The Rookie - Season 1 Episode 18The Rookie - Season 1 Episode 18
00:00Everything was actually going fine until we hit the nuns.
00:04You assaulted a nun?
00:05No, no.
00:06The suspect I was chasing made a beeline for a group of nuns.
00:11A gathering?
00:12A flock of nuns?
00:14I know it's not a murder of nuns.
00:17Tell me the truth.
00:18Do I look like a porcupine?
00:19You don't not look like a porcupine.
00:20Officer Nolan, focus.
00:22We split up.
00:23I came back with the suspect and you came back with a new hairdo and empty cups.
00:28As I was saying, ow, the nuns slowed me down, allowing the suspect to get away jumping over
00:34a fence.
00:35How many times have I told you not to hop a fence without knowing what's on the other
00:39I know I shouldn't have done it, but he was getting away, so I just went over.
00:42And landed head first on a cactus.
00:44No, no.
00:45First I had to get away from the dog.
00:49The cactus was over the second fence.
00:51This is really the lowest point in my rookie experience, isn't it?
00:55Hey, I'm looking for Officer John Nolan.
00:57That's me.
00:58You've been served.
01:00Wait, what?
01:02No, I say this is the lowest point.
01:12Hey, heard you're officially a cop now.
01:14Got hit with your first lawsuit.
01:16Oh, it's ridiculous.
01:17This guy says I dislocated his shoulder pushing past him in a pursuit.
01:21I don't think I even touched him and now he wants $50,000 to settle.
01:24I'll take it personally.
01:25Being sued is part of the job.
01:26That's why we're required to have liability insurance.
01:28You need to sign a lawyer yet?
01:30Yeah, some guy named Simon Parks.
01:32You're lucky.
01:33Guy's a legend.
01:34Saved my ass a couple times.
01:35He's a cranky old SOB, but he gets the job done.
01:37He got nothing to worry about.
01:41What's going on?
01:42I.A. arrested Jenkins.
01:44The robbery homicide detective?
01:48All right, grab a seat.
01:54See, look, it's never a good day when one of your own gets arrested.
01:57I'm sure you have questions.
01:59Commander West from I.A. is here to answer.
02:03Thank you, Sergeant.
02:04After an extensive investigation, we found clear evidence that ten years ago,
02:09Detective Jenkins lied on the witness stand.
02:12Because of his lies, an innocent woman was convicted of murder in the first.
02:16She's been in jail this whole time?
02:18Yes, Samantha Bennett.
02:19She was released two days ago.
02:21In addition to charging Jenkins with perjury, we've placed him on the Brady list.
02:26What is the Brady list?
02:28It's a record of law enforcement officers who've withheld exculpatory evidence.
02:32It's a list of dirty cops.
02:34I.A. has reviewed all of Jenkins' past convictions.
02:37Of them, three others were deemed suspect enough to warrant the release of those felons.
02:42But you're not sure those three are innocent?
02:44No, but their convictions were overturned.
02:46When this gets out, every lawyer in town is going to want to get a Jenkins conviction overturned.
02:49That's tomorrow's problem.
02:51Today, protocol dictates that we make voluntary contact with these released felons.
02:57So, Lopez West, you will talk to Samantha Bennett.
03:00Bradford Chin, you got Max Cagle, who was on 25 to Life for drug trafficking.
03:05And Bishop and Nolan, you take Terry Wright, who was in for armed robbery and attempted murder.
03:12If you observe anything actionable, send it up to Major Crimes.
03:16And what if we don't see anything actionable?
03:18Leave it alone. Observe, report. That's it.
03:22All right, be safe out there.
03:27Oh, my lawyer's here.
03:30You're lucky to be getting Simon Parks.
03:32He's been doing this for 40 years. Can't beat that kind of experience.
03:35Officer Nolan?
03:37I thought we should meet before this afternoon's arbitration.
03:40Go over the game plan, answer any questions you might have.
03:42Great. Who are you?
03:44Your lawyer, Simon Parks, Jr.
03:47Oh, I thought...
03:49You thought I was my father.
03:51Believe me, I know I have some big shoes to fill, but I'm excited to get started on my first case with you.
03:58The oldest boot paired with the youngest lawyer.
04:02Sounds like a match made in heaven.
04:04Right? Now, as far as your role in today's mediation goes, less is more.
04:08They will try to get under your skin, so let me do the talking.
04:11And 2 o'clock is 2 o'clock, so don't be late.
04:13Right. Um, let me know if you have any questions, okay?
04:18Did he say first case?
04:24So, you and your mother finally make up, and now you're giving me the cold shoulder?
04:28No, I, uh, things have just been really crazy.
04:31Oh, too crazy to respond to texts, return phone calls?
04:34Yeah, I'm sorry. I've just been focused on the job and the exam.
04:38What I know is that you're not ready to have a man-to-man about what's going on with you,
04:42but I expect you to be by end of day.
04:44So come find me when you're ready.
04:50What was that about?
04:54Hey, um, do you remember a felon, Oscar, from the prison bus crash?
05:00Steal a car, try to run us over? That Oscar?
05:02Yeah, um, when I was booking him, he told me some stories about my dad.
05:06What kind of stories?
05:08That he was my dad's C.I. back in the day.
05:11He said that my dad used to give him intel in exchange for turning a blind eye.
05:15Lots of cops do that.
05:16Yeah, he also said that my dad planted a gun on him, got him sent away for life.
05:20Let me guess, Oscar insisted he was innocent.
05:22No, he said he was guilty, but no one could prove it.
05:26So my dad crossed the line.
05:28I don't believe it. Your dad is the straightest arrow I've ever met. Besides you.
05:36No, no, I understand. Okay, thank you. Bye.
05:39Well, the union says I can't switch lawyers.
05:42They said, and I quote, you get what you get.
05:44Which is exactly what I said to my son when he wouldn't eat his peas.
05:48He's a lawyer, Officer Nolan, not a fish.
05:50You can't just throw him back because you think he's too small.
05:54Thought I might be seeing police at some point.
05:56Oh, we're just checking in on you after your unexpected recent release.
06:00What, five years into a 20-year sentence for attempted murder and armed robbery?
06:04It's a miracle. Man upstairs looking out for me.
06:07Mind telling us what you've been doing since you got back into town?
06:10Of course. Moved back in with my old lady here.
06:13Been eating way too much fast food.
06:15Soon as I get the old van up and running, I'm gonna start looking for work.
06:19All right.
06:21You look familiar. Don't I know you from somewhere?
06:25With your rap sheet, I'm sure we've crossed paths.
06:28I used to run with this kid named Dylan. I think you know him.
06:31Doesn't ring a bell. You must have me mixed up with somebody else.
06:37Okay. Do yourself a favor, Mr. Ray.
06:39You've been given a rare second chance. Take advantage of it.
06:42Stay out of trouble.
06:44Yes, ma'am.
06:48So what do you think?
06:50That he's gonna be trouble?
06:52Why all the extra shifts?
06:54Why not? I got hours to fill when I'm not studying.
06:56Yeah, but don't you need time off to recharge?
06:59What do you do to unwind?
07:00Work out.
07:02And don't tell me if it has work in the title. It can't be relaxing.
07:04It's true. You need a hobby, something you do for fun.
07:07No, I don't.
07:09Mr. Cagle, you've had a bit of bad luck since you got out of prison.
07:12Tell me about it.
07:14Eight years of prison food with not as much as the runs,
07:17and one bad bowl of clams lands me in the hospital.
07:20Mr. Cagle, I'm sure that your recent release has brought up some strong emotions.
07:24Only good ones.
07:26Hell, I thought I'd never get to consummate this marriage.
07:29Alicia and I were pen pals.
07:32She wrote to me in prison for a year before we got hitched.
07:35Huh. I've always wondered about women marrying guys in prison.
07:38What's the appeal?
07:40Oh, well, I read about his case.
07:42And I saw his photo, and I just fell in love.
07:46Look, now that I'm out, I plan on keeping my nose clean
07:49and my wife between the sheets.
07:53Officers, may I speak with you, please?
07:55Sure thing.
07:57I just got Mr. Cagle's test results,
07:59and unfortunately, it's not food poisoning.
08:01What is it?
08:02Poison poisoning.
08:03Hydromethanol, to be specific.
08:05It's a chemical used in roach traps.
08:07Mrs. Cagle, can you come out here, please?
08:17What's going on?
08:18Who made the clams?
08:19Why, honey bunny, why?
08:21Because they were poisoned.
08:24Because they were poisoned.
08:25If your wife wasn't psyched, you came home.
08:27What? Is that true?
08:29You were never supposed to get out of jail.
08:32That was the whole allure,
08:34besides it got my mother off my back about me being single.
08:37And then you came home, and you were all clammy and handsy,
08:43and I just snapped.
08:45Ma'am, I'm gonna need you to stand up.
08:47Turn around, hands behind your back.
08:54Samantha Bennett really took it in her teeth.
08:56Ten years for a crime she didn't commit.
08:58Barely a traffic ticket before she went inside.
09:00And her file says she has a kid.
09:02Child was only a year old when her mom went to prison.
09:04Yeah, there's no way she comes out the same person.
09:06Prison hardens you.
09:08Where the hell are they?
09:09Somebody help!
09:10Where's my family?
09:11Don't hurt me.
09:12Where are they?
09:13Drop the bat.
09:15It's not fair!
09:16Arrest her.
09:17She's crazy!
09:18Look, Samantha, please, put down the bat.
09:20This isn't gonna help you.
09:22Is that what you want?
09:23You want to help me?
09:24Like you helped me to ten years in jail?
09:27Like you helped to convince my husband that I was a murderer?
09:31You know what it feels like to have the person that you loved
09:34turn against you?
09:35Believe you're capable of the worst thing imaginable.
09:38Ten years, he never once brought my baby to visit me,
09:41said she was better off without me.
09:43I know you're upset.
09:44I can only imagine what you've been through.
09:47This man doesn't know where your family is.
09:49Do you?
09:50Of course not.
09:51They moved out years ago.
09:53I just want to see my baby.
09:56I didn't know where else to go.
09:58Samantha, you need to put the bat down.
10:06Please don't send me back there.
10:08Please don't send me back.
10:10I'm sorry.
10:21First arbitration.
10:22You nervous?
10:23A little bit.
10:24What are you gonna do?
10:25Be a cop?
10:27Um, can I ask you something?
10:31Who's Dylan?
10:33The guy that Terry thought you both knew.
10:35I got a vibe that you weren't being completely straight with him.
10:38You got the vibe?
10:39What vibe are you getting right now?
10:42That I've overstepped.
10:44I don't know any Dylan.
10:45End of story.
10:48Good talk.
10:55Turn to the...
11:00Go on.
11:01I'm never gonna find them.
11:03Look, I'm sure someone knows where they are.
11:05She probably hates me anyway.
11:07Your daughter?
11:08I missed her whole life.
11:10The best I can hope is that Tom told her I was dead.
11:13Otherwise, I'm just...
11:14Mom, the murderer.
11:16Yeah, but you're innocent.
11:18And that'll be all over the news,
11:19now that Jenkins was arrested.
11:21So is the fact that I'm back in jail.
11:25Tom's right.
11:28She's better off without me.
11:30I'm no good to anybody now.
11:33Don't say that.
11:44This isn't right.
11:45No, but our hands are tied.
11:47We have to be able to do something to help her.
11:50This isn't just about her, is it?
11:55And maybe my dad, too.
11:57That dirty cop ruined her life.
12:01Look, let me think on Samantha,
12:04see if I can figure something out.
12:06But you need to get your head straight about your dad.
12:08Either go talk to him or let it go.
12:10What you can't do is let the doubt eat away at you.
12:18How's it going with Jenkins?
12:20Usual song and dance.
12:21He's crying conspiracy, coercion,
12:23trying to muddy the waters.
12:25I've been meaning to ask you, how's my boy doing?
12:28Oh, you know,
12:29standing tall some days,
12:30falling on his face others.
12:31Like all rookies before him,
12:33like us back in the day.
12:34Yeah, but he's been acting a little strange
12:36the last few weeks, standoffish.
12:38Something I should know?
12:40You'd have to ask him.
12:41Tell me about his T.O.
12:43Officer Lopez?
12:45She's a good cop.
12:46On paper, sure,
12:47but I'm asking about her instincts,
12:48her leadership skills,
12:49her ability to teach my son things
12:51he can't learn from his rook book.
12:52Personally, I'm not quite sure how to reply to that.
12:55See, this is specifically why
12:57I asked you to assign Officer Bradford
13:00to my son, not Lopez.
13:02He's a known entity, a cop's cop.
13:04With her, I'm wondering,
13:05does she truly have what Jackson needs?
13:08Are you asking as head of internal affairs
13:10or a nervous father overstepping his bounds?
13:13Say, listen, I know you outrank me,
13:16but I'm gonna tell you exactly what I said
13:17when Jackson was assigned here.
13:19No special favors.
13:20Wait, wait, I'm not asking for special favors.
13:22That includes keeping tabs on him.
13:25Is that understood, Commander?
13:28It is, Sergeant.
13:33Excuse me.
13:42I was just about to call you.
13:44Let me guess, you can't make dinner.
13:46Sorry, one of my clients was put away
13:48by that Brady cop Jenkins.
13:49I gotta go back through the case,
13:50see if anything shakes loose.
13:51Today must be like Christmas morning
13:53for defense attorneys.
13:54Yeah, except instead of presents,
13:56we have boxes of Discovery to open.
13:58Um, listen, hey.
14:00Yeah, hi.
14:01I have to go see a client on Saturday,
14:02but I'll be back Sunday.
14:03I'm on duty Sunday.
14:07Right, well, uh, nice to see you.
14:14How you doing?
14:15Good, yeah.
14:21So, I heard you tried to get me replaced.
14:24Okay, yes, I did,
14:25but you said this was your very first case.
14:27You have to understand,
14:28that would make me a little nervous.
14:29They handed you a gun on your first date, didn't they?
14:31Yes, and that made me a little nervous, too.
14:33Look, I grew up in a courtroom.
14:36I learned every trick my dad knows,
14:38passed the bar,
14:39first time out with a near-perfect score.
14:40So trust me when I say I got this.
14:42I need you focused on you,
14:44staying calm, attentive, quiet.
14:46Can you do that?
14:50Just so you know,
14:51I got a couple years of pre-law under my belt.
14:53I've gone to small claims court
14:54a number of times to get paid for jobs,
14:55so if you need anything...
14:56Yeah, I appreciate that.
14:58But lawyering is my job.
14:59No, absolutely, 100%.
15:01But I've got your back if you need it.
15:03I won't.
15:05But if you do...
15:06I won't.
15:12You're late.
15:13Apologies, Your Honor.
15:16It's my fault.
15:17I was on patrol.
15:18And I was getting my prostate squared away.
15:20Still got here on time.
15:22Yes, sir.
15:23Sorry, again.
15:25A neck brace.
15:26This happened a month ago.
15:27Officer Nolan,
15:28please don't interact with the plaintiff.
15:29It's called emotional whiplash.
15:31My doctor says it's from having to relive
15:33the incident over and over again
15:35the past few days.
15:36That's not a real thing.
15:37We need to get a medical expert in here
15:39to swear under oath.
15:40What did I say about letting me do my job?
15:42Hey, counsel.
15:43Can we get this circus started?
15:44Yes, sir.
15:46Simon Parks for the defendant.
15:47Jefferson Green for the plaintiff, Your Honor.
15:49It seems you did a little
15:50reckless running on the job,
15:52Officer Nolan.
15:53Your Honor, I was in pursuit of a wanted felon.
15:55Did that sound like a question?
15:57You think this is gonna be easy, don't you?
16:00Just waltz in here,
16:02charm the pants off of me
16:03with your uniform and your dimples?
16:06No, sir.
16:07I have the power
16:09to give this man your pension.
16:11Uh, Your Honor, if I may,
16:13we have Officer Nolan's body cam footage
16:15if you'll allow us to play it.
16:17Sounds fun.
16:21Can we just say case closed?
16:24Should we switch seats?
16:26Do you want to do my job?
16:27Would you let me handle this, please?
16:29This is the fourth time
16:31that Mr. Lynch has brought suit
16:32against a police officer.
16:33Prior history, Your Honor,
16:35is just that, history.
16:36It has no bearing on the fact
16:38that Officer Nolan assaulted my client,
16:40causing him lasting physical injury,
16:43and only after that,
16:44did Mr. Lynch take his own life.
16:47And only Your Honor has the power
16:49to make this right.
16:50Well said.
17:09Forget it.
17:10Dylan, wait.
17:12We need to talk.
17:13I'm not doing that.
17:14After all these years,
17:15that's how you want to play this?
17:31Look, one of your former running buddies
17:33just got out of Folsom.
17:34Terry Wright.
17:35Have you heard from him?
17:38Seriously, Talia,
17:39you came all the way down here
17:40to ask me about some guy
17:41from the neighborhood
17:42I knew 15 years ago.
17:43Cut the crap.
17:44You and Terry got a lot tighter
17:45after I left.
17:46You think I didn't know that?
17:47Oh, I see.
17:49So you too good to stay in touch,
17:50but you can keep tabs on me,
17:52stay all up in my business.
17:53I am trying to look out for you.
17:55You're suspected of pulling
17:56at least five jobs with Terry.
17:58You're lucky you only got caught once.
18:00You've got a lot of nerve
18:01calling me lucky.
18:02Hey, I never asked to be
18:03taken to another family.
18:04Yeah, but you sure as hell
18:05couldn't wait to get up out of there.
18:06Can you blame me?
18:08That home was a nightmare.
18:10I would've taken you with me
18:11if I could've.
18:12Yeah, it was cool.
18:14Yeah, I took care of myself.
18:17Got clean, got straight.
18:19Been working a warehouse job
18:20for about a year now.
18:22So I got no need for you
18:23and I ain't got no need for Terry.
18:25I gotta go to work.
18:28Dylan, I...
18:30I just, I...
18:32I'm sorry.
18:35I'm sorry.
18:39I'm sorry I haven't been around.
18:45I had to step away
18:46when I joined the police.
18:47Yeah, you were embarrassed.
18:48I get it.
18:50Because a family connection
18:52to a criminal would've
18:53kept me off of the force.
18:55And if they find out now
18:56that I lied and I left you
18:58off of my personal history,
18:59I could lose my job.
19:01No worries.
19:03I don't know you anyway.
19:08I'm sorry.
19:14Your Honor, I'd like to submit
19:15some crucial evidence
19:16we've recently received.
19:17Another video of the assault.
19:19Your Honor, any evidence
19:20should've been provided
19:21during discovery.
19:23Things just got real.
19:24This video just came
19:25to my attention
19:26and after viewing it,
19:27you'll understand why
19:28we've upped our financial demand
19:29to $50,000.
19:30You can go ahead
19:31and up it to $100 million.
19:32I don't care.
19:33I'm not paying it
19:34because I didn't do anything wrong.
19:35No, no, of course you didn't.
19:36No cop ever does anything wrong.
19:37Would you please refrain
19:38from addressing my client directly?
19:40I love a dramatic turn.
19:41Let's watch.
19:42Now, this is all about perspective.
19:44And from this perspective,
19:46you can clearly see
19:47Officer Nolan
19:48knocked my client to the ground.
19:52Clearly, from this angle,
19:53it looks egregious,
19:55but egregious?
19:56I'd say it looks like
19:57you deserve a flag
19:58for roughing the pedestrian.
19:59Your Honor,
20:00can we take a brief recess?
20:01Make it quick.
20:05This is crazy.
20:06I didn't do anything wrong.
20:07It doesn't matter.
20:08We've got an unpredictable judge,
20:09and that video just made
20:10our case more difficult.
20:11So I really need you
20:12to sit back
20:13and let me do my job.
20:14Got it?
20:15Got it.
20:16Come on.
20:20Go ahead.
20:21Have a seat on the bench.
20:23Don't I get a lawyer?
20:25Did you want a lawyer?
20:28But you took all my money.
20:29Yeah, well, stolen money.
20:31Yeah, it doesn't matter
20:32because your lawyer
20:33would be pro bono.
20:41I've got just the guy for you.
20:42Mr. Camel?
20:43It's just Camel.
20:44You know, like Beyoncé
20:46or Post Malone.
20:48All right, let's start
20:49somewhere simple.
20:50Why is there a marker
20:51on your face?
20:52So Petey wouldn't know
20:53it was me.
20:54That's Peter D'Amato,
20:55the cashier
20:56at the convenience store
20:57you robbed.
20:59Wait a minute.
21:00My client was wielding
21:01a squirt gun.
21:02Hardly qualifies
21:03as a threat of force.
21:04It looked real.
21:07It had Hawaiian punch in it,
21:11which he drank repeatedly
21:12during the alleged incident.
21:14And the theft of $20
21:15from the register.
21:16Petey owed me that money.
21:17Sounds like a harmless prank.
21:20between friends.
21:21Prank, huh?
21:22Well, comedy's subjective.
21:27Who keeps rubbing my foot?
21:30All right.
21:31Say I let him walk.
21:33What do I get?
21:43I've got 15 minutes.
21:44Don't worry.
21:45I'm getting under pressure.
21:55Why are you digging
21:56into known associates
21:57of Terry Ray?
21:58When we stopped by
21:59for the field interview,
22:00I got a strong sense
22:01that he's up to something.
22:02So, look,
22:03this station's
22:04under a microscope.
22:05Last thing I need
22:06is one of my officers
22:07getting slapped
22:08with a harassment complaint.
22:09If you have something
22:10real great,
22:11send it to Metro.
22:13get back on the street.
22:14Yes, sir.
22:187S, 15.
22:19Assault in progress.
22:20Roasted ranch paintball.
22:23Hey, officer.
22:24Over here.
22:25Over here.
22:26He totally lost his mind.
22:29He lives for paintball,
22:30but he takes it
22:31way too seriously.
22:32Carl snuck up behind him
22:33and scored,
22:34and when the breakdown
22:35started attacking him...
22:36Slow down.
22:37Who's Jimmy?
22:38Who's Carl?
22:39Oh, that's Carl.
22:40Whoa, um...
22:41Did you call an ambulance?
22:42We called them.
22:43They're on the way.
22:44Okay, keep pressure on it.
22:45Whatever you do,
22:46don't pull it out.
22:47Where's this other guy, Jimmy?
22:48I don't know.
22:49He's out there
22:50playing somewhere.
22:51How can we ID him?
22:52Uh, he's about
22:536 feet tall.
22:54He's got a camo jacket
22:55and a skeleton faceguard.
22:56Now, you stay here
22:57and wait for the ambulance.
22:58It's so scary
22:59what happens
23:00when a man focuses
23:01on one thing only.
23:02It's a cautionary tale, really.
23:03Shut it out.
23:04Yes, sir.
23:05All the new video does
23:07is show us
23:08why magic tricks work.
23:09The magician doesn't really
23:10saw the woman in half,
23:11and Officer Nolan
23:12didn't really knock
23:13Mr. Lynch to the ground.
23:14So the only reasonable
23:15outcome here
23:16is to dismiss this case
23:17with prejudice,
23:18citing Salisbury, Ritter,
23:19and Bennett v. Long Beach.
23:20Well put, young man.
23:21This isn't right.
23:23My pain is real.
23:25Time after time,
23:26police have gotten away
23:27with their crimes against me.
23:29My dog was run over
23:30in a high-speed chase,
23:32and my door was kicked in
23:33by cops serving a warrant
23:34on the wrong address.
23:35And not one officer
23:36has had the decency
23:38to just say,
23:39I'm sorry.
23:40Is this why you're suing me?
23:42Because no one's ever
23:43apologized to you?
23:44Officer Nolan.
23:45Let me be the first.
23:46I'm sorry that you got hurt.
23:47Well, Your Honor,
23:50in light of the defendant's
23:52admission of guilt,
23:53the plaintiff ups
23:54our financial demand
23:55to $100,000.
23:57Your Honor,
23:58we need a 50-minute recess.
23:59Yeah, you do.
24:08Man, this would be
24:09a whole lot easier
24:10if everyone wasn't
24:11wearing camo.
24:12This job isn't about easy, boot.
24:13Have you ever done this?
24:14Played a paper ball?
24:16It's amateur hour.
24:17Straight up murder
24:18these guys.
24:22Exhibit A.
24:23She thinks approaching
24:24from the rear
24:25gives her a tactical advantage,
24:26but in reality,
24:27had she taken
24:28the superior position
24:29of the high ground
24:32That wouldn't have happened.
24:34We know Jimmy's
24:35not your average player.
24:36This game is his life,
24:37so where would he go?
24:39Somewhere with
24:40a protected view
24:41of the course.
24:42High ground.
24:51Anyone else fires,
24:52they're going to jail!
24:53Okay, sir.
24:54Guys, guns down.
24:57Guy in a skeleton mask.
24:59Behind you!
25:14About before.
25:15I was out of line.
25:17It's hard having
25:18a cop for a son,
25:19especially when you know
25:20what this job
25:21can do to him.
25:23All good.
25:24Water under bridge.
25:28Have a good day.
25:32Something else?
25:42You didn't hear this
25:43from me, okay?
25:45Make sure they can
25:46bounce a quarter
25:47off your bunk,
25:48you hear me?
25:49What do you mean by that?
25:50Detective Jenkins,
25:52this Brady List business,
25:54it isn't going away
25:55anytime soon.
25:56The Police Commission
25:57is stepping in.
25:58We're talking
25:59review boards
26:00and independent audits.
26:01It could get ugly, Wade.
26:04double-check your officers,
26:05leave nothing to chance.
26:08Make sure nothing
26:09can blow back on you.
26:12Thanks for that, sir.
26:13Come on, Dylan,
26:14prove me wrong.
26:15You done?
26:16No, just wanted
26:17to let you know
26:18there's no rush
26:19getting back here.
26:20Thanks for the update.
26:21What are you up to?
26:22Getting my nails done.
26:23It's a joke, right?
26:24Uh, did you actually
26:25want something,
26:26or you just called
26:27to say hi?
26:28I think I'm gonna
26:29have to get back
26:30to the office.
26:31I'm sorry,
26:32I'm sorry, I'm sorry.
26:33I'm sorry, I'm sorry,
26:34I'm sorry, I'm sorry.
26:35I'm sorry, I'm sorry,
26:36I'm sorry, I'm sorry.
26:37I'm sorry, I'm sorry.
26:38I'm sorry, I'm sorry,
26:39I'm sorry, I'm sorry.
26:40I'm sorry, I'm sorry.
26:41I'm sorry, I'm sorry.
26:43You're gonna lose.
26:44Doesn't mean you
26:45did anything wrong.
26:47Nolan, I gotta go.
26:48What's going on?
26:49You okay?
26:50No, everything's fine.
26:51Good luck
26:52with your arbitration.
26:53These two stay,
26:54this one goes.
26:55Uh, got a minute?
26:57You ready
26:58to tell me
26:59what's going on?
27:00I'm ready.
27:01I'm ready.
27:02I'm ready.
27:03I'm ready.
27:04I'm ready.
27:05I'm ready.
27:06I'm ready.
27:07I'm ready.
27:08I'm ready.
27:09I'm ready.
27:10I'm ready.
27:11I'm ready.
27:12You ready
27:13to tell me
27:14what's going on?
27:15Come on.
27:16You can talk
27:17to me, always.
27:18Lopez and I,
27:20we arrested
27:21a man named
27:22Oscar Hutchinson.
27:23He told me stories
27:24about you and him.
27:25And, um...
27:26And what?
27:27He said you were dirty.
27:28And you believe
27:29the worst.
27:30I don't believe
27:31the worst.
27:32I don't believe
27:33the worst.
27:34I don't believe
27:35the worst.
27:36I don't believe
27:37the worst.
27:38I don't believe
27:39the worst.
27:40I don't believe
27:41the worst.
27:42And you believe
27:43the word of a convicted felon,
27:44a murderer,
27:45over your own father?
27:48I, um,
27:49I just...
27:50I pulled the file.
27:51You did what?
27:53have you lost
27:54your damn mind?
27:55I'm not a boy.
27:56I'm a police officer.
27:57Well, not for long.
27:58If you don't get
27:59your head straight,
28:01you're not just
28:02accusing your father here.
28:03You're accusing
28:04a superior.
28:05Yes, sir.
28:06Oscar Hutchinson
28:07is a habitual liar
28:08with a history
28:09of substance abuse,
28:10not to mention
28:11a personal grudge
28:12against me.
28:13You think there's a court
28:14in this country
28:15that would find
28:16his testimony credible?
28:17Look, I don't give a damn
28:18if it was stand-up in court.
28:19I want to know
28:20if it's true.
28:21Of course not.
28:22And today,
28:23of all days,
28:24you throw this
28:25in my face?
28:26Get out of my sight.
28:28Control, seven out of 15.
28:29I need a Premise History
28:30on one-one-two-one-five
28:31South 73rd Street.
28:32Copy, stand by.
28:33Control, 7 out of 15, I need a premise history on 11215 South 73rd Street.
28:54Stand by.
28:56Lots of 113 at that address.
28:57I'm getting a hazard code as well.
28:597 out of 15, show me on a felony head stop in the alley beside the South 73rd address.
29:10I think they're about to rob a stash house.
29:15Two at gunpoint.
29:16Send backup.
29:18Drop the weapons!
29:20Three steps forward.
29:26On your knees.
29:34I told you not to run with this fool.
29:42I knew you looked familiar.
29:46Natalia Bishop, the prodigal sister.
29:48And you let her ride here.
29:50Thought I taught you better.
29:52You should've taken that second chance, Terry.
29:54Now you're going back to prison.
29:56I don't think so.
30:04Holster your weapon.
30:11Take off the belt. Get it from him.
30:20You shouldn't have followed me here.
30:22I should've just let you rob the stash house and get killed.
30:31Yo, what do you want to do with her?
30:33She probably already called for backup.
30:35We better rob this place fast.
30:38Stick her in the van.
30:39Make sure she's secure.
30:41Let's go.
30:47Dylan, you don't have to do this.
30:48Don't do this.
30:49Don't do this, Dylan.
30:50It's not too late.
31:00Get him, Dylan!
31:11Get him!
31:19Go, go, go, go, go!
31:24Where's Maurice?
31:27Hold on.
31:31He needs to go to a hospital.
31:33Yeah, that's not happening.
31:34Yeah, I know, man.
31:35Pretty bad, man.
31:36He could bleed out.
31:37If you care about him, take him to the hospital.
31:38You can just dump him out.
31:39We're not going to any damn hospitals.
31:41Shut the hell up.
31:46However I rule,
31:48it's clear to me that Officer Nolan
31:50has a lot to learn about the job of policing.
31:56I have to take this.
31:57Like hell you do.
31:59Yes, sir.
32:00Bishop's missing.
32:01She called for backup.
32:02When units arrived,
32:03they found her car outside his stash house.
32:05Body's inside.
32:06Officer, hang up that phone.
32:08Have you heard from her?
32:10Get back here.
32:11Yes, sir. On my way.
32:12Officer Nolan, we're not done here.
32:13I am.
32:14Do whatever you need to do.
32:15Make it 1,000, 100,000, 100 million.
32:17I don't care.
32:18My T.O.'s in trouble.
32:23Dylan, grab that sweatshirt.
32:26Tie it around your arm.
32:28Above the wound.
32:29You got to stop the bleeding.
32:32What's the plan?
32:33I'm working on it.
32:35Man, Maurice is dead.
32:37We're riding around this bay with a kidnapped cop.
32:39What kind of plan fixes this?
32:40One that includes killing me.
32:42Shut up!
32:44He's not gonna hurt you.
32:45Where do you think we're driving to?
32:47A quiet place where he can execute a cop.
32:49Isn't that right, Terry?
32:50We're not killing her.
32:52Just relax, Dylan.
32:54You know what to do.
32:55Everything's gonna be fine.
33:01Uncuff her from the van.
33:24Look, whatever happens next, Dylan,
33:26I am sorry.
33:28Even though I couldn't keep you in my life,
33:31I still kept my eye on you.
33:34I saw you turn your life around.
33:37I know I let you down.
33:40But this isn't you.
33:43You are so much better than this thug.
33:46Don't listen to her.
33:48Who taught you how to be a man,
33:50how to hustle, how to survive on these streets?
33:53I'm the closest thing to family you've ever had.
33:56She didn't deserve tears.
33:59Turn around. You shouldn't have to see this.
34:02No, come on, let's...
34:04Let's just leave.
34:05Let's just get the hell out of here.
34:07We can't do that.
34:09Just turn around.
34:17Dylan, I love you.
34:21I'm sorry.
34:26Get on your knees.
34:28Man, I'm not getting on my knees.
34:30You gonna shoot me, you gonna look me in my face when you do it.
34:43Dylan. Dylan, look at me. Breathe.
34:46Breathe, it's okay.
34:48Come un-cuff me. Come on, un-cuff me.
34:55What did I do?
34:58You saved me.
35:15What are you doing?
35:17I'm sorry, but I gotta take you in.
35:19I just saved your life. You saved mine.
35:21That's what I'm trying to do.
35:23Look, I'll go to Mexico. I'll be gone by the morning.
35:25I swear you'll never hear from me again.
35:27No, I can't.
35:29Look, I can keep you a secret.
35:31You know, with Terry dead,
35:33no one else knows.
35:35It's perfect.
35:36It doesn't matter anymore.
35:48Control, this is Officer Bishop.
35:50I'm in Baldwin Hills oil field.
35:52I have one in custody, one deceased.
35:56Please send additional units, an RA, and a supervisor.
36:10What's up?
36:15I've been looking for you.
36:17You okay?
36:18Uh, yeah.
36:19Why didn't you tell me you were into something?
36:21I would have been there for you.
36:22You had your own life to deal with.
36:24Yeah, well, I hate to break it to you,
36:25but you're a pretty big part of that these days.
36:27Part lucky you.
36:28Yes, I am lucky.
36:31Look, I don't know what's going on with you,
36:35and I don't know who this Dillon guy you arrested is.
36:38All I know is that he's the guy
36:40All I know is there's got to be a reason
36:42you're playing it close to the vest,
36:45and I respect that.
36:47You take it from a guy
36:49who bottled things up for too many years.
36:53It helps to talk about it.
36:56You're right.
36:58I do need to talk.
37:01But not to you.
37:04Come in.
37:09Sir, I have something to tell you.
37:11What is it?
37:13Dillon Scott is my brother.
37:17Coming again?
37:19We spent a year together in the same foster home.
37:23A year that felt like a lifetime.
37:27I'm sorry.
37:30A year that felt like a lifetime.
37:33I wouldn't have made it one day without him.
37:37Bishop, where are you going with this?
37:41I left him off of my PHQ,
37:43and I applied to the Academy because of his criminal record.
37:46I pretended like he didn't exist, and that was a mistake.
37:49It doesn't matter. We only spent a year together.
37:53He's family.
37:56This was any other day,
37:59so I might have the energy to chew you out.
38:03I'll figure out how to help.
38:05But today, today my hands are tied.
38:09So I have to file a memorandum with the chief,
38:12informing him that one of my best officers
38:15perjured herself on an official document,
38:18likely torpedoing her career.
38:33We need to talk.
38:35I'm off-duty, Commander. Maybe another time.
38:37Jackson, please.
38:44So I've been doing a lot of apologizing today.
38:47I'm not used to that, and I'm not really good at it either.
38:50Was that your way of saying sorry?
38:53No, no. This is.
38:56I'm sorry.
39:01You swore that you weren't dirty.
39:03And I wasn't.
39:05Look, you have to understand,
39:08when I was coming up in the force, it was a different time.
39:11Two weeks to match fingerprints, if you were lucky.
39:14And forget about DNA evidence.
39:16We cut corners sometimes because we had to.
39:20My whole life, you drilled me
39:22to follow every single rule to the letter.
39:25And now it's only hair we cut corners because we had to.
39:28Who the hell do you think you are?
39:31Your father.
39:34Not the one that I thought you were.
39:36Look, I don't know what Oscar told you
39:38or what you think I might have done,
39:40but I swear to you, I wasn't dirty.
39:43I knew plenty who were, but that wasn't me.
39:45I never falsified evidence, never took money,
39:48never flaked a guy to make a collar.
39:51You have to believe me.
39:56No, Dad, I don't.
40:02Jackson, please.
40:05All I ever wanted was for you to be better than I was.
40:10Hey, are you okay?
40:13Not really.
40:15I'm sorry, but maybe this will cheer you up.
40:17Come on.
40:19I spoke to the building super about Samantha,
40:21told him everything she'd gone through.
40:23So he agreed to withdraw his complaint.
40:25She's free to go.
40:26That's great.
40:27There's more.
40:29Mrs. Bennett?
40:31Can we get a minute?
40:32Yeah, thanks.
40:33I'm sorry.
40:34It's okay.
40:37Can we get a minute?
40:38Yeah, thanks.
40:40I found your husband.
40:42I explained to him what happened,
40:43that you were innocent.
40:45It was a lot to process.
40:47Before you get your hopes up,
40:48he doesn't want you to know
40:49where he or your daughter are just yet.
40:51But I gave him this number,
40:54and I think he'll call
40:55once he wraps his head around the truth.
41:01You're welcome.
41:07So, what did they end up at?
41:12Right down to 50?
41:14The judge tossed it.
41:16What? How?
41:17Well, when you ran out of there,
41:18only concerned with your T.O. safety,
41:20I was able to use it as an example
41:21of your selfless dedication to the job.
41:24The judge was impressed.
41:27Nicely done.
41:28Hey, thanks.
41:29I told you I know what I'm doing.
41:31Yeah, you did.
41:33And I, for one,
41:34should know better than to judge someone
41:36on their age or their experience,
41:38so I'm sorry.
41:40And thank you very much.
41:44Hey, you know this lawsuit
41:45wasn't really about you, right?
41:48It was about the uniform.
41:50Get used to it.
41:51Hey, I'm a lawyer.
41:52Everybody hates us, right?
42:00You ready, boot?
42:01Remember, no mercy.
42:03Got it.
42:06You're having fun, aren't you?
42:09Okay, on me.
42:15I'm ready, I'm ready, I'm ready now
42:17I'm ready, I'm ready, I'm ready now
42:33Damn it.
42:57Damn it.