Movin' On Episode 19 Tattoos Feb 13, 1975

  • 2 months ago
Movin' On Episode 19 Tattoos Feb 13, 1975
00:00Oh, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry,
00:30I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I
01:00He's probably afraid he's gonna be AWOL.
01:09He's going to be DOA.
01:21Emil's gonna nail him, in no time.
01:24No bet.
01:31You haven't said a word for over an hour.
01:33Something happen last night?
01:36Every time I get anywhere near here,
01:39I get those same old feelings.
01:44All right.
01:45What feelings?
01:47You know.
01:49I can't explain it.
01:51I love the Navy.
01:53Heavens to Betsy.
02:00I love the Navy.
02:01I love the Navy.
02:02I love the Navy.
02:03I love the Navy.
02:04I love the Navy.
02:05I love the Navy.
02:06I love the Navy.
02:07I love the Navy.
02:08I love the Navy.
02:09I love the Navy.
02:10I love the Navy.
02:11I love the Navy.
02:12I love the Navy.
02:13I love the Navy.
02:14I love the Navy.
02:15I love the Navy.
02:16I love the Navy.
02:17I love the Navy.
02:18I love the Navy.
02:19I love the Navy.
02:20I love the Navy.
02:21I love the Navy.
02:22I love the Navy.
02:23I love the Navy.
02:24I love the Navy.
02:25I love the Navy.
02:26I love the Navy.
02:27I love the Navy.
02:28I love the Navy.
02:30Take it over to the warehouse, huh?
02:32Where are you going?
02:33I'm just gonna wander around.
02:39Pick me up over personnel.
02:59Thank you.
03:19Hi there.
03:20Hi, Sonny Pruitt.
03:23My partner and I just delivered a load of potatoes to the commissary.
03:26I thought, while I was here, try to locate an old buddy of mine in case he's still in the Navy.
03:30Is there any way you can check that out?
03:32Well, what's his name?
03:34Ralph Inger Peterson. Of course, we all called him Rip.
03:41You're a truck driver.
03:42Yeah, I'm a truck driver.
03:44I might have known. He's got a thing about truck drivers.
03:47Hey, you know Rip, huh? He's still in?
03:50Well, how do I get in touch with him?
03:53He's not here. He's supposed to be here, but he's not.
03:56I don't understand what you mean. He's supposed to be here, but he's not.
03:59He's out chasing some chick. You believe that?
04:03A machinist maid, first class, about to make chief.
04:06So hung up, he's going ape.
04:09Uh, you happen to know an Emily who drives a truck?
04:16Well, just how good a friend of yours is he?
04:18Way back, the best.
04:19Well, if you happen to run into him, you tell him for me.
04:22It's get his butt back here, or it's the captain's mast.
04:27Yes, ma'am.
04:29If I don't see him, though, could I, uh, leave a message?
04:32Just tell him Sonny was here.
04:36Through this number. That's my broker.
04:39I can protect that flob only so long.
04:43Hung up on a truck driver.
04:47Well, I hope we both get a hold of him.
05:04Do you mind telling me one thing?
05:07It's not clear to me where we're going.
05:09You want to drop in on our broker? He's out this way.
05:12Oh, fine.
05:15You're not going to find me, are you?
05:18There you go.
05:19Thanks, Tom.
05:20We'll get him.
05:44Oh, he's got to be out of his damn mind.
06:11Hey, what's the matter with you, Sandler?
06:25You know, if you had a brain, it would be lonely.
06:26You see what you did back there?
06:27You see that rig over there?
06:28Look, you watch your language.
06:29You watch your language, youngster.
06:30I don't have a lot of patience right now.
06:31See you next night.
06:34You've got to be kidding me.
06:35You've got to be kidding me.
06:36You've got to be kidding me.
06:37You've got to be kidding me.
06:38You've got to be kidding me.
06:41You bet your ol' buddy!
06:44Look at this!
06:45Not a creuset way to run into each other after all these years.
06:49Glad to see you.
06:50You haven't changed a bit.
06:52Well, maybe you're a little bit better in the middle but you've got that dirty look
07:00in your eyes.
07:03Get out of there.
07:04He can't hit him.
07:05Hey, I want you to meet my partner.
07:08my partner Happy Will Chandler. Hey Will, sorry about that. Yeah, yeah. You know, you're here for
07:14the duration. I think so. Just exactly what was that game with that blue cab over? My girl is in
07:21that truck. You gotta meet her. Emily. How do you know about Emily? Well, we just dropped a load at
07:27the base and there was this female yeoman in the base commander's office. Millie. She said that if
07:33you don't get back, you're gonna be up for a captain's mast and you might lose that chief
07:37rating you're up for. No, no, no. She's always keeping tabs on me. But, uh, Emily, oh man,
07:45Emily is... Well, you just gotta see her to believe it. That great, huh? I'm in love. How
07:52come she didn't stop and pick you up? You know, that's what I don't understand. I've been looking
07:56for her for two days and all I knew that was she was in a blue rig and she was working this area
08:01somewhere. So, okay, let's go. Come on. Uh, wait, wait. Go where? That way. Oh, don't worry about the
08:08car. Millie will take care of that. Millie said you gotta get back to the base. I gotta go that way. Rip!
08:13A-W-O-L. I have got to find Emily. Rip, we had some great times in the old days, but I got a little
08:21problem. I got a business to run. I'm empty. I gotta go find a load to pick up someplace.
08:26How much would you make on a haul, say, from, uh, here to Bakersfield?
08:32Five hundred. Look, I've been saving my dough for 15 years. I'm loaded. I'll give you six,
08:37seven. Haul me. Pay seven hundred dollars for a lift to Bakersfield? And to learn trucking at
08:44the same time. To learn truck... You gotta be kidding. No, I'm not kidding. My hitch is up in two weeks.
08:51There's gotta be a better way. What's the name of the guy pushing the blue rig? Uh, Gabe. Gabe
08:56something. Gabe something. Oh, everybody knows Gabe. That's all I know. All right, go to our brokers.
09:03Maybe he can help. Come on.
09:26Jimmy, this is Hank. Yeah. Say, Jimmy, I need some information from you. You'll probably know.
09:40Uh, you know that Gabe O'Connor? Yeah, that's it. The silver eagle on the side of the rig. Yeah.
09:47Say, tell me, what's he doing nowadays, and where is he headed? Yeah, okay, Jim.
09:52Yeah. Uh-huh. Yeah. L.A.? Yeah. No, nothing important. Just a couple old friends wanted to look him up,
10:00that's all. Yeah. Jimmy, thanks a lot, huh? I'll see you. Los Angeles.
10:09Rain gutters and downspouts. Yeah, that's about it. Okay. What do you say, Sonny? We can catch him
10:15at one of the truck stops, huh? Look, Rip, you are facing a captain's mast. Now, you know how
10:20serious it is. They'll strip you naked as a jaybird. Look, why don't you go back to the base,
10:25check in, then you can rent a car, you can follow her wherever you want to,
10:28and we'll see you when we get back, okay? Where do we get the artichokes?
10:46All right, take it away. Thank you.
10:51No, come on.
11:07Hey, Will, Sonny! We almost missed you, didn't we? What are you doing here? We said goodbye.
11:15I changed my mind. I went down to the DMV to check and see how I could
11:19get a class one license, and they said I got to go to school.
11:24So I'm going with you. You're going to teach me how to drive.
11:32Drive what? The truck. I'm going into the trucking business. Come on, let's move it. Hey, hey.
11:40You didn't go back to the base. Hey, who says I'm going to stay in the Navy all my life?
11:44I got a crewed leave, and I got a retirement option in two weeks. You are going to spend your
11:49crewed leave in the brig if you don't check in. You see these? I can handle it, and Millie will
11:54cover for me no matter what she says. Oh, you want to go to trucking to impress your girlfriend?
11:59Well, partly. Partly what? I think I like this business, see? You know, it's like the Navy on
12:05wheels. I mean, I've seen the whole world, but I've never seen the good old USA. I could really
12:10fall in love with a rig like that. Have you got a photograph of the love of your life? Oh, I sure
12:18do. Wait a minute. Yeah, that's, uh, it's really something. Well, I'll tell you, man, when you got
12:37something like this, I mean, you just can't give it up. So what's she doing out with a trucker?
12:42Well, when I called from Honolulu, she mentioned something about a guy named, uh, Gabe and a blue
12:47rig. So you've been, uh, chasing every blue rig in town, huh? Well, that's all I knew, you know.
12:54She obviously didn't get the word that I was coming back, but, uh,
12:58well, she must be out, you know, scouting up a profession for me after I retire.
13:07So what do you say, fellas, huh? How about it? I think you are out of your gourd.
13:17Is he mad at me? Not yet.
13:19Hey, this is great. Got a little seat for you. Hey, she could even put up lace curtains in a
13:39bunk like this. Why didn't we ever think of that? Careful, careful. I thought you were
13:44sitting on your hair dryer.
14:15How come you got so many gauges for the, uh, oil pressure and the temperature?
14:20Measures different spots in the engine and the rear axle. Let's you know if you got trouble
14:25coming. Ah, what's that one down there? It says, uh, pyrometer. Pyrometer. The exhaust temperature.
14:35Let's you know how your mixture is. That goes up if it's too rich.
14:40And you got, uh, two air air gauges there. Yeah, I wanted the compressor.
14:45The other, uh, the actual brake pressure. See, what's the needle there? So you go up.
14:52Yeah. Now the shift. Oh, okay. You got to keep your eye on the tack over there.
14:58When it drops below 20, you got to drop the gear goes above 25. You got to pick up a gear.
15:05Got it. And when you're a trucker, you'll just be able to hear it. You shouldn't have the hook at
15:09it. How many, uh, speeds in this ship? That's 13 road ranger. And you got a double low.
15:17That's what truckers called sticking grandma.
15:22He got a low range drive range and a hundred drive the split button.
15:29You want to try it? Yeah, sure. Okay. Watch your tack. Build it up. Okay. Take it down.
15:44Smooth as silk. Okay. Uh, tell him how much you pay me.
15:51Let's see. The advantage is owning the rig, not working for a guy with it.
15:57Yeah, well, I got all my oil, baby. Doesn't seem too hard.
16:14After the war, I tried civilian life, errands, clerking, gas jockey, numbers, runner,
16:24chauffeur, ticket scalper. Well, it took me a long time to figure out I belong back in the Navy.
16:34Hey, that's them. That's them up there. Right up there. Pull it. Pull it. Come on. All right.
16:41I just take it easy.
17:32well, she must be in the powder room.
17:36Which one is James? I don't know. I've never seen him.
17:48Hey, uh, are you a truck driver? And I am. Uh, you know who owns that blue rig out there?
17:55Which one's that? The one right in front. Oh, but I sure do envy him. It's a beauty, huh?
17:59Are you a trucker? Not yet. But good luck.
18:10How many more of those you got?
18:16You did it, didn't you?
18:29excuse me, please.
18:36Um, I'll have some toast and, uh, tea.
18:40Hey, I think, uh, I think, uh, barbecued beef and some French fries. Wait. Hey, Emily!
19:00She must have gone out the back door without seeing me. Oh, yeah, yeah. She must have. You
19:03know what? I think of your Emily, uh, sailor. She's a figment of your imagination. Oh, yeah?
19:08Well, you just take a look at this and then you tell me whether that's a
19:12figment of my imagination, huh? Now, come on, let's go, will you? Come on!
19:23We lost her. She probably took a turn off someplace. Can't you pick it up a little faster?
19:32I wouldn't pick it up on this stretch of road for anybody, not even Emily.
19:36You've got a real lovesick sailor here. Now, don't knock it if you haven't been through it.
19:42I've seen worse cases. Yeah? They ever get over it? Uh, sometimes. I'll tell you what,
19:51how would you like your first driving lesson? Pull over, Will. Yeah!
20:05I can just feel it. Feel it. I am. I'm feeling it.
20:21Now, your tack's filled up, so pick up another gear.
20:30Very good.
20:31You are a genius. He's running quicker than you did.
20:37Hey, when we catch up to them, I can show her I can handle the rig, huh? How am I doing?
20:43Doing fine. Just keep an eye on that tack.
20:46Man, this is delightful! Yeah? Yeah, you're a trucker. You've got smoky on your foot.
21:04Just take it easy. You haven't done anything wrong.
21:08Probably got a radio call.
21:22Now, let me tell you something. Don't you panic and don't try anything foolish. Otherwise,
21:39just pull it over the side to stop it. All right, all right. I'm not going to blow my
21:43stack. I'll be cool. Don't worry. I'm going to be careful.
22:13Well, should I stop? Not now. You don't know it,
22:22but you just got caught by the oldest trick in the book.
22:43Give me a toot on the horn when you're ready for it, huh?
23:13All right. These guys, it's all on me. That includes the diesel fuel, too.
23:23Oh, yeah? Good, good. Hey, give me some coffee, huh?
23:26Tea. A couple of hamburgers, tea, coffee.
24:13All right.
24:33You, you own that rig right outside?
24:36What rig right outside? That one.
24:54Hey, look, it could have been worse. Yeah, I could have been on it.
25:14Yeah, could have been on it. That's right, you could have been on it.
25:16All right, buddy, let me see your license. I don't have one.
25:20No license, no driver in the rig with you. Let me see your logbook.
25:26Uh, what's a logbook? Let me handle this, huh?
25:31There's nothing to handle, buddy. It's all right here.
25:34Well, uh, officer, let's, uh, we're teaching him to drive, so he's going to replace me.
25:41He's a member of the armed forces, and he's going to be getting out pretty soon.
25:44You think members of the armed forces should get special consideration?
25:47Well, yeah. Oh, no.
25:48Yeah, I think they should. I mean, these guys lay their lives on the line all the time for us.
25:52Yeah, I'm a member of the armed forces.
25:59What's a 1265-4? No license.
26:03And, uh, 2-1819? Failure to maintain records. Logbook.
26:10And, uh, A-11-22106. Two of them.
26:17Unsafe driving. Destruction of public property with rear or forward move.
26:23Why two of them? Oh, I forgot.
26:28Hey, what happens if he's on a ship and he can't appear?
26:32Secretary of the Navy can get a hold of him. You two guys can be his proxy.
26:36Uh, wait, hold it. I'm sorry.
26:38Look, uh, how much would it cost to replace something like that?
26:43About $2,900.
26:45Look, what if I leave the money with you, huh?
26:49$3,200 out of cover, and that'll take care of the record, too, huh?
26:53What are you trying to do?
26:54Well, look, will you give a guy a break, please?
26:57I'm not trying to make trouble, but I'm going to have to be back on my ship.
27:01We'll give you his power of attorney.
27:04He wants to give you the money, and you can pay the fine for him.
27:09That'd be all right, wouldn't it?
27:19It's not a bribe, you know.
27:25Okay, I'll do it. For the Navy.
27:30I'll give you a receipt for your money.
27:46I tell you, I wouldn't have the guts to try that.
27:48I have been bailing Swabies out of worse messes than this for 20 years.
27:52Come on, good buddy, let's move it.
27:54Hey, that's Emily!
27:57Well, he's going to get himself killed.
28:09Well, he's going to get himself killed.
28:27Emily! I want to talk to you!
28:29I want to talk to you!
28:32I want to talk to you!
28:34I'll call the cops, Emily!
28:41That idiot's gonna get himself killed.
28:47Emily, come on! I want to talk to you!
29:08Come on! Emily!
29:10Take it easy.
29:14My friend.
29:15She doesn't choose to associate with you.
29:18Emily, come on out! I want to talk!
29:20Will you calm down?
29:23Calm down.
29:26You see, I'm afraid she's too upset to talk.
29:30Emily! What's he done to you?
29:33Emily, I'll call the cops!
29:35Emily, come on! I want to talk to you!
29:38Rip. Rip. Cut it out. Cut it out.
29:44Cool down, man. Cool down.
29:56I feel terrible.
30:00I don't think she even exists.
30:02She loves me.
30:04I know she does.
30:05Well, then why doesn't she show herself and say something?
30:08She's a trucker.
30:09You want to become a trucker so you can settle down together, huh?
30:12How's that sound?
30:13I don't know.
30:14I don't know.
30:15I don't know.
30:16I don't know.
30:17I don't know.
30:18I don't know.
30:19I don't know.
30:20I don't know.
30:21I don't know.
30:22I don't know.
30:23I don't know.
30:24Has it ever crossed your glance that she doesn't even care about you?
30:27Maybe she loves the other guy?
30:28Why don't you just go back to Millie?
30:31Sonny, look.
30:32That bridge has been burned.
30:34I love Emily.
30:36I brought a ring.
30:39I want to...
30:40I want to tell her that I want to marry her.
30:42I never said that before.
30:43I want to tell her.
30:44And I want to tell her that I'm willing to become a trucker.
30:49Look, I've got to find her.
30:51Rip, we're not in the wedding bell business.
30:53Sonny, you're the only friend I've got, right?
30:56Who am I going to turn to?
30:58Oh, I thought you'd never say it.
31:00Boy, am I glad to hear you say that.
31:02Thank heaven.
31:03You finally said the magic word.
31:05You're out of uniform.
31:54Wait a minute.
31:55Come on, I said where is she, diggity?
31:57I put her in another motel.
31:59I don't believe you.
32:02Why don't I just buy you guys a drink, huh?
32:04Look, I've got to talk to Emily.
32:06Nobody talks to the bride on the night before the wedding.
32:16Well, aren't you going to congratulate me?
32:38It can't be.
32:39Come on, man.
32:40It's happened to a lot of guys.
32:42You've got to figure she was trying to duck you.
32:46I don't believe it.
32:49The man just told you.
32:51He's lying.
32:52In fact, it couldn't happen.
32:54Why don't we walk over?
32:55You can wish him good luck and we'll tie one arm.
32:59What are you talking about?
33:01Congratulate him?
33:02Give it up, Rip.
33:04Just give it up.
33:07It's over.
33:12What do you say?
33:22And you could have killed him pulling a stunt like that.
33:24He invited himself.
33:26Oh, well, aren't you the cool one?
33:36Well, that's beautiful.
33:37He didn't break anything.
33:38He didn't hit anybody.
33:40Shake his hand.
33:45Well, where are you going to have the wedding?
33:47Oh, no.
33:48No, I just want to send you a gift.
33:50I'll give you my broker's name.
33:52Look, what's the matter with you?
33:53It's all over.
33:56I'll give you a bachelor's party.
33:57How about that?
33:58All right.
33:59Hey, bartender, come on over here.
34:00Hey, come on.
34:03All right.
34:04What's the matter with you?
34:05It's all over.
34:06I'll tell you what, I'll give you a bachelor's party.
34:08How about that?
34:09All right.
34:10Hey, bartender, come on over here.
34:12Well, vodka and tonic all around doubles,
34:14and you just keep them coming.
34:15You understand me?
34:17Just keep them coming.
34:19You okay now?
34:21I'm going to find out where that wedding is.
34:23Look, will you forget it?
34:42Come on.
34:51if it's any comfort to you,
34:53she thinks a world of you.
34:56Well, I think the world of her, too.
35:01She's become a good driver.
35:04She's even fixed the sleeper up with race curtains.
35:08She would.
35:12I think that would be very nice.
35:21Down the hatch.
35:28Will you ever been married?
35:30Only in the eyes of God,
35:35in the eyes of God.
35:39You've been married, good buddy, I know that.
35:41Were you married in a church?
35:43Oh, yeah.
35:45I'd pay my dues.
35:47Emily would like to be married in a church.
35:52You think so?
35:55Of course she would.
35:57But what did she decide on?
36:01Boot after.
36:08Thank you, thank you, thank you.
36:12There's going to be a lot of guests.
36:15Well, where are they all staying?
36:17I mean, they're sure not staying here,
36:19because nobody's come over to wish you good luck.
36:21Well, I've been having such a good time with you guys,
36:25I'm paying you attention.
36:27Well, good luck.
36:29I don't think you're even getting married.
36:33I remember that very clearly.
36:42Excuse me.
36:46That is Emily.
36:49Now that shows how much I love her.
36:56You think it isn't painful getting one of those, huh?
37:00That's true love.
37:04Oh, excuse me.
37:12I think you ought to go out and sleep on the rig.
37:15That's a good idea.
37:18I'm going to go get us a room.
37:21I'm going to get it on the first floor.
37:24Nobody is getting married today.
37:33Not unless you get married.
37:36I'm not getting married.
37:38I'm not getting married.
37:40I'm not getting married.
37:42I'm not getting married.
37:45Not unless you get married outside,
37:49under the sky, in the bower.
37:55Old fashioned.
37:57I plan to embark down Lights Highway
38:01under the auspices of the patron saint of travelers.
38:06Christopher, I want to wish you all the best.
38:12I want to wish you all the best.
38:15All the best.
38:17Me too.
38:22I think so.
38:34Hey, fella!
38:36Hey, fella, can you back this rig up about five feet?
38:40You got me, boss.
38:43Sure, sure.
39:10Hey, fella!
39:11Hey, fella!
39:40Man, oh, man, how could you be so stupid?
39:44I mean, didn't you hear anything?
39:47Didn't you feel anything?
39:49Not only didn't he hear anything or feel anything,
39:51he backed right up over the plank.
39:56What can I say?
39:58I've been nothing but a pain in the neck ever since we met.
40:02I'll get out of your hair.
40:04I'll send you the money for the tires
40:06and the load that you lost and the...
40:10When we catch up to Gabe,
40:12we'll just hang him from the yardarm, all right?
40:14With the help of Saint Christopher.
40:22Hey, you sure this Saint Christopher's is our Saint Christopher's?
40:26I looked it up, guy. It's the only one.
40:28Everything's gonna work out great.
40:30I'm gonna get my girl.
40:31You guys are gonna get your tires.
40:33You're gonna have two sets of tires.
40:35The ones I bought you, then you'll have another for spare.
40:38There's gonna be a little frosting on the cake.
40:40We're gonna tear them apart.
40:42Oh, this is a good life.
40:44You know, when we get in there,
40:46I'm gonna walk in that church,
40:48and you know that when the priest says that part about,
40:51uh, is there anybody in the assembly?
40:53I'm gonna say me.
40:55I'm gonna walk right straight up to her,
40:57put my arms around her,
40:59but the right thing, I will not say a word.
41:02And then, you guys, you can take turns, eh?
41:32Oh, man.
41:35Get out of the way, baby.
41:39Adam, Adam.
42:02Losing her is probably the luckiest thing
42:05that ever happened to you in your life.
42:11You don't have to go back in the Navy.
42:16You said you wanted to be a trucker.
42:18You'd take your, uh, two-thirds of your time.
42:20You know how, didn't you?
42:21I blew it.
42:23I blew everything.
42:27End of the line.
42:33End of the line.
42:35You guys are really good eggs.
43:02You really know how to drink.
43:06So, so I got to start all over, start from the bottom.
43:15I'll make me a swab deck, peel potatoes, they'll maybe put me in charge of the head, or I'll
43:26come back.
43:27You will.
43:28In a few years, I'm going to make chief.
43:39I'll drink to that.
43:49You think they can keep ripped down in a few years, I am going to be on top of the heap.
44:18Okay, get going, I'll take care of him.
44:38You got to take my word for it, that's all, you want to trust me?
44:53How can I trust you?
44:54I just met you 20 minutes ago.
44:55This is some kind of a gag you're going to pay.
44:56I don't like my emotions trifled with.
44:57Millie, I told you, you got to trust me.
44:58He was calling my name?
44:59Over and over, he'd take it to his head.
45:00He was calling my name.
45:01He was calling my name.
45:02He was calling my name.
45:03He was calling my name.
45:04He was calling my name.
45:05He was calling my name.
45:06He was calling my name.
45:07He was calling my name.
45:08He was calling my name.
45:09He was calling my name.
45:10He was calling my name.
45:11He was calling my name.
45:12He was calling my name.
45:13He was calling my name.
45:14He was calling my name.
45:15He was calling my name.
45:16He was calling my name.
45:17He was calling my name.
45:18He was calling my name.
45:19He was calling my name.
45:20He was calling my name.
45:21He was calling my name.
45:22He was calling my name.
45:23He was calling my name.
45:24He was calling my name.
45:25He was calling my name.
45:26He was calling my name.
45:27He was calling my name.
45:28He was calling my name.
45:29He was calling my name.
45:30He was calling my name.
45:31He was calling my name.
45:32He was calling my name.
45:33He was calling my name.
45:35Is he really too sick to move?
45:37He's stiff.
45:38They're going to have to sneak him back onto the base.
45:40Oh, if he's put you up to this.
45:43He's famous to get me to change his meetings.
46:04On your feet, you bum! Oh, boy, are you a mess!
46:19Oh, Millie... Yeah, now stand up!
46:24Oh, Millie... Don't you Millie me, you goon!
46:27Millie... Stand up!
46:36Rip... What made you do it?
46:40I don't know...
46:43Oh, I don't know what to say...
47:08I just love you!
47:33The guy at the tattoo parlor wouldn't remove it.
47:38He said it was a work of art and he wouldn't touch it.
47:42So I got him to tattoo over it.
47:45I think he's better off with Millie. You know how truckers are.
47:54You know what that guy did the day we came through this golden gate?
47:57He ran up, we need love, and signalized, right from the mask.
48:02But the whole city saw it and it made the papers.