• 4 months ago
The first heat wave of the summer for the northeastern U.S. is sending temperatures skyrocketing into the high 90s.
00:00We're also talking about some big impacts here in the northeast with regards to the heat and some of those temperatures for today up into the nineties and also some
00:07storms that cooled you off. Perhaps it was early enough though in the afternoon once the storm went away and the sun came back out. Yeah, temperatures went right
00:16back up. Still following some vigorous thunderstorm activity right now into northwestern Pennsylvania. By and large, most of the northeast is quiet. Now the
00:24wind flow here to Boston. Notice it's coming up from more of a southerly direction that allowed you to climb up to 92 degrees today officially at Boston's Logan
00:32International Airport. The first 90 degree day of the year. The historical average first day 90 degree day being on the 1st of June. So a little behind schedule.
00:42But believe me, after the next two days, you will not be thinking about that overnight lows tonight. Boston only down to 72. And look at this. We're up into the
00:50mid nineties here Wednesday with the historical average for mid June in the mid seventies. We're gonna be leaps and bounds above that. So finding wise ways to stay
01:00cool is definitely going to be a key out there for venturing your way out toward the the waters here and make sure that again you're staying hydrated. Of course, sunscreen
01:10very important here. Very strong sun at this time of the year as we near the summer solstice. That's gonna be kicking off in just a couple of days. 95 in Burlington. Wow,
01:1994 Pittsburgh, 94 toward Boston. Yes, that means we're gonna be close to, if not breaking, if not smashing some daily record high temperatures here throughout
01:29Massachusetts into Pennsylvania, West Virginia, New York and even into northern New England, where two in tandem there will be again some thunderstorms out there, some
01:40severe weather in parts of the area, at least with hail, flash flooding and damaging winds. We'd like to see the rain cooled air, but not the cost of anything that would be
01:49damaging. And we also have again many other components here playing into this heat. In addition, beyond the humidity, we talk about the acu with a real field temperatures, and these
01:59will be in the triple digits. This is what you need to prepare for. Additional thunderstorms on Thursday can sag just a tiny bit further off to the south end of the east, but we'll also have more
02:09heat on our hands here as we go right into Friday, 97 into Pittsburgh and our nation's capital.
