Today the world is extremely close to a nuclear catastrophe! Polyansky

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Polyansky: Victory over Russia, a nuclear power, is impossible!
The official representative of Russia in the United Nations Security Council Dmitry Polyansky spoke about the crisis around Ukraine.

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00:00Dear colleagues! Ladies and gentlemen! Our debate today is taking place at an extremely difficult and crucial moment for the entire world.
00:10Probably never since the Cuban Missile Crisis of 1962 has our planet been so close to a global conflict as today.
00:20We have a clear answer to the question of how we ended up at such a dangerous point.
00:25Seeking to maintain their own dominance in the world, the United States and its NATO and EU allies are getting deeper and deeper into a war with Russia in order to keep their anti-Russian project in Ukraine afloat.
00:39The root cause of the current crisis, of course, is not the efforts of the United States to save the Zelensky regime, which is rapidly going bankrupt and suffering defeat on the battlefield, at any cost.
00:52And even more so, the cause of the crisis is not Russia's natural desire to eliminate the security threats that arose after the unconstitutional coup in Kiev in 2014.
01:02These reasons lie much deeper, and we all understand this perfectly well.
01:07The NATO Anniversary Summit that took place this summer threw off the last masks from the collective West and clearly stated the Alliance's long-standing main task – to defeat Russia and nuclear power – on the battlefield.
01:22And, as we learned from documents recently declassified by the US State Department, the task of destroying Russia, excluding it from any security and cooperation schemes, was formulated in Washington immediately after the collapse of the Soviet Union.
01:42Moreover, this task is acquiring a new sound and a more specific dimension through the efforts of modern Europeans, who are developing Russophobia and who have seized key positions in NATO and the European Union.
01:55For example, here is what the recently agreed upon by the leaders of the European Union to replace Mr. Borrell from the beautiful Garden of Kajikallas says about Russia, I quote, there are many nations that are part of Russia.
02:13If there were more small states, then it would not be so bad if a large power becomes much smaller.
02:23I wonder how Brussels imagines the prospects for Russia's interaction with politicians, who have similar views. At the same time, the appetites of the North Atlantic Alliance are not limited to Russia. NATO has completely subjugated the European Union.
02:39Although before the end of the Cold War it was positioned exclusively as a counterweight to the Warsaw Pact.
02:47Now, including at the aforementioned anniversary summit in Washington, the leaders of NATO countries have publicly declared their claims to a leading role not only in the Euro-Atlantic, but also in the Asia-Pacific region.
03:01It is declared that the alliance is still guided by the task of protecting the territory of its members, but for this, as they say, they need to extend their dominance to the entire Eurasian continent and adjacent sea areas.
03:15In this row is the creation of closed alliances of small geometry, such as AUKUS and various kinds of threes and fours.
03:24NATO's military infrastructure is rapidly advancing into the Pacific Ocean region, with the obvious goal of undermining the ASEAN-centric architecture, which for many decades was built on the principles of equality, consideration of mutual interests and consensus.
03:43To replace the inclusive mechanisms created around ASEAN, the United States and its allies are creating closed, confrontational structures subordinate to them.
03:54In order to contain Russia, China and other countries whose independent policies are perceived as a challenge to the hegemony of the West, it has, with its aggressive actions, passed a sentence on the globalization system that has developed largely according to its patterns.
04:12The response to any manifestation of an independent political line is illegitimate unilateral sanctions.
04:20Washington has done everything to blow up, including literally, if we recall the terrorist attack on the Nord Streams, the foundations of mutually beneficial energy cooperation between Russia and Germany and Europe as a whole.
04:34As a result, Europe is rapidly losing its independent weight and sliding into the role of an economic and political dwarf, dependent on any whim of the American overlord.
04:47Dear colleagues! The mortal threat to all of humanity today comes from the fact that the Western countries, led by the United States, who have gotten carried away in playing a proxy war with Russia and Ukraine, have lost the understanding that a global conflict between key players with a very high degree of probability can lead to a global catastrophe.
05:11The Western elites, still living in the Yalta-Potsdam system of international relations that emerged following the World War II, have moved away from the principles of realpolitik based on national interests and indivisible security.
05:26It assumes that strengthening the security of one state should not undermine the security of another.
05:33Abandonment of this understanding, in particular manifested in the unrestrained expansion of NATO, creates a real threat of the situation sliding into uncontrolled escalation, which is well felt by our partners from the countries of the Global South.
05:49Thanks to the efforts of Washington and its satellites, the system of global checks and balances, fundamental agreements in the field of arms control, has been almost completely destroyed.
06:01The United States is trying to baselessly blame Russia for this, but we, as they say, have all our moves written down.
06:11Against this background, we are seeing a decline in professional diplomacy, a decline in the culture of dialogue, which has been completely supplanted by threats and militaristic statements.
06:20We see this in all its fullness in the megaphone diplomacy that dominates the Security Council and the UN as a whole.
06:27As a result, crisis communication channels have degraded, to the point of complete loss.
06:35Accordingly, without such insurance, which allowed humanity to survive the Cold War, the world was defenseless.
06:43And any provocation and ill-considered step could lead to a global conflict.
06:48In the context of NATO's proxy war with Russia and Ukraine, the danger of such a scenario increases many times over.
06:56I will not dwell today on our assessments of the root causes of the Ukrainian crisis and the events that forced us to launch a special military operation in Ukraine in February 2022, in full compliance with Article 51 of the UN Charter.
07:10We have spoken about this many times, including at the UN, in particular, yesterday.
07:17We have repeatedly proposed realistic settlement formulas that would stop military action.
07:25Whether to accept them or not is a matter for Zelensky's clique.
07:30At the same time, they already know from practice that each of our new peace proposals is objectively less beneficial for Ukraine, given the dynamics on the battlefield and the rapid self-destruction of the Ukrainian state.
07:44Remember the Minsk agreements and the final document of Istanbul, which were thwarted by London and Washington.
07:51Now Kiev is kicking itself over missed opportunities, but the train, as they say, has already left.
07:58Today we heard from our Western colleagues the usual mantras calling on Russia to withdraw its troops in order to stop the war.
08:05In this regard, I would like to remind you that we introduced troops precisely in order to stop the bloody massacre.
08:13That kiv began against its own citizens in the East and Southeast, and which the West has stubbornly tried to ignore since 2014.
08:22By introducing troops into the eastern and southern regions of its country, the Kiev regime has grossly violated the UN Charter and trampled on basic human rights.
08:40Apparently, the new head of the British government today emotionally condemned the actions of the Kiev regime.
08:47But instead of the usual Ukraine, his lips uttered the word Russia.
08:55Therefore, Western recipes for resolving this conflict are not suitable.
09:01This was clearly demonstrated by the pseudo-peace conference in Bergenstock, which did not arouse enthusiasm in anyone except the Zelensky regime and its Western sponsors.
09:11We understand better the scheme proposed by Mr. Borel, who was already mentioned today, I quote, I know how to end the war in Ukraine.
09:19This can be done in a couple of weeks, you just need to stop arms supplies.
09:25But at the same time, the main European diplomat himself stipulates that the West should not allow Russia to win at any cost.
09:34The same postulate is spelled out in the documents of the Washington NATO summit.
09:39Therefore, the Ukrainian crisis is only a partial element of the course towards confrontation and resistance that the West deliberately and long before the events of 2022 chose towards Russia.
09:51And if we have something to discuss with our Western colleagues, it is precisely this, and not the issues of saving Zelensky and his cronies.
10:01It is necessary to discuss how to get out of the spiral of escalation that threatens the destruction of all life on our planet.
10:08Unlike Washington and its allies, we have been and remain ready for this conversation.
10:14Dear colleagues.
10:15I hope that everyone sitting in this room understands that this rapid degradation of the international situation must be stopped.
10:23At least for the sake of the future of future generations, who themselves cannot yet reach out to politicians in Washington, Brussels and London who have gone too far in their geopolitical projects.
10:35It is difficult to do, but it is possible.
10:38To begin with, as in the past, a consensus on the basic parameters of peaceful coexistence is again required.
10:45It should be based on the principle of non-interference in internal affairs, respect for the sovereign equality of states and their security interests.
10:54A new global security equation and guarantees that it will be observed must be developed.
11:02We are convinced that our world organization can also play its role in this equation, because the UN Charter is the cornerstone of the entire system of international law.
11:14Unlike the so-called rules-based order, which is based exclusively on the interests and whims of Washington and its satellites,
11:23it is on the basis of compliance with the UN Charter that we can move as painlessly as possible to genuine multilateralism, from which all states of the world, including the United States, will benefit.
11:34The sooner Washington understands this, the safer our planet will be.
11:41Back in late 2021, Russia proposed draft treaties on mutual security guarantees to the United States and NATO.
11:49They included the principles of the inadmissibility of a nuclear war, not damaging the security of the parties, not deploying military capabilities in border areas, where this could be perceived by the other party as a threat, and many other important elements.
12:03In essence, these are the measures of trust and transparency in the Euro-Atlantic region
12:09that were lost as a result of the destruction of the arms control treaty system at the will of the West.
12:16Unfortunately, the West then, at the end of 2021, arrogantly rejected the diplomatic path to resolving the accumulated contradictions, hoping to prolong its hegemony by maintaining the status quo.
12:32This was its major geopolitical miscalculation.
12:36This was confirmed by the developments after 2021.
12:42In their original form, those guarantee initiatives are most likely no longer relevant.
12:50But the time has come to at least resume the thought process about
12:55what a new security architecture in the Euro-Atlantic and Eurasia could look like, and perhaps even more broadly,
13:02given the spread of dangerous block logic to the Asia-Pacific region.
13:08This is especially important for the Global South, which suffers from the incessant geopolitical adventures of the United States and its allies,
13:17and this calls for resources to be directed not to militarization, but to development goals.
13:23Just think. How much good could be done for the world if the hundreds of billions of dollars the West is allocating for the war in Ukraine were spent on development?
13:35In fact, even the UN is facing a liquidity crisis today due to the actions of the United States, not to mention global humanitarian initiatives.
13:45Of course, such a conversation is possible under one condition.
13:53If the West abandons its confrontational course towards Russia and abandons the illusion that the West will be able to defeat us,
14:02those who, contrary to truth and common sense, seek to demonize our country and threaten it must realize that victory over a nuclear power
14:12that has such military and economic potential as Russia is impossible in principle.
14:19I will say it frankly. The West is now most afraid not of Russia winning, but of truth winning with us.
14:32And this will lead to the countries of the world no longer being afraid of it.
14:42And this will undermine the hegemony of the United States and its satellites, without which they cannot imagine their existence,
14:51no matter what beautiful and cunning things Western politicians say, including in this hall.
14:59And since faith in justice and equality in the developing world is associated with Russia,
15:09we are not only not ashamed to enter this hall and this building,
15:16as the head of the government of the country, responsible for the most terrible crimes of colonialism
15:29and for the majority of crises on the UN agenda tactlessly suggested today.
15:41We enter the UN proudly and with our heads held high.
15:50Madam Chairperson, in conclusion, I would like to emphasize that the truth will definitely prevail.
15:59We will help it in this. The processes that have begun in the world are already irreversible.
16:08Therefore, we call on our Western colleagues not to try to restrain them,
16:17but to integrate into them, thus opening a new chapter of equal international cooperation based on the principles outlined in our speech.
16:30There is simply no positive alternative to this scenario for all of us today.
16:37I would like to believe that Western countries still have common sense and an instinct for self-preservation.
16:45That will help them realize this as quickly as possible. Thank you for your attention.
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