• 2 months ago
Big Cat | Barstool Pick Em
00:00We have the updated. Motherfucker. We have the updated. It's such a fucking asshole.
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01:06OK. We're going to do I assume we're going to talk some surviving so we're gonna do spoilers.
01:10So if you have not caught up all the way to Episode 11 I think is tonight. So if you have
01:17not watched Episode 11 don't you know we'll put a time stamp in there but we're going
01:23to do a lot of surviving talk as well as college football playoffs. But we first have
01:27to congratulate Rico on finally getting into the Pat Hill. Fifty three point nine percent
01:37on the season. Dave was fifty point two. He took his shot. I had my worst. I made a good
01:43run actually. Yeah. I had my worst season forty six point three. Congratulations Rico
01:48you finally did it finally. You deserve to have your name on that trophy. You do. You
01:53deserve to have that name on trophy. Yes. So good job Rico. How about a boy. Victory
01:58speech victory speech speech. Yeah. We've got to get. We've got to even it up now. You
02:02guys had two before I even had one. So we've got to even it up. We've got to keep winning
02:06and grind it out. I got a good system where I shorten the cards and everyone's like oh
02:09he's playing for. I try to pick winners. I picked winners at 53 percent in your head.
02:14You saw the board you're hot in college basketball Michigan over easy last night. Easy simple.
02:21You had a winner the night before too. Yep. Two in a row. Yeah. Boy did it. He did it.
02:26I was on that over last night. I was too. I was all of a sudden you're my biggest fan.
02:30I did see that. Yeah. I guess I'll say now I'm officially a writer. Yeah. He's back.
02:40Until I do like I'm back. I'm not being in a company meeting. No. Here we go. I never
02:46teach you. I was Jackie. I never said that. I'm firmly back in the writer camp. Yeah.
02:54Let's go. The writers have regards. The boys are back. All right. Do we. How do we. Where
03:02do you guys want to start. We've got a million things to talk about. Yeah. I have a lot of
03:06things but if someone wants to start with some. I mean Pink Wedding was pure chaos.
03:12Probably the like I I'll start with this. That show is so well done by our producers
03:19and everyone and they work so hard on it. It's crazy to think back because like everything
03:24that happens happens in like 12 hours. Like I was thinking about it and the from the Roan
03:32Elimination or no sorry Whitney Elimination to Pink Wedding where I start to kind of go
03:37in my dissent of I don't want to be here anymore. All happened within like 24 hours and it's
03:42just bang bang bang bang. And that Pink Wedding I mean the way they created that thing was
03:47insane and it got the result of just chaos everywhere. Yeah. I have a question. When
03:53does this show come out. It's coming out tomorrow morning. So that was what I wanted to talk
03:57about as well because so people are going to see the episode where I ask out and I quit
04:01and I **** hate myself for it because I went into. Yeah go ahead. Well I haven't seen that
04:07my go. I was going to say something. I don't know how to deal with it. So I'm going to
04:16go on the unnamed and and those two babies are just crying and all everyone eliminated
04:26is cry city right now. Nothing's their fault. It's like the old patriots when they go in
04:32there and they beat you and then it's Belichick that whatever. So I on this show don't want
04:40to give too much of my ammo to them. That's fair on what. Because I'm going to go fight.
04:47So if I say everything I think now they're going to have. Yeah. I don't want to lay out
04:52a statement. All right. So I mean Rico and I can give our sides because we don't have we're not
04:57going on unnamed obviously. So from my perspective. Well you never know with me. Yeah that's true. No
05:02we're waiting we're waiting for to bring guests on the unnamed till the entire show is complete.
05:08Yeah. Because if we don't want to give away there's still a lot of show. Yeah. So my so from
05:13my perspective I last season I got voted out in four hours. I was so mad at myself. I didn't take
05:20it seriously. I was watching football. I'm a fucking moron. Hated myself from that. Everyone's
05:25like you didn't care you didn't care. I went into this season and I was like I'm going to play as
05:30hard as I possibly can. I was like I'm going to I'm going to get into this game I'm going to learn
05:35this game. I had Tommy teach me the game because I've never seen an episode of Survivor. So I went
05:41into this season being like I'm going to play as hard as I possibly can play. Now I think I played
05:47really hard and I played well. I didn't fully expect how much of a mental toll it would take on
05:53me of having people as mad as they were at me after they vote out which I should have realized
05:59because when Dave voted me out last year I was mad like I was furious. Jerry got me like I should
06:05have realized like when you get voted out by someone you're pissed. That's just what it is.
06:08Even if you're not the person that votes them out. Correct. So like and I was a pussy about that like
06:13I wanted to vote someone out and also have them be like oh I'm not mad at you. You can't do that.
06:17You can't have in this game you can't have it both ways. So when it like it started with the Whitney
06:23I felt bad about that. The Rhone I felt bad about that. Francis I felt bad about that. Kirk I felt
06:27bad about that. And it's like I shut down and I hate hate hate that I shut down. I'm so mad at
06:34myself. I should have just fucking kept on playing hard all the way through the game.
06:39But I didn't. And I like it was partially paranoia partially the sleep. Kirk obviously takes take
06:46takes a shot at me and he's mad at me and he does the Newton stuff and it bothered me.
06:51I know he's a terrorist. Well no but I'm being a terrorist. Like ironically I'll say it on like
06:57they're there. This is why I don't give away but like they're saying you and I with the contract
07:02stuff which I'll get it. But the true terrorist is Kirk Minion because he's the only one on the show
07:08with the ability to hold a grudge forever. Right. So he's he's the actual real terrorist. I love
07:17Kirk but he's a terror. Well yeah and he he obviously hates me now and he thinks I'm going
07:21to try to you know be like try to smooth it over. I'm not going to. He hates me. If he hates me I'll
07:27hate him. Like I I'm not I'm gonna stand in the pocket on this one. I'm not gonna be mopey about
07:31it. He hit me where obviously it bothered me with the Newton stuff and it is what it is. Like I
07:37think I've it used to bother me more. I think it's bothered me less and less. I don't talk about it a
07:42lot. You know Chicago is my home. That's why I moved back here. But I yeah and then I shut down
07:48and I'm a pussy for shutting down. I hate I hate myself for shutting down and wanting out of that
07:53game. I was like mentally tortured through the whole process of again I went in seeing like
07:59play hard prove to yourself that you care and as I got further in the game and I and I I was I was
08:07making moves and I had a strategy. I don't think a lot of people had a strategy. That's the thing.
08:11There's a lot of people who didn't have a strategy in this game. They're fucking brain dead morons
08:16in this game. Right. There are apps the people who are I mean Will Compton moron Taylor Lawne
08:25moron biz doesn't have a brain cell. Whitney moron. These are morons. I saw a quote uh
08:33they are mad that the smartest guy in the room was the smartest guy in the room.
08:37These people are the dumbest. I don't even know what they're crying about. That's why I wanted
08:42Kirk out by the way. He's the only one with a functioning brain amongst those idiots. Will
08:46will has Will was thinking right. Well don't play his key. Oh and so that. And so the key. So I
08:54don't play the key. Kirk is a curse mad at me for a million different reasons. The key part we get
09:00to the pink wedding and the paranoia. You guys agree like paranoia at this point in the game.
09:06It's not for Dave. Well not for Dave but Rico. Yeah I was a bad spot too. They kept being like
09:11why'd you give him the necklace. He was torturing. Well Rico I want to talk about you because it's
09:15so classic that this whole thing like you were just. Yeah. Oh yeah. Just everything. Everything
09:20that's happened is that you're the centerpiece of it. But anyway. Well Dan the Dan Kirk in other
09:25news it's going to get dark tonight. What the fuck. Dan the Dan Kirk riff is 100 percent on you.
09:32It's crazy. But so we go we go into we're going into pink wedding. I made an alliance with Rio
09:38which everyone knows. I did ask Hank before the game even started. I was like if you're not cool
09:42with this I obviously will not do it. I thought that was the smartest thing like to play the game
09:46hard. No one expected two people who don't even speak to be alive. Rio played me like a fiddle.
09:52She did a great job playing me like a fiddle when I'm in the game. And she when she comes
09:57in that room and she's like your name's being tossed around before we go to pink wedding
10:01paranoia goes fucking insane in my head. So I'm like I'm back to I have to figure out a way to
10:07survive. I didn't go into the pink wedding being like here's my plan. I was like I'm going to
10:12survive. I win it. I win the idol the first time. Second time we go to a vote. The thing that Will
10:19said when I was watching he was said something like back to the original plan. Was that what he
10:24said. Back to the original plan. I was like I'm the original plan. They're all going to vote for
10:29me here. But he wasn't involved. Right. He didn't know. Right. So when I hear I'm he said back to
10:34the original plan I'm watching my fuck you're such an idiot because you should have just realized
10:38that you had the numbers you should have been paranoid. But I'm obviously paranoid. I go in
10:43there. I'm going to vote for Kelly. I told Kirk I was going to vote for him. I was not going to
10:47vote for him in that round. And I do the key and I lose my vote. And then I flustered and I lied to
10:53him. And yeah I should have lied to him. But like everything else I was just going self-preservation
10:57in a game. And the biggest regret I have is that I didn't keep pushing through. I gave up. I'm a
11:03pussy about that. I hate myself for that. And I was a mistake. It was a mistake. It was a mistake.
11:09By the way I was happy when you said it. Yeah I know I was still I was still full game mode and
11:16you and I were I was at the point of I don't know what's going to happen because we were I thought
11:20we were about to go after it. Right. And because I'm like I'm out. Yeah I couldn't. I got to a
11:27point where it's like it was Whitney it was Francis it was Ron who's Kirk. I was like all right now
11:32I'm gonna have to stab either Dave or Rico in the back. It's like I don't know if I can fucking
11:35mentally just keep doing this. And I put it out like hand up. I hate myself because we've talked
11:42about a little bit and obviously everything bleeds like Barstool overall and people when
11:47we're here because of Dan's and I's personalities a little bit like we're both sort of doing the
11:52same thing. I relish it like I wish I could like I was eating it. The more I heard I didn't realize
12:00when I heard there was like the houses is like eating each other. I thought they were coming
12:06after me and I was so happy. Oh I was like flipping the bird. I thought it was all centering
12:13around me. It was all me. I know I didn't know that. I've never walked into a house that like
12:21I don't I don't I don't really know how to describe it. It when you walk into like a party
12:28and everyone's like why the fuck is this guy here. That's what I did. And it I'll be honest
12:33it fucked me up for like a couple of months like I've been a little fucked up and like I've been
12:38powering through like I'm not going to sit here and be like what was me. I've been doing my job.
12:42I haven't changed what I've been doing but like I've been a little fucked up and I actually I mean
12:46I did start doing therapy that was also therapy was a little probably 25 percent because of this
12:52game and 75 percent because the move to Chicago is like I'm now in charge of 70 people and I
12:59never welcome. Yeah I know I feel. I know. Oh I know. I know. I have a very I have a new found
13:07like holy shit. How's Dave done it because I deal with everyone's problems. So it's like 75 percent
13:12that because I every day I deal with everyone's problems and I don't have anyone to tell my
13:16problems to. Yeah. And then it's all too slow. Yeah. No I didn't talk to you. And then 25 percent
13:20because I played this game in September and everyone hated my guts probably still hates my
13:26guts which that's why I disagree with that. That's where it's like if people just hate you
13:30in the game. Oh Kirk hates. Well Kirk's not a real man. Kirk's a Kirk is not a real person.
13:36People are getting remade watch like it had simmered. Now they're watching. They're getting
13:41remade. I'm trying to think of the year before if we had a house where all the people were going
13:48to a hotel. No I'm saying I know. Oh yeah. It changes. Yeah. Everyone's sitting there and you
13:54again you've got to you've got to remember how stupid these people in the house are. You really
13:59can't put a price tag on how dumb like Taylor Leone is for example like Taylor Leone. He's
14:06saying I played a bad game on the couch. He's like he's the worst to ever play the game.
14:12Your own tip. The comments these fools I don't give away when they're saying Dan and I wouldn't
14:18allow. Yeah. Well how does that work. Look we just had an alliance. We had an alliance.
14:22I did. I didn't want Smitty to win. I put him in the game. And by the way we didn't vote Taylor out.
14:28We weren't even on that team. Our alliance could have been. We don't like how Will smells. Yeah.
14:35Like it doesn't matter in the game. You're just trying. They just never broke. They're
14:41Neanderthals. They they they're like I thought Survivor was going to be a bench press contest.
14:46They're the don't there. And I love those guys like I like them but they're just the dumbest
14:52group of humans ever. And then you had a terrorist at the top running it. And Kirk I think the
14:58hardest thing conveying to you Dan when you said the original plan part was that Taylor was the
15:01one side. No no no room. No we never could talk. Yeah. And we all know we were like yeah yeah Dan
15:07Dan Dan. No but you made no sense. You made no sense to me Bosco when I'm like when you're like
15:13we need Dan on board I'm like what do you talk about. You made no sense when you told them.
15:17Yeah I would have thrown my vote away because I couldn't go against you. That made it sound real
15:23you idiot. All right. You've got to understand we're going but I ride. Oh my God. The pink
15:29wedding. We're going to the pink wedding. I think it was Rico's final. I've probably slept like
15:33I don't know four hours a night every night and I'm like as paranoid and crazy like I I'm paranoid
15:39that Dave's going to get me I'm paranoid that we're going to get like every single person you're
15:43looking at. You're like they're going to fucking get me. And then when they say well they're talking
15:47about your name in the other room. Yeah I should have had my wits and been like well yeah of course
15:52Taylor's saying that. And and it doesn't matter. But I don't like Dan. I fucking lost my money.
15:59Kelly texted Kelly texted Rhea. Yeah. Saying it was you. Right. Rico acts like a fucking weirdo
16:07when I'm like well you need Dan on board confirms it. Then Rico's like no I would have thrown the
16:13vote away. I want to vote for you. Rico Rico Rico is telling you the plan. Yeah. So and then Kirk
16:20when Kirk's like why didn't why didn't you tell me it's like because we're being led to believe
16:25you're the ringleader. Why would you ever go up to Rhea's Rhea's saying to me that they're saying
16:30your name like set off a chain of events that then put it in a spot where it's just self-preservation
16:35and that's really what it ended up becoming is like I got to try to find a way to survive.
16:39And I don't know why you got upset because they were gunning like I know like they. Yeah they
16:44were coming gunning for me. Whitney Whitney backstab me. If I were intro Whitney to the
16:50whole thing was your greatest career moment would be killing me and now you're mad I killed you.
16:55You're just a dumb tall glass of milk. If they if I didn't win the idol in the first challenge I
17:00think I would have probably been voted out in the first in the pink wedding. No I still I don't
17:08know. No but I always tell I still think it was Taylor. Yeah. All right. So so I listen this is
17:13where I was when I was like out of my mind and I couldn't I I didn't know what was going on and I
17:19panicked. And so when he said original plan that's how it all off unfolded. Yeah. Where they screwed
17:24up and they screwed up greatly. It is getting rid of Taylor too fast. Yeah way too fast. They
17:32broke that screwed the whole thing up. They had no need to do that even at the end. Again I want
17:37to avoid too many. Yeah. Yeah. But yeah. So that's kind of my whole thing is I'm just I'm mad at
17:43myself. I really tried to give a really good effort and then I quit and I shouldn't quit.
17:47That's a fuck. It was stupid of me but I was just I was just so emotionally spent from everything
17:53and like again it was like in a two and a half day period and I was like these people
17:58are going to be pissed at me for the door. They're pissed that you're too loud. Oh the
18:01people next door. I'm sure whatever he's saying is super interesting. Yeah. You got to tell him
18:07I'm on a podcast. The. So yeah. I'm the one number one. That's kind of where I'm at. The game.
18:15The game. Like we shouldn't play that game with coworkers. It's so fucked up because I just like
18:20I was so so messed up mentally from that game overall where like I was having like I was having
18:28I don't know if you guys as I was having dreams of being in the game for like a month and I was
18:33just like the emotional the emotional difference between Rico Big Cat and Dave. Yeah I think is
18:39yeah. Dave had the time of his life. I'm actually right now. This is my favorite day I've had on
18:44the Internet. Yeah. Yeah. It's the perfect thing you said when you're like I was mentally checked
18:48out and then you put on your suit and they're going to do this chaos game where only a fucking
18:52psychopath would succeed. You're the psychopath who succeeded you. That was your you knew you
18:57were strapping up and going to war and lining up and you're going to blow everybody off the ball
19:01and you're going to pass block your ass off. And that's what you did when I when I told Taylor I
19:05told Taylor the vote beforehand. I literally play go you're about to get. And by the way another
19:10those morons they could have flipped after that. They still didn't flip. Yeah. But I am having
19:16the time of my life right now. I really am. I hate seeing Dan. Yeah. Like because I know
19:21how personal he's taking it and I know the psychopath. So I do feel bad about that.
19:28Rico I thought you were masterful. Oh you're incredible. You started it all.
19:33I thought it was vintage pick masterful. Yeah.
19:37Like I ride you meaning that or you just being a fucking troll right now. No I am being a fucking
19:43troll. You are. I finally took me 11 years. You're being a fucking troll. I don't troll with
19:48my riders. OK. I am fully. What happened with quakes quake sent me a video of of it was like
19:54from Game of Thrones where he's reek. I hate that analogy. And I'm Grayson joy whatever. It was a
20:01well done quakes video a minute and a half. I go quakes I'm disappointed. You know I can't do this
20:07reported. I sent the video to Rico. I go watch out Rico. I reported him. So I didn't post that
20:13video did I said quakes quakes. You know I can't do this. I ride for my guy and I go by the way
20:19quakes this is reported. Were you thinking about giving that to Kirk at all Rico instead of Dave
20:24or maybe. Yeah. Yeah. I was I was in a horrific spot where you're trying not to fuck over both
20:29guys and eventually you had to make a decision and that I could such a baby Kirk Kirk Kirk's
20:34like give it to me give it to me give it to me give it to me and you gave it to me and then he
20:38gets upset. He wanted by the way better question if you got you asked can I give the immunity to
20:45somebody. We're going to give that to Kirk. I don't even know. And I was so fucked. People
20:48keep being like why did you give it to Dave. I was so at that point I lost track of the money and I
20:53was like I'd rather him not be mad at me. And that's a horrible way to play. But Dan just said
20:57it. You let the game get the best of you. Yeah. And you have a slip up. Everyone has had a slip
21:00up. Will didn't play the key. Kirk didn't play. He could've played. I played the career. I shouldn't
21:05really keep Dave Dan play the key. Rhea pulls out an idol. That's her slip up. Yeah. No one's
21:09impervious except the fucking whack job pizza boy. Yeah. No it's just it's a good boy. Sick affair.
21:15Everyone made a mistake at some point. Yes. Pink wedding. That's just why you're good. I know you
21:20didn't. I was perfect. You did not. But everyone else made a mistake where they look back and
21:25they're like if I had just not done that I would have been OK. And like it just it was an incredible
21:33like idea by the producers and everyone. How long was that whole like like five hours. It was so
21:39long. No drinks. You're standing alone. It's hot. No windows. It was like the reverse of a casino.
21:44Yeah. A casino pumps in fun. They were pumping in hatred. Yeah. Night terrors. Yeah. And the
21:48Internet and the fucking fans. It was bad. And you just go out on that turf and everyone would
21:53just be talking and you'd be like who's they talking about. Who are they talking about. You're
21:57just fucking losing your mind. You're like I think I'm OK but I don't know this person this person
22:01this person. It was just Rico. Perfect television. What was your reaction when after I'm like you're
22:08dead to me. Get away. And then they go to my confession like I'm just using three presidencies
22:12to break Rico down. Yeah I was. Yeah I mean that was insane. You you used. Yeah you use your mental
22:17thing over me like you're a better poker player than me. So that's also you also what would you
22:23text me earlier in the season. You're like that hurt because you were like you put me down the
22:27list of your alliances. You're like I'm with Dan I'm with real I'm with this person and I'm just
22:31holding Rico to fucking burn his little dick. That's what you did. I said that hurts because
22:35you were the one. This would be again. I would look like such a fucking simp if I was the one
22:40who originated this alliance. You text me before the game you like pick them three. We're going
22:44to go. I'm like OK. I don't think you take that seriously. You think you didn't look like a simp.
22:50No day day. I definitely I don't know. I don't know if you're going to be fucking with them.
22:56Go with Matt. I thought I honestly thought it was kind of going to be like one of our picker
23:01holes. I'm like so the big three and you took it dead literally. But I never really took it serious.
23:06Yeah. All right. And then in the game I gave you everything like I gave you Dave. Well yeah Dave.
23:11I was a day late on most of the information but I gave you everything I had. Well you also spied
23:16on me for the first three days everywhere I went. Dave played the game perfectly. I think about when
23:22I was watching it back like even when our tribe Dave was Francis Roan moves Ria me you and we
23:31voted actually was when Whitney when we voted Whitney out because Whitney and I were you know
23:35we were working together we voted Whitney out and then we voted Francis out and I was like so now
23:40it's moves and you're like we're not voting for moves we got her. Let's go for Roan. It was that
23:45moment where I was like oh fuck I am not in control anymore. Like I thought I was I knew
23:50moves as a lock. I know I had moves forever. I thought I was in control and I was like and then
23:55I played it back in my head and I was like well fuck that was stupid voting off Francis and Whitney
24:00because those guys I could have used instead of the other way where we got we got guys out that
24:06I could work with and then I look around and it's you moves Ria and Roan and I was like wrote like
24:13I'm outnumbered. I'm now I'm now along for the ride for whatever Dave is going to do because I
24:19just I played the numbers wrong like that's the game you play the numbers wrong. Dave looking
24:24back of course I was going to take that alliance seriously because last year we were two ships in
24:27the night and if you approached me you maybe could have flipped me against Jerry that would have
24:31saved you. So yeah I thought you were serious. Well because you you said it's a regret why and
24:36even Kevin was like last year why did you never approach Rico to be your fourth. I thought you
24:42being backstabbed would be such good TV that I wanted to totally blindside you and see what
24:49happened. Now the game changes as you go like I didn't I had nothing with Ria when we entered
24:55the game. We ended up on the same team. She approached me and it continued to build trust
25:01throughout the game. You were with me in the beginning. So we're playing. But yeah I did not
25:08take that our alliance remotely serious like that was a laugh. That was a laugh alliance for me.
25:15That hurts those two. But because I ride now. Yeah you ride rides. You got your dick sucked
25:21while I'm out on the street. Yeah exactly. So you ride you. You're again Lexington Avenue.
25:26He rides. I wait before Hank you have a question. Game time real quick to pick
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25:53with game time. There we do one more though. Can we just do one. Oh. Oh. Oh. Oh. Oh. Oh. Oh.
26:06Such a way back. The boys are back. We go. How about me finding that extra key to.
26:13Yes. Yeah. I don't think anyone knows about that. Well no no no. That's in that. I'm getting
26:18eliminated. Like we're taping this at four o'clock. I'm getting eliminated three hours.
26:22So I assume they put it in. It'd be weird if they didn't. But I was. Yeah. Well I quit. I was
26:26like I'm going to just try to give Rico as much ammo to try to win this because. Yeah. Does that
26:31look like I'm taking a free ride or like. No. Never turning down keys. I quit accepting people's
26:36free. I made the mistake of quitting. I took you a free. Yeah. Exactly. I should never have quit.
26:43I should have fucking fought through. I was a fucking baby about it. Once I quit I was trying
26:49to help you. Why wouldn't you accept that. I was so happy when you quit. I'm so mad. I'm so mad at
26:54myself looking because I literally didn't know I'm like all right now. Now it's going to start
26:58getting hard. We're going to have to start eating ourselves. And then you then you're like yeah I'm
27:02out. I'm like whoa. OK. Let's find by me. I hate it. There was two other two other laugh out loud
27:09funny moments which the one that I don't think got any traction but I thought was insane was
27:13Clemmer who's what. Forty five years old pizza after Taylor got eliminated. Oh he gets up off
27:19the couch. Yeah. Oh he's going to come back with some good tea. I was like you just say that.
27:25And then biz going independent was like oh I've never laughed. I've never laughed harder than
27:29what you do. I'm going into the pink wedding. What does that mean. I didn't know Dan. You
27:33said let's just vote Rico as well. I was. Yes I was. I deserved it. I was surprised
27:39back. I read you back Rico. I was so lost in every way that I was. So I said you're not going after
27:45my boy Rico. He's with us now. I put the cloak of protection. He did. The social guys in the
27:53chop circle were dying the way you say you heard he heard there were the image of watching it of
28:01biz just standing on the turf blinking. He's just like this. He's just he's just like so mad at
28:07everyone because he just didn't know what's going on. God damn. He said some of the darkest people
28:11in the on the on the. It's a fucked up game. It is. It's a fucked up. You can't business like
28:17Arian Foster. I don't know what they thought. There was a biz Arian Foster. There was a look.
28:22I don't. I don't know what. What they were walking what they thought they were walking
28:26in. You carry and foster the most confusing. I thought he's playing us because he's like
28:30it was been on reality TV shows in the beginning. Yeah. So I'm like oh he's going to come cutthroat
28:36here. You can't you. And this was my ultimate biggest mistake. You can't play that game with a
28:43real strategy and not fuck people over and have them be pissed at you. And in the moment I should
28:50have realized that like that's the game. You got to do it. You got to be cutthroat about it.
28:54I didn't. That that was my biggest fault. Like you got to just own that you're just like hey Whitney
28:58I voted you out. Fuck off. Like that's I I wish I had done that in the moment. I'm a pussy about it
29:04and I am mad at myself for quitting and that that was that was it. Like I should have been like Kirk
29:09OK. Go ahead. Say Newton you you you voted like I was trying to save myself. You were trying to
29:14save yourself. You would have voted for me. I would have voted for you. That's the game. And
29:17I should have done that in the moment. So great. All right. Anything else. What do you have Dan.
29:23You were saved in the beginning. You were like I had some on the necklace. I probably just opened
29:26a can of worms. But what did you have on the. What do you mean. I said oh when I gave the
29:31necklace you were like oh let me get to that. You're an idiot. Did you have anything on that.
29:36Oh no. Just that you gave it to Dave. Yeah. I don't want to. That was crazy. That was a crazy
29:41move. Yes. I was fucked up dude. I was fucked up. Yeah it was shocking. That's my guy. That that
29:46listen the dog came back home. He's been wandering the streets lost but he got that sniff. He got
29:54that smell in the air. He perked up. He's like I found my way home. And now we're reunited.
30:00As a fan watching who wasn't involved and just watching it back with the with the rest of the
30:05world like if you run the simulation of the pink wedding a hundred times. Yes. Dave and Dan are
30:11getting knocked out like probably 95 percent of them. The only reason they didn't was because
30:16of Rico. Yeah. That like that's what I just could not stop laughing. I was like I don't know how it
30:22played out this way where Dave is not getting taken out and big cats are getting taken out.
30:25I guess the immunity helped too. But they're like in no world should you guys have made it past that.
30:30And basically the only reason you did was because of Rico. And the funniest part was that it was
30:34unintentional. Yeah. And he's just the middle of the whole chaos. Like he stole a little talk to
30:39me. It's fucking brutal. Yeah it's. Well I mean they played they also played a major factor that
30:46by going Taylor that quickly. Yeah. If they did it once you turn on your own team you took out
30:52Will because best friends everything's business doesn't know what's going on every that if they
30:59didn't do that right away they probably could have maintained it. But once they ate their own
31:03it was game. And the biggest. Did you have a plan coming into that Dave. Like where you're like
31:08all right it's 11. We're significantly outnumbered. Here's what kept happening. Rio was saying Kelly
31:15is with us. Dan was sort of saying Megan back and forth. So and then you were. So there were leaks
31:21but every time we were like all right who we go and we your team was saying we're all going Taylor
31:30which made me think that's not even a vote. So that's why I kept being as Kirk like voting out
31:34somebody we all agree with was that do they still have the numbers. We need somebody they don't want.
31:39And every time I said Kirk people were like no no made me think he was part of the alliance.
31:44So we just decided we'll let you guys vote out your own person and we all went on Kirk
31:49made him play the idol right flush out the idol which the idol was he showed it to Rhea and then
31:54Rhea told us right away. Right. Correct. And yeah I mean that the you pulling me aside set me up for
32:00disaster to Dave. We're like listen I'll say this. Are you talking to him like you. Wait a minute.
32:06I said you're going Taylor right. You go well is Dan on board. Yeah because in looking back and
32:11I've played this simulation a million times people like why did you do this like what.
32:15And I knew we had me Megan for at least what I thought me Megan Kirk and Kelly. So that's four.
32:22There's 11 people at the table. So and I even say to you in the thing it's like half a sentence but
32:26I'm like you need two more. I'm like you need two to get to six. I wanted to get to six to know it
32:32was Taylor and then I was going home. You're you're you're doing too much thinking you're
32:36you're a peon you're like the first guy on the chessboard that you just move. You don't know
32:40how to what you don't know how to move diagonal or jump or a queen. You just can move straight
32:45ahead and that's it. So you were getting too deep of thinking. I had to know. Oh yeah. If you guys
32:51were going Taylor that I just needed confirmation because I need to make sure those votes were going
32:56so our team could go someplace else. So I once you start thinking too much your entire world
33:03implodes around you need a leader a general like me to take you to that next Rico what you didn't
33:08realize too is like you like the three of us are basically like the you know the guy learning to
33:14walk upright where Rico's on all fours. I'm hunched over Dave's walking upright. I I thought I was in
33:21control in the game and then I realized I wasn't. And then I was like I'm just going with whatever
33:25you know like I'm going along for the ride like that was Dave was Dave. I've never seen someone
33:30more in control than what Dave did at the pink wedding. It was it was winning. I literally walked
33:35up. I was like who are we voting for because I was like I can't think for myself. Like I got it.
33:40You got to tell me who to vote for. Oh that's good. That's gone super viral. I have one. I told
33:44Will to walk away and he just did. And I'm like we're voting. Well it's in the. Yeah I mean the
33:52whole thing was it was crazy. It was just a perfect setup. And I will say we had one big advantage
33:58not intentional. Everything's the way we sat. They should have been reversing the votes. Yeah.
34:03Like we like me and Rhea got to sit and watch chaos happen. I don't know if it would have
34:09changed it but it was definitely advantage. We got to go. Did they assign seats. No. No.
34:14We just randomly took them. No. But yeah I know me being next to Kirk was what like if I was on
34:19the other side I don't even know. You said I voted for Kirk and then Kirk like blacked out. Yeah.
34:23Which I get it. It's a game like you. You should be mad at me for that. Like that's
34:27I'd be mad as well. He's mad at me too. Yeah he's very mad at me. Yeah it is what it is.
34:31I think our tribute. I think he says he's going to spit in your face when he saw you. Yeah I mean
34:35you're going to allow that. Like where are we stepping in. Will said he's going to put hands
34:38on you Dave. I who said that. Will said this. He's responding. Yeah. He doesn't know. He doesn't
34:45know how to accept an apology. Yeah. Yeah. That was the other thing that helped us Dave is that
34:52they kept on winning challenges. So we went in the pink way time. And that's people like you're
34:56an idiot. How could you want to lose. If we lost what from what I thought Taylor was gone right
35:01totally. And we still had the numbers and it goes differently. So people keep being like oh you have
35:05no heart and fucking wills chirping and fucking J.P. Hovey who can't do a social post correct.
35:10It's fucking chirping me left and right. Like it turns out the game is strategy. You need to lose
35:15so they can do that. Let me ask you a question. Did the Chiefs lose this week on purpose against
35:20the Bengals like potentially right to keep the Bengals out. So suck my dick J.P. Hovey.
35:25But yeah that helped us a ton. We had four people and we all knew what we were doing and they had
35:31seven and they were they were all over the place. They just made a move on Taylor. I don't really
35:37understand the move and why it was so quick. I don't I don't know. He was he was kind of running
35:44shit on our side as well like or he was the girls like the way he was talking to him and like that
35:49like he thought he was in charge. But he also could have won. You know like he could have won
35:54down the road like in the challenges I think. Yeah he could have. Yeah a million to go. Yeah.
36:01It is great to have three more votes. Great TV. Great TV. Dave right up right up. I love the
36:08Boston guys right up until I gave it. Did you ever think I was going to give it to you.
36:11No I knew I knew you're broken. All right. Yeah I was. I was here and I knew generally like what
36:18happened and who was getting voted off so I thought I might not be like that interested because I
36:22kind of know like what happened. I'm locked in. I don't even really like know what happens I feel
36:26like. Yeah. Like each episode is is it gets better and better. It is. It's it's it's great TV and
36:32yeah it was it fucked me up bad. I like I wish I could fill movie theaters and watch like you know
36:39you like you go to screen movies see the reactions when Rico gave me the the idol. And by the way
36:45Francis he's like what an idiot. It's like Francis you do the same thing you moron. Even worse. Yeah
36:50well whatever I guess just as bad. All right. That's that. I think that's good. I end up pulling
36:58an idol which was crazy too. Yeah. The only person to pull the bottle. I was the happiest guy in the
37:02row and the pig Whitney. Yeah. Oh man I was so devastated when I opened that box and there was
37:07nothing in there. I was just like God fucking damn it. I can't because I I was like this is
37:12gonna be great. I'm gonna get a fucking pink bottle. I should know with my gambling luck.
37:1546 percent this year. The hit rate on that is like 2 percent. Nobody was here. I thought for the
37:21this is how paranoid I got. Like on Wednesday of that week I was just like yeah there's nothing
37:28in those boxes. They're just fucking with us. I had a key once I just gave it away. I was like
37:32or I saw one I didn't even pick it up because I was like I'm not taking that. I know what they're
37:36gonna do. They're gonna fucking take my vote away. I was convinced that they had rigged it
37:40against everyone because that's just how fucked up I was in my head.
37:45Incredible game. Well well done by everyone behind the scenes. Rico just listen. I'm getting
37:51I'm Danny Boy Kane right now. I'm having a hell of a time online. They're giving me a hell of a
37:55time. Stand in the pocket to catch and heat. Just stand in the pocket. Own it. I played the game
38:03hard. I fucking backstab people. I own it and I shouldn't have quit because I'm a pussy. One
38:08one of the most important lessons one of the original riders is back. Yeah he is. He is.
38:17He's back. All right. Before I didn't know we'd ever get there Bosco but like I am riding. Look
38:23at his smile. Look at his smile. I love it. It's just it's unbelievable. The thing I laughed at
38:28the most too was you didn't even wait till Barstool the S in Barstool Sports hit the side
38:33panel of the slide in before you put that another one bites the dust video on there.
38:37Like he was fucking instant. You sick fuck. It was like instant publish.
38:41There's such a sycophant like that. I don't think that's the right word. Whatever it is.
38:46Psychopath. Whatever. Yeah. Fucking not. I'm a psychopath. I mean I'm a I'm a writer but I do
38:52remember your transgressions. All right. Before let's talk football. By the way Amazon Prime
39:00Prime's exclusive wildcard playoff game is coming Saturday. T.J. Watten the Steelers take on Lamar
39:04Jackson and the Ravens in a playoff showdown between AFC North rivals. It's only on prime
39:09video not a prime member sign up for a 30 day free trial to stream the game. The Steelers and
39:13the Ravens and Prime's exclusive wildcard playoff game powered by Verizon Saturday at 730 Eastern
39:19only on prime video. All right boys. Then there were two or four sorry two games for four teams
39:25left. Let's do it. We're going to by the way we're going to have quite the scene in the cave I think
39:34tonight. It's going to be Frank in chief for Notre Dame and large versus Max Conner Griffin
39:41and Jeff D. Lowe. So yeah quite a pack stream. But let's get to that game. We got Penn State
39:49Notre Dame Rico. I'll start with you. I think the let me pull up the line for right now. One
39:55and a half is what I wrote down before I walked in here. OK. One and a half and the over under is
40:00what. Forty four and a half still pulling up. Forty four and a half one and a half minus one
40:05and a half Notre Dame. Forty four and a half is the total. Yeah I like Notre Dame here as well.
40:11I think listen they keep talking about Franklin. What do you mean as well. I just whatever I got
40:16ahead of myself. Yeah I like I like Notre Dame. I think Franklin they keep talking about he's
40:22finally made a Final Four. Franklin always won. He hasn't won a big game yet. He was a big favorite
40:27against Boise and SMU. They were supposed to win those games. And if this was the old format we
40:32would just be starting of him making the playoff. So he hasn't done it yet. I'm going to go with
40:37Freeman. I'm going to go with that defense lean on Notre Dame. I think Notre Dame wins.
40:40They're not going to make mistakes. I don't think Riley Lennon is going to turn it over.
40:43I'm going with Notre Dame. Plus I'm obviously rooting for Notre Dame against state Penn
40:47obviously. So I'm going with Notre Dame. OK Dave I take Penn State. I think they've played
40:54better teams during the course of the season. Georgia not impressed by them. I think they stink.
41:02So I'm going to take Penn State but nothing. I mean it's almost a pick them game. So it's
41:07certainly one surprise Notre Dame won. But I'm going to go with the Nittany Lions.
41:12I've gone back and forth so much so much about this. I think I'm going to go Notre Dame.
41:19I hate it though. I drew hours a better quarterback than Riley Lennon.
41:23Yep. I think I think they both stink as quarterback. Really. I think that was pretty
41:27good. I like either of them. But yeah Notre Dame to be my pick. I don't really I kind of agree
41:34with Rico like James Franklin hasn't had that big game. Well they get a little pressure. Also
41:38Abdul Carter like I know he's set to play but how effective is he going to be like he sat out the
41:46what those half of the Boise game like he's definitely injured. So that's a huge huge piece
41:53especially when you talk about the focus on him versus everyone else. I'll go with Notre Dame
41:58and I kind of like the under but I'm not going to bet it. All right Dave Ohio State Texas Ohio
42:03State minus six over under is 53 and a half. Damn Ohio State looks good. Yeah. Yeah. I'm not
42:11a bot a buyer of them yet. Yeah obviously Oregon game is big. I don't like what they've
42:20beat Indiana is that to get the playoff which they beat Indiana. Yeah yeah. So in the end I'm
42:25not. No they don't only beat Tennessee Tennessee Tennessee. All right. So I didn't think Tennessee
42:29was very good. They've obviously come out of the gate but it's almost too good like too easy.
42:35Like there wasn't resistance. Oregon wasn't ready to come out and play. They've definitely good.
42:39Now of course maybe I'm biased because every time I really watch Ohio State they get pummeled by
42:43Michigan. I don't like Texas either but I think Texas may be able to grind them out here. I really
42:50got that Arizona State game that bet I had a hundred grand money line Arizona State bills
42:56to win three point six million should have had it should have had it. It's very much targeting.
43:02I was 100 percent now the grant that may not have scored they don't have a good field goal kicker
43:05but still yes I agree. I'm just not sold. Ohio State is nearly as good as they've seen when they
43:13play Penn State. They barely beat them. They lost to Oregon the first time lost to Michigan. What
43:19all of a sudden they just turn it on. I don't believe it. I'm going to take Texas but I don't
43:23like Texas either. I don't think any of it. I think there's a defunct. I made that that video.
43:28This is the first true NIL. You don't have any super teams like it's a a bad final four crop
43:34of teams. Now people are going to say Ohio State's a super team. Shut up. There are two
43:39loss or four conference. They're a fourth place conference team. You can't be a super team.
43:44I'm going to take Texas. OK Rico I'm torn here because I think Texas Texas is I don't know.
43:53Texas has been OK. I could see this yours has been off. That's a big problem. But he always
43:58is kind of off. He's like one plays the best quarterback in the world and then he'll just
44:01throw one that you're like what was that dude like that that that fourth and 14 was incredible.
44:09The drive before two drives for it through a terrible pick. That's just what he does.
44:13Yeah. He throws it like lazy deep ball. Yeah. The line almost like it's Ohio State minus six
44:20something there tells me it's it's got to be Ohio State. I'm going with Ohio State. I also like the
44:24over. I do think some points are going to be scored. So I'm Ohio State in the over.
44:28OK. I'm going to take the over 53 and a half is what is that right now. OK. By the way that's
44:37all brought to you by DraftKings. DraftKings has a special offer in honor of college football
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45:09championship odds Dan. Oh OK. So if it's Ohio State Notre Dame it's Ohio State minus seven and
45:14a half. It's Ohio State State Penn. It's minus eight and a half Ohio State. If it's Notre Dame
45:19Texas it's Texas minus two and a half. If it's Texas State Penn it's Texas minus three.
45:26I made a future bet in college basketball. Oh tell us not not Florida. Oh University of Michigan.
45:34I told you they're good. Texting with one texting with Dusty last night. They look very good.
45:40Oh I don't even know if I should say the story. Oh here we go.
45:45You're a writer. Yeah. Wait from dinner right. The other night it's I was told it wasn't that bad.
45:50You're going to. This is what you're going to do going to end it with bad. It's bad. Go ahead. All
45:53right. Here we go. It's not bad. Go ahead. So I had dinner with Caitlin Clark. Oh yeah. Last night
46:03and we're talking up and we're just talking about different stuff and it's like I think you may
46:09know some before I could finish. She goes Rico. I was like you know Rico Bosco. She's like my
46:16boyfriend and he texts my boyfriend all the time. And then I was like she asked she's like what's
46:25Dave and Rico's relationship. And she said he says it's complicated. What is the answer.
46:33Yeah. Yeah. How's that a fucking like crazy. Of course it's complicated.
46:37No it's not. Now it's great. I would say we're in a very complicated. I just thought it was
46:43funny that Caitlin Clark. We love each other but every couple of Friday nights I come home with a
46:47black guy and a fucking bruise on my thigh. And you're like it's gonna be different babe. It's
46:51gonna be different. It's a complicated relationship. The fact that Caitlin Clark is talking
46:58about Rico Bosco what I've messaged I've messaged with her before as well like before way before
47:04she blew up. I'm not with the Iowa people. I love the Iowa people. When you say with her did you
47:08just message her or was it when she responded. Rico what year responded. What year. One twenty
47:13twenty one twenty twenty two. Somebody said you proved I believe it's Omerta like what you proved
47:19during surviving Barstool was that despite everything when push came to shove and a bullet
47:25was coming at me you would throw your body in front of it. That's that's big. Right.
47:30That means a lot. Yeah. Me and her boyfriend are good friends. Oh I love that for you. Rico
47:39who's your future on a college basketball. Bam I got him last April 16. Oh wow. Tell me tell
47:46tell me how this does. It's almost too easy but I put 400 on the chargers. You did you join me
47:54not to win the whole thing. Oh just to win the game. Oh this this week. I have the Texans future
48:00they think. Yeah I have the chargers 40 to 1. Yeah no I'm not going to win this. Yeah. Minus
48:06two and a half this week. I like that bet. I like that bet. What are you doing in Arizona.
48:11I had a speaking thing at Axon. Oh nice. Yeah that's a report to. Oh OK. All right. Good job
48:21boy. This is the last pick of the year. Congrats Rico. What do you guys. Yeah my game time brackets
48:28sucked. I had Oregon going all the way. Had Arizona State beating Texas. That was close.
48:33So I had. So I'm done because I had Oregon going all the way. Penn State Notre Dame I got correct.
48:39But yeah I had a shitty bracket. What about you Dave. I don't have in front. I think I'm nearly
48:44perfect. I think I have Ohio State beating Penn State in the final. I don't have it in front of
48:49I took a beaten. I had Ohio State was correct. Texas was correct. I had Arizona State beating
48:57Notre Dame was correct but I only have Texas in the final. That's the only thing I got right.
49:02I think it's perfect. Besides I have ASU beating Texas I think on this on recall I don't have in
49:07front of me. All right. Dave I love it as much as I loved it last night but I like the poll tonight
49:13plus the three. I ride with I ride with my guy really bad. He knows I say less Bosco. I also
49:19think Bama is going to be OK tonight against South Carolina first half. Well that's a little
49:23bit like so and the first half like Bama first half as well. We've been rolling. Take it. So
49:28take them both. Yeah I like both. Say less Boston. All right. All right. See you guys.
49:33Good pick of the year. Congrats again Rico. See you next week. People report up to you Jack.
49:40So if someone handed you a report you would just hand it in to your supervisors.
49:44Yeah. That's what you basically did. Here's the report. You just sign that
49:48bond for the third thing. Probably traded in a ball. You paid for the term paper.
49:52You wrote your name at the top. It's not nice when people are trying to
49:56have you for little things. Right Jack. It's not nice. That's true. Fair point. Fair point.
