• l’année dernière
00:00Ah, il n'y a rien comme l'odeur des critères décomposés, Arthur.
00:07Je sais. C'est dégueulasse, n'est-ce pas, Cecil?
00:09Oui. Quel jour dégueulasse.
00:12Tu sais, j'adore les piquets après la fin des crocs. Ils sont les mangeurs les plus dégueulasses dans la jungle.
00:17Hum-hum. Alors, allons-y regarder le menu.
00:21C'est une bonne idée.
00:22Hum, voyons.
00:23Oh, il y a de la gaure grillée.
00:25Un endroit d'adrénaline.
00:27Attends, Artie, regarde.
00:29Pâté en pangolin.
00:32Et c'est parfaitement sec.
00:36Décision, décision. Je ne sais pas où commencer.
00:40Eh bien, pourquoi ne pas tester un peu de tout?
00:42Tu veux dire un buffet?
00:44Exactamundo, mi amigo.
00:46Cec, tu es un génie.
00:49Tu vas d'abord, mon amoureux ami.
00:52Non, tu d'abord.
00:54Absolument pas.
00:55Vie avant la beauté.
00:56Ah, c'est vrai.
00:57Mais ensuite, les fleurs avant le poisson.
00:59Qu'est-ce que ça veut dire?
01:01Je ne sais pas.
01:02Mais c'est une insulte, n'est-ce pas?
01:03Ça aurait pu être.
01:04Mais c'était.
01:05Ce n'était pas.
01:06Ce n'était pas.
01:07Ce n'était pas.
01:08Ce n'était pas.
01:09Ce n'était pas.
01:10Ce n'était pas.
01:11Ce n'était pas.
01:12Ce n'était pas.
01:13Oh, je suis Clarisse.
01:15Hello there, Stud Muffin.
01:17Where in the jungle have you been hiding yourself?
01:24So, do you mind if I join you?
01:28Join us?
01:29As in share our food?
01:31Well, if you insist.
01:38He's so funny.
01:41Oh, what do you think, sis?
01:43Has Clarisse finished sucking all the marrow out of that ribcage yet?
01:47Did you see the way she descended on that bloated emu carcass?
01:51Did I?
01:52It was the most disgusting display of glumly I ever seen.
01:55Yeah, pure poetry.
01:58Clarisse, say it soft and it sounds like frogs croaking.
02:02Clarisse, say it loud and it's a rhino choking.
02:05Keep it up, sis, and I'll lose my lunch.
02:08If I had any lunch to lose.
02:11Maybe some minuscule bit of marrow.
02:13Some dried skin.
02:14A maggot.
02:15A tendon.
02:16A toe.
02:18Arnie, Muff Muffin, can't you see what you're doing?
02:20I know exactly what I'm doing.
02:22I'm starving.
02:24You're making a mess of our nest.
02:26Sis, we're buzzards.
02:27We're supposed to be messy.
02:29It's time to show a little class, a little respect.
02:32You never know who might drop in.
02:34Oh, sis!
02:39What do you want?
02:40What Arthur was trying to say in his tactless and stupid way was,
02:44welcome to our nest.
02:46Why, thank you.
02:48I was not trying to say that.
02:50Were to?
02:51Why not?
02:57I am sorry if I barged in.
02:59Barge is right.
03:00She's as big as one.
03:02No problem.
03:03Arthur was just leaving.
03:04I was not.
03:05Oh, yes, you were.
03:06No, I wasn't.
03:07Yes, you were.
03:13Now, where were we, my stale little croissant?
03:16Oh, Cecil.
03:30Arthur, you're making a mess.
03:33Don't worry, Clarisse.
03:34Arthur was just leaving.
03:36Oh, Cecil, where did it all go?
03:40We were such a good team.
03:42What I need is a new partner.
03:44A collaborator, you might say.
03:50Like that tiger, for example.
03:53Yeah, yeah, that's it.
03:55He kills, I clean up.
03:56It's perfect.
03:57With his brain and my...
04:01Well, with his brains,
04:02we'll be a better team than Thor and Zan.
04:07Arthur and... what's his name?
04:09King Sarajunga.
04:13That's it.
04:14Enjoy your last meal.
04:16Hey, speaking of meals...
04:23I can't see.
04:24I can't see.
04:25I was just wondering.
04:26That four-footed thing you were following,
04:28is it, you know, obliterated yet?
04:31Normally, you need to catch your prey
04:34before you can eat it, pal.
04:36Wow, he called me pal.
04:39This is going great.
04:40What are you doing here?
04:43Well, it's a long, sad story.
04:47Anyway, bottom line,
04:48I figured you and me could team up together.
04:50Oh, sure.
04:51That's a great idea.
04:53And you agree?
04:54Yeah, right.
04:55I knew you would.
04:56Get lost, buddy.
04:58You're cramping my style.
05:00Okay, buddy.
05:02Meet you back at the...
05:05Just where is it you hang out again?
05:08The lair.
05:09The lair, oh yeah, I remember that.
05:11So I'll see you later at the lair.
05:18What was that all about?
05:21Hey, Hathi, remind me again why we're doing this?
05:25Baloo, the lair is falling apart
05:28like an anthill in a monsoon.
05:30But isn't that why they call it a ruin?
05:33Hang on.
05:34I'm gonna have this log jammed in there
05:36before you can say lickety-split.
05:38Well, I'll be.
05:40It's a little too long.
05:42Okay, Ka,
05:43looks like we're gonna need your help after all.
05:46That's never a good sign.
05:48One reptile crane coming up.
05:50Or down.
05:51Or, etc.
05:52All righty then.
05:53On my count,
05:54Baloo, you pull.
05:56And Ka, you push.
05:58I mean, reverse-a-visa.
06:00Oh, you know what I mean.
06:03One, two...
06:07Second cover!
06:12It hurts to be right.
06:16Nothing to it, boys.
06:24Greetings, fellow cubs.
06:27If you're one of us,
06:29then I'm a balding porcupine.
06:31And I'm hungry.
06:33Of course, I'm hungry anyway.
06:35So, what do you want to do
06:37while we're waiting for my new...
06:43What do you want to do while we're waiting for my new best buddy?
06:46I know.
06:47I'll freshen up first.
06:51Now, you just mulled on a hint.
06:53I mean, hold on a minute there, mister.
06:56Who are you talking about?
06:58Why, the tiger, of course.
07:00You mean Shere Khan?
07:03Yeah, that's the guy.
07:05We are the new dynamic duo of the jungle.
07:08He preys on him, I pick him clean.
07:12I think I'm having an out-of-body experience.
07:15Don't worry, Ka.
07:16This buzz-brain's about to join you.
07:19Where's my buddy-pal-friend right now?
07:22I am not your friend.
07:25Then I haven't lost my mind.
07:29Ka, you gotta have a mind before you can lose it.
07:32And not your friend.
07:33Not your friend.
07:35Just your buddy, then?
07:37Not even close.
07:39Alors, mon ami.
07:41Qu'est-ce qu'on fait maintenant?
07:42Comment ça se passe?
07:43C'est un bon, vieux style.
07:45Le plouge de fleurs.
07:46Je te jure.
07:48Attends un instant.
07:49Je suis le seul à porter un suit de fleurs.
07:53T'es... t'es... t'es en train de rire, non?
08:00Est-ce que tu te considères un ami, peut-être?
08:03Je ne crois pas.
08:05C'est vraiment léger au fond.
08:11Qui veut savoir?
08:12C'est moi, Cease.
08:14Alors, où est Clarisse, l'amour de ta vie?
08:18Oh, elle s'est juste passée.
08:21Elle s'est déplacée à Better Pickings.
08:23Tu veux dire qu'elle s'est seulement migrée?
08:28Elle m'a utilisé.
08:30Elle a mangé tout.
08:31Même les magots sur les carcasses.
08:33Et ils étaient vivants.
08:35Oh, c'est terrible, Cease.
08:40Je suis désolé.
08:41Je t'ai éliminé avant, Oddy.
08:43Tu veux vraiment dire ça?
08:45Bien sûr que oui.
08:46Je ne crois pas.
08:47Qu'est-ce que tu veux dire?
08:48Qu'est-ce que tu veux dire?
08:49Qu'est-ce que tu veux dire?
08:50Qu'est-ce que je veux dire?
08:52Je veux dire ça.
