Mea culpa S1E5x6

  • 2 months ago
00:00And very relaxed, they kept provoking the police with their daring and daring strategies.
00:06The same sector where the money was delivered, a place that by night was registered with a large operative,
00:12was designated by them to leave little Jaime, who, still under the effects of the pills, was sleeping pleasantly.
00:20No one imagined such a decision, so that at that time, the place was desolate.
00:26Minutes later, and absolutely confused, Jaime Rosso's son left the truck very naively in search of his uncles.
00:56Police sirens
01:26A few minutes later, at eight o'clock this morning, the family's truck appears,
01:41and in it, driven by a police officer, comes the father and also the youngest.
01:48In this way, it culminates a fact that moved practically all public opinion in the country.
01:55The police investigations, based on the descriptions of witnesses,
01:58achieved what is estimated to be a perfect portrait of one of the kidnappers,
02:02who would be the main commitment in this fact.
02:06The 5,000 pesos bills cannot be used.
02:09They are foiled, their numbering informed the banks and large companies,
02:13and with a bell that detects them and that will allow new clues to be located around the fact.
02:19The mutual promise of the kidnappers was to take months to spend the loot.
02:26But in this part of the story, that measure was insufficient,
02:32since the so-called fatal call allowed to leave quickly Germán Núñez's home,
02:39who also had the greed to stay with the red van.
02:44Given such evidence, there was no other option than to deliver Roberto Torres' whereabouts.
03:45Kidnapping is considered in our country as one of the least profitable crimes,
03:51since in its entirety, the perpetrators end up irreversibly in the hands of the police.
03:58For this reason, Germán Núñez and Roberto Torres were sentenced to 18 years in prison.
04:10The story says that this crime does not pay, it charges.
04:13Because if you analyze, all those who have kidnapped minors or kidnapped people have ended up in prison.
04:19Not one has been able to enjoy the money, and all have destroyed their lives.
04:23Imagine what it is like for a person to be sentenced to 20 years, a young person,
04:27who is not an ordinary criminal.
04:29On the other hand, we must understand that society, in the face of this type of crime, has to protect itself,
04:33because these are crimes that would make life unbearable.
04:36What do you do when you realize that the same thing is happening to other people today?
04:41Well, actually, in the cases that I have known, which have been two cases,
04:46I have had to intervene as a priori advisor.
04:50Because the first thing a person does, a father affected by a similar situation,
04:54remembers someone who had the same thing and wants to ask him what to do.
04:58One of the first cases that I had to get close to was the case of Niñito Bacovic,
05:03who called me his father.
05:05Well, I'm not an expert on the subject, I just saw a situation,
05:08and all I did was recommend that he immediately call the police.
05:11What he did.
05:12And it also allowed that kidnapping to be resolved in the same way that my son's was resolved,
05:17in a quick and efficient way.
05:19The child was recovered and the perpetrators were located.
05:23Later, another similar situation happened to me,
05:26of a gang that was dedicated to instant kidnapping, let's call it that.
05:30They were not of this type of kidnapping organized for a greater profit,
05:35but they were dedicated to what I just told you, to take good care of the young people.
05:39They saw a little girl or a young man at a bus stop,
05:42they approached him in a car and offered to take him.
05:45Later, they pressured him, they asked him for the phone number of the house,
05:48and they asked the father for an amount of money that could be raised quickly.
05:52In such a way that all this lasted four weeks.