The Rookie - Season 1 Episode 17
00:00It's just not a term you expect to hear in 2019, you know?
00:13Grave robber.
00:14Like, chimney sweep.
00:17Keep naming old-ass jobs and your next one's gonna be at Medieval Times.
00:18Copy that.
00:19There he is.
00:20There he is.
00:22But if you start digging up body parts to make a monster, you're on your own.
00:37Geez, she scared me.
00:39Get out of there.
00:40It's okay. This is my mom.
00:41Didn't you miss her so much you had to dig her up?
00:43No, she's got my jewelry.
00:45She was supposed to leave it to me, but they buried her with it, and now I need it.
00:49It's about drugs.
00:52Come on.
00:53Come on.
00:54Climb on out of there.
00:55Hands over your head.
00:56Did you lose your fingers?
00:59I really do miss her.
01:02She's the only person that ever believed in me.
01:04I've been so lost since she's been dead.
01:06Maybe you should use this as an opportunity to get your life straight.
01:10You know what?
01:11Get clean.
01:12Make your mother proud.
01:15Yeah, I'm going to do that.
01:17I'm going to turn my life around.
01:19I'm going to get clean for Mom.
01:26It's going to be one of those nights, isn't it?
01:31Come on, get up.
01:33Come on, I got you.
01:36Come on.
01:42She's over there.
01:45I remember that statue from the funeral.
01:50I'll put them in the shop.
01:57It still doesn't feel real.
01:59Yeah, but life goes on whether we like it or not.
02:08Okay, back to it.
02:37Oh, I could get used to this.
02:39They don't have this in D.C.
02:41Nope, just an equal amount of self-absorbed people.
02:44Only they're far more pale.
02:46Which is why you should spend more than a few days a month down here with me.
02:50I wish I could, but I landed this big security contract in Virginia.
02:56Which reminds me, there's this thing that I heard about that I think you should volunteer for.
03:02I love volunteering for things.
03:04What's the thing?
03:05Well, a friend of mine is an ADA out here, and he mentioned that he's going to be reaching out to your station from Manpower for protection details.
03:13Some high-powered witness in a safe house.
03:17Sounds like fun.
03:18And some valuable experience.
03:20Now, what can I ever thank you?
03:22Oh, I'm sure I will think of a few ways.
03:25I'm sure you will.
03:28We're talking about sex, though, right?
03:29I am.
03:32For Captain Weatherby, the following protocol changes will take place immediately.
03:37We're putting boots on top of lockers.
03:39Any boots left on top of lockers will be thrown away at midnight and noon daily.
03:44Second, every officer must provide a business card to every citizen they contact.
03:49If a citizen doesn't want a business card, the officer must write a police report and document the fact the citizen refused a business card.
03:57Sir, with all due respect, this sucks.
03:59Ours is not to judge, Officer Lopez.
04:02Command believes that the captain's focus on efficiency is what Midwilshire needs right now.
04:10Captain, can I help you?
04:12I need an updated vehicle list.
04:15Yes, sir. I'm in the middle of a roll call. I'll get you right after.
04:18But since you're here, would you like to say anything inspirational to day shift?
04:26You're talking about the boots?
04:28Yes, sir.
04:30Oh, okay.
04:31Well, keep up the good work.
04:44All right.
04:47Last bit of business.
04:49District Attorney's Office has a witness on ice. They need our help watching him.
04:54I usually don't assign rookies these types of details, Officer Nolan.
04:58And Officer Bishop would have to agree.
05:01Forget it. Protection details are like watching paint dry.
05:04Looks like you're out of luck.
05:06I'll do it.
05:08Yeah, Nolan and I haven't had a chance to bond yet.
05:16All right. Bishop, you'll be riding with Chin. That's it.
05:20Oh, and remember, when you take your shops in at night,
05:24you now have to drive by the garage to get a mechanical inspection and mileage report.
05:30You're welcome.
05:32You're right. This sucks.
05:34For you, because I'll be home eating dinner while you're doing all that.
05:36Officer West to the front desk. Visitor.
05:40I'll be right back.
05:41Make it fast. Captain's put a clock on our rollout.
05:49What are you doing here?
05:51You left something at my place.
05:53I just can't really have visitors here.
05:57I just really want to keep my personal and work life separate.
06:04You left your off-duty weapon at my place.
06:08I can't believe I did that.
06:10You were a little distracted.
06:12Look, you don't understand. If anybody found out about this, I'd get fired. Immediately.
06:16And, like, why would you bring it here? What if you got pulled over?
06:19You're mad at me about this?
06:21No, look...
06:22I gotta get to work.
06:24I'm sorry, but you know what?
06:27Hey, Boot, what's the holdup?
06:30Uh, nothing. Sorry. I just...
06:33Actually, can I just get a minute? I need to hit the locker room.
06:3630 seconds or I file you for the day.
06:43I should have left his boots out.
06:45You up to date on protection detail protocols?
06:47I think so.
06:48Okay, we use the LOSER system. Name for the LOSERs we protect. L-O-S-R.
06:52Listen, observe, secure, report.
06:54You listen for any movement, changes, or information that impact the mission.
06:58Observe the subject's behavior, changes in the environment, etc.
07:01Secure. Make sure no threats infiltrate the perimeter.
07:04And finally, report.
07:05Report any suspicious activity, no matter how minor, to your superior officer immediately.
07:10That means me.
07:11What about E?
07:13LOSER has an E?
07:15E is for engage, which is left out because you are not to engage a subject unless it's a life-threatening emergency.
07:20We're here to guard this guy, not braid his hair and beat besties.
07:22That understood?
07:24I don't even know how to braid hair.
07:25I was gonna learn if we had a daughter, but...
07:28Never mind.
07:40You all right?
07:41Yeah, yeah, yeah, thanks. You got me when I wasn't looking.
07:43You're under arrest for assaulting an officer.
07:45He's the one who should be arrested.
07:47He said he'd rip up the ticket if I gave him $100.
07:49That's not true.
07:50I tell it is.
07:51Sir, there's no use in lying, all right?
07:52Whatever really happens is gonna be on the officer's body camera.
07:56Where's your body camera?
08:02It's, uh, it's in the car. It was on the fritz. I'll go get it.
08:09Officer, wait!
08:14Get out of the car!
08:15Get out of the car now!
08:16Okay, take it easy.
08:17Get out of the car.
08:18Take it easy, man. Come on.
08:19Interlace your fingers and face the car.
08:20Go, go, go.
08:23Guys, it's a big misunderstanding.
08:25Can we just talk this out, you know? Cop's a cop.
08:27You're not a cop.
08:28And impersonating a law enforcement officer is a felony.
08:30I want a lawyer.
08:31Maybe you can impersonate one.
08:43That's the safe house.
08:45Seven Adam 19 on scene at the mutual aid call.
08:47I'll make contact in ten seconds.
08:49Roger, Seven Adam 19.
08:54LAPD, Bradford, Nolan.
08:59Uh, Officer Nolan?
09:01Hey, I'm ADA Sean Del Monte.
09:02Jessica Risla told me you'd be helping out.
09:04Sir, Officer Nolan is a rookie.
09:06I'm his superior, Officer Tim Bradford.
09:09Oh, sorry. I just assumed that he'd be in charge.
09:11The last guy Jessica dated was a Navy SEAL.
09:14Yeah. Talk about a strong handshake like a bicycle.
09:16Okay, can we have the download in our protectee?
09:18Of course.
09:20Brad Hayes.
09:22Worked border patrol for 12 years down in Temecula.
09:24Rose to second in command.
09:26And he turned around and started using what we taught him to help the other side.
09:29He charged the cartels a fortune to smuggle people in and out.
09:33Now he's naming names.
09:34No wonder he's hiding out here.
09:36Yeah, he's testifying before a grand jury tomorrow.
09:39Look, Sheriff's Department will coordinate shift changes.
09:41Here's my card.
09:42Use the cell number in case anything comes up, no matter how small.
09:45Will do.
09:46Deputy, it's really nice to meet both of you.
09:48And again, sorry for the confusion.
09:49No worries.
09:53Navy SEAL?
09:54Focus, Boot.
09:55Do a sweep of the house.
09:56No ingress and egress points, escape avenues, sight lines.
09:59Report back in ten.
10:00Yes, sir.
10:04How's it going?
10:05Fine, thanks.
10:09No Ian Luthor.
10:15There is an Ian Luthor.
10:29She's got him locked up in there.
10:30I haven't been able to reach him in days.
10:33My boyfriend.
10:34Who's got him locked up?
10:35His mother.
10:37His mother?
10:38Look, no offense, but could it be that he just doesn't want to see you?
10:41No, she's really striped and she hates that we're together.
10:45I'm really worried.
10:50Police, open up!
11:00I have a key.
11:01I have a key.
11:02Stay back.
11:14Keep God before them.
11:18No, Mom, please.
11:19The Lord sustains my life.
11:22Burn back the evil upon my foes.
11:26In your faithfulness, destroy them.
11:29And by the power of our Lord Jesus Christ, may you be snatched away and driven from the church of God.
11:39From all the souls made in the image and likeness of God,
11:42and redeemed by the precious blood of the Divine Lamb,
11:45I cast you...
11:48Get away from him!
11:49That's enough.
11:51You have to let me save him.
11:52He's been possessed by the Dark One.
11:54I need R86991 West Elroy,
11:57teenage Hispanic male suffering from dehydration.
12:00What did you do to him, you sick bitch?
12:04He's been possessed by your Phil.
12:21Did you countermand my vehicle reassignment order?
12:24I thought that was a mistake.
12:26You reassigned all our extra shops to LAX.
12:29But what are we supposed to use if one of our cars breaks down?
12:32The inventory lists 10 mountain bikes. We'll use those.
12:34Yeah, exercise is good for the soul.
12:36Less helpful in the high-speed pursuit.
12:38I have got a doctor's appointment, and then lunch with the deputy chief.
12:41So, make sure those monthly reports are on my desk when I get back.
12:44Yes, sir.
12:51He seems fun.
12:54What are you doing there?
12:55Uh, your wife called me.
12:56She said that you were considering throwing the new captain out the window.
12:58You came to talk me out of it.
13:00I never open the window, which everyone seems more protective.
13:04He's hurting around.
13:06And our ability to do our jobs.
13:08He's not the first pencil pusher you've worked for, right?
13:11And he probably won't be the last.
13:13So, it is your job to find a workaround.
13:21You think it'll be okay?
13:22Physically, yes. But mentally, I'm not so sure.
13:25I still can't believe a mother would do that to her own son.
13:28It's not the worst thing I've seen a parent do.
13:30Oh, uh, hey, do you mind if I take this call?
13:38Mom, slow down.
13:40Is he okay?
13:43Did they send him to Shaw Memorial?
13:45Okay, yeah, no, that's good.
13:47My dad got attacked by one of his patients.
13:49They think his arm is broken.
13:55I'll go as soon as my shift's done, okay?
13:56We'll go now.
13:58I'm gonna go right now, and I'll call you right after I see him, okay?
14:01I love you, too.
14:02Um, thanks.
14:04My mom is out of town at a conference.
14:06Are you sure this is okay?
14:08Yeah, it's family.
14:09Control, have a unit meet us at Shaw Memorial for a prisoner transfer.
14:13Also, show us 10-6 personal.
14:19The old house is about 1,900 square feet.
14:21Upstairs is two bedrooms, a bathroom, and a very small attic.
14:24Sight lines are blocked from the east.
14:26I'm bored.
14:27Not our problem.
14:29Oh, it is killing me not having Internet access.
14:33Or a phone.
14:35They actually gave me newspapers.
14:37What, do they think I'm an animal?
14:39Sir, we're here to keep you alive, not entertain, so step back.
14:41Let us do our job.
14:43He doesn't like me, does he?
14:44He probably thinks I'm a traitor.
14:46I don't need to judge you, sir.
14:47Just keep you safe.
14:48He's very good.
14:49Very reassuring.
14:51I'm gonna have a beer.
14:52You guys want one?
14:53No, thank you.
14:57Let's go.
15:09Officer Nolan?
15:10Yes, sir.
15:11I read about you in the newspaper.
15:13Your captain got killed in the line of duty.
15:17Sounded like a real badass.
15:19She was.
15:20Your name was all over that article.
15:22Pretty heroic stuff.
15:25I'm not a rogue enough.
15:29Respiratory therapist in form west.
15:31Respiratory therapist in form west.
15:37I'm looking for my dad who was brought in a little while ago.
15:39Broken arm.
15:40Yeah, he's in bed too.
15:41I'm so sorry.
15:42Yeah, thanks.
15:45Do we know what his status is?
15:46Doctor saw him in schedule for x-rays.
15:48Depending how bad the break is, he might need surgery.
15:52I'll goose the process along.
15:53Put in a room request.
16:02Are you okay?
16:04I'm fine.
16:05Your mother shouldn't have called you.
16:07Of course she should have.
16:08What happened?
16:09I was in the middle of some alternative anger management therapy,
16:13and my patient lost control.
16:15What's his name?
16:18Because he broke your arm.
16:21He had a dissociative episode.
16:23He didn't mean to hurt me.
16:25It doesn't matter.
16:26The law is clear.
16:27The law is broken.
16:48So, you think this is the solution?
16:51To pretend that this didn't happen?
16:53It's a better solution than letting you lock him up.
16:57Now I'm in pain.
16:58So if you're more worried about being a cop than being my daughter,
17:03maybe you should leave.
17:09You can sit down.
17:10I'm not gonna bite.
17:11I'm good.
17:12Of course.
17:13See yourself.
17:16Your partner there's a real hard-ass, huh?
17:19I had a supervisor just like him at Border Patrol.
17:23He got off on pushing buttons.
17:24He's my training officer.
17:26And we're not discussing this.
17:28I always forget that you are a rookie.
17:31It must chap your ass to be bossed around by a younger guy like that.
17:35Not at all.
17:36It's the only way I'm gonna learn.
17:39I'm not buying it.
17:41A guy like that?
17:42Oh, man.
17:43He is all sorts of superior.
17:45He probably thinks that I smuggle people over the border for the money.
17:49I watched people die.
17:53Every day, trying to cross that border, desperate for a new life.
17:57And after a few years of that, I couldn't take it anymore.
18:01I decided to do something and help them.
18:04And so, yeah, I made some money.
18:06But there are people that are alive today because of me.
18:10I had no idea you were such a humanitarian.
18:15What about the people you smuggled out of the country?
18:17The cartel members, fugitives from justice?
18:20Okay, yeah, that was for the money, but...
18:29Hey, you.
18:30What are you wearing?
18:31I am at the safe house right now.
18:34Did you meet my friend Sean?
18:35I did. You dated a Navy SEAL.
18:37Did you kill him?
18:38Yes, I did.
18:39It was for about two months, right after my divorce.
18:43Was he Team Six?
18:44Are you asking if my ex shot Bin Laden?
18:46Yes, didn't I?
18:47Thank you for your service, Conaway. Gotta go.
18:50Yeah, we'll keep it locked down here.
18:51Let us know ASAP.
18:53DA's office just discovered a credible threat against our guy.
18:56Cartel hit team.
18:57Trying to figure out if the safe house has been compromised.
19:03Well, that looks a little awkward.
19:05It sure does.
19:08There's the station.
19:09Gino, hey, I tried calling your cell.
19:12Yeah, I know.
19:13I didn't answer.
19:20He hung up.
19:21Why? What did he do?
19:25Do you mind if we stop by the hospital after lunch?
19:28Not unless you get food poisoning.
19:31Are they sending backup?
19:32That's unclear.
19:33It's not like they're scrambling to assess the situation.
19:35Hey, guys.
19:37Something going on? You seem stressed.
19:40If there's a problem, I deserve to know.
19:42It's my life that's on the line.
19:43Sit your ass back down.
19:45Make me.
19:54Hey! Hey! Get on the ground!
19:56Get off of him!
19:57Get down!
19:58Get down!
19:59Get down!
20:05Everybody under the bed!
20:09Everybody down!
20:10Get down!
20:17There's an earthquake.
20:24Get on!
20:39I got you.
20:44That was a pretty good one.
20:49I'm gonna check the house. Make sure we're still five by five.
20:51Watch him.
20:55Ever been through an earthquake before?
20:56Yeah, that takes some getting used to.
21:01Are those guys supposed to be here?
21:04Let's go from there.
21:27Get him!
21:28Give me your hands.
21:29Give me your hands!
21:30What the hell's going on?
21:31I left and I can't handle it.
21:33You all right?
21:35Any word on the hit squad?
21:36No. Radios are down. Phone.
21:38We're on our own.
21:50Okay. Okay. Let's get you to this table.
21:54Let's sit you down.
21:56I'm good. I'm good.
21:57Let me take a look.
21:58All right, that's gonna need a few stitches.
22:01That's another priority.
22:03Call out if you're injured.
22:05Hello? Hello? Landlines are down.
22:087 out of 100. SAS report.
22:11Hello? Hello?
22:12So are the radios.
22:13Where's the captain?
22:15At a doctor's appointment.
22:16Or maybe lunch by now.
22:17Everyone! Everyone! Listen up.
22:21We trained for this.
22:23First priority is assessment.
22:25Lennox Hall. Sweep the station for casualties.
22:28If anyone needs to go home to check on your family, you're dismissed.
22:31We take care of our own. Come back when you can.
22:34All right. When calm's down, we skip right to the old school part of the manual.
22:38This is a city with people in crisis.
22:42We will serve them, we will protect them, and we will make them safe. Understand?
22:46Yes, sir.
22:47All right, let's go. Let's go.
22:52All right, make sure you watch out for the glass.
22:54Stay out of it.
22:55Can I please get this guy out of here, please?
22:58You're gonna need to hold that to your face. Make sure you're holding that up.
23:00Hey, keep this elevated. Keep it up. Keep it up.
23:02Can I take this out against the bridge?
23:10Officer! Can you help?
23:12Let's get out there. He needs help.
23:16Calm down. We'll get to you.
23:18I'm working as fast as I can.
23:20Hey! Hey, ladies and gentlemen!
23:22Ladies and gentlemen, I need you to form a single file line in order of your arrival.
23:27Now, people! Right now!
23:29Single file. This line right here, yeah?
23:32Listen up, you guys. Settle down.
23:35Scalp lacerations.
23:36You can wait.
23:43Stress friction. You can wait.
23:45Gino? Gino.
23:48Just try to sit up. Try to sit up.
23:52Hey! Hey! I need a trauma team!
23:54I need a trauma team! Possible internal bleeding.
24:06Would it help if I said I was sorry?
24:08I think the earthquake set off my fight-or-flight response.
24:11Save it.
24:12I can't get through to the D.A.'s office or the station.
24:14Radios are down. Phone lines are overwhelmed.
24:16Get ready to move. Can't take a chance. This place has been compromised.
24:19That's dumb. Why would we run around the city?
24:21There's no cover. No concealment.
24:23Why don't we stay put from a tactical standpoint?
24:25You don't get a vote. You hit me in the head.
24:31There's no one else in the house, right?
24:32If there is, shoot them.
24:54We gotta get out of here. Back door!
24:56What if there's a gunman out there, too?
24:58Then you'll shoot him! We're sitting ducks here!
25:00Go! I'm not going anywhere!
25:02Go! No! Move!
25:39Come on, come on. Go, go, go.
25:48We need transportation.
25:50In case you haven't noticed, there's a sniper between us and our car.
25:52Hold here. Head on a swivel.
25:54This is stupid. We're sitting ducks.
25:56Shut up. You're in way over your head.
25:58This is the guy being hunted by the cartel hit squad.
26:07Nice car. Inconspicuous.
26:09Get in the back.
26:10What's the plan? Back to the station?
26:12No. That's where these guys expect us to go.
26:14Safest thing is to get lost.
26:16Let's go to the last place they think to look for us.
26:18I know just the place.
26:23Yep. That's definitely the last place they'd look for us.
26:32I hate to be that guy, but I'm going to need some sunblock.
26:35I burn real easy.
26:37I don't have any, but I could bury you up to your neck in the sand and put a trash can on your head.
26:40I'm fine.
26:53Whoa, whoa, whoa. I'm not putting that on.
26:55The wound is going to leak. Do you want blood running into your eye all day?
27:00That's what I thought.
27:01Oh, my goodness.
27:07Are we good?
27:08Wait, wait. Stay right there. One picture. Just one.
27:10One. Just one.
27:12All right. I'm ready. Let's go.
27:14All right. Radio tower's down.
27:16ETL repair is at least an hour.
27:19Phone services are swamped.
27:21Only 20% of the calls are getting through.
27:23So, we're going to mark every priority one call on the map,
27:27so we can all see where the trouble spots are.
27:29Sir, Captain Calden on my line with orders for you.
27:40Our fearless leader wants me to immediately dispatch a unit to Bel Air to guard against looters.
27:45And he also wants one sent to his own block.
27:48You believe this guy? There's no way I'm doing this.
27:50Oh, yes, you are.
27:52He's the captain. Disobeying orders like that will do nothing but get you fired.
28:10Hey. Sorry to interrupt. How's he feeling?
28:13Better. Thank you for saving him.
28:16Of course. It's my job.
28:19What's going to happen to my mom? Is she going to jail?
28:24That's not my call. She's facing serious charges.
28:28But her state of mind will be taken into consideration.
28:32And if you can advocate on her behalf, there's a chance she could avoid prison and get the treatment she needs.
28:44Control, 7 Adam 7, show us on patrol in Bel Air.
28:48Still no word from Gino?
28:49Nothing. What if he's hurt? Or worse?
28:53And the last thing I said to him wasn't anger.
28:55Odds are he's fine. The quake wasn't that big and the hospital's retrofitted.
29:00This is a waste of time and resources.
29:02The last thing people are going to do when the city's out of standstill is drive up to Bel Air and loot.
29:07Or maybe not.
29:19Front door's open.
29:24Stay back!
29:29Come on!
29:32I'll kill you!
29:37They're retreating inside!
29:38Let's go!
29:43Stay focused.
29:46Stay focused.
29:56Remember your training. Keep it cool, keep it tight.
30:15Hands up!
30:16Don't shoot!
30:17Come out of there!
30:18What? You dropped a gun!
30:19Don't leave BB guns!
30:20What the hell happened to you?
30:21My boss, he's lost his mind.
30:22What, you're a fat guy in a kimono?
30:24Yeah, Tommy Lamont, I'm his assistant. He was on day three of a coke binge when the earthquake hit and now he thinks he's standing in the world.
30:29I'm still lost on the welds.
30:31He had us hunting each other throughout the house with BB guns to stay sharp for the upcoming apocalypse.
30:36You're kidding.
30:37I wish. But then, when it hit, he got into the gun cabinet and I was terrified he would forget which was which.
30:43Can you turn off that alarm?
30:46Go do that, then wait outside.
30:52On me.
31:19Mr. Lamont, LAPD!
31:22Mr. Lamont, I need you to stand where I can see you and put your weapons on the ground.
31:27I'm not falling for that. I saw that episode of Midnight Apocalypse where they steal the police uniforms.
31:33This guy's out of his mind.
31:34Sir, you're not thinking straight. We're here to help you.
31:36I don't believe you!
31:39It was just the BB.
31:40That alarm is beating into my brain.
31:43Jonah's taking care of that.
31:45What have you done with Jonah?
31:46He's fine. Jonah is fine. He's helping us. Gonna take care of that alarm.
31:51Are you tricking? He's helping you steal my rations.
31:55Jonah! Don't listen to them! Don't trust them!
31:59I'm gonna be here all day.
32:03Mr. Lamont, I'm gonna confide in you, but you can't tell anyone.
32:07We have a place all set up.
32:09A bunch of us survivors are heading that way.
32:12Rations that can last for years. Solar power.
32:15But we need you to trust us and set down your weapons.
32:27Turn around and put your hands on the back of your head.
32:30Get on your knees.
32:47Are you okay?
32:49On the bright side, we finally have a legit reason to go to the hospital now.
32:52Jonah! Call my lawyer.
33:01Be a lot nicer without these cops.
33:04Text her back online.
33:05It's from the ADA. The hit team wasn't trying to kill Hayes. It was trying to rescue him.
33:09You were in on it the whole time? You set us up to be killed. Now!
33:13Hell yeah.
33:14As much as I love the idea of being a barista in armpit Arizona, I've got other plans.
33:20How do they know how to find you? You were sequestered. No phone, no internet.
33:24GPS tracker.
33:25Son of a bitch.
33:26That's not mine. We gotta get out of here.
33:40What do we do now?
33:41You guys just let me walk away.
33:43I mean, nobody gets hurt.
33:45Think how you're gonna feel if another buddy gets killed in the line of duty.
33:48Shut up.
33:51So what now?
33:52They can't afford to kill Hayes without them. Come up here and get him.
33:54You do know there's three of them, right?
33:56It's almost a fair fight.
33:58Hook him up.
34:03I don't know.
34:04I don't know.
34:05Hook him up.
34:33Drop your guns in the sand!
34:34Get down on your stomachs now!
34:36Get down now!
34:41Ant behind your back.
34:46So I'm guessing my immunity deal's out the window?
35:00Cafeteria had sneaker doodles.
35:03Can eat before the surgery.
35:07Well, you can have them after.
35:18I know you're disappointed in me.
35:22But you and Mom always taught me to be true to myself, and...
35:26This job, it's...
35:29It's who I am.
35:32It makes me happy.
35:36You hate the system because it's designed to punish people, not care for them.
35:40But that will never change unless people like me step up and make it change.
35:49I heard you talking to that patient down the hall.
35:54You were honest with him.
35:56And kind.
35:59I was impressed.
36:03Dr. Chen?
36:05I told you not to come.
36:07Dad, who's this?
36:09A friend.
36:10You should go.
36:11I'm so sorry.
36:16William, did you assault my father?
36:19It was an accident.
36:20I didn't...
36:22No, Lucy.
36:25It'll devastate him.
36:27Destroy all the work we've done.
36:29I'm sorry.
36:30Let him go.
36:31I can't.
36:32I don't have a choice.
36:36I will be right here when you get out of surgery, okay?
36:39Don't bother.
36:48Sorry, sorry.
36:49No, no.
36:50Don't be.
36:52Dad deserved to be in a little pain after overreacting this morning.
36:57My dad is a legend in the LAPD.
37:00Half the people there think I just got in on his name.
37:04Anything I do hits me twice as hard as any other rookie.
37:07So, yeah.
37:09Just try to keep my head down and make everything about the work.
37:14I'm sorry.
37:17That's not easy.
37:19No, it's not easy.
37:21What's not easy is admitting
37:23how freaked I was when I couldn't get a hold of you after the earthquake.
37:29I'm sorry
37:30for being such an idiot earlier.
37:35Do over.
37:38Do over.
37:43So, I guess it's our bad.
37:45Your bad?
37:46You guys were supposed to give Hayes a thorough pat-down before bringing him to the safe house.
37:48How the hell did they miss a tracking device?
37:50Well, they didn't.
37:51The deputy who patted him down confessed to slipping Hayes the tracking chip.
37:54He's in custody now, too.
37:55So, what's going to happen to Hayes?
37:57Well, he's facing half a dozen new charges, including two counts of attempted murder.
38:00He'll do 20 years easy.
38:02That's if he still cooperates.
38:06Officer Chen,
38:07booking report is only three pages.
38:09Why do you have five?
38:11I thought this arrest warranted a mental health report addendum.
38:15The perpetrator shattered your father's arm.
38:17Are you sure you're not trying to get back into your dad's good graces?
38:19I'm pretty sure that's impossible.
38:21But, um, he's not wrong.
38:23This guy needs help, not prison.
38:25So, I'm going to do what I can to help get that for him.
38:34Was that a test?
38:36What, you think Bradford has Monopoly on him?
38:43Thanks for the assist today.
38:45Are you kidding me?
38:46That was fun being back in crisis rooms.
38:51Yes, sir.
38:52I just got off the phone with my wife.
38:54The patrol that you assigned to my neighbor never showed up.
38:59That's my fault, sir.
39:01I rerouted the officers to assist the traffic collision.
39:04If you want to file a complaint, you'd be well within your rights to do so.
39:08I would.
39:09If I were remaining in command here.
39:12I've just been promoted to headquarters.
39:14Good luck with your next captain.
39:15Oh, good luck to you, sir.
39:20How the hell did that guy get promoted?
39:22Made a few phone calls.
39:24Sang his praises downtown.
39:26I told them how he single-handedly saved the city.
39:30Doesn't it bother you that he's going to take credit for everything that you did today?
39:39The people who matter, no.
39:45Me too.
39:49How'd you like your first earthquake?
39:51It was terrifying.
39:54I'm just waiting till the big one hits.
39:58Sean texted me about you.
40:01It looks like you made a fan.
40:06And I wouldn't have had you not told me about that opportunity, so thank you very much.
40:11I'm sorry that you almost got killed.
40:22Is everything okay?
40:27Is there a reason you didn't tell Sean about me being a rookie?
40:30I didn't know that I was supposed to.
40:33It bothers you?
40:35No, no. It's just...
40:38You're a very impressive woman.
40:42The least impressive thing about you is you're dating a 45-year-old rookie.
40:50That's ridiculous.
40:53Look, I...
40:55I like you.
40:57You like me.
41:00You're not always going to be a rookie, and I will always be this amazing.
41:09What's wrong with that?