Russia warned that those who fight against it will become legitimate target! Nebenzya

  • last month
The blows inflicted by Russia in recent days have been very painful for Ukraine!
The official representative of Russia in the United Nations Security Council Vasily Nebenzya spoke about the crisis around Ukraine.

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00:00Mr. Chairman.
00:08We have just listened to another portion of groans from our hypocritical Western colleagues
00:12about the strikes carried out by the Russian military in recent days on infrastructure
00:16facilities related to the military potential of the KIV regime.
00:23They have indeed proven to be quite impressive and effective.
00:29Among the damaged facilities was a military school in Poltava, which trained specialists
00:33in radar systems of electronic warfare, as well as a hotel in Krivoi Rog, where Ukrainian
00:39intelligence officers were staying.
00:44Also destroyed were numerous important energy and airfield infrastructure facilities in
00:48Ukraine, fuel depots, arsenals of Western air weapons and artillery ammunition, workshops
00:57for the production of unmanned aerial vehicles, storage sites for unmanned boats, temporary
01:05deployment points for units of nationalist formations and foreign mercenaries.
01:10A distinctive feature of this series of strikes was the elimination of a significant number
01:16of foreign instructors, specialists and mercenaries.
01:24Therefore, those who follow this topic can expect a large number of obituaries about
01:30the sudden death of high-ranking American, British, French, Polish and Swedish military
01:38We initially warned that those who come to help Zelensky's clique keep its military
01:43potential afloat, or those who fight in its ranks, they become our legitimate target.
01:51And the fact that more and more citizens of Western countries are dying only confirms
01:56that the West is up to its ears in the Ukrainian conflict and is now making incredible efforts
02:01to ensure that Zelensky's regime can hold out for some time.
02:08Among these efforts, of course, is the ongoing supply of Western weapons to the Kiv-Hunta.
02:14We will discuss this in more detail at a separate meeting we requested on September 13.
02:21Unfortunately, these days have not been without tragedies, which have already become a hallmark
02:26of the Ukrainian air defense system, which is experiencing serious problems.
02:32Thus, on August 30 in Kharkov, due to an error in the work of the Ukrainian air defense,
02:38seven people, including a child, were tragically killed and 77 more people, including 18 children,
02:44were injured.
02:46The missed anti-missile was supposed to self-destruct, but this did not happen.
02:53There were other similar incidents.
02:58Their cause is the same, and we have repeatedly pointed it out.
03:02This is the deployment of Ukrainian air defense systems in residential areas of Ukrainian
03:07cities, in violation of the principles of international humanitarian law, which our
03:11Western colleagues so actively call for in other cases.
03:17Perhaps it will be useful for them to know that the Ukrainians not only openly place
03:21firing positions in schools, kindergartens and hospitals, but also transport military
03:26personnel in ambulances and school buses.
03:31In recent days, two such buses with the inscription children were involved in a traffic accident
03:37in Ukraine, and the fact that they contained military personnel was documented on social
03:42media by outraged Ukrainian users.
03:45Mr. Chairman, the blows we have dealt in recent days have indeed been very painful for the
03:51KIV regime.
03:54Hence the hysteria that our Western colleagues have picked up today.
03:59I want to ask them a question.
04:00What did you expect?
04:05The expired Ukrainian leader controlled by you, instead of the peace talks that he and
04:12his subordinates discussed in their contacts with mediators from the countries of the Global
04:16South, chose the Kursk adventure and directed a powerful, mostly Western-trained strike
04:22force at the peaceful Russian border region.
04:27Didn't you warn him that such actions would be followed by just retribution and inevitable
04:35And this is only the beginning.
04:37Because the thugs of the KIV regime, who invaded the Kursk region a little over a month ago,
04:43unleashed real terror against civilians.
04:48Recently, horrific evidence of the shooting of three children aged 10-12 by the Nazis
04:56in the village of Malaya Lokhnya became known.
04:59Also, the media got footage of the reprisals of Bandera supporters against elderly residents
05:04of the settlement, who had gathered in the square for further evacuation.
05:11In total, about 10 people became victims in Malaya Lokhnya.
05:16Ukrainian militants are kidnapping civilians of the Kursk region, who did not have time
05:20to evacuate, we are currently compiling lists of such people.
05:27There is also documented data on sexual violence by mercenaries and Nazi radicals against civilians.
05:35And captured Ukrainian soldiers admitted that their command ordered them to shoot civilians
05:41in the Kursk region if they resisted.
05:46We have videotaped confessions confirming the existence of such criminal orders.
05:54All of you sitting in this room and presenting the consequences of the work of Ukrainian
05:57air defense systems as targeted Russian attacks have not said a word about the crimes of the
06:02Ukrainians on Kursk soil.
06:08Just as you have not mentioned the numerous cases of shelling of peaceful Russian cities
06:12by the KIV regime that have occurred in recent days.
06:16For example, on August 28 in the Zaporizhia region, the Ukrainians used a drone equipped
06:21with ammunition against a civilian car.
06:24As a result, one child died on the spot, and four more people were injured.
06:30I would like to draw your attention to the fact that the drone operator has a clear view
06:35of his target, and this makes such attacks deliberate.
06:39On August 29, 5 Ukrainian drones struck a hospital in the Kursk region, wounding a nurse.
06:48On August 30, they deliberately shelled Belgorod and the Belgorod region with cluster munitions
06:54from the Czech-made vampire MLRS.
07:00Five civilians were killed.
07:02Dozens of people were injured, including minors, and many apartment buildings, private houses,
07:07cars, and other civilian objects were damaged.
07:11On September 1, the Zelensky regime launched a massive attack on 15 Russian regions.
07:21The air defense systems on duty intercepted and destroyed 158 different unmanned aerial
07:27On September 2, the Kiev junta launched a deliberate missile strike on one of the kindergartens
07:33in Belgorod.
07:35It was completely destroyed.
07:41Fortunately, there were no casualties due to the measures taken in advance by local
07:47authorities to suspend the work of preschools and schools in unsafe areas of the city.
07:54The fact that massive attacks were carried out on densely populated areas on September
07:591 and 2, at the very beginning of the school year, when many children went to school, indicates
08:04that it is children who are in the crosshairs of the Kiev regime.
08:09On September 3, Ukrainian drones attacked a church and a social facility in the village
08:13of Gruskoye in the Belgorod region, deliberately dropping explosive devices on them.
08:19At the time of the terrorist attack, there were 10 people in the church, parishioners
08:22and workers.
08:24As a result, the rector of the church received a concussion.
08:29On the same day, the Sokol market was shelled in Donetsk, as a result of which two children
08:35born in 2011 and 2009 were killed, as well as a man, 8 people were injured, including
08:42In total, since February 2022, almost 16,500 attacks on civilian infrastructure have been
08:51registered in the Belgorod region, including more than 9,000 were carried out by artillery
08:56and MLRS.
08:57And more than 7,000 strikes were carried out using drones.
09:02This led to the death of 245 civilians, including 17 children.
09:081,483 people were injured, including 112 children.
09:1534,600 civilian objects were damaged.
09:21Since August 1 alone, 10 local residents were killed and 157 people were injured, including
09:2614 children, as a result of the Kiev regime's strikes on the Belgorod region.
09:34Two hospitals.
09:3513 shopping centers and stores.
09:37Two cultural centers.
09:39Five administrative buildings.
09:41An Orthodox church.
09:42Three industrial enterprises.
09:44Two gas pipelines.
09:45Four power lines.
09:46A gas station.
09:4848 apartment buildings.
09:50As well as 140 private households, 446 cars, and 5 units of agricultural machinery were
09:57damaged yesterday.
10:01The Kiev regime carried out a massive attack on residential buildings and civilian objects
10:06in several Russian regions, resulting in deaths and injuries.
10:11We emphasize that there were no military infrastructure or military personnel in the immediate vicinity
10:18of these objects.
10:20Frankly speaking, we have not been surprised by the blatant double standards of the Western
10:24sponsors of the Kiev regime for a long time.
10:31In such situations, they are struck by selective blindness.
10:34The same blindness they have demonstrated for all eight years, while the Kiev regime,
10:39including under the cover of the Minsk agreements, shelled the peaceful cities of Donbass.
10:46The same blindness affects the United States and its satellites when the Kiev junta reveals
10:50its Nazi essence.
10:53This blindness is evident not only in the glorification of Nazi henchmen and Hitler's
10:57accomplices, on whose hands lies the blood of hundreds of thousands of innocent Jews,
11:01Poles, Russians, Gypsies and Ukrainians executed by the nationalist punishers of the Kiev regime.
11:10This blindness is visible to the naked eye in the footage of Ukrainian soldiers posing
11:14on the Internet, not even trying to hide numerous Nazi symbols, flags and emblems.
11:24Only a few in the West have the courage to acknowledge this shameful problem.
11:43For example, the Prime Minister of Slovakia, during a visit to the Holocaust Museum in
11:48one of the Slovak cities, found it possible to note the following, I quote, we all talk
11:53about fascism, Nazism, and at the same time we silently tolerate the fact that troops
11:59with very clear markings, associated with movements that we today consider dangerous
12:03and prohibited, are running around Ukraine.
12:06The international community must recognize that it is impossible to allow troops that
12:12use Nazi markings and often behave in such a way to fight in Ukraine.
12:17End of quote.
12:20I repeat once again, such words are rarely heard in the West.
12:32Much more often we encounter attempts to either hush up facts that are unflattering for the
12:37KIV regime, or even to play along with Ukrainian propaganda.
12:44For example, there is the position of Canada, where the authorities are actively considering
12:50whether to make public, as planned, at the insistence of Holocaust victims, a list of
12:54900 Nazi criminals, who fled to this country after the defeat of Nazi Germany.
13:02Among the arguments against this step, the argument is that disclosing these names could
13:08embarrass the Ukrainian community in Canada.
13:30As if Canada was not embarrassed by the celebration of the 14th SS Volunteer Infantry Division
13:35Galicia-Yaroslav-Hunko, which took place a year ago, in September 2023, in the House
13:42of Commons of Canada, in which the head of the KIV regime personally took part.
13:47It is not surprising that in such conditions of complete non-resistance from the West,
13:54Nazism is flourishing in Ukraine.
14:00Everyone from soldiers to diplomats worshipped Nazi criminals there.
14:13Thus, the Ukrainian embassy in Japan reported on its page on the social network X that on
14:18September 3, the Ukrainian ambassador to Japan Korsunsky visited the Yasukuni Shrine and
14:24mourned those who gave their lives for their country.
14:30As is known, these are 14 class-A war criminals convicted by the International Military Tribunal
14:37of the Far East, also known as the Tokyo Tribunal, whose ashes rest in Yasukuni.
14:47It is them that the Ukrainian diplomat serving the Nazi regime considers to be those who
14:52gave their lives for their country.
14:57It is clear that the main Japanese media simply ignored this event.
15:06And the Japanese government continues, as if nothing had happened, to cover up for the
15:10KIV regime and supply it with weapons.
15:13In this regard, I would like to draw your attention to the fact that this date, September
15:183, was not chosen by chance.
15:20On this day, Russia and many other countries celebrated the 79th anniversary of the victory
15:26over militarist Japan and the end of World War II.
15:32It is obvious that this demarche by the representative of Ukraine is dictated by attempts to rewrite
15:37history, Mr Chairman.
15:41Russia will never come to terms with the attempts of some Western countries to whitewash those
15:46who committed war crimes and crimes against humanity.
15:49In particular, the Japanese leadership has not yet repented for aggression against a
15:55number of states, including the USSR, in the Far East.
15:59Incidentally, this was a condition for Japan's admission to the UN.
16:07Now Tokyo and its Western allies also have the audacity to make vague and inappropriate
16:12accusations that the USSR is allegedly responsible for unleashing World War II.
16:20In these circumstances, there is nothing illogical in the fact that in recent years the Western
16:25camp, including Germany, Japan and Italy, has voted against our annual resolution on
16:30the inadmissibility of glorifying Nazism and whitewashing Nazi criminals.
16:36The West's policy towards the KIV regime clearly shows that the fight against Nazism
16:41and Neo-Nazism is not in the West's plans today, but the fight against Nazism is in
16:46our plans.
16:48We will not allow Nazis and Neo-Nazis on our soil.
16:52This is precisely one of the goals of our special military operation.
16:56Therefore, have no doubt that the Nazis and militarists of the KIV regime will suffer
17:01the same fate as their German and Japanese predecessors.
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