• 18 hours ago
The Rookie - Season 1 Episode 19


00:007 Adam 15, silent alarm, 801 North Heederly, respond code 2 high.
00:10Got an ID on the homeowner?
00:12Nope, listed to a holding company.
00:40Hey, hi!
00:42Thank God, I've been stuck up here for almost an hour.
00:44Control, send LAFD to our location, we got a guy in a tree.
00:48I have so many questions, starting with how and ending with why.
00:52I missed the landing zone.
00:53That's obvious.
00:56Excuse me, what are you guys doing on my property?
00:58Do you guys have a warrant?
01:00We got a call, silent alarm.
01:02And what are you doing in my tree, bro?
01:04He missed the landing zone.
01:05Yeah, that's obvious.
01:06Actually, I was aiming for Selena Gomez's house.
01:09Selena Gomez doesn't live here.
01:11She live...
01:12I can't tell you where Selena Gomez lives.
01:14Wait, are you stalking Selena?
01:15Stalking is such an ugly word.
01:17Parachuting into somebody's backyard?
01:19It's like kind of psycho, bro.
01:20You need to check yourself before you wreck yourself.
01:22Does that mean you don't want to press charges?
01:24Nah, just get him off my property ASAP.
01:26You got it.
01:29Oh my God, that's Will.I.Am.
01:47King Cole!
01:51That's not creepy at all.
01:52It arrived.
01:54What's it?
01:56The Ferrari?
01:57V12, single overhead cam, 0 to 60 before you can blink.
02:01Oh, I don't know, man. I can blink pretty fast.
02:03Come with me to pick it up.
02:04Oh, okay.
02:05Oh, wait a second.
02:06You just want to use my badge so you can open it up a little.
02:09No, no.
02:11Sorry, buddy. No dice.
02:12Besides, I got to get into work early.
02:14Check on Vinship.
02:15She has her DRP tomorrow for a PHQ violation.
02:17The what for the what?
02:18Disciplinary review panel for leaving her foster brother
02:20offers her a personal history questionnaire
02:22when she joined the department.
02:23Guy had a criminal record.
02:25Is that a big deal?
02:26She could be fired for lying on an official document.
02:28That's rough.
02:29I can see why you're taking your frustrations out of the bag.
02:32Because Bishop says there's nothing I can do to help her.
02:34That's your problem, you know.
02:35Oh, good. I was hoping we could make this about my inadequacies.
02:37No, I'm serious.
02:38You have a pathological need to fix things for people.
02:41Even when you know there's nothing they can do.
02:43Oh, I don't?
02:44Okay, look.
02:45I simply refuse to believe that there's never not a solution.
02:48It's like a triple negative.
02:50So, tell me, Mr. Fix-It.
02:52Does Bishop even want your help?
02:53Why wouldn't she?
02:54Because you're a rookie.
02:55Bottom of the food chain.
02:56Nothing you think or say matters inside the department.
02:59Especially with the chief of police,
03:01who personally decides Talia's punishments.
03:03Sounds a little harsh.
03:04Harsh as it is,
03:05you've got to stay focused on yourself right now.
03:07We've got a six-month exam next week,
03:09and we've got to ace it
03:10in order to move on to the next stage of our training.
03:12Where we'll still be riding with our TOs
03:14for another seven months?
03:15Yeah, but we'll get more freedom.
03:16And no more daily evaluations.
03:18Otherwise, it's back to the starting line,
03:20and you're the rookie who got held back.
03:22Or worse.
03:24Good job.
03:28What's with the glasses?
03:29I feel as though I need to start having more fun with the job.
03:32Stop taking everything so seriously.
03:35All right, listen up.
03:37I've got some bad news for our rookies.
03:39Thanks to Detective Jenkins being placed on the Brady list,
03:41the department is tightening the rules
03:44regarding the field training program.
03:46Bottom line, every recruit now
03:49has to complete the training and experience checklist
03:52as a primary officer
03:54before they'll be allowed to take the six-month exam.
03:56You've got to be kidding.
03:57I don't let my rookies be primary until the second month.
03:59If our recruits experience an event,
04:01it shouldn't matter if they were primary.
04:02It's not fair to them or us.
04:04I agree.
04:05But this is cover-your-ass time for the department.
04:07When the city gets sued,
04:08the first thing they look at
04:09is the officer training and experience.
04:11They've decided that experience can't just be
04:13I was standing there, too.
04:15We can't start this with the next round of recruits?
04:17The LAPD is a bureaucracy, Officer Bishop.
04:19Last thing they care about is a bunch of rookies.
04:21So how do we know how many cases we owe?
04:24You're listening to this on, Officer Chen,
04:26because I'm about to tell you.
04:27To complete your checklist,
04:29you still need to be primary on auto theft,
04:31carjacking, ethical dilemma,
04:33meth possession, a false I.D.,
04:35assault on a peace officer,
04:37and damage to city property.
04:39That's, like, seven things.
04:41What about us?
04:42Officer West needs a high-risk crowd control,
04:44meth possession, and a carjacking.
04:46Piece of cake, boss.
04:48I mean, sir.
04:49I'm afraid to ask.
04:51Officer Nolan, the number of items you need
04:53on your checklist are...
04:58You might want to thank your training officer
05:00for making you primary starting day one.
05:03And since we are ripping off the band-aid,
05:06here's the rest of the bad news.
05:08H.R. needs proof of completion
05:10by end of shift tomorrow.
05:12Otherwise, recruits are extended in the program.
05:15Meaning we fall behind.
05:16Sir, there's no way we can control
05:18what experiences they'll get in the next two days.
05:21Look, I know this is a tall order,
05:23but I believe in you.
05:25I've notified dispatch of the calls that are needed.
05:28They will funnel them to your shops,
05:30if, when, when they come in.
05:32That's it.
05:33All right? Good luck.
05:35Be safe out there.
05:37Officer Nolan, since you're free and clear,
05:39go see Detective Wolfe.
05:40He has a job for you and Bishop.
05:42Yes, sir.
05:45Heard you had a case for us.
05:46Yeah. Come in.
05:48I need your help with a fugitive.
05:52Craig Lawson.
05:53Skipped town last year when he learned
05:54he was gonna be arrested for embezzling
05:56a couple million from the family business.
05:58Then last week, Dad kicks the bucket.
05:59You think Lawson will come back for the funeral?
06:01Or the reception afterwards back at the house?
06:03I'll stake that out while you head to Malibu for the service.
06:06I gave local law a heads-up.
06:07Yes, sir.
06:09How's Bishop?
06:11Oh, she's...
06:15Tell her I said the DRP is bull.
06:17She risked her life to save mine.
06:19There's no way she should get bounced over
06:21and omit on her paperwork,
06:22and I told the brass that.
06:23I'll let her know.
06:25I'm sure she'll appreciate that.
06:30Do you think it would mean something
06:31if I spoke to the brass?
06:32You're a rookie.
06:33I'm a rookie.
06:35♪ Time go all the way down to my bones ♪
06:40♪ Best believe what you've been told ♪
06:43♪ Time to get what's mine, cause I'm gold ♪
06:46♪ Everyone diggin' me, gold ♪
06:48♪ Everyone diggin' me, yeah! ♪
06:50New shades?
06:51I can hear your mockery.
06:52Then I said it right.
06:53Take them off.
06:54I'm pretty familiar with the duty manual,
06:56and nowhere does it say that I can't wear these,
06:59so I'm not breaking any rules.
07:01Why are you sweating me?
07:03Take them off.
07:05Or eat them.
07:07Yes, ma'am.
07:087 Adam 7, assault battery 1501, Melrose.
07:12Oh, they got to kick that to someone else,
07:13cause I don't need no assault.
07:15We don't pass on calls.
07:177 Adam 7, show us responding.
07:23My tooth is loose.
07:25Come on.
07:29Hey, officers.
07:31Sir, what happened?
07:32This guy stomped me inside the bar
07:33cause I bumped into him.
07:34I said I was sorry, then bam.
07:37He did this.
07:38What did he look like?
07:39He was a white guy wearing a red soccer jersey.
07:42That's all I saw before I went fetal.
07:44Stay here, bro.
07:45We got this.
07:56I'm gonna call some backup.
07:59I can handle these guys.
08:01Okay, you're primary.
08:08He shoots again.
08:11What the hell is wrong with you?
08:12Put the bloody game back on.
08:14After you play my game,
08:16it's called which one of you hooligans
08:18punched the nice man in the face.
08:20Control, send backup code 3 for crowd control situation.
08:24My partner's calling in the cavalry,
08:25which means you have one minute to make a choice.
08:27Either everyone goes to jail for 647F,
08:30drunk in public,
08:31or you hand over the guy who threw the punches,
08:34and I can turn the game back on.
08:37So, what's it gonna be?
08:42Game comes first, mate.
08:51That was awesome.
08:53That was reckless.
08:54Come on, bad guy's in custody,
08:56no one got hurt,
08:57and I just checked off high-risk crowd control.
09:01Code 4, cancel backup.
09:06Code 4, cancel backup.
09:11None of these people are Craig Larson.
09:14So we wait.
09:15You sure there's nothing I can do to help you at your TRP?
09:17There really isn't.
09:18I could ask Ben to pull some strings.
09:20He knows some people at City Hall.
09:21Bending the rules is how I got into this.
09:23It's not gonna be how I get out.
09:25I can't just do nothing.
09:26Sure you can.
09:27When an idea pops into your head, ignore it.
09:33I think maybe we should introduce ourselves to the family
09:35and offer our condolences.
09:36What did I say about ideas popping in that big old head of yours?
09:39We'll just stand at the back of a funeral viewing.
09:44You don't find that a little creepy?
09:45A little creepy, no.
09:46Super creepy, yes.
09:47But for now, it is our job.
09:54He's clean.
09:56I'm really sorry.
09:57You're always caring, Fred.
09:59What happened?
10:00Oh, I got my 30-day chance.
10:07I feel bad I let you down.
10:09It's all good.
10:10It's all good.
10:11Say hi to Wilma for me, all right?
10:12You're free to go.
10:14You said he was a sure checkmark for drug possession.
10:17What can I say?
10:18He got clean.
10:19It's inspiring, actually.
10:20Well, forgive me if I don't appreciate the human interest story.
10:22I mean, Jackson at least has a chance with only three calls, but seven?
10:25Okay, people win the lottery every day.
10:27And with higher odds against them.
10:29There are 18 million people in the greater Los Angeles area.
10:31We just need seven of them to break very specific laws.
10:34Seven out of 19.
10:35Store owner reporting customer trying to pass counterfeit bill near your location.
10:38Hispanic male, brown hair, blue suit.
10:41Seven out of 19 responding.
10:42I don't need a counterfeiting case.
10:44Look at the bright side.
10:45You do need assaulting an officer.
10:46Maybe he'll take a swing at you.
10:50Thank you so much for coming.
10:56Here we go.
10:57Your presence here is incredibly disrespectful to my father's memory.
11:00This is a private viewing.
11:01I'm going to have to ask you to leave.
11:02I'm sorry, sir.
11:03We can't do that.
11:04Your brother is a wanted fugitive.
11:05And after all the money that he's stolen from you and your family,
11:07I think you'd want us here to catch him if he shows up.
11:10Craig's not going to show up.
11:11My father's dead because of what Craig did.
11:14So would you please leave and let us have this time to mourn?
11:19Is that?
11:20I think it is.
11:21Is that?
11:22I think it is.
11:27Where the hell is my money?
11:35Stay there.
11:36Stay down.
11:37Don't move.
11:38Give me your hand.
11:43I only stabbed him because he scared the crap out of me.
11:45I thought he was a zombie or something.
11:47Good luck arguing that in court.
11:48You faked your father's death to trick your brother into coming out of hiding.
11:51I had to.
11:52We need the money he stole.
11:53The business is going under.
11:54Where's the money, Craig?
11:55Same place as your soul.
11:58Hey, hey, hey, hey.
11:59We should probably transport them separately.
12:00You think?
12:06Guy's out on probation for a drug possession pinch.
12:08If he's holding this, give me one of the two texts I still need.
12:10Yes, he's holding.
12:11Driver, turn off the engine.
12:13Reach out of the window and open the door.
12:15Step out slowly, hands where I can see.
12:18Where are you headed today, sir?
12:21Mr. Giumetti, our system says that you're on probation for drug possession.
12:24Got anything on you right now?
12:25No, sir.
12:26Mind if I pat you down?
12:31I've been clean since the arrest four years ago.
12:36Find anything?
12:39I'm gonna search the car.
12:41Hands on the hood.
12:42Don't move.
12:43What are you doing?
12:44This guy has nothing on you.
12:45What are you doing?
12:46This guy has zero signs of drug use.
12:48Eyes aren't dilated, no rapid speech, or loss of coordination.
12:51Possession does not require use.
12:53He could be on his way home right now to get high.
12:56Given his history, a search is completely within reason.
13:08Officer West, wrap it up.
13:17That's not mine.
13:19I swear, I just bought this car two months ago.
13:21I've never even been in the back seat.
13:23Your car, your baggie.
13:24You're under arrest, Mr. Giumetti.
13:25You gotta be kidding me.
13:26Officer West, this is empty.
13:27No, there's clearly residue.
13:29The law states if you can see it and manipulate it, it's possession.
13:32We're not booking this guy for a licked bag.
13:34He didn't even know it was there.
13:35Computer says he bought this car at an auction two months ago,
13:37and this bag looks older than you.
13:38Hey, what?
13:39Have your boss call me.
13:40I'll tell them you're late because you were helping the LAPD on a case.
13:46First you tell me I'm too cavalier, then you shoot me down for being vigilant?
13:51I shot you down because you're being a bad cop.
13:54Look, I get what's going on.
13:55You spent a lifetime preparing to be squeaky clean like your old man.
13:58Only now you've discovered dirt under his nails, so you're spinning out,
14:01rebelling against how you were raised.
14:03I get it, and I'm giving you room to work it out,
14:05but that never gives an excuse to ruin a man's life over a crime he didn't commit.
14:08Try that again, and I will end your career before you even see that exam.
14:16I still need seven calls.
14:18You know how many I needed when we started this morning?
14:21What makes it feel any better?
14:22I only got one.
14:23It doesn't.
14:24Look, you're going to be fine.
14:25Yes, you are in the suck right now.
14:27You just have to bear down and get through it.
14:29And, as motivation, I put this as spa day the day after we take the exam.
14:33Well, easy for you to think about spa days.
14:35You've got all your boxes checked.
14:36Okay, look, I hate to play the H card.
14:38Do you?
14:39It's the only card I have.
14:40But one of the things I'm going to do is I'm going to play the H card.
14:43It's the only card I have.
14:44But one of the things you learn as you get older is perspective.
14:48I cannot tell you how many times in my 20s I thought I was going under for good.
14:52I was married with a young kid.
14:54I had credit card debts up to my eyeballs.
14:56It was bad.
14:58But we survived.
14:59We figured out a way to just keep moving forward.
15:02Well, that's great.
15:04But surviving isn't the same as succeeding.
15:07No, it's not.
15:08But in two days, we're going to be on the other side of this.
15:11That's why we're going to be sitting down, taking this test together.
15:17Pressure's getting to him.
15:18It's getting to me.
15:19Never had a rookie make it this far and not qualify for the exam.
15:22Look, no one's over there giving him a pep talk.
15:25How can you tell?
15:26Because he's been trying to give me one all day.
15:28He's right.
15:29I'm going to be fine.
15:30Well, either way, I'm off the fast track.
15:32No more making cheap 540.
15:34Thank God.
15:35Being brass sounds awful.
15:36I mean, it's all politics and stats.
15:38Might as well work corporate.
15:39All units, we have a 215 in progress.
15:41Carjacking Beverly Drive at Oakwood.
15:447 Adam 19, show us responding.
15:467 Adam 7, show us responding for training purposes.
15:48What the hell you are?
15:49Chen needs it more.
15:50Like hell. We're primary.
15:52Glad they don't get there first.
15:53Let's go, Chen!
15:54Let's go!
16:16Steve, get out of the way!
16:17What are you going to do?
16:19What are you going to do?
16:32Oh my God.
16:41Hey, buddy.
16:44Oh, Chen, this is Paige.
16:46Paige is great.
16:48You know what else is great?
16:52I'm Paige Thomas.
16:53I'm with the LAPD Victim Witness Services.
16:55John Nolan.
16:56Bad news.
16:57I lost the car.
16:58I know.
17:00I know.
17:01I know.
17:02I know.
17:03I know.
17:04I know.
17:05I know.
17:06I know.
17:07I know.
17:09I stopped for coffee.
17:13And when I got back to the car, this guy just came out of nowhere.
17:23He attacked you.
17:27He pointed the gun at me.
17:29You mean a gun?
17:30What did I say?
17:31It doesn't matter.
17:33I spoke to the doctor.
17:34He said they're going to release you tonight, so I'm going to swing by, pick you up, take you home.
17:42It was scary.
17:43I know.
17:45I know.
17:47Could I speak to you in the hall for a moment?
17:50I'll be right back.
17:51Hang tight.
18:02Are you okay?
18:04Just hard for me to see him like that.
18:06We've been friends a long time.
18:08Are you going to be here until he's released?
18:11I'll keep him company.
18:18We've got to catch this guy.
18:19Did Ben give you a description?
18:21Adult male.
18:23Maybe 5'10".
18:24Neck tattoo.
18:25A nose ring.
18:26Yeah, we put out a bolo on the car.
18:27So far, nothing.
18:28He would have gotten it off the street quickly, loaded it in the back of a semi.
18:30By now, it's on its way to a garage or a storage facility.
18:32And in a week, it'll be on a boat to Dubai or Japan.
18:35You stepping in?
18:37I've been hunting a high-end car ring for the last few months.
18:39Seems like their style.
18:40Broad daylight.
18:41Busy street.
18:42I want to help.
18:43I'm serious.
18:44I can see that.
18:45Is that a no?
18:46I'm sure Detective Wolf will reach out if he needs you.
18:48Talia's waiting downstairs.
18:50She'll take you back to the station so you can clock out and come back.
19:06Every license plate I run is coming up clear.
19:13There's no way I make this deadline.
19:15Not with that attitude.
19:16We're almost at the end of shift.
19:17I haven't checked a single box all day.
19:19Look, a buddy of mine at 77 said there's been more stolen cars in this one neighborhood
19:22in the last month than all of Medwellshire last year.
19:24I hope so.
19:32Those plates don't match that car.
19:34That's how you find a roll in stolen.
19:36Light them up, boo.
19:42License and registration.
19:43I know why you pulled me over.
19:45Wrong plates.
19:47I'm so sorry.
19:49The plates stolen or the car?
19:53They're mine.
19:54I mean my husband's.
19:55Why are your husband's plates on your car?
19:58My husband and I could only afford to register one of our cars.
20:03It's been a rough year.
20:05When the one we registered broke down, I didn't know what else to do.
20:09I have to get to my night job.
20:12It's illegal to use license plates from a different vehicle.
20:15I'm so sorry.
20:17I'm stupid.
20:20I should have known better.
20:23All right, give me a minute.
20:26I can't do this.
20:28He's just trying to get by.
20:30Case like this, it's your call.
20:32You can cite her for the false plates, check a box,
20:35or cut her loose and risk not being able to take the final exam.
20:39I don't want to be that cop.
20:43This whole thing is pissing me off.
20:45It's just...
20:46I don't want to do it this way.
20:48Running around trying to tick off boxes.
20:50It's not me.
20:53Give her a warning.
21:01All right, listen, I'm not going to write you up,
21:03but you can't ever do this again, okay?
21:07Drive safe.
21:09Drive safe.
21:21So what are the good news?
21:23This counts as an ethical dilemma,
21:26which means you have to check the box.
21:29Only six more to go.
21:38What are we doing?
21:39Having a sleepover.
21:41That sounds fun.
21:42Why here and not at my place?
21:44Oh, because your high-tech toilets freak me out a little bit.
21:46One unexpected colonic is my limit.
21:48You hungry?
21:50Why don't you use scotch?
21:51Scotch is really not a good mixer with painkillers.
21:54Says who?
21:58Listen, you know why we're having a sleepover?
22:02Because I was carjacked?
22:04That is part of it.
22:06But mostly because of what comes next.
22:10Remember I told you about that bank robbery I was in back home?
22:13Yeah, that's why I joined the force, you told me.
22:15What I didn't tell you was how bad it messed me up.
22:20And for a month after that, before I joined the academy,
22:23I would be fine,
22:27and then suddenly I would just see that gun in my face.
22:33I just went through my clothes on a cold day.
22:35I broke down crying at the drive-thru with the Dairy Queen.
22:37No reason.
22:38Well, not for no reason.
22:40No, not for no reason.
22:43The point is, yesterday you felt safe.
22:48Tomorrow you won't.
22:51But until you do, I'm going to be here for you.
22:57How's that sound?
23:01Sounds good.
23:05Ken, you still need six.
23:07Wes, you've got one.
23:08And Nolan, front desk duty.
23:10All right, that's it.
23:11Be safe out there.
23:12Make a hole, make a hole.
23:13Coming through.
23:16Missed you in there.
23:17I bet.
23:18Front desk duty.
23:19Yeah, everyone else is under the gun,
23:21so I'll be spending the day stamping forms.
23:24I know you told me not to,
23:26but I wrote a little memo about how great it is to have you as a training officer.
23:31Does it matter?
23:36It does.
23:37You going to show it to the chief?
23:39Probably not.
23:40Hey, you ready?
23:44Wish me luck.
23:45Good luck.
23:50I should just throw in the towels.
23:51There's no way we're going to check six boxes in one day.
23:53I'm not training a quitter, boo.
23:55We fight until the bell rings.
23:56There's no other way.
23:58Seven Adam 19, you still need a destruction of city property.
24:02Roger that.
24:03911 just got a call.
24:04Two blocks over from Wilshire and Pine.
24:06Single car accident while driving on the sidewalk.
24:08What'd I tell you?
24:09We're still in this.
24:10Seven Adam 19, show us responding.
24:18Put me to work.
24:19I can't help Bishop today,
24:20but I can help you catch the guy who hurt my friend.
24:22So get me pulled off the front desk and assigned to this case.
24:32Where do we start?
24:33Have you ever driven a Lamborghini?
24:39The LAPD had this just laying around?
24:42SS seizure from narcotics.
24:45You want to drive it?
24:47Hell yeah.
24:54You're old John Nolan crapping his pants right now.
25:04Oh my God.
25:10What happened?
25:12It's a bait car.
25:13Equipped with cameras, remote door locks, and a kill switch.
25:16Carjacker steals the car.
25:17We cut the engine, lock him inside.
25:20How will he know where to find it?
25:21CI's are set to put the word out as soon as it's in place.
25:24A car like this will get our boy's ass in gear real quick.
25:27And we'll be there waiting to hook him up.
25:29Were you serious about letting me drive it?
25:32The motor pool has your picture on their dartboard.
25:34What do you think?
25:35Yeah, that's fair.
25:43Control seven, Adam seven, can you run plate five,
25:45Paul, Charlie, Ida, four, one, zero.
25:50Adam, were you driving this vehicle?
25:55It's destruction of city property.
25:56That's one more box checked.
25:58Five, Paul, Charlie, Ida, four, ten, just reported, ten, eight, fifty, one.
26:02RP said his girlfriend took his car without permission 20 minutes ago.
26:06And grand theft auto brings you a total of three.
26:08It's your lucky day, boo.
26:10Hey, stop.
26:14That's technically a carjacking.
26:15The thing has a motor.
26:16It counts.
26:17Ma'am, do not attempt to run away again.
26:19What's your name?
26:20Alexander Hamilton.
26:21False ID to an officer brings us to five.
26:23I'm going to need to see your driver's license, please.
26:27Fault on a police officer, that's six.
26:31Not bad, Officer Chen.
26:33Go get her.
26:42So how's Ben doing?
26:44Bit of a rough night.
26:45I didn't make it through.
26:48I know a good therapist.
26:49Specializes in violence-related trauma.
26:52Helped me through some rough moments.
26:54I'll pass him along.
27:05Camo cap.
27:06Nose ring.
27:07Neck tattoo.
27:08That's our guy.
27:10Can we move in?
27:11No, let's wait till he's inside first.
27:16That's a scanner.
27:17Goes through all the remote key fob combinations until it unlocks the car.
27:49Show me your hands.
27:58Step out.
27:59Nice and slow.
28:03You know the drill.
28:04Hands on your head, interlace your fingers.
28:06Got him?
28:07Got him.
28:08Do not move.
28:17What happened to your hand?
28:20I don't remember.
28:22How about I remind you?
28:24Is there a problem, Officer Nolan?
28:26No, sir.
28:28You're under arrest.
28:29You have the right to remain silent.
28:30Anything you say can and will be used against you in a court of law.
28:33You have the right to talk to a lawyer and have him press you while you're being questioned.
28:37If you cannot afford a lawyer, one will be appointed to you at no expense.
28:41Do you understand your rights as I have read them to you?
28:44Then get in.
28:49We got him.
28:50I can't wait to talk to Ben.
28:51Take a beat.
28:53Because this guy's a small piece of a much bigger operation.
28:55If he's willing to give up his employer, the DA will let him walk.
28:58That guy just put my friend in a hospital.
29:00He has to pay for that.
29:01Yeah, but the guy he works for has put people in the ground.
29:04Flipping a carjacker for a bigger fish is SOP.
29:07So letting this guy go is the price we have to pay?
29:09Then we're going to pay.
29:12Is that going to be a problem?
29:14No, sir.
29:25You okay?
29:28You're allowed to be nervous.
29:29I'm not nervous.
29:31I'm frustrated.
29:32I've worked harder than anyone in the past eight years,
29:34and now it might all get taken away because of this?
29:37Because of one question I answered before I even started the academy.
29:40That's like on the fly.
29:43You got to own up to this, Talia.
29:45You are one of our best.
29:47But you can't tell me you didn't know what you were doing when you left Dylan's name off the list,
29:50but included your other foster siblings.
29:52Chief Williams may be unpredictable,
29:55but the one thing he's not going to stand for is BS.
29:58Yes, sir.
30:05Let's go.
30:11Officer Bishop, Sergeant Gray, have a seat.
30:18Sir, I'd like to make a statement before you.
30:20I'm sure you would.
30:22I know you're here to sing Officer Bishop's praises, and you wouldn't be wrong.
30:26I've looked at her files.
30:27She's a fine officer.
30:29Here's what I want to know.
30:31You left your foster brother, a known felon, off your PHQ.
30:35In short, you lied.
30:38Tell me why that's not a problem.
30:42I can't do that, sir.
30:45What I did is a problem.
30:49I violated the trust of this department before I even started the job.
30:54I could tell you I did it to protect myself and my future here, but that is also inexcusable,
31:00because that meant pretending that my foster brother was not a part of my life.
31:04I could have helped him, but I chose to cut him out.
31:09I have a lot to be sorry for, and I am.
31:16All right, then.
31:19Detective Reyes, would you begin?
31:21Officer Bishop, Internal Affairs has combed through your entire career with the LAPD
31:25to make sure that your association with this felon has not further impaired your judgment.
31:31In doing so, I have found several discrepancies, errors, and omissions.
31:35I think it's easiest if we just start with the most recent and work our way backwards.
31:39Now, in October of this past year, you failed to secure your LAPD vehicle.
31:45He gave you the keys.
31:48He did exactly what you told him to do, and you beat him to a pulp anyway.
31:52I don't know what you're talking about.
31:53I just want to know why.
31:56Or is that just the kind of person you are?
31:58I don't got to talk to you about this.
32:00Detective said if I give up my boss, I walk free.
32:03Well, I hope he doesn't show.
32:05Oh, he will.
32:07My intel's good.
32:11Walk the perimeter.
32:13We're good to go.
32:16I heard your boy Jackson got his last checkmark.
32:19He and Lopez folded into the strike team.
32:29That's him. Black jacket.
32:36That's Ben's car.
32:38We have positive ID on our target.
32:40All units prepare to move in.
32:47Police! Hands!
32:49Hands up!
32:53Don't let go of them.
32:55Lopez, Jackson, with me.
32:57Hands where I can see them!
33:02I'm going to get you!
33:04I'm going to get you!
33:06I'm going to get you!
33:08I'm going to get you!
33:10I'm going to get you!
33:12I'm going to get you!
33:16I'm driving.
33:31We need to flank them. Take broadway.
33:37Seven out of fifteen, put pursuit west.
33:40I'll lead it. Try to tell Plaza.
33:45All right.
34:00Idiot! Idiot!
34:02What are you doing?
34:05On hill three.
34:07We can cut them off in the plaza.
34:09Wait! What are you doing?
34:15Ma'am, are you okay?
34:35Police! Everybody down!
34:38Got you.
34:44Freeze! Don't you make a move!
34:50Are you okay?
34:54Car thieves are supposed to have car chases, not foot chases.
34:59Car thieves are supposed to have car chases, not foot chases.
35:09Drove suspect in custody.
35:19I heard it wasn't going so well.
35:21Not particularly.
35:23What the hell are you doing here, Nolan?
35:24Standing up for what's right.
35:26Nolan, don't! Don't!
35:29Son, are you lost?
35:31No, sir. I'm officer Bishop's rookie, and I need to be heard.
35:34No, you don't. My apologies, sir. Officer Nolan was just...
35:38Hold on, sergeant. If the man needs to be heard, he needs to be heard.
35:44Better be good, though.
35:46Yeah, I'd rather be.
35:52Sorry, chief.
35:53Been a bit of a day.
35:54For me, too.
35:55Yes, sir. Sorry about that.
35:57Here's the thing.
35:58For the last six months, I have watched officer Bishop selflessly give to this city.
36:03She has made people safer, changed people for the better.
36:08And inspired me to be a better police officer.
36:13I entered this program at a deficit.
36:15Older than all the other rookies, by far.
36:20But officer Bishop showed me how to make my life experience work for me.
36:26So that one day I might be half the cop she is.
36:33I know I'm nobody in the department, sir. I'm still on probation.
36:36Still learning all the rules and regulations.
36:38Oh, like the three you broke when you pushed your way in here?
36:41Actually, I can answer that.
36:43Disobeying a direct order, disregarding chain of command, and...
36:46Conduct, I'm becoming an officer.
36:48Then you do understand that there's a certain risk to your actions here today.
36:52Yes, sir, I do.
36:54But I was raised to stand up for the people I care for.
37:00I realize what officer Bishop did was an ethical violation and there needs to be consequences.
37:05But she taught me that this job is about judgment and fairness and compassion.
37:11Officer Bishop wasn't trying to game the system.
37:14She was simply determined to be the best police officer the city's ever seen.
37:20And I needed you to know that.
37:22You're the officer who was with Captain Anderson when she died.
37:28I wasn't.
37:32Sergeant, when am I administering this recruit's oral exam?
37:37A week from today, sir.
37:40Until that majestic day of reckoning, Officer Nolan, get the hell out of my office.
37:45Yes, sir.
37:53Sir, are you trying to get fired?
37:54No, sir.
37:55Then you're just a moron.
37:56Yes, sir.
37:57But he's my moron.
37:58Do you think it helped?
37:59I don't think it hurt.
38:01Well, we'll see.
38:02Regardless, the chief's going to be coming for you next week.
38:05Let him come. I'll be ready.
38:07Do you know he can test you on anything from the Rook book?
38:09Penal code and duty manual. Anything at all.
38:11I know them forwards and backwards.
38:15Page 47, Rook book.
38:17How many commas?
38:28You okay?
38:29I really screwed up.
38:32I don't know what I was thinking. I just...
38:37I don't know who I'm supposed to be right now.
38:39And when I push to be something I'm not, I...
38:43I almost got someone killed.
38:45What the hell are you doing, Vought?
38:46You're still one shot on your checklist.
38:48It's too late.
38:50Shift's over.
38:51Shift's over when we punch out.
38:52We're not punching out until we get you a meth possession.
38:54Come on, Gray approved the OT.
38:56Let's go.
39:01I'm fine.
39:03Are you sure?
39:05We'll talk later.
39:15Your boot gave a nice speech.
39:19Can I help you with something?
39:20I'm just here to inform you that it may take a week or two before we make a final decision in your matter.
39:25Then I'll see you in a week or two.
39:32I could give you a decision today.
39:34Right now, as a matter of fact.
39:37And what would that decision be?
39:39Cleared on all charges.
39:41It sounds like there's an if.
39:42You're smart.
39:43That's why you're perfect for this.
39:44For what?
39:46I need someone here to be my eyes and ears at the Mid-Wilshire station.
39:50You want me to be a rat for internal affairs?
39:53I know it sounds bad, but we'll save your job.
39:56The chief takes my recommendations very seriously.
39:59And let's be honest, your boot speech was good.
40:01But it wasn't that good.
40:03Think about it.
40:05We'll talk soon.
40:08I don't know, don't ask me why.
40:11I wish I had better news.
40:13It doesn't matter.
40:14It matters to me.
40:15I want you to have closure.
40:16Does the closure help you after the bank robbery?
40:20Not really.
40:21Which is why I'm out of here.
40:23Tomorrow morning, wheels up to St. Bart's.
40:26From there?
40:27Who knows?
40:29You think a change of scenery will help ease the trauma?
40:31I'd take a cold drink on White Sands.
40:33Good start.
40:36Well, it's been for a few months, you have that option.
40:39Most folks don't have that.
40:41You gotta sit and try to deal with their DTSD while still holding their lives together.
40:47So I should feel bad, I might?
40:52I'm saying...
40:55Escape is a privilege.
40:57But you won't really be escaping.
41:00All the stress and nightmares and feelings from the attack, they're gonna come along to the beach with you.
41:07And I can tell you that because I've been there.
41:11The only thing that helped me make it to the other side was...
41:16Becoming a cop.
41:19You think I should join up?
41:22Nobody wants that.
41:25But you could think about using the trauma to motivate you.
41:29Make something positive out of a terrible experience.
41:34That victim's services woman gave me a card.
41:38I could write her a check.
41:39You could.
41:42You should.
41:45You think I need to be more hands-on.
41:47I think helping people when you can look them in the eye...
41:52Is one of the most fulfilling things I've ever done with my life.
41:56I'm sorry.
41:59I'll call in the morning.
42:06I hate ginger ale.
42:09I know.