Is the investigation into the Nord Stream gas pipeline explosion still ongoing?! Nebenzya

  • last week
Westerners stated the obvious: that the gas pipelines were blown up!
The official representative of Russia in the United Nations Security Council Vasily Nebenzya spoke about the progress of the investigation into the terrorist attack on the Nord Stream gas pipeline.

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00:00Madam Chairperson, last week, on September 26, 2024,
00:09two years passed since the unprecedented terrorist attack on a civilian cross-border pipeline infrastructure facility,
00:18since the explosion of two branches of the Nord Stream gas pipeline in the international waters of the Baltic Sea in the Exclusive Economic Zone of Denmark and Sweden.
00:29This event rightfully became the focus of the Security Council,
00:36since it poses a direct threat to international peace and security, energy and environmental security in Europe and shipping in the Baltic Sea.
00:46Since then, we have discussed this topic more than 10 times, both in open and closed formats.
00:53At the initiative of our country, three attempts were made to agree on statements by the President of the Security Council on this terrorist attack.
01:00A draft resolution on this topic was also introduced, but it did not receive the required number of votes.
01:07We believe that today is the right time to look around and get our bearings, where we are two years after the gas pipeline was blown up.
01:17I will start with the positive.
01:19None of the members of either the Security Council or the UN as a whole,
01:26with the exception of the Kiev regime and its Polish-Baltic accomplices,
01:31who have long been mad with Russophobia, dispute the fact that the attempt to destroy the Nord Streams deserves condemnation,
01:39and those guilty of this crime must be punished.
01:43This is important not only from the point of view of international law,
01:48including the 1997 International Convention for the Suppression of Terrorist Bombings,
01:53but also in order to prevent similar acts of sabotage against international underwater infrastructure.
02:01In addition to gas and oil pipelines, these include electrical and communication cables,
02:07fiber-optic communication lines, and other networks, the stable functioning of,
02:13which is essential for the well-being of hundreds of millions of people.
02:17If they are threatened, enormous damage could be inflicted on the entire global economy.
02:23I hope that we all understand this.
02:27But if we want to ensure that these facilities are not endangered,
02:31then the terrorist attack against the Nord Streams must be investigated with particular care,
02:36and those responsible for it, be it countries, criminal groups, or individual criminals,
02:41must be punished so that no one would even think about repeating their actions.
02:48There is no doubt that they are now closely monitoring the progress of the investigation into the terrorist attack.
02:58And, unfortunately, we cannot do without negativity here.
03:02As we all remember, two years ago, the countries adjacent to the area of the terrorist attack,
03:08Germany, Denmark and Sweden, began their investigations.
03:13In February 2024, Denmark and Sweden announced the completion of their national investigations.
03:23The only conclusion after a year and a half of work was
03:27that the Nord Streams were indeed deliberately destroyed using explosive devices,
03:34but it is not possible to continue the criminal proceedings within the Danish and Swedish jurisdictions.
03:43In other words, Stockholm and Copenhagen stated the obvious,
03:48that the gas pipelines had been blown up, and the investigation happily threw up its hands.
03:54And the most astonishing thing is that after this, instead of calling a spade a spade and saying
04:01that the emperor really has no clothes, at the briefing we convened on April 26,
04:07our Western colleagues vied with each other to claim
04:12that the investigative actions carried out by Denmark and Sweden were effective
04:15and met high standards of the rule of law.
04:19Now, as they convince us,
04:23we must wait for the completion of the equally effective and transparent investigation by the Federal Republic of Germany.
04:31And this despite the fact
04:34that Berlin has not managed to provide the Security Council with any concrete
04:38and meaningful information about the results it has achieved, even if only interim, for two years.
04:43Moreover, any of our attempts to coordinate collective signals from the Security Council
04:49with a call for Berlin to hurry up and show greater transparency have invariably been blocked by the United States
04:55and its allies under the pretext that, as they said, pressure cannot be exerted on German investigators.
05:01This is extremely disappointing and surprising to us, since the investigation by the German authorities,
05:08as well as the completed investigations by Denmark and Sweden are being conducted in a completely non-transparent manner for us.
05:14And this despite the fact that Russia is definitely an affected party
05:20and it has sent requests for legal assistance to these three states, which have simply been ignored.
05:28Colleagues, this entire situation creates very specific and very dangerous challenges to international peace and security.
05:36And it is the direct responsibility of UN members to respond to them.
05:42The main challenge among them is the dangerous consequences of impunity, which I have already mentioned.
05:48In addition, the lack of due transparency on the part of the German authorities is already leading to the emergence of a wide variety of versions of
05:56what happened and assumptions about who might be behind this crime.
06:02If they appear due to the professional curiosity of journalists and their penchant for sensationalism,
06:08then they must be fought exclusively by promoting reliable official information,
06:14which the authorities of the Federal Republic of Germany are still not doing.
06:20As a result, suspicions are now arising regarding the actions, or inaction, of not only the authorities of the United States,
06:28Norway, Great Britain and Germany, but also Poland, which allegedly deliberately helped one of the suspects to escape.
06:36True. There is another explanation for the recent emergence of many of the most incredible versions of
06:42what happened. This is the elementary desire of the customers and perpetrators of this crime
06:48to cover their tracks and send the investigation down a false trail.
06:54At least two circumstances speak in favor of this.
06:58Firstly, it is absolutely implausible to claim
07:04that a group of out-of-control Ukrainian amateur divers were involved in the explosion.
07:10This scenario would be quite suitable for a Hollywood blockbuster, but it is unlikely to work in real life.
07:16Moreover, the overwhelming majority of experts claim
07:20that it would have been impossible to carry out such an explosion without state support.
07:26Secondly, the version about covering up tracks is supported by the desire of our Western colleagues
07:32to protect Berlin from delaying its investigation.
07:36The calculation here is clear. Until the investigation is completed,
07:40they manage to sabotage the Security Council from making any decisions.
07:44If the investigation is completed, they will not have such arguments.
07:48In these circumstances, Germany, consciously or not, acts as a spoiler,
07:54essentially blocking any steps by the international community to establish the circumstances of the explosion of the Nord Streams
08:00and punish those who ordered and carried it out.
08:04The niche in which our German colleagues find themselves is all the more surprising,
08:10because the destruction of the gas pipelines has directly affected Germany's economic interests.
08:16But even the highest German leadership itself acknowledges the full gravity of the crime committed.
08:22Last month, German Chancellor Olaf Scholz himself acknowledged that
08:26what happened was a terrorist act requiring a comprehensive investigation.
08:32In these circumstances, the impotence and servility demonstrated by Berlin finally
08:38puts an end to any ambitions and claims to its global role.
08:42We would like Berlin to realize this obvious truth.
08:46Be that as it may, after two years, all the suspicions we had, caused by Western statements,
08:52and in fact, sincere admissions of the West's complicity in the undermining of the Nord Stream,
08:58made by a number of American and European officials, not only have not been dispelled,
09:04but on the contrary, they have become even worse.
09:08In the context of the line of conduct chosen by our Western colleagues,
09:12including in the Security Council, it cannot be otherwise.
09:16And today, we are forced to announce the completion of work on another draft statement
09:22by the President of the Security Council due to the absolute inability to cooperate of the United States and its allies.
09:28We have been trying to agree on this draft statement for more than a month.
09:32We have held several rounds of consultations.
09:36There is a collective spirit.
09:40But if our opponents are faced with the task of preventing any meaningful collective decisions
09:44or statements by the Security Council, then there is no chance of success.
09:48Colleagues, if you think that with your obstructionist actions you are discouraging us
09:52and reducing our determination to ensure that those responsible for the blowing up of the Nord Streams
09:58are identified and punished, then you are very much mistaken.
10:02With each new sly maneuver of yours to obstruct the work of the Security Council on this issue,
10:06our determination to seek the truth and our conviction
10:10that we are on the right path and that you really do have something to hide only grows stronger.
10:16Moreover, it is becoming increasingly obvious
10:20that without establishing the truth about the terrorist attack on the Nord Streams,
10:24our world will simply not be able to return to any constructive interaction between global players,
10:30which the countries of the Global South are so interested.
10:34There cannot be a situation in which one part of our planet, the One,
10:40that arrogantly imagines itself to be part of a beautiful garden,
10:44is immune from fair and deserved punishment.
10:48We want you to understand this very clearly and not have any illusions
10:52that you will be able to emerge dry from the murky waters of the Baltic Sea.
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