Blue Lock Episode 8 Eng Dub

  • le mois dernier
Blue Lock Episode 8 Eng Dub
00:18Team wise Nico scored the equalizer against team W. So match 9 ended in a draw as a result
00:25We're now in third place out of the five teams competing
00:28What's more the only match remaining in building five is ours against team V
00:32If we draw we won't advance due to our worst goal difference. So if we want to survive
00:38Then we need to win plain and simple
00:41Hey Kuon's listening in the scum. Yes. So what who's gonna work with them now?
00:46Anyway, seems like a miracle team. Why came away with a draw?
00:50That is strange
00:52Nico didn't strike me as the type of player who would take on shouts himself. I guess he got inspired by a certain someone
00:59So he's the kind of guy who gets stronger after a loss
01:02All right
01:03Now let's discuss the key players on team V our final opponents
01:07This trio has managed 18 goals over three games their team's gone undefeated. Thanks to their incredible ferocity on the attack
01:15Zantetsu Tsurugi, five goals
01:17Reo Mikage, six goals and team V's top scorer Seishiro Nagi with seven goals
01:24If we don't stop them from scoring, we'll be packing our bags gentlemen
01:29You can't win without sneaking around? Being weak sounds like such a hassle
01:35Seishiro Nagi, guy really pissed me off. I swear I'll beat him
01:44Zantetsu Tsurugi, five goals and team V's top scorer Seishiro Nagi with seven goals
01:51If we don't stop them from scoring, we'll be packing our bags gentlemen
01:56You can't win without sneaking around? Being weak sounds like such a hassle
02:01Seishiro Nagi, guy really pissed me off. I swear I'll beat him
02:06You can't win without sneaking around? Being weak sounds like such a hassle
02:11Zantetsu Tsurugi, five goals and team V's top scorer Seishiro Nagi with seven goals
02:17If we don't stop them from scoring, we'll be packing our bags gentlemen
02:22You can't win without sneaking around? Being weak sounds like such a hassle
02:27Seishiro Nagi, guy really pissed me off. I swear I'll beat him
02:32You can't win without sneaking around? Being weak sounds like such a hassle
02:37Zantetsu Tsurugi, five goals and team V's top scorer Seishiro Nagi with seven goals
02:42If we don't stop them from scoring, we'll be packing our bags gentlemen
02:47You can't win without sneaking around? Being weak sounds like such a hassle
02:52Zantetsu Tsurugi, five goals and team V's top scorer Seishiro Nagi with seven goals
02:57If we don't stop them from scoring, we'll be packing our bags gentlemen
03:02You can't win without sneaking around? Being weak sounds like such a hassle
03:05Zantetsu Tsurugi, five goals and team V's top scorer Seishiro Nagi with seven goals
03:09If we don't stop them from scoring, we'll be packing our bags gentlemen
03:20Hey, Nagi. I acutely observed you leaving practice early
03:25Sure did. It was too much trouble so I ditched
03:28Perhaps you're not aware. If you slack off too much, the lactic acid in your knee will become bad glucosamine and burst
03:35Wait, did I get that right?
03:37Sounded like it to me
03:40Silly Zantetsu. Nagi doesn't need practice the way other people do
03:44Honestly, you spoil him rotten. You know that right?
03:47Well of course I do
03:49How could I not?
03:51He's my treasure after all
03:54My life was so dull. A picture perfect bore
03:58Reo, you were born to surpass me one day
04:02This world and everything in it belongs to you
04:06Oh honey, stop that
04:08Now Reo, is there anything you want?
04:11This sucks. I'm bored
04:15I could ask for anything and it would be mine
04:18You scored at the top of the class again? I'm so proud of you
04:21But what do you ask for when there's nothing you actually want?
04:25Hey man, how's it hanging?
04:27If I could get it easily, it wasn't worth having
04:32I wanted a treasure. One that would be mine and mine alone
04:45That's it. That's what I want
04:48No way, forget about it
04:50But why? You told me I could have whatever I wanted, remember?
04:54I've raised you as my successor
04:56Besides, out of all the kids who play, only a chosen few ever get to go pro
05:00There's no way you'll make the cut starting so late
05:02He's right sweetie. Focus on becoming a top executive instead
05:06Trust me son, we're saying this for your sake
05:10They think they've given me so much
05:14They think they've given me so much
05:18But none of it's been what I wanted
05:22I'll take the school, the nationals and win it all
05:25That ought to shut them up for good
05:28Then it's on to the World Cup
05:30Problem is, prestigious prep schools aren't exactly known for their soccer programs
05:37What do I do? I don't want to give up
05:41Damn it all
05:43Oh, sorry
05:53Whoa, nice control
05:56Sweet, I didn't die
05:57You've got to be on the soccer team, right? That was so cool
06:00Okay, now I died
06:02I know we've never met, but want to play soccer with me?
06:04Oh, so you're that mega rich guy's son. Can I have some money?
06:09I have no interest in playing soccer, or any sport for that matter
06:14I don't want to spend my life doing nothing, at all
06:17So about that money
06:21But what about that save just now? Your form was amazing
06:24You've got some serious talent
06:26Play soccer with me, work hard enough and you can go pro
06:29Like put in actual effort?
06:32Nah man, that sounds like a real hassle
06:35Why would I want to work hard?
06:37Working hard sucks
06:39Only a chosen few ever get to go pro
06:42That's what this guy is
06:44One of the chosen few
06:48I want him for my own
06:51I like you man, so we'll just do things your way then
06:55My life was a picture perfect bore
06:58Let's play soccer, kay?
07:02But then I found soccer in Seishiro Nagi
07:10That's your can we win the next match face, right?
07:13It's my tummy hurts face
07:15He's wondering how his granny's doing clearly
07:18You're all wrong
07:20This is my what does rain taste like face
07:22Gave us no clues
07:24The Wanibe brothers what is this face game is really strong
07:27Stop playing around you guys and start focusing on the upcoming match
07:30I know, that's a seriously pissed off face
07:33Only because you're distracted
07:35Fine then, let's have our strategy meeting already
07:39Before that, we still have to address our little traitor issue
07:46We saw you trying to sell us out to Team V's same as last match
07:49Don't deny it
07:50Any of you want turns punching the crap out of him, line up
07:53Great idea Heichi
07:54Let's teach him a lesson
07:56No, we can't afford to injure one of our players
07:59Say what?
08:00Think about it, we need a full team if we want to beat them
08:04You idiot!
08:05There's no way I'm playing
08:09Because of my three goals, it doesn't matter if Team Z loses
08:12I still get to advance as our top scorer
08:15The best course of action is for me to do absolutely nothing
08:18I'm definitely gonna kill you now
08:20I told you to back off
08:23What if I make three goals?
08:25All of a sudden you'd lose your spot as top scorer
08:28Are you still gonna sit by and refuse to play if that happens?
08:32You think you can score a hat trick playing with only ten against Team V?
08:35I will do it
08:36And score more points than you, without cheating
08:40You wanna try to knock yourself out?
08:45You can't play soccer all by yourself
08:47I know that better than anyone, trust me
08:51Explain yourself
08:52Just shut up
08:54None of you know me, or how hard I've worked
08:58I'm gonna make my dream a reality and win the World Cup
09:01I can't keep up with you, Kuon
09:03Stop treating it like more than a game
09:05I mean us actually becoming national champs and representing Japan
09:10You gotta start living in reality, dude
09:15I won't let it end here
09:17I refuse to lose anymore because of my teammates
09:20Give it a rest, scumbag!
09:22You really believe a traitor can be a World Cup winner?
09:26As if it matters
09:28Soon I won't have to see your shark face again
09:30What was that, bastard?
09:31Hey, I've got a question
09:33Picture this
09:34Two players are tied for having the most goals
09:36So which one of them advances?
09:38If I remember correctly, whoever has fewer yellow cards
09:41And what if they have the same?
09:43Then the player who has the higher blue lock ranking will advance
09:47Jimpachi Ego here to address your questions
09:50For the moment, let's say your team loses and your goals and fair play tally are the same
09:54Then only the highest ranked player on your roster will survive
09:59What do you know? Guess that means me
10:02Is this some kind of joke?
10:03This guy betrays us and you move him up to number one?
10:06During the first selection, scoring is the only factor taken into consideration
10:11And what he did isn't against the rules
10:13But let me say this, Wataru Kuon
10:15When it comes to strikers, you are the lowest of the lowest of the low
10:19Frankly, all of you are nothing but crap
10:24You might feel you've survived a life and death situation
10:27But it was pure dumb luck
10:29Your playing style has no value whatsoever
10:33The world's best strikers can reproduce their goals
10:36Well, can any of you?
10:40The more dramatic a goal is, the more impressive it is
10:43However, there's no shortage of players that can pull off a remarkable shot
10:47The question you should be asking yourselves is why you can't reproduce them
10:52Because they were nothing but products of luck to begin with
10:55And if you happen to rig your goals and betray your team, well then you're trash
11:00Above all else, you need one thing
11:03A formula to create scoring opportunities
11:06Analyze the how and when
11:08The situation in which your weapon helped you score a goal
11:13How far away was the goal?
11:15How many defenders were there?
11:17Where did you receive the pass?
11:18What did you feel in that moment?
11:20Internalize every detail until you can reproduce it
11:29You must devise a formula that will make you shine the brightest
11:32Every world famous striker has their own equation for scoring goals
11:38Right now, you're still swimming in a sea of coincidences
11:42But that won't do
11:43You're trapped, unable to evolve as a player
11:46Not until you've nailed reproducibility
11:49Currently, your only consistency is inconsistency
11:53To become the world's best striker, my diamonds in the rough
11:56You must prove your own formula again and again
11:59Executing it on the battlefield with precision
12:02So crank out those goals one after another
12:05Stop relying merely on luck
12:07Win the game because you were meant to
12:15Anyway, Kuon
12:16Don't think about making a move during the next match
12:18Do something stupid again and I'll kill you for real
12:23Being able to reproduce goals
12:25Not only do we have to know our weapons
12:27We have to use them at any given time with absolute certainty
12:31Nothing can be left to chance
12:33We figured out that my weapon is spatial awareness
12:36But on my own, I'm pretty much useless
12:40At this rate, it doesn't feel like we can win
12:45If we don't evolve, we die
12:49If we don't evolve, we die
12:59Well, well, if it isn't Brainless
13:02What are you doing here?
13:14Tell me something, Bato
13:15What do I need to be more like you?
13:24You might want to try using your brain, Donkey
13:27We're not finished yet
13:28You can score goals all by yourself
13:30I've never met a player that was as strong as you
13:33I can't let my dream end
13:35I want to win
13:36And become a player that can carry victories by himself
13:41Guess you don't got a brain
13:43The only thing in that head of yours is your delusional garbage ego
13:47And I'm gonna deflate it right now
13:49One on one?
13:50I'm no match for him physically
13:52Gotta watch his feet and the ball
13:54And steal it when I can
13:56As soon as he tries to set it up, I'll make my move
14:01Still, he hasn't gone past me yet
14:08More than 20 meters from the goal
14:10And he aimed for the top right corner?
14:12His precision is insane
14:14See you never, you donkey
14:16Wait, let's go again, once more
14:18Don't tell me you're done
14:20Come on
14:21Just who do you think you're talking to, Peon?
14:25I'm the king and don't you forget it
14:27He won't lose me this time
14:29I'll stay on him so he doesn't get a chance to shoot
14:32Shit, he's gonna shoot
14:34But I can almost reach it
14:38Have you fainted?
14:46Holy crap!
14:47Was he aiming for the same spot?
14:49You're finished, donkey
14:50Give up
14:52A momentary gap is all he needs to score a goal
14:55From wherever he is on the pitch
14:57King sounds about right
14:59You need a formula for scoring
15:02Hold on
15:03If Bato has a formula for consistently scoring, then...
15:10I'll stop you this time
15:11Try it again, king
15:13I know what you're capable of
15:15Enough barking, you commoner
15:17I'll show you your place
15:21If my hypothesis is correct
15:23He won't shoot from this position
15:25He's slightly left of center
15:27About 40 to 45 degrees
15:30He needs 23 meters
15:32At that distance, he'll go with an ultra-fast bending shot to the top right corner
15:36That's Bato's guaranteed scoring range
15:39He won't shoot yet
15:41It's not like he can score from just anywhere
15:43Bato gets a ton of goals because there's a specific zone where his chances of making them goes up exponentially
15:50But when there are opponents on the field
15:52He can't easily enter that area
15:54So he makes it possible with a burst of speed
15:58In order to do that, he needs that incredible physique
16:03He's able to reproduce his goals by doing whatever's necessary to get within range
16:08That's the trick behind his formula
16:11Only my eyes can see that
16:13As long as I keep him out of that area
16:15I can stop him
16:17You think just because we played a single game
16:19You pinpointed my range?
16:21It's actually 27 meters
16:28What an incredible shot
16:30I was right
16:32He's a monster
16:34Thanks for teaching me
16:36I owe you one, Bato
16:37I didn't teach you anything
16:39Only made you realize
16:41Compared to me, you're a failure
16:43Even for a brain-dead donkey like yourself
16:45That should be enough to make you quit
16:48So cool
16:51Maybe so, but still, thank you
16:53Thank you
17:06Less than 20 hours to go
17:08Until the final match
17:11I get how Bato's formula for goals works now
17:14But as far as his weapon goes
17:16It's not one I can copy
17:18Sure, I've got great spatial awareness
17:21But I'm not going to rack up points with that alone
17:24No, I'll have to figure out how during the game
17:30Why am I shaking?
17:34Everything gets determined by this next match
17:36By the end, my soccer career might be over
17:40If we lose
17:42What next?
17:47Hey, Isuki
17:49The game is tomorrow
17:51Guess we'll have our answer
17:53You can't sleep either?
17:55Believe me, I'd love to
17:56But my brain's busy dealing extra time
17:58If I don't become a soccer player
18:00I have to take over the temple
18:02Surviving at Blue Lock is the only chance I have left
18:05Reality's sinking in
18:07It's scary, the thought of having your dream die
18:12You're right
18:13The thought is making my head shake
18:16It's fine
18:17Don't be afraid
18:20We fight because we're scared
18:23Fear makes us grow stronger
18:27We're going to win this
18:29We're not done
18:31Not by a long shot
18:41Here's the plan
18:42Based off their shooting skills
18:44The three will be Kunigami, Gagamaru, and Chigiri
18:47Because the other team's offensive skills are off the charts
18:50We'll drop back all the way and defend against any attack they set up
18:53Also, we'll score goals using a quick counterattack
18:57Considering there are just ten of us now, this is our only practical strategy
19:01Hey, Kuon!
19:02You just stand in your corner and do nothing for 90 minutes
19:05Don't interfere or try helping us, got it?
19:07Touch the ball and I will kill you
19:09I heard you the first time
19:11Not like I want to pick up an injury that'll hold me back in the second selection
19:14The other team's convinced they're already through
19:17So their guard is down
19:18If we use that, we can win
19:20Sound good? We've got this
19:22It's now or never
19:23You said it
19:31It's our time
19:32Let's go, Team C!
19:36If we don't, it's all over
19:38My soccer career, my entire future
19:40It all depends on this final match
19:42Hey, Isugi
19:43If our team ends up losing this match
19:45Does that mean we can't play together anymore?
19:49Because that would be way too sad
19:51Instead, let's win
19:55Well said
20:10Bring it on
20:11Because I think we're the ones who are going to win
20:19We've seen Team V's footage and studied their offensive patterns
20:22The one that initiates all their attacks
20:24Is this guy
20:27I know I can't stop him one-on-one
20:29At the same time, his passing sense of balance
20:32And his ability to control the ball
20:34Is what we need to win
20:36I know I can't stop him one-on-one
20:38At the same time, his passing sense of goals for Team V
20:41So I won't let him run free midfield
20:43Bachna and I will mark him
20:46If he can't pass it forward
20:48Then this guy shows up to take it instead
20:50The lefty speed demon
20:54Based on what we've seen
20:55He scores mid-range shots from a tighter angle on the right side
20:59But we planned for that
21:00And blocked his path with two defenders
21:03He'll pass to him instead
21:10We can cut it out there
21:12It's all yours!
21:13Pick up the ball, Isugi!
21:14Got it
21:15And now, we counter
21:19Exactly like we talked about
21:21That's it
21:22We'll commit only a few to the attack
21:24Without disturbing our defensive setup
21:26A strong defense and a quick attack
21:28It's a super long pass, instant kill counter
21:30That's yours, Kagamaru
21:33Can I reach that?
21:34I'm not sure if I can make it
21:38But a diving header ought to do the trick
21:45Nearly there
21:46At least this strategy works
21:48So close!
21:50One more time
21:56What a play!
21:57This got interesting
22:00Hey, Nagi
22:01Let's try that move
22:03Sounds like a real hassle
22:07Try what move?
22:08What's he talking about?
22:11Don't tell me
22:12They're going to copy our instant kill counter?
22:15He overhits
22:16The pass went long
22:29He controlled it?
22:33Who is this guy?
22:36I'll show you
22:46Well, that was easy
22:48I don't know why you had such a hard time
22:56He's not human
22:57This guy's a monster, too
23:02Blue lock
23:03Additional time
23:05Real quick
23:06Remind me the rules of soccer again
23:08Oh, those?
23:09All you need to do is receive my pass
23:11And score a goal
23:13Hey, Nagi
23:14Which cleats do you want to use?
23:17I can't be bothered
23:18So whichever
23:20He didn't mention that I would have to sweat
23:23We can take a quick break
23:25Here, I'll give you a piggyback ride
23:27My muscles are crazy sore from playing
23:29Around here?
23:31Oh, yeah
23:32Must be growing pains
23:34Coming to practice tomorrow?
23:38So far, soccer's been nothing but a huge pain
23:41I'll come pick you up after class, okay?
23:45Maybe you're the pain