Ukraine will have to pay in full for the Kursk adventure! Russia

  • 2 months ago
Western mercenaries and consultants are fighting and dying in the Kursk forests and fields!
The official representative of Russia in the United Nations Security Council Dmitry Polyansky spoke about the crisis around Ukraine.

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00:00Dear colleagues!
00:07Around mid-August, journalists accredited to the UN began asking us why Western members
00:14of the Security Council were in no hurry to request a meeting on the situation in Ukraine
00:18this month.
00:19They asked, have the US and its allies really decided to abandon the practice of artificially
00:24keeping the Ukrainian issue afloat in the Security Council?
00:27Regardless of the real needs for its discussion by the Council?
00:33Of course, we could not answer for our Western colleagues.
00:38Although we had some versions.
00:42Their Ukrainian protégés looked too unsightly during the Kursk adventure they unleashed
00:45in August.
00:49As they called the reckless attack of the Zelensky regime on the peaceful Russian border
00:52region in Ukraine itself.
00:54With all the desire, our Western colleagues could not help.
00:59But notice hundreds of testimonies of how enemy nationalists shoot civilians trying
01:05to leave the combat zone in the Kursk region, including pregnant women.
01:09How they hit civilian cars, launch drones at ambulances.
01:13Journalists and volunteers who are trying to save people from Nazi punishers.
01:20How they expertly loot Russian villages and stores and post all of this on the Internet.
01:25How they shell and destroy civilian objects, including residential buildings, schools and
01:31They mock the civilian population and take them hostage.
01:36Demonstratively using Nazi paraphernalia and symbols.
01:39We have already shown some of the video evidence of these crimes during the meeting of the
01:43Security Council members, according to the area formula on August 13, since then.
01:49Their number has only increased.
01:52And all this is happening in a territory where there are no military facilities, where mostly
01:59peaceful women, children and the elderly live.
02:04In addition, there is irrefutable evidence that the Kiev regime deliberately shelled
02:08the Kursk nuclear power plant and planned to seize it in an armed operation.
02:13Such recklessness, which risks provoking a nuclear incident with tragic consequences
02:18for the whole of Europe, is the best response to those who tried and are trying to ignore
02:25the Kiev regime's attack on the Zaporizhzhya NPP.
02:28This is what your unprincipled ostrich position leads to.
02:33Such ostentatious savagery is uncomfortable even for Washington, London and Brussels,
02:37which back in 2014 gave the Kiev Nazis carte blanche to commit any crimes.
02:42The obvious awkwardness of the Western sponsors of the Kiev regime was also increased by the
02:47fact that the Kiev regime did not even try to hide its true face, which stunned many
02:52in the world.
02:53During the attack on the Kursk region, it is clear that all this is far from the best
02:57background for requesting a meeting of the Security Council.
03:01So our Western colleagues waited until the very end of the month.
03:05And they made their move at the very last moment, hoping that the plan of the leader
03:09of the Kiev regime would at least somehow become clear by this time.
03:14And at least some positive results for Ukraine would appear from his adventurous decision.
03:19However, the meaning of the suicidal Kursk adventure of the expired Ukrainian president
03:25has not become clearer.
03:27The results are even worse.
03:29In fact, Ukraine, at the cost of huge losses in manpower and Western equipment, for some
03:34reason holds several villages in the Kursk region, diverting scarce reserves to this,
03:40including from the eastern direction, where the front of the armed forces of Ukraine has
03:45finally collapsed due to this strategic mistake.
03:48The pace of advance of Russian troops there has accelerated significantly, every day we
03:52are liberating more and more settlements in Donbas.
03:56In the last few days alone, Timofeevka, Novoselovka-Pervaya, Vysyoloye, Lysichnoye, Ivanovka, Sergeyevka,
04:03Sviridonovka, Zhelanoye, Mizhevoye, Artemovo, Kamyshevka, Orlovka, Konstantinovka, Novogradovka,
04:10Kalinovo, and Memryk have been liberated, among others.
04:15The village of Novgorodskoye, which managed to be New York for three years under the Maidan
04:23government, was recently liberated.
04:26Our units have already entered such strategically important settlements as Selidovo and Oretsk,
04:31which will soon become Dzerzhinsk, as well as Karlovka, which are located on the approaches
04:36to the most important transport and logistics hub in Pokrovsk, which will soon again become
04:48The average area of territory liberated daily in August more than doubled compared to July
04:53and amounted to 11.2 square kilometers.
04:56In recent days, this figure has grown to almost 30 square kilometers, it is important to understand
05:04that, in the absence of reserves transferred to the Kursk region by Ukraine, Russian troops
05:08are now liberating the last strongholds that the Ukrainians have consistently strengthened
05:13and held since 2014, and this is only the beginning, Ukraine will have to pay in full
05:17for the Kursk adventure, therefore, we understand very well with what a heavy heart the Western
05:25accomplices of the Zelensky regime requested today's meeting, but the United States and
05:29its satellites also need to keep in mind the fact that Ukraine is fighting with Western
05:34weapons in the Kursk region, they no longer have their own weapons, they are using and
05:38losing German and American tanks, they are hitting peaceful cities with Western artillery
05:44and multiple launch rocket systems, and in the Kursk forests and fields, Western mercenaries
05:49and consultants are fighting and dying, without whom the Ukrainians can no longer do anything,
05:54and this means that the complicity of Western countries in the crimes of the Kiv regime
05:58has become even more obvious to everyone, we will discuss this topic in detail on August
06:0330 at a meeting on the supply of Western weapons to Ukraine, therefore, it would be naive to
06:08expect any objective and humane assessment of the actions of Nazi murderers, terrorists
06:14and looters from the United States and their NATO allies, for such cases, our Western colleagues
06:21have a well-worn record about Kiv's right to self-defense and protection from Russian
06:26aggression, today, these words sounded especially false in this hall, and I think that these
06:31words will be heard here again, true, the US representative said in this hall this morning,
06:37and I quote, that no member of the Security Council, faced with a brutal terrorist organization
06:43on its border, will tolerate daily attacks or put up with the displacement of tens of
06:50thousands of its citizens from this area, but the US reserves this position exclusively
06:56for Israel, Washington has long since ignored crimes against Russia as a whole, Mr. Chairman,
07:08the reckless Kursk adventure of the Ukrainian president has another practical consequence,
07:12as you remember, in June, the Russian president made a peace proposal to Ukraine, reflecting
07:17the real situation on the front and taking into account the genesis of the Ukrainian
07:22crisis, for some time after that, the rhetoric of the Kiv leaders became more peaceful, and
07:28many of our colleagues from the countries of the Global South rushed to the rash conclusion,
07:32that we were approaching the stage of peace negotiations, colleagues, those of you, who
07:37reasoned this way did not take into account the inability of the Kiv regime to negotiate,
07:43which it demonstrated both in the case of the Minsk agreements, and with the draft peace
07:47treaty initialed in Istanbul in 2022, and this time, the Kiv regime, having deceived
07:54all those with whom it discussed peace, clearly chose escalation by attacking the Kursk region,
08:01and thus this removed all questions, I hope that no one has any illusions about this anymore,
08:07we had none, and therefore we continue to implement the goals of our special military
08:13operation by military means, establishing peace in Ukraine, in, which the Zelensky regime
08:18is not interested, dear colleagues, in conclusion, I would like to call on all those UN members
08:25whom Washington and its allies are actively trying to lure into geopolitical games today,
08:30bribing the elites and setting them against their neighbors and other influential world
08:34players, look at the unenviable example of Ukraine, and then you will understand, what
08:39this can lead to, from the richest of the post-Soviet republics with impressive industrial
08:44potential, it almost immediately migrated to the category of one of the poorest states
08:48of the former USSR, it destroyed its economy, industry, it greedily sold off land to Western
08:54corporations, it became a testing ground for American biological laboratories, and now
08:59also a testing ground for new Western weapons, and for the disposal of old ones.
09:04The introduction of the so-called Western-style democracy has led to a complete lack of freedom
09:10of speech, and more recently to a lack of freedom of religion, to thousands of political
09:14prisoners, to the establishment of a dictatorship of a president, who not only failed to fulfill
09:20a single one of his pre-election promises about peace, but who brought the country to
09:25a suicidal war with Russia for Western geopolitical interests, for whom Ukraine plays the role
09:30of a private military company, and in the end, the head of the Kiev junta also trampled
09:36and trampled the constitution of his country, refusing to hold elections, and today he throws
09:42hundreds of thousands of his citizens into a senseless meat grinder, essentially solely
09:47in order to stay in power, this is a truly disappointing result with, which Ukraine approached
09:52the 33rd anniversary of its independence, this is the price of those mistakes and miscalculations
09:57that were made by the Ukrainian leadership to please the West, apparently, realizing
10:02this, this year Western countries, unlike previous years, even decided to do without
10:07any actions in support of Ukraine at the UN headquarters in New York on Ukrainian Independence
10:12Day, instead, the Western sponsors of the Kiev regime preferred to spend time in prosperous
10:17Geneva discussing the anniversary of international humanitarian law, the provisions of which
10:24their Ukrainian protégés were at that very moment grossly violating in the Kursk region,
10:29I would like to believe that from the bloody Ukrainian tragedy provoked by the United States
10:34and its NATO allies, all, who may find themselves in a similar situation will learn the appropriate
10:39lessons, thank you for your attention.
