The enemy is losing 2,000 killed and wounded every day! Shoigu

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Russia is increasing the pace of liberation of territories.
Secretary of the Security Council of the Russian Federation, former Minister of Defense of Russia Sergei Shoigu gave an interview. In particular, Shoigu spoke about the crisis around Ukraine, about the attack on Kursk, about past and possible future negotiations between Russia and Ukraine.

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00:00Representatives of the BRICS countries are making proposals today on a political and diplomatic settlement of the Ukrainian crisis.
00:09Will this topic be discussed? Are there any prospects?
00:15Well, naturally. It will not be without this topic. Moreover, I think that this topic will be one of the main ones, in any case.
00:23Representatives of some countries with whom I met today, in particular, have it as their main topic.
00:28I have already said that there were various initiatives. If you remember, last year African countries came to us with their initiatives, with proposals.
00:38Then there was the initiative that I spoke about, the initiative of Brazil and China.
00:45If I am not mistaken, almost 110 countries have already joined it. They are watching how everything is happening there.
00:57That is, there are many different proposals on the table, but still, the main ones are Brazil and China.
01:06I have already said this. As well as our proposals. The statement of our President, which he made at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs on June 14.
01:18It is, perhaps, the most important, in general. We have proposed everything that has already been discussed in one way or another, or is being discussed now.
01:28If we divide it by points, then it has already been. We have the Istanbul decision on our desk today, which was in April 2022.
01:43In fact, Mr. Erekhemiya signed it. And these were negotiations between Russia and Ukraine.
01:53Our Turkish colleagues kindly provided their platform. And these proposals were there. They suited everyone.
02:00If you remember, this was the moment when Mr. Macron said that you can't negotiate with a gun to your head.
02:09Then our President decided to withdraw troops from Kiev. The troops were withdrawn.
02:17Then Boris Johnson arrived and said. Dear colleagues. Nothing needs to be signed. There can be no agreements. And there shouldn't be any.
02:31But there is a very important point. This is Kursk. Here we have not conducted. Are not conducting.
02:41And will not conduct any negotiations with the terrorists. And that is exactly who they are.
02:54Because the desire to carry out nuclear terrorism against the Kursk nuclear power plant is nothing less than the highest level of terrorism.
03:01I would say. That is. They had the desire and the will to move there and take the Kursk nuclear power plant.
03:13Fortunately. They did not succeed. Until we throw them out of our territory. Naturally.
03:24We will not conduct any negotiations with them. Our President said this. Our security agencies said this.
03:32But what is this anyway? Is this a distraction of our attention? Many are discussing this.
03:38Is this such a desire to lay some kind of foundation for a further possible negotiation process?
03:44Well. This is also some kind of step to force us into a negotiation process. Into negotiations on their terms.
03:56Turkey proposed to us. They made such a proposal. Let us commit not to strike at energy facilities.
04:08Not to strike at nuclear energy facilities. And not to strike at the merchant civilian fleet in the Black Sea.
04:20Our President made a decision. He said. Yes. Let's make such a decision.
04:28And it was a great surprise for us when after some time they said. That they would not go for this agreement.
04:37And when Kursk happened. It became clear to us. What was meant by nuclear power facilities.
04:44And here. If we talk about the diversion of forces. Of course. The offensive. That is underway in Donbass.
04:52In fact. The front line there is almost 1000 kilometers. And it becomes clear.
04:59That their main desire was to divert our forces. So. That we would divert forces from there and transfer them to the Kursk direction.
05:06But. Thank God. We have enough forces. And our troops continue to advance.
05:12And here. If we return to the negotiation process.
05:19Then let's briefly restore the chronology. In 2014. Maidan happened. The foreign ministers of France, Germany, Poland come there to persuade the President of Ukraine to sit down at the negotiating table.
05:33Yanukovych was President then. They sign a document according to. Which Yanukovych does not run in the next elections.
05:41He works until the end of the year. And then he leaves. Everything was decided. It would seem. Everything was signed. Everyone is happy.
05:48With the participation of the foreign ministers of Germany, France and Poland. At that time they had Crimea, Lugansk, Donetsk. Everything was fine.
06:00And. It would seem. Calm down. But. No.
06:09In two hours they began to expel the current legally elected President. Moreover. They began to make decisions. That are beyond humanity.
06:21They began to strike at peaceful cities. That said. That we do not want to live by your laws. That you impose on us.
06:31This is a ban on the Russian language. Russian culture. How is this possible? If this is your native language. And they forbid you to speak this language? Moreover.
06:44They did not just forbid. Those. Who objected. Those who resisted. They began to strike them with multiple launch rocket systems. The air force began to strike.
06:54And this cannot be denied. This is. What is documented. How planes hit peaceful cities. How they kill civilians. And remember Odessa.
07:06That is. It was 2014. Everything was signed. You should implement it. Crimea, Lugansk, Donetsk remained in Ukraine. There are no questions. Just implement the agreement.
07:18No. We do not want to implement it. The following happens next. The leaders gather in Minsk. The President of France. The Chancellor of Germany. Mrs. Merkel are already there.
07:35The document is signed in their presence. The Minsk agreements. Today they admitted. That no one was going to implement them. But if they had implemented them then, then, of course.
08:00Crimea. A completely legal one. People voted to return Crimea to Russia. Of. Which they had been for over 200 years. Where a lot of Russian blood was shed. Then there was Istanbul. And each time Ukraine lost its territories.
08:22People died every day. They were constantly building up their troops. There was the first wave of mobilization. The second. The third wave of mobilization. The draft age of those mobilized was falling further and further. You understand. This could have not happened. Now. Every day we are liberating 28 square kilometers. On average. This happens every day.
08:46But the most important thing is not the kilometers. The most important thing is. That they are losing up to 2000 killed and wounded every day. In total.
08:57If we talk about 8 days of September and the month of August. We have liberated almost 1000 square kilometers of territory. And the pace is increasing. If you have noticed. Then in terms of overall volume or otherwise. But our pace is really growing. Thanks to our guys. Who are professionally and with full dedication conducting combat operations today.
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