Blue Lock Episode 1 Eng Dub

  • le mois dernier
Blue Lock Season 1 Episode 1
00:27We win this we go to Nationals
00:44Nationals miss me loser
00:55Over here, I'm free
00:58If I pass the score, it's a game one for all and all for one remember
01:05That's right
01:07Because this is soccer a sport played by teams of 11
01:13Good now we're tied up
01:54I can see why people call you the jewel of Japanese soccer
02:04I also heard you've been called up to play for Japan's u18 team. Tell us about that
02:09Well, it's true. But right now my focus is on winning at Nationals with this team
02:15One thing I can say is that I'm here because of them. I wouldn't have become the person I am today without these guys
02:25You fought well out there third years
02:27This was your last game, but you should be very proud of the time you spent together as a team
02:32We may have lost but I believe that someday
02:46Whatever anyone else says as far as I'm concerned
02:49Concerned 89 is the best damn soccer team in Japan. No
02:55We're a team that didn't make it to Nationals because we lost in the prefectural qualifier
03:05And I'm just an unknown second-year forward on that team
03:09That's the reality
03:12Sorry to let you down Noah
03:16You're a true superstar
03:35Admired you for so long
03:38Are you sure you're in middle school and gave so much of my life to soccer?
03:43But it's one for all and all for one. Let's make Nationals together
03:49It looks like my dream will never be more than that
03:54My idiotic dream of becoming a star striker for Japan
03:58And one day taking the national team all the way to win the World Cup
04:10What if when I saw he was open I
04:15Hadn't passed
04:17But taken the shot instead
04:22But that have changed the game and maybe my whole life
04:30Remember it's one for all
04:33For one
04:36Hey, what do you think?
04:38Soccer is a sport played by teams of 11. You can't do it alone
04:54Really wanted to
04:59Hey, I'm home
05:01Welcome back, hon. How did the game turn out? We lost 2-0. Tell me there's food
05:06I made pork cutlet for good luck, but I guess it didn't help. Of course it didn't you're supposed to eat that the day
05:13Before the game. All right. Well, it's good. Yeah
05:17I've got something that might help take your mind off it for a bit a letter came for you from the Japan Football Union
05:26Selected to become a certified athlete. Is that a good thing? It sounds like it is. I haven't the funniest
05:35Why me I
05:43Guess this is the right place. Oh, hey, you're from Ichinan
05:47It's Isagi, isn't it?
05:49Figures you got an invitation to good game the other day. I was there remember kid
05:56Yeah, I mean, of course I do not the kind of loss you forget
06:01Well for what it's worth you totally stood out
06:04You've got a high soccer IQ like you see the bigger picture, you know
06:08If we were on the same team, you'd hit some amazing passes to me for sure. Oh, um, thank you
06:14Did that actually just happen Ryosuke Kira complimented me?
06:18So shall we don't know about you, but I'd like to find out why we're here. Yes, please
06:24Come on, we don't need to be all weird and formal with each other. Besides. I'm glad we met. Oh me too
06:32He's such a nice guy this seems like the place
06:45Wow, there are a ton of guys here. Yeah, and I see some I recognize to Okawa
06:50Seno's star player is she Kari the tallest high school athlete even Nishioka the Messi of our Mori
06:58Wait, is everyone here a forward
07:03And test test test
07:07Congratulations and welcome diamonds in the rough
07:10You are the 318 and under strikers who have been chosen according to my arbitrary and biased decision-making
07:17And I am Jim Pachi ego the man who was hired to ensure Japan's future victory at the World Cup
07:27What did he just say
07:30Japan's victory at the World Cup
07:33Who is he, you know, no clue. Sorry, it's simple really
07:39In order to outstrip the rest of the world Japanese soccer requires just one thing and that is the birth of a revolutionary
07:46Striker, I'll be performing an experiment to turn one of you 300 into the single best striker in the world
07:53here at this facility
07:56Blue lock
07:58Starting today. You will live there together and undergo the specialized training. I've devised to transform you
08:05You won't be allowed to go home and your previous soccer careers will be a mere memory
08:10But I promise you this if you fight hard enough if you survive to be the last man standing out of the 300
08:17Candidates assembled here. You will be the greatest striker in history. That's all for now. It's been fun
08:28Not serious is he
08:31Excuse me. Sorry, but I can't agree to these conditions all of us have teams
08:37We've given our loyalty to and some of us have nationals coming up
08:41You want me to abandon my team for what to participate in some crazy sounding program? He's right
08:47I've got nationals too, man. I don't want to live with a bunch of guys in some creepy facility
08:52Yeah, who are you? Anyway, bring out somebody who's not insane
08:58The pity you're all seriously ill it seems
09:03Lock off anyone who wants to leave can go
09:08But your perspectives truly this limited you'd rather be the top high schooler in this soccer backwater than the world's best striker
09:17The future of Japan is in your hands it's enough to make a man weep
09:23Listen up. There's no denying Japanese soccer's first-rate teamwork. Call it the result of our country's characteristic
09:30Thoughtfulness, but in all other aspects of the sport, we are second rate
09:35Let me ask you this. What is soccer?
09:38Is it about 11 players working together?
09:41the bonds that you for
09:43Self-sacrifice fighting for your teammates that kind of thinking is why this country's game has remained weak
09:51I'll tell you the right answer soccer is about one thing
09:56Scoring more goals than your opponent does
09:59Whoever scores the most is the best end of story. If you just want a fun game with your pals then lock off
10:07What's with this guy
10:09He's freaking nuts
10:11You can't really mean that take it back. Our team isn't weak. It's full of athletes that we all admire
10:18I grew up watching them fight together on the field as a solid unit of 11. Those players are my heroes
10:25You're wrong. Now take it back
10:30Japan's team isn't weak
10:34Do you mean the same losers who have never claimed a single World Cup you're either the best there is in your trash got it
10:42Instead of assisting my teammates to win 1 to 0 it feels better to pull off a hat-trick and lose 3 to 4
10:51This direct quote from Noel Noah who beat out Lionel Messi and Cristiano Ronaldo to win the Ballon d'Or
10:56Tells us how highly the world's best striker values your precious teamwork
11:01Here's one from Eric Cantona. I don't care about my team. I just want to stand out and
11:07From Pele the world's best forward midfielder defender and goalkeeper
11:13Whichever you ask about the answer is still me
11:17What you think pretty awful, right?
11:19But they're three of the best players in history and they're all egoists down to the very core
11:26That's what Japanese soccer is lacking. It's sad, but true
11:30You can't possibly become the world's best striker unless you're also the world's biggest egoist
11:37The things this guy is saying which is why we're all here so I can create a player who has what it takes
11:44They can't be right
11:48Someone who will climb a top 299 corpses a solitary hero
11:56Can't do it. No one I've achieved nothing picture the scene
12:01You've made it all the way to the World Cup final
12:0480,000 people in the stands you down on the field
12:07The score is nil nil in the second half of extra time is the last play with a pass from your teammate
12:14You're through the defense you against the goalkeeper six meters to the right is your teammate if you pass your team's guaranteed to score a goal
12:22The championships the hope of a nation. They're all riding on you
12:27Only an insane egoist could take that shot without a second's hesitation
12:33Now pass through and be transformed
12:39Discard your common sense remember out there on the field you're the star
12:45This is the opposite of everything I've been taught
12:49Nothing should bring you more joy than your own goals live only for that glorious moment
12:56And if you can't then you're no striker at all
13:05Am a striker
13:09Saki what a player duck game shithead. Yeah me too
13:27And so it begins
13:31At the place where soccer is more intense than anywhere else in the world
13:48I'm two nine nine Z. So I'm in Oh this room
14:06Sigi what a relief at least there's one person here. I know you read my mind. Haha. I was kind of worried
14:14Didn't see you there
14:17My bad
14:18Nah, it was just an accident. I hope watch where you're walking
14:26Hey Zico, come on stop hogging the ball and pass it to me dreaming about his last game
14:36Are you the real sky Kira, I can't believe it's really you
14:41It's really me. Uh-huh. Nice to meet you. I'm good. He was eager. Ah, she
14:47Uh, yeah, hey my family they run a temple, but I don't really want any part of that life
14:54So what I heard why we're asked here. I couldn't stop shaking. It feels like this is my chance to live my dream
15:01Have you finished changing my little diamonds in the rough?
15:06Welcome all
15:07Please think of the players you're sharing this space with is both your roommates as well as your rivals
15:13I have quantified your skills and drank each of you according to my arbitrary and biased decision-making
15:19Thus the numbers on all your uniforms
15:22You can tell at a glance what your rank out of 300 is
15:26Wait, I'm 299
15:29Second worst player here. They're not set in stone, but change based on your performance during training or matches
15:35Oh, yes
15:36The top five will get to play six months from now in an important tournament being held
15:41These elite athletes will be registered as forwards during the u20 World Cup
15:47The u20 Japanese team is he joking?
15:52Anyone who loses while here at blue lock?
15:57You'll forfeit the right to ever represent Japan no way
16:04Only those of you who gain the biggest ego will succeed here, which I will now measure by administering a test
16:10Let's play a game of tag
16:12Shall we you have a hundred and thirty six seconds?
16:16Whoever struck by the ball is it whoever's it the moment time runs out will be locked off
16:23What also no using your hands?
16:30What this is now you play soccer I'm it first because I'm ranked the lowest
16:36Fine let's do this. No hard feelings anyone. Whoa. Hold on. Don't tell me you actually believe what he said
16:43Yeah, what if he's telling the truth?
16:47If I'm kicked out I'll wind up a monk for the rest of my life
16:53Whoever loses here will forfeit the chance to ever play for Japan
17:10This whole setups ridiculous listen the reason I'm here so I can prove he's delusional
17:17Don't screw with me. It's wrong on so many levels. No way. I'm letting him ruin my future
17:23Damn, this again. I can't hit anyone
17:29It's a cheap shot, but so what
17:44Only hand balls were against the rules, didn't he?
17:47Good morning
17:49What's with this guy?
17:51Look I'm not a big fan of playing dirty. I want a clean game. You got that. Aye. Aye, mr. Straight-laced
18:02Left yourself open. Amen
18:07Turd I'm gonna destroy you
18:22Sorry wrong person
18:28Crap if I don't hit someone my soccer career is over. I've got just one minute
18:36Things can't end here. I won't let them
18:41And clear everyone here so athletic I'll have to aim carefully if I want to hit anybody
18:46I should go after a player right lower than me. I can't
18:54It's my fate really going to be decided by a stupid game of tag
19:02This is really bad, no, I can't lose I won't
19:07I'll do whatever it takes to win. I want to continue playing soccer. I don't want my dream to end here. Not like this
19:21Let go of me don't just stand there shoot when I told you to play fair before
19:30Well that hurt laughing get off me
19:35Sprained it wait timeout
19:40Isaki hit him now take this shot
19:44Hey, hold on sit back I mean it keep away from me dude. I don't want to go out like this. It isn't fair
19:52I can win I can survive
19:55Please let this guy's soccer career be over
20:02They have to do it, that's how blue lock works if there are winners there must also be losers
20:10Making my dream come true means ending someone else's no getting around it
20:29That's not right
20:35In order to change I have to be something I'm not I
20:39Came here to turn things around
20:41to become the best in the world
20:45Unless I beat someone stronger than me that won't happen. I like you
20:53You're right want to beat someone
20:56Then it should be the strongest player
21:03Wait what me
21:15Somebody once said in the world of soccer
21:19You can train first-rate goalkeepers
21:23defenders as well as midfielders
21:25But strikers are a different breed entirely
21:29How can you tell one's a first-rate athlete? That's easy. They will look for where the soccer is
21:35It's most intense. He was right
21:38find the strongest
21:49Then out of nowhere, that's where you'll find them
23:30Blue lock additional time
23:34Obviously your mother and I don't know much when it comes to soccer joy G or getting picked by the JFU now, that's impressive
23:41So true, then again, you've always been good at the sport since you were little such natural talent
23:51Guess there was that one Christmas when you asked Santa Claus to bring you the World Cup trophy
23:57I don't think there was ever a time. You weren't dreaming of becoming the world's greatest striker
24:03Embarrassing me stop it
24:05Whenever a soccer match was on the TV your eyes were glued to the screen and how you cry if we dared switch the channel
24:18That's how it went you'd tire yourself out from crying and fall asleep
24:22Then when you woke up, you didn't remember a thing. Oh, yeah
24:26You also used to forget to do your homework all the time. I suppose that's why his grades weren't very good, huh?
24:33So low. Yep. The kid sure isn't a scholar. No, sir
24:39Seconds were you dissing me at the end there?