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Handy Manny Season 2 Episode 5 Manny To The Rescue Handy Hut


00:00Manny to the rescue!
00:12Mr. Lopart!
00:15Entra, entra! Camin, camin!
00:18Well, hello tools, hello Manny.
00:21Hola, como esta Mr. Lopart? So nice to have you over for a visit.
00:25I just wanted to see how my neighbors were doing.
00:28Well, we're building a stool for my nephew Chico.
00:31You remember, little guy, drools a lot.
00:34Ah, Chico, of course. Well, he's gonna love that stool.
00:39Um, what's that in the cart behind you?
00:42The cart? Oh, this cart!
00:46Yeah, what's the big giant thing?
00:49Oh, it's nothing. It's just a super deluxe playhouse that I built for Fluffy.
00:59Wow, Mr. Lopart, usted hizo un gran trabajo. You did a great job.
01:05Yeah, that's the nicest playhouse I've ever seen.
01:10Oh, it was nothing really. Just a lot of hard work and know-how.
01:17We could have helped you measure things, Mr. Lopart.
01:20It looks like you have to make lots of tricky measurements.
01:24That's where having a good eye comes in, Stretch.
01:27We Loparts can measure things by sight.
01:31Well, I could have helped you bang the nails in. I'm a hammer.
01:35No, no need for that.
01:38I found a quicker, better way to hold everything together.
01:42Of course you did. Philip said screws. Everyone knows that.
01:46No, Felipe. I used glue.
01:49Yep, this baby's locked together with plenty of super strong glue.
01:53Saved me a lot of time.
02:00Um, we could help you put that back together with some sturdy nails or screws, Mr. Lopart.
02:09No problem. No problem at all. Just a little adjustment.
02:13Don't need any help with that. Come on, Fluffy.
02:18Ay, ay, ay, ay, ay.
02:23Hola, Honey Manny's Repair Shop. You break it...
02:25We fix it!
02:27This is Manny.
02:28Hey, Manny. Chief Eduardo from the firehouse.
02:31Oh, Chief Eduardo, como estas?
02:34Bien, bien. I'm good. How about you?
02:37Oh, we're all doing great, Chief. What can we do for you?
02:40Well, it's my firetruck, Manny. The flashing light on top isn't flashing.
02:45Oh, that is a problem, Chief. But I'm sure we can fix it. We'll be right over.
02:49Gracias, Manny.
02:52Let's go, Tubos. Uno, dos, tres, cuatro, cinco, seis, siete, ocho.
03:01Hop, hop, jump in. Come on, let's go.
03:05Hop, hop, jump in. Si, vámonos.
03:09Hop, hop, jump in. Don't go too slow. Keep up.
03:13Let's get to work. Muy rápido.
03:21Hey, Manny. Thanks for getting over here so quickly.
03:25No hay problema, Chief Eduardo.
03:27The flashing lights on top of the firetruck just stopped working.
03:31I hope you and the Tubos can fix it. And soon.
03:34No se preocupe. Don't worry. We'll fix it right away. Come on, Tubos.
03:44Hmm. I think we're going to have to take the light bar off before we can fix it. Felipe?
03:50Already on it, Manny.
03:54Get off.
03:57All right, Tubos. Let's open this thing up.
04:01Hmm. Looks like some of the connections are worn out.
04:04But it shouldn't be a problem to fix. I'll just grab some parts from the truck.
04:09Chief Eduardo, we got a cat stuck in a tree again. 1812 Pine Street.
04:14Okay, dispatch. I can handle this one myself. Let him know I'm on the way.
04:19Is it a fire, Chief Eduardo?
04:22No, Dusty. It's just Señor Sanchez's cat, Patches.
04:26She's stuck in a tree. Third time this week.
04:29Oh, no. We know Patches.
04:31Yeah. She's just a little kitty.
04:35Oh, don't worry. This happens a lot. She'll be fine.
04:39But I will need to take the fire truck. It's the only way we can get her down.
04:44But you don't have your flashing lights on the fire truck.
04:48I don't think I'll need them for this call stretch.
04:51But what if you get called to put out a fire or some other emergency?
04:55Maybe we should go with you, Chief, and finish the repair at the Sanchez's house.
04:59That's a great idea. Come on. Hop in.
05:02Wow! We get to ride in a real fire truck!
05:05Can I ring the bell? I get to drive!
05:09If anyone's driving, it's me.
05:12You guys need to behave up there. Riding in a fire truck is serious business.
05:18Wow! This is fun, Chief Eduardo. We've never been in a fire truck before.
05:24Si. Can I ring the bell now?
05:28No, Felipe. We only ring the bell and turn the siren on when there's an emergency.
05:33That way, cars know to move out of the way and let us through.
05:37There's Senor Sanchez.
05:39And Julieta, too.
05:46Thanks for coming again, Chief.
05:48No problem, Senor Sanchez. That's what we do.
05:52Hola. Como estas, Senor Sanchez?
05:54Manny, you're working for the fire department now?
05:58Boy, you do everything around here.
06:01No, no, no. We're just fixing the flashing light bar on top of the Chief's fire truck.
06:06So we came along for the ride.
06:08Oh, I see.
06:11She got herself up there pretty high this time.
06:14Lo siento. I'm sorry, Chief.
06:17She keeps running out of the house and climbing up the tree.
06:20Then she can't get herself down.
06:23Do you think you can reach her, Chief Eduardo?
06:26I'm pretty sure we can get her, Julieta.
06:29Turner, you want to raise that ladder?
06:32I'm on it, Chief.
06:35And we'll finish fixing that light bar. Right, Tulas?
06:38Right, Manny!
06:44Don't worry, Patches.
06:48That's good right there, Turner.
06:53There, that should do it.
06:55Now all we have to do is put it back on top of the fire truck.
07:01Hello, Patches. Come to Chief Eduardo.
07:05Come on, Patches.
07:07Oh, that's it.
07:10I got her!
07:16Patches, you have to stop climbing up that tree.
07:21We can't keep calling the fire department to rescue you.
07:24They have more important things to do.
07:27You might have to keep Patches indoors, Señor Sanchez.
07:30She seems to love to climb up the tree.
07:33But she doesn't know how to climb back down.
07:36Si, es verdad. You're right.
07:39We'll just have to make sure Patches doesn't leave the house.
07:42Hmm, there might be a better way.
07:46There is?
07:48Stop! Leave it to Manny to come up with an idea.
07:51What do you think, Manny?
07:53Well, it seems that Patches likes to climb the tree.
07:56But the problem is, she can't figure out how to get down.
07:59So if we just find a way for her to get down all by herself, then the problem's solved.
08:05But how can she get down the tree by herself?
08:09Well, this morning Mr. Lopar came by our shop.
08:12He had a playhouse he built for his cat, Fluffy.
08:15It had lots of platforms and steps for Fluffy to climb up and down on.
08:20So we could build a playhouse for Patches, right Manny?
08:24Even better, Squeeze.
08:25Maybe if we build some of those platforms along the tree, Patches will be able to get up and down the tree by herself.
08:31That's a smart idea, Manny.
08:34Yeah, we could do that.
08:41Hey guys, is everything okay?
08:43Si, Kelly.
08:44Chief Eduardo just had to rescue Patches from a tree.
08:47Oh, I was worried when I saw the fire truck.
08:50Patches keeps climbing up the tree!
08:53And Chief Eduardo has to keep rescuing her.
08:57But I think I've got a solution.
08:59Somehow I'm not surprised.
09:01Well, we could use your help too, Kelly.
09:03My help? How?
09:05Well, we'll need some wood to build a few platforms for Patches to climb down the tree.
09:10I don't suppose you have any wood in the back of the truck, do you?
09:13Hmm, I think I might.
09:21Pine oak or maple?
09:23Those pine boards will be perfect, Kelly.
09:25Okay, come on tools, we got a job to do.
09:30Let's keep going and fix it right.
09:33Twist and turn.
09:34Make it tight.
09:35Trabajamos juntos.
09:38We work together now.
09:40Cut it, measure and tap it flat.
09:43Bend and twist.
09:44Just like that.
09:46Each of us has a special job.
09:48We work together.
09:50Todos juntos.
09:51We can fix it right.
09:57Well, look at that. What a great idea.
10:01Thanks, Senor Sanchez, but the real test is if it works.
10:16Well, they sure weren't going up.
10:18What should I do, Manny?
10:20Try calling her.
10:22Patches, come down.
10:24Come on, Patches.
10:27Here, kitty, kitty.
10:30You can do it, Patches. Just give it a try.
10:47Looks like she can get herself down now.
10:50But we still have one more job to do.
10:53Right, tools?
10:57That should do it.
10:59Now let's give it a try.
11:02Great job, Manny.
11:04And you too, tools.
11:06You solved two problems for me today.
11:09Chief Eduardo, they're calling us for backup on a fire in Plywood County.
11:14Okay, dispatch. I'll be right there.
11:17That means they need me back at the firehouse right away.
11:21Looks like you fixed those flashing lights just in time.
11:24Come on. I'll give you a ride.
11:28Gracias, Manny.
11:30De nada, Senor Sanchez. De nada.
11:40Look out! Coming through! Emergency!
11:44Look out! Coming through!
11:51Oh, hi, Manny.
11:54Oh, hi, Manny.
11:56Hi, Mr. Lopar. We brought you a present.
11:59A present for me?
12:02Actually, it's a present for you and Fluffy.
12:06It's a playhouse.
12:08Aw, you didn't have to do that.
12:11It was our pleasure. Your playhouse gave us a great idea today.
12:15It helped us solve the problem for Senor Sanchez's kitty, Patches.
12:19And Chief Eduardo, too.
12:22Aw, thank you.
12:25And I think Fluffy thanks you, too.
12:47Okay, so we fixed the broken pipe.
12:51Repaired the desk at the library.
12:54And fixed the bikes for the twins.
12:56Double check.
12:57So, what's next on the list, Manny?
13:01Oh, Mrs. Portillo, lo siento. I'm so sorry.
13:04I guess we weren't watching where we were going.
13:06That's okay.
13:08I was just doing a little gardening.
13:11But I tore my gloves on a rose thorn.
13:14Why are you in such a hurry?
13:16Oh, we have a lot of jobs to do today.
13:18But don't worry, I haven't forgotten about your oven repair.
13:21Oh, Manny, it's such a beautiful day outside.
13:25You and the tools need to slow down.
13:29Stop and smell the roses.
13:38I'm okay.
13:40No, no, no.
13:42I mean you need to take time to do the things you enjoy.
13:46You can't just work all the time.
13:48Not work?
13:50But we like working, Mrs. Portillo.
13:53Si, nos gusta mucho hacerlo. We really enjoy doing it.
13:57Besides, our customers are counting on us.
14:00I know, Manny, but everybody needs a rest.
14:03Even you.
14:05Gracias, Mrs. Portillo. I'll keep it in mind.
14:08But right now, we have work to do.
14:10See you later.
14:11See you later.
14:12Adios, Manny.
14:14Bye, tools.
14:16Oh, that Manny.
14:18Always working so hard.
14:21He could use a break.
14:24And I think I know just how to help him.
14:33Hey, what's that?
14:35It's a new store.
14:37It looks like they just finished painting.
14:40It must be opening soon.
14:41I wonder what kind of store it's going to be.
14:44Quizas es una tortilleria. Maybe it's a tortilla shop.
14:48Or a toy store.
14:51Or a nail salon.
14:54I love nails.
14:57I'm a hammer.
14:59Oh, really?
15:01Hello, Manny. Hello, tools.
15:03Checking out the new store, huh?
15:05Hola, Mr. Lopar.
15:07Si, we were wondering what kind of a store it's going to be.
15:09Well, I don't want to cause you any worry, Manny,
15:12but I hear it's called the Handy Hut.
15:15Sounds like a new repair shop to me.
15:18A repair shop?
15:20But that's what we do.
15:22Don't worry, Rusty.
15:24There are plenty of jobs to go around.
15:26Well, we better get back to the shop.
15:28We still have lots to do.
15:30Until that new repair shop opens.
15:33Adios, Mr. Lopar.
15:35See you later, Manny.
15:43Okay, five more repairs today.
15:45We better get moving if we want to finish them all.
15:48What's first on the list, Manny?
15:50Tania, the ice cream lady.
15:52She needs us to fix her milkshake machine.
15:54Tania's so nice.
15:56She always gives us ice cream.
15:58Hi, Tania. It's Manny from the repair shop.
16:00I'm calling about your milkshake machine.
16:05Oh, I see.
16:07Um, are you sure?
16:10Okay, Tania.
16:12Cuidado, adios.
16:14What's the matter, Manny?
16:16Tania has changed her mind about the repair.
16:18Changed her mind?
16:20But how is she going to make milkshakes
16:23without a milkshake machine?
16:25I don't know, Dusty.
16:27But I guess we can cross her off our list.
16:30I'll get it.
16:33Hola, Handymanny's repair shop.
16:35You'll break it?
16:37We fix it!
16:39How can I help you?
16:41Oh, hi, Sam.
16:43I was just about to call you.
16:46Oh, um, I see.
16:48You want to fix the air pump another time.
16:52Okay, no problemo.
16:54Have a nice day.
16:56Another repair canceled, Manny?
17:00When are we going to have such a busy day after all?
17:02I don't understand.
17:04Why is everybody canceling on us?
17:07I think I know what's going on here.
17:11They're planning on using that new Handy Hut instead of us.
17:16I don't think Tania and Sam would use another repair shop, Turner.
17:19They're good friends of ours.
17:21Come on, Tugos.
17:23We still have plenty of jobs to do.
17:25Uno, dos, tres, cuatro, cinco, seis, siete, ocho.
17:30Hop, hop, jump in.
17:32Come on, let's go.
17:34Hop, hop, jump in.
17:36Si, vamonos.
17:38Hop, hop, jump in.
17:40Don't move too slow.
17:42Keep up.
17:44Let's get to work.
17:46Muy rapido.
17:51Hola, Kelly. Como estas?
17:53Hi, Manny. Hi, Tools.
17:55What can I do for you today?
17:57Remember that oven part I ordered for Mrs. Portillo?
18:00I was hoping it came in.
18:02It looks like I can fix her oven today after all.
18:04Just got it in. It's right here.
18:06Um, somewhere.
18:09But, you know, Mrs. Portillo wouldn't mind if you waited a day or two.
18:13It's so nice outside.
18:15Maybe you should just take the day off.
18:17It is a nice day, Kelly, but I'd rather get it done now.
18:21I know, Manny.
18:23That's what makes you so good at your job.
18:25Gracias, Kelly. I'll see you later.
18:27Bye, Manny. Good luck with your repair.
18:31If you get to do the repair.
18:39Manny! Tools!
18:41What a surprise!
18:43Si, I have the part I need to fix your oven.
18:46Uh, well, uh, this isn't, uh, the best time, Manny.
18:53Oh, sorry, Mrs. Portillo.
18:55Uh, we can come back later this afternoon.
18:58What would be a good time?
19:00Actually, Manny, I've, uh, changed my mind.
19:04Yeah, you and everybody else in town.
19:08Um, what do you mean, Mrs. Portillo?
19:11I've decided not to fix my oven.
19:15But how will you bake anything, Mrs. Portillo?
19:19Yeah, what about all those muffins and cakes and...
19:23And bananas.
19:25You know, like all the things you like to bake in the bakery.
19:31A barbecue!
19:33I plan to use a barbecue.
19:36Are you feeling okay, Mrs. Portillo?
19:39Si, me siento bien. I'm fine.
19:42Now, why don't you go and find something fun to do?
19:46Why don't you go and find something fun to do?
19:49Remember how beautiful it is outside.
19:53You should be out, enjoying yourself.
19:57Okay, Mrs. Portillo, I guess...
19:59I guess we'll see you some other time.
20:03Hasta la vista.
20:04Si. Adios, Manny.
20:07Adios, herramientas.
20:12Why was Mrs. Portillo acting so strange, Manny?
20:16Because she's going to use the handy hut to fix her oven instead of us.
20:22Is that true, Manny?
20:24Are we being replaced by the new repair shop?
20:27I don't think so, Squeeze.
20:29Mrs. Portillo is one of our best customers.
20:33Hey, I know one person who will always hire us.
20:38He's the last one on our list today.
20:40Yeah, Abuelito would never use anyone else to do his repairs.
20:47Come on, Tuvos, we got a job to do.
20:54Si, Mrs. Portillo, I agree.
20:57Manny does need a break.
21:00Oh, there's the doorbell.
21:02I have to go.
21:03Adios, Mrs. Portillo.
21:09Oh, Manny, I wasn't expecting you.
21:12I'm here to fix your cuckoo clock.
21:14Just like I promised.
21:16Oh, that.
21:18I've changed my mind.
21:19I don't want it fixed after all.
21:22Not you too.
21:24What do you mean, Abuelito?
21:26You love that clock.
21:28Oh, si.
21:29But who wants to listen to cuckoo cuckoo all day long?
21:35Oh, um, I see.
21:38Well, I guess we'll be on our way then.
21:42Unless there's anything else you need repaired?
21:45Anything at all.
21:46Maybe a creaky door?
21:48Or a loose floorboard.
21:50No, I can't think of a thing.
21:53Are you planning on using that new Handy Hut repair shop instead of us?
21:58Handy Hut?
22:00I have never even heard of it.
22:02Now, Manny, you go and enjoy the day.
22:05Spend some time relaxing with the tools.
22:08Um, esta bien, Abuelito.
22:11We'll see you later.
22:13Adios, Manny.
22:14Adios, tools.
22:17See ya.
22:23People sure are acting strange around here.
22:26Maybe we are losing our work to that new repair shop.
22:29I hate to say I told you so.
22:32Then don't.
22:34How can one new store take all our business away, Manny?
22:39I don't know, Dusty.
22:42But I guess we better get used to having a lot less work around Sheetrock Hills.
22:46Yeah, it's gonna be more like you break it, Handy Hut fixes it around here.
22:53Hey, how come all those people are in front of our repair shop?
22:58It looks like a party.
23:06Hola, Manny.
23:08Hola, amigos.
23:09What are you all doing here?
23:11We know how hard you've been working lately.
23:13So we wanted to surprise you.
23:16With a day off.
23:18And what better way to relax than spending time with your friends.
23:23We knew you'd never take a break on your own.
23:26So, we canceled all our repairs.
23:29You mean you planned this all together?
23:32Right down to the tortillas and salsa.
23:35Come on, Manny.
23:39Manny, tortillas.
23:42Okay, Abuelito.
23:43Come on to us.
23:47Let's get going and fix it right.
23:49Twist and turn.
23:50Make it tight.
23:52Trabajamos juntos.
23:54We work together now.
23:56Cut it, measure and pop it flat.
23:59Bend and twist.
24:01Just like that.
24:02Each of us has a special job.
24:04We work together.
24:06Relax together.
24:07We can fix it right.
24:12Muchas gracias, everybody.
24:14This was a fantastic idea.
24:16I guess it is just what we needed.
24:18Well, you deserve it.
24:20So, who will do your repairs?
24:23Are you going to use Handy Hut to do them?
24:27Why would we take our repairs to a glove store?
24:30Manny does all our repairs.
24:32A glove store?
24:34You mean Handy Hut sells gloves?
24:38A glove store?
24:40But I thought it was...
24:42I can't wait to replace my old gardening gloves at the Handy Hut.
24:47Get it?
24:48Hence, Handy Hut.
24:50I think it's a cute name.
24:52Yeah, real cute.
24:56I'm sure the owner could use some help getting that shop ready.
25:00Maybe I should go over there.
25:05After I enjoy a relaxing day off with mis amigos.
