Blue Lock Episode 16 Eng Dub

  • le mois dernier
Blue Lock Episode 16 Eng Dub
00:15Come on guys, you're not actually fighting over the pet still after all we're teammates now
00:22Give it a rest
00:24You see that's what you get for kicking up dust you say dust
00:31Ventilate the room furthermore. Don't leave your dirty towels and clothes lying on the floor. We aren't beasts
00:41Botto is
00:43Ridiculous more like a maid. It's the birth of made Botto
00:48Clearly, we don't see eye to eye. Mr. Hasselmann. Yeah, that's the best you could do lame move. Mr
00:55Hasselmann, don't call me that
00:57It's coming together
00:59He follows a set of rules and influences everyone else to do the same
01:03It's like everything has to be just right or he'll never be satisfied
01:06He clearly knows how he wants to live his life
01:10Man, you're the hassle. I'm gonna play a game in short
01:14Even though having him around is a pain there might be something to his whole I am the rule shtick
01:19There's a chance. It's his driving force feeding his ego and letting him pull off those crazy moves
01:24I've gotta learn more about him
01:26It's the only way I'll understand his genius
01:30Hey, you want to come train with me?
01:33Unless we understand each other. We can't form a chemical reaction
03:16I'm fine practicing, but will it make a difference if it's just the two of us? What's his highness even doing over there?
03:23Apparently, that's his daily physical training routine. He's been at it for a while. Does he need to be so intense?
03:29How long are you gonna keep doing drills? You've warmed up enough now come train with us. I
03:34Require 40 more minutes and then I'll grace you with my presence. What's your take?
03:39It's like he lost all sense of cooperation while he was still in the womb
03:4440 minutes is like watching an episode of a primetime show. Yeah, we're almost two episodes of an anime still though
03:52Maybe this is how he was able to get so friggin strong through self-discipline and sticking to a hardcore regimen
03:58Yeah, it's almost on the level of obsession
04:02All right, in that case, I'll warm up with you. Yeah, right forget about it
04:08You couldn't possibly keep the same pace as me. I won't know for sure until I try
04:15Now I'm training on my own
04:21Join it if we're going to advance further need to defeat those guys
04:28Which means triggering a chemical reaction between all three of us
04:34Moving on this is how we'll be handling the second selection
04:38The focus will be on interpersonal relations honing awareness of both the self and others by applying their various mindsets
04:45They'll build teams and compete with one another with this method
04:49We'll develop unique strikers the likes of which have never been seen in this country before that concludes my report
04:55Thank you. You've presented all sorts of plausible arguments, but
05:00It comes down to the issue of talent even left to his own devices a prodigy will still be amazing
05:05He's right at the end of the day
05:07All we're looking for is Japan's next big star hurry up and roll out that genius high schooler
05:12We can market understand gentlemen. We're still only in the second
05:15You don't want the best striker you want a celebrity you bunch of fossils truly can't see beyond profits
05:21It's so disappointing how many potential geniuses. Do you suppose have been crushed under your approach I?
05:29Invite you to explain further you go you so enjoy declaring that someone is a prodigy
05:35Naturally the stupid bandwagon fans go crazy over their country's newly minted genius and shell out their money
05:41After all they can't wait to buy shirts and tickets
05:44Soon this marvel of soccer will go play overseas
05:48Totally unprepared two or three years later. He's back unable to produce the necessary results
05:54Due to the cultural and language barriers only to spend the rest of his days in a mid-level domestic league
06:01As long as this cycle is allowed to repeat
06:03Japanese soccer is forever doomed to remain a third-rate sport and producing the best striker in the world will stay a pipe dream
06:11But we do have operation costs to consider making monies necessary to some extent permit me to ask you one question
06:18just what exactly is talent a
06:21Natural gift in individuals born with is it simply being blessed with a powerful physique the way
06:28I see it those make you nothing, but a diamond in the rough take note
06:33Actual talent means having the fortitude to prove one's own ability
06:38People who spend their lives honing their skills trusting their abilities and dreaming of demonstrating them to the world
06:44That's my definition of a genius
06:47And I'm dedicating my life to producing one and blue luck when this is over. It will definitively prove that I was right
06:56Well there you go I look forward to seeing the fruits of your labors
07:00I trust I don't need to remind you that we don't tolerate failure
07:08This guy we told him over and over, but he still took the single bed
07:13So much for rock-paper-scissors, huh, so should I go kick him awake or?
07:19Sure, but you gotta admit the room is much cleaner
07:23Maybe made Bato tidied up the place guess that's a fair trade. I'd rather go to bed than dwell on it
07:29Alright, huh wait. That's it. You're so laid-back
07:38I've had just about enough of these geniuses
07:41Hey, oh got it
07:44downfield tickety
07:45piece of cake
07:50Nice that was pretty good
07:53Our coordinations definitely improved not a bad shot princess
07:57He's sicky and the others they've probably already advanced to the next stage right training's important
08:02But shouldn't we try advancing so we can meet them sooner rather than later. Yeah, I hear you
08:07But if we're not careful, we'll get stuck with someone mediocre
08:10If we lose to Isaki because we're in a hurry it would show we don't have our priorities straight. Yeah, that's fair
08:16If we wait too much longer though, there won't be anyone strong for us to poach
08:20That's true. What do you think?
08:24As long as we can beat Nagi, I don't care
08:27After crushing him. I'm gonna make him say he needs me. Is that regret talking?
08:33No, it's revenge intense. I like it
08:43It's obvious your genius is adaptability
08:47According to not ohia. That's my skill. But what exactly is adaptability?
08:53Think back to the match we won because I emulated not ohia's ability to get behind the enemy
08:59Maybe adaptability means rising to the level of every new enemy I face
09:03If that's the case I've found my next target can I sit here sure king of selfishness
09:12I've been wondering
09:14What's your ideal play style? I'm trying to eat here
09:18Why should I tell you because we need to create a chemical reaction on the field for that to happen
09:23I figure it's important. We understand each other's version of soccer
09:30Tell me what do you need to succeed you only exist to help me score goals
09:35That's it the end
09:38Sure, you say that but that mindset is why you lost to us. Remember just for a minute
09:43Think about what helping your teammates could do
09:46You're making no sense. I would have trampled you that match if shorty had been smart and followed my orders
09:52Yeah, but you did lose you might be able to score points by yourself, but that isn't going to help out the team
09:58Who cares goals are how I win. I'm not about to change my rules
10:03No, what if you were really about that whole teamwork thing, then you would have picked that pint-sized loser instead of me
10:10But you didn't man. You're thick. Yeah now do high and I might have understood one another
10:15But we couldn't produce a chemical reaction. I was able to copy his weapon, but you have one I can't replicate
10:23You've got a shot range over 28 meters not to mention charging power
10:28Those are weapons. I could never obtain even if I spent the rest of my life trying
10:33If you and I work together your talents can shine even brighter
10:39If that's the way you feel all the more reason to do what I say, are you nuts?
10:43What's even the point of us being on the same team then? Hey, shut up. I'm taking a bath
10:52Maybe it's not an act. He's actually convinced. He's some sort of king. There's no way he has any friends. I bet he's got none
10:59Nagi was right
11:01Still there's no denying. He has talent, but he won't win until he learns how to cooperate. It's kind of a letdown
11:09Watching all that potential genius being wasted
11:18Man my muscles are killing me, right?
11:21It's because of Bottles intense training regimen. I can't believe he does that every single day. Oh, oh my bad didn't mean to splash you
11:29Kodi Kami
11:32Kiseki holy so you're here too. I should be the one asking that why are you still in the third stage?
11:42Long story short you guys lost to Rean's team and had bachata stolen later
11:47You stole barrow and kicked out naruhaya. So that basically catches us up to the present. Yep. That's how it went down
11:56Sounds like you went through the ringer since I saw you last who did you end up partnering with me loser?
12:03What were you thinking leaving us behind real dumb move?
12:10Would it have killed you to wait just a little while longer what he said listen guys, I'm sorry
12:15I was gonna wait, but then Nagi asked me would you two have said no I hear my name
12:23What are you doing over there, huh, if you know an easier way to take a bath, I'd love to hear it
12:30If you said he wanted to be on a team with me, I'd probably go for it. Yeah same for me
12:36Yo, mr. Hassle man
12:38Dirty louse
12:40Swimming in a public bath is forbidden. No one's bent out of shape except you
12:45Look, I'm a ninja. Don't you dare blow bubbles? You're getting your spit everywhere
12:50Did all of you wash off before getting in the tub?
12:53Yep, I even use conditioner to whoever's disgusting towel that is get it out of here
12:58Hey, he's key between us. Is he always this OCD? Yeah, he has a system for everything
13:04I'm starting to lose consciousness. So I decided here going up against next. No, not yet. Who are you guys playing?
13:12Good question
13:15Obviously, we're challenging you
13:18That is the whole reason I teamed up with the two of them today. Oh, it's been a while
13:23So listen, I've been doing a whole lot of practicing since last time we played
13:28Stop it from now on you and I are officially rivals Nagi
13:33You abandoned me and I'm going to destroy you for it
13:40Since it's been brought up. It's human ours. You want to go? Are you afraid?
13:49Sure thought you'd never ask
14:06Will pass it around so it's easy for Bato to move if the situation allows
14:10Nagi and I will break them down with our linkup play. We'll be flexible about who shoots
14:14Okay, then feels like I'll be doing a lot of the scoring. Hey, make sure you pass me the ball
14:20Yeah, sure. As soon as you start passing to me just do it. No way. Don't talk back. Don't talk back
14:27Yeah, there's no way these two can coexist
14:30Yes, I'm the key man
14:32There's going to be a lot of adjusting needed to make a chemical reaction. By the way you saggy
14:37Why'd you let them provoke you into agreeing so fast?
14:40We could have searched a little while longer for some other team to play sure we could have I just didn't want them underestimating us
14:48Weapons are Nagi's first touch Bato's dribbling and finally my direct shot
14:53When we run into Dean's top three team, there's only one way we can defeat them
14:57We've got to find a way of maxing out the stats. We're lacking in for example
15:02He'll machinity the human lightning bolt his speed. That's what we're gonna need
15:08He's your first pick. Hey, wait a second. I want to steal someone who's good at hold-up plays
15:14Like that beefy orange hair, dude, we keep the ball. It means more goals for me
15:18I guess that's true. If we had Kunigami the ball would definitely stay up front more
15:24Also, he's got that killer mid-range shot, I guess I would have to choose today Oh
15:29After all, I promised him we'd play together again
15:33Hold up can't be good. If we all want different people you asked me and I told you what kind of soccer I want to
15:39Play it's still way early. I like we have to make a decision right now
15:44Besides if we don't win one of us will end up being stolen
15:49Right, let's run through the formations one more time
15:59Here's the plan
16:00Rails the anchor giving us balance
16:03Then Chigiri and I will attack down both sides using our weapons got it
16:07Not like we haven't practiced our combos to death in terms of offensive power. We ought to be equal to him
16:12That's right. Now on to the question of defense and deciding who should cover who no one gets you each city, but me
16:19I want to see what soccer is like with him
16:22I'm going to kill easy. He's career and prove to Nagi how big of a mistake it was teaming up with him
16:31He's yours considering our physiques I should mark Bato then meaning I've got Nagi
16:37Also, should we discuss who we're going to pick? Yeah
16:41Iseki's weapon would be great if we can make it fit within our team and Bato is a beast
16:46But going purely off ability, I'd say Nagi. I totally agree
16:50He's amazing for someone who's not trying as far as I'm concerned he's the most obvious choice
16:56What's your opinion? Are you know?
16:59What if he was kicked out? There's a part of me that wants him to experience the suffering
17:03I had to go through I'm warning you man. Don't go making this personal
17:07There are more people on this team besides you well sounds like we ought to wait until the match is settled to vote
17:14Besides after we play them, we'll have all the answers we need
17:22Fellow blue lock-ins your luck. We're inviting you to play against us a friendly challenge between teams. So good
17:30Thanks, but you three are the top ranked no offense frayed. We'll have to pass. Come on. Let's go
17:38Every time they run away scared my poor heart can only take so much rejection
17:50I'm defeating players that run away from us at this stage wouldn't be very glam. This is blue lock. They'll get weeded out soon
17:57I don't want to play any of the teams here. Anyway, I'd rather wait for Isagi's team to reach the fourth stage
18:03Wait, even longer. Have you thought that they might not even make it this far?
18:08Don't you worry trust me he'll make it here I
18:13Refuse to lose anymore game time. Are you ready to win this? Yeah
18:19If I ever won't budget it back I have to keep pushing forward
18:27Super clean shot nice one mind if I join you
18:32Yeah, I do clear out. You said you were trying to surpass your older brother that right?
18:38So what if I did I told you to leave all my years on the field and I've never seen anyone who looks as sad
18:45as you
18:46You trying to pick a fight with me Bob cut. I'm asking you to play. I promise to make things fun
18:58My heart is racing. I bet heroes get this pumped up when they're fighting the villains
19:03You know why you're excited right because you teamed up with me
19:08This game it's ours better. Believe it. They won't be able to keep up with me
19:26For some reason I don't have any fear going into this
19:29Maybe it's because I'm standing shoulder-to-shoulder with geniuses or maybe it's that I know I've gotten stronger
19:36Whatever the answer
19:38Our victory will reveal it
19:48Chemical reaction with you will be the key to locking down this game. Hey there King
19:53I know I'm not the first but I'm here to dethrone you. Give it your best shot. You mean head
19:58Oh, you didn't really expect that weak press to stop me
20:05What's the matter too scared to get close make your move
20:11Kind of defense is he playing getting in close and pulling back he's up to something that's more like it
20:17Go ahead and roam in that direction
20:19It's impossible stopping you every single time
20:23So that's it if Bato dribbles away from the goal Kunigami backs off
20:27He's only using his energy to stop him from getting into range and taking a shot an anti Bato defense one that fully
20:34Utilizes Kunigami's physique, but at least I'm stopping you at all with this tactic pretty clever, but you're still nothing more than a lowly night
20:43Over here, shut up and stop ruining this for me. I can outrun him without anyone's help
20:49Selfish can one person be what now? He said he holds your position. You've got to stay in there half
20:55I'll follow Bato and get in to pass forward somehow. What good do you think that's going to do?
21:00Prepare yourself your dreams in here. Naoki's a treasure. I discovered and you looted
21:06After we win this I'm going to steal him back from you
21:10Problem Bato pass it to me. You'll mess me up start relying on your teammates the king will never pass
21:17I hope you didn't think you could beat us all by yourself took your sweet time. Good work meat wall
21:25Yeah, damn it Wow can't believe that happened
21:29Kunigami, I got you. Are these three for real? They doubled up on Bato knowing he wouldn't pass
21:36They switched up the play on a dime. It's me versus the day. Oh and Kunigami meaning. I'm outnumbered
21:42Suddenly, I'm the last line of defense
21:45Is he going to dribble all the way or pass the ball to Kunigami which one wait till the last second?
21:51Keep your distance so you can react to either play read their timing. Let her a oh make his choice
21:59I'll pass the Kunigami if I can intercept it
22:04If that wasn't his it was meant for
22:09Sigiri lovely. Thanks today. Oh
22:12Looks like even someone as fast as you has to slow down when they trap the ball. I read Panther
22:17I caught up with you sure for the moment happy with yourself. How sad
22:24Because the only thing you're catching is my shadow
22:29Seriously, this is my first time facing him one-on-one. His speed is already infuriatingly fast in a matter of minutes
22:37They've already ripped our formation apart. Kunigami's physique. I know his tactics and of course
22:43Chigiri speed they have an understanding of each other's weapons by bringing out their teammates abilities
22:49They've achieved a tri-fusion on a higher plane even surpassing geniuses like Bato and Nagi
23:02Just dumb luck they make a pretty good team
23:06All right, I'm fired up. Yeah same here their history
23:16Additional time I am so glad to see your back master. I missed you
23:23Presenting the power specialties the King's love or more guys complete with extra hot
23:32No question, this is peak made Bato
23:35Well, it's wrong on so many levels whatever you two shitheads are imagining. Stop it
23:42Here's an idea. We could open a swearing maid cafe
23:54Think there might actually be a market for this legit business. This could work. No, it won't the idea sides with yeah