• 2 days ago
Handy Manny Season 2 Episode 36 Saving The Turtles Abuelitos Siesta


00:00Saving the turtles!
00:08That should do it. Now I'll screw in the light bulb, and the work light should be good as new.
00:14Hey! Guess how many handymen it takes to screw in a light bulb?
00:19I don't know. How many handymen does it take?
00:23Just one, but it has to be really bright!
00:26Really bright!
00:33Hey, look at me! I'm a big swimming!
00:38Hey, you too look very fishy.
00:41Here, watch this!
00:45Ooh! A serpiente! A snake! Good job, Stretch!
00:50Can you guess what I am?
00:53A shark!
00:56Look at this, Rusty! Hey, I got one, but I need Rusty's help.
01:04Can you tell we're a woodpecker?
01:07Eso es muy bueno. That's very good.
01:11Hey, I know what that one is! It's a hammer!
01:15Boy, you guys are good. That looks so real!
01:19That's because it is real. It's your shadow, Pat.
01:26Oh! I didn't even know I had one.
01:31Okay, now it's my turn. Can you tell what I am?
01:36Ooh! That's a turtle!
01:40Very good, Squeeze. It's a tortuga.
01:45Hola, handymen's repair shop. You break it...
01:48We fix it!
01:50This is Manny.
01:52Hello, Manny. This is Jackie from the park.
01:54Hola, Jackie. What can we do for you?
01:57Well, I've got a big job for you.
02:00The mayor would like you to build a bike path around Lake Nacanalan.
02:04You think you can do that?
02:06Of course we can, Jackie.
02:08It needs to be done in time for the Sheet Rock Hills Ride Your Bike Day, which is very soon.
02:13Well, a bike path's a big job, but the tools and I will be happy to build it.
02:18Thank you, Manny.
02:20Okay, tools, you heard Jackie.
02:22We got a job to do.
02:24Uno, dos, tres, cuatro, cinco, seis, siete, ocho.
02:32Hop, hop, jump in!
02:35Come on, let's go!
02:37Hop, hop, jump in!
02:39Sí, vámonos!
02:41Hop, hop, jump in!
02:43Don't go too slow!
02:45Let's get to work!
02:47Muy rápido!
02:53Hola, Mr. Lopar, ¿qué pasa? What's happening?
02:56Oh, hello, Manny.
02:58I'm getting my bike ready for Sheet Rock Hills Ride Your Bike Day.
03:03Can we give you a hand?
03:05Oh, that's quite all right, Manny.
03:07I've done this a million times.
03:09I'm really quite good at repairing bikes.
03:12All I need to do now is tighten the front wheel.
03:15Yeah, the important thing is to get it just right.
03:19I don't want to tighten the lower wheel.
03:22I don't want to tighten the lug nut too much.
03:24What happens if you do?
03:26Well, Dusty, then your wheel won't spin.
03:29Well, if your excuse has me, Mr. Lopar, we've got work to do.
03:35Okay, could be a little tighter.
03:43Hi, Manny.
03:45Hi, Tools.
03:47I'm so glad you'll be able to help with this.
03:48We're glad we could help too, Jackie.
03:51This red line shows where we want to install the bike path.
03:55Do you mind if we take a walk around the lake so we can see exactly where the path will go?
04:00Of course, Manny. Come on, everyone.
04:03It sure is beautiful here, Manny.
04:06This is going to be a great place to ride a bike.
04:10Hey, look at that.
04:14That's a turtle.
04:17It looks just like the shadow that Manny made.
04:21You're right, guys. I wonder what it's doing.
04:24It looks like she's digging a nest in the sand.
04:27That must be where she'll lay her eggs.
04:29Won't the eggs get all wet?
04:31No, Rusty. The sand keeps the eggs dry until they hatch.
04:35Does the mother turtle watch the eggs?
04:38Well, actually, Squeeze, after she lays the eggs, the mother goes back to the lake.
04:42Once the eggs hatch, the baby turtles also go to the lake, where they'll live.
04:47Tortuguitas, baby turtles must be really good swimmers.
04:51Oh, they are.
04:53Did you know that turtles are one of the oldest creatures on Earth?
04:57They've lived in the oceans for millions of years.
05:00Whoa, that's a long time.
05:03That's why we have to protect them.
05:06They are muy especial, very special.
05:09Oh, Manny, I think we have a big problem.
05:12What is it, Jackie?
05:14The bike path is supposed to cut right across this spot.
05:18But if it does, it will block the baby turtles from getting to the lake once they hatch.
05:23Besides, it would be much too dangerous for the turtles to cross.
05:27Oh, eso es un problema. That is a problem.
05:31And the mayor really wants this bike path done in time for Sheetrock Hill's Ride Your Bike Day.
05:37Oh, what are we going to do?
05:38Don't worry, Jackie.
05:40I'm sure there's a way to build a bike path so the baby turtles can still get to the lake.
05:45Hey, I got an idea.
05:47Why don't we just move the bike path around the turtle lakes?
05:51All we have to do is cut down a few trees to make room.
05:55I'm on it, guys.
05:58Not so fast, Dusty.
06:01We want to protect the turtles, but we don't want to do anything that harms the trees.
06:06That's right, Manny.
06:08Lake Knock-A-Nail-In is a beautiful place, and we want to make sure it stays that way.
06:13Maybe we could just ask the mother turtle to move her eggs.
06:17Oh, I don't think so, Squeeze.
06:19Turtles lay their eggs in the same spot every year.
06:23This turtle was probably born here.
06:25Now she's come back so that her babies will be born here, too.
06:29We'll just have to find another way to solve this problem.
06:32What are you doing, Pat?
06:34I'm digging a tunnel.
06:37Look out!
06:40Thanks for the warning, Pat.
06:43Why are you digging a tunnel?
06:46Because that way, the bike path can go right under the turtle eggs.
06:50Then the baby turtles will still be able to get down to the lake.
06:54Yeah, that'll never work.
06:57Actually, it's a very clever idea, Pat.
07:00But I'm afraid Turner is right.
07:01Digging a tunnel that's big enough for people to ride their bikes through is much too difficult.
07:06Oh, it is?
07:10But it does give me another idea.
07:13Why don't we build a bridge?
07:15That way, the bike path can go over the turtle eggs.
07:18And when the baby turtles hatch, they'll be able to go under the bridge and make their way down to the water.
07:24That way, everyone gets to use the lake.
07:27That's a great idea!
07:28Now we just have to build a bridge sturdy enough for everyone who rides or walks over it.
07:33We want to make sure it's safe.
07:35Si, Manny.
07:37It will also be much safer for las tortuguitas, the baby turtles that will cross under it.
07:41Come on, Tools.
07:43We're going to need some supplies from Kelly to build the bike path and the bridge.
07:46Hola, Kelly.
07:48Hola, Manny.
07:50Hi, Tools.
07:52Hey, Kelly.
07:54Looks like you're getting ready for Sheetrock Hill's Ride Your Bike Day.
07:58I sure am.
08:00Do you think you could help me check out these brakes?
08:02No problem, Kelly.
08:04We'd love to help.
08:05What do you think, Manny?
08:07Well, I think your brakes need to be tightened.
08:10A few turns of the screw should do the trick.
08:13Have no fear!
08:15Felipe is here!
08:17Oh, brother.
08:19Actually, Felipe, the screw on these brakes require a lot of force.
08:23So I'm going to have to use a lot of force.
08:25I'm going to have to use a lot of force.
08:27I'm going to have to use a lot of force.
08:29I'm going to have to use a lot of force.
08:31I'm going to have to use a lot of force.
08:32Actually, Felipe, the screw on these brakes require a flathead screwdriver.
08:38Excuse me, pardon me.
08:40Flathead coming through.
08:45Now we need to test how well the brakes stop the tire.
08:49Allow me, Manny.
08:51Once I get the wheel spinning, you give the brakes a good squeeze.
09:02Just be careful, Felipe.
09:04You don't want to...
09:10Are you okay, Felipe?
09:13I meant to do that.
09:16Well, at least we know your brakes work.
09:19Your bike is safe and ready to ride, Kelly.
09:22Gracias, Manny.
09:24Now what can I do for you?
09:26Well, we're building a bike path at Lake Nacaneling.
09:28So we're going to need lots of supplies.
09:30No problem, Manny.
09:32As part of the bike path, we're also building a small bridge.
09:35Over los huevos de las tortuguitas.
09:38Baby turtle eggs.
09:40That way when the eggs hatch, the baby turtles can go under the bridge and back to the lake to live with all the other turtles.
09:48Building a bridge is a terrific solution.
09:52Here are some extra long bolts and some heavy-duty nails and screws.
09:58There. That should help make your bridge nice and strong.
10:02Muchas gracias, Kelly.
10:04Gracias, Manny.
10:06Oh, glad I could help.
10:08And good luck building the bike path and the bridge.
10:16Hello, Manny.
10:18Hola, Jackie.
10:20I made a sign to warn everyone to watch out for the turtles and their eggs.
10:23It's very important that the turtles aren't disturbed.
10:26Otherwise, the eggs might not hatch.
10:29A warning sign is a great idea, Jackie.
10:30Do you think Pat could help me hammer the sign into the sand?
10:34Did somebody say hammer?
10:37Okay, tools, it's time to build the bridge.
10:42Let's get going and fix it right.
10:45Twist and turn.
10:47Make it tight.
10:49Trabajamos juntos.
10:51We work together now.
10:53Cut it measuring.
10:55Pop it flat.
10:57Bend and twist.
10:58Each of us has a special job.
11:00We work together.
11:02Todos juntos.
11:04We can fix it right.
11:08That looks fantastic.
11:10Thank you, Manny.
11:12And thank you, tools.
11:14Now, let's make sure it's strong enough.
11:16Watch out. Coming through.
11:22Are you okay, Mr. Lopart?
11:24I'm fine, Manny. Just fine.
11:26Nothing a little bike riding practice won't fix.
11:30Hey, nice bridge.
11:33Well, I think that proves the bridge is strong enough.
11:36Well, thank you, Mr. Lopart.
11:38I hope we'll see you at Sheetrock Hills Ride a Bike Day.
11:41You sure will.
11:44Before we officially kick off Sheetrock Hills Ride a Bike Day,
11:49we need to give a big thank you to Manny and the tools
11:52for building this beautiful bike path.
12:00Not only did they build the bike path,
12:02but they also figured out how to protect the baby turtles.
12:07Look! Look!
12:09They're hatching!
12:11The turtle eggs are hatching!
12:17And thanks to this beautiful bridge,
12:19now they can make it down to the lake to be with the other turtles.
12:23Can we come back and watch the turtle eggs hatch every year, Manny?
12:27Sure, Squeeze.
12:31Next year, guys!
12:37Abuelito Siesta!
12:40Abuelito Siesta!
12:48My turn! My turn!
12:51Okay, Squeeze. Close your eyes.
12:54Now spin around.
13:00And stick the handle on the toolbox.
13:04Move a little to your left.
13:06You're almost there, Squeeze.
13:10Did I do it?
13:12Did I stick the handle on the toolbox?
13:14Um, almost.
13:18Not quite.
13:22Por fin! At last, it's my turn.
13:24Stand back, everyone, and watch how it's done.
13:29First, I spin.
13:33Then, I win!
13:39Look what Boripa did!
13:41Oh, please, no applause.
13:43It's just a gift I have, that's all.
13:46Um, excuse me.
13:51Can someone please take this gift off my face?
13:58Hola, handyman's repair shop. You'll break it?
14:01We fix it!
14:03This is Manny.
14:04Manny, I need your help.
14:07Abuelito, is that you? I can barely hear you.
14:10Si, that is the problem. I am having some trouble with my...
14:15What's he saying?
14:18Can you please come over, Manny? I could use a little help.
14:22No problem, Abuelito. We'll be right there.
14:25All right, tools. Abuelito needs our help with something.
14:28Let's find out what it is.
14:30Uno, dos, tres, cuatro, cinco, seis, siete, ocho.
14:38Hop, hop, jump in.
14:40Come on, let's go.
14:42Hop, hop, jump in.
14:44Si, vámonos.
14:46Hop, hop, jump in.
14:48Don't go too slow.
14:50Let's get to work.
14:52We got the app.
15:00Hello, Mr. Lopart.
15:02Oh, hello, Manny.
15:04Tools, where are you off to today?
15:07We're going to Abuelito's.
15:09Oh, that sounds nice.
15:11Oh, come back here, Fluffy.
15:14Where are you going dressed so, um, special, Mr. Lopart?
15:19Fluffy and I are on our way out for a walk.
15:22But it's a little chilly, so we're putting on our sweaters.
15:25Not so fast, Fluffy.
15:27She just loves the great outdoors.
15:30Come on, Fluffy, let's get your sweater on
15:33so we can enjoy the crisp autumn air.
15:36We'll feel the cool breeze, smell that fresh air,
15:40listen to the sounds of nature.
15:43Ah, Fluffy!
15:45Would you like some help, Mr. Lopart?
15:48Oh, that's not necessary, Manny.
15:51I could certainly get a sweater on my own cat.
15:54All right, Mr. Lopart.
15:56We'll see you later.
15:58Bye, Fluffy.
16:00Bye, Fluffy.
16:02Come on, Fluffy.
16:04Let's go.
16:06Come on, Fluffy.
16:08Come on, Fluffy.
16:10Come on, Fluffy.
16:11Bye, Fluffy.
16:13Come on, Fluffy.
16:15Let me put this sweater on you.
16:17It'll keep you warm.
16:21There you are, Fluffy.
16:23All dressed up and ready for our walk.
16:27It certainly is a beautiful fall day.
16:37Hola, Manny.
16:38Hola, Manny.
16:40I am so glad you're here.
16:42We came as quickly as we could, Abuelito.
16:48Because I have a problem that I need your help fixing.
16:52Gee, Abuelito, you look tired.
16:54Oh, I am. I am very tired.
16:57I missed my afternoon siesta.
16:59What's a siesta?
17:02It's Spanish for nap.
17:04Ooh, a nap.
17:06Sure sounds good to me.
17:08You didn't skip your nap today, Abuelito.
17:11I didn't mean to.
17:13But it is impossible to sleep with my broken...
17:19...my broken cuckoo clock.
17:22Oh, so that's what you'd like us to fix.
17:25Tu reloj de cuckoo.
17:27Si, si. Come on, I will show you.
17:31Ay, here is my cuckoo clock.
17:34Ooh, that is so pretty.
17:36It is pretty, but it is also very noisy.
17:39Si, Tulz. This kind of clock makes a very special cuckoo sound.
17:44That's right.
17:46A little bird pops out and cuckoos to tell you when it is a new hour.
17:50But today, whenever I try to close my eyes for a nap...
17:58You see?
18:00Claro que si. Of course we saw.
18:03That was fantastico.
18:04It was fantastico.
18:06Ooh, can you make him come out again?
18:08Yeah, bring the little birdie back.
18:11Don't you like the little birdie, Abuelito?
18:14Well, I usually love that birdie.
18:17But instead of cuckooing once every hour like it is supposed to,
18:21the bird cuckoos...
18:26Ay, almost every minute.
18:37Okay, now that little birdie is starting to bug me.
18:40Oh, I see. Some of the clock gears have worn down.
18:46I'll need to replace those parts.
18:49Por favor. And soon. The sooner the better.
18:54But I don't have them here. I'll need to go to Kelly's to get some new gears.
19:00Looks like we're going to need a new bird, too.
19:05Hola, Kelly.
19:07Hola, Manny. Hi, Tools. What can I help you with today?
19:11Abuelito's cuckoo clock is broken.
19:14It makes noise. Lots of noise.
19:17And now Abuelito can't take his siesta.
19:20Okay, so you need some new clock parts.
19:25Si. Those gears right there.
19:28And we need a bird.
19:30A bird?
19:32Not a real bird.
19:34A fake one.
19:36The kind that goes inside a cuckoo clock.
19:39Do you have one of those?
19:41Don't I always have what you guys are looking for?
19:44Yeah, Kelly. You always do.
19:46Yeah, but come on. A cuckoo bird?
19:51How about one of these?
19:54Of course.
19:56Oh, I like this blue one. He's cute.
19:59And now we have everything we need to fix Abuelito's cuckoo clock.
20:04Muchas gracias for all your help, Kelly.
20:06Anytime. See you soon.
20:08Bye, Kelly.
20:21Manny. Heramientas. You're back. And not a moment too soon.
20:26We got everything we need to fix your clock.
20:31So what are we waiting for, Tools? Let's get to work.
20:35Let's get going and fix it right.
20:38Twist and turn.
20:40Make it tight.
20:42Trabajamos juntos.
20:44We work together now.
20:46Cut it, measure it.
20:48Tap it flat.
20:50Bend and twist.
20:52Just like that.
20:54Each of us has a special job.
20:56We work together.
20:58Todos juntos.
21:00We can fix it right.
21:01Well, well, well. Listen to that.
21:06I don't hear anything.
21:08Exactly. You have fixed my clock and now it is quiet again.
21:13Muchas gracias.
21:15You're welcome, Abuelito. From now on, your clock will only cuckoo once an hour.
21:20Excelente. Now I can finally take my siesta.
21:24Come on, Tools. Abuelito needs some sleep.
21:27Oh, Manny. Could you turn the lamp off, por favor?
21:32Si, Abuelito.
21:34Oh, Manny. Maybe I could use a pillow. There's one over there.
21:40Claro que si, Abuelito. Of course.
21:42I'll get it.
21:44Hey, watch it.
21:46Shh. You'll wake Abuelito.
21:49But he's not even sleeping.
21:54I just can't seem to fall asleep.
21:58Maybe you need someone to sing you a lullaby.
22:02I'm going to sing you a lullaby.
22:05I'm going to sing you a lullaby.
22:08I'm going to sing you a lullaby.
22:11Maybe you need someone to sing you a lullaby.
22:14I'll do it.
22:21Yeah, that's going to help.
22:25Felipe, maybe a lullaby is the best idea.
22:29Manny's right. I sometimes drink a glass of warm milk to get sleepy.
22:34Would you like us to heat up some milk for you, Abuelito?
22:37That would be nice, but no tengo leche. I don't have any milk.
22:42Oh, I'm sorry. You have all come up with wonderful ideas, but I don't think I can sleep.
22:50Maybe without the cuckoo clock, it is just too quiet in here.
22:55Too quiet?
22:57What if I break the cuckoo clock again? I'm a hammer.
23:01Well, it was just an idea.
23:05So, let me get this straight.
23:07First there was too much noise, and now there's not enough?
23:11Si. I must have gotten used to all the sounds around me.
23:15And now you can't fall asleep without them.
23:18Si. It is just too quiet in here.
23:23Hmm, I think I have an idea.
23:29Escuchen, everybody. Listen.
23:37What are we listening to?
23:39The sounds of nature.
23:42I like the sounds of nature.
23:45Me too. They're peaceful.
23:48What do you think, Abuel...
23:53He's asleep. Abuelito's finally taking his siesta.
23:59Si. It's not too loud, and it's not too quiet. It's just right for taking a siesta.
24:08Ah, I feel so refreshed by our little walk, Fluffy.
24:14Mother Nature has done it again.
24:18Hi again, Mr. Lopart.
24:20Hello, everybody.
24:22Where's Abuelito?
24:24He's sleeping.
24:26And snoring. But just a little.
24:30Mr. Lopart, what happened to Fluffy's sweater?
24:32Oh, Fluffy, you lost your sweater?
24:36Where could it have gone?
24:39Oh, the yarn must have gotten snagged somewhere along the way.
24:44But where?
24:46Guess we better follow the trail of yarn and see where it goes.
24:50Goodbye, Mr. Lopart.
24:52Goodbye, Manny. Tools.
24:54Come on, Fluffy.
24:56Come on, Tools. I think we're about to take our own little nature walk.
25:01Mr. Lopart, wait up!
25:03Mr. Lopart, your sweater!
