The Rookie - Season 1 Episode 20
00:00You left your foster brother, a known felon, off your PHQ.
00:04I have a lot to be sorry for. And I am.
00:06I need someone here to be my eyes and ears.
00:08You want me to be a rat for internal affairs?
00:10Who the hell do you think you are?
00:12Your father.
00:13Not the one that I thought you were.
00:14We can cut him off in the plaza.
00:15Wait! Frank!
00:19When I push to be something I'm not, I almost got someone killed.
00:22The least impressive thing about you is you're dating a 45-year-old rookie.
00:27What's wrong with this?
00:28Until I administer the oral exam, get the hell out of my office.
00:38What's a 314?
00:39Indecent exposure.
00:40Nice. A 273G.
00:42Being intoxicated in the presence of a child.
00:44Well done. Reminds me of a funny story.
00:46Which is for later.
00:47How about a 237?
00:48False imprisonment.
00:49Nicely done.
00:50And a personal favorite of mine, a 597H.
00:52Unlawfully attaching a propeller to an animal so that dogs may chase it.
00:56Well done. That's 500 penal codes down, 1,000 to go.
00:59Curly fries?
01:03Money. Now.
01:04Two on one. I'm robbery.
01:07488, petty theft.
01:08You a cop?
01:09Yes, I am, and so are they.
01:10Hands in the air. Drop your guns.
01:12Turn around.
01:13Turn around.
01:14You guys, this looks to me like a criminal conspiracy.
01:16You need a 182. Also a 12020.
01:19Ah, legal possession of a firearm.
01:20Actually, it's a 417. The guns are fake.
01:26Ha! He's right.
01:28Yep, but this knife's real, and that's a violation of...
01:33Turn around.
01:44You are trouble.
01:47Why is that?
01:48Because I'm supposed to be focused on this test,
01:50and all I can think about, oh my god, is you,
01:53and now you're going to be moving here full time?
01:56Well, that job at Homeland Security was too good to pass up.
02:00Plus, decent benefits.
02:08Come house hunting with me this weekend.
02:10Yeah, sounds fun. I'd love to.
02:12Oh, Henry's flying in. You two can finally meet.
02:15Is that too soon?
02:16I'm sorry, I have no idea the single dad rules yet.
02:19No, no, it's fine.
02:22I'd like to meet him.
02:25Yeah, good. Okay, I gotta go.
02:27You are gonna do great on your test.
02:40Officer Bishop.
02:42Glad you called.
02:43I was worried you were ignoring me.
02:45No, ma'am, I was just weighing my options.
02:50You promise I'll be cleared by the chief if I spy on my fellow officers?
02:54Don't look at it as spying.
02:56You're helping me monitor cops who cross the line.
03:00Like the line you're crossing with me?
03:02Violating the Peace Officer's Bill of Rights?
03:05What are you doing?
03:07I thought hard about your offer.
03:09But I decided to go a different way.
03:12By calling your boss.
03:15Sir, I can explain.
03:17Sir, I can explain.
03:19You can try.
03:20But I recommend you do it after consulting your union lawyer.
03:26I've spoken to the chief.
03:28Your case has been closed, Officer Bishop.
03:31A formal letter of reprimand will be placed in your file.
03:34My apologies for Officer Ruiz's rogue actions.
03:39Let's go.
03:41Let me help you.
03:44A letter of reprimand.
03:46Fair resolution.
03:47You should be grateful.
03:49I am.
03:56Eighty might be the passing grade, but if you don't get at least a ninety,
03:59you should turn in your badge on general principle.
04:01Officer Chen, I will take it as a personal insult if you get anything less than a ninety-three.
04:05Yes, sir.
04:06Have you figured out what you're going to do with all your new free time?
04:09Might I suggest a book club?
04:11What are you talking about?
04:12You know, after I pass, there won't be any more daily evaluations to write.
04:17Whether I evaluate you daily or weekly, I will continue to judge you every minute.
04:23Yes, sir.
04:25All right.
04:26Big day ahead.
04:28Rookies will work the first six hours of their shift on patrol.
04:32They come back to take the written test.
04:34Hey, try not to tire them out this morning.
04:36Just take the easy calls, okay?
04:38I don't do easy.
04:42But you do follow direct orders.
04:44Am I right, Officer Bradford?
04:47Yes, sir.
04:50Easy, then.
04:52Following the written exam, you three will report to the chief's office,
04:56where he will personally administer the oral exam.
05:00Remember, he can fail you for a dozen different reasons, so...
05:04Remind me, Officer Nolan, how the chief feels about you.
05:06Oh, big fan, sir.
05:10All right, see you three back here in six hours.
05:12All right, that's it!
05:17You're driving today, Officer West.
05:19I am? Why?
05:20Because we both know you're going to pass the exam.
05:22I mean, I feel pretty good, but...
05:24The rules and regulations of the LAPD are part of your DNA.
05:28You're right.
05:29Test in the bag.
05:31Which means I have today to decide whether to request you be assigned to a new training officer.
05:36What? Why?
05:40Because I feel like I failed you.
05:42You're a mess right out of the gate.
05:44And I thought I got you past it.
05:46But then you lost it again last week.
05:49So either you're falling down, or I am.
05:51What happened last week was my fault.
05:53I let my family drama get in the way, and...
05:56I think it won't happen again.
05:57It's not good enough.
05:58You shouldn't still be struggling with the most basic question.
06:00Why am I here?
06:02Why do you want to be a cop, Officer West?
06:05Because I've always wanted to be one.
06:09Being groomed for this isn't the same as choosing it.
06:13You gotta want this job for the right reason.
06:15For you, not your father.
06:18So why did you choose it?
06:25I have four older brothers.
06:27I guess it gave me a pathological need to stand up for the little guy.
06:31Which is why I was also willing to dig deep with you, but...
06:33Maybe I've given you too much leash.
06:35Maybe you need a different instructor to get your head on straight.
06:38I don't want a different instructor.
06:41But just tell me what I have to do.
06:44You never got a real plainclothes day.
06:46So, this morning, you're gonna run things.
06:51And then we'll see what happens.
06:56Seven, Adam 19.
06:57Silent hold-up alarm activated at Madam Megan's Psychic Shop, 24-7.
07:01Adam Megan's Psychic Shop, 24-7.
07:03He's mine. Code 3.
07:08Tell me. Tell me right now.
07:10How the hell did you know?
07:12Answer me!
07:14Drop the snow globe.
07:15That's a $900 crystal ball.
07:17Can he just put it down instead?
07:19You heard her. Gently.
07:22Up against the wall. Turn around.
07:26Ma'am, you okay?
07:27Yeah, just giving that psycho a reading, and he hulked out.
07:31Don't say another word.
07:33We've got psychic client confidentiality.
07:35That's not a thing, asshat.
07:37Okay, so what exactly were you telling him when he attacked you?
07:39We were talking about his love life.
07:41I said I saw an image of him and a beautiful woman surrounded by trees,
07:43and then he freaked out.
07:45Why's that, sir? Strike a little close to home?
07:47Have you been in the woods with a woman recently?
07:49No! It's just a misunderstanding.
07:52Control, run a name for me.
07:54Last name Fisher, first name Randall.
07:55Suspect is not a domestic.
07:577 Adam 19, be advised.
07:59Suspect's wife was reported missing six weeks ago.
08:01Hands behind your back.
08:03Holy crap, I was just making that up.
08:05You were?
08:07You think if I were really psychic
08:09that I'd be working out of a moldy storefront in Hollywood?
08:11Although, I can totally see us destroying my bedroom later.
08:267 Adam 15, report of a dead body.
08:287th Street Bus Terminal.
08:30At least it's behind you.
08:32Behind me?
08:34Use that letter of reprimand as a permanent red flag.
08:36It'll affect every promotion I go in for.
08:38You said tomato.
08:40Ah, you reported finding a dead body.
08:42Yeah, he's in the men's room.
08:44Must have come in on the late bus from Phoenix
08:46after the cleaning crew went through.
08:48All right, we'll take it from here. Thank you.
08:50Next stop is five.
08:52This is five.
09:04Definitely a homicide.
09:06Glove up.
09:08Find an ID. Don't touch anything else.
09:18Control, run a party.
09:19Cast a valence.
09:21First of Corey, DOB 41497
09:23and notify supervisor and homicide unit.
09:25Copy that.
09:27At least we know what we're doing until the test.
09:39Sit on the bench.
09:42I thought I told you to take it easy.
09:44We did.
09:46Officer West bought these two trying to steal an ATM
09:47from the Save Mart in Cahuenga.
09:49Writing it up as a 211?
09:51No, sir. Technically it's considered a bank burglary,
09:53not a robbery.
09:55Very good.
09:57Sir, can I ask you something?
10:01Why'd you become a cop?
10:03I gave them a little homework.
10:05Easy day and all.
10:07I like the teamwork.
10:09I missed it after the army.
10:12Excuse me.
10:16Hey. How's it going?
10:18Better now.
10:20So, listen, I can probably duck out of it early.
10:22Jackson's got an exam this afternoon.
10:24Any way you can clear your schedule for some less time?
10:27Actually, I think I can.
10:33Call me when you're off.
10:38You ever dated a guy with a kid?
10:40Relax. This is about Jessica.
10:41I think I freaked her out today.
10:43She suggested she meet Henry.
10:45I doubt it.
10:47My guess is nothing freaks that woman out.
10:49Is that her?
10:53You stepped in a bit of a wasp nest.
10:55Did either of you touch the body?
10:57He did. With gloves on to get the wallet.
10:59Is that all that you touched?
11:03Why? You're freaking me out.
11:05Wait. That is an act of crime, Saint.
11:07Well, that's secondary right now.
11:09Hi. I'm Dr. Morgan from the CDC.
11:11Do you have any contact with the victim's mouth,
11:13saliva, or any bodily fluids?
11:15Yeah. I'm sure.
11:17No sign of infection.
11:21Your murder victim is part of a homegrown terror cell
11:23that the DHS has been tracking,
11:25and we believe that they're planning a deadly
11:27biological attack on the city of Los Angeles.
11:32Okay. So, here is what we know.
11:34At 10 o'clock last night,
11:36this man, Corey Valence,
11:38boarded a bus from Phoenix to L.A.
11:39He had a partner with him.
11:41We have no identification on that man,
11:43but we do know that they're part of a fringe
11:45nationalist group which believes that Los Angeles
11:47stands for everything that is wrong in America.
11:50The two men arrived here at 5 this morning.
11:52We believe Corey's partner
11:54strangled him in the bus station bathroom right after.
11:56Do you think Corey got a cold feet?
11:58It seems likely, yes.
12:00Especially since they came here with this deadly virus.
12:02That explains the silkwood shower we just took.
12:04That was purely a precaution.
12:06There is no evidence that the biological agent
12:07has been released.
12:09But we do have every reason to believe
12:11that there is an attack planned in the near future.
12:13What type of virus are we talking about?
12:15A weaponized strain of hemorrhagic fever.
12:18Basically causes you to start bleeding and never stop.
12:20And that's how the virus spreads.
12:22Through contact with bodily fluids.
12:24It has an extremely short incubation period
12:26and a gruesome pathology.
12:28If not treated quickly,
12:30it has a 90% mortality rate.
12:32And if it's treated quickly?
12:34We believe that drops down to around 60%,
12:35but the bad news is...
12:37That's not the bad news?
12:39No. The bad news is
12:41there's only an experimental vaccine.
12:43We're flying it here from Atlanta,
12:45but there's only a few hundred doses.
12:47Nowhere near enough to combat an outbreak.
12:49So obviously the rookie exam will be postponed.
12:51The feds are asking us to be their boots on the ground
12:53while they set up a command center here.
12:55First order of business
12:57to ID Corey's partner slash killer.
13:00So you'll conduct field interviews
13:02with the other passengers on the bus.
13:03Do we think Corey's killer is operating alone now?
13:05No. We think there's one more.
13:07A local who picked him up at the bus station.
13:09Okay. This is extremely sensitive.
13:11We can't risk the news getting out
13:13and causing the panic.
13:15That being said,
13:17you can warn your immediate families
13:19to stay away from populated areas.
13:21But no details. Understood?
13:23All right. Let's go get these guys.
13:29Mom, it's only for you and Dad, okay?
13:31You can't tell anybody else.
13:33I really can't say anything else.
13:35You knew.
13:39Can you give us a minute, please?
13:41Yeah. Yeah. Thank you.
13:43That's why you hesitated when I talked about Henry visiting.
13:45You knew L.A. wasn't safe.
13:47I was briefed about a possible threat last week.
13:51And you didn't warn me.
13:53You just have Henry show up for the apocalypse.
13:55No. No. I didn't know that this was real.
13:57The D.H.S. and the FBI
13:59hear dozens of potential terror threats every month,
14:01and most of them are just talk,
14:03or we can shut them down.
14:05That's not the same as knowing it's safe.
14:07This is my son we're talking about.
14:09Even if there was the slightest chance
14:11there was danger, you should have said something.
14:13You ready?
14:22Honey, you should go to your parents.
14:24Look, you know I can't tell you what's going on.
14:27But it's bad.
14:29You gonna call Wesley?
14:31I want to.
14:33But I don't know if I can trust him to keep it quiet.
14:38Yeah, this is the kind of civil liberties issue
14:40he gets on his soapbox about.
14:42Yeah, but how would you feel
14:44if something happens and you didn't warn him?
14:53Hey, it's me.
14:55I'm sorry.
14:56Hey, it's me.
14:59I'm afraid I can't get together this afternoon.
15:01Something came up.
15:04Yeah, I'm disappointed too.
15:10I'll call you later.
15:16I couldn't risk it.
15:22Cut. That's lunch.
15:24Everyone back in 30 minutes, please.
15:27It's not right.
15:29Keeping everyone in the dark?
15:31We're supposed to be protecting them.
15:33That's what we're trying to do.
15:35Yeah, but...
15:37But nothing, Officer Nolan.
15:39This is where the job's hardest.
15:41If we alert the public, we alert the men we're hunting.
15:43Odds are they'll panic and set it all off.
15:45And then we'll cause exactly what we're trying to prevent.
15:47And what if they set it off anyway
15:49before we catch them?
15:51Then it'll haunt us.
15:53What's this guy's name?
15:56Uh, Brad Dallas?
15:58Oh, hey. That's me.
16:00Can we have a word with you over here?
16:02Uh, sure.
16:04I'll be right back.
16:06Were you on the bus last night coming from Phoenix?
16:09Uh, yeah. I was visiting my mom's wife.
16:11Did you see this man on the bus?
16:13Oh, that's cool.
16:15Is that a yes?
16:17Uh, yeah. He looks familiar.
16:19He was traveling with someone. You happen to remember him?
16:21No, I wasn't paying attention.
16:22Uh, Billy Graham?
16:24But I couldn't post him, though, because my pores were huge.
16:26Can we see them, please?
16:28The pictures, not your pores.
16:34Yep, that's our dead guy.
16:38Which means the man next to him's our target,
16:40but he's too dark to see.
16:42You know who's really good at Photoshop?
16:44The FBI.
16:46That's right. We're gonna take your phone,
16:48but we'll get it back to you as soon as we can.
16:50Wait, I, um...
16:53And here I thought that test was gonna be
16:55the most stressful thing about my day.
16:57Best case scenario, that's tomorrow's problem.
16:59Worst case? Never mind. Don't answer that.
17:06Took you long enough.
17:08Bag's in here.
17:10Sir, we're here about the bus you took from Phoenix.
17:12No kidding. I called you about the bag.
17:14And what bag is that?
17:16I thought it was mine on the bus.
17:18I picked it up by accident.
17:20Noticed as soon as I got home,
17:22but it still took you guys like six hours to get here.
17:25Sir, we're not here about a bag.
17:27So you don't have mine?
17:31Damn it. My computer's in there.
17:33I went through this one looking for an address,
17:35and all I found was some weird science equipment.
17:40Control, this is 7 Adam 19.
17:42Patch me into task force, please.
17:44Sir, did you touch anything in there?
17:47Yeah. I cut my finger going through it
17:49looking for an address.
17:50It's got a broken valve.
17:52Won't stop bleeding.
17:54Everything okay in there?
17:56Yeah. You stay out there.
18:12What's happening?
18:14It's okay. It's a bad case of the flu going around.
18:16We were warned about it this morning at roll call.
18:18Nothing to panic about.
18:20Then why'd you lock the door?
18:22Standard protocol.
18:24Look, was there anyone else in the house with you earlier today?
18:28No. My kids with my ex.
18:30You got any cold medicine?
18:32I think so.
18:34Go take it.
18:36I'm coughing up blood.
18:38I'm just telling you how they advised us to treat this
18:40if we came across it.
18:42Right now, my partner's radioing for an ambulance.
18:44Gonna be here any minute.
18:50Everything all right out there, Chen?
18:52Uh, yeah. The CDC's on their way.
18:54Hey, you need to come out of there.
18:56It's not gonna happen.
18:58Gotta keep this contained.
19:02It's gonna be all right, boo.
19:04You keep your head in the game. Okay?
19:06Everything's gonna be fine.
19:12Where are those pictures?
19:15Okay. FBI table.
19:17John, uh, wait.
19:19I'm sorry.
19:22I would've never let you bring your son
19:24into a dangerous situation.
19:27I promise.
19:32Guess I really didn't like being mad at you.
19:35I didn't really like you being mad at me, either.
19:50Our terrorist is Jimmy Roskin, 31 years old.
19:53Arrested eight months ago on a hate crime charge
19:55that didn't stick.
19:57Okay, run this photo against all the traffic
19:59and security cameras around the bus station
20:01and check for known associates.
20:03Looks like we have our first infection.
20:07One of the bus passengers.
20:09Luckily, he's contained.
20:11But Tim might be infected, too.
20:13Come on, let's move it on out.
20:27Officer Chen, you want to tell me what happened?
20:29Yeah, uh, the bus passenger
20:31mistakenly grabbed the wrong bag
20:33and the virus must have been in it
20:35because he coughed up blood on Tim.
20:37What? Whoa. What are they doing?
20:39We need to get them out of there.
20:41We will, but first we have to establish
20:43a proper quarantine.
20:44When we get there,
20:46Tim immediately closed the door.
20:48Smart man.
20:50Officer Bradford,
20:52this is Dr. Morgan from the CDC.
20:54Hey, Doc.
20:56How you doing?
21:00Mr. Langston's struggling a little.
21:02Can you describe his condition?
21:06He, uh, started coughing blood about 20 minutes ago.
21:08Now he's got a pretty wicked nosebleed.
21:10Why aren't they coming in?
21:12Where's my ambulance?
21:14It'll land in the next hour or so.
21:16You can't make Tim wait in there.
21:18He might not be infected.
21:20Sorry. Quarantine rules exist for a reason.
21:22Officer Bradford,
21:24do you mind if I put you to work while you wait?
21:26You want to know what's in the bag?
21:28Yes, I do.
21:30Copy that.
21:32Uh, Chen,
21:34I'm going to turn on my body cam.
21:36You can monitor it from out there.
21:38Okay. Please be careful.
21:41All right.
21:42Here we go.
21:54Wait, wait. What is that bottle?
22:01Looks like the delivery device.
22:03It's a misting fan.
22:05I think you're right.
22:07Looks like there's a gross medium inside the bottle.
22:09Add the virus to it, then spread it in a crowd.
22:10Put the droplets on people's faces,
22:12infect them through their mouth and nose.
22:14It's as low-tech as you can get.
22:16It's Dr. Morgan.
22:18I know how they're planning to disperse the virus.
22:24Okay. Keep me posted.
22:26How's Tim?
22:28It's too soon to tell.
22:30Got something?
22:32Photo of our guy matched back to a gas station
22:34where the bus depot is.
22:36We got a picture of the car that picked him up,
22:38but not the driver.
22:40I followed it through traffic cameras
22:42all the way to Highland Park,
22:44but I lost it when I got off the freeway.
22:46That area is mostly residential,
22:48except for the police museum,
22:50but I doubt that's where they were headed.
22:52More than likely, that's where our home base is.
22:54Or they went local to avoid highway camps.
22:56Either way, that's the only lead we got.
22:58Get out there.
23:00I'm sending all available units to canvas with you.
23:02Yes, sir.
23:04No sign of any ID or target information.
23:08Tim, Tim, look out!
23:20Get out of here.
23:22Get out of here.
23:25Get out of here.
23:36Tim, are you okay?
23:46Hey, answer me!
23:48It's okay. I'm okay.
23:51Well, that was fun.
23:53Are you sure you're okay?
23:55It kind of depends on your definition of the word.
23:58You need to get that vaccine here, right now.
24:02All units, be advised,
24:04we have a positive ID on the terror suspect vehicle.
24:06We're looking for a licensed 2013 four-door Ion
24:08with a scratch on the driver's side door.
24:11Be advised, suspects are armed, extremely dangerous,
24:14and pose an imminent danger to the public if they escape.
24:31Well, if you do see him or the car, please call 911.
24:36No one knows each other in this neighborhood.
24:38Back in Pennsylvania, you know all my neighbors.
24:40Names, families, even helped deliver a few kids.
24:42I'm sorry, what?
24:44Robertson twins, winter storm of 2014.
24:46Hospital roads were all blocked,
24:48so I had to become a temporary midwife.
24:50Good thing I brought my toolbox.
24:52Forget I asked.
24:55Let's go talk to some real locals.
25:00Well, how was the bus?
25:01Yeah, most people are at work.
25:03Hey, what's going on?
25:06Awful lot of cops around.
25:08I'm not really at liberty to say.
25:12This is my neighborhood.
25:14If something's going on, I deserve to know.
25:16Okay, wait.
25:18You have to keep it quiet.
25:20You can't tell anyone else.
25:24We're trying to stop a terror attack.
25:26We believe one of the terrorists lives around here.
25:28So you should evacuate, maybe even get out of the city.
25:31No, not okay.
25:33So far from okay.
25:35Why haven't you issued a warning or an evacuation?
25:37People have the right to know.
25:39We can't, okay, because it will cause a panic
25:41and alert the terrorists that we're onto them.
25:43That's not your call to make.
25:45This is why I didn't tell you in the first place,
25:47because I knew you were going to get on your high horse.
25:49High horse?
25:51This is about basic civil liberties, guys.
25:53Give me your phone.
25:57I'm placing you under arrest.
25:59Okay, but you're incommunicado until this is resolved.
26:01Come on.
26:06You sure about this?
26:11Do you recognize this man?
26:13Or this car?
26:15Yeah, the car, yeah.
26:17I see it almost every morning on Fig.
26:19That's where I panhandle.
26:21The driver is a real piece of crap.
26:23Cursed me out, saying I ruined his country.
26:25Like I wasn't born in Cedars-Sinai, you know?
26:27Officer Bishop!
26:31This gentleman is seeing the car.
26:33I don't suppose you know where the guy lives?
26:35Over off Wayland?
26:37Yeah, he had the cutest car once
26:39while I was out collecting cans on trash day.
26:41It's a yellow apartment building.
26:43Can't miss it.
26:48You sure we shouldn't wait for a hazmat team?
26:50If there's no time,
26:52they might already be on the way to their target.
26:59Our unknown terrorist is Brendan Mitchell.
27:01Control, alert task force.
27:03We have a positive ID on our second suspect.
27:32We know where they're headed.
28:00Seven Adam Seven, copy.
28:02En route to Sepulveda checkpoint.
28:04You're seriously going to keep me in this car all night?
28:06You're the one that wants to spend more quality time together.
28:08Sir, this operation is moving at a million miles an hour
28:11and these checkpoints were determined by someone who has
28:13definitely not tried to make a last minute flight at LAX.
28:16We're not running point on this.
28:18We all have borders to follow.
28:20Including me.
28:22Yes, sir, but there is a hole in the perimeter that
28:24only an LA native or a rookie patrol officer
28:26who painstakingly studied every street in this city would know.
28:29He's right.
28:31There are back roads off La Cienega.
28:33Our guy would know that.
28:35Sir, even with the air force shut down,
28:37there'll be thousands of people waiting there.
28:39These two guys get through.
28:41All right, let's do it.
28:43Control, this is 7L20.
28:45Show us diverting to La Cienega.
28:47Can we ride an airship over there?
28:49Eyes out for a blue sedan.
28:51Hey, I just checked with Dr. Morgan.
28:53The vaccine's minutes away.
28:55Yeah, you're good at a lot of things.
28:57Lyin' isn't one of them.
29:00Do you think I'm good at things?
29:02Can I get that in writing?
29:06How are you doing?
29:08Are there any symptoms yet?
29:13I don't think so.
29:15I don't think so.
29:17I don't think so.
29:19I'm sweating like a pig,
29:22but it's probably because it's 100 degrees in this room.
29:29It's gonna be okay.
29:31I really believe that.
29:35I'm sure you do.
29:40But if it isn't...
29:42Don't think like that.
29:44Look, if it isn't,
29:45I'm not going out the way my man Pete here just did.
29:50What are you saying?
29:53When the time comes,
29:57I'm going out on my own terms.
30:10VF5, suspect vehicle spotted on Cersonella,
30:13heading south onto La Cienega.
30:15California license.
30:17Victor 5, Bravo Uniform, 9, Foxtrot 7.
30:20Up ahead, blue sedan.
30:22That's him.
30:27Control, 7 Adam 15 here.
30:29Pursuit suspect.
30:357 Adam 7 joining pursuit.
30:457 Adam 7.
30:517 Adam 20 on your 6.
31:00Hang on.
31:05You alright?
31:08Stay on him.
31:10I'm trying.
31:12All units be advised,
31:14airship 1 disengaging from pursuit.
31:16Suspect vehicle has entered a no-fly zone.
31:18Go get him.
31:19We got him.
31:40Shot and fired.
31:42I lost the end of the gun to him.
32:10Give me that!
32:13They're running!
32:20Yeah, let's go.
32:30Control, 7 Adam 20.
32:32Suspect's on foot, heading east.
32:34We need a 5 block perimeter set up
32:36and send hazmat units to lock down this area for contaminants.
32:40This way.
32:50Nobody move!
32:52Everybody down!
33:05He's on the bus with the virus.
33:08Angela, it's too dangerous.
33:10We have to.
33:20Everybody down!
33:23All I need is a shot.
33:25I'll get you that.
33:29Nobody move!
33:35Get out of here, go!
33:42Dude, let's talk about this.
33:44Hey, hey, don't do that!
33:46You don't need to do that.
33:47Let me go!
33:49I'm gonna infect everybody on this bus!
33:51If I let you go, you'll infect a hell of a lot more people.
33:54Yeah, none of them are gonna be you!
33:59Some straight shooting right there.
34:01Fell into my sense of self-preservation.
34:03But here's the thing.
34:05I made my peace with dying when I got on this bus.
34:10So I'm coming over there.
34:13I'm arresting you.
34:14I'm arresting you.
34:25Clear! Go, go!
34:27Go, go, go, go!
34:33Did you shoot me?
34:35Just a little.
34:37I guess you're screwed.
34:39Rules clearly say that if you shoot your rookie,
34:42then you can't hand him off to another T.O.
34:457 Adam 7, show code 4 at our location.
34:48Suspect down.
34:54Heading east on Crescent in search of armed terrorist suspect.
34:59Ma'am, get back inside.
35:00Get back inside.
35:117 Adam 15 crossing Wilton on Hixby. No sign of suspect.
35:16Control, possible contact 5824 Elgin.
35:20We're gonna check the backyard.
35:46Yeah, this is Jessica Russo.
35:48Call the FAA and tell them that we're gonna fly some choppers
35:51in the LAX airspace.
35:53And then have them reroute an airship to our location ASAP.
35:57Yeah, this is Jessica Russo.
35:59Call the FAA and tell them that we're gonna fly some choppers
36:02in the LAX airspace.
36:04And then have them reroute an airship to our location ASAP.
36:34Think we got him?
36:36I hope we didn't.
36:39Hey there.
36:41You hear those sirens?
36:43That's just about a couple hundred of my closest friends
36:45coming to back me up, but you're all alone.
36:50Okay, your turn.
36:53Hey Jimmy, we got your buddy in custody.
36:56It's over.
36:59I know you're hurt.
37:01But you're still alive.
37:03And I'm offering a way for you to stay alive.
37:07Think of all the publicity you'll get.
37:10You'll be the face of your cause.
37:12So much better than being a martyr in a cold box underground.
37:20But Jimmy, you gotta decide right now.
37:22When SWAT gets here, they're just gonna light you up.
37:26Okay, okay, I'm coming out.
37:30Don't shoot!
37:35Show me those hands!
37:39What the hell?
37:41He was reaching.
37:43I didn't see that.
37:45Stay back.
37:47He may still be alive.
37:49He might be infected, so we don't go anywhere near him.
37:53Suspect is down.
37:54I repeat, suspect is down.
37:56Yeah, area's quarantined until CDC clears it.
38:05Please tell me that's the vaccine.
38:07It is.
38:09Wait, stand back.
38:11You're not wearing protective gear.
38:15Officer Bradford.
38:17It's time to let me in.
38:21Hey Doc.
38:23How are you feeling?
38:25Not bad, all things considered.
38:29You're right at the edge of what we think is the incubation window,
38:31so the fact that you're not showing any symptoms doesn't suck.
38:34But we're gonna give you this vaccine just to make sure.
38:37It's experimental, right?
38:39That's correct.
38:41So we're just gonna have to wait and see what happens.
38:43Maybe nothing.
38:45Maybe you grow horns.
38:47But for now,
38:49I'd say you might have dodged a bullet.
38:51Any chance we can kiss and make up?
38:53Or can I expect a lawsuit?
38:55Up until about 20 minutes ago,
38:57I was drafting it in my head.
38:59But then you risked everything,
39:01got on that bus and saved those people.
39:03You got a little turned on?
39:07Okay, yeah.
39:09Maybe a little.
39:11It made me realize that I was a little short-sighted earlier.
39:13Maybe I didn't actually know best
39:15what should happen in that situation.
39:17I don't know.
39:18Maybe I didn't actually know best
39:20what should happen in that situation.
39:22So we're good again?
39:26Does it seem like we fight a lot?
39:30But I think it's our thing, you know?
39:32Like some couple swing dance or go to Disneyland.
39:35And I didn't believe her.
39:41Heard what you did.
39:43What can I say?
39:45I'm a father's son.
39:48Good job.
39:52Oh, um, thank you.
39:54It was all Jessica.
39:56Don't sell yourself short.
39:58You sure you're okay?
40:04I don't think he was reaching for a weapon.
40:06What are you saying?
40:08I'm saying she lied to me.
40:10The guy had a bodyguard?
40:14I don't know.
40:15I'm saying she lied to me.
40:17The guy had a biological weapon.
40:19He was giving up.
40:21Maybe he was or maybe that's what he wanted you to think.
40:23Either way, his very existence
40:25made him a clear and present danger.
40:27She's got 20 years on the job
40:29dealing with a whole different level of bad guy.
40:31And I don't know anything because I'm a rookie.
40:33Look, I'm no boy scout.
40:35All right? If six months on this job has taught me anything
40:37it's that there is evil in this world.
40:39But in that moment
40:41she chose to lie to me.
40:43So she lied to me about Henry.
40:46Or she's a liar.
40:48Or she was doing you a favor.
40:50Giving you deniability
40:52if the shooting ever became a thing.
40:55So you're saying I should just let her go?
40:57I'm saying it's been a crazy day.
40:59And you don't know whether you're coming or going.
41:01So before you risk your relationship
41:03and possibly your career
41:05by blindly charging forward
41:07maybe you should sleep on it.
41:37I heard you guys saved the day.
41:39It was a crew effort.
41:41Glad you're okay.
41:43Me too.
41:45I think he's gonna be all right.
41:47That's good news.
41:49What now?
41:5124-hour observation at the CDC.
41:53I'll bet my pension
41:55he just told Dr. Tim Bradford
41:57he's not riding a wheelchair.
41:59Only way I'm leaving out of here
42:01is on my own two feet.
42:03Don't you guys have paperwork to finish?
42:05He's back.
42:07Yeah, he is.
42:09So stubborn.
42:15Officer Bradford!
42:18Officer Bradford!
42:20What's happening?
42:21Get everyone back!
42:22What's wrong?
42:23Everybody get back!
42:24Somebody call help!
42:59Damn it.