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Handy Manny Season 2 Episode 16 Felipes Hiccups Book Drop


00:00Felipe's Hiccups
00:02Oh, I don't know about this. I feel a little dizzy. Are you sure this is a good idea?
00:14Claro que si, of course it is. I do it all the time.
00:19I've had enough. Besides, who cares who can stand on his head the longest?
00:25I think it's fun.
00:27I think I'm gonna be sick.
00:30Oh, that's better.
00:35Look out!
00:39Wow, Felipe's still going.
00:42What's going on, guys?
00:44We had a contest to see who could stand on his head the longest.
00:48And Felipe won.
00:50Yeah, he looks like he could stay that way all day.
00:54Sorry, Felipe. Are you okay?
01:03No hay problema. No hay problem.
01:07Oh, that's funny.
01:10Hey! Tengo hipo. I hiccup the hiccups.
01:18Hola, Honeyman's Repair Shop. You'll break it?
01:22We fix it.
01:25Hola, Manny. Hola, herramientas.
01:28Hola, Me Rosa.
01:31It sounds like someone has the hiccups.
01:34Si, it's me, Felipe.
01:37Well, I hope you can stop them, Felipe, because we could use your help today.
01:41A special guest is coming to speak to the kids at the community center.
01:45It's a big room, so he'll need to use un microfono.
01:49A microphone?
01:51Si. There's a sound system in the room, but it needs to be put together and set up.
01:56Do you think you can help?
01:58Of course we can. That's what we do.
02:00Muchas gracias, Manny.
02:02Oh, de nada. We'll be right over.
02:07Well, it looks like I'm going to need you today, Felipe.
02:10We better try to get rid of those hiccups.
02:12I heard that you can stop hiccups by holding your breath and jumping up and down six times.
02:18Sounds like it might be worth a try. What do you think, Felipe?
02:22Si, okay. I'll try.
02:27Uno, dos, tres, cuatro, cinco, seis.
02:36I don't think it worked.
02:38I hear it helps if you drink a glass of water.
02:41Oh, no thanks. I'm not thirsty.
02:43Not you, Pat. Felipe!
02:49Good idea, Dusty.
02:53Okay, here goes. Salud.
03:01Ah, that was refreshing.
03:07Well, we better get going.
03:09We have to stop at Kellys before we head over to the community center.
03:13And we'll try to think of a cure for your hiccups along the way.
03:17Don't worry. They're kind of fun.
03:20Vámonos, amigos.
03:21Uno, dos, tres, cuatro, cinco, seis, siete, ocho.
03:29Hop, hop, jump in.
03:31Come on, let's go.
03:33Hop, hop, jump in.
03:35Si, vámonos.
03:37Hop, hop, jump in.
03:39Don't go too slow.
03:41Hop, hop, let's get to work.
03:44We're wrapping up.
03:55Hola, Mr. Lopart.
03:57Oh, hello, Matty. Hello, Tools.
04:00Hola, Mr. Lopart.
04:02Hola, Mr. Lopart.
04:05Whoa, those are some hiccups you've got there, Felipe.
04:10Si, I know.
04:12Oh, don't worry. It's nothing to be scared of, Fluffy.
04:16It's just hiccups.
04:22Are you locked on, Mr. Lopart? We can help.
04:25That won't be necessary, Matty.
04:27I've got a spare key under the mat.
04:30There it is.
04:34We Loparts always plan ahead.
04:39Okay, Mr. Lopart. Hasta luego.
04:42So long.
04:51Oh, Fluffy.
04:54Oh, Fluffy.
04:59Hola, Manny. Hello, Tools.
05:02How can I help you today?
05:04We need some speaker wire.
05:06Oh, that shouldn't be a problem. I just got a delivery yesterday.
05:10Oh, but I didn't put it away yet, so it's in one of these boxes.
05:15We'll help you look, Kelly.
05:17Si, we are good lookers.
05:19Wow, sounds like you've got the hiccups, Felipe.
05:22Oh, si.
05:24Well, I know a great way to stop them.
05:26That's what Squee said.
05:29It's my grandmother's guaranteed cure. Would you like to try it?
05:33Okay, I guess so.
05:35Okay, take a few deep breaths.
05:44Now, breathe in.
05:48Now, burp.
05:55Oh, sorry, Felipe.
05:57Well, it always worked for me.
05:59Come on, Tools. Let's help Kelly find that wire.
06:02It should be in a brown box.
06:05Let's go.
06:16Are you okay, Felipe?
06:18I think I found the wire.
06:27Wow, what is all this?
06:30I've never seen anything like it.
06:33The holiday is like Cinco de Mayo.
06:36No, Felipe. These are Aztec decorations.
06:41The Aztec people lived a long time ago in Mexico.
06:44That must be what the special guest is talking to the kids about today.
06:48Can we stay and listen too, Manny?
06:50Sure, but first we have to set up el micrófono.
06:55A microphone would really help people hear the guest speaker in a big room like this.
07:01Okay, looks like everything's here.
07:03Let's take it out and see if it works.
07:15Testing, uno, dos, tres.
07:18Testing, uno, dos, tres.
07:21Sounds good, Manny. Muy bueno.
07:29Turn it off, turn it off!
07:31El micrófono, the microphone.
07:41Está quebrado. I think it's broken.
07:45It's a blown fuse.
07:47We just have to unscrew the back and we'll have it fixed in no time.
07:51Say no more!
07:53No, they're Phillips head screws.
07:57Do you think you can handle it, Felipe?
07:59Of course!
08:14Don't worry about it, Felipe. Let's fix el micrófono first.
08:19Okay, Felipe.
08:25Go, Felipe!
08:29Oh, it's no use.
08:32Hmm, it looks like we have to fix Felipe's hiccups before we can fix anything else.
08:37Fix it. Fix it! That reminds me of something.
08:42Fix it. That reminds me of something.
08:45Fix it had the hiccups once and she got rid of them by spinning around with her eyes closed.
08:50That wasn't hiccups. It was a short circuit.
08:54Oh, right.
08:57But you could try it anyway.
08:59If you think it will help.
09:12What a fun!
09:17I have one last idea.
09:21Sometimes chewing gum helps.
09:23Chew on this and try blowing a big bubble, Felipe.
09:38How was that, Felipe?
09:40Very sticky.
09:42What are we going to do? Nothing is working and we've tried everything.
09:46And I think it's worse than it was before.
09:53Hit it! Hit it!
10:07Hola, herramientas. Hola, Manny.
10:10Oh, that really made me jump, Abuelito.
10:14I'm sorry, Felipe. I can't see very well with this mask on.
10:18I thought you were a monstruo, a monster.
10:21Why are you wearing that mask, Abuelito?
10:24Ah, it's an Aztec mask. It's one of the things I'll be talking to the kids about today.
10:30Oh, we didn't know you were the guest speaker, Abuelito.
10:34Si, si.
10:36Hey, Felipe. You're not hiccuping anymore.
10:41I'm not? I'm not.
10:46Oye, my hiccups. They're gone.
10:49You did it, Abuelito. You got rid of my hiccups.
10:53I did?
10:54Si, when you scared me.
10:56Well, I'm glad I could help.
10:59Now that Felipe is back to his old self again, we can set up el micrófono.
11:06Let's keep going and fix it right.
11:09Twist and turn.
11:10Make it tight.
11:11Trabajamos juntos.
11:14We work together now.
11:17We can't measure and tap and flap.
11:19Bend and twist.
11:21Just like that.
11:22Each of us has a special job.
11:24We work together.
11:26Todos juntos.
11:27We can fix it right.
11:31Okay, Abuelito. Turn on el micrófono and give it a try.
11:38Hello. Testing. Uno, dos, tres.
11:44Yep, it sounds perfect.
11:49Hola, niños y niñas.
11:53Today I'm going to tell you all about the Aztec people.
11:57Many years ago, in ancient Mexico, there were seven Nahuatl tribes that called themselves Aztecs.
12:05The Aztec people created many types of beautiful artwork.
12:10One example is the masks they made.
12:13Aztec hunters and warriors would wear them as a symbol of strength and power.
12:23Oh, right. It's just Abuelito.
12:29The Aztecs also knew how to build pyramids and temples and watch the movement of the stars.
12:40Book Drop
12:44Ignore it. You can get it off.
12:52I can't get it off.
12:54Rusty, how about you?
12:56¿Tú puedes quitarlo? Can you get it off?
12:58What? Me? I don't know.
13:01You can do it, Rusty.
13:03Yeah, come on, Rusty. You are a big, strong tool.
13:07Well, I guess I could give it a try.
13:14I can't do it.
13:16Nice try, Rusty. You'll get it next time.
13:20I'll show you how to get it open.
13:22Opening things happens to be my specialty.
13:32So, guess you're not going anywhere.
13:37I know. I can bang it open.
13:43You can't bang it open, Pat.
13:45Yeah, you have to be really careful.
13:48What's going on, guys?
13:50We can't get this jar of wood filler open, Matty.
13:53It looks like other jars, but the lid won't open the same way.
13:58It just has a plastic seal on it so what's inside won't dry up.
14:02All you do is pull the tab and the seal comes right off.
14:06You see? Now it will open just like any other container.
14:11Hola, Handyman's Repair Shop. You'll break it?
14:14We fix it!
14:16Hi, Manny. It's Marion over at the library.
14:19Hi, Marion. How can we help you?
14:21Well, I'm having a problem with a book drop outside the library.
14:25Can you and the tools come over and see if you can fix it?
14:29Of course. That's what we do. We'll be right over.
14:32Oh, great, Manny. Thanks. I knew I could count on you.
14:37Well, we better get over there and fix that book drop.
14:40Oh, when books are dropped, it's really loud. And loud things scare me.
14:47It's not loud or scary, Rusty.
14:50A book drop is just a large bin outside the library
14:54where you return your books when the library's closed.
14:59Can we get some libros nuevos, some new books, Manny?
15:03Of course. But first, we have a repair to do.
15:07Uno, dos, tres, cuatro, cinco, seis, siete, ocho.
15:15Hop, hop, jump in. Come on, let's go.
15:19Hop, hop, jump in. Sí, vámonos.
15:23Hop, hop, jump in. Don't go too slow. Keep up.
15:27Let's get to work. Muy rápido.
15:37Hey, what's Mr. Lopart doing?
15:42Hello, Mr. Lopart.
15:44Oh, hello, Manny. Tools? Stand clear.
15:48I've just installed this very delicate, state-of-the-art automated candy maker.
15:54Well, it's a good thing you are wearing goggles.
15:57That's right. Just being extra careful, Manny.
16:00Safety first, Lopart, they call me, you know.
16:03Always better safe than sorry.
16:06Yep, that's very true, Mr. Lopart.
16:08And you're just in time to see me make my first automated batch of delicious candy.
16:16Now, where did I put those instructions?
16:21I know they're here somewhere.
16:23Oh, well, I know how to mix candy.
16:26After all, I am a confectioner, a candy maker.
16:30I'll just put in a little of this, a little of that, a little more of this.
16:38Um, Mr. Lopart, don't you think you should find the instructions so you know how much to put in?
16:44Instructions? Oh, I could do this in my sleep, Manny.
16:49I've been making candy since before you even had your first lollipop.
16:56There, that should do it.
16:58Now, perfect little candies will pop right out.
17:09Wait for it.
17:11Maybe I didn't set something right.
17:13Well, good luck, Mr. Lopart. We have to get to the library.
17:16Bye, Manny. This thing will be cranking out delicious candies in no time.
17:44I love coming to the library.
17:47I can't wait for us to get more books.
17:50Yeah, new books are always fun.
17:53Hey, maybe we can find one about a hammer.
17:56There's the book drop. Let's go see Marion and find out what's wrong with it.
18:03Ooh, there's a Mighty Toolbox book. Can we get one, Manny? Can we?
18:08Yes, Grease, but first we need to fix the book drop.
18:13Hi, Manny. Hi, Tools.
18:15Hi, Marion.
18:17Thanks so much for getting here so quickly.
18:20No problem. We're happy to help.
18:24How come we are all whispering?
18:26You always want to be quiet in a library, Pat. People are reading.
18:34Oh, yeah. It's kind of fun to whisper.
18:39Whisper. Whisper.
18:43Shh. Shh.
18:48Why don't we talk over here?
18:51We said the book drop outside. What's wrong with it?
18:54This. I found all these books left on the ground by the book drop when I came to open the library this morning.
19:01Oh, books can get ruined if they're left outside like that.
19:05Dusty's right. Our new book drop bin holds lots of books.
19:09But the hatch, the little door to put the books in, must have been getting stuck.
19:14So people are leaving their books on the ground instead.
19:17Don't worry. I'm sure we'll have it fixed soon.
19:20Let me just take a few of these to test it out.
19:25Oh, this should be easy. We just have to oil that hatch door so it doesn't stick. Right, Manny?
19:30We can't be sure that's the problem, Turner.
19:33We need to check it out ourselves.
19:40Sounds like it worked to me.
19:42See? The libro dropped into the bin fine.
19:45Maybe the problem is when you try to put more than one book into the bin.
19:51Good thinking, Stretch. Let's try two books.
19:58Those libros work, too.
20:01There doesn't seem to be anything wrong with the book drop.
20:05You're right, Dusty. It's working fine.
20:08Let's go talk to Marion.
20:24Here, let me help you with that.
20:28Hmm, the counter is about the same height as the book drop.
20:33I think I know what the problem is.
20:36Just like the counter is too high for Susanna, the book drop may be too high for some children to reach.
20:42Hi, Manny. Hi, Tools.
20:44Hi, Susanna.
20:46Hi, Susanna. Would you like to help us with something?
20:49Me? Sure.
20:53Can I help Manny, Daddy?
20:56Don't worry, Señor Alvarez. It will just take a minute.
21:01All we need you to do is to put this libro in the book drop.
21:21I can't reach it, Manny. I'm not tall enough.
21:25That's okay, Susanna. We're going to fix that problem, thanks to your help.
21:31You were right, Manny. The new book drop is too high for some kids.
21:36So they're leaving their books on the ground instead of putting them in the book drop bed.
21:42Exactly, Stretch.
21:44Oh, the book drop's not broken. It's just that some kids aren't tall enough.
21:51Well, we sure can't make the book drop any lower.
21:55No, but we can help the kids reach it.
21:58We can build a step to make it easier for them to open the hatch.
22:02Good idea.
22:04Come on. Let's go to Kelly's and get what we need.
22:12Hi, Manny. Hi, Tools. How's everything going today?
22:15Good. We're fixing the book drop that's outside the library.
22:19Oh, is it broken?
22:21It's not broken broken. It's just too high to reach to drop books in.
22:27Oh, yeah. That would be a problem.
22:30See, we're going to build a small step to make it easier for kids to reach the hatch.
22:34That's a great idea.
22:36So we're going to need some wood and a box of nails.
22:39Coming right up.
22:41Hey, that's the same kind of jar we couldn't open.
22:44I wonder if Kelly knows how to open it.
22:47There you go, Manny.
22:48Watch out for those jars, Kelly. They're tough to open.
22:51I know, Pat. These jars have a plastic seal to keep the wood filler from drying out.
22:56You just have to know how to open them.
22:58Kelly knows everything.
23:01That's because she's amazing.
23:04Adios, Kelly.
23:05Bye, Manny.
23:06Bye, Tools.
23:11Now, we can't make the step too high or stick out too far, Stretch.
23:16Got it, Manny.
23:18I think about this high and this one.
23:22Looks good, Stretch.
23:24All right, Tools. Let's get to work.
23:29Let's get going and fix it right.
23:31Twist and turn.
23:33Make it tight.
23:34Trabajamos juntos.
23:36We work together now.
23:39Cut it back around and tap it flat.
23:42Bend and twist.
23:43Just like that.
23:44Each of us has a special job.
23:47We work together.
23:48Todos juntos.
23:50We can fix it right.
23:54All right, now let's see how it works.
23:58Susana, can you help us again?
24:00Okay, Manny.
24:03Here, see if you can put this libro in the book drop now.
24:15Gracias, Susana.
24:16De nada, Manny.
24:20It worked, Manny.
24:21Now kids can put their books in the book drop no matter how tall they are.
24:26Si, muy bien.
24:27Good work, Tools.
24:29So, Manny, now can we go get some new books?
24:32Libros nuevos?
24:35Yes, now we can get new books.
24:39Hi, Manny.
24:40Is everything okay?
24:41Yes, your book drop works perfectly now, Marian.
24:44The hatch on the book drop was too high for some kids to reach,
24:48but we built a step and now they can reach it.
24:51Oh, thank you.
24:52That was a great idea.
24:54The step will work perfectly.
24:56And we're ready to get some new books.
24:59Well, that I can help you with.
25:03Got any books about hammers?
