Blue Lock Episode 5 Eng Dub

  • le mois dernier
Blue Lock Season 1 Episode 5
00:17Jolt I felt earlier came from the true heart of team Y. That's right. Nico. I see you
00:25You and I have the same kind of eyes
00:28But it won't save you in the end
00:32I'm the one calling the shots. Not you wait and see you bull cut bastard
00:42Let's go for an all-out attack
00:48It's not a highest turn his weapon is getting behind the opponent's defense. Oh, no, you don't
00:54That's my bad nice one got it keep pressing that
01:02Every single pass I'm shutting you down
01:05You're a pesky one. Aren't you? Well brute force our way through try again
01:11Basically, it's time to use your weapon my man. Stay where you are. Keep not Ohio's formation
01:17You sure about that? Hmm instead of going up top and upsetting our balance
01:23I'll stop him here and give us a better chance of scoring
01:27You all heard ego speech about how we have to take up our weapons
01:32Yeah, and what about it? It forced me to start thinking and
01:37Questioning what makes me so unique
01:40When it comes to blue lock
01:42Everyone has some kind of incredible talent if we're talking about shooting. There's no way I can outperform Okawa
01:49But still I'll do whatever it takes to win this I may not be the fastest or have the most muscular physique
01:56But I do have other weapons
01:59My eyes can accurately read the situation on the field and my brain excels at coordinating people
02:07While you might be able to block my passes you can't stop my ideas
02:12What does he mean by that?
02:15I'm up. Just you know, my weapons might never say die attitude rest in peace
02:23All they're doing is playing keep away from us they settling for a draw
02:28I've got to stop Okawa from linking up with Nico and launching a counter. It's not that they won't attack
02:33They don't have anyone on their team who can then we have to instead move up if we score we win
02:39Take them down
02:42Just one minute score is even nearly time for our last resort
02:48It's a revenge tactic for if we're tied and have our backs against the wall
02:53There's the sign
02:56Time for Okawa to take the lead and pick up the ball in his own half
03:00And unlike the previous 89 minutes, it won't be Okawa going on a solo run in the last 60 seconds
03:07Everyone on team Y joins in on the attack. We call it the one-time kill counter
03:16This is bad, it's tricked us
03:19We committed too many players to the attack
03:22Creating a weakness in our defense if they make a goal, it's over
03:27No way
03:29Won't let this happen
03:48Don't see this it's over all our soccer careers end here forever. I have to block his shot. No matter what
04:08It's all over we're screwed
04:21Here you and I know this spot, right cuz it's where we belong the place where you can smell a goal
04:31And I are like the way we see and how we read the field
04:36Instead of taking the shot yourself you pass to Okawa to finish us off
04:41That's why you lost Nico at the last moment. You chose to give up the ball
04:46Which means you're no striker at all
04:57Chose to pass rather than taking the shots cried when they lost
05:01That version of myself is a memory. I don't need it anymore. I want to win
05:08Now is the time to be reborn
05:14Nice passes again
05:22Read you loud and clear
05:32I'll leave the rest to you. That's low, but okay. I'll take it
05:43No, you didn't notice I was aiming beyond him
05:47At number 11
05:51He's there, but how go
05:54screw it you
06:16And that is time team Z wins blue lock building fives fourth match with a final score of two to one
06:26You were amazing what a finish how far did you run? What's up? Where are you going?
06:45Crushed their dreams this team of 11
06:51With a single goal
06:58So this is what it means to win
07:09Don't know what this feeling is
07:17But I like it
09:00Propose a toast to team Z's victory in our second game Cheers
09:15Hey, that's a bonus for the goal Isaki and I scored I know we're sharing it, but leave some for me
09:25Right settle down we're going to do this potluck style
09:28So no one kills each other meaning we'll get a chance to taste everyone's dishes like a real team
09:34What are you the lunch lady I spike yoza Pacific Suri not so it's not bad every once in a while
09:40Watch some pickles radish. You can keep it
09:45So spill we need to know how you got yourself in that position you've got a point
09:50It's like you could read the bull's mind. No, actually, I didn't know for sure
09:56But I did know that I wanted to take a shot
09:58So, I guess that where I thought it might land got there and made the goal dress it up
10:02However, you want but I saw you out there. Come on. What about your pass here your reward say?
10:08Oh, I can feed myself. Thanks, then. I'll just have to take the shot
10:14Yes, he's found his weapon. He's got the ability to smell a goal
10:19We beat them. Thanks to his last-minute point
10:22And that's a fact
10:25Yeah, you guys believe what you want to well, whatever the case we did win team Z survives we're still in this
10:51He's the worst roommate ever
10:53No, honestly, I'm way too psyched to sleep. Anyway, I
10:59Really did win the game for us didn't I my goal decided it
11:05Their faces. I'm the one who crushed their dreams
11:09The feeling was incredible. I
11:12Can't put it into words. It was like nothing I've ever experienced before
11:17Wait, doesn't that make me a jerk? I gotta clear my head
11:32What do you want? Um, I couldn't sleep. So I came down to watch the game footage and you I
11:40Couldn't sleep either
11:41I'm watching your goal on repeat
11:45No wonder you can't sleep just take a look
11:49As a fellow striker, I know it must have been a glorious moment
11:53Hmm, honestly, it was the thing is if I had never come to blue lock
11:58I wouldn't have scored that goal in a million years
12:01As long as I live, I'll never forget it
12:07But it's not like I can repeat that miracle I just sprinted without thinking really I
12:14Believe your spatial awareness is different from most people's it's keen
12:19What is that?
12:20Those players scopes are more limited
12:23They judge a situation based on what they see in their direct field of vision
12:27As soon as they're running at top speed or dribbling their sight narrows
12:32encompassing only what's in front of them
12:34But sometimes when you're out there the complete opposite seems to happen
12:39Almost like you can see the whole field and everyone on it
12:42It's impressive like you're a god looking down from up above
12:47That skill helped you smell a goal and avert a crisis you scored against all odds making the impossible a reality
12:57Spatial awareness, is that it? Is that my weapon?
13:02You're operating on pure intuition right now, but if you can learn to activate that skill intentionally
13:09Your eyes and brain will be weapons like no other
13:13Well, that's my opinion
13:18You've always been this mystery, but now I get you I mean that was a great observation
13:23You gave me even though you're always frowning underneath. You're a nice guy. I'm not
13:28I'm only telling you this so the team can win by the way, you never did tell me your weapon
13:33You know what mine is now. Let me know yours
13:36My answer is the same I won't share
13:40Why not? Just tell me if I know maybe I can help you somehow
13:44We're teammates. So open up
13:48Drop it already. We don't need to talk about me. Of course we do. How else are we gonna win?
14:00I had an ACL tear in my right leg a year ago
14:05How's that for opening up?
14:10It's better but the doc said if I injure the same spot there's a chance I may never play again. I
14:18Used to be like you Isagi wielding a unique weapon
14:24There were nights I couldn't sleep because I was so pumped from scoring I dreamed of becoming the world's greatest striker
14:32Truth is even though my legs healed. I'm scared that I'll reinjure it
14:37Soccer's given my life purpose and I could lose it in an instant. I
14:42Came here to blue lock because I was looking for a reason to give up on that dream
14:47And now after seeing your goal, I think I finally found one
14:56Stop lying chickadee. Don't put the blame on me
15:01I know you don't want to give up playing
15:03Cuz I'm the same so I fight or we might as well give up right now
15:09If you're not ready to sacrifice everything, you'll never fulfill your dream
15:16What makes you think you know the first thing about me
15:24The deadline for a progress report on the project to the JFU is coming up. So how are we doing?
15:31Did you hear me?
15:33One moment before we continue on me
15:37I'm on the cusp of experiencing pure bliss
15:40Really ego the same meal. Don't you eat anything else call it overcompensation?
15:46When I used to play my dietary regimen prevented me from eating it now that I can I'm making up for lost time
15:51Well, at least you can cook for yourself. But how about doing some other chores like the laundry? Oh, I
15:57Refuse to do tasks that can be done by others
16:00Also, my contract says I don't have to do anything unrelated to soccer
16:05Fine, let's change the subject. Do you think the selection process is going well? Yep. Very well
16:11In fact, just you watch I'm about to add some spice to the mix
16:18That's a miss which means you've got to sit out you suck man that other goal really was nothing but a fluke come on
16:25Let's continue with our practice
16:32Miss all right to me move up faster
16:35No getting past it. Everyone else really is better than me. Their stamina is off the charts
16:42At least I know what my weapon is the ability to smell a goal
16:47My spatial awareness in other words, but I'm not sure how to use it yet
16:54What makes you think you know the first thing about me I
16:58Pissed you getting off when I should have minded my own business now, I'm dragging everyone down in practice
17:04Something's gotta change and soon
17:07That goal really was a lucky shot
17:10How pathetic?
17:12Hello there Mike diamonds in the rough
17:16Sauce and mayo a perfect combination. Don't you think ego? I don't want those noodles
17:22Yummy, so yummy for any of you that are curious the six rounds is finished. Here are the results in table
17:32Three teams are tied one win one loss
17:34Envy's got a humongous lead which means if we don't win the next game against team W. We might be screwed
17:42And here's some more spice your player rankings. I've taken the liberty of adjusting them based on your recent achievements and play so far
17:52As a striker your worth is measured by a single metric
17:55The goals you score and the more valuable those goals are the higher your ranking goes
18:00So here is the current order based on your performance in the lead is your team's game
18:12There's no way I'm the top player on team Z
18:16Damn it
18:17Finding your weapon is the first requirement of being a striker after you do polish and sharpen the tool
18:28Until it shimmers
18:30Take the world-famous Argentinian striker Lionel Messi
18:33For example, he's uniquely quick and graceful dribbling is the first weapon he possesses
18:38The second is how fast he kicks a left-footed shot
18:42In those respects he's the most prominent player on the planet and this is why
18:47He continues to reign as one of the world's best strikers as I've mentioned each of you has a different weapon
18:53So naturally how you polish it will also be different just copying messy won't make it shine any brighter
19:01Turning zero into one requires a unique weapon, but once you find it, how will you enhance it?
19:08Find your one-of-a-kind play and make it stand out your talent is an
19:13You'll have to put in the work if you want to know what's true worth
19:1924 hours until our next match. Yeah, we should go check out the footage from the last game. Okay guys
19:25Let's call it a day cool. We need to rest for tomorrow. Nice hustle
19:30Good job
19:35Make it stand out
19:37What do I polish and how?
19:40Let's be honest here
19:43My weapon isn't something that you can easily spot like dribbling or shooting the ball
19:49When it comes to smelling a goal, it's just something that comes out of the blue without any warning. I
19:56Don't know exactly when my weapon will kick in but if I'm exhausted when it does the chance will be lost
20:02So what I need to polish is my physique
20:06I've got to make sure I can run 90 minutes so I can do what I need to when the time comes
20:10I will win I will stand out
20:15Hey now speed training to get a jump on us
20:18If team sees top-ranked players going to run drills, not only will I but I'll also leave him in the dust for real
20:25Not just him. You can count me in you too. Come on. You haven't realized it yet. He's a key. Take a look back there
20:34Team Z revolves around you
20:37If you think you're staying number one guess again, you said it man
20:40All I wanted was to take a bath and relax tomorrow. We're gonna win this one, right?
20:45I've got to be the best striker in the world. There's zero chance. I'm gonna let a city have saved me you guys
20:54Until recently I wasn't on anyone's radar. I
21:00Thought my soccer career would wash away along with my tears
21:05Now everyone's chasing after me
21:12I'm number one. I can be reborn here in blue lock a
21:17Lower-ranked athlete suddenly leaps ahead of you if that doesn't fire you up. You don't belong here
21:23All it takes is one outstanding player to create a spiral of rivalry
21:28Then again, that's blue lock
21:31the world's greatest striker
21:33Will only appear
21:36Wherever the soccer is at its most intense
21:50Gina she got me mad. I'm not a she to me
21:56No, God, it's gonna be more
22:35Sake this man, I don't know he like a nice day
23:11Blue love additional time
23:14Check it out. This this too. We've got
23:21And better put our names on our toothbrushes we can't tell them apart Roger that got it
23:32Your handwriting is a mirror that reflects who you are as a person
23:40All done perfection check it out guys, here's my signature. It's a cute little dolphin
23:48My toothbrush is the one it says mine try to use it and I'll kill you
23:54Signatures terrible
24:03Don't think we can coexist with these barbarians