
03:53Does the difference between the two of us come down to dumb luck?
03:59Hey Isegi, let's go.
04:01Right. Coming.
04:04It's no good. I can't wrap my head around it. Being chosen after losing.
04:11You guys, I'm sorry.
04:17We nearly made it happen. Came this close to beating the top three.
04:21That last goal was nothing but chance. We weren't steamrolled like last time.
04:25That crap's the last thing we want to hear.
04:28Rean selected you over the rest of us. Nothing's gonna change that.
04:33So just shut up and get going.
04:35You got that right.
04:38If I have to look at your face any longer, I'll end up killing you.
04:41Do yourself a favor, Donkey, and go.
04:44Yeah, man. After all, you were always the main character on this team.
04:49And we're paying the price for being the supporting cast, plain and simple.
04:53But I swear the next time we meet, you're finished.
04:56We'll crawl our way to the top without you.
04:59I owe these guys everything. I wouldn't have made it this far without them.
05:04That game was seriously intense.
05:07Nagi, Bato, Chigiri, I'm proud to have fought by your side.
05:13We gave it our all.
05:15You three better catch up.
05:17So, we'll meet again.
05:30We had them! Damn it!
05:32It's not over. Not by a long shot.
05:35Yeah. We'll show him.
05:38The End
05:46Glad to have you on board.
05:48If Rin wants you on the team, you must be something special.
05:51I mean, I totally would have picked you too, don't get me wrong.
05:54Oh, thank you.
05:55I'll be honest with you.
05:57My first choice would have been Hiyama Chigiri.
06:00And yet, that backhill shot you made was glam, so you're welcome here, Yoichi Izuki.
06:07Much appreciated.
06:08No need to be so formal with us. Welcome to the top three.
06:12It's not like I'm trying to play the seniority card or something.
06:15I never abuse my position.
06:17So negative.
06:18Behold, I'll wash it away with a wave of glam.
06:21Funny, huh?
06:23You promised that you were going to steal me back, but the opposite happened.
06:27Yeah, sorry about that.
06:29It was kind of lame of me.
06:31Nah, you're fine.
06:33Being separated helped.
06:35It meant I had to figure out how to fight on my own.
06:38Up until now, I was afraid of playing soccer alone.
06:42Always hoping you'd save me from that fate.
06:45It's clear, going solo helped me grow.
06:48I've learned that the only person who can save me is me.
06:52I believed in that and forged ahead.
06:55And at the end of the journey, I found you.
06:58Right then, I knew we had surpassed Rin.
07:01I owe you a huge thanks.
07:03I've learned I don't need you beside me every minute.
07:06Which makes being with you even more fun than before.
07:13You better be sure to keep up with me, or I'll have to leave you behind.
07:17Since when did you get so cocky?
07:20Anyway, it's nice to be playing with you.
07:22Is it just me, or does Bachata seem more mature?
07:26Same here.
07:31I fell for it.
07:33You jerk. Guess you haven't changed that much after all, huh?
07:39Hey, Rin. Tell me something.
07:42How did I lose to you again?
07:45What was I missing?
07:47What do I need to defeat you?
07:50Even a chimp could answer that.
07:53It was luck.
07:54Wait just a second!
07:55That doesn't explain what happened back there!
07:58I want something concrete!
07:59How else am I supposed to get stronger?
08:03Luck can't be boiled down to some coincidental factor.
08:06It's the hidden element that favors only those who choose to act on desire.
08:11And if that's beyond your understanding,
08:13you have no right to live in the world of victory and defeat.
08:18Hello again, my diamonds in the rough.
08:21My congratulations on passing the second selection.
08:24Yes, what exactly is luck?
08:27Quite the distasteful topic, don't you think?
08:30Please, proceed to the next door.
08:32I have a reward for you.
08:34Since you passed the selection,
08:36I'll break down the real nature of luck and how it applies to soccer.
08:40The real nature?
08:41It all comes down to coincidence, doesn't it?
08:45If you were an average Joe on the losing side,
08:48I imagine that's how your tiny brain would prefer to bend the facts.
08:52Shut up and listen.
08:54Let me ask you a question.
08:56Have you ever in your life been shat on by a pigeon?
09:00I think you'll agree, it's the worst.
09:03But afterwards, you realize something.
09:07The ground's covered in bird shit.
09:09And when you look up, there are a bunch of pigeons above you.
09:12Can you really call it bad luck when you could have avoided the shit?
09:16Simply by taking note of your surroundings a bit sooner.
09:19Sorry, but what are you talking about?
09:21It's luck.
09:22Or pure muck, I guess.
09:24Reflect on this.
09:25There's a lottery at a summer festival.
09:27Now imagine the stall owner never included a winning number.
09:31Can anyone really claim a person who didn't win had bad luck?
09:35I still have no idea where you're going with this.
09:37Luck doesn't exist just anywhere.
09:39It only comes to those who place themselves in its path.
09:43It's the same on the soccer field.
09:45Think of those 90 minutes of play as a series of inevitabilities and coincidences.
09:51Think back.
09:53Turning zero into one.
09:54Boosting reproducibility.
09:56Inventing a formula specific to your weapon.
09:59Every one of the lessons you've learned during your stay at Bluelock has been about increasing the inevitability of scoring goals.
10:05Although, that inevitability will eventually collide with your opponent's.
10:10This results in a coincidence, which then becomes ground zero for luck.
10:15As we can see in the following scene.
10:17Here we have the moment number 16 dribbled through, ready to shoot.
10:22These five players decelerated or stopped running altogether.
10:25Number 15 anticipated him breaking free.
10:28But everyone else made the snap judgment to watch the shot.
10:31Or nearly everybody.
10:33Number 1 didn't slow down.
10:35He accelerated towards his opponent.
10:37He realized a pass was never going to happen.
10:40And 15 would try to block a shot.
10:42Recognizing an opportunity was present, he bet the attempt would fail.
10:48Okay, back up a minute.
10:49Supposing that is true.
10:51No one was able to predict where the ball would land.
10:53It could have easily fallen anywhere on the field.
10:57But you're talking about the possibility of you gaining possession of it.
11:02Let's pretend that number 1 instead decided to decelerate like everyone else.
11:07The ball might still have fallen in his direction.
11:10But if he'd gotten possession in that area, the other team's defense would have swamped him before he could shoot.
11:17In short, not a good spot for a striker.
11:20So what did he end up doing?
11:22He sped up and relocated himself.
11:25Somewhere he could take aim at the goal.
11:27Number 1 found a spot where he could draw the winning number, then waited for his luck.
11:33So you're saying Rean stood on the bird shit bullseye, which increased his chances of recovering the ball.
11:39The bird shit bullseye?
11:41Naturally, there was a possibility the ball could have gone to an opponent.
11:45If that had happened, he would have easily been countered and lost possession. End of story.
11:50Then the other team would have won.
11:52That's how close and intense of a game it was.
11:58Without a doubt, the determining factor in that game was luck.
12:01Doesn't matter if it was on your side, though.
12:04If you stood by doing nothing, the opportunity was wasted.
12:08What else were you expecting?
12:10You must hold your mind to respond to those coincidences.
12:13Otherwise the opportunity will vanish before you know how to react.
12:17Learn to seize that chance by improving yourselves.
12:20So when it comes around, you can figure out where it might fall and be there waiting for it.
12:25You know what they say about the goddess of fortune?
12:29She only smiles down on those who favor her.
12:32Soccer is overflowing with luck and coincidences.
12:35Are you going to learn how to spot them, or cry when you overlook the signs in front of you?
12:41You'll always be second rate if you don't know how to harness chance.
12:45Once you've done all you can, hold your head up high.
12:48Accept the outcome of coincidences and etch them into your mind.
12:52Give everything you have in a fight.
12:54That's the only way luck will find you.
12:58Unreal. So that's how it works?
13:02For real? You knew this already, Rin?
13:06Of course. But not everything this four-eyed jerk said is true.
13:10See? Had I chosen any other position, the ball would have missed me.
13:16It wasn't an opening I controlled or created.
13:20The coincidence was like a falling feather.
13:23You created it, and it happened to fall to me.
13:28I defeated you simply through sheer luck, that's all.
13:32In order to grow as a player, I have to accept that fact.
13:36My punishment is knowing how I won.
13:40That's the difference between me and Rin.
13:42The resolve to accept fate and its role in victory.
13:47How pathetic can I get?
13:49I was convinced I'd reached Rin's level.
13:52No, more than that. I thought I'd beaten him.
13:57But here I am, the loser.
14:01I failed and was chosen.
14:03I need to accept that fact, or there won't be a next time.
14:07At the very least, I've got this new piece to work with.
14:11Time to rebuild the way I think.
14:14If I want to beat him, I need to become a whole new version of me.
14:20Moving on?
14:21As I said, your team managed to pass the second selection.
14:24By now you should have learned the principle behind creating a chemical reaction.
14:28Next up, we have the third selection.
14:31And as promised, you'll participate in a training camp with the world's top players.
14:35You'll begin your next match in 24 hours.
14:38A five-a-side game, your team versus the world five.
14:43You're not diamonds, you're froggies in a cage.
14:46Time for you to learn about the outside world.
14:59That's Luna, the sign of Royale, the illustrious Spanish club.
15:04And Adam Blake, the top scorer in the English League.
15:09World-class freekicker, the freckly Pablo Cavazos.
15:14And the hungry heavy tank from the favelas, Donna Silva.
15:18Oh, jeez, this is nuts. Their team's made up of the world's best strikers.
15:22Such a glam memory. Are you some kind of soccer facts nerd?
15:26Just fire away.
15:28Now that's a lineup. We're gonna play them?
15:32Have an actual game with these guys?
15:34The idea of facing them is making me both excited and terrified.
15:39I don't know the guy in the middle with the shaved head, though.
15:42Yeah, me neither.
15:45His name's Julian Loki. He's the latest superstar athlete to represent the French League.
15:50By the way, the guy's only 17.
15:52He's the same age as me? And he's already good enough to be playing for his national team?
15:56Can you even imagine?
15:58If I defeat him, the world will finally have to acknowledge what a fabulous player I am.
16:04By the way, where'd Areen go?
16:06Oh, about that. He goes off on his own at the end of the day.
16:23What are you doing?
16:25Trying to catch up to you, obviously. No pain, no gain, am I right?
16:30You're so dumb.
16:31What are you doing, by the way?
16:33My after-game routine. A yoga cool-down and meditation.
16:37Oh yeah? It's an everyday thing for you?
16:40Why do you care? If you're gonna be a pest, leave.
16:46Crushing him is everything to me. My purpose for playing soccer.
16:51I've been wondering this for a while now and never got to ask.
16:54You and your older brother, is there bad blood?
16:58Well, I got that impression.
17:05You're wrong. It's an awkward but healthy relationship.
17:08The kind that will fix itself after I defeat him.
17:12Wow, it sounds complicated.
17:14I've got a feeling sticking around you is going to make me a whole lot stronger.
17:18Cuz, that's how it is with rivals, right?
17:23You're absolutely nothing to me, least of all a rival.
17:27Dude, I'm a year older than you. Show some respect, little jerk.
17:32In that game and in that final moment, yes, I lost to you.
17:37But I will never let it happen again.
17:41How's this supposed to be a cool-down?
17:43Bet you this isn't even an actual yoga pose.
17:46I like to call this particular one, you're never gonna beat me.
17:49You're such a bastard!
17:51I know I'm not there yet, but I swear one day I'll be better than him.
17:55Don't you underestimate me!
18:02Yup, totally my bad. I got carried away.
18:11The furthest I've made it was prefecturals.
18:13Who would have guessed I'd compete with the world's best players?
18:21There's no time to feel satisfied. I have to improve, even if it's bit by bit.
18:27You training? Looks like fun. May I join you?
18:31Um, you do know we're playing the World 5 first thing tomorrow?
18:35That's why you're awake too, isn't it?
18:37Well, I mean, yeah, but still.
18:40Hmm, the monster's gone. I said goodbye to him.
18:45Oh yeah, you mentioned that. Something about hearing a voice whenever you played?
18:50Yeah, but right now, when it comes to soccer, I'm listening to my own for a change.
18:55That was the whole point of me coming here to Blue Lock.
18:59Getting the chance to meet you, Isugi.
19:03He's still pretty strange, and doesn't make a whole lot of sense.
19:06But there's something else that hasn't changed.
19:09He gets me fired up!
19:15You and I are gonna devour the World 5!
19:17Then let's go full-on egoist!
19:39I have a life of my own.
19:42Even if it's just a little thing, I'll make it a souvenir.
19:57Damn, they're way stronger than I thought!
20:00You see? The Japanese aren't known to be muscular at all.
20:03Alright, you lost the bet, so pay up that 10 grand you owe me.
20:06They're laughing about something, you guys!
20:08With the distance and accents, it's hard to hear.
20:11Yeah, agreed.
20:12I'll clue you in. They think our team is some kind of joke.
20:16Wait, how did you make that out?
20:18My musical tastes are of a global variety.
20:22You're just going to spend it all on women, aren't you?
20:24Huh? Oh, dude, shut up. You came here to work too.
20:28I wanna go to Harajuku.
20:30Hey, what do you mean? Is this game like a part-time job for you?
20:34Huh? Did he...?
20:36Your brain's got some stones. Mad respect.
20:39Yeah, that's right. There's no reason I'd come to a place like this between tours besides earning a little extra dough.
20:45Listen, I'm going to crush you.
20:47Your little Japanese sightseeing trip, it's going to turn traumatic.
20:51I've got to say, I like your spirit, you damn brat.
20:54Okay, that's enough. The three of you are acting like your children.
20:58Your dream Itoshi, right? I heard about you from Eigo.
21:02You're that guy Sai Itoshi's little bro, aren't you?
21:05He made a real name for himself at one of Royale's subordinate teams.
21:09If you're his brother, I'm sure you've got some amazing talent of your own.
21:16Welcome to Blueloft's third selection, Team Blue versus the World Five.
21:21The same rules as the previous selection will apply here.
21:24We've got this.
21:26When we're done, my name's going to be seared into their brains.
21:30All five of them!
21:31It's you and me. Friendly superstar, Meguru Bachira's transformed.
21:37Now witness his debut!
21:39Che, good spin, man.
21:42Don't think so. I'm taking one more touch.
21:46You're amazing! You got past Kabuto!
21:49There we go! Let's hit him with a one-two!
21:51Can't pass it to you. You don't push my boundaries, Isugi.
21:55So keep dreaming!
21:57All of his decisions are about evolving.
21:59This is Bachira's new soccer, a super-egotistic dribbling style.
22:04In that case, I'll adjust to you!
22:07Set up a link-up play that's just beyond what Bachira can imagine,
22:11but is still within my shooting range.
22:13Pass it over here, Bachira!
22:17Where the heck did he come from?
22:19Fine, then. I'll just have to get behind him.
22:24There it is! A whipped cross!
22:27There it is! A whipped cross!
22:30What the...
22:34Are you two serious?
22:36Bachira and Irin used my movement as their inspiration,
22:39then hit them with a lightning-fast link-up play!
22:44Did we just score against the World 5 team?
22:47A brand-new movement with an instant chemical reaction.
22:51Together, the Fangs are capable of taking a fight out of world-class players.
22:56Wow, they're not half bad.
22:58They might not be pushovers.
23:04All right, guys. This is getting good.
23:07And I'm gonna score the next one.
23:12Blue lock! Additional time!
23:15What have I told you, bunch of slobs?
23:18Clean up after yourselves!
23:22Man, why did no one bother waking me up?
23:26It's such a hassle going to breakfast all by yourself.
23:31Hey, have any of you guys seen my tape?
23:34I looked just about everywhere for it.
23:39Oh, yeah.
23:40Here's your leg care kit, Chikatty.
23:42That's right. Let's go get some breakfast.
23:45I forgot.
23:46Is this all of today's laundry?
23:49Now he's gone.
23:52How dare you leave our team in this position, you bastard!
23:55I swear, you will pay for this!
23:57I'm dying of hunger.