Ukraine, with the support of Washington, is going to use chemical weapons!

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Washington's involvement in the planned provocation with the use of chemical weapons in Ukraine is evidenced by a statement by an official US representative.

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00:00The Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation has repeatedly drawn attention to the facts of violation of the Convention on the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons by the Kyiv regime.
00:09During the special military operation, more than 400 cases of the use of chemical agents of riot control, chloroacetophenone, CS, and listed chemicals such as chloropicrin, bizet, hydrocyanic acid, and chlorine cyanide by the Ukrainian side were recorded.
00:25Similar incidents took place in the area of the city of Donetsk, the settlements of Bogdanovka, Gorlovka, Kremeneia, Artemovsk, as well as in the Krasnolomensky and Bogoslavsky directions.
00:37During operational activities, caches of toxic substances and homemade chemical munitions were discovered.
00:45In June 2024, in the Avdiivka area, in the DPR, a chemical laboratory was discovered designed to produce toxic substances of general toxic effect, including those based on hydrocyanic acid.
00:58I would like to note that Ukrainian units use toxic compounds not only during military operations, but also to carry out terrorist acts.
01:07There have been cases of using non-listed chemicals, thallium substances to commit sabotage against a number of Russian opinion leaders.
01:17In August 2024, facts of the covert use of chemical weapons by the Kyiv regime under the guise of smoke shells were revealed.
01:26On August 11, in the city of Sudza in the Kursk region, Ukrainian militants used 155 mm DM-105 cluster munitions as a result of which more than 20 people were injured.
01:40An analysis of the selected samples carried out in an accredited laboratory of the 27th Scientific Center of the Russian Ministry of Defense showed
01:51that the cause of the personnel's injuries was the ingestion of a large amount of chlorine-containing aerosol, as well as asphyxiating toxic substances through the respiratory tract.
02:01At the same time, the metal chloride mixture was only a means of camouflage.
02:05I would like to note that the said ammunition in the amount of 3,800 pieces was delivered to Ukraine in September 2023 as part of the military aid package.
02:16I would like to draw your attention to the fact that studies of the toxicity of the metal chloride mixture from ammunition of this type conducted at the American military laboratory at Fort Detrick showed
02:29that its combustion products have a strong irritating effect on the upper respiratory tract and can cause severe poisoning.
02:37This served as the basis for banning the production and use of such shells in the United States.
02:42Against this background, reports of Ukraine's purchases of toxic chemicals included in the lists of the convention and the West's silence on these facts raise even more questions.
02:54We are talking about the supply of triethanolamine to Kiev, a chemical compound used to produce nitrogen mustard gas.
03:04The main importers of this chemical to Ukraine are the Ukrainian companies Reagent and Relab.
03:09In July 2024 alone, Reagent imported more than 160 tons of triethanolamine.
03:17At the same time, there is no publicly available information on the purposes for which it was purchased.
03:23There is no information about this in Ukraine's annual statements either.
03:28Over the past few years, Kiev has been trying to soften national legislation in the field of chemical control.
03:36Back in 2022, Ukrainian government agencies proposed simplifying the procedure for obtaining permits to work with chlorine, or completely excluding it from state control.
03:47Let me remind you, that chlorine is used in technological processes for synthesizing toxic chemicals.
03:54An uncontrolled circulation will allow Kiev to use it for illegal purposes.
03:59Currently, the Russian Ministry of Defense has information about Ukraine preparing provocations with the aim of accusing the Russian Federation of using toxic substances during a special operation.
04:10According to available data, this evidence will be handed over to Western representatives to compile a supposedly independent report.
04:18I would like to draw your attention to the fact that, in the opinion of the technical secretariat,
04:23the Ukrainian side does not have the technical means and skills to select materials that meet the established requirements in order to assist the Kiev regime.
04:32In June 2024, two groups of Ukrainian special services employees, totaling more than 40 people,
04:43underwent training and sampling for documenting the facts of the use of toxic substances at the Chemical Technology Center in The Hague.
04:50It became known that in July and September 2024, the technical secretariat delivered two batches of analytical control equipment to Ukraine.
05:00A total of 13 first defender detectors and 70 LCD analyzers were transferred, meeting the established requirements for documenting evidence.
05:11In addition, the Ukrainian side and the Western technical secretariat concluded an agreement on privileges and immunities during technical assistance visits.
05:23This document will allow Ukraine to use the organization for the prohibition of chemical weapons in its own interests,
05:29bypassing existing procedures under the convention, imposing false conclusions on the organization regarding investigations of chemical incidents.
05:37It is assumed that the materials of fabricated evidence will be used within the framework of the 107th session of the Organization's Executive Council,
05:47which will begin on October 8, 2024, as well as at the conference of the states' parties to the organization in November of this year.
05:55In order to successfully implement its plans, Kiev intends to take advantage of the absence of Russian representatives in the Organization's Executive Council
06:04and, if successful, to seek further deprivation of representatives of the Russian Federation of Positions in the Organization's technical secretariat.
06:11Another evidence of the upcoming provocations is the supply of Western-made personal protective equipment to Ukraine in quantities excessive for a country that does not have chemical weapons.
06:24Please note the request of the Ukrainian Permanent Mission to the EU to the European Union Military Headquarters for the supply of 283,000 pieces of combined arms protective kits and gas masks to Ukraine in 2024,
06:41500,000 pieces of protective gloves and anti-chemical bags of each item.
06:46The nomenclature they are requesting also includes 150,000 sets of antidotes and 20,000 tests for the rapid detection of chemical warfare agents.
06:56In 2023, NATO countries have already supplied Ukraine with personal protective equipment, more than 55,000 kits, antidotes for organophosphorus substances, 600,000 ampoules,
07:08as well as preparations for detoxifying mustard gas, lewisite and hydrocyanic acid derivatives, 750,000 vials.
07:16The activities of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine testify to the special interest of the Kiev regime in listed chemicals.
07:23In 2023-2024, its specialists carried out scientific work aimed at creating chemical compounds to eliminate the consequences of using military chemical agents with a nerve-paralytic effect,
07:37such as VX, sarin and somon, and blistering action, such as mustard gas, at the same time.
07:42The explanation of such work by threats from Russia is completely unfounded.
07:48Let me remind you that our country destroyed all stockpiles of chemical weapons in September 2017, and this was done ahead of schedule.
07:56The destruction took place under conditions of total control by the organization and inspectors from Western countries, primarily from the United States.
08:06The fact of the complete elimination of chemical weapon stockpiles was officially confirmed by the Director General of the organization.
08:13The involvement of Washington in the upcoming provocation is evidenced by the statement of the official U.S. representative to the organization, Nicole Champagne, in July 2024.
08:23She openly stated, quote,
08:29that the United States intends to raise the issue of holding the Russian Federation accountable during the Conference of States Parties in November.
08:36End of quote.
08:37We understand in what direction the organization's work will be organized with respect to our state.
08:43It is assumed that, by analogy with the investigation of the Syrian military chemical dossier,
08:49a decision will be made to deprive Russia of its rights as a state party to the convention, depriving it of the right to vote,
08:57as well as the opportunity to be elected and hold positions in the executive bodies.
09:01In the future, materials on the alleged violations of the Russian Federation will be sent to the General Assembly and the UN Security Council.
09:10As was done with respect to Syria.
09:12Speaking about the policy of double standards of the organization,
09:15I would like to once again recall the confirmed facts of the use of toxic substances and non-lethal chemical agents by the Kiev regime.
09:22All the necessary evidence was presented to the technical secretariat of the organization,
09:27but we still have not received a meaningful response.
09:30We believe that another international platform has been created on the basis of the Organization for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons,
09:37whose activities are completely controlled by the United States and are used by them to settle political scores with unwanted countries.
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