NATO will become a direct party to military action against a nuclear power - Russia! Nebenzya

  • last month
The United States thinks that they will hide behind the ocean, and only Europe will be hit!
The official representative of Russia in the United Nations Security Council Vasily Nebenzya spoke about the supply of Western weapons and missiles to Ukraine.

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00:00For several months now, the Kyiv regime's accomplices to the crimes have been discussing
00:08the story of Zelensky being given carte blanche to use Western weapons to strike deep into
00:13the territory of the Russian Federation.
00:21The pretext for such a step is groundless fabrications about the alleged deliveries
00:25of Iranian ballistic missiles to Russia, which were unequivocally denied by Iranian
00:30Foreign Minister Sayyed Abbas Aragchi himself.
00:34The leader of the neo-Nazi junta himself has launched an active campaign.
00:39As we all understand, he is extremely interested in such a scenario, since only the direct
00:44involvement of the United States and its NATO allies in the conflict will allow him to avoid
00:48inevitable defeat on the battlefield.
00:54The recent meeting of the Contact Group on Defense Assistance to Ukraine in the Ramstein
00:58format was remembered by his latest attempts to beg permission from his Western masters
01:03to expand the geography of strikes on Russia.
01:07The absolutely blasphemous justification is also striking.
01:12This is supposedly being done to encourage Moscow to peace.
01:16At the same time, the gang entrenched in Kyiv has still not repealed the decree on the ban
01:21on negotiations with Russia adopted in October 2022.
01:30I would like to remind you that we have never shied away from negotiations, and we have
01:34always been ready to discuss with Kyiv and its Western masters the elimination of the
01:38reasons that forced us to launch a special operation in February 2022.
01:44Zelensky is not shy about openly expressing disappointment with the indecisiveness of
01:48his curators, complaining that this does not allow him to strike at the Kremlin.
01:54Today, it can be said with a very high degree of probability that the decision to lift restrictions
02:02on the use of long-range weapons for strikes against Russia has long been made in the West.
02:08And now we are simply witnessing the final stage of its legitimization in the eyes of
02:12public opinion and in the information field.
02:17In fact, this does not change anything for us in principle in our relations with Kyiv,
02:21because the neo-Nazi regime has long been striking our territory outside the combat
02:26zone, it is organizing terrorist attacks against the civilian population and civilian infrastructure
02:31of our country.
02:33However, such a potential development of the situation will fundamentally change our relations
02:39with the West.
02:42If the decision to lift the restrictions is actually made or will be made, this will mean
02:47that from this moment NATO countries will begin a direct war with Russia.
02:52Of course, in this case we will be forced to make appropriate decisions with all the
02:57ensuing consequences for Western aggressors.
03:01Our Western colleagues will no longer be able to evade responsibility and shift all the
03:05blame onto Kyiv.
03:07As is known, the use of such weapons is possible only with access to intelligence from the
03:13satellites of the United States and the European Union.
03:17Ukraine itself does not even come close to such an opportunity.
03:22Only NATO military personnel can program flight missions for missile systems.
03:29In essence, they are not talking about allowing Kyiv to strike with long-range weapons all
03:34over Russia, but about the West itself making decisions on targets for strikes.
03:40The fact that the nationalists of the Kyiv regime will formally press the button does
03:44not matter.
03:46NATO will become a direct party to military action against a nuclear power.
03:51I think that you do not need to be explained what consequences this could have.
03:56Incidentally, Western strategists are well aware of the likelihood of such a scenario.
04:02According to documents from the US Department of Defense, the Pentagon recently commissioned
04:07a simulation of the consequences of a nuclear war for the agricultural sector of Eastern
04:12The United States, as always, clearly hopes to sit it out overseas, leaving Europe exposed
04:17to attack.
04:18We do not quite understand what this reasoning is based on, Madam Chairman.
04:28Without the support of the West, Kyiv would never have decided on a reckless invasion
04:32of the Kursk region, from where we are now actively displacing Ukrainian units, who are
04:37suffering mind-boggling losses.
04:41Most of the Ukrainian military units that participated in the adventurous foray into
04:46the territory of this region used intelligence information transmitted to Kyiv by Western
04:53They were equipped with equipment and communications equipment produced by NATO countries.
04:57They are armed with small arms of Western design.
05:02In an effort to vent anger for Ukraine's failures on the Donetsk section of the front, the Kyiv
05:07leader actually unleashed a punitive campaign against civilians.
05:13He does not stop shelling border settlements using aircraft, drones, high-precision missiles,
05:19rocket and barrel artillery.
05:24He does this deliberately.
05:27Demonstratively ignoring the norms of international humanitarian law, understanding that no matter
05:32what he does, the West will never condemn him.
05:38We have numerous testimonies that similar concentration camps were created in a number
05:45of settlements controlled by militants.
05:48Civilians, who did not want or did not have the opportunity to evacuate were forcibly
05:53driven there.
05:55Thus, from 70 to 100 civilians were forcibly driven into the basements of the Sudzansky
06:02boarding school, who were subjected to moral violence, who were used to film propaganda
06:08stories for Ukrainian and foreign media.
06:12These journalists not only illegally crossed a border of the Russian Federation, they actually
06:17did so as part of the paramilitary units of Ukraine.
06:22And they deliberately became part of the Ukrainian propaganda machine.
06:27In particular, this concerns the British publication The Independent, the German Deutsche Welle,
06:34the Italian TG1, the Latvian LT, the Romanian Hot News, the Ukrainian One Plus One, the
06:40American CNN.
06:44All of them, having trampled on journalistic ethics, became accomplices in the deliberate
06:49distortion of real events.
06:52As well as participants in the concealment of information about crimes against civilians
06:56in the region by Ukrainian militants.
06:59At the same time, you can easily find real evidence on the Internet and social networks
07:04that the Kiev regime military is mocking civilians, looting, robbing stores and private homes,
07:10and forcibly abducting civilians.
07:13Of course, you will never see these photos and videos in a CNN or Fox News report.
07:18None of the Western politicians are interested in the truth about what is happening.
07:27Their main concern is to keep the public of their countries in the dark.
07:32Madam Chairman!
07:35The violation of civil rights and freedoms taking place in Ukraine defies any description.
07:41Western leaders, understandably, try not to notice this.
07:46While the natives in their publications are increasingly beginning to call their country
07:49a Zelensky concentration camp.
07:54First of all, this definition is relevant for Ukrainian men, who not only cannot leave
08:00their country, but are also forced to stay at home so as not to be subjected to forced
08:07And from there to a hopeless and senseless meat grinder, into which they are thrown to
08:13die for Western geopolitical interests by the madden Kiev dictator.
08:18I will quote the opinion of one of the Ukrainian parliamentarians, according to whose bitter
08:23admission Ukraine has become a testing ground for not only military, but also political
08:29There the collective West is testing the reaction of its societies to the violation of those
08:35basic human rights that the West itself has erected as a foundation.
08:43Banning elections, restricting freedom of movement, the right to life, freedom of speech,
08:48freedom of religion, the use of the native language, introducing a culture of permissiveness.
08:55This is the experiment being conducted on the territory of Ukraine.
08:59Against this background, the words of the US Secretary of State seem the height of blasphemy
09:04from, which it follows.
09:07That the United States perceives the extremely dangerous round of escalation promoted at
09:12the initiative of Ukrainians and Americans, I quote.
09:16As assistance to Ukraine in overcoming the immediate problems created by the increasing
09:20Russian aggression.
09:23A sly substitution of concepts is taking place.
09:27Washington is trying to present Ukraine's offensive actions, which led to the expansion
09:32of the combat zone to a peaceful Russian region, almost as self-defense.
09:37In general, the attempts of the United States to give aid to Ukraine as an attempt to make
09:44it stand firmly on its feet militarily, economically and democratically, should not mislead anyone.
09:52We will not delve deeply into this topic.
09:55But ask the Libyans, Iraqis, Afghans, these are the latest examples of how America has
10:00benefited them.
10:03Destabilization, economic devastation, human suffering and pain are the results of Washington's
10:10policy towards these and many other countries.
10:14The same is happening with Ukraine.
10:16Its residents are beginning to realize this more and more clearly.
10:20Do not let yourself be fooled.
10:24The only country whose interests the American elite cares about and which must stand firmly
10:29on its feet militarily, economically and democratically, is the United States itself.
10:36Even if the rest of the world is destroyed for this.
10:40You have to be blind not to see it.
10:43And at the same time, you have to be absolutely devoid of any sense of self-preservation not
10:48to understand the dangerous line Washington and its Ukrainian protege are pushing the
10:52entire world towards.
10:54If today someone, for various reasons, tries to pretend that these are not his problems,
11:00then tomorrow it may be too late to change anything.
11:03We hope that everyone sitting in this room and everyone who is following our meeting
11:08will think about this most seriously.
