Blue Lock Episode 2 Eng Dub

  • le mois dernier
Blue Lock Season 1 Episode 2
00:00I am a striker.
00:19Somebody once said, in the world of soccer, you can train first-rate goalkeepers, defenders
00:26as well as midfielders.
00:28But strikers are a different breed entirely.
00:32How can you tell one's a first-rate athlete?
00:34That's easy.
00:35They will look for where the soccer is its most intense.
00:39Then out of nowhere, that's where you'll find them.
00:57Check your foot, O.B.P.M.
00:59It doesn't matter which way, just go for it.
01:02Let me find out where DNA is.
01:04As long as you can't be fooled, it's time to move out.
01:07I'm alive, I'm going to take you on.
01:09There's no need to be afraid.
01:11It's time to come alive.
01:14You still have a headache, don't you?
01:17How crazy is that feeling?
01:20How crazy is that feeling?
01:22On the day of the 3rd ECHO,
01:25on the day of hope,
01:27you said you wanted to go back, didn't you?
01:31It's not enough, it's not enough, it's not enough.
01:33There's no way you can be laughed at.
01:36How about you?
01:44The paradise is near.
01:45Go for it!
01:47It's dramatic that you have to fly again.
01:50How crazy is that feeling?
01:52How crazy is that feeling?
01:54Don't forget that you can't do it.
01:57It's a dream, but it's useless.
01:59Just go for it.
02:01You still have a headache, don't you?
02:03How about you?
02:05It doesn't matter which way, just go for it.
02:10It's a never-before-seen catch hit.
02:23I'll be blunt with you, gentlemen.
02:25If things carry on like this, we can give up all hope.
02:28Japan won't win the World Cup, not in a million years.
02:37Remind me again why we should care.
02:39I mean, we're raking in plenty of dough as it is.
02:42Soccer's a business, Henri.
02:44And let's be honest here.
02:45Do you really think Japan has a chance of winning?
02:50Of course I do, you money-grubbing rodent.
02:53In case you haven't noticed, it's my goddamn dream!
02:56Do you think by playing our way, we can win?
02:58That our possession style's effective enough for the world stage?
03:01The reason we've never made it past the last 16 is because we continue telling ourselves these lies!
03:06Well, this crazy idea's your brainchild.
03:08You laid out all the groundwork and put the whole thing into motion.
03:12So if it doesn't work, I can tell you right now whose head is going to roll.
03:16I believe in this program.
03:18If we want to win a World Cup,
03:20there's only one person capable of breaking down these players
03:23and forging one who can lead us to victory.
03:25And it's this man right here!
03:29Jinpachi Ego.
03:37What are you... you doing?
03:40Wait, what happened?
03:42I'm bleeding.
03:45The whole thing's a blur.
03:47The ball came at me out of nowhere.
03:50Don't give me that!
03:52Well done, my diamonds in the rough.
03:54Only results matter here.
03:57You lost, Ryosuke Kira.
03:59And are disqualified.
04:01Now back off, loser.
04:11This is bullshit.
04:13My career's over?
04:15Lying in tatters?
04:16This early on?
04:18And it's only because I lost in some childish game?
04:21I'm the jewel in the crown of Japanese soccer!
04:24No way you think Igaguri and Iseki are more talented than me, right?
04:28All this proves is that they're better at tag!
04:30What does any of this have to do with soccer?
04:33Every aspect of your lives here in Blue Lock will have something to do with the sport.
04:37So look around you, Mr. Mediocre Elite.
04:41Notice the room's size.
04:44It's the same dimensions as a penalty area.
04:48And roughly 75% of goals are born within these confines.
04:52If you can't do your job inside this space, you have no talent as a striker.
04:57Shut up! It's freaking tag!
04:59The two literally have nothing in common!
05:02If you're the one who's running away,
05:04you need a keen sense of interpersonal space, tactics, and positioning.
05:08And if you're the one doing the chasing,
05:10your dribbling and aim must be precise, and the quality of your kicks must be high.
05:15Making it an excellent soccer training drill, you wimp.
05:18Just a training drill?
05:20You can't possibly know anything about me in only two minutes!
05:23Not when a soccer match is 90!
05:25Care to guess the average amount of time a player spins with the ball in a 90-minute game?
05:30136 seconds.
05:32I provided that, and you decided to wait until the clock ran out.
05:36I had 10 seconds! It's not as if I could do anything!
05:39I'd use that same excuse if this was a match.
05:42When the ball made contact with you, there was still one second left on the clock.
05:47You could have survived if you kicked it at Higaguri.
05:50But you didn't see the move.
05:53In a way, it was the last play before the whistle.
05:57Curious how the very moment your teammate's shot collided with you.
06:01It's as if you gave up and accepted defeat.
06:04That's why you didn't see an alternative.
06:07You could have achieved victory if you just stretched out your leg.
06:12Whoever's it in this game of tag,
06:14he might wind up the loser if he holds onto the ball for too long.
06:17Or perhaps the winner,
06:19considering he has the power to choose whoever's hit next.
06:22As a striker, you ought to shoulder that responsibility.
06:26Fighting until the very last second runs out.
06:29Yoichi Isagi chose a target.
06:31A player who was ranked higher than him instead of Higaguri.
06:35Before that, Meguru Bachira stole the ball off him
06:38and went after the strongest guy.
06:40Both demonstrated a selfish obsession with victory,
06:43unaffected by the group or common sense.
06:46It's pure ego.
06:48Just what I'm looking for in a striker.
06:50You lost because you ran away from it.
06:53Ryosuke Kira, lock off.
06:56No, Bachira, you saw him.
06:58From out of nowhere, he singled me out.
07:01This isn't fair.
07:03Bachira came out of nowhere!
07:13You know it wasn't right,
07:15ending my dreams like this.
07:24Why'd I kick it?
07:26I think I really put an end to Kira's soccer career.
07:30Then why?
07:34Why do I feel so excited right now?
07:38He knows.
07:41Why'd you pass the ball to me?
07:43You would've lost if I just hadn't kicked the ball.
07:47I saw the look on your face.
07:49I knew you'd kick it.
07:51Like he said, only results matter here.
07:54So I believed in you and we won, right?
07:58This guy is totally crazy.
08:01This whole thing is ridiculous.
08:03How long is this supposed to last?
08:05Ridiculous, you say?
08:07You have a point.
08:08That's the world of win or lose.
08:10Remember those world-class strikers
08:12who everyone here so casually admires?
08:15They put their lives on the line like this every single day.
08:18How does it feel,
08:19fighting for the first time to protect your soccer career?
08:22Does it scare you?
08:24Are you excited?
08:25This is normal in blue lock.
08:28Are you shaken up?
08:29Ablaze with the knowledge that you survived?
08:32That's what victory feels like.
08:34It's the sensation in your brain.
08:38Every time you get a taste of that sweet rush,
08:41your ego also slightly increases,
08:43which will help elevate you to the height of world's greatest striker.
08:56Those who survived have passed the blue lock entrance exam.
09:00Yeah, right!
09:01Look around at everyone in this room.
09:04For now, you eleven will be living together.
09:07Sometimes you'll work as a team,
09:09and other times you'll be rivals,
09:11out to wreck each other's dreams.
09:14You're blue lock.
09:16Team Z.
09:27Iseki! Igari!
09:29You don't think you can become the world's greatest striker going that slow?
09:33Mere mortals like you should run home before I make you cry!
09:37Who's crying?
09:39Don't mind him, Iseki.
09:41Thirsty? Want some water?
09:43Thanks, Kuon.
09:50Even the down-to-earth guy's super athletic.
09:53What's wrong? You feeling tired?
09:55Well, you know...
09:58That was actually my max.
10:00Talk about crushing my spirit.
10:05So at the cafeteria, you get rice and miso soup,
10:08but your side dish changes depending on your rank.
10:11That must be nice.
10:13All I've been getting is pickled radish.
10:15At least we get food.
10:17I'm jealous of the higher-ranked guys here.
10:21Man, that looks tasty.
10:29Is he a caveman?
10:32Thanks for the dumpling, dude!
10:34Listen, pipsqueak, give that back.
10:37Too late!
10:38Man, oh man!
10:39So good!
10:40You're not getting away!
10:41Quick! Hide your food!
10:43Nah, trust me, no one wants our food.
10:59I don't have time for sleep.
11:05If I don't train, I'm gonna be locked off for sure!
11:09I hate having to sleep.
11:11If I don't train, I'm gonna get locked off for sure.
11:16How can I beat anyone here when they're all better than me?
11:23You're up late. You training?
11:26Yeah, you know.
11:28Sounds like fun. May I join you?
11:34Listen, I'm confused.
11:37When we played tag, you decided to pass the ball to me.
11:43Why did you do that? How'd you know I'd aim for Kira?
11:49I guess it's because...
11:52There's a monster in me.
12:02Let's go!
12:10Yo! Back it up!
12:12He's so slow. No way. The monster wouldn't like that.
12:20Back it up! Pass it here!
12:22You can't beat the monster that way.
12:27Hey! What's your deal? I was wide open!
12:30Stop with the ball-hugging!
12:43A monster?
12:47I'm not following.
12:49Whenever I play soccer, it comes out and talks to me.
12:53Telling me to score a goal or weave about more.
12:57But this time was different.
12:59The monster said to me,
13:01Pass it to Isagi.
13:04There's a monster inside him, too.
13:08Are you for real?
13:10When I'm on the pitch, I listen to its voice.
13:13That's all there is to it.
13:15Can't you hear it? The monster's voice?
13:18What the heck is he talking about?
13:21Still, when I kick the ball,
13:24I didn't recognize myself.
13:27I want to know what this monster actually is.
13:31If I find out, maybe it'll give me a clue how to survive Blue Lock.
13:36Messi? Cristiano Ronaldo? Noel Noah?
13:39All of the most amazing players have monsters inside them.
13:43It must be what proves you're really a striker.
13:46Well, that's what I believe.
13:50You know what?
13:53You know what?
13:58I'm glad I came here, Isagi.
14:00Because I got to meet you.
14:04How about we try again?
14:07What's wrong with this guy?
14:09He's talking nonsense.
14:12And yet...
14:13Come on.
14:15He's stoking the flames.
14:19And giving me courage.
14:21That's more like it.
14:22That's exactly how your eyes looked when we were playing tag.
14:25I'm going to survive this.
14:29The results of the fitness tests have been assessed.
14:32All players, please return to your rooms and confirm your latest rankings.
14:40Come on, Gagamaru.
14:42Hey, Isagi.
14:43Take a look at this, baby.
14:45I shot up from my old rank of 300 all the way to 275 now.
14:51You're moving up too.
14:52Check it.
14:55Looks like you're still one rank above me.
14:57Guess we're rivals, huh?
14:59Well, well.
15:00Hello there, my precious diamonds in the rough.
15:03Enjoying life at Blue Lock?
15:05I certainly hope so.
15:06Cut the crap, man.
15:08You put us in this crummy environment.
15:10How do you expect us to improve at this rate?
15:12What he said.
15:13I demand to have better food, dude.
15:16Your environment is crummy because it matches you idiot's crummy soccer skills.
15:22Let's talk a little bit more about Blue Lock.
15:25Within this facility, there are a total of 25 teams from B to Z,
15:30split into five groups within five buildings.
15:33By the way, each team lost one person after that game of tag.
15:38Therefore, there are 275 players left.
15:42So that means I'm still dead last?
15:44I got hyped for nothing.
15:46Your rank decides your team.
15:48Ranks 1 through 11 are Team B.
15:50Ranks 12 through 22 are Team C.
15:52Basically, since you're Team Z, you're the lowest ranked players in Building 5.
15:57We're the worst?
15:59All of us?
16:00Don't go lumping me in with these losers.
16:03Who are you calling losers?
16:05Let's not get worked up now, everyone.
16:07The higher ranked players will receive gourmet food and get to train in better facilities.
16:13While you're here, the top soccer player is king.
16:16If you want the perks, then you have to win.
16:19Now that you know the rules, it's time for us to begin the first selection.
16:29Sai Itoshi, thank you for meeting with me.
16:32Now, you were a genius midfielder in the Academy of Royale, one of the world's top clubs.
16:38But regulations prevented you from playing in the first team, so you returned to Japan.
16:43Since that's the case, do you think there's a chance we'll get to see you in action playing in the domestic league now?
16:48Over my dead body.
16:50I'd rather play with German college kids than be associated with professional soccer in this country.
16:59So, uh, you don't have any interest in representing Japan?
17:03Not even at the international level?
17:05Absolutely no interest.
17:07Japan's national team is a joke and will only ever be mediocre at best.
17:11My dream is to win the Champions League.
17:15It's a tragedy, but the fact is I was born in the wrong country.
17:19There's not a forward here worthy of my passes.
17:27Won't you give me a break?
17:29What are you thinking, Sai?
17:31The media's gonna eat you alive for this.
17:33Like I care what Japan thinks.
17:35I only came back here because my passport expired.
17:38I realize that, but all the same...
17:40Honestly, where are we even supposed to begin?
17:45Ew. I did hear the JFU was supposed to hold a press conference today.
17:50In conclusion, that is how we plan to train a world-class striker.
17:54One who can lead the Japanese team to a World Cup victory.
17:57Through this. The Revolutionary Blue Lock Project.
18:01Let's say this works and you do manage to produce an elite striker.
18:04How can you be so certain Japan will win the World Cup?
18:07Are you claiming ruining the lives of 299 athletes is justified for the sake of one person?
18:12Didn't the parents object to this?
18:14Well, you see, as far as the players are concerned, we respect their opinions.
18:19In regard to their parents, they did sign consent forms.
18:22Ruining their lives?
18:24Why shouldn't we?
18:26If Japanese soccer wants to move forward, then we need this crazy project.
18:30Mark my words!
18:35Don't you all want to see it?
18:38That historic moment! The birth of Japanese soccer's hero!
18:43The first selection will involve the 55 of you in Building 5.
18:47It's a kind of 5-team round-robin.
18:50Only the top two teams will move on to the second selection.
18:53It's a survival match.
18:55So what? The 11 of us here in Group Z will be playing together as a proper team.
19:00But everyone here is a forward.
19:02Why don't you be the goalie then? You look like one.
19:05Don't ask. I have a hard time telling people no.
19:08I'm most qualified to play center forward.
19:10No, I am.
19:11Yeah, in your dreams.
19:12Last place! You're on defense!
19:15A team made up of 11 forwards? How's that gonna work?
19:20Don't you know? Soccer was originally all about scoring.
19:24Over the years, you've been imprinted with stupid notions regarding positioning and tactics on the field.
19:30But all of the different roles evolved gradually.
19:33Soccer initially started out with everyone acting as a striker.
19:38So play the game as it was intended.
19:41Dig deep down inside and create soccer from zero.
19:44Create soccer from zero? What does that mean?
19:47The last quarter century, Japanese soccer has climbed in the ranks.
19:51Even compared to the rest of the world's progress.
19:54All we need is one more step and we'll be on par with the world's top teams.
19:58Fans all across the globe can see this happening.
20:01That's how much Japan has improved.
20:03But if we're planning on taking that step forward, then our current notions of soccer must die!
20:09Once, we had a shared dream to simply play in the World Cup and it served its purpose.
20:15But now, it's time to dream bigger for the future of soccer in Japan!
20:19Abandon what you once thought was common sense.
20:22Instead, shove new concepts into those small brains of yours.
20:26Right now, what we need in order for Japan to become the best in the world isn't 11 players working as a team.
20:33What we need is a solitary hero.
20:37Messi, Cristiano Ronaldo, Neymar.
20:41Soccer's evolution is limitless because of stars like these.
20:44To stop the best in the world, new defensive systems must be created
20:48and through the birth of these new tactics, a better player will be forged.
20:52One person's actions can change a team.
20:54A country, even the whole world.
20:56That's the power this sport possesses.
20:59I welcome you to a new stage of Japanese soccer,
21:02where the main characters are not adults who've forgotten how to dream,
21:05but a new generation of players who are still nobodies.
21:08Who has the courage to embrace that future, to dream of Japan winning the World Cup?
21:13Are you prepared to fight your way to the top?
21:16Because it's possible.
21:19Here, inside of Blue Lodge!
21:21Thank you all for your time.
21:25This is bullshit!
21:26This is how you trick promising young talent?
21:28Your view's gone crazy!
21:29Um, Sayu, we better get a move on.
21:31The flight back to Spain...
21:33Cancel it.
21:35I want to see what kind of idiotic forward they'll create.
21:38Watch them emerge with my own two eyes.
21:54Oh Oh Oh Oh Oh Oh Oh Oh Oh Oh Oh Oh Oh Oh
22:16Hey guys, here's Team X.
22:24I'm going to survive this, watch me!
22:54If you want to laugh, go ahead first
23:01No one has cut through the stage yet
23:24Hold up, which one of these is our room again?
23:27Try every door, we'll find it eventually
23:30That's the changing room and bathroom, Bachira
23:33Not here!
23:35Bluelock's so huge that it's like we're trapped inside a maze
23:39According to this map, the room should be...
23:43This way, Bachira
23:44Well, well, what have we here?
23:45That's the bathroom, I told you!
23:47The monster inside is telling me...
23:50Must pee, now!
23:52Go already, you idiot!
