• 2 months ago


00:00Alola would like to be a great scientist.
00:05And Elmo wants to be a famous chef.
00:09If we make a plan and make an effort, we can do it.
00:13Dream now comes true.
00:15What are you doing, Rosita, with that lemon?
00:18I'm saving its seeds to plant a tree in this garden.
00:22Did you say plant a tree with those seeds?
00:25Yes, with the seeds you can plant all kinds of flowers and trees, like the lemon tree.
00:30Ah, so all those trees were also seeds?
00:33That's right, isn't it amazing?
00:35Wow, more than amazing, Rosita, super amazing.
00:38Now Elmo wants to know everything about plants.
00:41Can you teach Elmo?
00:42Yes, of course!
00:49Hi, friends!
00:56Hi, Rosita!
01:08Hi, friends!
01:12Hi, Lula!
01:25It's time to plant our lemon tree!
01:28That's right!
01:29We're going to use these seeds, look, look, look, to plant it.
01:33Elmo and his friends want to start now.
01:36What do they have to do, Rosita?
01:37Well, first they have to find a very special place for the tree to grow.
01:42A very special place?
01:44Elmo knows where!
01:45Under his favorite swing.
01:47Well, that place is very special, but the tree won't be able to grow well there.
01:52No? Why not?
01:53No, because the trees need the sun to grow, and in that place, not the sun.
01:59Ah, Elmo understood.
02:01Help Elmo find a place where the sun will shine.
02:04Let's see, a place with sun.
02:09Ah, look, Rosita, how the sun shines here.
02:13Very good, this place is perfect for our tree!
02:17How fun it was to find a place for this little tree.
02:22Now get ready to plant it.
02:52La, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la
03:22La, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la.
03:25Porche Estéreotipe.
03:30Forgus y la nueva planta.
03:37Los recibimos con nuestros peludos brazos.
03:42Mi esposo llevará el equipaje a su habitación tan
03:46pronto como lo encuentre, Forgus.
03:50Aquí estamos, mamá.
03:51I'll take the guests to their rooms.
03:53Oh, thank you, dears.
03:55Ready, Elmo?
03:56Let's go!
04:04Oh, here you are, Forgus.
04:06Who is he?
04:07Ah, meet my new plant, Mr. Evergrown.
04:11Oh, welcome to the Forchester Hotel.
04:14We welcome you with our hairy arms.
04:18Thank you very much. I'm very happy to be here.
04:22Oh, and I have the perfect place to put you, Mr. Evergrown.
04:26Oh, any place will be fine. I'm not very picky.
04:33Hey, look where you're walking.
04:35Sorry, Mr. Doll. A new plant is on its way.
04:41Here we are, Mr. Evergrown. Your new home.
04:48It's perfect.
04:51Oh, I knew you'd like it.
04:53I love it.
04:57But I just feel a slight draft of air around here.
05:04Let's see. Maybe if we try with a little breeze.
05:07Let's try in the place over there.
05:15And here we are, Mr. Evergrown. How do you feel?
05:18There's no draft of air.
05:21It's the perfect place.
05:26What was that?
05:40Perfect, except for the noise.
05:43It's a little noisy around here.
05:45Don't worry, Mr. Evergrown. It's usually nice and quiet.
05:49Yes! We felt it, Mr. Doll!
05:53Maybe if it's a little noisy after all.
05:56And what if we try in the dining room?
05:59Any place is fine. I told you, I'm not picky.
06:03You can put me here, and I'll grow roots.
06:08Here we are!
06:10No draft of air, and not too noisy.
06:13Yes. This place seems perfect.
06:19Except for... what's that smell?
06:22Oh! Delicious, don't you think?
06:25Well, yes. If you like the smell of...
06:30Yes! Here come cookies!
06:32Fresh out of the oven!
06:34Oh, heavens.
06:35The problem with me is that I don't like the smell of cookies.
06:39I don't like it at all.
06:41That's not a problem, Mr. Plant.
06:44I know how to get rid of these cookies.
07:01That's it! All gone!
07:03But there's more in the oven!
07:08Oh, yes.
07:09Oh, good! Good!
07:11We'll try to find you another place.
07:13Come with me!
07:18Here we are.
07:20There's no air flow, and it's not very noisy.
07:24there's no cookie smell.
07:27This is the perfect place.
07:30We've finally found the perfect place.
07:35Except for what?
07:37The curtains.
07:39The curtains?
07:42They're a little flowery, aren't they?
07:44Maybe that wasn't the best solution after all.
07:47Let's go to another place, shall we, sir?
07:50Oh, any place is good for me.
07:52I told you I'm not...
07:53Yes, yes, I know.
07:54You said it wasn't flowery.
08:02Very high and low.
08:09This has to be the perfect place.
08:12There's no air flow, there's no noise,
08:14there's no cookie smell,
08:16there's no flowery curtains,
08:18and there's no high and low.
08:21And it's pretty and sunny.
08:26It's perfect.
08:32But don't you feel like it's a little sunny?
08:35Because I love the sun.
08:36It helps me grow, but I don't like the sun that much.
08:39Maybe we can go back to the room again.
08:42Or maybe to the dining room.
08:44And I loved the elevator,
08:46except when it goes up and down.
08:51Is something wrong?
08:53What could be wrong?
08:55Wait here.
08:56I'll be back in a minute.
08:59Let's take all the guests' suitcases to the bedroom, Mom.
09:03Phoebe and Elmo did a great job.
09:05Oh, thank you very much.
09:06Forgus will be delighted.
09:09Oh, dear.
09:10Uncle Forgus doesn't look happy.
09:12Oh, honey.
09:13What's wrong?
09:14Is there a problem?
09:16Oh, I feel frustrated.
09:18Calm down, honey.
09:20Breathe hard.
09:22Inhale through the nose.
09:26And exhale through the mouth.
09:30That's right.
09:31From the stomach now.
09:33Inhale through the nose.
09:35And exhale through the mouth.
09:37Inhale through the nose.
09:39And exhale through the mouth.
09:43Exhale through the mouth.
09:45That's right, honey.
09:47Now, tell us, what's so funny?
09:51It's Mr. Evergrown.
09:53Your new plant?
09:54I've been taking it everywhere all day.
09:57Breathe deep.
09:59Breathe deep.
10:00I've taken it all over the hotel,
10:03but it seems like I can't find the right place for it.
10:06It changes the way I think a lot,
10:08and I feel so frustrated.
10:11I'm going to give up.
10:13But a forchester never gives up.
10:19La la la la la la la la la la la la la la
10:23A forchester won't give up,
10:25it won't give up.
10:27We'll never give up.
10:28A forchester, la la la,
10:30will always try.
10:32We're good at monster things,
10:34because we're real monsters.
10:37A groove, and groove,
10:39and another groove.
10:41The forchesters always groove.
10:46A forchester never gives up,
10:48it won't give up.
10:49We'll never give up.
10:50A forchester, la la la,
10:52will always try.
10:55A forchester never,
10:58never gives up.
10:59A forchester,
11:01will always try.
11:08Oh, you're right.
11:09Of course I can't give up,
11:11but how am I going to find the ideal place for Mr. Evergrown?
11:15Let's put our hairy heads together and think.
11:22What if we put him in the garden?
11:24Or in some room?
11:26Or what about in the dining room?
11:28Well, I've tried it in many places.
11:30They like it, but not for a long time.
11:35Come on, pretty.
11:36That could be it.
11:38Maybe Mr. Evergrown likes to be in different places for a short time.
11:44Yes, but I can't be moving him all the time.
11:46He's very heavy.
11:48Oh, Elmo has an idea.
11:57That's it.
11:58Mr. Foss, this is much better.
12:01Now can we go to the sofa?
12:03Sofa? Okay.
12:05No, no, no, no, no.
12:06Better to the elevator.
12:10No, no, no, no.
12:11In fact, I've changed my mind.
12:12Let's go to the dining room.
12:14To the dining room?
12:15Of course.
12:16Excuse me, sir.
12:17No, no, no, no.
12:18Excuse me, Mr. Evergrown.
12:19Oui, oui.
12:21It seems that Mr. Evergrown is happy now.
12:23Yes, and Aunt Fargo too.
12:26Can I take him, Dad?
12:28Me too.
12:31Now it's better over there.
12:33Over there, over there.
12:37No, no, no, over there.
12:38Excuse me.
12:42What do you want to leave us now?
12:44Tell me it's not true.
12:47Maybe Chester will miss you.
12:49It won't be the same without you.
12:55Please stay.
12:59No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no.
13:02Don't leave us.
13:07Don't leave us, Chester.
13:14Mui Tu, they picked the best place for the tree to grow.
13:18And now we need your help to plant it.
13:21Rosita already made a hole with that spoon.
13:24But there are still more steps to go, right, Rosita?
13:27That's right.
13:28Pay close attention.
13:30It's three very simple steps.
13:32Ready, Elmo?
13:35First, we're going to put the seeds in the hole.
13:40Put the seeds in the hole?
13:43So few seeds for a big tree?
13:46These seeds are enough for a very big tree to grow.
13:51The second step is to cover the seeds with the soil.
13:55Let's go first.
13:57Cover the seeds with the soil.
14:00That's right.
14:01And the third is to water the seeds.
14:07Water the seeds.
14:09That's it, Elmo.
14:10You know how to plant a tree.
14:13Every night when I go to bed,
14:16my head starts to imagine
14:19that Beto will have to fly tonight.
14:25Whenever the bed dances,
14:29something special happens to us.
14:32It's my favorite part.
14:38Fly with Beto and Enrique.
14:42We'll make a little trip.
14:45Our great adventures!
14:48The great adventures of Beto and Enrique!
14:55The Emerald Chrysanthemum,
14:57the most beautiful flower in the whole kingdom.
15:01The Emerald Chrysanthemum,
15:03the most beautiful flower in the whole kingdom.
15:08And the smell is delicious.
15:10And the emperor chose us to watch over it
15:12with our Kung Fu special powers.
15:15Do your dove pose in your nipples, flower guardian.
15:18Yes, dove pose.
15:21Now do your movements, flower guardian.
15:24Hiding duck pose.
15:31Surprise! Nipples in the air!
15:33No, nipples! No nipples!
15:35Defense against nipples!
15:37Nipples, nipples, nipples, nipples!
15:48But what a wonderful flower!
15:51I... I think I love you.
15:54You must come with me to the Monalca Palace.
16:02Oh no, someone took the Emerald Chrysanthemum.
16:05There it is! Follow that monkey!
16:14We have you cornered, monkey.
16:16Give us that Emerald Chrysanthemum, monocylinder.
16:18This is my flower and I love it.
16:24Quick, guardian Beto, banana defense technique.
16:29Banana slice attack.
16:34Did you really think you could stop the monkey with bananas?
16:38You'll never be able to take this beautiful flower off my hands.
16:48Oh no, what do we do now, Enrique, flower guardian?
16:52Maybe this requires...
16:53Frog jump technique.
16:55Jump on me, Beto.
16:57Jump. Jump. Jump. Jump.
17:01We did it, Enrique.
17:03Don't laugh yet, friend. We have to follow that monkey.
17:09I like this.
17:13Wait, Beto, jump technique.
17:16Look, the monkey is down there.
17:21Now you'll be my beautiful flower for the rest of your life.
17:27No, it's not.
17:28Return the Emerald Chrysanthemum, monocylinder.
17:33Stingy dove.
17:35Hiding duck.
17:49Oh no.
17:51My beautiful flower.
17:53Quick, we have to give it air.
17:57It's not working. What do we do?
17:59There's only one thing.
18:06Have you seen what you did, monkey?
18:08I'm terribly sorry.
18:11I loved this beautiful flower and I didn't want to hurt it.
18:15My beautiful flower.
18:20Look, the monkey's tears saved the real Chrysanthemum.
18:24¿En serio? ¡Ay, hermosa flor! ¡Estás bien de nuevo!
18:29Creo que necesitas reglesarla a tu palacio. Mejor te la regleso.
18:34¡Se me ocurre algo, Beto! ¡Tal vez este mono pueda convertirse en el jardinero del crisantemo real!
18:40¿Yo? ¿En serio?
18:42¡Sí! Por supuesto, tienes que llorar sobre ella diario.
18:46¿De verdad?
18:47¡Oh! ¡Lo podría regar con esto!
18:55¡Buenas noches, Beto!
18:57¡Buenas noches, Enrique!
19:09El árbol de Elmo lo hace feliz
19:13Era una semilla en el jardín
19:17Era una semilla en el jardín
19:21Con agua y amor y un poquito de sol
19:25Él crecerá y oirá esta canción
19:29¡Ay, muy bien, Elmo! ¡Qué bonita canción!
19:33Gracias, Rosita. ¿Rosita cree que le guste a nuestro arbolito?
19:37¡Ay, pero claro! ¡Le va a encantar! Y ¿sabes qué es lo mejor?
19:40¿Qué, Rosita? ¿Qué?
19:41Que ya pasaron muchos días desde que plantamos las semillas.
19:45¡Ah! ¿Y Rosita cree que ya haya crecido el árbol?
19:48Solo hay una forma de saberlo. ¡Vamos a buscarlo!
19:51¡Sí! ¡Vamos!
19:53¡No, espérame! Parece que Elmo ya no puede esperar más.
19:59¡Ya salieron unas plantitas, Rosita!
20:01¡Ay, qué bonitas! Valió la pena esperar a que crecieran.
20:06Rosita tenía razón. ¿Y cuándo se va a convertir en un árbol gigante?
20:11¡Ay, no sé! Pero lo que sí sé es cómo hacerle para que crezcan sanas y fuertes.
20:17¿Cómo? ¡Elmo quiere saber!
20:20Regándolas con un poco de agua para que nunca tengan sed.
20:25¡Sí! Las plantas necesitan agua, tierra y sol para estar siempre felices.
20:30Entonces, ¿qué estamos esperando para regar a esta plantita?
20:33¡Tienes razón! Aquí hay un poco de agua.
20:37Sí, a la plantita.
20:40Toma, plantita. Aquí está tu agua para que nunca tengas sed.
20:44Oye, Elmo, ¿y no te hace falta algo más? ¿Recuerda? ¿Se acuerda?
20:48¡La canción!
20:50¡Sí, es cierto! La canción que Elmo inventó.
20:54¡Canta con Elmo y Rosita esta canción!
20:56¿Listos? Uno, dos, tres.
21:00El árbol de Elmo lo hace feliz.
21:04Era una semilla en el jardín.
21:07Con agua y amor y un poquito de sol.
21:11Él crecerá y oirá esta canción.
21:14¡Ah, otra vez!
21:16El árbol de Elmo lo hace feliz.
21:20Era una semilla en el jardín.
21:23Con agua y amor y un poquito de sol.
21:27Él crecerá y oirá esta canción.
21:33Hiciste un gran trabajo esperando a que creciera la plantita.
21:37Gracias, Rosita.
21:39Elmo ya sabe todo sobre plantas.
21:41Lo único que le falta es bailar con Elmo.
21:48Amigo, vamos a bailar.
21:52Sobre las manos y girar.
21:56Un paso al frente y a saltar.
22:00Con Elmo ven a disfrutar.
22:04Y juntos bailar.
22:12Los árboles y las plantas viven en muchos lugares.
22:16¿Tú sabes en dónde?
22:17En la selva.
22:18En la tierra.
22:20En el bosque.
22:22En la selva.
22:24En muchas partes del mundo.
22:26Las plantas viven en la selva, en el jardín y en el desierto.
22:33Las plantas crecen en la tierra.
22:35En los bosques.
22:37En los parques.
22:38En el bosque, en los jardines.
22:41¿Sabías que las flores también son plantas?
22:45Dile a Elmo cuál es tu planta favorita.
22:48Mi planta favorita son las rosas.
22:51Mi planta favorita es el girasol.
22:54La rosa blanca.
22:55El árbol.
22:57Mi planta favorita son las rosas.
22:59El cactus.
23:01Las rosas.
23:04¡Pero qué bonitas plantas!
23:06Ahora Elmo quiere saber cómo le haces para cuidarla.
23:11No talando los bosques.
23:13Con agua.
23:16Dejándole sol y aire.
23:17Con agua y con sol.
23:19Dándole agua.
23:22Se cuidan con un poquito de agua, de sol, de aire.
23:29Pues las tienes que regar y dejar que en una hora les des sol.
23:35Ponerle agua.
23:38Dejarle un ratito en el sol.
23:41Es con agua y sol y con mucho amor.
23:43Las plantas nos dan muchas de las frutas y los vegetales que comemos.
23:49Como el limón.
23:50¿Qué otras frutas o vegetales crecen de las plantas?
23:54Bueno, en los árboles crece la granada.
23:57El mango.
23:59Conozco el naranjo, el árbol del plátano, del mango, de la pera y mandarina.
24:07El pepinillo.
24:09El pepinillo.
24:11Uvas, manzanas, plátanos.
24:19El tomate.
24:23El mango y la manzana.
24:27La manzana.
24:33Pero cuantas cosas nos regalan las plantas.
24:37Elmo se va a quedar un rato regando su arbolito.
24:40Hasta la próxima.
24:48Subtítulos por la comunidad de Amara.org
