The Bold and the Beautiful 7-31-24 (31st July 2024) 7-31-2024

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00:00We're gonna be late for the meeting with the prince if we don't take off soon.
00:08Still nothing from Steffi?
00:11Maybe she changed her mind about joining us.
00:13Changed her mind?
00:15She wants to be here.
00:17What's holding her up?
00:18I don't understand.
00:20I don't understand.
00:26Miss Forrester?
00:29Oh my god.
00:30Oh my goodness.
00:31I'm so sorry.
00:32I wasn't thinking.
00:36Are you locked out there?
00:47Are you locked out there?
00:51I swore I hadn't.
00:52Where's my passport?
00:54Steffi wait!
00:57Steffi wait!
01:15Wait, I told you Hope, I don't want to hear it.
01:19No, but Stuffy, I have to...
01:20I hope.
01:21I did try.
01:22They're not just mints.
01:37Poppy takes drugs.
01:40Are you insinuating Penelope had something to do with those overdoses at Il Giordino?
01:49It's true.
01:51I knew Tom Starr.
01:55We had a relationship.
02:00And you didn't want to tell me this, why?
02:04Because this guy could have been Luna's father?
02:27Your sister takes drugs.
02:29And now I find out that she was at a music festival years ago where Tom Starr performed.
02:34And by the way, she gets really defensive when I ask her about that.
02:39You say that you and your sister are polar opposites, and I know you have issues.
02:44Could this be part of it?
02:47I really want to know what you think, Lee.
02:50Is it possible that Poppy and her drugs are responsible for Tom and Hollis' deaths?
03:01Bill, I'm so sorry for not telling you sooner.
03:03I know I should have.
03:08I'm having a little trouble wrapping my head around this.
03:15You're admitting that Tom Starr could have been Luna's father?
03:27Bill, my heart has always belonged to you.
03:32Please tell me you understand that.
03:35Please, Bill.
03:41Steffi knows we can't be late for the prince.
03:48Hey, Dad.
03:49Steffi, where are you?
03:51We're about to lose our take-off slot.
03:53Are you through security at least?
03:55Dad, I'm here, but I can't find my passport.
03:59Should be taking off any minute now.
04:04Without you, Steffi.
04:11Hey, Hope.
04:18Oh, you wasted no time getting behind that desk.
04:23It's okay, your secret's safe with me.
04:27Ridge, Brooke, and Steffi should be in the air right now anyway.
04:43I know you wanted this trip to Monte Carlo to be just your mom and Ridge, but Steffi insisted on going.
04:49Well, if Steffi wants to be the third wheel, then who am I to stop her?
04:55Well, this trip is very important. I can understand her wanting to be there.
04:59Well, it is all about Brooke's bedroom, and the prince is a fan of hers, so...
05:04And Steffi's co-CEO.
05:08Carter, is there...
05:11something you need?
05:14Like I said, I know you were hoping for a different outcome, so I was just... checking in.
05:21Wait. Sorry, don't go. I didn't mean it like that.
05:29You're right.
05:32It would be a shame if Steffi wasn't there.
05:43Dad, I literally tore through my bags looking for my passport. It's not here.
05:49All right. Hand the phone to Captain Stevens, please.
05:57There's got to be something we can do. She needs to be on this flight.
06:00Unfortunately, there's nothing I can do without her passport.
06:03I'm not leaving here without my daughter.
06:05I understand, sir. But if we don't leave for Nice right now, we're going to lose our landing slot, and you'll miss your meeting with the prince.
06:16Dad, I can't find it. I can't find my passport. I'm so sorry.
06:21Just go. Go to Monaco without me. Go with Brooke.
06:36Could my sister be responsible for Tom and Hollis overdosing?
06:42Oh, no. I wouldn't go as far as to give her credit.
06:48Come on, Lee. I mean, am I really that far off? You've already admitted that she takes drugs.
06:55Penelope is capable of a lot.
06:58Okay, she's been deceitful in the past, broken at marriages, relied on rich men...
07:04Oh, that is a glowing review.
07:06I mean, seriously, you're just listing all the reasons why she could be responsible for Tom and Hollis.
07:12I wasn't done.
07:14She may be well-versed in manipulation, but I don't think she is capable of what you're suggesting.
07:22You just said it! She's a manipulator! Which is what I'm sure she's doing to Bill!
07:27Tom Starr performed at the same festival where Poppy met Bill.
07:33On the same night where Luna was supposedly conceived.
07:38Katie, enough.
07:40Here are the facts.
07:42Two employees at Il Giordino died of an overdose of the same drug.
07:48Furthermore, I can say with 100% certainty that Bill is Luna's father.
07:58Bill, please tell me you understand.
08:12I can't believe what I'm hearing. And that I'm just now hearing it.
08:21I can only imagine what you've been going through.
08:25I mean, all the years that this Tom Starr, some washed-up rocker wannabe, stalking you while you were trying to raise your daughter.
08:40That had to be very difficult for you.
08:44You mean, you're not angry with me?
08:48I'm just processing it.
08:52You were concerned that this guy was basically tracking you.
09:01And he could have been Luna's father.
09:05You didn't want that for her.
09:08And that, I completely understand.
09:11And that, I completely understand.
09:21You have no idea how much your understanding means to me.
09:30I promise I will never keep anything from you again.
09:34But please know that deep down I have always known that you were Luna's father.
09:58I can see you're upset.
09:59I can see you're upset.
10:01And believe it or not, I understand your frustration and disappointment.
10:06Penelope is, after all, my sister.
10:09Well, if you can understand, then why can't you see the truth?
10:12As you know, I insisted on administering the paternity test myself.
10:17Look, I didn't want to believe Bill could be Luna's father.
10:22I had a say for myself.
10:24But there's no mistake in the truth.
10:27My sister and Luna are now a part of the Spencer family.
10:40I know that what I told you might make you question whether or not you're truly Luna's father.
10:45And I don't blame you if you did.
10:49Lee ran the test.
10:51And we all know how she feels.
10:54She did not want Luna to be my daughter.
10:57But she is.
10:59I'm not questioning that.
11:01I'm Luna's father.
11:05You continue to amaze me, Bill Spencer.
11:10You know, there was always a small part of me that held a grudge that you never called.
11:16And that you didn't come try to find me with some grand gesture.
11:21So when I saw you again, all my walls were firmly up.
11:26But you broke them down little by little.
11:31I don't know what I expected you to be like after 20-some years, but...
11:36I have enjoyed every single moment since then finding out.
11:41You're truly an amazing man.
11:44And throughout it all, you've been nothing but kind, generous, and understanding.
11:50To both me and our daughter.
11:55I'm not sure that I deserve all that praise.
12:00But you and Luna mean a lot to me.
12:04And I realize how difficult it must have been for you to tell me all about this guy from your past.
12:11And all of Katie's questions.
12:15I imagine you wondered if it was all worth it.
12:20Not once.
12:24I hope you know that, uh...
12:27Katie's just being protective of me.
12:31Because we share a son.
12:36Just know that I believe you.
12:39All of Katie's interrogations, this Tom Star stuff...
12:45I'm still here for you.
12:51I'm sorry.
13:03I feel terrible Steffi didn't make the flight.
13:11Well, for Bridget's sake, I hope your mom and Steffi can play nice.
13:15Something tells me it will be just fine.
13:19I mean, they're on the French Riviera, they can put all aside for that.
13:22And they certainly can behave in front of the prince.
13:26Are you just imagining them fighting in front of royalty?
13:37Now, it's me.
13:42Yeah, I have a meeting with some team supervisors.
13:47Yeah, fun stuff.
13:51Well, good luck with that.
13:54Look, um...
13:56I didn't mean to upset you earlier.
13:59I just think this trip is good for everyone.
14:02Ridge, Brooke and Steffi representing Forrester, that...
14:06It feels right to me.
14:10I actually agree.
14:25I agree that all the necessary people will be there.
14:36Steffi, what are you doing here?
14:38Shouldn't you be on a jet to Monaco?
14:52I'm sorry Steffi couldn't make it on the trip.
14:57I just know how important this was to her.
14:59She should be here.
15:02Well, now we're on our way and we're gonna have a fabulous time in Monte Carlo.
15:11Very magical.
15:14Two of us.
15:25What are you doing here?
15:27I thought you had a tight schedule.
15:30Where is this thing?
15:32What are you looking for?
15:35God, what's going on?
15:37I don't...
15:38This is really crazy.
15:41Am I losing my mind?
15:42What is going on?
15:45What on earth? It's like I had it right...
15:51Right here.
15:55Your passport.
15:57Yeah, yeah, I couldn't board the plane without it.
16:03Wait, so are you saying that Ridge and Brooke took off without you?
16:07Yeah, they had a meeting with the prince, which you knew, remember?
16:13Got what you wanted, ho?
16:15My father, Brooke, on a plane to Monte Carlo.
16:18Without me.
16:26I am not my sister's biggest fan.
16:29You've gathered that by now.
16:32But she's not a murderer.
16:34If foul play was involved with Tom and Hollis,
16:39it doesn't take a genius to figure out who's responsible.
16:43Sheila Carter.
16:45Well, normally I would agree with you,
16:47but she's already been taken into custody, questioned, and released.
16:52Well, then, if there is a killer,
16:58he or she is still out there.
17:04I don't know.
17:25I feel like a weight has been lifted.
17:29I should have confided in you sooner.
17:34It would be really good if we never speak of Tom Starr again.
17:51You've transformed my life, Bill.
17:55And what's more, you've transformed Luna's life.
18:00And I don't think I can ever express how truly grateful I am
18:04to the man that you turned out to be,
18:07to the father that you already are.
18:11It is beyond what I ever could have imagined.
18:17I already had this incredible daughter.
18:22There was always a missing piece of the puzzle.
18:27And you completed that, Bill.
18:30You were the missing piece.
18:34I am so happy that we're a family.
18:41I am too.
18:44And like I said,
18:47nothing is going to tear us apart.
