• yesterday
The Rookie - Season 1 Episode 5The Rookie - Season 1 Episode 5


00:00♪ I came to get up so everybody get down, get down, get down, get down, get down, get down, get down, get down, get down, get down, get down, get down, get down, get down, get down, get down, get down, get down, get down, get down, get down, get down, get down, get down, get down, get down, get down, get down, get down, get down, get down, get down, get down, get down, get down, get down, get down, get down, get down, get down, get down, get down, get down, get down, get down, get down, get down, get down, get down, get down, get down, get down, get down, get down, get down, get down, get down, get down, get down, get down, get down, get down, get down, get down, get down, get down, get down, get down, get down, get down, get down,
00:30get down, get down, get down, get down, get down, get down, get down, get down, get down, get down, get down, get down, get down, get down, get down, get down, get down, get down, get down, get down, get down, get down, get down, get down, get down, get down, get down, get down, get down, get down, get down, get down, get down, get down, get down, get down, get down, get down, get down, get down, get down, get down, get down, get down, get down, get down, get down, get down, get down, get down, get down, get down, get down, get down, get down, get down, get down, get down, get down, get down, get down, get down, get down, get down, get down, get down, get down, get down, get down, get down, get down, get down, get down, get down
01:00Look, you're on the rebound from a 20-year marriage. This was never going to be long-term, so let's just move on.
01:14Is that your girlfriend?
01:15Hey, kids. Ever been tased?
01:19Nice pants.
01:20Thank you, sir.
01:21She might be your only hope to lure those kids from LAFD.
01:24All due respect, sir, they have a fire engine.
01:27They're a six-year-old.
01:28That's crack.
01:31I am not going to be shown up by some department that publishes shirtless calendars.
01:37West, Chen, let's get in the gang.
01:41Hey. Hypothetically, if a neighborhood cat has been killed and the owners contact the authorities, will you investigate?
01:49Did you kill a cat?
01:50I told you the cat's hypothetical.
01:53Did you kill anything?
02:09Did you kill anything?
02:10None. Hypothetically.
02:13Hey! You're free. You don't have to run.
02:24Hey, guys. Where's your friend?
02:26She ran out of ammo.
02:39She ran out of ammo.
02:49Stop breathing. I need a CPR mask.
02:54Hurry up.
02:55Grab that gurney.
03:17Good job, Antonio.
03:22Good job.
04:15Oh! Hey.
04:19Is that how you greet your best friend turned landlord?
04:21I wasn't expecting you for another week.
04:23I got homesick. I mean, I was also worried that I abandoned you in your time of need.
04:27Yeah, it's been really tough living here.
04:29You know what I mean?
04:30Come here.
04:31Good to see you.
04:32You too.
04:33Oh, man.
04:34You look good.
04:36Coffee machine.
04:37Yeah, bought off the factory floor.
04:39It's from my foundation in Guatemala that empowers young mothers
04:42by helping them start their own business.
04:44Making hot beverages?
04:45Among other things.
04:46I didn't think you'd want the lactation device.
04:48Good call.
04:50So, when did you start carrying a gun?
04:52When I became a cop.
04:53Oh, you didn't think I was going to see it through.
04:57Well, maybe a little.
04:59I just assumed that you'd get distracted by the sunshine
05:02I just assumed that you'd get distracted by the sunshine and yoga instructors.
05:07Not that anyone would blame you, but being a cop seems really dangerous.
05:11It is, but it's also very fulfilling.
05:15That's great.
05:16You needed a purpose.
05:18So, no yoga instructors?
05:20I did have a thing with one of my fellow rookies.
05:23What about them?
05:24Well, they were both responsible adults.
05:26How old is she?
05:31You've been forty since you were twenty.
05:34Not everybody's like you.
05:36Was it serious?
05:43Then it's good that I'm home.
05:49Alright, settle down.
05:50Settle down.
05:51Listen, everyone knows what today is.
05:54I just want to say that Team Bradford is going to dominate once again.
05:58Yeah, not this year, Blondie.
06:02Dominate what?
06:03The roundup.
06:04Happens every year when the rookies are a month into the job.
06:07The T.O.s sponsor a competition for the most felony arrests in one shift.
06:10Sounds like fun.
06:13We were both there when pub trivia almost got violent.
06:16I like a little healthy competition.
06:19Are you kidding?
06:20You're cutthroat and relentless, which I respect.
06:23It's alright, settle down.
06:25I think I did see you open my spot, Bradford.
06:28I am aware that today is the day where our T.O. units compete for most arrests.
06:34Under no circumstance does the department endorse this.
06:39Meaning, I don't want to hear about your points or strategy.
06:45Am I clear, Officer Bradford?
06:48Yes, sir.
06:49This job is about winning.
06:50It's about good policing and teamwork.
06:52We win at any cost.
06:54Sergeant Page just said-
06:56He said he doesn't want to hear about it, which is different than saying don't do it.
06:58The scoring is like football.
07:00Seven points for a felony arrest, three points for a misdemeanor, and we focus on quality over quantity.
07:06So what's our strategy?
07:07Slow and steady or shock and awe?
07:09Neither, we're not playing.
07:11But Jackson said all the T.O.s compete.
07:13Well, he was misinformed.
07:14But if we were to win-
07:15Officer Nolan, if you make it to T.O., then you can choose to play.
07:18But right now, the decision is mine, and we will not be participating.
07:22Is that clear?
07:26Let's go.
07:34Hold up.
07:42What is that?
07:55Look at you.
07:56You are positively glowing.
07:58What's your secret?
07:59Um, I hiked Malibu Creek yesterday.
08:02You should try it, good for the soul.
08:04I bet.
08:05Listen, I saw this at the bookstore yesterday.
08:08Thought of you.
08:10That is so sweet.
08:13Oh my gosh, Kilimanjaro, I have been dying to go someday.
08:17You will.
08:18You will.
08:19Hey, so listen, as calls come in that sound like felony arrests,
08:23can you send them to us and not over the radio?
08:26Um, that would qualify as favoritism.
08:30But I am your favorite.
08:32Come on, for me.
08:37Isn't that cheating?
08:39I'm celebrating the unsung heroes of the LAPD.
08:42In exchange for hot calls.
08:44Isn't our job to respond to any crime, no matter the anticipated outcome?
08:48Of course.
08:50If you're going to be some Pollyanna on my shoulder all day,
08:52I'll be happy to loan you out to clean the drunk tank.
08:54Heard there were some heavy pukers there last night.
08:58Clearly I misspoke when I said cheating.
09:03You got to be kidding me.
09:04Oh, hey, look what we found just two blocks away.
09:07A burglary and conspiracy lookout.
09:09Are you here booking someone?
09:12We're first on the board.
09:13Fourteen points.
09:16Seven out of fifteen.
09:17Property damage, Washington and Carson.
09:19Multiple callers report man on scaffolding causing a 415 LAPD on scene.
09:25Is this a Banksy thing?
09:26Don't care, it's a crime thing.
09:28So is there a reason we can't compete in the roundup?
09:31Because I said so, should be all the reason you need.
09:33If you're worried I can't be impartial because of Lucy, don't be.
09:35Because that's over now.
09:37How are you handling it?
09:39I see a little blame in your eyes.
09:41No, ma'am.
09:42It's the right thing to do.
09:44And do not worry, it will not affect my work.
09:47Glad to hear that.
09:48I'm going to go check in with the fire captain.
09:50Keep an eye on our vandal.
09:52Hey, come on down!
09:54Seven Adam seven, wellness check.
09:55552 Oakwood, ER nurse reports patient with suspected stroke disappeared from the hospital.
10:00Seven Adam seven, show us code six on the wellness check.
10:04Fourteen points out the gate.
10:05You ever done that before?
10:06No, but we got to keep the pressure on.
10:08Bradson's always got a trip or two up his sleeve.
10:10You know, I hope our patient didn't come home and croak or we'd get stuck here all day.
10:14Wow, less than an hour into the competition and you're already exhibiting a visible lack of compassion.
10:19I'm sorry, you're right.
10:20That was extremely insensitive of me.
10:26Mr. Walker?
10:29Sir, are you okay?
10:30Your ER nurse said you left the hospital before you were discharged.
10:32She tried calling you but you didn't answer.
10:34Oh, I'm sorry, I was feeling better and that hospital food, you know, it's just so awful.
10:42So I came home for some leftovers.
10:44Can you please tell her thank you from me for checking up on me?
10:49Yeah, sure thing.
10:50Hope you feel better, sir.
10:55Okay, sweet.
10:56He's fine and we can get back out there.
11:04He was lying to us.
11:05About what?
11:06I don't know, but he was clearly nervous. You were so ready to move on, you missed it.
11:32Stealing opioids from the hospital is a felony, Mr. Walker.
11:37I'm just making ends meet. Do you know how hard it is living on a fixed income?
11:41My grandparents moved into a townhouse.
11:45I'm just saying, there's options.
11:55Any way we can speed things up? I've blown up pool rafts faster.
11:58Ah, we almost there, bro. Meanwhile, gotta stay high, baby.
12:03Hey, good job with that kid yesterday. I mean, my part gets all the attention, but you were the real hero.
12:08Well, my son was a daredevil since birth. I had to keep an eye on him 24-7.
12:13You sound like my dad, man.
12:16Hey, that rookie cop, Lucy, is she single? Because I picked up on the vibe yesterday.
12:23I think so.
12:24Cool. Thanks, bro.
12:28You're welcome.
12:59Hey there. You got something against Guns N' Gardens or just science in general?
13:09You think this funny? You know, five years ago, I got pulled over with an ounce of weed in my car.
13:14An ounce. I couldn't afford no lawyer, so the public defender made me take a deal.
13:20Five years I sat in that box, man.
13:22And you mean to tell me all these little Silver Lake hipster kids, they could just walk around vaping like it's nothing?
13:28I can see why you're frustrated.
13:29Don't patronize me, man. Because it was a cop just like you that put me in that box.
13:36You know, my mom died while I was inside, man.
13:41And now every time I fill out a job application, I got to put down Feller.
13:46Okay, look, what happened to you was wrong. Okay, this, this is just gonna make it worse, right?
13:53Come on, let's, let's get down from here.
14:25Officer Nolan, is there a reason you're walking with an OG lean?
14:28Oh, no, I just, uh, my right shoulder's just a little tingly.
14:32Because I don't remember telling you to climb up there and remove the suspect.
14:35And you don't put yourself in a high-risk situation without my say-so.
14:38Right, I just had a slight miscommunication with that firefighter.
14:42Is that right? Is that the same guy who asked me about a hot rookie named Lucy?
14:47You too? God, that guy's a piece of work.
14:53Is that why you ignored proper protocol and climbed up there?
14:56Or was it the competition?
14:59Okay, look, you told me to stop dating Lucy, and I did.
15:02Then you told me I couldn't compete.
15:04Haven't I earned a slightly longer leash with you?
15:06No, and after what happened out there, it's clear you don't deserve one.
15:23Nolan and Talia are on the board.
15:26Damn it, call now. Put her on speaker.
15:33Hey, it's Officer Bradford. You haven't forgotten about me, have you?
15:38No, of course not.
15:40Um, we've actually just, we've been a little slow.
15:43Oh, um, we just got a 911 call.
15:46DUI hit-and-run, teenage pedestrian injured, black 528i, last seen eastbound on Melrose.
15:52Perfect. Attach us to that, please.
15:54And Nell, you're the best.
16:027 out of 15, we have a noise complaint at the Eaton Company Lofts, number 501.
16:09We're gonna shut this down. No cowboy stuff, understood?
16:12Yes, ma'am. You've been very clear.
16:13Really? Is that why you're on a group text about the sport?
16:16You can't keep secrets from me, Officer Nolan. I thought we established that, so stop trying.
16:20Yes, ma'am.
16:23LAPD, open up, Mr. Asfari!
16:27Coming, just give me a second!
16:30Open up!
16:34Can I help you?
16:35We got a noise complaint. You've been playing loud music for hours.
16:39Sorry, just wanted to fill the screen.
16:42My office is next door. I stay here when I work late. We were just having a little fun. No harm in that, right?
16:49Depends on what kind of fun you're having. Just give us a moment.
16:55I do believe he's paying these ladies.
16:56What's the point?
16:57Well, shouldn't we arrest them for prostitution?
16:58With what evidence? Cite the guy for noise, identify the girls, we'll pass it on to Vice.
17:04Hey, Mr. Asfari, I'm just gonna need a little bit of information.
17:10Officer Bishop!
17:12We have a gun.
17:15Do you have a permit for this weapon, sir?
17:17A friend gave it to me.
17:20That's a felony weapon possession.
17:22Everybody get dressed, we're taking Peter for a ride.
17:27You all paid up with the girls?
17:31Nice try.
17:32Almost had him.
17:34Nell seems nice.
17:36Yeah, what's your point?
17:40She likes you.
17:42She was doing me a favor, that's all.
17:45I'm married, Officer Chen, and this isn't something you and I talk about.
17:48Keep your eyes peeled for our DUI.
17:51Yes, sir.
17:56Seven out of nineteen DUI suspects sighted, heading east on Melrose.
18:00Seven out of nineteen DUI suspects sighted, heading east on Melrose.
18:06Seven out of nineteen, turning north onto Serrano.
18:15Let's go, boot. We might try and run.
18:17LAPD! Hands!
18:19Don't move! Show us your hands!
18:25This is a first.
18:31Don't worry, I'm not going anywhere.
18:35Seven out of nineteen, DUI suspect crashed at Melrose and Serrano.
18:39We need an ambulance and fire.
18:40Go to three.
18:51Sir, just hang in there. The ambulance is here now.
18:53Should I pull it out?
18:54No, no, no. Don't move, don't move.
18:56Stay still.
18:57I'm gonna cut this pipe.
18:58Three, two...
19:09You have the right to remain silent.
19:11Anything you say can and will be used against you in the court of law.
19:14You have the right to an attorney present during questioning.
19:16If you cannot afford an attorney, one will be appointed to represent you.
19:19Do you understand each of these rights?
19:20Yes, sir.
19:21Now, you're required to provide a chemical sample suspected of driving while impaled.
19:24Sorry, impaired.
19:25Sorry, impaired.
19:26You can choose between blood, breath, or urine.
19:28A refusal will result in the immediate suspension of your license for a minimum of a year.
19:32We need to get him to surgery!
19:34No, not before I get my blood drawn.
19:3521-gauge vial.
19:36Can't this wait? He's obviously just...
19:37Wait, what? Huh?
19:39He's what, he's dying?
19:41This guy got drunk and hit a kid with his car.
19:43Maybe kill them.
19:44If we wait, his blood alcohol will return to normal and we'll lose a crucial piece of evidence.
19:47Are you sure this has nothing to do with the seven-point felony arrest?
19:50Boot, criminals get hurt all the time during a crime.
19:52They don't get special treatment if they get a boo-boo.
19:56Yes, sir.
20:01I'm calling our seven-points.
20:08Ha ha, there must be some way we can work this out.
20:11Are you offering us a bribe?
20:13Everyone knows that cops are underpaid.
20:15Yeah, don't look at me. I don't pay rent and I live right by the ocean.
20:19Mr. Askar, you're already facing one felony. You want to add to those charges?
20:22No, let's just get this over with.
20:24Officer Bishop, Captain wants to see you in the bullpen.
20:27Start processing him. I'll be back.
20:31All right, I'm gonna need your shoes and your socks.
20:34There we go.
20:36I know that look. I mean, I've never been caught in a room full of hookers with a gun before,
20:42but I can clearly see you are not looking forward to the phone call to your wife.
20:46My wife's the least of my problems.
20:48What does that mean?
20:49News travels quick in my line of work.
20:51And what line of work is that?
21:00You know that guy?
21:05He's the lawyer.
21:07I mean, my lawyer.
21:11Article 849B authorizes peace officers to release arrested persons from custody
21:16due to insufficient grounds to file a complaint against said person.
21:19Conceal and carry permit. Signed by Judge Sather.
21:22How'd you even know he was arrested? Did one of his hookers call you?
21:25Who called me is not your concern. I have no right to hold my client, so release him immediately.
21:33You can stop printing him. Suspect's attorney has provided a permit for the weapon.
21:37He has?
21:39Is that a problem? Do you not want to go?
21:44No. I mean, yes, yes.
21:47Can you take him to his lawyer?
21:56I don't get it. If he had a permit for the gun, why not just tell us back at the apartment?
22:00I doubt he had one an hour ago.
22:02Can you get a permit that fast?
22:04If you know the right people. Usually when a fancy lawyer shows up with a same-day permit,
22:08there's usually a link to organized crime.
22:10Have you had the big fish, little fish conversation yet?
22:13Only big fish, little fish I'm familiar with.
22:15Only big fish, little fish I'm familiar with. Are Dr. Seuss related?
22:18This is not that. There is a hierarchy in the street, just like there is in here.
22:22Patrol are the foot soldiers.
22:24Little fish.
22:25Dealing with the other guy's foot soldiers. The bigger their fish, the higher up the ladder you have to go.
22:29Mr. Ascari is clearly connected to a big fish who had the juice to get that kind of permit.
22:35The numbers are black and white. We have 28, while each of you only has seven.
22:39There's still a whole second half of our shift, and you know I'm a closer.
22:41You know we're not playing.
22:43Oh, right. You're above all this.
22:45When you're chief, we promised not to divulge you had any fun on the job.
22:48It's not fun. It's a relic of a time when the department drove a wedge between the cops and the community.
22:53I get it. You think it promotes an us versus them mentality.
22:56And you're right. But the them isn't the community. It's the criminals.
22:59I just arrested a guy for putting a teenager in a coma, and I'm not going to apologize for hustling to get that guy off the street.
23:04I'm not asking you to.
23:06All I'm asking you to do is take a hard look as to whether this contest teaches those rookies the right lesson.
23:11I just don't think septuagenarians even count. I don't know why we're arguing about it.
23:15Because we're a bad loser. A felony drug bust is a felony drug bust.
23:19He does this with Monopoly. Changes the rules mid-game.
23:23When did we play Monopoly?
23:26That time-
23:27You weren't there. It was, um-
23:29No. When was this?
23:32Time to go, Boop.
23:42You okay?
23:44Fine. Just focusing on the job.
23:48I meant your arm. You're clearly in pain.
23:51No. If I was in pain, can I do this?
23:56That firefighter Antonio said you did a high dive.
24:00When did you talk to Antonio?
24:02He called.
24:03That was fast.
24:04Is that a problem?
24:06Not at all, no. We're moving on, right?
24:12Yeah. Right.
24:24Do I need to be worried that your mood is going to affect our chances in this competition?
24:27I'm fine.
24:28Because I've won this five years and counting.
24:30Yeah, I get it. I won't let you down.
24:35You're clear what happened earlier with our DUI, right?
24:38That wasn't about score. It's about making sure that guy sees the inside of a cell.
24:42Yeah. It's just-
24:45It's hard when he's the one that's bleeding out in front of you.
24:50But it's our job to always maintain perspective.
24:58Hey. So we just got a call about an armored car robbery.
25:01Suspects were seen wearing ski masks on Wilshire and Robertson.
25:04Hot damn. We're back in it.
25:20Get down, boot!
25:35What happened?
25:36There's a safety feature in armored cars that allows drivers to escape to the back under fire.
25:40They're now locked in a bulletproof fortress and we're going to be here all day trying to get them out.
25:47Seven Adam-19, shots fired. Suspects barricaded. Requesting SWAT.
25:51I'll call the armored car company. They should have a master key.
25:53It'll take them hours to get here.
25:55Hours where Lopez and Talia are running up the score on us.
25:58You seem more interested in that than in us getting lit up by the guys in the truck.
26:01What happened to maintaining perspective?
26:04You know, save the cycle analysis for Christmas dinner with the folks.
26:06Okay? My perspective is spot on.
26:08I want to win and put these guys behind bars.
26:10Yeah, I do too, but they're not going down without a fight. We need backup.
26:13And I called for it. Which is what they expect us to do.
26:18They think-
26:21They think we'll stay here all day and wait.
26:23They think-
26:25They think we'll stay here all day and wait for them.
26:27Which means their guard will be down.
26:40It's bulletproof. You're not going to get in with us.
26:42I don't need to get in. I need them to come out.
26:44They're armed and barricaded. We should wait for SWAT.
26:46The weapons won't matter if they can't see anything. Cover the back.
27:03Just add pepper spray and-
27:18Drop your weapons! Down on the ground! Down on the ground!
27:20Hands behind your back!
27:21Hands behind your back!
27:23Felony carjacking. Armed robbery. Attempted murder.
27:27That's 14 more points, boo.
27:31I know who the banker's big fish is. Vigo Petrov. High-ranking member of the Odessa Mafia.
27:35The Russian mob?
27:37They're responsible for heroin, money laundering, prostitution.
27:41How does Peter connect?
27:42DEA suspects that he's Petrov's money launderer.
27:44Explains why they sent the lawyer so quickly. Petrov can't risk Peter getting chatty when faced with jail time.
27:50DEA was actually pissed that we let him go so quickly.
27:52They thought I should be holding onto him for the full 24 hours the law allows.
27:56I told them I don't do business that way.
27:58How did that go over?
27:59As well as you can imagine.
28:03Hey. Tim and Lucy just got 14 more points. We need to get back out there.
28:08Do I feel like salty or sweet?
28:11Did you hear what I said?
28:13Relax. We're still in the lead. There's only a few more hours left in our shift.
28:17Teams lose when they play safe.
28:18They also lose when they abandon the fundamentals.
28:20I rushed through a few arrests when I played as a rookie and they got bounced.
28:23I learned the hard way that guns blazing isn't a good mode for this line of work.
28:26Does it mean we're not going to try and win this thing?
28:28It means we need to win it the right way. Is that a problem?
28:33No, ma'am.
28:34Good answer.
28:43Where are you going?
28:44My shift's over.
28:46Mine's not.
28:48Anyway, you can stick around. I'll be a part of the Bradford team a little longer.
28:51How much longer?
28:53Three hours.
28:55Well, that will cost you a drink.
28:59That'd be later, after, when you're off duty.
29:167 Adam 15, mother and child causing a disturbance at Southland Sanctuary Shelter, 69302 Western.
29:22It's not right! Where the hell are we supposed to go?
29:25Ma'am, I'm going to need you to calm down a bit.
29:27Ma'am, what's going on?
29:28We need beds. We slept on the street last night, but it's not safe.
29:32I'm sorry. I wish we could help, but we have no empty beds.
29:35And state law prohibits us from accepting any more people.
29:38Hi there, little guy. I'm John.
29:41You look cold. Are you feeling cold?
29:44Okay, hang on a sec. I'll be right back.
29:49Did you tell her about other shelters in the area?
29:51Yes, but they've already been turned away at the ones nearby.
29:55All right.
29:59Here you go. This will help a little.
30:01That'll warm you up.
30:05You can keep that.
30:08Officer Nolan, over.
30:11They can't sleep in the lobby. We're going to have to escort them out.
30:15That's not right. We can't just kick them out.
30:17Unfortunately, this city has 60,000 homeless. We can't find beds for all of them.
30:21Oh, but we can find beds for these too.
30:23Even if it takes the rest of our shift? And you lose the competition?
30:29We're not playing, remember?
30:39Can you give us a list of all the city shelters? We're going to start making some calls.
30:52Thank you for double-checking.
30:54No, I get it. Yes, thank you.
30:58Those are the last ones.
31:01What about taking them out of the city? We'd give them a ride.
31:04No, we can't. Sadly, there's nothing more we can do.
31:13I'm sorry, but we couldn't find you a place to sleep tonight.
31:17I'm so sorry.
31:19Thank you for trying.
31:27This is why I don't play.
31:30Because it's not a game.
31:50I'm sorry.
31:53Go on.
31:55I did blame you for Lucy, even though I know you were looking out for her.
32:00And then you barred me from the competition and I...
32:05Let's just say it has not been my finest day on the job.
32:09We're not robots, Officer Nolan.
32:11We all have bad days.
32:13But our bad days pale in comparison to the people we meet.
32:17They need us at our best.
32:20You ever struggle with that?
32:21Every day.
32:23I just don't show it.
32:267-Adam-15, homeowner called about a possible intruder, 71 Holmby Avenue.
32:307-Adam-15, copy.
32:36Our banker, Peter Viscari, he's the homeowner.
32:397-Adam-15, be advised, that call was just cancelled.
32:41Homeowner reported it was a raccoon.
32:437-Adam-15, copy.
32:45You buying that?
32:47Our mob banker, who was clearly freaked out over being arrested,
32:51calls 9-1-1 about an intruder the same night.
32:54I'm just saying, what if it wasn't a raccoon?
32:57You think he called again under duress?
32:59I think it's worth taking a look.
33:03Big fish, little fish, Officer Nolan.
33:05If it turns out to be something, we'll call in the big fish.
33:08Which is who again?
33:09A SWAT.
33:18Seems quiet.
33:23Heard you were attached to a false alarm.
33:25Figured something big might be up.
33:26How'd you hear that? Did you bribe dispatch again?
33:29Just thought you might need some backup.
33:31Unless you're too focused on getting all the points for yourself.
33:33We're not playing.
33:34Well, then you won't mind us tagging along.
33:36They got a body.
33:44They slit her throat.
33:467-Adam-15, requesting SWAT for a hostage situation.
33:49One dead. Code 3.
33:50Code 3, do you copy?
33:517-Adam-15, copy.
33:52I need your SWAT for a hostage situation.
33:54Who is it?
33:55A SWAT.
33:56And who's the SWAT?
33:57A SWAT.
33:58And who is the SWAT?
33:59A SWAT.
34:00A SWAT.
34:02A SWAT.
34:03A SWAT.
34:04A SWAT.
34:05Code three.
34:07No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no!
34:11Guys, we can't wait.
34:14They've already killed one.
34:15They could kill the banker and his wife at any moment.
34:16We need to go in now.
34:17So, what, we go in still?
34:20Upstairs or downstairs?
34:21We'll take upstairs.
34:24No, no!
34:27No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no!
34:33I don't know!
34:35No, stop, stop!
34:37No, stop!
34:38Stop, please!
34:44Wait, wait, wait, wait!
34:46You have to believe me!
34:47Wait, wait, wait!
34:49We've gotta get in there.
34:51We will.
34:52We just need Tim and Lucy to get into place.
35:05Is somebody else in the house?
35:06I checked.
35:07Go check again.
35:18Oh, damn!
35:54Okay, how do we split up the points?
35:56I told you.
35:57I know, I know, you're not playing,
35:59but we need to figure out how to split them up right.
36:01It's not tricky, just give them more.
36:06Are you guys trying to rig it so Tim wins?
36:10Why would we do that?
36:12I don't know.
36:14This competition is clearly an emotional thing for him.
36:18It's personal.
36:19I mean, he was a rookie.
36:23Is it Isabel?
36:25I met her once.
36:27I know that they were rookies together
36:28before they got married.
36:33Yeah, and they loved the roundup.
36:36They had an epic competition.
36:39Do you really think holding on to this is what he needs?
36:43Maybe it's better for him to lose.
36:47This contest is the one day he feels connected to her.
36:50Do you really want to take that away?
36:55After some complicated math,
36:58the winner is...
37:03Bradford and Chet!
37:08Which means their drinks are also free.
37:11Congrats, man.
37:12Hey, how you doing, man?
37:13Nah, I'll give you that.
37:24When's the last time you lost something?
37:26You broke all your dad's records at the academy,
37:28you were the first in your class.
37:30When's the last time you lost at a competition?
37:34I don't know.
37:35Can't remember.
37:37Sounds exhausting.
37:40Yeah, it is.
37:42Okay, look, I just need to prove that I belong here.
37:46I didn't just inherit the spot, but I earned it.
37:50Can I give you some advice?
37:54Nobody cares how you got here if you can do the job.
37:57So give yourself a break every now and then.
38:06Thanks for looking out for me today.
38:08Oh, it was my pleasure.
38:10I'm glad you won.
38:12You were right.
38:14You are my favorite.
38:18Look, now, I should tell you,
38:22I'm married.
38:24Huh, I didn't know that.
38:25Yeah, it's complicated,
38:27but I could still buy you a drink to say thanks.
38:33Sorry, I don't do complicated,
38:35but thanks for the book.
38:49Sorry you lost.
38:49No, I'm happy you won.
38:53Look, I lied when I said I wasn't bothered
38:56by Antonio hitting on you,
38:58but it's not my place to say that.
39:01I used to be jealous.
39:02Of what?
39:04I said no.
39:06I didn't break up with you so I could date somebody else.
39:09I did it so I could focus on being a cop.
39:16I'm an idiot.
39:20I'm sorry.
39:25Me too.
39:30I will see you later.
39:38So it turns out she's the mature one.
39:40Wow, you really have changed.
39:43It's not funny.
39:45Give yourself a break, John.
39:47When was the last time you were single?
39:50Before I was married.
39:53No, I dated Cindy Carducci all through high school.
39:55So, never.
40:00I deserve some of you, Tom.
40:03To be a little immature.
40:06Figure out who you are
40:07now that you're a single guy in LA.
40:09Make mistakes.
40:11Fall in her face.
40:14Be on your own.
40:15I don't like falling in my face.
40:17Or being on my own.
40:20How would you know?
40:21To being on my own.
40:51Damn it.