Blue Lock Episode 4 Eng Dub

  • le mois dernier
Blue Lock Season 1 Episode 4
00:00As far as mottos go, mine would be sexy soccer, and my weapon's my superb shooting technique.
00:20Mine's getting behind the enemy.
00:22Mine would be my body control.
00:25I'm pretty much an all-arounder.
00:27Mine's my never-give-up attitude.
00:29Probably my left leg's shooting power.
00:31Speed and technique, no question.
00:33My weapon's dribbling.
00:37Mine would be my jumping.
00:39Isekiza, what are you best at?
00:42Well, let's see.
00:44I'm not sure.
00:45Passing, right?
00:46I'm afraid that doesn't count.
00:48I need a striker's weapon.
00:49The fact that you have no idea means you're basically screwed, loser.
00:52Move on!
00:53Wait, just let me think.
00:54Well, let us know when you come up with something.
00:57Chigiri, your turn.
00:59I'm not saying.
01:01Uh, but telling each other was the entire point of this conversation.
01:05Yeah, I know.
01:07Doesn't change anything.
01:09What the hell, man?
01:10If pretty boy here wants to be selfish, let's keep going.
01:13I guess we'll have to.
01:14Anyway, not only does a striker need a powerful weapon, making good use of it is equally important.
01:21But if everybody ends up doing whatever they want, won't it be a repeat of our last match?
01:25Yeah, can we really win by listening to what that ego guy wants us to do?
01:29With our lack of coordination, all these weapons are useless.
01:34Can't we come up with a strategy?
01:36One where we all get a chance to shine.
01:39Huh, that's it.
01:43This might work.
01:44I've got a way we'll all get an equal chance.
01:47Using this strategy, we could win.
01:52Next up, it's me, Eleven.
01:58So lame.
03:21Time it so it reaches me here.
03:41It's not like we'll become a real team all of a sudden.
03:44To feet.
03:45Put it closer to my feet next time.
03:47Yeah, yeah, just stop with the whining.
03:51Stay put!
03:52Gotta hold the line!
03:54One simple fact.
03:55Lose, and your soccer career is over.
03:58At first, it divided us.
04:00But now, I feel it's gradually pulling us together.
04:10I should have eaten forever ago.
04:16It's been a week since I came to Blue Lock, and honestly, nothing's helping my confidence.
04:23Everyone here has a weapon that they're proud of, except for me.
04:27You have no talent, you chump.
04:33Maybe I don't have one, and I shouldn't be a striker.
04:40I'm sick of Nato.
04:44Good work today, Isugi.
04:48Still eating that stuff?
04:52That's how it is when your rank's low.
04:54Hey, have you eaten yet?
04:56Yeah, earlier.
04:58I came down here to talk to you.
05:01Well, I never said thank you the other day.
05:04Now I am.
05:06For what?
05:07The pass, thanks.
05:11You mean our game against Team X?
05:13Is that it?
05:15I'm a firm believer in handling things the correct way.
05:18Anyway, that's it.
05:19So good night.
05:20Hey, wait a minute.
05:23I've gotta know.
05:25Why do you play soccer?
05:28That was out of the blue.
05:29Oh, I meant, it's just, you have lots of weapons that I don't.
05:35Like your shot power and your strong frame.
05:37The player as amazing as you.
05:40Sometimes I wonder what goes on in your head.
05:43Oh, man, what am I even talking about?
05:45I'm sorry.
05:46It feels like I'm embarrassing myself here.
05:48Forget I asked.
05:50I'll see you later.
05:51Man, that's easy to answer.
05:53The reason I play is to become a superhero.
05:58When I was young, I never looked up
06:00to sentai heroes or robots, pirate kings,
06:03or any other fantasy character.
06:07Instead, I idolized strikers, warriors
06:10that ran on green pitches, scoring goals, winning games.
06:15Those players weren't works of fiction.
06:17They were real life superheroes that
06:20left me feeling inspired, full of excitement and courage.
06:24That's who I want to be, why I play.
06:28Are you being serious right now?
06:30Yeah, deadly.
06:31I don't care what anybody else thinks or if they laugh at me,
06:36because I'm not embarrassed of my dream.
06:38And in order to make it come true,
06:41I'm ready to fight the whole world fair and square.
06:44Man, amazing.
06:46He knows what he wants, unlike me.
06:53He's so cool.
06:57Hey, Isugi, you hungry?
07:02Is that steak?
07:06The goal bonus list is posted up there.
07:08Depending on how many goals you score,
07:10you can trade points for specific prizes.
07:13Cell phone, a bed?
07:15You're kidding.
07:16A one day pass outside Blue Lock?
07:18You fed me the shot.
07:19It took both of us to make that goal.
07:22So half of this steak belongs to you.
07:24What, seriously?
07:26It's been so long.
07:27Hello, red meat.
07:28I've missed you.
07:30That pass, instead of Raichi, you chose me.
07:35In terms of positioning, he was more open.
07:38I had someone guarding right next to me.
07:40I was wondering what made you think that was the right play.
07:43Well, it was sort of unconscious, you know?
07:46Like a reflex or something.
07:47Even if I had ended up passing to Raichi,
07:50it wouldn't change the fact Bara was still in front of us.
07:52Basically, guess you could say I smelled a goal.
07:55Just needed to set up your shot.
07:58Your mid-range is lethal.
07:59I would know.
08:00You could smell a goal?
08:03Ever think maybe that's what your weapon is?
08:06Being able to make those split-second decisions,
08:09that's an impressive skill.
08:14So good!
08:15Eat your half, or I will!
08:20Cooked to perfection!
08:21How'd they make it so hella good?
08:23Told ya.
08:24Hey, thanks, Kunigami.
08:26This really cheered me up.
08:28You're cool, but nice, too.
08:32Shut up.
08:33I didn't do it to be nice.
08:36Let me guess.
08:37You don't take compliments very well, right?
08:39Yeah, whatever.
08:40Let's eat and crash.
08:43Gotta rest up for our next game.
08:46We're winning this one.
09:00They're here.
09:03Team Y.
09:05They lost their first match the same as us,
09:07so their backs are against the wall.
09:09They'll be desperate.
09:12We need to keep a close eye on their number nine.
09:14Kumamoto Prefecture's top scorer.
09:17His shooting skill's off the charts.
09:19Hibiki Okawa.
09:20You know what we gotta do!
09:24This time will be different because we came up
09:26with a winning strategy.
09:27Let's have faith all our practice paid off.
09:29Even if we die, we win, Team Z!
09:32Team Z!
09:34All right.
09:35The key to this strategy is the weapon's ego mentioned.
09:39What we do is employ an ultra-offensive system
09:41that makes the best use of all of our strengths.
09:43But if each of us uses our weapon
09:45without a strategy in place, we'll crumble on the field.
09:48Which means we'll divide up the clock
09:51and take turns as the team's front man.
09:53To spotlight each player's weapon, the rest of us
09:56will create a formation around him
09:58and support whatever type of soccer he wants to play.
10:01I guess we all get an equal chance.
10:03But who goes first?
10:04Maybe we should have the order based on rank.
10:06What about the other positions, though?
10:08Switching everyone every ten minutes
10:10would be way confusing.
10:11I'm thinking to keep things simple,
10:13we'll rotate one position clockwise.
10:15The next player's close enough
10:16that it won't become a problem.
10:18Well, from a defensive perspective,
10:20the goalie should stay the same.
10:22It's too risky for each of us to take turns.
10:25I'll guard the net if it means we have a shot at winning this.
10:28I don't mind staying on as a defender.
10:31If you can't assert yourself in the locker room,
10:33then you've got no talent out there as a leader.
10:35Personally, I think it's a brain-dead idea.
10:37But if you're all sold on it,
10:39I'll go along just this once.
10:41Oh, same for me.
10:42Okay, so, everybody except for Iemon and Chigiri.
10:46You'll rotate positions every ten minutes.
10:49It's no longer Operation Next Up, It's Me 11.
10:56You ready?
10:57Now it's Next Up, It's Me Nine!
11:00Bachi, this weapon is his dribbling,
11:02which allows him to get upfield as far as he wants.
11:06It's a super-independent tactic and ego-driven,
11:09the type of soccer he wants to play.
11:11Two on one, go!
11:13Don't let him through!
11:14Think two will be enough?
11:15Better guess again.
11:18How about three?
11:20I've done my homework on your dribbling.
11:22I'm impressed, Mr. Baines.
11:24In that case, I'll pass it back.
11:29They blocked his potential routes
11:31and used a third person to steal the ball.
11:34Keep an eye on the breeze!
11:36Got it!
11:37They couldn't have improvised this.
11:39They've got a strategy of their own.
11:41And why wouldn't they?
11:43Like us, if they lose, they're out.
11:45Bachi to go!
11:46Incoming, down the wing!
11:47Don't give them space!
11:49Our plan is to use an offensive-focused formation
11:51that leverages our personal weapons.
11:54While our opponents are using a defensive arrangement
11:56to nullify them,
11:57Bachi's dribbling is still proving effective.
11:59What's more,
12:00we've got eight additional weapons in our arsenal.
12:02If we keep this up,
12:03we'll find an opening...
12:05and win.
12:07Yo, next stop!
12:10Wingers, move!
12:14Kunigami's weapon is his mid-range shot.
12:17He'll run straight toward the front line,
12:19lingering just outside the crowded penalty area.
12:22Like we practiced!
12:24When he receives the pass...
12:25Shoot it!
12:26Now's your chance!
12:27He'll blast the ball through the path we created for him.
12:32How did they block his shot?
12:34Cleared it out!
12:36I didn't think their defense would be this tight.
12:42Bachi to, let's try again!
12:45Close the space in front of number nine!
12:47Two to cover!
12:48That's weird.
12:49How come they're not attacking more?
12:52Okawa's been so quiet.
12:55He's the only one not defending.
12:57What's he waiting for?
12:59Nice pass, Bachi to!
13:01I'll score this time!
13:04Ah, damn it!
13:05Not again!
13:06Who's got it?
13:14So that's why he's on the move.
13:17Yes, this is just what I was waiting for.
13:20We weren't overwhelming them at all.
13:22They drew us into their trap.
13:24That was their plan all along.
13:26Took your time, huh, Nico?
13:29I set it up.
13:30Your turn now.
13:32Launching a counterattack!
13:43They fooled us!
13:44The target was Kumamoto's top scorer!
13:50Bring it!
14:03We're on the board!
14:05There's our first goal!
14:07Now I see.
14:08They were waiting for the perfect chance,
14:10so Hibiki Okawa could move in
14:13and utilize his incredible shooting technique.
14:16You were supposed to have it marked, Uruhaya!
14:18Stop letting Okawa run around!
14:20What am I supposed to do?
14:22We need at least two for the job!
14:24It's kind of genius.
14:26Their plan is to drop back, continue defending,
14:28then steal the ball and counterattack.
14:30If we don't find a way to stop number nine,
14:32we have no hope of winning.
14:34Let's go for another!
14:36Don't dwell on it.
14:38It's only 1-0.
14:40He's right.
14:41We still have time.
14:42We're counting on you!
14:44Kuon's weapon is his jumping.
14:47He challenges for the ball,
14:49wins it, and lays it off to start the attack.
14:52Nope! Make it 2-1-1! Every time!
14:54Sam, they're making this tough.
14:56If you're not going to make a move...
15:02Passing it around in his own half?
15:04That's right.
15:05Since they're ahead, there's no reason to rush an attack.
15:15They're running down the clock.
15:17This isn't good.
15:20Yes! Now it's righty time, you hear?
15:23Just keep passing the ball my way,
15:25and I'll take care of the rest, you got that?
15:30You have got to be shitting me!
15:32Get the damn ball!
15:34They had possession my entire ten minutes of glory!
15:37My first five minutes were a waste, too.
15:39Felt more like they were five seconds.
15:41Oh, sure, just steal it back.
15:43And what happens if we screw up and Okawa ends up with the ball?
15:46What was that? We're going to lose at this rate!
15:49If we don't push back, we're done, you realize that?
15:51One more point! That's all they need before we're done!
15:54So think about that!
15:56Well, arguing isn't helping.
15:58I've heard that when it comes to breaking down ultra-defensive teams,
16:01even the pros have a difficult time finding a way to push through.
16:04If we want to win, it means being more aggressive out there.
16:07The real question is, will this plan even work out?
16:10If our weapons prove to be ineffective against them,
16:13we'll just be dying a slow death.
16:15You won't even tell us your weapons, so why don't you shut the hell up?!
16:18Got it?!
16:19To improve our chances of winning,
16:21instead of wasting time on useless weapons,
16:23I'm saying we should focus on Bachira and Kunigami,
16:26whose styles are obviously difficult for the other team to deal with.
16:29Whose weapon is useless, you waste of space?!
16:32Stop fighting already!
16:33It's riskier to change the plan this late in the game.
16:36As long as we continue switching up our tactics,
16:38I'm convinced they're going to struggle to figure out different ways of responding to them.
16:42Our attacks haven't been pointless.
16:44The fact is, Operation Next-Up-It's-Me-Nine is working!
16:48So don't fear Okawa's counter!
16:50And keep on pushing the offensive!
16:57If we don't adapt, do we really stand a chance of winning?
17:04Kick it back! Don't force the issue!
17:06Make him have to run for it!
17:08Absolutely nothing's changed since the first half!
17:11Damn it! It's meant to be my time to shine,
17:14but I can't even get on the ball!
17:16Whenever I press, they evade.
17:18But waiting it out won't get us anywhere either!
17:20In my eyes, soccer's the same as romance.
17:23Each match is a courtship.
17:24And as far as this one goes,
17:26it's like when a girl's out of your league!
17:28She may seem tough to win over,
17:30but in reality, she has zero experience.
17:32And when she falls for me, she's head over heels.
17:35In this case, her name is Miss Team Y.
17:37And when she inevitably loves me back,
17:39she'll be an easy mark!
17:41Damn it!
17:43At least you pressed. It didn't go to waste.
17:47That's ten minutes!
17:48Which means it's my turn!
17:51Nice! We finally got the ball back!
17:53Switch positions! Get in Gagamaru formation!
17:56Seven minutes until the second half.
17:58A goal would be nice if not now.
17:59Counting on you, Isshiki!
18:02Gagamaru's strategy starts with me out on the wing.
18:05The plan?
18:06Aiming to hit an early cross
18:07into that near-impossible space in front of the goal.
18:11Crap! I kicked it too hard!
18:15But I can't forget.
18:16His weapon's his agility.
18:17He'll reach it!
18:21So close!
18:23Stick with it! It's a corner!
18:25How do you reach the ball?
18:26Corner kick, guys!
18:27Just have to try again.
18:30He's amazing.
18:31That weapon of his is working!
18:32We've got this!
18:36Just now...
18:37What was that?
18:38Okoa, maybe?
18:40If they steal the ball and regain possession,
18:43we may never get it back.
18:45Where's your head at, Isshiki?
18:47It's a corner!
18:48Get in position!
18:50Come on, guys! Flood the ball!
18:52Doesn't matter how it goes in!
18:53Just score!
18:54It's down to this.
18:55If we don't attack now, then when?
18:57This is the first chance we've had the whole game.
19:00Wait a sec.
19:01Our first chance?
19:03Our first chance?
19:05So that's it.
19:07That feeling I had a minute ago.
19:10Isshiki, it's all mine!
19:12We've been misreading the situation.
19:15The one who was crushing our chances.
19:17The player on their team who's been calling the shots
19:20and feeding passes to Okoa.
19:23Oh, shit!
19:24Nice block, man!
19:25Let's counter!
19:26Oh, crap!
19:27We sent too many forward, not enough downfield!
19:29If the ball reaches Okoa, we're doomed.
19:34I've got it!
19:36That jolt I felt earlier came from the true heart of Team Y.
19:41That's right, Niko.
19:42I see you.
19:45Nice, Isshiki!
19:46If we can shut him out, Team Y dies.
19:49This is our chance.
19:50It's now or never!
19:55This shot's mine.
19:56I can feel it!
20:03Crap, he blocked it!
20:18Hey, Isshiki. Nice pass.
20:20You good, man?
20:21Can't tell him that was supposed to be a shot.
20:23Nice one!
20:24You're keeping us down!
20:25Damn, why am I celebrating someone else's goal?
20:28The scores are even now.
20:30It means you had enough time to react.
20:32You threw yourself right at it!
20:33Just one more goal.
20:35The comeback is real.
20:38So, you finally caught on, huh?
20:41Without you, we would have countered and had a stranglehold the rest of the game.
20:45You're not controlling it anymore.
20:47We're shutting you out and winning this.
20:55You and I have the same kind of eyes,
20:58but it won't save you in the end.
21:02I'm the one calling the shots, not you!
21:06Wait and see, you bowl-cut bastard!
21:32I'm the one who's going to put the last piece in your head.
21:42The next day, baby.
21:46Don't make me dance to your silly jokes.
21:57Only one night is enough.
22:01If you want to laugh...
22:03Only one night is enough.
22:06Go ahead and scream.
22:08No one can cut through this stage.
22:13Only one night is enough.
22:31Blue Lock
22:41Blue Lock. Additional time.
22:44Hey, what do you think the other guys get for their main dish?
22:48Bet it's better than natto and pickled radishes.
22:51Let's investigate!
22:53Me? I get stir-fried veggies.
22:56A perfectly well-balanced meal!
22:58I'm beyond jealous!
23:00It's curry for me.
23:02A king? The perfect dish to have with rice?
23:04You're dining like royalty!
23:08Hey, Kunigami, want to trade dishes with us?
23:11They're pickled radishes. How about some nice natto?
23:14Come on, please have a heart.
23:16It's been so long, we've forgotten what curry tastes like.
23:19Jeez, just this once.
23:21If you want it that bad.
23:23You're a god! Thank you for a real...
23:25Kunigami got a curry!
23:27Why didn't you offer me any?
23:29Gaze upon true beauty.
23:32Which of our dishes do you desire the most?
23:36Thank you, oh wise one! I humbly accept!
23:40Figures! I knew it was too good to be true!
