FTS 8:30 02-08: Supreme Court of Venezuela summoned presidential candidates

  • last month
FTS 8.30
*Death toll in Gaza rises to 39,480 after Israeli attacks
*Russia prepares visit of Pres. Maduro


00:00The electoral chamber of the Supreme Court of Justice of Venezuela summoned for Friday
00:14the political actors that participated as candidates in the presidential elections of
00:18last July 28.
00:23The Ministry of Health in the Gaza Strip reported during the last 24 hours 35 people killed
00:29and 551 wounded as a result of Israeli occupation attacks.
00:39And Russian government spokesman Dmitry Peskov reported that preparations have intensified
00:44for the official visit the Venezuelan President Nicolás Maduro is scheduled to make in Russia.
00:56Hello and welcome to From the South.
00:58My name is Belén de los Santos and from the Celestro studios in Havana, Cuba, we begin
01:02with the news.
01:03The electoral chamber of the Supreme Court of Justice of Venezuela summoned this Thursday
01:09for this Friday, August 2nd, the political actors that participated as candidates in
01:14the presidential elections of last July 28th, formally initiating the process of unrestricted
01:20verification of the electoral results.
01:23Let's listen.
01:27The electoral chamber of the Supreme Court of Justice of the Republic of Venezuela assumes
01:34the commitment with peace, democracy, and in pursuit of the constitutional order of
01:42the Republic, warrantying that the will of the voters receives an effective and timely
01:48judicial protection.
01:51Be published, registered, and communicated.
01:55Be done as ordered, given, signed, and sealed in the office room of the electoral chamber
02:03of the Supreme Court of Justice in Caracas on August 1st of the year 2024, year 214 of
02:13the independence and 165 of the federation.
02:19In Venezuela, President Nicolás Maduro stated that the Venezuelan government is willing
02:23to resume dialogue with the United States in compliance with the Qatar agreement.
02:28Through a publication in Social Network X, the head of state expressed that he has always
02:34discussed if the U.S. government is willing to respect sovereignty and stop threatening
02:39Venezuela, they could return to dialogue but based on a single point, Qatar compliance.
02:47This is the record of the negotiations, he said.
02:55The text of the agreement states that following the holding of presidential elections and
03:00the inauguration of the president-elect, Washington would unfreeze the assets of the Venezuelan
03:06government currently frozen in the United States.
03:09It further stated that the United States would lift all sanctions and designations and would
03:15revoke all executive orders based on the national emergency declared by the United
03:20States with respect to the Venezuelan nation.
03:24Similarly, Qatar's compliance indicates that the United Platform of Venezuela and the government
03:30of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela would reject any form of violence in the exercise
03:35of politics and any type of actions.
03:47In this context, the constitutional president of Venezuela, Nicolás Maduro, denounced the
03:52fake news media campaign against the country generated by the United States.
03:57Concerning the pressure of the hegemonic communication outlets to disregard the electoral results,
04:03the Venezuelan head of state revealed that there is a fake news laboratory operating
04:08from the U.S.
04:10In this context, the president stressed that Venezuela won't fall in the hands of imperialism,
04:15fascism or criminals.
04:17Likewise, the leader reaffirmed his commitment to defend Venezuela's sovereignty and protect
04:22its people from the U.S. imperialist advances.
04:31This whole campaign is fully based on fake news.
04:34We have already seen these fake news in the ongoing conflicts in Syria and Ukraine.
04:38I don't know if you have seen this particular fake news, as there are several, and they
04:43are being spread all over the world, and people see it and believe it because it is elaborate.
04:49And from the People's Balcony, President Maduro informed on Friday, August 2nd, that the electoral
04:55power would be in charge of the review of the tally sheets, thanks to the electoral
05:01appeal filed.
05:02During a meeting with the popular force of the local supply and protection committees,
05:07the Venezuelan President Nicolás Maduro denounced the national and international extreme right
05:12wing for financing criminal groups to create chaos and unrest in the country.
05:17In this sense, the Venezuelan head of state informed that so far 1,200 people have been
05:23captured after the acts of violence registered in the country during the last three days
05:29after the extreme right wing lost the elections.
05:32On the other hand, the re-elected president expressed that on Friday the electoral power
05:37would be in charge of proving the facts by means of the electoral appeal he filed before
05:43the Supreme Court of Justice on Wednesday.
05:49Meanwhile, on Thursday, the Attorney General of Venezuela, Tarek William Saab, denounced
05:55the acts of vandalism that the extreme right wing is carrying out in the country to undermine
06:00the peace and tarnish the results of July 28th elections in which President Maduro was
06:06announced as a winner.
06:08Saab also reported on the investigations that are being carried out against the perpetrators
06:13of these acts of vandalism, stating that the Public Prosecutor's Office is currently looking
06:18into each of these criminal groups.
06:25In this context, the governments of Brazil, Colombia and Mexico extended their solidarity
06:30with Venezuela and urged the nation to follow institutional channels with regard to the
06:36partial verification of Sunday's election results.
06:40In this sense, Brazil, Colombia and Mexico expressed their absolute respect for the sovereignty
06:45of the will of the Venezuelan people, reaffirming their willingness to provide support in the
06:51dialogues and agreements that benefit the nation.
06:54Thus, they urged the electoral authorities of Venezuela to advance and publish the data
06:59broken down by each polling station, reiterating that they will remain attentive to the process
07:04of ballot counting.
07:10Now let's take a short break, but remember you can join us on TikTak at Elesor English
07:14where you will find news in different formats, news updates and much more.
07:19Other stories coming up, stay with us.
07:40Welcome back to From the South.
07:55The General Secretary of the Lebanese Islamic Resistance Movement Hezbollah, Sayyed Hassan
08:00Nasrallah, denounced on Thursday that Israel is carrying out an operation of deception
08:05and fraud to blame the Shia militia for the murder of a dozen people in the Majal al-Shams
08:11without evidence.
08:13Nasrallah recalled that the explosion in the Druze town of Majal al-Shams was caused by
08:19an Israeli interceptor missile and stated that the occupation does not want to admit
08:25it in order to exonerate its army of such a crime and try to escalate the conflict in
08:31the Middle East.
08:32He also stressed that this crime is part of the Israeli-American nation, war in the region,
08:40the aggression of the occupation and the battle being waged to the north of the occupied Palestinian
08:50Meanwhile, on Thursday, the Ministry of Health in the Gaza Strip reported that during the
08:58last 24 hours, 35 people have been killed and 551 have been wounded as a result of Israeli
09:05occupation attacks.
09:07In this sense, the Health Ministry denounced that the constant bombardment and straffing
09:11of the Zionist entity continue to hinder the work of rescue teams whose members are trying
09:18to access the bodies trapped under the rubble on the roads, which are estimated to be at
09:24about 10,000.
09:26The Israeli army led an attack in the south of Gaza against a group of civilians near
09:32the Kuwait traffic circle, resulting in one death and several wounded.
09:37The Israeli occupation also targeted the west of Rafah city in southern Gaza and areas of
09:42al-Maghazi and al-Masdar refugee camps in the central Strip.
09:51Meanwhile in Yemen, massive demonstrations in several cities of the country ratified
09:56their support to the struggle of the Palestinian people.
09:59Hundreds of thousands of people gathered on Friday in the city of Saddaq and in other
10:04localities such as Marib, Amram and Taiz, among others.
10:08The rallies was held under the slogan, Loyalty to the Blood of Martyrs with Gaza until Victory,
10:16and paid homage to Palestinian leader Ismail Haniyeh and Lebanese commander Fouad Shoukour.
10:23The demonstrators waved Yemeni and Palestinian flags while uttering chants against the crimes
10:29of the Israeli regime and of the United States.
10:38And in Iran, thousands of people attended a funeral ceremony to honor Hamas Palestinian
10:43leader Ismail Haniyeh, who was assassinated by the Israeli regime in an attack against
10:48his residence in Tehran.
10:50On Thursday, the Supreme Leader of the Islamic Revolution, Ayatollah Zayed Ali Khamenei,
10:55led the prayers to bid farewell to the political leader and his bodyguard, Wasim Abu Shaban.
11:02Their remains were draped with the Palestinian flags during the ceremony held in the courtyard
11:08of Tehran University, which was attended by President Mahmoud Pesashkian, senior Iranian
11:15military and officials from the resistance movement.
11:19Ismail Haniyeh was in Tehran to participate in the inauguration of the new president,
11:25which took place on Tuesday.
11:28Now, we move on to other topics.
11:42In Russia, they announced that Moscow is ready to negotiate with Kiev, but only if they receive
11:48concrete guarantees on national security and the country's sovereignty.
11:52During a press conference, the agency noted that the Kremlin is ready to enter in peace
11:56negotiations with Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky, taking into account the current
12:02situation on the battlefield.
12:04He also asserted that Kiev will also have to comply in the agreements with the national
12:09security guarantees made by Russian President Vladimir Putin.
12:14So far, Ukraine has made the cessation of hostilities conditional on the recovery of
12:19all territories, including Crimea, having been outnumbered in combat by the Russian
12:24troops despite the armed support provided by the United States and NATO states.
12:37And on Thursday, the European Union's new law to regulate artificial intelligence came
12:42into force.
12:44This law, considered an unprecedented legislation worldwide, aims at fostering innovative in
12:51Europe and limiting potential abuses of this new technology.
12:56The president of the European Commission, Ursula von der Leyen, expressed in her ex-account
13:01that this law is Europe's pioneering framework for innovation and safe artificial intelligence.
13:08She added that it would drive an AI development that Europeans can trust and provide support
13:14to European small and medium enterprises and start-ups to bring cutting-edge AI solutions
13:20to the market.
13:22We have a final short break coming up, but before we invite you to join our WhatsApp
13:29community for our English-speaking audience.
13:31You can scan the QR code on screen to join directly and also share the link to reach
13:35more people.
13:36That's the news coverage of Latin America and the Caribbean, as well as the rest of
13:40the world.
13:41Stay connected and informed with what else our final short break took away.
14:04Welcome back to From the South.
14:06Russian government spokesman Dmitry Peskov reported that preparations have intensified
14:10for the official visit that the Venezuelan President Nicolás Maduro is scheduled to
14:15make to Russia.
14:16Peskov indicated that the visit was already being prepared, but the agendas coordinated
14:21due to the electoral campaign in Venezuela.
14:25He added that now that Maduro has won the elections, it could be assumed that the preparations
14:30would be more active and that the visit would take place when the leaders consider it convenient.
14:43And on Thursday, Russian President Vladimir Putin, U.S. President Biden and U.S. Vice
14:47President Kamala Harris met with their respective citizens, exchanged in a historic prisoner
14:55Moscow and Washington exchanged a total of 26 prisoners in the largest such swap in modern
15:02The Russians landed at Moscow's Vnukovo Airport, where they were greeted with a red
15:08carpet and a guard of honor from the presidential regiment.
15:12Meanwhile, in the United States, President Biden and Vice President Harris greeted journalist
15:17Ivan Gorbachev and two other nationals upon arrival on U.S. ground after their release
15:25by Russia.
15:26The exchange was successfully carried out under the coordination of the Turkish National
15:32Intelligence Organization.
15:40In Nigeria, Kaweri villagers held a funeral ceremony for 19 fatalities of a bomb attack
15:46that occurred last Wednesday night.
15:49The explosion took place in a market in northeastern Nigeria, where the extremist group Boko Haram
15:56and its offshoot, the Islamic State in West Africa province, operate.
16:0122 people were injured in the attack and admitted to various government hospitals in the Borno
16:08Boko Haram and other extremist groups have killed more than 35,000 people and caused
16:15an estimated 2.7 million internally displaced people, mostly in Nigeria, but also in neighboring
16:23countries such as Cameroon, Chad and Niger, according to government and UN data.
16:36In other news, in a press release, the circuit and microprocessors manufacturer Intel announced
16:41that it would cut some 15,000 jobs as part of a cost-cutting plan.
16:47The layoff move was announced immediately after the release of Intel's second quarter
16:52financial results, which revealed a loss of $1.6 billion.
16:57The announced layoffs amount to 15% of the corporation's workforce, and according to
17:03CEO Pat Kelsinger, in a letter to the employees, the measures contained in the restructuring
17:10plan would be implemented until the end of 2024.
17:14The technological operation expects, with the implementation of this measure, to achieve
17:18$10 billion in savings and increase the company's efficiency and competitiveness.
17:30Also a New York appeal court on Thursday denied former U.S. President Donald Trump's request
17:37to remove the gag order in the criminal case in which he is accused of failing to conceal
17:43damaging information.
17:44The decision came a day after Trump's lawyers attempted to file papers asking the appeals
17:49court to immediately lift the gag order.
17:52Since the decision was imminent, the court rejected the filing of papers which called
17:58the restrictions an unconditional obstacle interfering with the election to Trump's freedom
18:03of speech.
18:04The court rejected the Republican's argument that his sentence issued in May constituted
18:09a change in circumstances justifying the removal of the restrictions.
18:20We stay in the United States as a letter dated Wednesday, July 31st, 46 U.S. congressmen
18:26urged President Biden to reverse the designation of Cuba as a country allegedly sponsoring
18:34The letter, copied to Secretary of State Antony Blinken, expresses the concern of the
18:39members of the legislature over the arbitrary measure against Cuba, which fulfilled its
18:44commitment as guarantor of the peace talks process in Colombia.
18:49The signatories argued that the peace process also depends on the willingness of other countries
18:54to serve as guarantors of the talks.
18:57The congressmen are concerned that the Trump administration's decision to designate Cuba
19:02as a state sponsor of terrorism may make it difficult to identify those countries,
19:08and they urge Biden to reverse that designation.
19:16In other news, Bolivia's armed forces officially discharged former army commander Juan Jose
19:22Zúñiga and four other former military chiefs involved in the failed coup d'état of June
19:30The Superior Personnel Corps of the Armed Forces ordered the discharge of five generals
19:35who participated in the attempt coup against President Luis Arce without pay or rank after
19:41conducting an investigative investigation.
19:45The Minister of Defense Edmundo Novillo informed that the other military of lower rank included
19:51in the investigation are also processed in summary proceedings in their respective forces
19:57and between this Friday and Saturday, it is expected that they will issue the resolutions
20:03with the corresponding sanctions.
20:10We move now to sports.
20:24Six days after the Olympic Games of Paris 2024, representatives of South American countries
20:30bring new medals to their homelands.
20:33Starting the day, the Ecuadorian Daniel Pintado won a gold medal in the racewalking.
20:39From the Brazilian delegation, Rebecca Andrade got a silver medal in artistic gymnastics
20:45and Cuban Erislandy Álvarez classified to the boxing finals, ensuring a medal for the
20:50Caribbean country.
20:52Meanwhile, the Chinese delegation leads the medal tally with a total of 24, 11 gold, 7
20:59silver and 6 bronze medals.
21:01Then follows the delegation from the US with 9 gold medals plus 15 silver and 13 bronze
21:07for a total of 37 awards.
21:10And in third place, the hosting nation, France, has 8 gold medals, 11 silver and 8 bronze,
21:16which makes a total of 27 medals.
21:22And like this, we have come to the end of this news brief.
21:26You can find these and many other stories on our website at telusorenglish.net and also
21:30join us on social media.
21:32We are on Facebook, Instagram, Telegram and also on TikTok.
21:36For TELUSORENGLISH, my name is Belén De Los Santos.
21:39Thank you for watching.
