The Rookie - Season 1 Episode 16
00:00He's clean.
00:11Just out for a stroll.
00:12A stroll?
00:13It is sad the way you guys are harassing an innocent man.
00:16Officer Nolan, are you familiar with the crack almanac?
00:18Is it available on Kindle?
00:19Four basic principles.
00:20Look out, cook out, cash out, stash out.
00:22Cook out, cook cocaine in the crack.
00:24Look out?
00:25For the cops?
00:26You really could stand to work on that one.
00:28Stash out?
00:29Yeah, you could stash the rocks nearby so if the cops catch you, you're clean.
00:34So you want me to...
00:39Oh, God.
00:42Oh, that stinks.
00:48I don't even...
00:55You know what?
00:56Maybe Don Dre really is just out for a stroll.
00:58Ah, but there is still one principle left, Officer Nolan.
01:01Cash out.
01:02See, a real good hustler only wants to be seen on his corner doing business.
01:07Which means, if DeAndre is here, so is his money.
01:21That's not mine.
01:22You sure?
01:23Because it looks like a couple thousand here.
01:26Can I see that remote?
01:27I got it in the same model for Christmas.
01:29New question.
01:30Who is?
01:31Cash out.
01:32Stash out.
01:33Strolls over.
01:34Turn around.
01:35Put your hands behind your back.
01:36Left, left, left.
01:37Hold up.
01:38Hold up.
01:40Yo, I need a break.
01:41I can't believe we don't get a single vacation or personal day during our entire probationary
01:55That's how we prove our commitment.
01:56Wearing wool in August isn't enough?
01:57Why are you so cheery?
01:58Just living my best life.
02:01Yeah, okay, a little yes.
02:03Yeah, a little.
02:04That's great.
02:05You seem really happy.
02:07We should do a double date.
02:08I'd love for you to meet Gino.
02:09Sounds great.
02:10But she's out of town right now.
02:11She's doing a lecture at the Department of Homeland Security.
02:12Can I have your attention?
02:13Let's go, boys.
02:14Everyone, gather up.
02:16Internal Affairs will be conducting random integrity tests this week.
02:18Sorry, Officer West.
02:19What's a reversal?
02:20It's where cops go undercover to rat out other cops.
02:21IA officers will be spending the week pretending to be criminals, so they can analyze how we
02:22treat them.
02:23So it's him this time?
02:25It's him.
02:26It's him.
02:27It's him.
02:28It's him.
02:29It's him.
02:30It's him.
02:31It's him.
02:32It's him.
02:33It's him.
02:34It's him.
02:35It's him.
02:36It's him.
02:37It's him.
02:38It's him.
02:39It's him.
02:40It's him.
02:41It's him.
02:42It's him.
02:43It's him.
02:45You call them by their real name and you treat them.
02:46So it's him said.
02:47Do you think this is a joke, Officer Lopez, Officer Bradford?
02:50No, ma'am.
02:52Because I take you very seriously.
02:53If you have to change your behavior because of these reversals, we have a problem.
02:58My officers do things the right way.
03:00Every day.
03:01Is that understood?
03:03Yes, ma'am.
03:05It's them.
03:07Are reversals really that hard to spot?
03:08Well, we usually make a cop out of the way they walk.
03:09Not these guys.
03:10They're trained for this.
03:12And it's like the Super Bolts of them.
03:13About two years ago, they took over a bank
03:15and masqueraded as robbers just to test our response time.
03:18They cleared the bank out first.
03:19Every teller and customer was a plant.
03:21That's dedicated.
03:22It's a waste of time and resources,
03:24which is why I make it my mission
03:25to seek and destroy reversals.
03:26I don't see what the fuss is about.
03:28A cop should be held to the highest standards.
03:29Of course you side with IA. Your dad's in charge.
03:32Okay, it's not about my dad. The integrity of the cop...
03:37Here to see a client?
03:41I won't keep you.
03:44Did you guys break up?
03:47No, we had a few dates, then we stopped.
03:50It's like a break-up to me.
03:52What happened?
03:53Nothing. It's fine. Let's go.
03:55Seven out of 15.
03:57Disturbance at the Alto Bello Hotel.
03:59I'm saying this is my fault.
04:02You're damn right it's your fault.
04:03Do you have any idea how much my car costs?
04:05Please, ma'am, if we could take this inside.
04:07Seems to be the problem here.
04:08Valet destroyed my car.
04:09That car?
04:11Yeah, look, the paint job. Right there.
04:14That scratch will buff right out.
04:16You're lying. He's lying.
04:17This is a civil matter.
04:18Feel free to take photographs
04:20and send it in for an insurance claim.
04:21You mean you're not gonna arrest him?
04:22There's no crime here, ma'am.
04:24Oh, like hell there isn't.
04:25I know you did it on purpose, too.
04:26Because I caught you staring at my ass
04:27when I gave you the car.
04:29I see nicer asses on the regular.
04:30Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa!
04:32Whoa, whoa, whoa!
04:33Whoa, whoa, whoa!
04:34Whoa, whoa, whoa!
04:35Whoa, whoa, whoa!
04:36Whoa, whoa, whoa!
04:37I'll let go of me!
04:38Sorry. Sorry about that.
04:39Oh, sorry about that.
04:40I didn't mean for that to happen.
04:41Yeah, right.
04:42Is that how you get off?
04:43You handcuff hot girls and rip off their clothes?
04:45No, ma'am.
04:47I'm just saying,
04:48cops don't have the best reputation right now.
04:50And if these tests help the public trust us,
04:52isn't it worth it?
04:53And how are we supposed to trust each other
04:55if our fellow officers are trying to trick us
04:57into screwing up?
04:58I ask myself that every day.
05:01That's different.
05:02I do it to make you a better cop,
05:04not betray you.
05:05Patrol patrol.
05:26You're, uh...
05:29It's me.
05:33License and registration?
05:34registration? Yes sir. I'm so sorry. I can't believe I did that. I've never run a stop sign before.
05:41I watch you on the red carpet like all the time. It's always nice to meet a fan.
05:47Uh officer, is there any way you can let me slide on this one or just let me off with a
05:52stern warning? It's just that I'm really late right now and I got a lot of people waiting for
05:55me on set. You're at a stop sign. We could arrest you for it. Arrest me? Come on, it's a nice quiet
06:01street. There's no harm done. You know, I can get you tickets to any big movie premiere you'd like
06:06or there's a particular star you ever wanted to meet. Okay sir, bribery of public officers in
06:10violation of code. What? Oh you gotta be kidding me. Murphy. Officer Bradford. Nice touch roping
06:24in a celebrity. Well he had community service hours to work off. You thought we'd let him
06:28go because he's famous? Had I known it was you, I would have put a strung out cop behind the wheel.
06:33I know you have a soft spot. Excuse me, does that mean I can go? Ride him up. Reckless driving.
06:43Giving false information to a police officer. Disobedience to traffic signs. Unlawful acts
06:47with a green air sticker. Driving with an obstructed view. Unnecessary use of horn.
06:52Failure to exercise caution when passing animals. Is he serious?
07:00What if she's one of the reversals? It's not your fault her tacky dress broke when
07:04she tried to stab a guy. If she's IA, she'll report you used reasonable force given the threat.
07:10You think it's possible that the dress was designed to fail on contact?
07:14You know, like those breakaway pants? I'm gonna go finish the paperwork.
07:23Thanks you guys. Right this way. Please believe me, I did not mean to expose you like that.
07:32The woman with the phone, I spoke to her. She was very reasonable. I watched her delete all the
07:35footage. You have no idea who I am, do you? You are Astrid Hessler. No priors, no outstanding warrants.
07:42What's your name? Joan Nolan. Badge number? 25253. If you want to lodge a complaint, that is your right.
07:48Oh, I'm gonna lodge something, believe me.
07:57Yo, that's messed up. You went through Wesley's phone? I thought he was cheating on me. Cheating?
08:01You guys only went on a few dates. I knew you wouldn't understand. I understand, I just don't approve.
08:07And I understand that's not the tone to take with a T.O., so take it back. Good. Except the best
08:12messed up part. Gotta stand back. How much you want to bet it's a reversal? That's pretty convincing.
08:19Drunk driving. 20 is legit. Driver, pull over now.
08:24Unless the IA's recruiting out of grade school, I just made 20 bucks. Are you okay? Good. Get out.
08:44I can't. I have to get her to the hospital. She's dying. Lopez. My sister's O.D. Please, help her.
08:55She's barely breathing. Control, start our radar location. Female, 20s, overdose. You know what she took?
09:02No, I'm sorry. Pupils are pinpoint. It's probably heroin. Get the Narcan.
09:13Mom, stay with us. Vega, step back. She's gonna be okay. This stuff will wake her right up, all right?
09:20It's gonna wake her right up. Come on, come on, come on, come on, come on, come on, come on.
09:28You gotta help. You saved her. I'm sorry, she's breathing.
09:34Seven out of 19. 459 in progress. 117 aired. Police, we're coming in.
09:50Those are the gypsies. Careful. These places are usually booby-trapped.
10:00Oh, my god. See? Booby-trapped.
10:06I don't think we should. He could have suffered an artery. The paramedics don't know what to do.
10:11We don't need to call anybody else. There's a half a million dollars worth of mushrooms in here.
10:14We split it. You're pretending every suddenly. Everybody left.
10:20Okay. What? Really? Yeah, but I want 60 percent. So call Detective Murphy and ask her if that's
10:28okay with internal affairs. Wait, you think this is another reversal? Two in two hours? That's how
10:33they do it, to try and catch you when your guard is down. What are you talking about? Look, I gotta
10:36say, this is impressive FX work. We are in Hollywood, so. How'd you do it? Metal plates? Peg leg?
10:43Wait, wait, what are you doing? What are you doing? Calling your blocker.
10:49Seven out of 19. We need an RA to 117 Ayers. 30-year-old male, severe trauma to left leg.
10:58You're lucky his leg's gonna be okay. If Murphy hadn't gotten in my head,
11:01it wouldn't have happened. Blame the reversals, not me.
11:04What happened between you two? Did she investigate you or something? Indirectly.
11:08Okay. Is it Isabel?
11:15Look, Murphy was our investigating officer. Okay, but you're not Isabel,
11:19so what's her beef with you? Not your concern. Start the paperwork.
11:25Everything okay? Yes, ma'am. We had a reversal, but Officer Bradford saw right through it.
11:30I heard. IA is stepping up their game using celebrities. Stay vigilant. I wanted to say
11:36I really appreciated what you said earlier today about cops doing the right thing every day.
11:41Is that because you're seeing evidence of officers acting otherwise? No, not at all. I was-
11:46Relax. Officer Chen, I'm not gonna ask you to narf on anyone, but part of protecting and serving
11:51is making sure you refuse to do anything that crosses the line. So if anybody's asking you to
11:55do so, I expect you to come talk to me. Yes, ma'am. Okay. Tell me, how's the new apartment working
12:00out? Oh, it's great. It's a quiet neighborhood. There's lots of coffee shops and people walking
12:05around. Comics? Yeah, I found it in Lost and Found. And by Lost and Found, I mean my locker.
12:19Thanks. Yeah. So what happens now? Your sister, she's stable. No reason that she can't make a
12:30full recovery. Then it's up to her. But ODs have a way of putting things into perspective.
12:38My mom OD'd three times before she died. Each time she swore she was gonna get clean.
12:44Cassie and I found her when we went down for breakfast. She was blue. Yeah. You can't lose hope.
12:51Yeah. It's what everyone says. Because it's true, Jake.
12:55Social Services is on their way to get you placed somewhere safe while your sister gets the help she
12:58needs. Okay? Sure.
13:06I'll be right back. Hey, hold up. Can we talk? Okay.
13:16I need to explain something. My dad left when I was a kid, and my mom never really got past
13:24it. There was no one stable growing up in my life. So I guess what I'm trying to say is I think that's
13:31the reason why I went through your phone. You sound like my clients. What? Everybody's dad
13:39bailed. No one's mom's perfect. Doesn't change what you did. No, I know, but... You're a grown
13:46woman. So having a bad childhood isn't a valid excuse anymore. Look, I wish I could trust you
13:52again, but I don't see how I can. I'm sorry.
14:07Tim was so convinced we caught another reversal, he pried open the bear trap.
14:11I've never seen someone actually pass out from pain before. That's tough.
14:15Not as bad as a helplessness in that kid's eyes.
14:17What about you? Good day? Bad day? I had to pry a psycho off a valet at a five-star hotel.
14:23Her dress ripped as I was cuffing her, exposing her unmentionables while she was pissed.
14:28Wow. What? That was for sure a reversal. Yeah, dress was probably rigged, like breakaway pants.
14:35That's what I thought. Yeah? Oh, okay. I see what you're doing. Can I get that to go, please? No,
14:40come on. Don't be like that. No, as much as I would love to keep telling war stories,
14:44thank you, Dez. I have another full day of rehearsals tomorrow, and this working is as
15:17Hey, so they canvassed the area. No one saw the shooter.
15:46He fired a couple hundred rounds. Yet no one's admitting they saw him.
15:49The patrol found the car he escaped in. It was reported stolen this afternoon. SID is all over.
15:54Who'd you piss off? Clearly someone with access to heavy weaponry. I didn't recognize the guy.
15:58According to intelligence, you've been greenlit by Southern Front.
16:01Greenlit? Means they put a hit on you. How does a rookie get greenlit before me?
16:05That's a step up my game. It's not a badge of honor. Violent white supremacist gang wants
16:08you dead. You're doing something right. I'm sorry, white supremacy gang and
16:11greenlit? What the hell's going on? Normally, gangs don't target cops more
16:15trouble than it's worth. Unless a cop disrespects a gang member, then all bets are off.
16:19You arrested a woman today. Astrid Heisser. Her dress broke. I embarrassed her. I thought
16:26she was I.A. She's not. She's the baby mom of leader of Southern Front, one of the most
16:31violent criminal enterprises in the country. And because of how you treated her, he authorized
16:35everyone in the gang to kill you. What about Talia? Yeah, what about me?
16:39Nolan is the one who put hands on her. He's the one they're after.
16:41How many Southern Front members are there? The greater Los Angeles area? Several thousand.
16:46And protecting you will be our number one priority.
16:48Step one is to get you off the streets. Come with me, Nolan. I'm gonna escort you home.
17:00Canine unit already swept the property. Owner coming home tonight?
17:04Uh, no. Been left for New York yesterday. So what's happening here?
17:08The D.A. approved a BARDA alarm. It bypasses 9-1-1. Sends a red alert to all the cops in the
17:13area. So what's next?
17:16That's up to you. I mean, I can't just go to work, right? I'd
17:19be endangering everyone who came within five feet of me.
17:21Being a cop is being at risk. So you're saying I should just
17:24report for duty, act like nothing happened? I think we tell criminals what to do,
17:28not the other way around. No matter the consequences?
17:30No matter the consequences. But, look, it's up to you. No one is gonna judge you either way.
17:36Yeah, right. Nolan,
17:39this isn't about bravery. You have a family. Any cop who's ever worn a badge understands that.
17:45All set, Captain. Okay. It seems the system is up and armed.
17:50We have a unit parked out front. Try to get some sleep.
17:53Don't see that happening. No.
17:56Thank you. Have a good night.
17:59Hey, what are you doing here? Guard duty.
18:03I think we have that covered. Now it's extra covered.
18:06You call me directly if anything happens. Yes, ma'am.
18:10Okay. Weston Chen, reporting for duty.
18:17Guys, this is very sweet, but honestly, it's unnecessary.
18:21You'd do the same for us. So, how do you want to do this?
18:25Personally, I'd go with alternating two-hour shifts with a static position plus a rover.
18:29Oh, and I have earpieces and walkies, just so we can keep in constant contact.
18:35You got anything sweet? Yeah, just some ice cream.
18:38Hey, guys. Guys, look, come on. We need to stay focused.
18:43You know, the whole point of guard duty is that we take turns being up,
18:46so everyone gets some sleep. Could have left at any time.
18:49Yeah, Nolan would have given you grief. Yeah, right.
18:52Oh, we got to get to the station. Our shift starts soon.
18:56I should go in. What? To work?
18:58Absolutely not. You're safest right here. We'll manage without you for a few weeks at work.
19:03What if it's longer than that? My training would be put on hold. I'd
19:07stay a rookie while you guys moved up. We'd be separated.
19:12That's never gonna happen. So, it'll all be over soon.
19:17Yeah. And if it's not?
19:20Then it's good you have a pool.
19:23Sorry, everyone settle down. Thank you for coming in. Most of you on your day off.
19:29Till this is resolved, all overtime limits have been lifted.
19:33As you may know, Southern Front originated as a white supremacist prison gang about 15 years ago.
19:39Since then, they have branched out in a big way.
19:41Drugs, prostitution, extortion. But what sets them apart is their ability to
19:46Their leader, the so-called King Midas, is currently serving three consecutive life sentences.
20:01His son, Cole, he controls the day-to-day operations on the street. But make no mistake,
20:05his father is pulling the strings.
20:07Lifting the green light would be a huge loss of face for Cole, so he's not gonna do it willingly.
20:12So, we gotta make this a business decision. We put a big enough hurt on their operation,
20:16they'll lift the green light.
20:21Sorry I'm late.
20:46Yesterday, Southern Front tried to kill one of our own. Today, we hit back.
21:04Nothing. Look, everyone else sees this big hero move,
21:08but I see your ego getting in the way of you doing the smart thing.
21:11Look, if you don't wanna ride with me...
21:15It's not about my safety. It's about yours. You're risking your life to prove a point.
21:20Seems worth it to me, if you're making the right point.
21:23There's no sense in taking a needless risk, which is why Officer Nolan will be staying
21:27far away from anything Southern Front related. And I'll be riding with him.
21:32Whether I agree with his decision or not, he's my rookie.
21:35And I'll take good care of him.
21:39Yes, ma'am.
21:39I'm riding with the captain. I thought being green-lit was scary.
21:47I drive.
21:48Of course.
21:50Officer Nolan. Keys.
21:55How exactly are we hurting Midas' operation?
21:57By attacking Southern Front, where they make all the money. The three Ts.
22:02Drug trafficking.
22:07Weapons trafficking.
22:10And sex trafficking.
22:26I'll handle processing. You get started on the asset paperwork.
22:29I still don't see how confiscating 20 gallons of lube is gonna get the gang to back off Nolan.
22:33Asset forfeiture is where we do the most damage today.
22:35Law says we can seize everything and anything connected to their illegal operation.
22:39Vehicles, merchandise, even the massage parlor.
22:42So why didn't we hit it last week? Vice knew that Southern Front owned that shop.
22:45That's whackable. You take out one criminal enterprise, another one takes its place.
22:49Usually not a good use of our time. But today, that's exactly what we want.
22:52Make sure Southern Front's scared one of their competitors is about to move in.
22:56You better be kidding me.
22:59What the hell are you doing here?
23:00My job. Making sure cops don't break the law.
23:02One of our officers was green. They came within seconds of being killed.
23:05When do you think that a cop's most likely to cross the line?
23:07When they're scared, angry, want revenge?
23:09They might, I don't know, yell at a detective.
23:12How about I write you up for conduct on becoming an officer?
23:14Knock yourself out. This is about Isabel and you know it.
23:17You know it is about Isabel.
23:19It's about the fact that you covered for her for months.
23:21That's not true.
23:22Oh, please. Any cop can tell an addict 10 miles out.
23:24You knew she was using and you let her come to work every day with a loaded gun.
23:28You had an obligation to report her and you didn't.
23:30Okay, that's a lie. But I'd expect nothing less from a cop like you.
23:33Hey, I need you to come check something for me.
23:35I want to make sure I'm doing it by the book. Okay? So, come on.
23:37Hey, you know what? If I were you, I'd ask for another T.O.
23:40Yeah, well, you're not me. Man.
23:52I was told there was a cop coming with the authority to negotiate.
23:57Cut the crap. Only color you care about is green.
24:00And the LAPD has taken a lot of that from you today.
24:03Now, if you want to stop the bleeding, sit your ass down.
24:07Look, I reviewed the body cam footage.
24:15That girl tried to stab a guy right in front of my officer.
24:17He used minimal force to stop her. No disrespect was intended or shown.
24:22Your son is overreacting and I don't think it's his first time.
24:25It's time for the adults to de-escalate matters.
24:29You been in the game long?
24:31Almost 20 years.
24:32Then you know I can't just rescind the green light.
24:35It's gotta come from coal. Any other way, my guys don't respect them.
24:40Yeah, sucks to be you.
24:43Let me be clear. I'm not here to negotiate.
24:46We cost you a million in lost revenue and three in seized assets.
24:50And we're just getting started.
24:53None of that matters without honor.
24:55You are way out on the ledge, Midas.
24:59In half a day, we shut down seven of your businesses,
25:02put 46 of your men behind bars, and just imagine the damage we can do tomorrow
25:09when we start hitting your spots in San Diego, San Jose, Victorville.
25:13I can keep going.
25:14Your son is about to destroy everything you built because his girlfriend yelled at him.
25:20Do the right thing. Call off the green light.
25:25Seven out of 15, possible 459 in progress, 1936 Crystal Lane.
25:29Seven out of 15 shows responding.
25:32I hate this. It feels like everyone's fighting my battle for me.
25:36City still needs policing.
25:59Oh, that was...
26:17I was gonna say terrifying.
26:21Guess I better get used to that.
26:23You know, when I was first stationed in Baghdad, I used to get these headaches.
26:28Took me a few days to realize this because my eyes kept darting around looking for trouble.
26:32That's what it is.
26:33I didn't stop looking, but it does stop hurting.
26:37Seven out of 15, go to channel two for Sergeant Gray.
26:44It worked. Midas forced Cole to lift the green light.
26:50I guess you are back to being just another rookie.
26:53Thank God.
26:55Thank you, Sergeant.
26:57My pleasure.
26:58So does that mean this little odd couple partnership is over?
27:01Hell no. We got a burglary call today.
27:07Seven out of 15, Cheryl, it's code six on the burglary call.
27:11Be advised we have an open door going into clear.
27:27No, I'm coming!
27:57Hey there!
28:23Look who's awake!
28:27Packs quite a kick, doesn't it?
28:30It's got four times the voltage as the LAPD uses.
28:34Could probably cook the eyeball right out of your skull.
28:38Hey, look, look, I did not intend to disrespect Astrid, okay?
28:41Or you, okay?
28:42And I would be happy to apologize.
28:43Too late for that now.
28:45The only way this ends is with you dead.
28:49Yeah, I'd heard that you were dumb, but it is shocking to see it in person.
28:58Who lured you into an ambush with a false surrender?
29:02Does your father know that was false, huh, junior?
29:05I can't imagine that revelation's gonna go too well, huh?
29:12I think it'll go fine.
29:15Oh, he's dumber than I thought.
29:18What's my rank?
29:20What is my rank?
29:22Come on, you're the leader of the sixth largest gang in all of California.
29:25Surely you can tell from my uniform what rank I am.
29:27Who the hell cares?
29:30You're going to.
29:32See, it's one thing to put a hit out on a rookie.
29:34No offense.
29:35I'll take it.
29:36But two bars?
29:39Oh, for crying out loud.
29:40And a badge that says captain?
29:44You've just crossed the line that anybody with half a brain would run screaming from.
29:47A line that even your father might whack you for crossing.
29:52So let me tell you how this is gonna go.
29:55You and your little goonies are gonna...
30:00Hurt me, right, Blue?
30:01I'm the one you want hurt, right?
30:03Killing me?
30:04That's trouble you can handle, okay?
30:05But not her.
30:06You need to let her go.
30:07You think I'm dumb too?
30:23The line's already been crossed and there's no going back.
30:25Which means neither of you are walking out of here.
30:29As long as your bodies never turn up, the murder can't be pinned on me.
30:33No, you're wrong.
30:33And Southern Front will weather the storm.
30:35It's gonna be so much worse.
30:37You need to get her out of there now.
30:39Hey, listen.
30:41What about this?
30:41What if I...
30:42What if I made a video?
30:43I'll apologize to Astrid.
30:45You just have to let her up.
30:46I already told you that it's not gonna work, man.
30:47It's done.
30:48Think about it.
30:49Like this?
30:49You standing over me?
30:51Come on.
30:51She'll eat it up.
30:52You'll get laid for weeks.
30:55Okay, yeah.
30:56Okay, just get her out first.
30:57Right now.
30:58No, no, you gotta make the video first.
31:00Yeah, here.
31:03You recording?
31:03Hey, baby girl, this is for you.
31:05Astrid, I apologize.
31:07I should not have laid my hands on you.
31:09You deserve more respect than that.
31:10I am sorry.
31:11Can we please let her up now?
31:12No, you gotta do it again.
31:13You gotta put some feeling into it.
31:15I didn't believe that.
31:15Come on, man!
31:16I didn't believe you!
31:18Do it again!
31:22Do another take right now.
31:24Stay with feeling.
32:14Come on.
32:15Come on.
32:24Come on.
32:26Uh, Harry!
32:27Come on!
32:29Come on.
32:31Come on.
32:32Come on, come on.
32:34Oh, come on, come on.
33:38It was cool.
33:45Order arms!
34:14Execution arms!
34:21I'm so sorry.
34:58You don't give up your son right now!
35:00Who the hell I am?
35:01He killed my captain!
35:03You got one chance to save him and what's left of your operation.
35:06Find out where he is and give him to me,
35:09or I'll burn your world to ash.
35:35There'll be time for grief later.
35:37We have a job to finish.
35:39Midas gave up his son.
35:40We know where he's headed.
35:42Look, I know what's in your hearts.
35:44What you want to do more than anything.
35:46I'd be lying if I say I didn't want it, too.
35:49Word is, you kill a cop,
35:51you never see the inside of his cell.
35:56But that's...
36:00That's not what Captain Anderson would want.
36:03Killing this loser won't honor her memory
36:06doing our jobs well.
36:09And we owe it to her to do it the right way.
36:17All right, let's go.
36:21All units, get ready.
36:23Airship has a visual.
36:24Two minutes out.
36:25You were right.
36:27How selfish I got her killed.
36:29You were right.
36:31How selfish I got her killed.
36:33No, don't do that.
36:34Don't make this about you.
36:36She didn't die because of your choice.
36:38She died doing her job the only way she knew how.
36:40You look at it any other way,
36:42you diminish her.
36:47Look, you need to know that
36:49no matter what happens next,
36:51whether we arrest this guy or we kill him,
36:53it won't make things better.
36:54I know that.
36:56You only think you do.
36:57You tell me to use it,
36:59the grief or the anger,
37:00to make myself a better cop.
37:01I can't handle that right now.
37:02I wasn't going to, okay?
37:03Grief is grief.
37:04It's a hole that can't be filled.
37:06But over time, it'll shrink enough
37:08so that you won't fall in
37:09every time you take a step.
37:10But trust me,
37:11if there's one thing you can use
37:12to make yourself a better cop,
37:14it'll be her life, not her death.
37:18One minute.
37:19You think this guy will go down
37:20without a fight?
37:21I hope not.
37:28Hey, I heard what happened.
37:29I'm so sorry.
37:31I really can't talk right now.
37:32I said a bunch of things earlier.
37:34They don't really matter right now.
37:36I want to be here for you.
37:40I want that, too.
37:4220 seconds out.
37:43Get ready.
37:44Okay, I gotta go maybe shoot a guy.
37:46Call you later.
37:57Call Midas.
37:58You're surrounded by the LAPD.
38:00Step out of the vehicle
38:01with your hands in the air.
38:05I've got a clean shot, Sarge.
38:07Get out of the damn car, now!
38:29I'm getting out!
38:31Don't shoot!
38:35No one.
38:37Go arrest that man.
38:45It shouldn't be him.
38:46No, it needs to be.
38:57Hands on your head.
38:59Don't you lace your fingers.
39:01Eyes front.
39:02Don't move.
39:15Other hand.
39:20Come here.
39:22You have the right to remain silent.
39:24If anything you say can and will be used
39:26against your brother.
39:27Come on.
39:28We both know I won't understand trial.
39:30Yes, you will.
39:32Because the woman you killed taught us
39:34it's not our job to punish her.
39:36Just to see to it that you are.
39:56You coming?
40:09No, don't.
40:14What the hell is wrong with you?
40:16Captain's dead and you're out here spying on us?
40:18The watch commander called.
40:19Said his people were gonna do this right.
40:21Wanted to make sure that we saw it.
40:23Sorry about your captain.
40:26I liked her.
40:28I also trashed the
40:30conduct unbecoming charge, so...
40:34You were right.
40:35That was bush league.
40:43Look, I'm only...
40:44I'm only saying this
40:46because Anderson would want me to.
40:48But you were right, too.
40:51I knew Isabel was using it in the end,
40:53and I didn't say anything
40:55because I was trying to help her.
40:58She was my wife.
41:01How's she doing?
41:06She's clean.
41:09I'm glad.
41:17Is everything okay?
41:19Yeah, for now.
41:21All right, back to work.
41:27First time I met the captain,
41:29I fell flat on my face.
41:31Bishop and Lopez sent me to her office,
41:33told me I needed to introduce myself
41:35before a roll call.
41:36You got punked.
41:37Yeah, that's exactly what she said.
41:39Tried to play it off,
41:41but she was way too smart for that.
41:47She asked for you to be assigned to midwest,
41:49and you know that.
41:53Why? She didn't even know me.
41:55She felt your experience would make you
41:57a valuable addition to our house.
42:02Guess I got a lot to live up to.
42:06We all do.
42:09We all do.
42:21We all do.