FTS 10:30 30-07: Venezuela: govt. denounces FAR-RIGHT violent acts

  • 3 months ago
FTS 10.30
*Landslides leave at least 49 dead in India
*Palestinian Health Ministry warns of polio outbreak


00:00The Venezuelan government denounced attempts by the far-right opposition to initiate a
00:14violent escalation in the country.
00:18In India, landslides triggered by heavy monsoon rains have killed at least 63 people and hundreds
00:22more are feared to be trapped under mud and debris.
00:26In Palestine, the Ministry of Health warned of a polio outbreak in the Gaza Strip.
00:35Hello and welcome to From the South, I'm Luis Alberto Matos from Televisual Studios
00:39in Havana, Cuba.
00:40We begin with the news.
00:42The Venezuelan government denounced attempts by the far-right opposition to initiate a
00:45violent escalation in the country.
00:47The President of the National Assembly, Jorge Rodriguez, reaffirmed that the far-right plan
00:52was never electoral but violent and homicidal.
00:55He said so after a wave of attacks that left 23 members of the armed forces injured.
00:59Some got shot.
01:00Later, President Nicolás Maduro addressed the nation to give an account of the seriousness
01:05of the attacks perpetrated by individuals who had been mostly under the influence of
01:09drugs and arms at the time of their arrest.
01:11Meanwhile, the Attorney General, Tarek William Saab, delivered a report of those arrested,
01:16among them those who set fire to a PSUV headquarters.
01:21For his part, the Minister of Defense, Vladimir Padrino, made a call to those used by the
01:26far-right to generate violence.
01:33After the National Electoral Council of Venezuela proclaimed and confirmed the re-election of
01:37Nicolás Maduro as President of the South American nation, the head of state denounced
01:41that the far-right is trying to impose a coup d'etat.
01:44After Sunday's victory, President Maduro arrived at the headquarters of the National
01:48Electoral Council to be proclaimed Constitutional President for the 2025-2031 term.
01:53During his speech, the re-elected President of Venezuela warned that the far-right is
01:57trying to impose a coup d'etat in Venezuela and reiterated his calls to respect the Constitution
02:02and not to allow hatred, fascism, lies or manipulation to be imposed in the country.
02:16It is not the first time that we are facing what we are facing today.
02:21They are trying to impose in Venezuela a coup d'etat again, of a fascist and counter-revolutionary
02:27nature, I could call it a kind of Guaido 2.0.
02:33Because history says no, that it presents as a tragedy and then as a comedy.
02:50It seems that as Hegel said, and then Marx popularized it, history presents itself as
02:55tragedy first and then repeats itself as comedy.
03:00We already lived this, we saw this movie, the same movie with a similar script.
03:17The protagonists are the same, on one side the people who want peace, democracy, prosperity,
03:24progress and on the other side, elites full of hate with a counter-revolutionary and fascist
03:30project tied to the United States Empire.
03:35In this context, the President of Venezuela, Nicolas Maduro, affirmed that the pertinent
03:39measures are being taken to counteract the violent acts raised during the territory promoted
03:43by the sectors of the Venezuelan far right.
03:49We have been following up on all the acts of violence promoted by the extremist right
03:56I can tell the people of Venezuela that if they have done damage, we are acting, and
04:01with the Civic Military Police Union, we are acting once again, that is why I said we know
04:07this story, we are acting once again.
04:21Because we know this modus operandi that has been used for the coup d'etat of April
04:262002, for the first Warimba in February 27, 2004.
04:33For the violent actions called by Capriles one day after the presidential elections of
04:39April 14, and all those subsequent weeks, for the Warimba of 2014 which were called
04:57the exit, for the Warimbas of 2017.
05:02I have said it throughout this pilgrimage in more than 30 cities, they are hate, revenge,
05:09and violence.
05:12In this context, the President of the National Assembly, Jorge Rodriguez, also denounced
05:16the real violent plans of the far right that are in full development.
05:21We summoned to all our people to great marches tomorrow at 2 o'clock from Petare to Miraflores,
05:32from Cate to Miraflores, from La Vegas to Miraflores, from El Valle to Miraflores to
05:36celebrate this victory, but also to defend peace of the Republic.
05:42This time, we will not allow that, and they will not achieve it.
05:46And of course, we summoned all the forces of the revolutionary people of Venezuela for
05:54marches in their cities, in their states.
05:58In other news, in the midst of a series of official activities for national holidays
06:01and a message to the nation that has been highly criticized, the marches against the
06:06and one year and seven months after she was appointed president, the demands for her resignation
06:11continue, as well as the closing of congress and punishment for those responsible for the
06:15more than 50 people killed during protests.
06:22One of the main announcements made by Dina Boloarte in her long message to the nation
06:27has been the salary increase for police and military.
06:30Despite the repression, the people killed, and the investigations against these institutions.
06:41She has the backing of the Peruvian National Police, and not only of the police, but also
06:46of the entire Joint Command, which is why she will be dispersing large amounts of money,
06:51which protects her.
06:52And that makes them continue to repress the population, so that the population cannot
06:57express their rejection of this government and this congress.
07:05One year and seven months into her administration, Peruvians reject her and continue marching
07:10to demand her resignation, the closure of parliament, and justice for those killed during
07:23In the case of Puno, where we accompany, out of 20 files there are four files that
07:27have formalized the preparatory investigation, this is very important, why?
07:32Because in these formalized files those responsible have already been identified, in some the
07:36chain of command has been identified and possibly the number of those responsible will increase,
07:41in others besides the chain of command, the direct authors of the crimes committed by
07:45state agents have been identified, for aggravated homicide, serious injuries, minor injuries.
08:00There has also been criticism that she has announced that she will not privatize water
08:04services when in practice this is what her government is seeking to do as part of the
08:08implementation of a series of neoliberal policies.
08:14She has said that the main objective now is an investment of more than 1.5 billion
08:20dollars to deliver six drinking water companies, one in Chiclayo, my land, two in Trujillo,
08:26three in Chimbote, four in Shanghai, five in Ayacucho, and six in Puerto Maldonado.
08:31We in Lambayeque and all the north are saying that privatizations with the name of concession
08:36for 25 years of the public sector to deliver to private companies is really the destruction
08:41of not only the public water sector, but the bankruptcy of sovereignty in water matters
08:46of the country.
08:50The Congress with the lowest approval rating in history is also repudiated and described
08:54as part of a mafia coalition that supports Dina Boloarte.
09:02We all have to be united to confront this Congress of the Republic.
09:06Here are the criminals.
09:08Here are the criminals and murderers.
09:10Here are immoral, incapable people who are trying to govern.
09:14They do not have the support of the people.
09:17They are not accepted by the people.
09:19That is what we are rejecting.
09:25Nothing to celebrate in these national holidays, in times in which the rejection of the political
09:30class reigns, and in which issues such as the right to insurgency to a usurper government
09:36are being debated.
10:06Welcome back.
10:16Mexico's President-elect, Claudia Sheinbaum, met with the fathers and mothers of the 43
10:20missing students from Ayotzinapa.
10:22She pledged to continue the investigation of the case until justice is obtained for
10:25the victims.
10:26Our colleague Antonio Aranda has the information.
10:31After meeting for the first time with President-elect Claudia Sheinbaum at the Mexico City Museum
10:36the fathers and mothers of the 43 missing students in Ayotzinapa, Guerrero will hold
10:40more meetings with the next president to advance the investigation.
10:47We agreed to continue meeting.
10:49We are not going to forget the Ayotzinapa case.
10:52We are going to continue working with them, and we are going to find a working method
10:55that will allow us to give them what they are asking for, truth, justice, and where
11:00they are.
11:07At the conclusion of the meeting, which was held behind closed doors, President-elect
11:11Claudia Sheinbaum reiterated that the parents of the missing students are victims and have
11:16the right to know the truth.
11:18There is no date yet, but we will continue to meet.
11:22We will work together.
11:23There are some things we will agree on.
11:25Others we will not.
11:26But the important thing is to work together to get to the truth.
11:32Vidalfo Rosales, legal representative of the parents of the Ayotzinapa students, highlighted
11:37Claudia Sheinbaum's commitment to justice.
11:40The most positive point is that she committed to give the case a central place in her administration
11:46and her policy, and that she will follow upon the case.
11:49We will see the mechanism by which the case will be followed.
11:55In the morning, the parents of the missing Ayotzinapa students met with President Andres
11:59Manuel López Obrador at the National Palace where they handed him a letter in response
12:04to the president's report on the case.
12:08The fathers and mothers of the 43 missing students from Ayotzinapa, Guerrero are pleased
12:13that Dr. Claudia Sheinbaum, once she takes office, has pledged to advance the investigation
12:18as a priority.
12:26In the United States, a thunderstorm was reported to have caused flooding at Dolly Parton's
12:42Dollywood Park in East Tennessee.
12:44According to local authorities, all visitors were evacuated Sunday afternoon due to heavy
12:50Authorities also reported a macabre hollow road at Dollywood's entrance collapsed.
12:54However, no major damages were reported.
12:57The National Weather Service in Morristown warned that heavy rains are expected in the
13:01next 48 hours.
13:24In India, landslides triggered by pounding monsoon rains left at least 63 people killed
13:40and hundreds feared trapped under mud and debris.
13:43Officials reported that 250 people have been rescued so far.
13:47The southern coastal state of Kerala has been battered by heavy rains, which blocked roads
13:52into the disaster area at Wayanad District, hindering relief efforts.
13:57District officials said 125 people were in hospital for treatment.
14:01India's Army said it had deployed more than 200 soldiers to the area to assist state security
14:06forces and fire crews in search and rescue efforts.
14:10The state's Disaster Management Agency reported more rainfall and strong winds are expected
14:14in Kerala.
14:15Meanwhile, the Prime Minister's office said families of victims would be given a compensation
14:19payment of US$2,400.
14:45Climate scientist Kartik Inegi said climate change due to human action have disturbed
14:49the atmosphere leading to more erratic weather patterns.
15:19On Monday, the governments of China and Italy issued an action plan to strengthen the comprehensive
15:29strategic partnership following the meeting between Chinese President Xi Jinping and Italian
15:33Prime Minister Giorgio Melani.
15:35The Asian leader underlined that the spirit of the Silk Road, based on peaceful cooperation,
15:40openness, inclusiveness, and mutual benefit, is a common heritage that both countries should
15:44preserve and promote.
15:46Meanwhile, Melani assured that her trip is a demonstration of the will to initiate a
15:51new phase and to relaunch bilateral cooperation between Rome and Beijing in the year of the
15:5620th anniversary of the Comprehensive Strategic Partnership.
15:59Xi Jinping highlighted the importance of open and reciprocal cooperation in areas such as
16:04trade, investment, industrial manufacturing, and technological innovation.
16:16The President-elect of Iran, Massoud Peshashkyan, advocates for strengthening bilateral relations
16:33with Cuba and South Africa within the framework of the BRICS.
16:36This way, Peshashkyan has held meetings with several senior officials who are in the Persian
16:41nation, including the Cuban Prime Minister Manuel Marrero Cruz and the Minister of International
16:46Relations and Cooperation of South Africa, Ronald Ussi-Lamala.
16:50The talks with the Caribbean nation's representative focused on the implementation of the agreements
16:55reached between them during the administration of President Ebrahim Raisi and the country's
16:59strategic visions to counteract U.S. sanctions.
17:02On the other hand, with the South African minister, Peshashkyan stressed the importance
17:05of strengthening ties through international mechanisms such as the BRICS.
18:05Welcome back.
18:12In Palestine, the Ministry of Health warned of a polio outbreak in the Gaza Strip.
18:16Health authorities indicated the main cause of the spread of the virus is due to the constant
18:21Israeli offensive, the destruction of infrastructures, the accumulation of garbage, and contaminated
18:27The ministry warned that the epidemic is harmful to health, not only in Palestine but also
18:31in the neighboring states.
18:33The World Health Organization indicated that without the cessation of the Israeli siege
18:36in the Gaza Strip, the program to fight the virus will not be able to overcome the epidemic.
18:48Settlers and far-right legislators stormed Israeli bases following the arrest of nine
18:52occupation army soldiers accused of raping and abusing Palestinian prisoners.
18:56On Monday, dozens of settlers and far-right lawmakers invaded the base and statement bases.
19:02After military police detained and began interrogating the accused personnel.
19:06According to Israeli media reports, troops deployed at the statement concentration camp
19:12have been torturing the Palestinian detainees for fun.
19:15In one specific case, a Gazan was transferred to a hospital after receiving serious injuries
19:20and being sexually abused.
19:22Since Monday, there have been clashes between far-right settlers and police officers.
19:31In Syria, citizens of the occupied Syrian Golan protested against the visit of Israeli
19:35Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu.
19:38Hundreds of residents tried to prevent the Israeli Prime Minister from entering the area
19:42where the projectiles sent by the Tel Aviv troops into the Syrian Golan fell.
19:47The population prepared chants and angry slogans against Netanyahu to demand his departure.
19:51The framework of detention comes after a recent rocket attack killed 12 people and wounded
19:5640 others in the city of Masdal Shams.
19:59Despite Hezbollah's denial, Tel Aviv holds Hezbollah responsible for the events and threatens
20:04to take action in retaliation.
20:10In Russia, in the region of Republic of Karelia, at least one person lost his life after the
20:15crumbling of a provisional bridge between the slopes of the White Sea and Baltic Channel.
20:19According to the Russian Ministry of Emergency Situations, the event also left 10 people
20:23injured, including three children.
20:25The agency detailed that the search for more people is still going on, since two women
20:30are still missing.
20:32Between locks number 1011 in Navodvoysi, a temporary bridge was completely destroyed
20:37after being swept away by the force of the water.
20:40Authorities declared a state of emergency in the Segevsa district.
20:55In France, the men's triathlon event at the Olympic Games in Paris was postponed from
21:07Tuesday to Wednesday, the same day as the women's events due to contamination detected
21:12in the water of the River Seine.
21:14The organizing committee and the International Triathlon Union reported that heavy rains
21:18on Friday and Saturday in Paris degraded the quality of the river water with values still
21:23above acceptable limits in certain places on the course.
21:27If the water quality was still insufficient, the races could be postponed to Friday, training
21:30sessions for triathletes to familiarize themselves with the waters of the Seine, scheduled for
21:35Sunday and Monday, were canceled due to pollution.
21:38Since 2016, authorities invested more than $1.52 billion in creating infrastructure to
21:43reduce pollution in the Seine and allow Olympic trials.
21:46You know, the International Federation decided to report the competition for tomorrow because
21:55the result was not good enough in terms of water quality, but okay, we know this expectation
22:05could be a possibility, that's why we preview some contingency day.
22:10So tomorrow you will have two competitions in the morning if the quality of water is
22:15good enough and the trend is actually on the positive way, so we are still confident
22:20for tomorrow having the two competitions in the same day and they made the organization
22:26for that, so we're going to see tomorrow, but we are totally confident because the trend
22:33is positive actually, not good enough for today, but I hope good enough for tomorrow.
22:45In Mexico, a vibrant party was held in honor of the Zonideros, popular DJs who live in
22:54up neighborhoods and towns throughout the country with tropical rhythms and cumbias.
23:00Dozens of people joined together to dance and enjoy the music, expressing their joy
23:03and excitement for the famous Zonideros, who emerged as an entertainment alternative for
23:08the popular classes in the face of the exclusivity of the discotheques.
23:13These open air parties offer a space for fun, allowing people to disconnect from social
23:18They are also an inclusive group since anyone can join their celebrations.
23:22In 2023, the authorities of the Guatemal district in Mexico City banned these parties in a popular
23:28neighborhood which triggered protests among neighbors.
23:32However, despite these challenges, the Zonideros culture continues to be a vital expression
23:36of joy and community in Mexico.
23:43We have come to the end of this newsbrief.
23:45You can find this and many other stories on our website at www.terrestrialinglish.net,
23:48so join us on social media, Facebook, Instagram, Telegram and TikTok.
23:53For Terrestrial English, I'm Luis Alberto Matos, thank you for watching.
