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Shrewsbury Town Supporters' Parliament - Ollie Westbury reaction
00:00I am on the terraces here at the Crowd Meadow. It's been a busy evening here at
00:06the Supporters' Parliament as Gareth Ainsworth, Director of Football Mickey
00:11Moore, CEO Chief Executive Liam Dooley have been answering questions from the
00:18Town Supporters about events that have been unfolding at the club over I
00:22suppose the last six months or so, probably a little bit less than that
00:26more kind of involving since Ainsworth was appointed back in November. All
00:31kinds of questions, so much to come from it you know I probably will not be able
00:35to kind of review it all in one video. Some of the notable things though at
00:42first before the meeting got underway Liam Dooley decided that he was going to
00:47give an update on off-field affairs rather than on-field. The meeting was
00:52specifically about on-field but he gave this off-field update about a takeover.
00:56We all know that there's a you know they're in a period of exclusivity with
01:00a new owner that Roland Whitchley has found and is looking to
01:03purchase the club but there's no there's no update on that so it's not really an
01:08update but it is an update kind of almost. So yeah that was the that's the
01:13situation with that. Questions then were put to the panel mainly
01:18towards Mickey. There's not been a great deal of opportunity for supporters
01:22to speak to Mickey so there were lots of questions kind of thrown his way. The
01:27start of it felt a little bit uncomfortable I must admit as perhaps it
01:33was just a bit it was very difficult to describe but there was just an eerie
01:39atmosphere in the room but Mickey kind of composed himself after that point and
01:44from then onwards kind of dealt with everything that was thrown his way in a
01:47reasonable time. It's actually close to 10 o'clock and he's probably stood
01:52about five to ten yards at the side of a pane of glass still talking to
01:56supporters. Some interesting lines from the town boss though, some questions
02:02about the fact that you know that the investment and the takeover is such a
02:05big reason for him coming to the football club and he was a bit vague
02:10when he was asked the question about you know if the takeover doesn't come
02:15what will he do and he was basically saying that you know he's
02:19come on the assurances that the takeover is going to happen you know we know the
02:23Shropshire Star reported it today well it will be yesterday by the time that this
02:27kind of comes out but we know that he knows who the new owner is so yeah
02:35there were lots of questions about that a few bits if you go and look on the
02:40Shropshire Star livestream you will be able to see pretty much everything that
02:42was said there were questions about recruitment about still seems to be a
02:48kind of misunderstanding of what what what Mickey Moore's role was but but I
02:51think in general to sum up it was a it was a fair evening I think the questions
02:56were firm and there was one or two moments where it perhaps was quite
03:00uncomfortable for Shrewsbury's director of football but in in the main the
03:04questions were firm but fair and fans asked their questions and got their
03:08point across in an appropriate manner we move on now to the back to the
03:14football as Gareth Ainsworth takes his side to Rotherham this weekend as they're
03:18looking to put to bed those away day woes which has seen them win just once
03:23on the road this season
