While Zelensky is thinking, the Russian military operation in Ukraine continues!

  • 3 months ago
Nebenzya: The United States began its crusade against Russia immediately after the collapse of the USSR!
The official representative of Russia in the United Nations Security Council Vasily Nebenzya spoke about the crisis around Ukraine.

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00:00Dear colleagues!
00:04First of all, I would like to thank our speakers.
00:09Just over a week ago, we gathered you all in this room to talk about ways to get international
00:17relations out of the impasse they found themselves in as a result of the long-term, targeted
00:23policy of Western states to squeeze Russia out of any schemes and equations of European
00:28and global security.
00:30The West molded our country into an image of an enemy, violating the basic agreements
00:34and understandings that allowed the USSR and the USA to put an end to the Cold War.
00:39The Ukrainian crisis is just one of the consequences of this policy.
00:43Today, we all already know, including from declassified Western documents, that the United
00:51States began its crusade against Russia immediately after the collapse of the USSR, masking its
00:58With pious speeches and appeals.
01:02After the unconstitutional coup on Kiev's Maidan in 2014, Ukraine became an outpost
01:07of this line.
01:09This friendly neighboring country was gradually molded into an anti-Russia, with all its ugly
01:16With violations of the rights of Russian-speaking residents.
01:20With rampant Ukrainian nationalism.
01:22And suppression of any dissent.
01:25With the glorification of Hitler's collaborators.
01:28And with persecution of the canonical Orthodox Church.
01:31All this, as is now well known, took place, among other things, under the cover of the
01:36Minsk agreements, which the Kiev regime and its Western patrons did not even intend to
01:41implement from the very beginning.
01:43Using them exclusively as a screen for arming Ukraine and preparing it for war with Russia,
01:48it is clear that our Western colleagues are extremely reluctant to abandon this course.
01:57The obvious victim of which was Ukraine itself, this was also evident during the aforementioned
02:02open debates on multilateralism, where the United States and its allies demonstrated
02:07an absolute unwillingness to engage in any dialogue and continued to operate, with the
02:11logic of a zero-sum game, they continued to pump weapons into the Kiev regime, albeit
02:16with serious problems and failures, it is becoming difficult to ignore the fact of widespread
02:21corruption that accompanies these deliveries, thus, according to the Pentagon Inspector
02:26General's report.
02:28The US Army did not check contractors' accounts for a total of $20 million in contracts to
02:33help Ukraine, it was previously reported that the Pentagon had opened more than 50 criminal
02:40cases due to violations during the supply of military aid to Ukraine, it is clear that
02:47this is only the tip of the iceberg, and the so-called Western benefactors, together with
02:53Zelensky's clique, that is joint power, continue to rob Ukraine to the last cent, as the media
03:00recently reported, foreign corporations have already sold out more than half of Ukraine's
03:05arable land, in essence, this country is implementing an ordinary colonial scheme,
03:10at the same time, the scale of corruption in Ukraine has already reached such unprecedented
03:14proportions that Ukrainian deputies are constantly inventing a new cover for it, for example,
03:20here is a remarkable Ukrainian know-how, in mid-July, the Verkhovna Rada supported in
03:27the first reading Bill 11-340, which will allow those suspected of receiving large bribes
03:37to atone for their guilt by paying money, as they say, appreciate the beauty of this
03:42game, if you were caught taking a bribe, then you simply legally share with the state and
03:48can continue to take bribes, I wonder if there is a similar tax on bribes anywhere else?
03:57Or has only Ukraine thought of this yet, meanwhile, given the total unwillingness of
04:01Ukrainians to fight and die for Western geopolitical interests?
04:05The United States and its allies are forced to become increasingly involved in the conflict,
04:10sending not only mercenaries, but also instructors to this country, of course, they become legitimate
04:16targets for the Russian Air Force, as a result, more and more obituaries of high-ranking military
04:24personnel are appearing in the West, who allegedly disappeared while hiking in the
04:29mountains or suddenly died of a heart attack, according to a confession leaked to the media
04:35by one of the NATO officers, 18 British soldiers from the Special Air Service were killed in
04:41the recent strike on Odessa, and French special forces were also killed, none of them were
04:47mercenaries, but active military personnel, another 25 soldiers were wounded, on July 23.
04:54About 50 foreign instructors were killed in the Kharkov region, yesterday, about 200 foreign
05:00specialists were hit by a strike on Izmail, we warned about such a scenario, and we have
05:05repeatedly warned our Western colleagues about its consequences.
05:12Not all of them have yet realized the real state of affairs at the front, and the prospects
05:18for Ukraine as a state if this conflict has a military solution, however, reality has
05:23begun to dawn on some, perhaps due to the increasing number of publications by Western
05:29journalists that are unflattering to the Ukrainian authorities, among those who have begun to
05:37join the ranks of peacekeepers, is one of the main culprits of the unfolding Ukrainian
05:43The former head of the British government, Boris Johnson, we all remember that it was
05:47he who dissuaded the Ukrainian leader in late March and early April 2022 from signing a
05:55peace agreement that was very beneficial for Ukraine, initialed by the Ukrainian delegation
06:01at the negotiations in Istanbul, and here is what he is now saying.
06:06For the sake of peace, as he reasons, Ukraine could abandon the demand to return to the
06:131991 borders and, as compensation, grant rights to the Russian-speaking population.
06:26It is difficult to even imagine the degree of cynicism of the retired British politician,
06:30it turns out that the rights of Russian-speaking residents of Ukraine are a matter of bargaining
06:35for him, but are the rights of the English, or, say, the rights of the Flemings in Belgium,
06:40or the rights of the Swedes in Finland, such rights for him?
06:43We want to disappoint the British pseudo-peacemaker, we do not trade in the rights of the residents
06:47of Ukraine, who speak Russian, we also do not trade in the issue of denazification of
06:52Ukrainian society, in our opinion, it is, in principle, the moral duty of all Europeans
06:57to strive to eradicate these ugly phenomena that disgrace the European civilization itself,
07:02moreover, this coincides, with the demands of the European public, for example, the head
07:08of the Polish Ministry of Defense, W. Ediz Aukasyniak Kamis, recently unequivocally stated,
07:13and I quote, it must be said clearly, that Ukraine will not join the EU if the issue
07:19massacre is not resolved. End of quote. It is difficult not to share the opinion of this
07:28Polish politician, however, having said A, he must also say B, Ukraine will not join
07:33the EU as long as those, who committed this massacre, and thousands of other atrocities
07:38against Jews, Poles, Russians and the same Ukrainians are glorified in Ukraine, currying
07:43favor with their Nazi masters, I repeat once again, this is necessary not only for Russia,
07:49but for the whole of Europe, for the whole West, if they want to claim even the slightest
07:53correspondence to the values that our grandfathers defended together at the cost of their lives
07:5880 years ago. Dear colleagues, the consequences of the Ukrainian crisis will not be overcome
08:04as long as the lie on, which the Kiev regime is based lives, this is the lie that its Western
08:09curators willingly add and multiply, this lie is multifaceted, and it has penetrated
08:16the Western narrative on Ukraine as thick as dirt, this is a provocation and butcha,
08:20one among many, and a denial of Kiev's long-term aggression against a population of Donbass,
08:27and hushing up the truth about the tragedy in the trade union house in Odessa, but, strictly
08:32speaking, this is also about the true background of the 2014 coup itself, and about the bloody
08:39events that accompanied it, we mark the 10th anniversary of one of these most resonant
08:48Ukrainian lies a few days ago, I mean the tragedy that occurred in the skies over Donbass
08:56on July 17, 2014, on that day, Malaysian Boeing Flight MH17 was shot down, killing all 298
09:05people on board, this disaster directly influenced the course of the conflict unleashed by Ukraine
09:10a month before, stunned by the scale of the tragedy, the militia stopped their successful
09:15offensive against the positions of the Ukrainian troops, and created all the conditions for
09:20the Dutch investigators in the hope that they would establish the true culprits of what
09:26happened, alas, these hopes were never destined to come true, although our country consistently
09:32advocated for an independent, comprehensive, and credible investigation into the causes
09:37of what happened, Russia stood at the origins of the adoption of Security Council Resolution
09:4221-66, and it remains fully committed to its implementation in the interests of establishing
09:48the truth and bringing the perpetrators to justice, however, we cannot accept the biased
09:55conclusions of the technical investigation of the Dutch Safety Council, and the subsequent
10:00criminal investigation of the Joint Investigation Team, consisting of states hostile to Russia,
10:08their only goal was to hastily concoct an indictment regarding Moscow's involvement
10:13in the Boeing crash, and carelessly adjust the evidence base to it, our proposals for
10:19joint work were rejected, and the irrefutable data we presented, completely excluding the
10:27possibility of a missile launch from militia-controlled territory, were ignored, the Netherlands,
10:32acting within the framework of anti-Russian logic, have not found the strength to thoroughly
10:37understand the circumstances of this tragedy in 10 years, the obvious question of Ukraine's
10:44responsibility for not closing the airspace over the combat zone was not analyzed, as
10:50were many other outrageous facts, moreover, with the active support of its allies, the
10:57Hague is trying to use its dubious developments in the MH17 case at international venues,
11:03including the ICAO Council and the ECHR, in order to strengthen the false version of Russia's
11:10guilt in the eyes of the international community, Russia presented an extensive and convincing
11:16evidence base to ICAO, indicating that our country was not involved in the disaster.
11:22We called on this organization to conduct an impartial investigation into all the circumstances
11:26of the incident, but the ICAO Council refused to do so.
11:30It is also indicative that the interested parties ignored the decision of the International
11:34Court of Justice of the United Nations of January 31, 2024, on the proceedings initiated
11:40by Ukraine in January 2017, it rejected Kyiv's demand to hold Russia responsible for the
11:46crash of the Malaysian Boeing.
11:48We are forced to note, with regret the absence of a full, thorough and depoliticized international
11:58The politically biased version promoted by the Netherlands and its associates shields
12:04Kyiv and deliberately ignores all the facts indicating its responsibility for this tragedy
12:09In these circumstances, there is no point in talking about objectivity and the restoration
12:14of justice, in this regard, we once again express our condolences to all, who lost their
12:19relatives and friends over Donbass 10 years ago, we want to believe that the truth about
12:24this tragedy will eventually come to light, and its true culprits, as well as all those
12:30who covered them up, will receive the punishment they deserve, unfortunately.
12:36This is still a long way off.
12:38Dear colleagues, in conclusion, I would like to touch on one more topic.
12:42The situation of the Ukrainian army is so catastrophic that in recent days we have seen
12:48a number of statements by the leaders of the Kyiv regime, who have hastily obtained sheepskins
12:53for themselves, from which their alleged readiness for peace negotiations with Russia's participation
13:00Such reasoning was noted both by the Kyiv leader himself, who has lost his legitimacy,
13:05and by his subordinates.
13:07I would like to immediately note in this regard, that the readiness for negotiations voiced
13:13by the Kyiv regime as such fits into our position, that the diplomatic path is the preferred
13:19option for resolving the conflict in Ukraine, as you know.
13:23We have never refused to negotiate.
13:26Zelensky and his clique rejected the negotiations when incited by their Western sponsors.
13:33In such matters, details and nuances are important.
13:38And we do not know them, but we know that back in November 2022, the Kyiv leader legislatively
13:44banned himself and his subordinates from any conversations with the Russian authorities,
13:49and this decree is still in force.
13:51We also know that until recently, the Kyiv authorities promoted the pseudo-peaceful so-called
13:57Zelensky formula as the only basis for a settlement.
14:00That suits them, which does not and cannot make any sense either from the point of view
14:06of elementary logic or taking into account the real situation on the front.
14:11Therefore, we have many questions, without answers to which we cannot assess the essence
14:16of the modified Ukrainian position.
14:18Perhaps, a representative of the Kyiv regime could have brought some clarity today, but
14:24for reasons understandable only to him.
14:27He ignored our invitation to participate in this meeting today, by the way.
14:31The same as the EU representative, who once again demonstrated the unpreparedness of this
14:39once influential association for any diplomatic work.
14:42The fact that Kyiv's Western sponsors considered the presence of a representative of the Kyiv
14:51regime at today's meeting devoted to Ukrainian issues to be unnecessary is very telling.
14:56And this once again proves that today's Ukraine does not make any sovereign decisions, in
15:02general, colleagues, before negotiators come to us with a call to assess a possible change
15:09in the rhetoric of the expired leader of the Kyiv regime, who is suffering a fiasco on
15:13the front.
15:15We would strongly ask you to find out the details of his insight, perhaps, in fact,
15:21nothing has changed in his assessments, and if he has really matured enough to talk about
15:25peace, then he has before his eyes the peace proposals put forward by the Russian president
15:30a month ago.
15:32And we advise him to hurry.
15:35Ukraine will definitely not get anything better.
15:38And Ukraine will certainly not get a respite on the battlefield in the form of a preliminary
15:42ceasefire under any sauce.
15:45We have seen for ourselves how much we can trust Ukraine with such schemes using the
15:51example of the Minsk agreements, and while the Kyiv leader is thinking, our special operation
15:56in Ukraine continues, and its goals will be achieved, either on the battlefield or as
16:00a result of negotiations.
16:03Let Kyiv decide.
16:12For more UN videos visit www.un.org
