• last month


00:00Say something.
00:03Oh, my god.
00:05Previously on 90 Day, The Last Resort.
00:07It's half of it.
00:08It's gone.
00:09This is probably the longest that we've spent together
00:11without fighting in a really long time.
00:14If our relationship could be like this all the time,
00:16we'd be golden.
00:20Jasmine, she want to be in an open relationship
00:22and go with someone else.
00:24It's not acceptable to me.
00:26You should f*** her just to zip his mouth, basically.
00:31I think Gino should let the angry turn into sex with Jasmine.
00:35Then boom, done.
00:39My behavior was inappropriate and I apologize for that.
00:42At the end of the day, I understand it sucks.
00:44He did invite me to Vegas, but that's on him.
00:47I'm happy to share the messages.
00:48You can see.
00:51He lies to me.
00:52He plays double game.
00:53He doesn't want to build relationship with me.
00:57Josh is a freaking problem, Natalie.
01:03Let's go!
01:06I've never seen Gino like this.
01:08Florian, stop being a bad influence for my husband.
01:12You want him not to have to have fun or what?
01:20Jasmine, what the f*** are you doing?
01:21No, enough, Florian.
01:23One more.
01:26Don't you dare!
01:27Don't f*** it!
01:29First time you throw my drink at me.
01:30Get out of her face.
01:32Get away!
01:57We are good friends.
02:01We are good friends.
02:20Get away from my husband.
02:23You are a negative influence for Gino.
02:26Seriously, I can come different.
02:28Bitch, smash his f***ing tummy.
02:31Again, you take my f***ing cup.
02:33We'll see what happens to you.
02:34Don't you f***ing dare!
02:36Blah, blah, blah, blah, blah.
02:38Barking like a f***ing dog.
02:40Shut your f***ing mouth, stupid ass.
02:43Come on.
02:45Hey, my guy.
02:47F***ing embarrassing.
02:49I threw Gino's drink because I want him to stop drinking.
02:53But it wasn't Gino's drink.
02:56It was Florian's.
02:58Still, at the end of the day, he's a bad influence on my husband.
03:02Oh, Jasmine.
03:03Hey, my guy.
03:04Don't worry about the ladies.
03:06Don't worry about the ladies.
03:07Don't worry about us.
03:08Let's have a Gino.
03:09Let's worry about us.
03:10Cheers, Gino.
03:12Don't even look over there.
03:13Surprise, surprise.
03:15Oh, hi.
03:17Oh, hi.
03:18You just came right on time.
03:23You coming to drink, Lenny?
03:26What happened?
03:27Where the f*** have you been?
03:29Where did you get your drink?
03:31Come on, Gino.
03:33Hi, Gino.
03:34Come on.
03:38That's nice, actually.
03:39Cheers, brothers.
03:44I don't want to do a d***.
03:45I feel guilty.
03:46I feel guilty.
03:47I thought it was Gino's drink and it was Florian's.
03:49That's not on you.
03:50What a d*** we have here.
03:51His husband got crazy on me.
03:55Just being loud and drunky and, you know, like, getting Gino drunky and, like, you know.
04:02It's too much.
04:03He's loud.
04:04Just, you know, I've dealt with this before.
04:07This, like, persona that comes out and it's anger and it's...
04:12He really needs deep therapy.
04:15I think all these men need therapy.
04:20I am sorry.
04:21I forgive you.
04:22I didn't want to do that to you.
04:24It's okay.
04:25It's okay.
04:26When we get back to the resort, it's like a bomb, a drama bomb went off.
04:31Like, everybody's fighting and yelling and drunk and, oh, I don't know.
04:36It's a mess.
04:37But at the same time, I feel like some of these people, though, may live for the drama, I have to say.
04:45Can you tell me what's happening today?
04:48What did I miss?
04:49You missed a lot.
04:50I mean, we were good.
04:51We were good.
04:52Everything was great.
04:53I know it's crazy.
04:54I'm jealous, too.
04:55Then the ladies came back and they hated to see us having fun.
04:58They hated it.
04:59That's not what happened.
05:00They hated it.
05:01They walked up and was like, oh, they're having fun?
05:04How dare they?
05:05You have to see from their side.
05:07It's not because...
05:08I mean, I was chilling, but that's just because I don't care if he's drunk.
05:10But Jasmine was in a place of, like, she loves you and, like, if I'm really f***ed up and blacked out, I'd want Rob to be like, Sophie, you've had enough.
05:17You ain't blacked out.
05:18She was like, I just want to see you just, like, safe and miserable.
05:21No, it can't be.
05:23That's the part.
05:25No, no, no.
05:26Misery loves company.
05:27I think she was just making sure you're okay, and it might have come from a place of, like, she was being annoying or whatever, but it wasn't her just being a hater.
05:33I'm sure she wants to see you happy.
05:37But not happy without her, right?
05:39Right, that's the part.
05:40I don't like that he's having this much fun without me.
05:45I appreciate that Sophie is trying to see both sides, but I feel for Gino.
05:49Jasmine controls Gino.
05:51And then she tells everybody that Gino's the controlling one, which is just her flipping it on Gino.
05:56And it's just, it's manipulation.
05:59Okay, I got to get my husband.
06:01Let's get our husbands.
06:03Gino, boy.
06:05Oh, my gosh.
06:06You take your stairs.
06:07I'm trying, but I feel like I can't.
06:14Gino, we have to go.
06:17We have to go.
06:19Come on, I'm having a bonding moment with my guys.
06:23My guys?
06:25Don't be ridiculous.
06:26Let's go home.
06:29Goodnight, Gino.
06:30Hey, Florian.
06:33Come on, Gino.
06:34What the hell?
06:36Cheers, guys.
06:38Have a good night.
06:42Where the hell did my wife go?
06:47Those are good guys.
06:49What are you talking about?
06:50No, they are our bad team friends.
06:51Don't say s*** like that.
06:52They are our bad team friends for you.
06:55No, they're not.
06:56Shame on you because we are here to receive therapy.
06:59No, they're not.
07:00Shame on all of you.
07:01Shame, shame, shame.
07:03Poor shame.
07:05Let's get the heck out of here.
07:08All right, I'm going to go find my wife.
07:10Yeah, where the f*** did my wife go?
07:12I don't know.
07:13All right, brother.
07:15Yeah, let's go.
07:16All right.
07:17Thank you, bartender.
07:25Get off of me.
07:28Get here.
07:29Here, here.
07:30It's your journey here.
07:31No, get off of me.
07:32Your hair.
07:36Just go to bed.
07:38You think this is funny?
07:40What you're doing.
07:41You think it is something to be proud of?
07:43You think I'm funny?
07:46Gino, you're wasted.
07:48You're too old for this s***.
07:49You're the oldest person in this f***ing resort.
07:51Just leave me alone.
07:52I'm not going to leave you alone.
07:54Just leave me alone, please.
07:58Go to bed, please.
07:59Go in the other room.
08:00Go to bed, please.
08:01Go in the other room.
08:11I am upset that Jasmine came up and knocked our drinks out of our hand.
08:16Let us have fun.
08:17We're having a good time.
08:18Just like she has fun with her friends.
08:21They told me how to play beer pong, and I did pretty good,
08:24because I sunk one from the three-point line.
08:30Three-pointer, man.
08:32So, yeah, it was great.
08:35But, yeah.
08:39I'm going to chill.
08:55I think maybe you should sleep on the couch tonight.
08:57On the couch?
08:59Or I'll sleep on the couch.
09:00You choose.
09:01You could choose.
09:02I'm going to stay in the f***ing bed, man.
09:06Not after what happened tonight.
09:07What the f*** just happened tonight?
09:09I don't like the way you were talking to Jasmine,
09:11and I don't like the way you were talking to me.
09:14Who is smaller f***ing than Jasmine to f***ing smash my f***ing drink?
09:18I'm not her f***ing husband.
09:20I'm not her f***ing ex-husband.
09:22I'm not her f***ing ex-husband.
09:23What the f*** is...
09:26Jasmine needs to control the f***ing anger, you know?
09:29And you didn't think you disrespected her in front of me,
09:32and disrespect me in front of everybody.
09:34You embarrassed me.
09:36You were, like, barbaric.
09:42Her, like, I'm, like, like a mom.
09:48I left my mom in Albania.
09:49I don't live here, you know?
09:50You need to calm down.
09:51You need to chill.
09:52These people don't know you.
09:54They don't know you.
09:56I know you.
09:57Who said like this? Tell me.
09:58How these people can teach me for my life?
10:02Tell me, how these f***ing people can teach me for my life
10:05how to do good in life?
10:07Jasmine want to open...
10:09It's one relationship open.
10:11Basically, Jasmine want to f*** whatever one,
10:13and want to have genuine inside.
10:16Jasmine want to have one boy to f***,
10:19one boy to love.
10:22Come on, please.
10:25I don't really want to be next to you tonight.
10:28I can sleep in a couch for Princess Jasmine.
10:30I can sleep in a couch, you want to protect her.
10:33Come on, please.
10:51Come on.
11:08So you have hangover?
11:10Can you please be quiet?
11:12I swear to God.
11:14I swear to God.
11:27Oh, hi.
11:29How are you?
11:33I've been gone for a few days.
11:35I was able to reset a little bit.
11:38I want to come back into the retreat,
11:41and I want to accomplish what we came here for.
11:44But I still expect her to be a little upset about this.
11:49I expect her to be a little upset about the Sophie thing,
11:52because Natalie is a jealous person,
11:55and she does hold grudges.
11:57So I don't expect this to be over with,
12:00but I expect to work on it,
12:02and hopefully move past it.
12:04Can you put it on me, please?
12:08So how was the weekend?
12:11I was alone a couple of days because you were gone.
12:16Did you miss me?
12:18Oh, you didn't?
12:20Honestly, I'm only one person here who tried to build a relationship.
12:28Are we both of us in this boat,
12:30or there is, like, another boat you're sitting on?
12:36Natalie definitely has a way with, like, analogies.
12:40Sometimes they make sense.
12:42Sometimes, I don't know what the f*** she's saying.
12:45Because, like, maybe some boat is more good-looking for you,
12:50and you just...
12:51I listen, and I look, and I kind of do one of these, yeah.
12:55Uh-huh, I understand.
12:57But, you know, some of them get...
12:59They're pretty out there.
13:01I have, like, kind of proof.
13:05Oh, you do?
13:06That you've been hitting another boat,
13:08while my boat was, like...
13:10I was alone in the boat waiting for you.
13:14Nothing's ever happened with Sophie.
13:18So, I've never...
13:19Like, we've literally had one conversation,
13:22which we solved.
13:23During several months.
13:24Which you solved the other night.
13:25No, you...
13:26No, like, in person, in person.
13:27While you were gone, I talked to Sophie,
13:30and she sent me the messages.
13:34And I have them.
13:39Sophie showed me the messages,
13:41and Josh was 100% flirting with her,
13:44and he lied about it.
13:47He got caught, he ran away,
13:49but he cannot run anymore.
13:59Floria, that freaking Floria.
14:01I don't want to see that dude today, honestly.
14:03Yeah, he's a dick.
14:05So, do we think that they're talking s*** about us
14:07and the other man?
14:08F*** that s***, yes.
14:10Special Julia Jasmine.
14:12All right, then.
14:13Therapy's gonna be exciting with you.
14:15Florian, he's like an infection
14:17that spreads everywhere.
14:18Please, stay away from him.
14:35I talked to Sophie,
14:36and she sent me the messages,
14:38and I have them.
14:41So you can see that it's not that bad.
14:55Well, that was not worded correctly.
14:59So I apologize for that, okay?
15:05Read it, read it.
15:08Read it.
15:09We are planning.
15:10We are planning.
15:12That doesn't say,
15:13come to Vegas with me, baby.
15:15We are planning
15:16Vegas trip soon.
15:17You've been?
15:18No, I've never been,
15:19but I definitely want to go.
15:20It looks fun.
15:21What are you doing to Seventeen?
15:24What does it mean?
15:25That was the date that we were all
15:26going to be planning to go.
15:28There was like a group of seven of us.
15:31Why you don't write group of seven of us?
15:33I said we.
15:34And why I wasn't invited there?
15:35It never went.
15:36Josh, you cannot find things behind my back.
15:39It's yours.
15:40If you want to sit and fight,
15:41we can do that,
15:42or we can move past it.
15:44You didn't invite Rob.
15:45I didn't know Rob.
15:46I'm ready to move on.
15:47I'm ready to work on the future.
15:49Would you possibly give me guarantees
15:50that you will not do this to me again?
15:52Listen, I'm here to work on the future,
15:54and you want to keep talking about the past.
15:56With who?
15:57With you.
15:58With me?
15:59With you.
16:00So you have to give time to me
16:01and put likes to me
16:02and give attention to me.
16:03You cannot disrespect me,
16:04ignore me,
16:05and hit another chick.
16:09I'd like to start this day off positive with you,
16:11and let's show everybody else.
16:14You know.
16:15Let's show.
16:16You use your energy not to make friends,
16:17but fix your relationship with me.
16:20Use your energy.
16:22Let's show everybody else
16:23that we can do this, okay?
16:27Let's go have a good day.
16:31Don't message Sophie anymore.
16:35Let's go.
16:36Do like that.
16:37Do like this?
16:38Just cross.
16:39What is that?
16:40Like you keep your promise.
16:42It's a stoic people do it.
16:43Just cross.
16:45I don't know.
16:48It feels like Josh is trying to put on me
16:51sprinkle magic fairy dust thing.
16:53He keeps kissing me and holding me,
16:56and it feels like it's an excuse
16:58to avoid the conversation.
17:00But James told me
17:02that I should trust Josh more.
17:04And now Josh tells me
17:07that he's here for me and only me,
17:09so now I'm kind of let it go.
17:11But at the same time,
17:13I'm watching.
17:18Here we go.
17:39Natalie and Josh!
17:42Good to see you guys again.
17:43Good to see you.
17:44My brother.
17:46Good to see you, man.
17:48I missed you.
17:51Yesterday, Vinny and I had our date
17:53riding ETVs in the desert,
17:55and I feel like we kind of did make some progress.
17:58And today, the therapist told us
18:00that we're all going off the resort
18:01for another therapy session, so...
18:03I feel hopeful.
18:05I'm ready to do the work.
18:06It's not out of the doghouse at all,
18:08but I don't know if we're the worst couple here,
18:11to be honest.
18:16Good morning.
18:17Good morning.
18:19I can't believe you are going to bed here last night
18:22with dirty feet when you're walking in the street.
18:24I can't believe you've done this.
18:25I can't believe you.
18:26Good morning, guys.
18:27Come on, stop talking.
18:30Come on.
18:36Are you guys feeling hungover today?
18:39Can you die from a hangover?
18:42I don't feel very good, honestly.
18:46You missed the boys' day.
18:48Boys' day?
18:49You didn't have boys' day without me?
18:51In the pool.
18:52Oh, come on, man.
18:53You missed it, man.
18:54You missed the drama.
18:56Lauren and Jasmine were butting heads,
18:58so I had to...
18:59That girl's...
19:00That girl's...
19:01annoying, man.
19:03Yeah, annoying, man.
19:05Florian, that freaking Florian.
19:07I don't want to see that dude today, honestly.
19:09Yeah, he's rude.
19:10I already didn't like him.
19:12Yeah, he's a dick.
19:13He's a dick and ass.
19:15Well, he got a little upset moment.
19:17I think...
19:18Upset moment?
19:19A little.
19:20So savage.
19:21What an animal.
19:22This dude is...
19:23I don't want him to be friends with you,
19:25because he's a bad influence.
19:30So, did you get a chance
19:32to repair everything with Jasmine
19:34and Sophie and everybody?
19:36Well, I did.
19:37I apologize.
19:38Oh, good.
19:39That's good.
19:41I was with Natalie
19:42when Sophie showed her the text message.
19:46She was very hurt.
19:47Yeah, I know.
19:48It was shocking.
19:49It was really hurt.
19:50I know, and I apologize to her.
19:53To be fair, Stacey,
19:54I've not touched Sophie.
19:57I also know that the messages that I sent
20:00were harmless.
20:01They were friendly.
20:03It was never, like, inappropriate.
20:09Josh is charismatic and friendly,
20:13but I'm really weary for Natalie,
20:15because this guy is clearly
20:17stringing Natalie along,
20:19and I'm not sure why Natalie is falling for it.
20:23Natalie, do you, you know,
20:25do you trust that?
20:38It's really not easy to just
20:40forget and forget so quickly.
20:42Yeah, I totally understand that.
20:44It takes time to heal.
20:46It takes time to heal.
20:50I hope that this is not a focal point for people,
20:54because there's really nothing there.
20:56There's nothing there with me and Sophie.
20:58We're friends.
20:59That's what it is.
21:00I'm done with the situation.
21:01I'm here to move on.
21:02If you want to move on, let's do it.
21:10Do you think Josh is coming back?
21:13I don't know.
21:15Sophie, write him back.
21:18Hey, where are you?
21:20Should I message him, be like,
21:21hey, are you coming back?
21:22Oh, my God.
21:28So, do we think that they're talking
21:30s*** about us in the other van?
21:33Yes, definitely.
21:34S*** and s***, yes.
21:36Special Julian Jasmine.
21:39Annoying. Talk too much, man.
21:41I thought you were going to maybe
21:42call some of the guys, but...
21:44You're calling out all the girls.
21:45The angels are the guys.
21:48The girls are the devil.
21:50All right, then.
21:51Therapy is going to be exciting with you.
21:59I'm here.
22:09Okay, let's stay with our team, guys.
22:11We are the cool people.
22:17Up, down, whatever.
22:24At least we are both wearing hats.
22:26Isn't that beautiful out there?
22:27Look at the view.
22:29The lake is just beautiful,
22:31but I have no idea what the heck
22:33they are going to make us do.
22:35All I know is Florian is like an infection
22:37that spreads everywhere.
22:39I'm sick and tired of him.
22:40So, the best for you and for me
22:42is to please stay away from him.
22:46If not, it might be a disaster.
22:52The competition has begun.
22:56Come on.
22:59That's what they're doing.
23:01Oh, they're turning us.
23:03That's not fair.
23:04We're here for therapy,
23:05but the last thing I'm going to do
23:07is be last.
23:08Let's do this.
23:10Here we go.
23:24Hey, everyone.
23:27Hey, guys.
23:30We're going to ask everyone,
23:31each couple stand in front of a kayak, please.
23:34Watch your step there.
23:36Be careful.
23:38I feel good out here.
23:40I'm seeing kayaks,
23:41and I have a kayak,
23:42so I like kayaking.
23:43This is like, okay,
23:44this is going to be a good day.
23:45I'm already feeling it.
23:46There's something about being in nature
23:48that is just so calming,
23:50and it helps to bring down those walls,
23:52and everybody here can not argue
23:54and can hopefully move forward.
23:58Welcome, everyone.
24:00Welcome back, Josh.
24:01We're glad to have you.
24:02Oh, thank you.
24:03Oh, my gosh.
24:04Now I see that Josh is back.
24:07And I'm kind of worried,
24:09because with Natalie,
24:10you never know what to expect.
24:12Hopefully, she's not going to come with more shed,
24:15but she is beyond crazy.
24:17And for me to say it,
24:18that's a lot.
24:20I would say the two craziest women
24:22I know of is Jasmine and Natalie.
24:24So they're about the same level.
24:26No, no, no.
24:27I don't want to be even.
24:29You have to choose one.
24:32I know.
24:33I think you might take the crown.
24:38Before we get started with today's activity,
24:40we're going to have everybody put on a life vest
24:42just to make sure you're safe,
24:43and then we'll continue.
24:52Okay, everyone.
24:53Today's activity,
24:54we're going to be talking about control
24:56and the power dynamic in our relationships.
24:59I'm curious.
25:00Who likes to lead?
25:06Oh, now I see kind of two hands going up.
25:09I see two hands going up.
25:11Gino, what are you thinking?
25:12I feel like I have to lead,
25:14otherwise our boat will sink.
25:16Our ship will sink.
25:17That's me.
25:18As he laughs.
25:19I don't find it funny.
25:22I also want to have a voice in this relationship,
25:25and lately I feel like whenever I express my voice,
25:29my opinion,
25:30it is taken as me bitching.
25:32I have a problem with that.
25:33I didn't mean leadership as she can't have an opinion.
25:36Yeah, absolutely I listen to her opinion.
25:38I'm hopeful that when you guys get off this kayak,
25:40we're going to see a little balance,
25:41and we're going to see you guys taking turns.
25:47When we ask the couples
25:48which one's the leader in this relationship,
25:50it's interesting because some of them
25:52kind of want to fight for the power and control.
25:54Some of them can't even explain the dynamic that they're in.
25:56They're not sure which role they want to be in.
25:58When we're dealing with a healthy relationship,
26:00I think it's important
26:01that the leadership responsibilities are shared.
26:03Sometimes somebody has to take the lead.
26:05Sometimes somebody has to support them.
26:08Josh and Natalie, what about the two of you?
26:11I think I'm a natural leader.
26:14Natalie, how do you respond to that?
26:16I don't mind you being a leader,
26:18but I also feel like every leader needs an advisor.
26:23Oh, I like that.
26:25That's a good way to look at it.
26:27There you go.
26:28So you guys, we have a wonderful activity planned for you today.
26:32What I'm going to have you do now is, within your couple,
26:36talk about who and what role you're going to play.
26:39You either are going to be a rower or a thrower.
26:44What's the responsibility of the thrower?
26:47A rower is going to take the oar and row.
26:50The thrower is going to have to hold on to a ball
26:54and eventually shoot it in a basket, which we'll explain.
26:57So rowing a kayak and throwing a ball.
27:00Two additional rules.
27:02One, you have to stay in your role.
27:05You cannot switch roles.
27:07The other rule is the rower cannot put their hands on the ball,
27:11and the thrower cannot put their hands on the oar.
27:15Oh, wow.
27:16Are we good? Everybody's understanding?
27:18So make your decision now.
27:20I want to have the balls.
27:24Which one do you want to be?
27:26I want to have the ball.
27:28You decide.
27:30You want to be the leader? You decide.
27:32I don't care.
27:33So Ari and Binny, did you guys decide your roles?
27:36We knew right away.
27:37What is it?
27:40Love it.
27:41Okay. Brandon and Julia?
27:44I can be a thrower. He can be a rower.
27:47Okay. Was that an easy decision for the two of you?
27:49I mean, I don't want to make my muscle work right now.
27:52Josh, what are you guys picking? Natalie?
27:55I'm going to throw. Natalie's going to row.
27:57Got it. Gino?
27:59I gave Jasmine the option. She wants to throw, so I'll row.
28:02Love it.
28:03You're going to row, and you're going to throw.
28:05This is seeming pretty smooth, guys. I love it.
28:07Stacy and Florian?
28:08What are you thinking?
28:09I've been leader for nine years. I don't want a year more.
28:14Stacy, you're in a position where you get to pick.
28:19I'll be the thrower. You can be the rower.
28:22And Rob and Sophie?
28:23I'll row. She can throw.
28:26Got it.
28:27So here is the directions, all right?
28:29You guys will get in your kayaks.
28:31The rowers will row to that boat behind you.
28:35Tied to that boat is a net with a ball in it.
28:38The throwers need to untie the ball and get possession of that ball.
28:44Once you're ready, the rower is going to go around this bend down here to a dock.
28:50On the dock are two baskets.
28:53The throwers are then going to throw the ball like a jump shot into the basket.
28:58Once you make your basket, the rowers are going to paddle you back to this position.
29:04The first couple here is the winner.
29:08So this activity has a reward for the winner.
29:13Oh, we're going to win.
29:15Now we're talking.
29:17There's a little bit of a motivation.
29:20What is the prize? What is the prize?
29:22We will announce that later.
29:25I'm hoping this kayak challenge will really show the teamwork
29:29and ultimately some great communication skills between the couples.
29:32And there's a difference between being a leader and being a dictator.
29:35At the end of the day, we want to see them leading from a place of love, care,
29:40but also listening to their partner and making sure they're guiding them along this journey.
29:44I'm going to row.
29:47I'll be able to go faster, and I'll get us closer.
29:50Good luck, everybody, and let's get into those kayaks.
29:58So initially in my thought, maybe if we just kind of make it halfway,
30:03I can just sink a three-pointer and we'll be ahead of everybody.
30:07But then I thought about it a little bit more, and I was like, I need to row.
30:11I need to row. All the guys are rowing,
30:13so it's going to be tough for Natalie to keep up.
30:17And so before we start, I say, I'm going to row, you're going to throw.
30:21I'm going to get you there quick, and that's what we're going to do.
30:24But still, I'm going to help you to achieve the best result.
30:28Let's go, team.
30:32The competition has begun.
30:35Come on!
30:37Come on!
30:42Come on, Josh, come on! Come on, man, come on!
30:45Come on! Josh, please, come on!
30:59Oh, they're tearing us! That's not fair!
31:03That's not fair!
31:06We just started the race, and Josh gets his kayak right in pinning position,
31:12so my kayak ends up getting spent all the way around,
31:16and now Sophie and I are in last place.
31:22They are playing so dirty right now, it's crazy.
31:25We're here for therapy, but the last thing I'm going to do is be last.
31:29I've got to at least beat Natalie and Josh.
31:36They're cheating!
31:38I'm not cheating!
31:40Josh, let's get out of there!
31:54Oh, they're tearing us! That's not fair!
31:57That's not fair!
31:59That's not fair!
32:06That's not fair!
32:08They definitely cheated, because they changed who was rolling and who was shooting.
32:12Before even the game started, they cheated.
32:14They switched their roles once they heard the actual game rules.
32:17That's just really unfair, and also this is like a therapy process.
32:21I feel like for them to cheat during this shows their character, honestly.
32:30What the **** are you doing?
32:34Yeah, it's inside, so it hurts.
32:36Here you go, I've got to get the ball.
32:38I've got to get the ball, it's over there.
32:47No, I can't touch it.
32:52No, it's a rule, no touching.
32:54No, Julia, you're cheating!
32:56No cheaters.
32:58You will lose.
33:00You already cheated!
33:05No, don't cheat!
33:07No cheating!
33:09I don't care.
33:11Benny, call it to me!
33:13Benny, Benny!
33:15You can't miss, that's not fair!
33:29Yes, go!
33:32Come on, come on.
33:36I'm trying, babe.
33:38Hype me up, you're my hype man.
33:46Got it!
33:48Let's go.
33:54Look at these nails.
33:56How am I supposed to untie anything with these?
33:58If I would have known what we were doing, I would have taken them off.
34:01I know games are supposed to be fun, but I really do take them serious.
34:04And we already were sabotaged by my nails, by Nathalie and Josh,
34:08so I'm like, now I really want to win.
34:27Come on, Josh, come on.
34:32I'm in jail.
34:39Oh, get in there!
34:45Come back, come back.
34:47Wait, wait, wait, wait.
34:53Don't pull on it, don't pull on it.
34:57Come on, come on.
35:06Get back, get back, get back.
35:15And you know why, baby? I'm very proud of you.
35:18Because, don't take it wrong, but you're the oldest guy.
35:24And you are killing it, baby, you are killing it.
35:27Get me as close as possible, okay?
35:35Why are you yelling at me?
35:37I didn't tell you to just...
35:44There you go!
35:48Vinny and I are not good at working together.
35:51He does not like the way I do things, and I tend to not like the way he does things.
35:55So, I'm not going to say anything to him, because anything I say is just going to piss him off.
35:59This is exactly typical of how the relationship is,
36:02because all I'm trying to do is tell him, you know, something simple,
36:06and he immediately goes, you're trying to control me.
36:09And at the end of the day, it's not worth it for me to even get upset about.
36:15Why are you paddling so slow?
36:17Oh, I'm paddling slow.
36:19Why'd you take forever to untie the rope?
36:25Come on, come on, come on, come on.
36:27You can do this.
36:29You're stronger than him. Look at him.
36:31You're so strong.
36:37Cardio is not my strong suit.
36:39I just like to lift weights, so I was beat.
36:41I was... I was tired.
36:43But as hungover as I am, I'm surprised we're doing so good.
36:49Josh and Natalie cheating, so we are first.
36:55Come on, come on, come on, come on, come on.
37:15My winner.
37:20We won by a long shot,
37:22and I'm actually, like, excited
37:25because for the first time, like, Natalie and I agreed,
37:28and, like, we did something good.
37:30I think we worked the best because we are the smartest.
37:35And we make good team when we don't fight.
37:38You are a f****** traitor.
37:40How did she cheat?
37:42Because he should paddle and he should be like a trooper,
37:44and that's cheating.
37:46Stop f****** you.
37:49We got f****** over.
37:51They cheated, so really we would have won, but it's fine.
37:54It's cool.
37:58Who said no rules?
38:01We had a few rules.
38:13You got it. You got it.
38:16How was it for you?
38:18It was cool.
38:21Welcome back, everybody.
38:23You guys did amazing.
38:24That was so exciting to see you guys all in action.
38:27You should be pretty proud of yourselves.
38:29How was the experience?
38:30I want to hear from you guys.
38:31What was it like?
38:33It was fun.
38:34It was fun.
38:35It was pretty challenging.
38:36I was shocked, but we did it.
38:38Rob, Sophie, what's happening here with the body language?
38:41Why are you guys standing so far apart?
38:43Sophie's just blaming s*** on me all the time.
38:46I didn't blame the loss on you.
38:48I blamed it on people that cheat, not you.
38:50Yeah, but then somehow it turns into you taking it out on me.
38:52I mean, I was motivating him the whole way.
38:54I was just like, let's go. You can do it. Come on.
38:56She's like, oh my God, you're not going fast enough.
38:58That was at the end. That was at the end.
39:00Rob and Sophie, it's seeming like the same old issues are coming out for them,
39:05and there's a lot of work that needs to be done for them to move forward.
39:10Oh, who won? Because we were so far behind that I have no idea.
39:14She's going to say everybody won now.
39:16Well, listen, yes. In my mind, everybody did.
39:19But you guys all did amazing. I mean, really.
39:21Well, let's give yourselves a round of applause.
39:23You really did great.
39:24That said, unfortunately, Natalie and Josh,
39:30there were some concerns with breaking one of the rules,
39:33with staying in our rules, with if you are a rower, you have to remain a rower.
39:39Disqualify! Disqualify!
39:42Disqualify! Disqualify!
39:45Disqualify! Disqualify!
39:48Who cares? Who cares?
39:52I do feel attacked right now because instead of saying congratulations,
39:56people attack me and they're taking my win from me.
40:00It's not right. I don't feel that Josh and I cheated.
40:04We're winners.
40:07Well, no, it's not fair.
40:10It's not a big deal.
40:12No, it's a big deal.
40:14Just the fact that Natalie and Josh will get disqualified and
40:19bitches, you're not getting the prize, makes me so happy.
40:25It's not a big deal.
40:27Because Natalie is a snake.
40:31Do we comprehend the reality of she's just waiting and I'm behind her rowing,
40:37but she feels like she's doing everything?
40:39She's lazy.
40:46Sorry, can you stop laughing? Can you have some respect, please?
40:51It's not about you right now!
40:54It's not about you right now!
41:19Let's give Nalia a moment.
41:21First of all, I'm saying to you so much, but when we left the ground,
41:25you all knew we already switched, but you were fine.
41:28So when we won, you're not fine.
41:30You are cheating and it's not fair and we won.
41:34I have to say, all of us chose rower or thrower before...
41:39And we switched it! We switched it on the land.
41:42Before we knew what we were doing.
41:44But after we switched it and you would let us to do it.
41:46That's the point.
41:47No, you would let us.
41:48We have no idea who's rowing and throwing when you guys are running out there.
41:52It's okay, we're...
41:55They thought it wasn't clear that we'd redefined our roles before we started.
42:00And, you know, at this moment, I'm like, dude, okay, we can't win.
42:04At this point, everybody is against us.
42:07I feel like, fine, they don't like me, so what?
42:10I'm here to build relationship with Josh and I'm stronger and better.
42:15I'm the fairest of them all, so I don't give a f**k.
42:18And who cares what they think?
42:23Even though all of you did an amazing and you guys came in the fastest...
42:28We sure did.
42:29Julia and Brandon were the winners of this competition.
42:35Good job!
42:37What do we win?
42:38You guys actually won a night in the honeymoon suite of the resort.
42:48We're going to make our way over down the beach area and we're going to go start to talk about the whole control and power dynamic.
43:19Well, what did you guys all think of that activity today?
43:23Well, this is a surfaced activity, correct?
43:28Like, we need to get into how to connect this to your day-to-day life.
43:34Jasmine, what do you think about all of this?
43:39I will let my husband be the leader.
43:41I will let my husband be the leader.
43:44He's silent, respond first.
43:47I love it.
43:49What are your thoughts, Gino?
43:50I mean, it took us a long time to get the ball out and we fell way behind.
43:55We were way behind everybody else.
43:58I wasn't expecting her to be calm at that point.
44:00Like, I thought she'd be more, you know, not so calm.
44:07But she stayed calm.
44:08And I was shocked, you know.
44:11I'm thinking in my head, wow, this is how we need our relationship to be.
44:16It was good.
44:18I'm astonished that Gino and Jasmine had such a good day.
44:21If only Gino and Jasmine could keep this up.
44:24I think Jasmine would finally get laid and Gino would get what he wants.
44:28He'd get some peace in his relationship.
44:32The power of nature.
44:33The beauty of nature.
44:35It's like, just get outside.
44:37Do stuff together.
44:38And you'll have fun.
44:40I want to point out so many amazing things that I've seen happening.
44:44The dynamic.
44:45You know, some people kind of took a more relaxed approach and said,
44:48I'm going to let my partner step up.
44:51You know, I was seeing that with Florian and Stacey.
44:53What goes through your mind as we're talking about this now and thinking about your approach?
44:58I feel like for me and Florian, usually we're at odds.
45:04And this was really the first time we came together as a team and pulled through.
45:08Even though we, you know, had some bumps in the road, hit some rocks.
45:12There was some bickering along the way.
45:14I didn't get the basket right away.
45:16It took me like three times.
45:17And he, a little, you know, come on, come on, come on.
45:21But you guys didn't quit.
45:22Trying to root me out, but we didn't quit.
45:24And we're not quitters.
45:25And we've been together nine years.
45:26And I feel like that's still in us.
45:29We don't want to give up on each other.
45:32Sophie and Rob, after doing the exercise, how do you feel?
45:37And how does it transfer into your day-to-day life?
45:40So we'll start with you, Sophie.
45:43He usually goes first.
45:44I'm going to go with you.
45:47I don't know.
45:48I was just like telling him what he should do.
45:50I don't know if he was listening or not.
45:51I'm sure he was trying.
45:53But I guess that is kind of like our real relationship too.
45:56Like, it's like I feel like I'm always telling him what I want him to do.
45:59And even though he feels like he's trying his best, I don't feel like he is.
46:04I had one job today.
46:06And I rowed.
46:07What else can I do?
46:08You're saying, I'm doing my best.
46:09I'm doing what I can.
46:10I'm doing what I can.
46:11And that is so, so, like, that is our relationship of me doing what there is to do.
46:16And Sophie just somehow doesn't, it's just not enough.
46:20It's not, it isn't what I'm supposed to do somehow.
46:23Even though I'm doing exactly what I'm supposed to do.
46:26I definitely feel like Rob and Sophie are on completely separate pages.
46:32I do.
46:34She does like this whole, like, save me thing.
46:37She has, she does have this cute little voice.
46:39So it kind of gives her this innocence.
46:41And so she tries to get away with that.
46:45But she has ulterior motives.
46:48And so I think Rob better watch out.
46:51Some women, they think, oh, if I'm beautiful, it's automatically I have to do nothing to be happy.
46:58But the thing is, your beauty is not enough.
47:05We comprehend the reality of she's holding a ball and just in the front seat, just waiting.
47:09And I'm in, I'm behind her rowing, but she feels like she's doing everything.
47:13She's lazy, that's it.
47:14What could you possibly do in those moments to make things go smoother?
47:19I don't know. I don't know how I can be clearer with what I want.
47:22It just feels like he doesn't get it.
47:24Sorry, it's fine.
47:27When I ask him to do something, he does what he thinks he should do, instead of what I'm asking him to do.
47:36I don't know.
47:38I don't know.
47:39He thinks he should do, instead of what I'm asking him to do.
47:44Sorry, can you stop laughing while I'm talking?
47:46It's extremely rude.
47:47Everyone's trying to be vulnerable here.
47:48Can you have some respect, please?
47:54A lot of the time, what I am looking for is reassurance.
48:00Like with the rowing thing.
48:01I wanted to hear him at the back being like, we got it, I'm doing it.
48:04I wanted to hear it back and I didn't.
48:10I'm sorry.
48:13It's not about you right now.
48:15It's about everybody, everybody.
48:19Because it's too much.
48:20Look at me, look at me.
48:22It's not about you right now.
48:28Done. I mean, too much.
48:36I feel this anxiety now so bad.
48:38Next time on 90 Day The Last Resort.
48:41So, when they say like, I don't want kids.
48:46This is such a painful.
48:49I don't know how to explain.
48:51But, I'm so scared to be in reality.
48:59You know that you've hurt me so bad over the years.
49:03And I just want you to admit that what you've done has really hurt me and destroyed me.
49:09I believe that he cheated when I was pregnant with Avi.
49:12If he doesn't acknowledge the past mistakes, then we can't move on until we fix it.
49:17You're a liar.
49:18No, you're not.
49:22You're a piece of...
49:29Kiss me.
49:33Kiss me.
49:34No, I don't want to right now at this moment.
49:39I love him, but I crave for sex, you know.
49:44I'm convinced now that the only possible solution to save our marriage is to open it up to someone else.
49:52You are losing me.
49:56I'm breaking up with him three times.
49:58He would come back and he would say, we work on our relationship.
50:02You lied to me.
50:03What we are.
50:04What you and I.
50:05What we are.
50:06I think that's why we're here trying to figure it out.
50:11Oh, wow.
