The Ukrainian army today found itself on the brink of complete defeat! Nebenzya

  • last month
Nebenzya: We are not fighting Ukrainians, we are fighting the criminal Kyiv regime!
The official representative of Russia in the United Nations Security Council Vasily Nebenzya spoke about the crisis around Ukraine.

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00:00The Kiev regime, which came to power as a result of a coup d'etat inspired by the West in 2014,
00:07immediately unleashed a bloody civil war against the residents of the south and east of the country,
00:12who did not want to part with their identity and honor Nazi collaborators.
00:21Because of this, the Maidan government almost immediately lost Crimea.
00:27Then, in 2015, this conflict was frozen by the signing of the Minsk Package of Measures,
00:32approved by the UN Security Council.
00:37However, the new Ukrainian authorities, instead of implementing this document,
00:41sabotaged it in every possible way, they actively armed themselves and prepared for war with Russia,
00:46with the help of the United States and its allies, as a number of retired Western politicians admitted.
00:56After the regime in Kiev categorically refused to implement the Minsk Agreements,
01:01and its Western sponsors rejected any dialogue with Russia on European security issues,
01:06our country, faced with a sharp increase in Ukrainian attacks on peaceful cities of the Donbass Republics,
01:12decided to launch a special military operation.
01:19It could have ended a month later, when the Russian army was on the outskirts of Kiev.
01:24However, the West dissuaded the Kiev leader from signing the draft peace treaty
01:29initialed by Ukraine in Istanbul, promising to support the Ukrainian army in every possible way,
01:35which allegedly in this case would be able to defeat Russia on the battlefield.
01:43However, despite the abundant supply of weapons, including long-range ones,
01:49the supply of intelligence information, targeting, the dispatch of mercenaries and instructors,
01:58and the actual direct participation of the West in the conflict, with the goal of inflicting a
02:02strategic defeat on Russia at the cost of Ukrainian lives, the Ukrainian army today
02:08is on the brink of complete defeat.
02:10In order to be convinced of this, it is enough to study the military reports,
02:14which testify to the rapid collapse of Kiev's fortification lines on the Eastern Front,
02:19which took Ukraine almost 8 years to build.
02:29To complete the picture, it is also necessary to take into account
02:34that the recruitment of Russian troops in the Eastern Front is not only a matter of time,
02:39that the recruitment of new recruits,
02:42whom the Zelensky regime is throwing to certain death in a senseless meat grinder,
02:46is carried out almost exclusively by force as a result of raids, videos of which,
02:51posted by outraged Ukrainian citizens, fill the Ukrainian segment of the Internet.
03:01In other words, Ukrainians do not want to go to war, they are trying with all their
03:05might to escape from the country, and having got to the front without proper training,
03:10they are trying to either desert or surrender.
03:13And if it were not for the blocking detachments of frostbitten nationalists shooting at their
03:17backs, the number of prisoners would already be in the tens of thousands.
03:24For the same reason, the notorious counteroffensive, on which the
03:28sponsors of Zelensky and his cliques had placed great hopes, failed last year.
03:35The head of the Kiv junta decided to realize his only remaining chance to stay in power
03:40and avoid reprisals from his compatriots. To draw the West into a direct confrontation with Russia.
03:48A large-scale provocation like Butcha would be suitable for this, but it was carried out
03:52so clumsily and unconvincingly that people may no longer believe in a new provocation.
04:06The second option is to provoke a harsh response from Russia after strikes with
04:10long-range Western weapons on targets deep in Russian territory, and then cry out for help.
04:18However, Western leaders, whose instinct for self-preservation has not yet completely atrophied,
04:24have not yet made such a decision, or, in any case, they are in no hurry to announce it.
04:29Therefore, the Kiev leader decided to go for broke and, having lulled everyone with thoughts of peace,
04:36he decided on a reckless attack on a peaceful Russian border region.
04:42However, here too, everything did not go according to plan.
04:47He did not achieve his goals and was forced to waste precious human reserves and scarce
04:51Western equipment in the Kursk region. While the collapse of the Eastern Front was occurring at
04:57an unprecedented pace, and now here in New York, he is again with an outstretched hand,
05:06and he is again trying to convince the West to raise the stakes in the conflict with Russia
05:10and stop their sons from dying for Ukraine, thus becoming a direct participant in the
05:15conflict with a nuclear power. Zelensky has nothing to lose,
05:21but the United States and its allies, of course, have something to lose.
05:27And they are well aware of the price they can pay for such an attempt to save the Ukrainian
05:35suitcase without a handle. Mr. Chairman, now the actor Vladimir Zelensky plays the role of a tough
05:45guy, an ally of the West and almost a savior of all mankind from the Russian threat.
05:50He has become a notorious Russophobe and ardent nationalist,
05:54who absorbed the ideas of Bandera and other Hitler's henchmen with his mother's milk.
06:00However, Zelensky has not always played such a role. To understand who we are dealing with,
06:09let's briefly go over his political roles of the last decade.
06:12At one time, even before being elected President and at the initial stage of leading the country,
06:20Mr. Zelensky spoke quite critically about the 2014 coup.
06:24He called for an objective investigation of its dark pages.
06:29Being a Russian speaker, in 2014 he said the following words, I quote,
06:35In 2014 he said the following words, I quote,
06:53At the height of his election campaign in 2019, he declared the inadmissibility of oppressing
06:58the Russian language, the need for guarantees that it would develop equally with other languages.
07:04In addition, he promised to ensure a sustainable ceasefire in Donbass.
07:10It is not surprising that Ukrainian voters liked his program,
07:14and he received three quarters of their votes in the elections.
07:19Of course, the fact that he gave interviews in Russian also had an effect.
07:24He promised not to impose the cult of Nazi henchmen on those who do not consider them heroes.
07:30He vowed to silence the guns in the east of the country,
07:33where the Ukrainian armed forces had been shelling peaceful cities for five years by,
07:38that point, killing women, old people and children.
07:43However, after his victory, he began to play a different role,
07:47and he did not fulfill any of his promises.
07:51One can trace how he gradually betrayed the Ukrainian people and destroyed the state in
07:56favor of the interests of Western sponsors. In his inauguration speech, he declared
08:04that the Ukrainian state must fight for the hearts and souls of the people of Donbass,
08:08and not just for territory.
08:12Soon after coming to power, he began to sabotage the implementation of the Minsk agreements.
08:18He supported all the most extremist laws regarding the Russian language and Russian speakers.
08:23And then he even advised residents of the southeast of Ukraine,
08:27who consider themselves Russian to move to Russia, and called them rude words.
08:33I would like to ask Mr. Zelensky, although I will not be able to do this now,
08:39who called here today to comply with the UN Charter.
08:42How do these actions of his fit into the UN Charter?
08:46How do violations of basic human rights sanctioned by the leadership of the KIV regime
08:51relate to the UN Charter?
08:56Or are you ready to notice this document only in the part concerning territorial integrity?
09:04Instead of eliminating the causes of the crisis inside Ukraine,
09:07which led to a civil war, the new president of Ukraine has taken up its deepening.
09:14In this country, in essence, a language inquisition appeared,
09:18punishing the use of the Russian language, which is the native language of most Ukrainians.
09:24Even before the start of the special military operation in Ukraine,
09:28the opposition was effectively destroyed. Independent media were closed.
09:34The canonical Ukrainian Orthodox Church was repressed.
09:37And nationalist and neo-Nazi groups flourished.
09:41In fact, anything that connected Ukraine with Russia in one way or another was outlawed.
09:46History was rewritten there.
09:49children were brainwashed with delusional theories about a multi-thousand-year-old Ukrainian civilization,
09:54from, which the Jews, Portuguese, and French descended.
10:02This is not a joke or a fake.
10:05This is written in the geography textbook for the 8th grade of a Ukrainian secondary school,
10:10and we showed it here in this hall.
10:11Mr. Chairman, in the speeches of Western countries, Ukraine is presented as an innocent
10:16victim of Russian aggression, and the United States and its allies are presented as peacekeepers.
10:21There is nothing further from the truth than such statements.
10:24Ukraine under the neo-Nazi Kiev regime has become a dictatorship of one man,
10:29who is ready to not only drown the entire country in blood and sacrifice all young
10:34Ukrainians who did not manage to escape from the country, but also to destroy the whole country.
10:40He managed to escape from the country, but also pushed the world into the abyss of World War III,
10:44in order to preserve his power and blindly play along with the West.
10:50Although a few years ago Zelensky said the following,
10:53quote, I can assure you that I am ready to do anything to ensure that our heroes do not
10:58die anymore, and I am certainly not afraid to make difficult decisions,
11:02I am ready to lose my post without hesitation, if only peace would come.
11:06End of quote. Now these phrases seem like something from the realm of fantasy,
11:10they have lost their relevance so much.
11:14In the conditions of an extremely low level of his support among the population,
11:18he experiences an animal fear of losing power, because he understands
11:22that he will have to pay for all the crimes he committed while in office.
11:30Let me remind you that the next elections were supposed to take place on March 31,
11:35but Zelensky cancelled them under the pretext of martial law,
11:38which contradicts the basic law of the country.
11:43After May 20 of this year, when presidential powers should have been transferred to the
11:48Speaker of the Verkhovna Rada according to the Constitution,
11:51the leader of the Kiv-Hunta turned into a banal usurper of power.
11:56By the way, the powers of the 9th Convocation of the Rada expired on August 28.
12:03During the 5 years of his presidential term, he brought the country entrusted to him to the abyss,
12:08selling Ukraine to Western corporations, destroying its economy,
12:11plunging it into the deepest demographic crisis.
12:22President Biden spoke at the General Assembly today about the need to save the Ukrainian nation.
12:26The Ukrainian nation is not in danger.
12:30We are fighting not it, we are fighting a criminal regime
12:33that seized power in Kiv and is leading its people to disaster.
12:39And this is not a war for territory, as our enemies claim.
12:44This is a battle for the consciousness and rights of people.
12:50Mr. Chairman, a fair and sustainable solution to the problem of the Kiv-Hunta
12:54Mr. Chairman, a fair and sustainable settlement of the Ukrainian crisis is
12:58impossible without eliminating its root causes. First of all, this is the elimination of violations
13:04of the rights of the Russian-speaking population and the abolition of other discriminatory laws
13:09in Ukraine. Today, we hear calls from different sides for a political and diplomatic solution
13:14based on the UN Charter. However, without overcoming the legacy of Maidan, without
13:19eradicating nationalism, Nazism and other manifestations of discrimination in Ukraine,
13:25respect for the rights and fundamental freedoms for all, without distinction of race,
13:29gender, language and religion in accordance with Articles 1 to 3 of the UN Charter,
13:34no settlement will be possible. We have heard nothing about this seemingly obvious conclusion
13:41either from our Western colleagues or from the UN Secretary General.
13:46Just as we have not heard another important thesis.
13:49That the purposes and principles of the UN Charter must be observed in their entirety,
13:53totality and interrelation. In addition to the provisions on respect for the sovereignty and
13:59territorial integrity of states, this Charter also contains the principle of self-determination
14:04of peoples. This should never be forgotten. As well as the responsibility of governments
14:11for all citizens of their states without exception. We hope that the Kiev regime will
14:18not be able to completely destroy its country and its people, which it is already close to,
14:23nor push the world into the abyss of a nuclear catastrophe. To do this, he should as quickly as
14:30possible accept realistic parameters for a long-term settlement of the Ukrainian crisis
14:35and not constantly slide into some unrealistic ultimatums, plans for victory and so on.
14:42The price for such criminal self-righteousness is paid by ordinary Ukrainians,
14:46whose resistance to the presumptuous Kiev clique is noticeably increasing.
14:51As for us, Russia has always been ready to live in peace and good neighborliness with Ukraine,
14:57until the West turned it into an aggressive, Russophobic neo-Nazi hornet's nest that threatens
15:02our security. And until the West began making plans to draw it into the militaristic NATO bloc.
15:09We have always treated Ukrainians with respect, they are a brotherly people with whom we are
15:13connected by unbreakable historical ties. It is no coincidence that several millions of
15:20them have found refuge in Russia. But if the Western camp does not allow us to get rid of
15:26this cancerous tumor, that is the current Kiev regime by peaceful means. If the geopolitical
15:33and economic considerations of Washington and its satellites still turn out to be more important
15:37than saving this country. We will continue our special military operation until its objectives
15:42are resolved by military means. If we have no other way to achieve peace. Thank you.
