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Handy Manny Season 2 Episode 8 Skateboard Park Cowboy Manny


00:00Skateboard Park
00:06My turn! My turn!
00:18Ah-ha! Here, I'll show you how it's done.
00:25It's all in the way you hit the wood.
00:32I didn't.
00:34Hmm. Casi llego. It was close.
00:55Now let me try.
00:56Uh, Pat, maybe you shouldn't.
01:08See? I did it!
01:10Boy, Pat sure has a different way of doing things.
01:18Hola, Handymanny's Repair Shop. You break it...
01:21We fix it!
01:23This is Manny.
01:24Hola, Manny. This is Mayor Rosa. Como estas?
01:28Oh, Alcalde Rosa. Bien, bien. Y usted?
01:31I am good, Manny, but I'm having a little problem at the park.
01:35Que pasa? What's wrong?
01:37It's the kids on monopatines. Skateboards.
01:40They're running into the people who are out for a walk.
01:43It's becoming un gran problema. A big problem.
01:47Well, what can we do to help, Mayor Rosa?
01:50I need you to put up some signs that say,
01:51No Skateboarding Allowed.
01:53So that skateboarders know they can't skate in the park.
01:56Oh, I see.
01:58Well, we can certainly make those signs for you and put them up in the park.
02:02Excelente. Can you meet me there right away?
02:05Absolutamente. Absolutely. We'll be right there.
02:08Gracias, Manny.
02:10Well, you heard Mayor Rosa to us.
02:12We need to get over to the park right away.
02:15Uno, dos, tres, cuatro, cinco, seis, siete, ocho...
02:22Hop, hop, jump in.
02:25Come on, let's go.
02:27Hop, hop, jump in.
02:29Sí, vámonos.
02:31Hop, hop, jump in.
02:33Don't move too slow.
02:35Keep up.
02:37Let's get to work. Muy rápido.
02:44Good morning, Mr. Lopar.
02:46Oh, good morning, Manny.
02:47Is that a monopatín, a skateboard you're carrying?
02:51That's right. I came up with a great new idea.
02:55I'm going to skateboard around the park today and sell candy.
03:00That's where all the customers, I mean kids, are these days.
03:05Skateboarding in the park. Pretty clever, huh?
03:09Uh, yeah. Very clever.
03:12But have you ever skateboarded before, Mr. Lopar?
03:14No, Manny, but how hard could it be?
03:18Actually, Mr. Lopar, it's not that easy.
03:21Well, it is for a Lopar.
03:24Remember, we're known for our balance.
03:27Oh, right.
03:37Skateboard probably needs a little adjustment.
03:40Skateboard probably needs a little adjustment.
04:04Well, it sure doesn't seem too bad out here.
04:07Watch out!
04:08What was that?
04:10Sorry, dude.
04:12Oops. I mean, Manny.
04:16I'm totally sorry, Manny. Are you okay?
04:19Sí, estamos bien. We're fine.
04:21Actually, I knocked my head on the handle.
04:25Sorry, Turner.
04:27Yeah, well, all right.
04:29Elliot, listen, you need to be more careful out here.
04:32There are lots of other people in the park.
04:35Little kids, too.
04:36Es verdad. Dusty's right.
04:38The park is for everyone to enjoy.
04:41I was totally in control, Manny.
04:43I never even came close to hitting you.
04:45I always skateboard in total control.
04:53That's my friend Cameron.
04:55He's still learning.
04:57Hey, dudes.
04:59I'm teaching him.
05:01That's going well.
05:03You're doing great, Cam.
05:04Thanks, Elliot.
05:10Elliot, the park is really not a good place to skateboard.
05:15But it's the only place to skateboard in town.
05:18There's no cars and the paths are really smooth.
05:21Everybody skateboards here.
05:23I want to skateboard, Manny.
05:26Yo también. Me too.
05:28Maybe you forgot why we're here.
05:30Something about no skateboarders allowed?
05:34Turner's right.
05:36Mayor Rosa called us to put up signs in the park
05:39to stop skateboarders from skating here.
05:41No skateboarding?
05:43That's awful!
05:45I'm afraid it's true.
05:47But Mayor Rosa, this is the only cool place to skateboard.
05:51I'm sorry, Elliot,
05:53but it's just not safe with all the other people here.
05:55Everyone has to use the park together.
05:57But we're so careful.
06:06I'm afraid there's just no choice.
06:09Do you think you can get to work on the signs right away, Manny?
06:13Sure, Mayor Rosa.
06:15Gracias. Buenas tardes.
06:19Lo siento. I'm sorry, Elliot.
06:22But Mayor Rosa's right.
06:24It's just not safe with the other people in the park.
06:27Okay, Manny.
06:30Come on, Tools. We better head over to Kelly's.
06:33But Manny, we have lots of supplies to make signs in the truck, don't we?
06:38Si. But we need something other than supplies from Kelly.
06:42Like what?
06:44Like a better way to solve this problem.
06:50Hola, Kelly.
06:52Hola, Manny. Hi, Tools.
06:54Hi, Kelly.
06:55What can I get for you today?
06:57Well, Mayor Rosa asked us to make some no skateboarding signs for the park.
07:02Oh, so you'll need some wood.
07:04No, we have plenty of wood in the truck.
07:09So you need nails.
07:11No, Kelly, we have lots of nails.
07:14I got it. Paint.
07:16Which one? Black or red?
07:19Nope. We have lots of paint.
07:22Then what do you need?
07:23Well, this time, we just need a better idea.
07:26A better idea?
07:28Si, Kelly. The skateboarders, like your brother Elliot, love to skateboard in the park.
07:33But they keep getting in the way of the other people who just want to walk and play there.
07:38Oh, yeah. Elliot always tells me what a great place the park is for skateboarding.
07:43That is a big problem.
07:46Well, it's too bad there isn't a part of the park that's just for skateboarders.
07:54But maybe there could be.
07:57Kelly, that's a great idea.
07:59It is?
08:01Yeah. All we need to do is convince the skateboarders that it's a good idea.
08:05And I think I know just how to do that.
08:08Kelly, we're going to need wood, nails, and paint.
08:12But I thought you said you had all the stuff.
08:15We're going to need a lot more than what we have.
08:24Look out!
08:26Watch Greg!
08:31So, we thought maybe instead of getting rid of all the skateboarders,
08:35we could have a part of the park that's just for them.
08:38We'll build a big skating ramp in the corner of the park.
08:42You know what? It's a great idea.
08:45I should have known you would have come up with a way to make everyone happy.
08:49Well, we did it with Kelly's help.
08:51She always has just what you need.
08:54Yep, that's for sure.
08:56Buenas tardes, Manny.
08:58Good afternoon, tools.
09:00Come on, tools.
09:02We've got a skateboard ramp to build.
09:06Let's get going and fix it right.
09:09Twist and turn.
09:11Make it tight.
09:13Trabajamos juntos.
09:15We work together now.
09:17Cut it larger and top it flat.
09:19Bend and twist.
09:21Just like that.
09:23Each of us has a special tool.
09:26We work together.
09:28Todos juntos.
09:30We can fix it right.
09:32Se ve fantástico.
09:34It looks great, tools.
09:36Now comes the real test.
09:38Wow, that's awesome, Manny.
09:42What is it?
09:44Dude, don't you know anything?
09:46It's a rocket launcher.
09:48Actually, Cameron, es una rampa de monopatín.
09:52It's a skateboard ramp.
09:54Right, a skateboard ramp.
09:56I knew that.
09:58That is so cool.
10:00Because we're skateboarders.
10:02Oh, but skateboarders aren't allowed in the park anymore, right?
10:08That's why we built it, Elliot.
10:10So skateboarders will have their very own part of the park.
10:15You are so awesome, Manny.
10:17Doubly awesome.
10:20Well, thanks, guys.
10:22Now go ahead and try it out.
10:34Check it out, Cam.
10:37Do you really think I can do it?
10:40Sure, Cam. You're doing great.
10:47Yeah, go, baby!
10:49That was great.
10:51Come on, you guys can skate with us, too.
11:04¡Arriba, arriba!
11:07¡Arriba, arriba!
11:09¡Arriba, arriba!
11:11¡Arriba, arriba!
11:13¡Arriba, arriba!
11:15¡Arriba, arriba!
11:18Oh, no.
11:28Well, it looks like everyone is having a great time.
11:31I think your idea is a big success.
11:34Congratulations. Felicidades.
11:37Sí, Alcalde Rosa.
11:39But I have you to thank for letting us build it.
11:44Candy, get your candy here.
11:47Oh, look. There's Mr. Lopar.
12:02That was gnarly, Mr. L.
12:05Sí, fantástico.
12:07Oh, well. It was nothing, really.
12:14Candy, anyone?
12:15I'll take a chocolate bar.
12:17Hey, show us how you did that trick.
12:20Wow, that's awesome.
12:23Well, it looks like this worked out for everyone.
12:26Even Mr. Lopar.
12:31One for you.
12:32One for you.
12:40Cowboy money.
12:46Here's a long one, Manny.
12:48And here's a round one.
12:50Thanks, tools.
12:55How about this weird-looking nail?
12:58That's a toothpick.
13:01Oh, yeah.
13:06Hola, Handy Manny's Repair Shop. You'll break it?
13:09We fix it.
13:11This is Manny.
13:12Howdy, Manny.
13:14This is your old pal, Francisco.
13:16¿Cómo estás?
13:17Hola, Francisco. I'm good.
13:19It's so nice to hear from you.
13:21It's been a long time.
13:22It sure has, Manny.
13:23How's the handyman business?
13:25Oh, well, we're always busy.
13:27Although today's kind of quiet.
13:29Well, then my timing might be perfect.
13:32How about you and the tools take the day off
13:35and come out to mi rancho, my horse ranch, and visit me?
13:38You know, today might be the perfect day for that.
13:42That would be great, Francisco.
13:46Oh, and don't forget to bring a fishing pole, Manny.
13:49I've got a little pond on el rancho
13:51with a fish practically jumping to the boat.
13:54Hasta luego, Manny. See you soon.
13:59Okay, tools, we're off to the ranch.
14:02But first, I have to find my fishing pole.
14:05I haven't used this in a little while.
14:08I wonder if it still works.
14:10Let's try it out.
14:12Good idea, Dusty.
14:14Could I do it, Manny?
14:16Sure, Rusty.
14:19Nice cast, Rusty.
14:24Don't let go, Rusty.
14:26Wow, it's probably a whale.
14:34That is the strangest looking fish I've ever seen.
14:37Looks like you've got to fix it.
14:42What's wrong, Manny?
14:44I just realized I don't have any fishing hooks.
14:47Maybe we could go to Callie's and buy some.
14:50Or maybe we can think of something else we can use.
14:53What do you mean, Manny?
14:55Well, sometimes when you don't have exactly what you need,
14:58you have to improvise.
15:00What's improvise?
15:02Improvise is when you figure out another way
15:04to do something when you don't have exactly what you need.
15:07What else can we use for a fish hook?
15:11I know!
15:13How about a paper clip?
15:15No, I don't think so.
15:17It's not strong enough.
15:19I know!
15:21We could use a candy cane!
15:25I don't think that's going to work either, Squeeze.
15:28How about this?
15:29I don't think that's going to work either, Squeeze.
15:32How about this?
15:35Perfecto, Dusty.
15:37This picture hook should work just fine.
15:40Come on, tools.
15:42We're going to El Rancho.
15:44Uno, dos, tres, cuatro, cinco, seis, siete, ocho.
15:52Hop, hop, jump, leap.
15:54Come on, let's go.
15:56Hop, hop, jump, leap.
15:57Hop, hop, jump, leap.
15:59Si, vamonos.
16:01Hop, hop, jump, leap.
16:03Don't go too slow.
16:05Keep up.
16:07Let's get to work.
16:09Mi rapido.
16:14Hola, Mr. Lopard.
16:16Oh, hello, Manny.
16:18Where are you off to?
16:20Oh, we're going to visit my old friend, Francisco.
16:23He lives on a rancho con caballos.
16:25A horse ranch.
16:29You know, I'm a bit of a vaquero myself.
16:32That means cowboy.
16:34I didn't know you were a vaquero, Mr. Lopard.
16:37Oh, yippee, I am, Manny.
16:40Just take a look at this picture I keep in my wallet.
16:44That's terrific, Mr. Lopard.
16:47Yep, they used to call me Lasso Lopard.
16:51Because I was quite an expert with the rope.
16:54Here, I'll show you.
16:55Oh, that's okay, Mr. Lopard.
16:57We really have to...
17:10Oh, are you okay, Mr. Lopard?
17:13Oh, that was quite a buck and bronco, Manny.
17:16I'm fine, just fine.
17:19Well, I guess we better get going.
17:21See you later, Mr. Lopard.
17:23Happy trails, Manny.
17:32Ah, there he is.
17:34Mi amigo, Manny.
17:36Hola, Francisco.
17:38It's good to see you again.
17:40And hola to you, too, herramientas.
17:42Hello, Francisco.
17:44It's good to see all of you again, too.
17:47Welcome to El Rancho.
17:51This is Estrella.
17:52Estrella means star in Spanish.
17:55Correcto, Felipe.
17:57I named her that because she has this beautiful star pattern on her side.
18:02Oh, oh, I see it.
18:05Tu rancho es muy hermoso.
18:08Your ranch is very beautiful.
18:10Gracias, Manny.
18:12Let me show you around.
18:14This is the tractor we used to do a lot of chores around the ranch.
18:19That's Shelly.
18:20She's one of my best ranch hands.
18:23Howdy, everybody.
18:26Mucho gusto, Shelly.
18:28Glad to meet you.
18:30Howdy, Shelly.
18:32Does Shelly remind you of someone?
18:43Easy, girl.
18:45It's okay.
18:47You don't have to be afraid.
18:51Is Estrella okay?
18:53Oh, si. She's fine.
18:55She just got a little scared by the loud noise.
19:00So did Rusty.
19:02Manny, you did a great job calming Estrella.
19:06Maybe you should be a cowboy.
19:08Gracias, Francisco.
19:10But I think I'll stick to being a handyman.
19:12Come on, everybody.
19:14I'll show you the rest of the ranch.
19:18What's that?
19:20That's the hay chute.
19:22We use it to get the hay from the barn.
19:25I don't see any hay.
19:27It comes out when you pull the chain.
19:30Oh, like this?
19:38Sorry, Turner.
19:41Can we go home now?
19:49Looks like Estrella's hoof is bothering her.
19:52I think you're right, Manny.
19:54Let's take a look.
19:56Looks like her horseshoe came a little loose.
19:59Horses wear shoes?
20:01Si, Pat.
20:03Horses' shoes help protect their hooves.
20:05I think we can tap it back into place.
20:07All I need is a good hammer.
20:09Where are we going to find a hammer way out here?
20:12Oh, I'm a hammer.
20:14Come on, Pat.
20:16Let's help Estrella with her horseshoe.
20:18You got it, Manny.
20:31Gracias, Manny.
20:33Y gracias, Pat.
20:35I think Estrella's saying thank you, too.
20:38Would you like to lead her into the corral, Manny?
20:41Uh, sure.
20:56Estrella, you have to stay here.
20:59Come on, Estrella.
21:01Aw, she likes you, Manny.
21:05A lot.
21:10I think you have a new friend, mi amigo.
21:13Ready to go fishing?
21:20What about your fishing pole, Manny?
21:23I don't have a fishing pole.
21:25I don't have a fishing pole.
21:27I don't have a fishing pole.
21:28What about your fishing pole, Manny?
21:31Oh, you're right, Dusty.
21:33I just need to get it from my truck.
21:39Not again!
21:43What's gotten into you, Estrella?
21:48Estrella, come back here!
21:53What's she doing, Francisco?
21:55It's like she's looking for something.
22:01Come here, girl!
22:04What you looking for?
22:12Now I know what she was looking for.
22:15What's going on?
22:17I think Estrella missed you.
22:20Come on, Estrella.
22:21It looks like she chewed the rope latch right off.
22:25Yeah, she did.
22:27I could probably replace it with the metal gate latch.
22:30But I don't have the right supplies with me.
22:33I know! We could improvise.
22:36Improvise is when you figure out another way to fix something
22:40when you don't have exactly the right parts.
22:43That's right, Stretch.
22:45Okay, let's look around and see what we can use.
22:47I know, Manny.
22:49We could use this stick to hold the gate closed.
22:56I don't think that's going to work, Squeeze.
23:00Hey, how about we keep the gate closed with a rock?
23:04Oh, yeah. That's a really great idea.
23:07You really think so?
23:11Well, thank you, Manny.
23:13De nada, Shelly. You're welcome.
23:16I've got it.
23:18We can use a horseshoe with a couple of long bolts.
23:22We'll attach it to the fence,
23:24and it'll work just like the real gate latch.
23:29According to my measurements,
23:31the horseshoe is just the right size.
23:34It's not going to work.
23:36It's not going to work.
23:37Stretch, the horseshoe is just the right size.
23:40Shelly, you always have exactly what we need.
23:45Okay, Tools.
23:47We've got a gate to fix.
23:51Let's get going and fix it right.
23:54Twist and turn.
23:56Make it tight.
23:58Trabajamos juntos.
24:00We'll work together now.
24:02Cut it, measure and tap it flat.
24:04Bend and twist.
24:05Just like that.
24:07Each of us has a special job.
24:09We work together.
24:11De nada, Tools.
24:13We can fix it right.
24:22Oh, no. Not again.
24:29Hey, it really worked.
24:31Of course it did.
24:32It was fixed by the world's greatest handyman
24:35and the world's greatest tools.
24:38Aw, shucks.
24:40And now that mi caballo is safe in her corral,
24:44we can finally go fishing.
24:54Francisco, would it be all right if...
24:57I'm way ahead of you, Manny.
25:00Come on, girl.
25:02Let's go fishing.
