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Dana B | Dana Beers Vlog
00:00We're doing a bachelor party series to try and find the best spot.
00:08Did you say Put-In-Bay?
00:10Put-In-Bay is the best.
00:11Pirate water.
00:12If you're listening, that's a sign from God.
00:13That's the worst place I ever saw young people grinding in the day.
00:17We need Put-In-Bay in Vegas.
00:19In Charleston?
00:20Of all the places in this country, that woman's going to bring a Put-In-Bay right in her face?
00:24It's meant to be.
00:25Well, with that being said, we are in Charleston.
00:27A little shitty weather.
00:28I've been here before, Eddie's first time.
00:29This is probably the most excited I've been.
00:32Austin is number one right now.
00:33This is my number one in the pre-season power rink.
00:35Am I having another ticket scenario?
00:36Another boot?
00:37Are we going to get booted again?
00:38I've got to pay for the parking and I don't have the license plate.
00:40I don't think it's going to be a boot, it's going to be a tow.
00:42We don't have bloody balls this time.
00:44To bail us out.
00:45Here's a little bachelor party tip.
00:47Don't let the DD get a boot on the car.
00:53No one's towing the fucking big-ass Ford Expedition out of that tiny lot.
00:56That happens, I'll give you my left ball.
00:58That's how they prey on the tourists.
00:59That's how they make their money.
01:04I almost did.
01:06Brother, I got you.
01:07I swear.
01:08Are you good?
01:09Man, I'm just checking.
01:10Oh, we almost got it?
01:11Want me to show you the receipt?
01:12Thank you, man.
01:13Thank you so much.
01:15Charleston gods looking out for us.
01:17Are you fucking kidding me?
01:18Eddie, it's fantastic.
01:21What is it, crab soup?
01:22Jetski, Dana, I got the fried chicken.
01:25I got the banana pudding pancakes, because I have a hard and fast rule.
01:29If you have banana pudding on your menu, I got to get it.
01:31This place also has banana pudding as a dessert option.
01:33You get both.
01:34I'll let you make that call.
01:35I don't want to bring out in hives, because I'm going to get myself allergic to banana pudding.
01:41I'm a prince.
01:42I'm going to have to bring them on a plane.
01:44Very quick break from the video.
01:46You see this pirate water right here?
01:47This is a new flavor.
01:48It's Wicked Tea.
01:49And you've seen me in all of these videos so far.
01:52In Austin, in Floribama, in Myrtle Beach, and now in Charleston.
01:56I get these puppies at Circle K.
01:58If you want to see where you can get one for yourself, go to drinkpiratewater.com.
02:03It's a 10% malt beverage.
02:05The new Wicked Tea is one of the best drinks I've ever had.
02:08It's cheap.
02:09It's affordable.
02:10Wicked Tea, get yourself some now.
02:14Send this clip right to Rico Boss.
02:16AC not lower than 68.
02:18Not on my watch.
02:19I'm not trying to catch an Airbnb charge.
02:21I want it if the pipes freeze.
02:22Pipes freeze in late May in Charleston, South Carolina.
02:24They could freeze.
02:25They could freeze.
02:26I know he knows.
02:27How do you know this?
02:28Global warming.
02:29It's real.
02:30That's right.
02:32Are you concerned?
02:33A little concerned.
02:34I'll put it up there.
02:35We'll just have to stick our head in the freezer.
02:36I'm sweating.
02:37Can I have the couch?
02:39Dana is so concerned about a sponsored content thing here.
02:44He just consistently books houses with not as many bedrooms as we need.
02:47Trust me when I say if there's one thing they don't mind,
02:50they said give everyone a bed.
02:51I looked at the thing and it said three beds.
02:53I'll take it.
02:54I want it.
02:55I want it.
02:56No, I want it.
02:57I insist.
02:58I insist.
02:59I insist.
03:01I want it.
03:02It's your bachelor party.
03:03There you go.
03:04If a guy catches one foul ball, he can't book a fucking Airbnb, right?
03:07I mean, am I right or wrong, Jet Ski?
03:09Chris is kind of crazy.
03:10How do you do this consistently?
03:11They will tell you to make sacrifices in a lot of bedrooms.
03:14They will not at this company.
03:15It said three beds.
03:16Am I right or wrong, Jet Ski?
03:17I think you're right.
03:18We're in a beautiful town.
03:19Beautiful scenery.
03:20You can sleep on a couch for a few nights.
03:22But now Ed's first line of defense if we have an intruder.
03:24That's true.
03:25You don't want that.
03:26Nobody wants that.
03:27It's a flight or flight response.
03:28I'm a freeze guy.
03:29Oh, yeah, by the way, boss, we only got a couch for you.
03:34Oh, you're a baby.
03:35What just ran through Jet Ski's head to make him pull the camera out?
03:39This is a bachelor party weekend.
03:41We're just gassing beers on the couch, eating leftover chicken fritters and cheese fritters.
03:46We're going to one of, in the words of Glennie Ball, the greatest steakhouses in America today.
03:55All right, we're at Hall's Chop House.
03:57We're lucky enough to have gotten a 9 p.m. reservee.
03:59Hall's said one of the top steakhouses in the country, so I'm excited to try it.
04:02Russian steak, maybe an old-fashioned or two.
04:04Let's go.
04:05There's one thing about me that if I see a French onion on a menu, I'm getting it.
04:08French onion and banana pudding are my two favorites.
04:16The cheese is, like, creamy.
04:17It's almost as if it's, like, not eating cheese.
04:20Hey, Billy Hall.
04:21Hey, what's up?
04:22So good to have you.
04:23How are you?
04:24Thank you for having us.
04:25Sorry to interrupt.
04:26I'm glad to have you here.
04:27You know how, like, people say Michael Jordan has aura?
04:28Bill Hall has aura.
04:30Big French onion, Billy Hall introduction.
04:33That bumps the French onion up a couple points, 100%.
04:36I could come.
04:37I won't.
04:38I'm in public.
04:39But I could come.
04:40I want the people to rate Dana getting steak sauce.
04:43No, no, no, no, no, no, no.
04:51It's different when it's on the menu and it's a house-made sauce.
04:55I didn't say, hey, can I get some fucking A1, although I do love A1.
04:59I would never ask for A1 at Billy Hall's beautiful fucking house.
05:02It's on the menu.
05:03It says house-made sauce.
05:04Totally different.
05:05That's low.
05:06That was low.
05:07You're trying to pander.
05:08That was low.
05:09I think this is the maddest I've ever seen in my life.
05:11Is it disrespectful to ask for the house-made steak sauce?
05:14No, not at all.
05:15Thank you.
05:16You can get chef's steak sauce, too.
05:18I think he acted like I asked for the A1 from the 99 restaurant.
05:21I thought I heard him say A1.
05:24I thought I heard him say A1.
05:25I'm full as a fucking cow right now.
05:28No offense to the cows we just ate.
05:35Not the best weather, but it's OK.
05:37We're going fishing.
05:38You see this trash bag.
05:41Pirate water.
05:42We can see on the boat.
05:43One of my favorite memories of Eddie.
05:44I showed up in Chicago before Bakhtiari beers.
05:48He shows up at my hotel with a trash bag full of beers.
05:52And apparently I said to him that night,
05:53I didn't know you crushed beers like this, Eddie.
05:55All he knows, though, I can drink beer with the best of them
05:58when I'm in the right mindset and all systems are go.
06:00The problem is, that's not usually the case.
06:02We're going to pick up biscuits, and we're going to fish.
06:04What's more Charleston than that?
06:07Really good.
06:08Very fresh.
06:10Biscuit cheese.
06:12Bacon and cheese on a biscuit.
06:13There we go.
06:14Biscuit cheese bacon?
06:16My brain's short circuited.
06:17It happens.
06:18I'm about to fish.
06:19I'm worried.
06:20My arms are going to be cranking a lot of fucking power today.
06:22Are you cranking real?
06:23We're catching trophy fish today, apparently.
06:25Yeah, you think trophy fish are light, dude?
06:27Your mind's in a blender because you're about to crank real?
06:29Get it together, Ed.
06:30Turn on fuck until I collapse.
06:34Captain Johnny, what are we going for today?
06:35We're trying to catch anything that bites today, my boys.
06:37Hell yeah.
06:38The only time I've ever even thrown a hook into the water
06:41was when I was like seven.
06:42I just want to have a nice meal.
06:44You might be the worst guy who grew up on the coast ever.
06:47He's never been fishing, doesn't like seafood.
06:49Nebraska was an option for probably like a third of the price.
06:52Wickettea 10% ABV.
06:55That blue and gold contrast.
06:57We're here in the beautiful, beautiful Charleston.
07:00I know it's not the greatest weather, but we always have our Wickettea to make us feel better.
07:04This is it.
07:05Let's drink it.
07:06This is it.
07:07Let's go, man.
07:08Trying to target some sharks?
07:10How heavily do we talk?
07:11Got some three footers, got some four footers.
07:13Sometimes you got them big boys with seven footers.
07:15This is a Titanic.
07:16I'm not in the engine room.
07:17I don't got those kind of fucking pipes.
07:19I don't got any of that momentum, you know?
07:20I've been fishing all my life, man.
07:22I've been chartering for three years now.
07:23In shore, typical haul, you know we catch red drum, black drum, speckled trout, sheep's head.
07:29That's usually the good eating fish that everybody wants to target.
07:31Let's serve some big sharks in down here, man.
07:32Got to get this anchor set, get some cut bait out, and we'll see what hits the line.
07:37Dante Cullpepper, baby. Dante Cullpepper.
07:40Are sharks like booming now, or has it always been this way?
07:43Basically, at a certain time of the year, they're here.
07:45As the water heats up, they start to push back in from offshore.
07:47Curiosity, standard procedure.
07:49If something were to happen, I've seen a lot of horror stories about the anchor getting tied up and boats going down.
07:54What do we do if that happens?
07:55It ain't going to happen.
07:57Do we swim to that buoy?
07:58Eddie, what are you doing with that?
08:00I'm just playing, bro.
08:01I got life jackets.
08:02I got all the safety equipment on here, so we're good.
08:03That would be fine, but there are sharks under here, sir.
08:05Come on, man.
08:06Don't be putting that in the universe.
08:08Oh, we know.
08:09It just starts wiggling.
08:11You know.
08:13I also want to apologize to the people back home.
08:15Just turned it into a little bit of a wet t-shirt contest.
08:18Put the women and the children to bed.
08:19Everything will be okay.
08:20Hop on a microphone.
08:21Break a brick or whatnot in your candy can.
08:23Fill up the damn swamp donkey with the long nuts.
08:27Let's go.
08:28Mayo and the mustard.
08:33Let's go.
08:39Let's go, man.
08:42All right.
08:43All in, baby.
08:45Let's go, baby.
08:47Come on in.
08:48We popping?
08:50We need popping.
08:52We need popping.
08:53I don't want to know what I'm talking about.
08:54It popped.
08:55I took the shark class.
08:56You want a humping pop?
08:58I needed that five minutes ago.
09:00That's fine.
09:01And he didn't huff and puff.
09:03This is life on the sea, guys.
09:05We're risking our lives right now.
09:07Here we go.
09:09Pick it up.
09:15Reel him the wrong way.
09:17Wrong way.
09:19Wrong way.
09:21Wrong way.
09:23Oh, yeah. Let's go, baby.
09:25Come on.
09:27Come on, Bizzy.
09:31Let's go.
09:33Oh, yeah, baby.
09:37That's one of the most exhilarating moments of my life.
09:39That was fucking awesome.
09:43So let's be transparent. I got a pussy shot.
09:45I think it was not big, but it still counts.
09:47I can't. I'll be thinking about me dreams.
09:49Oh, yeah. Come on.
09:51Oh, my God.
09:53Let's go, Ed.
09:55Let's go, baby.
09:57You know who daddy is, Ed?
09:59You know who daddy is, Ed?
10:01Huff and puff.
10:03Huff and puff, Eddie.
10:07He's on.
10:11Blue collar.
10:13We're in the trenches.
10:15We got him.
10:19Here we go.
10:25I've never done crack, but I feel like I did crack.
10:27Come on, Jack.
10:31Six points.
10:33Come on.
10:39Oh, baby.
10:41What the fuck?
10:45That was something.
10:47This is pretty much the end of the road, Charleston.
10:49We're going to have one more night out.
10:51I'm pretty firmly of the idea that this is top two
10:53so far.
10:55We'll see how tonight goes, but we're hearing barbecue.
10:57Charleston has been awesome. The weather hasn't been great,
10:59but the time has been awesome.
11:01You came in with some preconceived notions.
11:03I think you wanted to like this place.
11:05I don't know what's up with you with the bucket.
11:07I think you did.
11:09You keep trying to convince me that I shouldn't like Charleston.
11:11I think it's what you're doing with the steak sauce.
11:13We're at Lewis Barbecue right now.
11:15I was told by a Charlestonian.
11:17Is that what they call themselves?
11:19They can't come to town without getting Lewis Barbecue,
11:21which was great. Pugin's Porch was great.
11:23Overall, it's a beautiful town.
11:25We just haven't seen the bar scene much because
11:27we're only here for a day and a half, and it was raining
11:29for like 80% of it.
11:31I love it here, man.
11:33I love South Carolina. I love the food.
11:35I love it all. Where are we next?
11:37We're going to Lake of the Ozarks.
11:39I'm bringing this guy to the Midwest.
11:41It's the Midwest to me. People are going to say,
11:43Missouri, the NDSCC, the Ozarks,
11:45Salt of the Earth, Midwest.
11:47Special guest, Tommy Smokes,
11:49is joining us. We're going to be on the lake.
11:51I'm real excited for that.
