• last month


00:00Previously on 90 day the last resort in this exercise, you'll decide who's being the explorer and the explored
00:25What was with the way you're dressed yesterday
00:28Dancing on the bar you were practically exposed you should support me you were dressed like a whore
00:36She needs to understand that I have my limits how much I'm gonna take
00:48You messaged Sophie and you kind of hit it on her I've never hit on her and I approached her as a friend
00:57Do you don't even know what happened?
01:00Incredibly for low-class
01:06Listen I gotta go good luck with everybody. I hope that you apologize to everybody because they deserve it
01:16I haven't started thinking about having a person that will satisfy me
01:22But it's not like a threesome sounds like what you're describing is like an open relationship
01:31You're talking about an open marriage with somebody else what the fuck is up with that
01:37We're in a lot more trouble than I thought we were
02:30You know, how does that make you feel hearing Jasmine say that she would like an open relationship
02:50I don't think that's something I want
02:54Because I think she's talking about like a third person like off on her own yes, I often sounds like that's what she's talking about
03:05Feel like you could really see like the life being sucked out of Gino when Jasmine said she wanted an open marriage
03:10And I just don't feel like he's gonna get over that easily
03:13Cuz that's a problem
03:15Yeah, she wants what Gino isn't willing to give her right now and she's willing to jeopardize the whole marriage to get it
03:22I think it's ridiculous. Absolutely ridiculous
03:28We're married and
03:31That can turn into like a long-term thing, that's just not something that
03:38You know, I would be interested in that kind of thing. I
03:43Still want you as my husband, but there are certain needs that I don't satisfy and I don't see I will ever get them
03:51Satisfied from you
03:53You know, so you've already given up she's already given no, it doesn't mean giving up
04:00Been thinking about this open marriage concept for a
04:04Good amount of weeks because I don't see Gino and I having any intimacy anytime soon
04:11And I feel I am the one who is trying to attack the problem. I do love him
04:18I wanna build a life with him, but sexless marriage is not in the picture for me
04:27I think what I hear Jasmine saying is she's trying to find a solution to the frustration
04:33That you're experiencing and I think thinking outside of the box for there to be hope between you guys in an intimate capacity
04:42Jasmine it seems like a person who
04:45Really desires sex but to pursue an open relationship
04:49solely for sexual satisfaction in a sexless marriage
04:54Can be a really dangerous water to tread because open relationships require lots of conflict resolution
05:01The ability to talk about your jealousy and insecurity and I'm not sure that Gino and Jasmine are there yet
05:09Yeah her idea to have that third person or the open relationship for me that's
05:16Kind of deal-breaker. It's a deal-breaker. Yeah
05:20This is crazy
05:22Where did this open marriage come from?
05:25We're trying to work on ourselves and now
05:28Jasmine is talking about having sex with a completely different other person. I mean what the hell open marriage. That's not for me
05:36I'm not an open marriage kind of guy. That's not what I want to do. That's not how I want my marriage to be
05:43Thinking about my wife as some other guy
05:45Thinking about my wife as some other guy. That's not me. No, thanks. I I don't want any part of that
05:53All right, everyone, thank you so much for playing oh
05:59What is that, okay, I'm gonna wrap up and give you guys your homework for the evening
06:05Okay, based on the things that I've seen our yes-no
06:08Maybe game some of the things that have been revealed in our conversation today. I've got some homework for you guys to complete
06:14Okay that I think will kind of open the door for your physical connection. Okay, so I'm gonna start with Ari and Benny
06:22There is an emotional disconnect here
06:25When's the last time you've been on a date? Long time. So you're gonna go on a romantic date. Okay
06:31We're just gonna start real easy with you guys. All right
06:35Rob and Sophie
06:37what we learned is that Sophie you get in your head and
06:40That causes you to really not be inside your body and sometimes when you're not in your body Rob can feel rejected
06:46Right, so you guys are gonna take turns dominating each other
06:55When you each can submit to each other not only does that get you out of your head
07:00But it really does start to develop that physical trust between you guys right your bodies can begin to trust each other again
07:09Okay, all right
07:13I'm just not a dominating person in general. Yeah, it's just not really my thing
07:18The way I see it is if Sophie gets to dominate me, maybe she gets out some of that frustration
07:23Maybe I'll take the punishment if it gets us somewhere spank me choke me. Just don't kill me and we'll be alright
07:30maybe we get somewhere and
07:33Brandon and Julia, I see that humor kind of breaks the ice for you guys, right?
07:40So I'm gonna assign a prop
07:44This is a spanking and tickling and blindfolding kit
07:52So I want you to just play around get silly
07:56Paddle each other if you will and then tell me what comes of it. So being close eyes and don't see each other
08:01Oh my god, I saw this in a movie
08:05Stacy and Florian I
08:07want to inject some
08:09Fun and spice into what you guys are doing. And so I want you guys to try roleplay
08:15Okay while you're having sex whether it's boss and secretary right or if it was
08:20You know teacher and student. I don't know get creative
08:23She look like a cop boy now
08:26All right, my horsey
08:41Secretary and boss
08:43I'd like that. You'd be my boss. You know, I'm getting hot sis. I'm telling you the truth. Oh, I like that
08:52Ride that horsey
08:59Jasmine and Gino
09:00there is a physical disconnect because of some of the emotional stuff that you guys are kind of clashing with right and so
09:09Jasmine you explained that you think there's no hope for you guys, right?
09:13Like, you know, it's not gonna be able to do the things that you want him to do, right? And so do you know?
09:18I want you to plan a night of seduction for Jasmine
09:25so you're talking about
09:27Non-sexual stuff right at this moment because I'm not ready to jump in into that right now
09:32I completely understand and I want to meet you where you are, but I want you to seduce her. I want you to make her feel
09:40Wanted and desired right? Okay. Okay. Yeah
09:45All right. I'm gonna let you guys go but remember you get what you put into this. Okay, so
09:51Go forth and prosper. I'll see y'all in a bit
10:29You're a sexy cowboy, aren't you ready for a gunfight? I
10:39Want to see what's under that shirt
10:51You know, we're supposed to do with these
10:56My granddad have something similar, uh-huh, but he uses for flies. Yeah, I'm gonna pretend you're a big fly
11:52Come on
11:58Did we did we have sex did we do it?
12:09Oh my gosh, it's bubbly
12:33My gosh, oh my god, oh my oh my god, that's great
12:41You know, what am I gonna do after I'm said here and I want you
12:49Because I want you
12:56You know, I like you, you know, right, you know that I am attracted to you I know I like you as a man
13:02I I really do and I miss you
13:14You're failing I'm doing your part and the homework right so I don't want you to fail this assignment
13:20Well, I can at least give you some of those
13:24Go slow
13:27Now it's better
13:37This is what you do at home all the time
13:40No, I'm not laughing that behavior is what hurts me and then you say that I'm the one who's pushing your way
13:46You're too serious. No, I'm serious because this is a serious problem that we have in our marriage, you know
13:52What is the purpose of seducing me? We're not gonna have sex. When are we gonna know intimate? No, I told you
13:58You should be very clear to you. I'm not gonna be jumping right into sex
14:01I've been through damage to do too dumb as my ass, you know
14:07You just made it clear that you want to be in an open relationship
14:13That's a deal-breaker for me
14:15We are in bigger trouble than I thought. Yes, maybe we are if sex is with me is a problem
14:23Why do you have a problem with us having an open marriage?
14:29Because that is not something I'm looking for no and you're a selfish person
14:36What about the way you satisfy yourself by your own what what are you talking about?
14:41Why am I talking about your porn addiction? You know, I don't have a point
14:47You consume pornography
14:49Every day, so no, I don't I don't even know I don't that's absolutely way and true
14:54I do not you know why you're in a bad mood because I've been here with you in the same room and you cannot watch
15:01You're born
15:10I don't want to be next to you
15:13That's why you're doing
15:14Anything besides that's why you're treating me. That's why you're treating me. So bad go and masturbate. I'm gonna stay here with my champagne
15:21It's much better than with
15:24Enjoy life go and masturbate
15:27Enjoy and the digital world. You don't have to worry about seducing a woman
15:37So I guess at this point it's like what do you guys think you guys gonna make it
15:42You're gonna get to the recommitment ceremony. I
15:47Feel sad for this guy
15:49Have a sea change
16:10Last night was so fun riding you by the horse. I was fun
16:17Definitely getting that spark back that we lost
16:24Yesterday was a great day flurry and I had sex for the first time in months and it was great my stallion
17:03This is a chill little location
17:08Brandon hey man, just chillin. Yeah. Yeah. Well, let us join you. Yeah
17:14You know, you got your head set the party mode man. What's up? Yeah, it's party mode, bro
17:19After the huge fight with Jasmine, I'm ready for a break. I think Jasmine and I both need a break from each other
17:27I'm ready to hang out with the guys, you know, let the girls go hang out with the girls, you know
17:33we can have fun together and
17:35Maybe they have some good advice for me
17:38It's nice that all of us guys are together and you know, you know, we don't have the ladies here
17:44We'll see that it's less dramatic, uh-huh about the ladies here last night sex therapy homework
17:52It was fun, but at the end of the day we didn't have sex at this point anything with Sophie is a turn-on
17:59because I feel like I took a
18:01Valve abstinence or something when I should be getting it all with my wife and that's not what's been happening at all for a long
18:10Did anybody actually complete their homework last night? Well, I completed the homework, but that doesn't mean
18:16How did it go? It was funny, but to me it wasn't erotic. Yeah, it wasn't didn't turn me on at all
18:22I didn't do anything for her. It's nice. It's not about to turn you on. It's about to build a connection
18:27So Florian, how did your night go? Did you guys?
18:31Last night. I laughed so much. I make it looks are in the bad, you know
18:39At least you got somewhere you got some hey cheers to that. Hey, he wins
18:46He gets the a we get the F's
18:49You know, I had the homework assignment to seduce Jasmine. Yeah, right
18:53So I decided to take Jasmine to the hot tub and then I started massaging her a bit, you know
18:58It's nice be nice and in the truck. Yeah, but no effort in there. Yeah, and then Jasmine starts talking about
19:05One of our core issues, which is the sex issue and she's saying that I have a porn addiction
19:09I'm like I stopped lying that I have a porn. I do not have a porn addiction
19:13Okay, I don't I don't even have desire for sex maybe a couple times a week now. It used to be every day. Uh-huh
19:20The only addiction I have in cigars, you don't watch porn you're telling me
19:26You don't you're saying you don't watch it at all he's got a sex life so why does he need porn?
19:31That's that's terrific, that's my problem sex life. So yeah, I watch some porn every now. Do you do? Yeah
19:38Probably kind of somewhat in my boat. My wife has cut me off. So I have this issue. I'm gonna do something
19:43You get hungry. You gotta eat, you know
19:46Like a hunger, you know, you gotta feed you gotta eat
19:50And and it goes away and you're good for a while. Right? Yeah again, you know chore every now and again
19:55It's like all right, man. I ain't having no sex
19:58I'm just
20:01Well for me, I love the videos ain't gonna lie
20:10Yeah, I like that I
20:15Feel like Gina's into some dirty stuff
20:19That man will try anything
20:22But the problem I have right now is with all the fighting and that's going on with us lately
20:28Jasmine one open relationship. Mm-hmm. That's a whole nother right? She wanted to be an open relationship and go with someone else. Yeah
20:36Would you be okay with Julia?
20:39No, no, no, no, like why even keep why just not sleep and that's why I said it's not acceptable to me
20:47for an open relationship
20:50You should I'm sorry for my language, okay, you should
20:56Well, I appreciate your
21:01Me and my Gino boy having great time with the boys
21:05But you know tell me I have like angry with my wife and I think Gino should like
21:10That angry turn and sex with Jasmine make doesn't happen zip her mouth and boom done
21:16In and out and there's one that fix the issues for Gino, it's very simple
21:33Let's go be like angels
21:45Hi ladies, welcome to hyper rancher half-hour
21:52Can I ride this chair
21:56Things with you know ended up very bad last night
21:59So we agree on taking the day away from each other and I'm quite sure that all the girls need the same as me
22:07I'll walk you over to our hot wall
22:09How it works is you'll get your hats first so you can pick from any different colors
22:12We have 75 plus hats leathers and bands feathers cards
22:19We don't have Wild West in Russia, but in this place I feel like I'm a cowgirl
22:24Can we shine to learn how to say?
22:40Oh my god, look at this cactus
22:42Oh my gosh a broken heart. This is mine
22:49The more self-love that's what we need. Yes girls
22:58I am so happy to be here with you girls. Like I really needed this
23:03Last night, you know how the simple look simple, but this sex topic with us is so big
23:09Yeah, he only have to create an experience in which he will seduce me I was in my bikini he was shirtless
23:16He was massaging my neck. He turned me on. Yeah
23:21yeah, but when I
23:23wanted you know to
23:27He pushed me away
23:29He blames on me. He said oh, I cannot be intimate with you because of the concept fighting blah blah blah
23:36And it has been nine months of constant rejection
23:40like it sounds like, you know, Gino is me and you are Rob because
23:45The same situation with Jasmine happened, but with me like Rob like we did a little like role play thing
23:50Oh, that was your assignment. Yeah, I had to be dominant. I was spanking him
23:56And I was like and I he couldn't see his blindfolded I put a sock in his mouth
24:03I was having a great time
24:05But then I I didn't want to have sex because I'm still just not at that place
24:10Do you mind me asking Sophie? How long have you guys not been intimate?
24:15Oz is probably like a year what or like 11 months?
24:22But how did you?
24:24Pleasure yourself when you don't have sex
24:28Okay, look at me right now. Don't look at your head
24:57Guess at this point it's like what do you guys think you guys gonna make it?
25:01You're gonna get to the recommitment ceremony. I
25:07Feel sad for this guy, I don't see change I
25:13Don't want to deal with her anymore, you know why I have my own problems. Let's the therapist deal with crazy Natalie. I
25:20Know I messed up. So I feel like I'm
25:25Going like to a lion stand. Hi
25:28Hi beautiful ladies here goes awesome
25:56We die we die together
25:58Really why she give us assignments like dates outside
26:02Maybe we can do fun thing really why she pick you TV
26:07For driving and then after that we don't like picnic set up for us and the desert
26:16Think I like
26:29The well is very sensitive to be careful, okay
26:34We haven't gone on a date in a very long time because I got pregnant so quickly and then after that I really had to
26:39Take care of the baby, but it's fun being out in the desert
26:52No, go go go
27:04Feel like I'm making like movie like the first thing fast and furious. Yeah kind of like that
27:11Actually, I was a very driver and I was never I'm the one I push your leg. Just go go go go
27:43How was it that's good as far yeah, yeah just little you make me scary that's
27:53What was the word what did they have
27:59Okay, take us a drink
28:01Okay, I'll give you your options
28:04This is probably the longest that we've spent together without fighting in a really long time. It feels great and strange and great
28:12and strange
28:15It's like if we are capable of having fun together. Why are we not doing it more and
28:22If our relationship could be like this all the time, I mean we'd be golden
28:31Well, why are you shaking it the celebration I don't think you're supposed to shake sparkling thing
28:37That's what we do in the clubs. Yes. Okay, mr. Club. I forgot. Yeah
28:42Say something
28:59Yes, it's gone
29:05Now how am I gonna get drunk
29:10You never listen
29:27Be careful glasses girls Natalie coming
29:31Today we have a good time. But now Stacy text us them on the way with Natalie
29:37Nobody or Natalie's in right now and we still upset because last time and we're going to the bar
29:44Natalie acting disrespectful for everybody and now not only want to talk with us
29:50She's like the childish person I ever
29:53Deal with my life
29:55She was attacking everybody except for Josh blaming on everyone and I'm very proud of you for the position that you took
30:03Thank you during that confrontation. You were the biggest person in the room
30:07You you've come aggressive with me. You're calling me name
30:10It's so extra that I just I would I don't think I can move past that to be honest
30:15Cuz why would I want to be friends with someone that does?
30:20But you need to be like, okay, I can be called you I'm good at that
30:24I don't want to deal with her anymore. You know why I have my own problems. Let's just deal with crazy Natalie
30:30I'm done with her. I
30:34Understand Stacy side that you know, she wanted to bring nasty to apologize to me
30:38But I'm still upset about what went down at the club a couple of nights ago
30:41I am worried that she's just gonna immediately step up, but I'm not afraid of this woman like clearly
30:48She's just not right in the head and she's like all the two so it's kind of childish
31:02Here we are
31:07Okay, take your breath
31:11Positive vibes positive vibes. I run into Stacy early and I told her how much I regret for what happens as a night. I
31:20Know I messed up and I really hoping that they would accept my apology
31:26I feel like I'm
31:28Going like to a lion stand
31:33But here goes nothing
31:37Let's go
31:47Look at this life is tough, but so are you perfect?
31:56Okay, I go first
32:05Hi beautiful ladies
32:28What do you guys think you're gonna get to the recommitment ceremony
32:33This point I don't even that's a good question. I don't know
32:36God knows I'm gonna wake up tomorrow. I mean for me. It's like too early to call
32:41I I just it's hard to predict because things change on a daily basis
32:45That's how it's been. There's no way I can predict that I'm feeling the same way at this point. I'm
32:53How do you feel I didn't know I'm sorry are you gonna end up at the
32:57Ceremony, I think you have the best chance out of all of us
33:01He's getting
33:03Everything you never know for me. It's like Sophie takes too much, and I'm not okay with it
33:08so I'm feeling like I'm just on the edge of I don't know how much a
33:13Husband is supposed to give before he before it's justified to walk away. She's not coming home, right? Yeah
33:19She doesn't live with me. I feel like that's
33:22And it started out with her just living with me going to the bars and not coming home
33:26That's super if she was my girlfriend
33:28Been gone later. Yeah, she's my wife and I in that and that's the thing I'm struggling with
33:33That's the thing. I'm struggling with is that I married her and I'm like, oh, it is worse
33:38That's in dating. You know you dating
33:40Will you marry I do this?
33:46I'll be soft making to land
33:51I don't know. Where did you do that? I don't know to be honest
33:55You know, I respect Gino and I think he deserves some body problem better and Jasmine I
34:02Feel sad for this guy
34:05Honey, cheers. I wish everybody here. I wish everybody going to make it to be happy. Yeah, that's everything. You know, let's go. Yeah
34:13Go yeah
34:24So, do you think the therapist is gonna be happy it is successful just because we didn't an agreement but
34:33Agreement agreement means hi is a good thing argument. This is a bad thing. I don't know. It's the same thing for me
34:39I don't know this is what I just say argument
34:44What do you think for other couple for the homework everybody they have homework
34:48They're sexy homework. Yes
34:52Who's a lover threesome
34:56That was not their homework Vinny, that's all you heard threesome you didn't listen anything else
35:02That's what I understand. Yes. That's why just most of them just I stand in like, you know
35:08You didn't understand anything
35:11No, you're pretending to be so innocent
35:18Today is wonderful. Like we did nice hangouts. I
35:23Feel like just our relationship. Maybe I can see like small like brides and hope
35:29Maybe she give it to me my social media password
35:34That's what I'm thinking about
35:36But if she doesn't give it to me
35:39That is huge problems, that's what I feel
35:44I think they pick it up as they come as I pick it up
36:03Yeah, what are you doing
36:17Feel like sort of bitch energy right away move the glasses away. Oh move the scissors away Natalie came and I'm like
36:34Girls I want to say something. Would you like me to speak?
36:39My behavior was inappropriate and I apologize for that
36:46When I was at school I was booed a lot and I went like through emotional abuse I
36:53Feel like insecure and it just projects on other people
36:57unfortunately, I
36:59Know it's not excuse. I know I still have no
37:04Yes, I was bullied too
37:07You know, I I get you I
37:10Just I don't treat people that way cuz I was bullied at the end of the day. I understand it sucks your man
37:15He did invite me to Vegas, but that's on him
37:18Before I could even talk to you. You was purposely touching my husband robbing his arm only in front of me
37:23You kept grabbing his arm. He didn't touch any of the other guys
37:26He was clearly trying to make me just and that's my husband
37:28So he was already disrespect to me didn't allow me the place to come to you
37:31I don't know if your man, you know came at me. Yes, and you have yours
37:36And I'm not coming for your man
37:39Anyone else is mad. Like I said, I'm happy to show you the messages like I'm not hiding
37:42I can show you because and you'll see it's very one-sided. He sent me. Yeah
37:50Yeah, you can see
37:54So, what does it say
38:06Like this
38:42So, what does it say
38:54No, it's nothing from your side
39:00He really
39:02Josh is the freaking problem Natalie and that's the reason why I let you know
39:08Did you read?
39:11Yeah, it's so it's totally clearly he's interested in you and it's like more than
39:17It's been quite a ride to say the list
39:25But we are not in a committed relationship currently oh
39:33My gosh, he even proposed a date
39:36It sounds like a a very careful way to invite her
39:44She lied to me yeah, she lied
39:55After he says have you been to Vegas she says no he and he after says well
40:00It's fun. There's something like that and after he puts direct dates to show and practically asking can you make it?
40:06So he's ready to buy her ticket and fly her out
40:09So he lies to me. He double he plays double game. He doesn't want to
40:14Build relationship with me. He's not interested
40:17He's planning already relationship with some other chick
40:29Realized clearly it was not from your side
40:33It was definitely for his side and he had intention for sure
40:38so I'm sorry just I
40:41Don't know if you can
40:50Respect that you're apologizing
40:52But I think I'm gonna need some time because to me like that was a lot like I have insecurities about myself
40:57You know that could have really done my hair like you know especially the body shaming comments and the hookah comments
41:07I'm not fake person, so I just I don't I don't like her after how I've seen her behave
41:12I don't like her, so I'm not gonna act like I do I only care about Rob. I don't care about her
41:16I don't think she gives about me, which is fine, but don't be fake and apologize you meant what you meant
41:23So does that mean we're all good. We're all okay
41:27We can support each other in therapy
41:30I'm in I'm a man woman power
42:27You know I cheers cheers cheers best in your family guys, you know what you guys man, let's get up and
42:42When I come to Miami where you didn't take oh, you know this guy got a connection
43:01So jealous
43:12Gotta start
43:28Gina boy, you know how much you drinking too much
43:33I'm sorry for the way. He hugged you did you feel uncomfortable? Oh, do you know hugging you like that?
43:40So out of
43:48Like a like a friend house
44:10Yeah, hell yeah
44:22Don't do that to him all of us have been having a good time
44:33Did you know some haters man
44:39This might be the first time that I've seen Gino truly happy ever and
44:45Probably because Jasmine's not around
44:48So what what does that tell you?
44:51Can we say them home because
45:01Yes, you are
45:04The best time man, I need you to lower your tone. Are you one here? No, I have to have fun
45:09Oh, no, I'm not. We're good here. Not just to have fun. But this is what's our therapy?
45:33First of all, it's
45:38One more, please
45:56First time you throw my
46:10Next time on 90 days the last resort. I want to come back into the retreat
46:15But I don't know what I'm coming back to because Natalie is a jealous person and she does hold grudges
46:22While you were gone, I will talk to Sophie and she sent me some messages and I have them
46:34Don't want to see that dude today, honestly, yeah, he's a dick. It's a big an ass
46:40So do we think that they're talking about us in the other man?
46:46The competition has begun
47:01Feel like they cheated they are playing so dirty right now and that's it. That's it
47:11Do we comprehend the reality of she's in the front seat just waiting and I'm in I'm behind her rowing but she feels like she's doing
47:25Can you stop laughing can you have some respect, please
47:31It's not about you right now