FTS 12:30 28-08: Venezuela advances in the construction of self-governance

  • last month
FTS 12.30
*6 arrested linked to planning of terrorist attacks in Russia
*Israeli forces incursion in West Bank leaves at least 11 dead
00:00In Venezuela, President Nicolás Maduro announced the beginning of the great stage of popular
00:14self-government to advance in the construction of a new state based on direct democracy.
00:20In Russia, at least six people were arrested for their links to an international terrorist
00:23group that intended to commit a series of attacks in the southeast of the country.
00:30And Israeli forces have carried out an intense incursion into the occupied West Bank, resulting
00:33in the death of at least 11 Palestinians in the region.
00:41Hello welcome from the south, I'm Luis Alberto Matos from Televisa Studios in Havana, Cuba.
00:46We begin with the news.
00:47The president of Venezuela, Nicolás Maduro, announced changes in his executive cabinet
00:52in order to adjust the strength of the government to better meet the needs of the people.
00:56During the meeting for the balance of the Second National Popular Consultation, the
00:59president highlighted the potential of this electoral process held on Sunday, August 25.
01:04In addition, he pointed out that there is a participatory democratic conscience in the
01:08people of Venezuela.
01:09He also highlighted that the country has reached a new point of maturity to reach a democratic
01:15In this sense, the head of state presented the changes in his government cabinet in order
01:19to consolidate the new phase of the construction of the popular self-government.
01:32I am going to make a renewal of half of the construction of territorial socialism, of
01:38communal democracy, of direct democracy, of the new system of government that breaks with
01:45the concept of superficial aerial protocolary government.
01:50There will already be an executive cabinet.
01:52I am going to announce the necessary changes in different ministries to couple the strength
01:58of the popular revolutionary and socialist government of Venezuela and give the order
02:04that this stage, this stage that is open with the victory of July 28, is the stage of officialdom,
02:13enough of lies and deception.
02:23Venezuela's Minister of Interior, Justice and Peace, Diosdado Cabello, denounced a new
02:27attack against the country's power system.
02:29Yes, well, it is the denunciation that the president made with evidence, because he knows
02:38that the president has information generated by the security agencies about the plans of
02:43the right wing.
02:44We knew that they were planning this type of attack not only to the electric service
02:48but to other services that are used massively by the people of Venezuela.
02:52Now we are already, already at this moment, the security agencies deployed.
02:57It was an attack to a transmission tower, the security agencies together with the workers
03:02of the electric service, who are good, tireless, tireless, tireless.
03:06They will not cease in their efforts, and we will not cease in the pursuit of justice
03:10in Venezuela, and the people of Venezuela can be sure that the response will be forceful
03:15against those who are generating violence, who are generating terrorist acts, and who
03:20are attacking public services, which are of extreme necessity for the people of Venezuela.
03:26In this sense, Cabello detailed that the power line that was attacked goes from La Pascua
03:32Valley to Valencia, affecting several states of the country.
03:37Referring to 7-16, 1916 tonight, there was a terrorist attack to the National Electric
03:44This is located specifically in the line 7-65 that goes from Valle de la Pascua to Valencia,
03:50and it has affected the states of Tachira, Merida, Barinas, Zulia, FalcĂłn, Nueva Esparta,
03:57and partially sectors of La Guaira, Miranda, and Caracas.
04:02He says that this is one of the strategies that constantly opposition sectors, enemies
04:07of these countries, enemies of our people, have used to try to harm us, to try to affect
04:13the population, to make the enthusiasm, the joy of our people be affected.
04:18The Brazilian Association of Jurists for Democracy urges to respect the electoral results of
04:23Venezuela ratified by the Supreme Court of Justice.
04:25In this way, the association that participates as the international observer of the elections
04:29confirms in its report the transparency of the Venezuelan electoral process of last July
04:34During their stay in the country, observers visited 23 voting centers and spoke with electoral
04:39inspectors both from the government and the opposition, who reported that they had no
04:43complaints about the process.
04:45Furthermore, the organization qualified the elections as orderly and of total freedom
04:50in accordance with the electoral rules of the South American country.
04:58Moving on, the ghost of narco-politics has now left Panama.
05:00A recent operation involving a direct relative of a congressman has brought the topic of
05:04narco-politics back to the national debate.
05:07Our colleague Reka Chandira Manning tells us about it.
05:12Panamanian prosecutors dismantled an international network dedicated to drug trafficking and
05:17money laundering in the so-called Operation Jericho.
05:19The investigation lasted just over a year and resulted in the seizure of 1,592 packages
05:26of cocaine and almost $400,000, 41 raids and 28 people charged.
05:33Among those under investigation are Panamanians, Colombians and Mexicans.
05:40We were able to establish the existence of a criminal group that was engaged in international
05:45drug trafficking by introducing illicit substances through the Jericho area, by land, through
05:51backpackers, substance that was then moved to the area of San Miguelito, then camouflaged
05:57in double bottom of a vehicle to be taken out to the area of Costa Rica.
06:03According to the prosecutor's office, agents of the National Border Service were guarding
06:07the drugs in transit.
06:09On the other hand, one of those captured is Abraham Rico Pineda, son of the deputy of
06:14the National Assembly, Roel Pineda, member and director of the Democratic Revolutionary
06:21The corporation is also investigating a company linked to the deputy's entourage, which would
06:25have served as a vehicle for the alleged laundering of the illicit money.
06:33They do it from the moment they put money to finance structures, candidacies, that allow
06:39them to effectively have some level of incidence on national and political activities.
06:46That is a problem we are facing.
06:48At the national level, it has been questioned precisely that they have taken over instances
06:54such as the legislative body.
06:57Today we are facing precisely one of these questions, due to the linking of some deputies
07:03or relatives close to organized crime, drug trafficking, money laundering.
07:15According to experts, Panama has gone from a phase in which organized crime recruited
07:19officials and the different entities to sustain its activities, to one in which the same officials
07:25have created their own criminal structures, shielded from power with privileges, tailor-made
07:30laws, pacts with judges and prosecutors, electoral clientelism, among others.
07:39This situation is worrying us, because of this suitable test, this inefficiency in being
07:46able to find out who are the real bosses behind these criminal organizations, to identify
07:52the names that have been infiltrated from the most modest bases of the people, up to
07:57a sub-director, director of a police or security institution, as well as ministers, and not
08:03only at a public level, but also at a commercial level, as these structures are lent.
08:13Although private electoral financing has been capped since the last elections, this is not
08:18complied with because the electoral tribunal itself has said that it has no way to audit
08:23and confirm the veracity of the reports submitted by the candidates, in addition to in-kind
08:28donations, which many campaigns omit to register.
08:31According to experts, as long as the key to private financing is not closed, narco-politics
08:37will continue to settle in the canal country.
08:41Let's now take a short break, but remember you can join us on Tiktok at TELESUR ENGLISH,
08:50where you will find news in different formats, news updates and much more.
08:54We'll be right back, stay with us.
09:01Welcome back, in the United States, Special Counsel Jack Smith released a newly revised
09:21indictment against former President Donald Trump, which brings the court proceeding in
09:24line with the recent Supreme Court ruling.
09:27The substitute indictment was filed Tuesday in the case of electoral interference in the
09:312020 elections.
09:32The indictment lowers the allegations against the far-right businessmen and adjusts them
09:36to the ruling issued by the highest court in the United States on July.
09:40It was reported that the new allegations of the special counsel are linked to the former
09:43president's efforts to have the Justice Department support his accusations of electoral fraud
09:48in the 2020 election.
09:55In Russia, at least six people were arrested for their links to an international terrorist
09:59group that intended to commit a series of attacks in the southeast of the country.
10:03RTRS Russian Federal Security Service officials said that the criminals were planning sabotage
10:07and terrorist attacks against police forces and religious sites.
10:11During the raids, the investigators seized a homemade bomb, as well as components for
10:16the elaboration of explosive devices and firearms, among other materials with which they intended
10:21to carry out the plans to generate unease in the population.
10:46The Israeli regime escalates its genocidal actions in the occupied West Bank, killing
10:5011 Palestinians in less than 12 hours.
10:53Jenin's governor said it was the largest operation to take place in the area since
10:58The regional leaders report that Israel is threatening to occupy one of its hospitals,
11:02where there are 200 workers and more than 150 patients.
11:06The situation is extremely tense as resistance factions respond to the occupation's attack.
11:10Meanwhile, Qatar confirmed that ceasefire negotiators are already in Doha, without mentioning
11:16In this context, and in view of the critical situation in the West Bank, Palestinian President
11:20Mahmoud Abbas cut short his visit to Saudi Arabia.
11:29In Palestine, Doctors' Union denounced attacks by the Israeli occupation against healthcare
11:35Health authorities reported that dozens of Palestinians received treatment, while the
11:40Israeli army's aggression against hospitals not only endangers their health but also violates
11:45international humanitarian law.
11:47Both personnel urged their colleagues to support and confront the emerging situation.
11:51On the other hand, authorities demanded the immediate intervention of the international
11:55community and the International Federation of Red Cross Societies to protect Palestinian
11:59healthcare facilities.
12:06China's foreign ministry published a report revealing that the National Endowment for
12:09Democracy non-profit foundation promotes subversive and destabilizing activities in several countries
12:15around the world.
12:17The report shows that the foundation, established in 1983 by the then U.S. President Ronald
12:22Reagan, uses so-called human rights movements to demand changes in government.
12:27It finances media and digital platforms of NGOs to train and instigate what they call
12:33color revolutions.
12:34In Cuba alone, the NED has funded 54 anti-Cuban organizations since 2017.
12:40In Mexico, they support Mexicans Against Corruption and the Institute for Competitiveness, through
12:45which they have tried to stop important social gains for the Mexican people, such as the
12:50electric power reform.
12:54Meanwhile, these Wednesday traders in Pakistan went on strike shutting down their businesses
13:01in all major cities and urban areas to protest a rise in electricity costs and new taxes
13:05imposed on shop owners.
13:07The government of Prime Minister Shabazz Sharif has steadily raised electricity prices since
13:12Pakistan last month struck a deal with the International Monetary Fund for a new US$7
13:16billion loan.
13:17The higher cost of living and price hikes have triggered widespread discontent and drone
13:24The strike was called by the head of the religious Jamaat-e-Islami Pakistan Party, Naim-ur-Rehman,
13:30and endorsed by most of the various trade unions and associations.
13:37Inflation is so high, it has become so difficult for us to run businesses.
13:42People are being forced to leave this country.
13:45There is no point in doing business.
13:47Electricity bills are so high.
13:50One can either pay the electricity bill or meet one's other household expenditures.
13:54So many taxes have been imposed.
14:01The government should give us relief.
14:03The whole market is closed in protest.
14:06No one is supporting the strike because no one is breaking even.
14:09How will people pay?
14:11They cannot pay from their own pockets.
14:13It is so difficult to do business in Pakistan.
14:16That's why people are leaving the country.
14:31In the western Indian state of Gujarat, torrential rains sparked heavy flooding, killing at least
14:3615 people so far.
14:38Rivers across the coastal state broke their banks and more than 23,000 people have been
14:42evacuated from their homes.
14:43While monsoon rains cause widespread destruction in the area every year, experts say climate
14:48change is shifting weather patterns and increasing the number of extreme weather events.
14:52The northeastern state of Tripura was battered by floods and landslides last week, with more
14:56than 20 people killed.
14:58In neighbouring Bangladesh, heavy floods killed at least 40 people over the same period, with
15:02nearly 300,000 residents taking refuge in emergency shelters.
15:11And in Bolivia, authorities reported at least 43 forest fires affecting 12 municipalities
15:15in the department of Santa Cruz.
15:17Civil Defence Deputy Minister Juan Carlos Calvimontes reported that 37 of the 43 fires
15:22have already been extinguished, with the deployment of 2,467 firefighters and 67 military units.
15:28Federal authorities added that over 300 citizens were evacuated as work continues to prevent
15:33the fires from intensifying and affecting more people.
15:36In this context, Brazilian fire authorities are providing support in the bordered area.
15:45We have a second short break coming up, but before we invite you to visit our YouTube
15:48channel at Telesol English, there you'll be able to re-watch our interviews, top stories,
15:52special broadcastings and more.
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15:57world's most recent events.
15:58Found your break?
15:59Don't go away.
16:00Welcome back.
16:21In Burkina Faso, government authorities have confirmed at least 200 fatalities in a terrorist
16:25attack perpetrated in the north-central part of the country.
16:27The brutal attack in the city of Basaloc is attributed to the terrorist organization Jamaat
16:31Nusrat-ul-Islam, similar to Al-Qaeda operating in West Africa.
16:36Jamaat Nusrat-ul-Islam grew stronger while Western powers such as France claim to be
16:40cleansing the Sahel of extremism.
16:42The spokesman of the CAIA hospital, René Sabadogo, confirmed that in addition to the dead, there
16:46are 140 wounded.
16:48Secretary-General of the United Nations Antonio Guterres has strongly condemned this attack,
16:52which, according to the Minister of Security Mahamadou Sanna, will be met with an exemplary response.
17:03A World Health Organization emergency commission of African scientists holds the international
17:08community responsible for the aggressive outbreaks of M-pox affecting the continent.
17:13Commission leader Dr. Dimi Ogoina said that decades of neglect and inability of the international
17:19community have led to the spread of new, more transmissible versions of the virus that
17:24countries with few resources cannot stop.
17:26Ogoina states that for years, M-pox spread only slightly affecting homosexuals or bisexual
17:33Now, with the inability of other countries to contain the virus in populations with low
17:36immunity, children and women suffer from it and even become potential fatalities.
17:42A newly released report by the United Nations Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian
17:50Affairs says years of underfunding of humanitarian aid and increasing needs have put millions
17:56of Haitians at risk of chronic vulnerability.
17:59The UN Humanitarian Office said reversing the situation would require the international
18:04community and donors to increase funding for both UN and non-governmental organization
18:09relief operations.
18:10Months of armed violence have led to a deterioration of Haiti's humanitarian crisis that has left
18:14nearly 600,000 people displaced.
18:17Furthermore, OSHA underscored that the violence continues to target civilian infrastructures,
18:22with only 24% of hospitals remaining operational, and added the insecurity has left 1.5 million
18:29children unable to attend school.
18:40The 17th edition of the Paralympic Games will kick off on Wednesday with an opening
18:54ceremony at the Place de la Concorde and the Champs-Élysées.
18:57This way, with an expected audience of 15,000 spectators, the ceremony will mark the beginning
19:02of the 12-day sporting meeting in Paris, a city still enthusiastic after the successful
19:08recent Olympics.
19:09The Games will host 4,400 Paralympic athletes from around the world, who will compete in
19:14549 medal events across 22 sports.
19:17They will be held at some of Paris' most iconic landmarks, including the Eiffel Tower
19:21and the Château de Versailles, with organizers announcing that over two million tickets have
19:27been sold ahead of the Games start.
19:29The 2024 edition of Paralympics events will take place from August 28 to September 8.
19:39We have come to the end of this newsbrief.
19:43You can find these and many other stories on our website at www.terrestrialenglish.net,
19:46so join us on social media, Facebook, Instagram, Telegram and TikTok.
19:51For Terrestrial English, I'm Luis Alberto Matos, thank you for watching.
