FTS 20:30 26-06: Bolivian government foils coup attempt

  • 3 months ago
FTS 20.30
*Israeli regime kills 28 Palestinians in last 24hr.
*Ruto to withdraw finance bill after deadly protests in Kenya.
00:00The government of Bolivia frustrated an attempt to cope the attack following their mobilization
00:16of army units in the capital to overthrow the president Luis Arce.
00:25In Palestine, the Israeli siege on Gaza continues.
00:27Occupation forces killed at least 28 Palestinians in the last hours as the humanitarian crisis
00:33deteriorates by day.
00:38And in Kenya, President William Ruto said he will not sign the finance bill that led
00:42to massive protests that ended with hundreds detained and at least 20 people killed.
00:56Hello and welcome to From the South, I'm Alejandra GarcĂ­a from Telasur Studios in Havana, Cuba.
01:00We begin with the news.
01:02The government of Bolivia frustrated an attempt to cope the attack following their irregular
01:06mobilization of army units in the capital to overthrow the president Luis Arce.
01:11The democratic order has been restored after hours of tensions that include the presence
01:16of military units at the Murillo Square and even army authorities led by General Juan
01:21José Zúñiga, who tried to storm the government house.
01:25However, the attempt has failed, as President Arce addressed the nation, named new military
01:30authorities who ordered all mobilized units to retreat from the square that was then filled
01:37with the Bolivian people cheering with the re-establishment of democracy.
01:46As the cope was in progress, Bolivian President Luis Arce called the people of Bolivia to
01:50defend democracy and reiterated that Bolivians could not allow another cope.
01:57We cannot allow that once again a coup attempt is developing.
02:06We would like to ask you to demand to defend democracy and we are here in Casa Grande with
02:16all the organizations, social organizations.
02:19We salute all the social organizations and we invite them cordially to again show the
02:27road to democracy to the Bolivian people.
02:30Long live the Bolivian people.
02:33Long live democracy.
02:36Let's review some of the main reactions.
02:38The former president of Bolivia, Evo Morales, called for a national mobilization in defense
02:43of democracy and in rejection of the recent attempted cope d'etat against President Luis
02:49In a post on the social network X, the former Bolivian president said, we call for a national
02:54mobilization to defend democracy against the cope d'etat that is being brought at the head
02:59of General Zúñiga.
03:01We declare an indefinite general strike and road blockade.
03:05We will not allow the armed forces to violate democracy and intimidate the people.
03:10In turn, the former Bolivian president in another post said, we denounce that a group
03:15of the Cachayapata Special Regiment, Mendez Arcos, took over Plaza Murillo with snipers.
03:22This seems to indicate that they prepared the cope d'etat in advance.
03:25I ask the people with a democratic vocation to defend the homeland from some military
03:32groups that act against democracy and the people.
03:41The vice president of Bolivia, David Choquehuanca, also denounced before the international community
03:46the attempted cope d'etat that was brewing in the country against the government of Luis
03:52Through a post on the social network X, the Bolivian vice president said, we denounce
03:56to the international community that in Bolivia there is a cope d'etat against our democratically
04:01elected government.
04:08From Mexico, the president-elect posted on her ex-account, Claudia Sheinbaum, the uprising
04:13of some units of the Bolivian armed forces is an attack against democracy.
04:18We strongly condemn this event.
04:20Our unconditional support to President Luis Arce and his people.
04:24Our support for the position of the government of Mexico.
04:31Also from Latin America, the Cuban president, Miguel DĂ­az-Canel, posted on his ex-account
04:36the outrage against democracy and the Bolivian people shown in the images from internal media.
04:43This afternoon in Bolivia is outrageous.
04:45We repudiate the attempted cope d'etat underway and extend all the solidarity of the Cuban
04:50government and people to brother Luis Arce.
04:57On his ex-account, Cuba's minister of foreign affairs, Bruno RodrĂ­guez, expressed irregular
05:03mobilizations of some units of the Bolivian army are very worrying.
05:07We strongly reject these acts and express our solidarity with President Luis Arce.
05:14Latin America and the Caribbean is a peace zone.
05:21The president of Honduras, Xiomara Castro, also reacted to the cope attempt.
05:25On her ex-account, Xiomara Castro said, I urgently called on the presidents of the member
05:30countries of CELAC to condemn the fascism that today attacks democracy in Bolivia and
05:36demand full respect for civil power and the constitution.
05:39The military forces have once again carried out a criminal cope d'etat.
05:43We express our unconditional support to the brother people of Bolivia, to the president
05:48Luis Alberto Arce and Evo Morales.
05:57Cuba also stood for Bolivia.
05:59President Nicolás Maduro addressed the attempted cope d'etat in which he called on the Bolivian
06:04people to defend democracy.
06:11We call on the people of Bolivia to defend their democracy, their constitution and their
06:15president Lucho Arce.
06:21To the people of Bolivia, all the support of the people of SimĂłn BolĂ­var.
06:25No to fascism, no to the coup.
06:32Do you realize how important it is to defend peace, democracy, your own path, and independence
06:37from other countries?
06:43We know that the Bolivian people, like the Venezuelan people at the time, will know how
06:48to act and will have the support of all of Latin America, the Caribbean, and the world
06:57on their side.
06:59And they will have on their side the victory, the victory of democracy and peace.
07:08Enough of coups d'etat, of genocide, of massacres against the peoples of Latin America.
07:15In the 21st century, are they going to impose a coup d'etat?
07:19What constitution is that in?
07:22Who endorses, who promotes, who supports this coup d'etat?
07:26From Venezuela we reject it and we declare ourselves in emergency and in permanent action
07:31in support of the people of Bolivia and President Lucho Arce.
07:36And from Brazil, President Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva expressed his support to democracy.
07:42We are sure of our position and that I'm a lover of democracy.
07:46I want democracy to prevail in Latin America as it never has before.
07:52Let's take a short break, but remember you can join us on TikTok at Telesur English where
07:56you will find news in different formats, news updates, and more.
07:59For the coming up, stay with us.
08:12Welcome back.
08:26As Venezuela and China celebrate 50 years of diplomatic relations, the nation's proof
08:31bilateral cooperation in various areas has achieved important feats at the academic level
08:36with the training and exchange of professionals.
08:38Let's see more details in the following brief.
08:43Thousands of Venezuelan professionals are specializing in Chinese universities.
08:48This exchange occurs thanks to the ties of friendship that unite both nations, which
08:53in June will celebrate 50 years of diplomatic relations.
08:59My name is Aymara Herdel.
09:01I am the director of the Venezuelan Center for Studies on China and the Center for a
09:06Community of a Shared Future between China and Venezuela.
09:13Both are research centers dedicated to the study of bilateral relations between the People's
09:18Republic of China and the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela.
09:22My particular relationship with China started progressively.
09:29I began to study Chinese as a foreign language and later I applied for a scholarship offered
09:34by the Chinese government and I obtained a scholarship to study for a master's degree.
09:42We have been developing an editorial project for four years now, publishing different works
09:47related to the relations between China and Latin America or China and Venezuela.
09:56Aymara as well as thousands of other Venezuelans recognize China as one of the most important
10:01allies in Latin America and the Caribbean, mainly in Venezuela, where energy, odenutical,
10:07scientific, technological and infrastructure cooperation projects are being conducted.
10:19I deem that understanding China is fundamental in this century and it is crucial to boost
10:24the development and cooperation of our countries.
10:27It is a strategic partner.
10:29China and Venezuela have an all-weather and foolproof partnership and that implies, from
10:34a political point of view, a very deep sisterhood and cooperation in different sectors.
10:49Countries of the region are somehow described by China as developing countries, but nowadays
10:55China identifies itself as a developing country too.
10:59This fact somehow facilitated to boost cooperation mechanisms such as South-South cooperation.
11:06In this regard, there are common struggles that both nations are somehow involved in,
11:18for example the fight against poverty, and this is a battle that Latin American countries
11:24are currently fighting off.
11:26Also China sees us as allied countries, with which it can cooperate jointly and understand
11:42that the problems and future welfare of humanity depends on the fact that the southern countries,
11:48or the nations that are called developing countries, can solve their problems of water
11:52access, can solve their problems of getting access to quality education.
12:12My expectations for the future relation between China and Venezuela is the strengthening of
12:17cooperation in areas that are strategic for national development, in the case of Venezuela.
12:23So in that sense, I think that cooperation in infrastructure is pivotal.
12:28My main wish is that the relations between both countries continue to be a harmonious
12:34The concept of harmony in Chinese culture is very noteworthy because it somehow materializes
12:39a long and lasting friendship.
12:53I think that it is one of the main bases of the relation or the bond that unites both
12:59On the other hand, I deem the relation not only must be consolidated at a high level,
13:05but also it must be consolidated between the peoples.
13:08Brotherhood between peoples is very crucial to make this relation fruitful, solid and
13:14Beyond the diplomatic relations between the governments of China and Venezuela, the ties
13:25between the two nations are considered an old-weather and foolproof friendship.
13:35In Ecuador on Tuesday, at the Northern Judicial Center in Quito, a trial set off to prosecute
13:40the five defendants charged with the assassination of journalist and former legislator Fernando
13:45In life, Villavicencio used to face life threats due to his work, as he has disclosed corruption
13:52and links between organized crime and politicians.
13:55In August 2023, he was shot dead when leaving a campaign meeting.
13:59One hitman died at the crime scene and seven more were murdered while on precautionary
14:05Two of the remaining accused, including Laura Castillo, have been revealed by prosecutors
14:10as suspected leaders of Los Lobos gang.
14:13In this regard, both Castillo's lawyer and the attorney for Fernando's daughter, Ricardo
14:17Vanegas, shared their opinion on the case.
14:42On Wednesday, at least 28 Palestinians were killed in Israeli shelling of homes in the
14:47Gaza Strip as the humanitarian crisis deteriorates day by day.
14:50In this context, according to civil defense rescue teams, at least 13 bodies were recovered
14:55from the rubble after an Israeli attack on a house belonging to the al-Dhali family in
15:00the al-Daraj neighborhood, while another 15 Gazans were also killed in another attack
15:05on the house of the Abu Awad family in the northern Gaza Strip.
15:09Since the beginning of its genocidal war, Israel has killed 37,658 Palestinians, most
15:16of them children and women, while more than 10,000 people are missing.
15:25As the Israeli forces continue to pound Gaza, Palestinians across the world join the resistance
15:30from afar.
15:32That is the story of Samad and Moteh, young Palestinians who are studying medicine in
15:36Cuba while joining the international claim to stop the genocide.
15:39Let's see.
15:43The brutal impact of the genocidal war in Gaza is felt in Cuba.
15:50Dozens of young Palestinians studying medicine on the island follow the Israeli siege from
15:56Samad is 21 years old.
15:59In Havana, she found the possibility of fulfilling her dream of studying medicine.
16:03However, the distance from her loved ones in this context is very difficult to bear.
16:09It is easier for me to be with them than to wonder.
16:15What are they drinking?
16:16What are they eating?
16:17Where are they sleeping?
16:18Wondering if they are okay.
16:19In this way, Palestinian students in Cuba follow the atrocious attacks by the State of Israel
16:34on their homes.
16:35Moteh is from Rafa, the southern Gaza city that the Zionist army decided to invade in
16:40Maine, despite the alarms of the international community and the warnings of the highest
16:44court of the United Nations.
16:48In the first days of that month, my grandparents' house was bombed, my cousins died, three of
16:53my uncles, an aunt, and my grandmother died, all from my mother's side of the family.
