• 2 days ago
Handy Manny Season 2 Episode 31 The Good The Bad And The Handy


00:00The good, the bad, and the handy.
00:14Gracias, Fixit.
00:16Is it a present?
00:17Para mi? For me?
00:19Para mi! Para mi!
00:21No, it's not a present.
00:23Abuelito was cleaning out his attic,
00:26and he found this box of old things from when I was a little niño.
00:30What's that?
00:31It's my toy top.
00:33What do you use it for?
00:35You spin it.
00:36Can I try it, Manny?
00:38Sure, Squeeze. Es fácil. It's easy.
00:49You spin the top, Squeeze. You don't let it spin you.
00:54Good try, Squeeze, but I will show you how it is done.
01:09Lo siento. I'm sorry, everyone.
01:14Maybe we should leave that one in the box.
01:17Mira, mis maracas.
01:19Maracas! Maracas!
01:22Maracas? Is that a game, too?
01:25Maracas are musical instruments.
01:27You shake them to make a great musical sound.
01:36Whoops. Sorry, Turner.
01:38I used to be pretty good at these.
01:40Oh, I want to try those.
01:42And I want to make it through the rest of the day
01:46And I want to make it through the rest of the day without getting knocked in the head.
01:53Wow, I don't believe it.
01:57My old toy race car.
01:59This was mi favorito, my favorite.
02:04How does it work, Manny?
02:06Does it go really fast?
02:08Can it do tricks?
02:09¿Tiene luces? Does it have lights?
02:11Luces! Luces!
02:14Not exactly.
02:16I haven't played with this in a very long time.
02:19I just remember it was a lot of fun.
02:21If I remember right, you just wind it up like this and let it go.
02:35That's it?
02:37See? Isn't it great?
02:39I guess we were expecting something with a little more...
02:43Uh, zip?
02:47Hmm. It never really had much zip.
02:51But it was my first toy car.
02:53And it will always be special to me.
03:01Hola. Handyman's Repair Shop. You break it...
03:04We fix it!
03:06This is Manny.
03:07Hola, Manny. Hola, herramientas. It's Mayor Rosa.
03:11Hola, Mayor Rosa. What can we do for you?
03:13Manny, do you remember the old stone well in the center of town?
03:17El Pozo? Sure.
03:19Then you know it's a big part of the history of Sheetrock Hills.
03:23But I have just come from there, and I'm afraid the old well is in very bad shape.
03:29It's falling apart.
03:31The old pozo has been around for over a hundred years.
03:34I guess it's finally starting to show its age.
03:37I was hoping that you and the tools might be able to fix it up.
03:41Well, we'll be happy to give it a try.
03:43Ah, bueno. Good.
03:45We'll head right over and take a look.
03:47Muchas gracias, Manny.
03:49De nada.
03:50What's a well, Manny?
03:52A well is a hole in the ground that can reach the water that runs underneath us.
03:58I don't see any water under me.
04:01Let's see. Where is this agua?
04:05Agua? Agua?
04:08The water is far underground.
04:10First you have to find a place where there might be groundwater,
04:13which is rain or snow that has soaked into the ground.
04:16Then you need to dig a deep well to get to it.
04:19I just hope the old stone pozo isn't too badly damaged.
04:23It is very old.
04:25Yeah, it's old, like this toy car.
04:28And both remind us of how things used to be.
04:32With a little work, we should be able to make them both as good as new.
04:36Come on, tools. Vámonos.
04:38Uno, dos, tres, cuatro, cinco, seis, siete, ocho, nueve.
04:46Hop, hop, jump, leap.
04:48Come on, let's go.
04:50Hop, hop, jump, leap.
04:52Si, vámonos.
04:54Hop, hop, jump, leap.
04:57Don't move too slow.
04:58Keep up.
04:59Let's get to work.
05:01We got the old.
05:18Hola, Mr. Lopart.
05:19Oh, hi, Manny. Hello, tools.
05:22Hola, Mr. Lopart.
05:24What are you doing, Mr. Lopart?
05:26Just attaching this clamp to hold a water bottle onto my bike.
05:31You should always have plenty of water on a bike ride.
05:42Can we give you a hand with that, Mr. Lopart?
05:44Oh, no thank you, Manny.
05:46We Loparts are natural-born bikers.
05:49Haven't you ever heard of the Tour de Lopart?
05:54Um, no.
05:56Why, it's a world-famous bicycle race
05:59named after my great-great-grandfather,
06:02Handelbars Lopart.
06:11You see, it's on there nice and solid.
06:13I know bicycles like the back of my hand.
06:16Okay, Mr. Lopart, we'll see you later.
06:18Have a nice bike ride.
06:20Goodbye, Manny. So long, tools.
06:23Hasta luego.
06:25And now for the finishing touch.
06:38Oh, fudge.
06:49Oh, no.
06:51Stop that bike.
07:02Hola, Manny. Hello, tools.
07:05Hola, Mayor Rosa.
07:06Hola, Mayor Rosa.
07:08I'm so glad you came.
07:10This old well means so much to the town.
07:13It's an important part of our history
07:15that reminds us how we got here.
07:18It would be a terrible loss
07:20if it were to fall apart completely.
07:22Don't you worry.
07:24I'm sure we can restore El Pozo to be as good as new.
07:27I'll just take a look and see when it's to be done.
07:30Mayor Rosa, is it true that this well
07:33can reach water that's way underground?
07:36Si, El Pozo is very deep.
07:38Take a look.
07:42Wow, huge deep.
07:44And dark.
07:46I can't even see the bottom.
07:49Ah, but you can hear it.
07:55Mira esto. Watch this.
08:02There is water down there.
08:05Agua, agua.
08:08How do you get the water from all the way down there up to here?
08:12You draw the agua up with a bucket
08:15on una bomba, a pump like this one.
08:19That sounds pretty hard.
08:22And very tiring.
08:24Si, there are much easier ways to get agua.
08:27Yeah, why not just turn on a faucet?
08:31Or use a water fountain.
08:33Right, why bother fixing this old thing at all?
08:36Back when this well was built, it wasn't that easy.
08:39If you didn't live close to a river or a stream,
08:42there was no other way to get water.
08:47In fact, without this old pozo,
08:49the town of Chirroquillos might not even be here today.
08:54Es verdad, it's true.
08:57I will tell you about it.
08:59Yes, Bernadette.
09:01Many years ago, Chirroquillos was a very different place.
09:09Life wasn't easy in the old west.
09:11The people had to work very hard to get all the things they needed.
09:15Was there a school back then?
09:18And a community center?
09:20And a repair shop?
09:22Well, herramientas, there were all those things.
09:25But they were different back then.
09:27Instead of a repair shop, there was a town blacksmith.
09:31He had the job of putting shoes on the horses to protect their feet.
09:37There you go, Señora Rosita.
09:39This horse of yours shouldn't have any more problems.
09:42Gracias, Manuel.
09:44I only wish that were true.
09:46What do you mean?
09:48Well, we haven't had rain for a long time,
09:51so the river has dried up.
09:53We have to ride further and further to find water.
09:56It is a problem facing all of Chirroquillos.
09:59None of the ranchers are going to bring their cattle or horses here
10:03without a place to get water.
10:05Es verdad, that's true.
10:07Si, they'll be happy to raise their cattle in limestone flats
10:11or gypsum gorge instead.
10:13If we don't do something about the water problem soon,
10:17no one will want to live here.
10:23Already a lot of people have left.
10:25This town might even disappear completely.
10:31I love this town, Manuel.
10:33But I'm just not sure what we can do to save it.
10:46I could dig a well.
10:48Un pozo?
10:50Then we can get water right here in town.
10:53Buena idea.
10:55Great idea.
10:56If we can provide water right here, our problem will be solved.
11:00It will be a big job.
11:02Do you think you can do it?
11:06Por qué no?
11:07Why not?
11:08The first thing we need to do is look for a place
11:11where there might be water underground.
11:13Did you know a stream once flowed through the center of town?
11:18Right here.
11:22Then this should be just the place to dig a well.
11:25I'll take a look.
11:26Gracias, Manuel.
11:30Can you tell us more about old Cheat Rock Hills?
11:34What kind of people lived there?
11:36Were there vaqueros?
11:40I love cowboy stories.
11:47To answer your question, herramientas,
11:50Cheat Rock Hills was home to many interesting people back then.
11:55Many interesting people back then.
11:59Even cowboys.
12:05Whoa there, Duffy.
12:07Easy, gal.
12:09Just hold still and I'll have you tied up in two shakes of a rattler's tail.
12:16Come back here, Duffy Lumpart!
12:25Easy there, Duffy.
12:27Hola, Lefty.
12:28Oh, howdy, Manuel.
12:30Having trouble with your horse?
12:33No, no trouble at all, really.
12:36Why, we Lumparts are the best horse handlers this side of the Pecos.
12:42You sure are, Lefty.
12:44Yep, me and my horse are what you might call compadres.
12:49That means we understand each other real well.
12:52Right, Duffy?
12:56Manuel, pull up a campfire and a coyote and listen to me sing.
13:01Oh, me and my horse, we spend all our time together.
13:06Me and my horse never argue, fuss or fight.
13:11Me and my horse, we'll ride through any weather.
13:16Me and my horse stick together day and night.
13:23Yes, me and my horse are like two peas in a pod.
13:27A reel and a rod, a smile and a nod.
13:34Oh, me and my horse are the best of amigos.
13:39Me and my horse fit together perfectly.
13:44Me and my horse, I'd go wherever he goes.
13:50When me and my horse ride out on the lone prairie.
14:01Yep, me and my horse are the best of friends.
14:08Oh, tumbleweeds.
14:13That Lefty Lumpart is tan curioso. So funny.
14:18Curioso, curioso.
14:21Yeah, he really reminds me of someone, but I can't think of who it is.
14:26So familiar.
14:29So, what happened with the well, Mayor Rosa?
14:32Sí, ¿qué pasó?
14:34Manuel's first job was to find the right spot to dig the well.
14:38The street was dry and dusty, except for one particular spot.
14:47There must be agua where a plant grows, Manuel thought.
14:59Digging El Pozo was very hard work, especially when he was doing it by himself.
15:05We thought you could use some help, Manuel.
15:08That's right, partner. We're all in this together.
15:12Gracias, muchas gracias.
15:14Just fill that there bucket up with dirt and we'll take care of the rest.
15:23Using teamwork, the job went much faster.
15:28And eventually the work was finished.
15:31Bravo, Manuel. Great work.
15:34Top-notch, partner.
15:36It was a team effort. Now let's give it a try.
15:47Ah, oui.
15:50Ah, oui. Fresco. Very cool.
15:57Oui, oui. It is hotter than a coyote in July.
16:02Can Duffy here get a little drink, too?
16:05Claro que sí, of course. I'll get some more.
16:09Well, that's mighty nice of you, partner.
16:13But I can get my own horse's water.
16:17Oh, it's heavier than it looks.
16:24Oh, tumbleweeds.
16:27El Pozo is wonderful, but it's too slow and difficult to get the water with a bucket.
16:33A rancher may have to water many animals, and using the bucket would take a very long time.
16:39We have to think of something to make it easier to draw the water from the well.
16:44And what do you think they came up with?
16:47Oh, oh, a giant straw.
16:51Close, Pat.
16:53I know.
16:56A ball.
16:57Una bomba.
16:59Bomba, bomba.
17:01That's right.
17:04A ball.
17:05Una bomba.
17:06Bomba, bomba.
17:08That's right. Manuel decided to build a pump to draw the water more quickly and easily from El Pozo.
17:16In fact, it is the very same pump that's here today.
17:22It looks like all of the old bolts are rusted through and the handle needs to be replaced.
17:27We'll have to go to Kelly's store to get the parts.
17:29Well, I've got a few things to take care of, Manny.
17:32So, if you don't mind, I'll meet you back here later.
17:35Sounds good. Adios.
17:37See you later.
17:41Lucky Luis Lopar, come back here.
17:48Hola, Kelly.
17:49Hi, Kelly.
17:51Hola, Manny. Hi, Tools.
17:53What brings you here today?
17:55We need some parts to fix the water pump on the old stone well.
17:58Some bolts and a new handle.
18:01The bolts shouldn't be a problem. They haven't changed much over the years.
18:05But a new handle for an old-fashioned hand pump?
18:08I'm not sure I've got one of those.
18:11Yeah, right.
18:13I bet you'll find one the first place you look.
18:16Yeah, maybe.
18:18If I think really hard before I start looking.
18:25An old pump handle in the first place I looked.
18:29See? What did I tell you?
18:33I wonder if Manuel was able to find a pump handle that easily.
18:37Do you mean Manuel the blacksmith who built the old town well?
18:41I know that story.
18:45Did Manuel go to a hardware store like this one to get the parts to build his pump?
18:50They didn't have a hardware store in Sheetrock Hills back then.
18:53What they had in the old days was called a general store.
19:00The general store had a little bit of everything.
19:04Food, supplies, equipment.
19:06But they didn't carry special items like a hand pump.
19:12What do you mean?
19:13She didn't have it?
19:15Well, Turner, life was pretty hard back in those days.
19:18The general store only carried the basic things people needed to get by.
19:23If you wanted a special item like that, you had to make it yourself.
19:28So, what did Manuel do?
19:30Ah, you see, Manuel was a blacksmith.
19:33You know this story, too?
19:35Absolutamente. We all learned it in school.
19:40Being a blacksmith meant that Manuel knew how to work with metal.
19:46A blacksmith uses a hammer to shape metal into any shape he needs.
19:59Even a pump handle.
20:04Hey, I'm a hammer!
20:06That sounds like fun!
20:08Bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang!
20:13Then again, it could be kind of dangerous.
20:19Of course Manuel knew what he was doing.
20:21So he built the pump himself?
20:24Correcto. Correct.
20:27He was a very handy blacksmith.
20:30Boy, we could sure use somebody like that around here.
20:33Yep, every town needs a handyman.
20:36But where are we gonna...
20:38Oh, yeah! We do have someone like that!
20:43So what happened next, Manny?
20:45Si, y luego qué pasó?
20:47Well, I guess I can tell you the rest of the story on the way back to the old well.
20:52Mayor Rosa is probably waiting for us.
20:54Okay, let's go then!
20:56See you later, everyone!
20:58Hasta luego!
21:01Manuel worked very, very hard.
21:05And before long, he had not only built a hand pump for the well,
21:10but also a wooden trough to hold the water.
21:14Okay, everyone, let's try it out!
21:17¡Yee-haw! ¡All right!
21:20We have all the water we need now.
21:23Darn titten!
21:24Gracias, Manuel.
21:26From all of us.
21:28Your smart thinking may have saved Sheetrock Hills.
21:32I was nothing, really.
21:34I'll let the other ranchers know about our well right away.
21:37Right nice piece of handiwork, partner.
21:40I think Duffy here would like to take the first drink,
21:43if'n y'all don't mind.
21:45Why, of course, Lefty.
21:51Oh, tumbleweeds.
21:58And that is the story of the old stone well.
22:01At least, as much as I like it.
22:03I'm sure you'll like it, too.
22:06And that is the story of the old stone well.
22:09At least, as much as I can remember.
22:11That's a great story, Manny.
22:14Yeah, now I understand why this old well means so much to the town.
22:19And why it's so important to preserve our historical landmarks.
22:23Historical what?
22:27Historical landmarks, Pat.
22:29Buildings and objects that remind us of the past.
22:32It's very important to remember the past.
22:35Someday, we will want to be remembered as well.
22:38Oh, that's true.
22:40So, what do you say we get to work and fix up this old well?
22:48Let's get going and fix it right.
22:51Twist and turn.
22:52Click it tight.
22:53Trabajamos juntos.
22:56We work together now.
22:58Cut and measure and tap and clap.
23:01Bend and twist.
23:02Just like that.
23:04Each of us has a special job.
23:06We work together.
23:08Todos juntos.
23:09We can fix it right.
23:13Would you like to give it a try, Mayor Rosa?
23:15Se ve hermoso.
23:17It looks beautiful, Manny.
23:19But this well is still very old.
23:21Do you think it will actually work?
23:23I don't know, but there's only one way to find out.
23:27Just pop this handle a few times.
23:30I'll try it.
23:39It works!
23:41¡Agua, agua!
23:43I want to try it.
23:44Oh, me too.
23:48Oh, whoa.
23:49Hold it, guys.
23:51You don't want to waste water.
23:53It's a lot more fun to get water this way than just churning on a bottle.
23:59Believe it or not, there are places in the world where people still get their agua this way.
24:05And now the people of Sheetrock Hills can too.
24:12Hey, you really did a nice job fixing up the old well.
24:15Gracias, partner.
24:18It sure is hot out here.
24:21Would you mind if I fill up my water bottle?
24:24Not at all, Mr. Lopart.
24:26Help yourself.
24:35Oh, tumbleweed.
24:40Well, that was refreshing.
24:49Okay, I think it's ready.
24:53You were right, Manny.
24:55Your old toy car is a lot of fun.
24:59Sometimes with a little extra care, things that are old can still be pretty special.
25:04Got that one right here.
25:22Ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha
