Jorge Rodriguez announces the extension of consultations for the revision of the electoral laws

  • 9 hours ago
Caracas, in the meeting of the special commission for the revision of the electoral laws, Jorge Rodriguez, the president of the national assembly announced the extension of consultations for the revision of the country's election laws
00:00Let's go live to Caracas, Venezuela, where Jorge RodrĂ­guez, the President of the National
00:04Assembly, is offering statements at this moment.
00:08Let's listen.
00:09It's a proposal that arises from the Constitutional Board for consultation and to be addressed
00:18for the parties and the communal councils, cultural groups, universities, faculty of
00:24law and others.
00:27The legislative commission presided by Carlos Martinez has made a broad development of all
00:36the legal documents of our legislation to address the electoral events and political
00:46participation for organic law, electoral power, electoral processes, the Supreme Court of
00:59Here we address the debate of deciding if the electoral board has power, which is nonsense.
01:08It is established in the Constitution and it's a truth that if there is an electoral
01:12board, it's so the electoral conscience to be carried out in this.
01:21In the Supreme Court of Justice, law has established the functions of each one.
01:28So regarding the electoral code, it has to do with the electoral events in Venezuela.
01:32Then we have the law of constitutional right and the right of vote, which is a constitutional
01:40We also have laws that have been left back, especially the law of political parties, public
01:49gathering and mobilizations.
01:54It has been talked about certain amends that are needed in this law, but the law of political
02:03parties requires more attention of the legislator so that we adapt this law to new times and
02:13to prevent and stop the attempts of utilization of political tools of the Constitution to
02:23attempt against the homeland for guerrilla violence, murdering and invasion, etc.
02:31And then the mission of the technical commission that has been working and addressing the functioning
02:40of the political party, the way in which these political parties need to inform the population,
02:47the finance of the electoral campaigns are elements addressed by this committee.
02:55Since we have advanced in the study of legal instruments that include the law of resolution
03:01of the National Electoral Council, the sentence of the Supreme Court of Justice in the electoral
03:09room, which is an analysis about the electoral legislation of Venezuela, and it's a guide
03:18regarding the amends of the electoral laws in Venezuela.
03:23It's hard work.
03:25We have advanced in it, so we have decided to extend consultations to another sector
03:32of the Venezuelan society, and we have elaborated an agenda to start next week with the universities
03:39and certain specific groups of citizens and non-governmental organizations, communal councils,
03:47communes, and regional parties, as well as parties in the municipalities, the school
03:55of law, and all people who want to take part in the development of the legislative system
04:02in Venezuela.
04:05I'm going to allow myself to inform you about certain news.
04:12I will inform you briefly that next week we will carry out a consultation in several sectors
04:17of the civil, social, political life in Venezuela, and we also are going to travel this Deputy's
04:24Commission to several regions of the country to exchange with these sectors in states and municipalities.
04:35Citizens and President of the Republic, Nicolas Maduro Moro, mentioned yesterday that he got
04:44a letter of the National Assembly.
04:46I want to show it to media and read it.
04:50Caracas, October 15, 2024.
04:53Citizen Nicolas Maduro Moro, Constitutional President of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela.
05:00The President received greetings.
05:03I'm grateful to address you and extend to you my invitation so that you, as elected
05:10candidate on July 8, assist to be sworn in and inaugurate the position of President of
05:22the Republic of Venezuela for the constitutional period 2025-2031 on January 10, 2025, in the
05:31Federal Legislative Palace, headquarters of the National Assembly, according to what
05:36was considered in the Article 231 of the Constitution of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela, reiterating
05:44my feelings and consideration, quarterly Deputy Jorge Rodriguez, President of the National Assembly.
05:52And here is the signature of the Presidency of the Republic.
06:01Next January 10, President Maduro will be sworn in.
06:07As the Article 231 of our Constitution establishes, the candidate elected will assume the position
06:17of President of the Republic on January 10 of the first year of its constitutional period
06:23and sworn in ahead of the National Assembly.
06:28So we have sent the letter, which was received in the Presidency of the Republic.
06:36Any questions?
06:44For Venezuelan News, Fabiana Marquez, you were talking about the elaboration of a new
06:48law of defense of the national sovereignty and self-determination.
06:53I would like to know about the main proposals for the building of this law and also to know
06:58about, getting out of topic, your opinion about the report on the mission of termination
07:07of facts, taking into account that this delegation has never visited Venezuela and has supported
07:12political propaganda of extremist sectors of the opposition.
07:15I'm not going to talk about these clowns.
07:18The conversation is very good to introduce this topic, talking about these mercenaries
07:24that are not respected in the whole planet.
07:31This is all a lie.
07:32They don't have a mission.
07:33And in the United Nations, they are disregarded.
07:38They are liars, mercenaries.
07:40But about what you were mentioning regarding the law, a little bit so that you understand
07:46the legal procedure when building a law.
07:51First the law comes out of the Constitution.
07:54The Constitution is the one that rules the legislative development based on the necessities
08:00that can allow the development of this concept.
08:06Then we may have an initiative of citizens, deputies, in this case it's the committee
08:12that was developing this broad dialogue commission.
08:19And above all, for the development of Article 130 of our Constitution, this law especially
08:29to avoid the use of political participation and political movement and non-governmental
08:37organizations for conspiracy, violence, and death.
08:44It is not possible that every time that elections are carried out in Venezuela, political groups
08:54say something and call people to take to the streets and the citizens are the ones suffering
09:12and while they are resting in bed in an embassy, while they are happy in Madrid right now,
09:36they are under the bed in an embassy.
09:44This cannot happen again.
09:50And when we start working in a specific law, the first thing you have to do is analyze
09:57the objective of this law.
09:59And right now it's just a proposal and an important process of consultation is still
10:07necessary so that parties and society can assert that a certain element is necessary to
10:15be incorporated in the law.
10:16But to answer to your question, if there is a proposal, it is to protect the exercise
10:22of political sovereignty and avoid foreign intervention and organizations for defense
10:34of political law and residents that carry out political activity and the participation
10:39and defense of foreign citizens that under the finance of these organizations can attempt
10:46against stability and the functioning of organizations of the republic.
10:51It cannot be possible that a murderer comes out, a terrorist, a mercenary, to say I'm
10:57going to get money to go to Venezuela to kill the president, to kill the ministers, to kill
11:02the vice president, to kill somebody.
11:05This cannot happen.
11:08Let's imagine that this happens in the United States of America, that in Kazakhstan someone
11:16can gather money to go to the United States and murder a specific political personality.
11:23What could happen?
11:26Then this is a law mainly to protect peace.
11:32We have an election and the winner won and the loser has lost and life continues as it
11:40happened after elections on July 28, 2024, because in the end they are the ones that
11:52are part of the people and inciting violence.
11:56Who is to blame for the crimes committed against the people?
12:00This person is here, there in Madrid, happy, enjoying life for his prosperous life and
12:10the other one is hidden in an embassy and the families of these Venezuelans who were
12:15murdered, what about them?
12:20We are addressing two laws that are severe regarding the respect and defense of the peaceful
12:29life of Venezuela, because if you have an economic activity and after this economic
12:33activity you don't go well, then you can go out of the door of your store and declare,
12:45well, let's kill and generate violence because I didn't do well.
12:50Well, this is what a sector of the extreme right of Venezuela has been doing that has
12:55implemented fascist practices and then every time they lose an election, society has to
13:04pay because of their violence.
13:08This is over.
13:09If you want to carry out war, go to your war, but don't generate war in Venezuela.
13:17And the state is going to respond correctly to this activity.
13:22But if you are inscribed in an election, don't respect the electoral authorities and the
13:27Supreme Court of Justice and the National Assembly of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela.
13:31The only thing that you respect is violence and death.
13:37We are going strong to legislate to avoid these practices to continue.
13:46Well, during this afternoon, since the morning we have attended what is happening.
13:58But one of the proposals that came out of the HOP directive of this party is that they
14:04came to the National Assembly to place in this political dialogue board that any politician
14:12expelled from any kind of organization can participate in another political party due to the
14:20causes that generated this expulsion.
14:24I would like to know your opinion about this.
14:30And Enrique Marquez and Kerry also said that they are going to comply with the
14:35sentence of the Supreme Court of Justice, even though they don't
14:38recognize this.
14:39Similar to what happened with Emmanuel González.
14:41What do you think about it?
14:43Well, about the issues related to political parties, we don't interfere there due to our
14:55point of view of legislative power.
14:57And the only political power recognized by the Constitution and laws of the Republic
15:01is the political power that was appointed for the presidential elections of July 28,
15:08with its representative for the National Electoral Council, which is Deputy José
15:12Brito and the national authorities.
15:15Regarding the other topic, although we don't interfere,
15:28the worst of these people are the ones talking about, for example, Julio Borges.
15:33Because when a mercenary called Orlando Bedaño publishes something, Julio Borges is the one
15:41behind this, because Orlando Bedaño and Armando Hernández, I don't know the exact name,
15:50all of them, Julio Borges is the one speaking behind them.
15:56It's the money of Venezuelans stolen by Julio Borges.
16:01And then he orders people to publish that Tomás Juanita was gathering in an apartment
16:08with José Brito.
16:09Did you see that?
16:10That's Julio Borges.
16:13Then we have to see what Tomás Juanita answered to him, because they are talking about this
16:20right now.
16:23Do you know what Juanita said to Borges?
16:25You're trash.
16:28We were listening to a statement.
16:32We were live to Caracas, Venezuela, where the President of the National Assembly, Jorge
16:36RodrĂ­guez, offered statements during a meeting of the Special Commission for the Analysis of
16:41Electoral Laws.
16:42In his remarks, RodrĂ­guez informed on the extension of consultations for the electoral
16:46laws of the country and assured Venezuela's legislation is adapting to new times and the
16:51population will always be informed about the hard work of lawmakers in the country.
